2010-10-13 03:32:10 -03:00
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2012-07-22 12:30:20 -03:00
!! This file is part of the AMUN source code, a program to perform
!! Newtonian or relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations on uniform or
!! adaptive mesh.
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2019-01-28 09:06:57 -02:00
!! Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Grzegorz Kowal <grzegorz@amuncode.org>
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2012-07-22 12:30:20 -03:00
!! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
!! (at your option) any later version.
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2011-04-29 11:21:30 -03:00
!! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
2012-07-22 12:30:20 -03:00
!! along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2010-10-13 03:32:10 -03:00
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2012-07-27 16:36:51 -03:00
2012-08-05 18:00:10 -03:00
!! This module provides subroutines to interpolate variables and reconstruct
!! the Riemann states.
2012-07-22 12:30:20 -03:00
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2012-07-27 16:36:51 -03:00
module interpolations
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2014-01-02 12:12:16 -02:00
#ifdef PROFILE
! import external subroutines
use timers, only : set_timer, start_timer, stop_timer
#endif /* PROFILE */
2012-07-27 16:46:36 -03:00
! module variables are not implicit by default
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
implicit none
2014-01-02 12:12:16 -02:00
#ifdef PROFILE
! timer indices
2014-10-23 08:49:58 -02:00
integer , save :: imi, imr, imf, imc
2014-01-02 12:12:16 -02:00
#endif /* PROFILE */
2018-08-29 23:25:11 -03:00
! interfaces for procedure pointers
abstract interface
subroutine interfaces_iface(positive, h, q, qi)
use coordinates, only : im , jm , km
logical , intent(in) :: positive
real(kind=8), dimension(NDIMS) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(im,jm,km) , intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(im,jm,km,2,NDIMS), intent(out) :: qi
end subroutine
subroutine reconstruct_iface(n, h, f, fl, fr)
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
end subroutine
function limiter_iface(x, a, b) result(c)
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: x, a, b
real(kind=8) :: c
end function
end interface
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! pointers to the reconstruction and limiter procedures
2018-08-29 23:25:11 -03:00
procedure(interfaces_iface) , pointer, save :: interfaces => null()
procedure(reconstruct_iface) , pointer, save :: reconstruct_states => null()
procedure(limiter_iface) , pointer, save :: limiter_tvd => null()
procedure(limiter_iface) , pointer, save :: limiter_prol => null()
procedure(limiter_iface) , pointer, save :: limiter_clip => null()
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2019-01-30 15:17:21 -02:00
! method names
character(len=255), save :: name_rec = ""
character(len=255), save :: name_tlim = ""
character(len=255), save :: name_plim = ""
character(len=255), save :: name_clim = ""
2012-07-27 16:46:36 -03:00
! module parameters
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
real(kind=8), save :: eps = epsilon(1.0d+00)
2013-12-19 10:38:40 -02:00
real(kind=8), save :: rad = 0.5d+00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
! monotonicity preserving reconstruction coefficients
real(kind=8), save :: kappa = 1.0d+00
real(kind=8), save :: kbeta = 1.0d+00
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! number of ghost zones (required for compact schemes)
integer , save :: ng = 2
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! number of cells used in the Gaussian process reconstruction
2017-04-18 14:37:21 -03:00
integer , save :: ngp = 5
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
integer , save :: mgp = 1
integer , save :: dgp = 9
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! normal distribution width in the Gaussian process reconstruction
2017-04-18 14:37:21 -03:00
real(kind=8), save :: sgp = 9.0d+00
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2018-01-08 21:58:41 -02:00
! PPM constant
real(kind=8), save :: ppm_const = 1.25d+00
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! Gaussian process reconstruction coefficients vector
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
real(kind=8), dimension(:) , allocatable, save :: cgp
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, save :: ugp
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! flags for reconstruction corrections
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
logical , save :: mlp = .false.
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
logical , save :: positivity = .false.
2014-04-29 12:43:22 -03:00
logical , save :: clip = .false.
2012-07-27 16:46:36 -03:00
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
! by default everything is private
2012-07-27 16:46:36 -03:00
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
! declare public subroutines
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
public :: initialize_interpolations, finalize_interpolations
2019-01-30 15:17:21 -02:00
public :: print_interpolations
2016-08-09 16:00:41 -03:00
public :: interfaces, reconstruct, limiter_prol
2013-12-11 10:16:06 -02:00
public :: fix_positivity
2012-07-27 16:46:36 -03:00
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2012-07-27 16:46:36 -03:00
! ------------------------------------
! Subroutine initializes the interpolation module by reading the module
! parameters.
2012-08-05 18:00:10 -03:00
2012-07-27 16:46:36 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
subroutine initialize_interpolations(verbose, iret)
2012-07-27 16:46:36 -03:00
! include external procedures
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit
2019-01-28 21:27:22 -02:00
use parameters , only : get_parameter
2012-07-27 16:46:36 -03:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! subroutine arguments
logical, intent(in) :: verbose
integer, intent(inout) :: iret
2012-07-27 16:46:36 -03:00
! local variables
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
character(len=255) :: sreconstruction = "tvd"
2015-05-10 10:12:20 -03:00
character(len=255) :: tlimiter = "mm"
2015-05-10 10:05:22 -03:00
character(len=255) :: plimiter = "mm"
2015-05-10 09:43:39 -03:00
character(len=255) :: climiter = "mm"
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
character(len=255) :: mlp_limiting = "off"
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
character(len=255) :: positivity_fix = "off"
2014-04-29 12:43:22 -03:00
character(len=255) :: clip_extrema = "off"
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
character(len= 16) :: stmp
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
real(kind=8) :: cfl = 0.5d+00
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
! local parameters
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'INTERPOLATIONS:initialize_interpolation()'
2012-07-27 16:46:36 -03:00
2014-01-02 12:12:16 -02:00
#ifdef PROFILE
! set timer descriptions
2014-01-03 12:46:24 -02:00
call set_timer('interpolations:: initialization', imi)
call set_timer('interpolations:: reconstruction', imr)
call set_timer('interpolations:: fix positivity', imf)
2014-10-23 08:49:58 -02:00
call set_timer('interpolations:: clip extrema' , imc)
2014-01-02 12:12:16 -02:00
! start accounting time for module initialization/finalization
call start_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! obtain the user defined interpolation methods and coefficients
2019-01-28 21:27:22 -02:00
call get_parameter("reconstruction" , sreconstruction)
call get_parameter("limiter" , tlimiter )
call get_parameter("fix_positivity" , positivity_fix )
call get_parameter("clip_extrema" , clip_extrema )
call get_parameter("extrema_limiter" , climiter )
call get_parameter("prolongation_limiter", plimiter )
call get_parameter("mlp_limiting" , mlp_limiting )
call get_parameter("nghosts" , ng )
call get_parameter("ngp" , ngp )
call get_parameter("sgp" , sgp )
call get_parameter("eps" , eps )
call get_parameter("limo3_rad" , rad )
call get_parameter("kappa" , kappa )
call get_parameter("kbeta" , kbeta )
call get_parameter("ppm_const" , ppm_const )
call get_parameter("cfl" , cfl )
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
! calculate κ = (1 - ν) / ν
kappa = min(kappa, (1.0d+00 - cfl) / cfl)
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
! calculate mgp
mgp = (ngp - 1) / 2
dgp = ngp**NDIMS
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! select the reconstruction method
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
select case(trim(sreconstruction))
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
case ("tvd", "TVD")
name_rec = "2nd order TVD"
2016-08-12 23:39:08 -03:00
interfaces => interfaces_tvd
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_tvd
2014-08-07 19:03:58 -03:00
if (verbose .and. ng < 2) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least 2)."
2013-12-12 14:32:27 -02:00
case ("weno3", "WENO3")
name_rec = "3rd order WENO"
2016-08-12 23:39:08 -03:00
interfaces => interfaces_dir
2013-12-12 14:32:27 -02:00
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_weno3
2014-08-07 19:03:58 -03:00
if (verbose .and. ng < 2) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least 2)."
2013-12-19 10:38:40 -02:00
case ("limo3", "LIMO3", "LimO3")
name_rec = "3rd order logarithmic limited"
2016-08-12 23:39:08 -03:00
interfaces => interfaces_dir
2013-12-19 10:38:40 -02:00
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_limo3
2014-08-07 19:03:58 -03:00
if (verbose .and. ng < 2) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least 2)."
2015-12-13 10:59:31 -02:00
eps = max(1.0d-12, eps)
2018-01-08 21:58:41 -02:00
case ("ppm", "PPM")
name_rec = "3rd order PPM"
interfaces => interfaces_dir
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_ppm
if (verbose .and. ng < 4) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least 4)."
2014-08-06 17:34:23 -03:00
case ("weno5z", "weno5-z", "WENO5Z", "WENO5-Z")
name_rec = "5th order WENO-Z (Borges et al. 2008)"
2016-08-12 23:39:08 -03:00
interfaces => interfaces_dir
2014-08-06 17:34:23 -03:00
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_weno5z
2014-08-07 19:03:58 -03:00
if (verbose .and. ng < 4) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least 4)."
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
case ("weno5yc", "weno5-yc", "WENO5YC", "WENO5-YC")
2014-08-06 17:34:23 -03:00
name_rec = "5th order WENO-YC (Yamaleev & Carpenter 2009)"
2016-08-12 23:39:08 -03:00
interfaces => interfaces_dir
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_weno5yc
2014-08-07 19:03:58 -03:00
if (verbose .and. ng < 4) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least 4)."
2014-08-06 17:03:53 -03:00
case ("weno5ns", "weno5-ns", "WENO5NS", "WENO5-NS")
name_rec = "5th order WENO-NS (Ha et al. 2013)"
2016-08-12 23:39:08 -03:00
interfaces => interfaces_dir
2014-08-06 17:03:53 -03:00
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_weno5ns
2014-08-07 19:03:58 -03:00
if (verbose .and. ng < 4) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least 4)."
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
case ("crweno5z", "crweno5-z", "CRWENO5Z", "CRWENO5-Z")
name_rec = "5th order Compact WENO-Z"
2016-08-12 23:39:08 -03:00
interfaces => interfaces_dir
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crweno5z
2014-08-07 19:03:58 -03:00
if (verbose .and. ng < 4) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least 4)."
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
case ("crweno5yc", "crweno5-yc", "CRWENO5YC", "CRWENO5-YC")
name_rec = "5th order Compact WENO-YC"
2016-08-12 23:39:08 -03:00
interfaces => interfaces_dir
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crweno5yc
2014-08-07 19:03:58 -03:00
if (verbose .and. ng < 4) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least 4)."
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
case ("crweno5ns", "crweno5-ns", "CRWENO5NS", "CRWENO5-NS")
name_rec = "5th order Compact WENO-NS"
2016-08-12 23:39:08 -03:00
interfaces => interfaces_dir
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crweno5ns
if (verbose .and. ng < 4) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least 4)."
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
case ("mp5", "MP5")
name_rec = "5th order Monotonicity Preserving"
2016-08-12 23:39:08 -03:00
interfaces => interfaces_dir
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_mp5
if (verbose .and. ng < 4) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least 4)."
2017-05-05 07:40:35 -03:00
case ("mp7", "MP7")
name_rec = "7th order Monotonicity Preserving"
interfaces => interfaces_dir
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_mp7
if (verbose .and. ng < 4) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least 4)."
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
case ("crmp5", "CRMP5")
name_rec = "5th order Compact Monotonicity Preserving"
2016-08-12 23:39:08 -03:00
interfaces => interfaces_dir
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crmp5
if (verbose .and. ng < 4) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least 4)."
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
case ("crmp5l", "crmp5ld", "CRMP5L", "CRMP5LD")
name_rec = "5th order Low-Dissipation Compact Monotonicity Preserving"
2016-08-12 23:39:08 -03:00
interfaces => interfaces_dir
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crmp5ld
if (verbose .and. ng < 4) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least 4)."
2017-05-03 11:35:31 -03:00
case ("crmp7", "CRMP7")
name_rec = "7th order Compact Monotonicity Preserving"
interfaces => interfaces_dir
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crmp7
if (verbose .and. ng < 4) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least 4)."
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
case ("gp", "GP")
write(stmp, '(f16.1)') sgp
write(name_rec, '("Gaussian Process (",i1,"-point, δ=",a,")")') ngp &
, trim(adjustl(stmp))
! allocate the Gaussian process reconstruction matrix and position vector
! prepare matrix coefficients
2018-08-27 19:15:21 -03:00
call prepare_gp(iret)
if (iret > 0) return
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2016-08-12 23:39:08 -03:00
interfaces => interfaces_dir
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_gp
if (verbose .and. 2 * ng <= ngp - 1) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least (ngp+1)/2)."
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
if (verbose .and. mod(ngp,2) == 0) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "The parameter ngp has to be integer with odd value."
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
case ("mgp", "MGP")
write(stmp, '(f16.1)') sgp
write(name_rec, &
'("Multidimensional Gaussian Process (",i1,"-point, δ=",a,")")') &
ngp, trim(adjustl(stmp))
! allocate the Gaussian process reconstruction matrix and position vector
! prepare matrix coefficients
2018-08-27 19:15:21 -03:00
call prepare_mgp(iret)
if (iret > 0) return
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
interfaces => interfaces_mgp
if (verbose .and. 2 * ng <= ngp - 1) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least (ngp+1)/2)."
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
if (verbose .and. mod(ngp,2) == 0) &
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "The parameter ngp has to be integer with odd value."
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
case default
if (verbose) then
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "The selected reconstruction method is not " // &
"implemented: " // trim(sreconstruction)
2018-08-27 19:15:21 -03:00
iret = 200
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
end if
end select
2015-05-10 10:12:20 -03:00
! select the TVD limiter
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2015-05-10 10:12:20 -03:00
select case(trim(tlimiter))
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
case ("mm", "minmod")
2015-05-10 10:12:20 -03:00
name_tlim = "minmod"
limiter_tvd => limiter_minmod
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
case ("mc", "monotonized_central")
2015-05-10 10:12:20 -03:00
name_tlim = "monotonized central"
limiter_tvd => limiter_monotonized_central
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
case ("sb", "superbee")
2015-05-10 10:12:20 -03:00
name_tlim = "superbee"
limiter_tvd => limiter_superbee
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
case ("vl", "vanleer")
2015-05-10 10:12:20 -03:00
name_tlim = "van Leer"
limiter_tvd => limiter_vanleer
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
case ("va", "vanalbada")
2015-05-10 10:12:20 -03:00
name_tlim = "van Albada"
limiter_tvd => limiter_vanalbada
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
case default
2015-05-10 10:12:20 -03:00
name_tlim = "zero derivative"
limiter_tvd => limiter_zero
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
end select
2015-05-10 10:05:22 -03:00
! select the prolongation limiter
select case(trim(plimiter))
case ("mm", "minmod")
name_plim = "minmod"
limiter_prol => limiter_minmod
case ("mc", "monotonized_central")
name_plim = "monotonized central"
limiter_prol => limiter_monotonized_central
case ("sb", "superbee")
name_plim = "superbee"
limiter_prol => limiter_superbee
case ("vl", "vanleer")
name_plim = "van Leer"
limiter_prol => limiter_vanleer
case default
name_plim = "zero derivative"
limiter_prol => limiter_zero
end select
2015-05-10 09:43:39 -03:00
! select the clipping limiter
select case(trim(climiter))
case ("mm", "minmod")
name_clim = "minmod"
limiter_clip => limiter_minmod
case ("mc", "monotonized_central")
name_clim = "monotonized central"
limiter_clip => limiter_monotonized_central
case ("sb", "superbee")
name_clim = "superbee"
limiter_clip => limiter_superbee
case ("vl", "vanleer")
name_clim = "van Leer"
limiter_clip => limiter_vanleer
case default
name_clim = "zero derivative"
limiter_clip => limiter_zero
end select
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! check additional reconstruction limiting
2012-07-27 16:46:36 -03:00
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
select case(trim(mlp_limiting))
case ("on", "ON", "t", "T", "y", "Y", "true", "TRUE", "yes", "YES")
mlp = .true.
case default
mlp = .false.
end select
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
select case(trim(positivity_fix))
case ("on", "ON", "t", "T", "y", "Y", "true", "TRUE", "yes", "YES")
positivity = .true.
case default
positivity = .false.
end select
2014-04-29 12:43:22 -03:00
select case(trim(clip_extrema))
case ("on", "ON", "t", "T", "y", "Y", "true", "TRUE", "yes", "YES")
clip = .true.
case default
clip = .false.
end select
2012-07-27 16:46:36 -03:00
2014-01-02 12:12:16 -02:00
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for module initialization/finalization
call stop_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
2012-07-27 16:46:36 -03:00
end subroutine initialize_interpolations
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! ----------------------------------
! Subroutine finalizes the interpolation module by releasing all memory used
! by its module variables.
subroutine finalize_interpolations(iret)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(inout) :: iret
2014-01-02 12:12:16 -02:00
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for module initialization/finalization
call start_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! deallocate Gaussian process reconstruction coefficient vector if used
if (allocated(cgp)) deallocate(cgp)
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
if (allocated(ugp)) deallocate(ugp)
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! release the procedure pointers
2015-05-10 10:12:20 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2014-01-02 12:12:16 -02:00
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for module initialization/finalization
call stop_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
end subroutine finalize_interpolations
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2019-01-30 15:17:21 -02:00
! -------------------------------
! Subroutine prints module parameters and settings.
! Arguments:
! verbose - a logical flag turning the information printing;
subroutine print_interpolations(verbose)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
logical, intent(in) :: verbose
! local variables
character(len=64) :: sfmts
if (verbose) then
write(*,"(1x,a)") "Interpolations:"
sfmts = "(4x,a,1x,a)"
write(*,sfmts) "reconstruction =", trim(name_rec)
write(*,sfmts) "TVD limiter =", trim(name_tlim)
write(*,sfmts) "prolongation limiter =", trim(name_plim)
if (mlp) then
write(*,sfmts) "MLP limiting =", "on"
write(*,sfmts) "MLP limiting =", "off"
end if
if (positivity) then
write(*,sfmts) "fix positivity =", "on"
write(*,sfmts) "fix positivity =", "off"
end if
if (clip) then
write(*,sfmts) "clip extrema =", "on"
write(*,sfmts) "extrema limiter =", trim(name_clim)
write(*,sfmts) "clip extrema =", "off"
end if
end if
end subroutine print_interpolations
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
! subroutine PREPARE_MGP:
! ---------------------
! Subroutine prepares matrixes for the multidimensional
! Gaussian Process (GP) method.
2018-08-27 19:15:21 -03:00
subroutine prepare_mgp(iret)
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
! include external procedures
2018-08-28 22:35:01 -03:00
use algebra , only : max_real_kind, invert
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
use constants , only : pi
use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
2018-08-27 19:15:21 -03:00
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(inout) :: iret
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
! local variables
2018-08-28 22:35:01 -03:00
logical :: flag
integer :: i, j, i1, j1, k1, i2, j2, k2
real(kind=max_real_kind) :: sig, fc, fx, fy, fz, xl, xr, yl, yr, zl, zr
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
! local arrays for derivatives
2018-08-28 22:35:01 -03:00
real(kind=max_real_kind), dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: cov, inv
real(kind=max_real_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: xgp
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
! local parameters
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'INTERPOLATIONS::prepare_mgp()'
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
! calculate normal distribution sigma
sig = sqrt(2.0d+00) * sgp
! allocate the convariance matrix and interpolation position vector
! prepare the covariance matrix
fc = 0.5d+00 * sqrt(pi) * sig
i = 0
#if NDIMS == 3
do k1 = - mgp, mgp
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j1 = - mgp, mgp
do i1 = - mgp, mgp
i = i + 1
j = 0
#if NDIMS == 3
do k2 = - mgp, mgp
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j2 = - mgp, mgp
do i2 = - mgp, mgp
j = j + 1
xl = (1.0d+00 * (i1 - i2) - 0.5d+00) / sig
xr = (1.0d+00 * (i1 - i2) + 0.5d+00) / sig
yl = (1.0d+00 * (j1 - j2) - 0.5d+00) / sig
yr = (1.0d+00 * (j1 - j2) + 0.5d+00) / sig
#if NDIMS == 3
zl = (1.0d+00 * (k1 - k2) - 0.5d+00) / sig
zr = (1.0d+00 * (k1 - k2) + 0.5d+00) / sig
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
cov(i,j) = fc * (erf(xr) - erf(xl)) * (erf(yr) - erf(yl))
#if NDIMS == 3
cov(i,j) = cov(i,j) * (erf(zr) - erf(zl))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do
end do
end do
end do
#if NDIMS == 3
end do
end do
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! prepare the interpolation position vector
i = 0
#if NDIMS == 3
do k1 = - mgp, mgp
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j1 = - mgp, mgp
do i1 = - mgp, mgp
i = i + 1
xl = (1.0d+00 * i1 - 0.5d+00) / sig
xr = (1.0d+00 * i1 + 0.5d+00) / sig
yl = (1.0d+00 * j1 - 0.5d+00) / sig
yr = (1.0d+00 * j1 + 0.5d+00) / sig
#if NDIMS == 3
zl = (1.0d+00 * k1 - 0.5d+00) / sig
zr = (1.0d+00 * k1 + 0.5d+00) / sig
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
fx = erf(xr) - erf(xl)
fy = erf(yr) - erf(yl)
#if NDIMS == 3
fz = erf(zr) - erf(zl)
xgp(i,1,1) = exp(- xl**2) * fy * fz
xgp(i,2,1) = exp(- xr**2) * fy * fz
xgp(i,1,2) = exp(- yl**2) * fx * fz
xgp(i,2,2) = exp(- yr**2) * fx * fz
xgp(i,1,3) = exp(- zl**2) * fx * fy
xgp(i,2,3) = exp(- zr**2) * fx * fy
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
xgp(i,1,1) = exp(- xl**2) * fy
xgp(i,2,1) = exp(- xr**2) * fy
xgp(i,1,2) = exp(- yl**2) * fx
xgp(i,2,2) = exp(- yr**2) * fx
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do
end do
#if NDIMS == 3
end do
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! invert the matrix
call invert(dgp, cov(1:dgp,1:dgp), inv(1:dgp,1:dgp), flag)
! prepare the interpolation coefficients vector
do j = 1, NDIMS
do i = 1, 2
ugp(1:dgp,i,j) = matmul(xgp(1:dgp,i,j), inv(1:dgp,1:dgp))
end do
end do
! deallocate the convariance matrix and interpolation position vector
! check if the matrix was inverted successfully
if (.not. flag) then
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Could not invert the covariance matrix!"
2018-08-27 19:15:21 -03:00
iret = 201
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
end if
end subroutine prepare_mgp
2016-08-09 16:00:41 -03:00
! subroutine INTERFACES_TVD:
! -------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs both side interfaces of variable using TVD methods.
! Arguments:
! positive - the variable positivity flag;
! h - the spatial step;
! q - the variable array;
! qi - the array of reconstructed interfaces (2 in each direction);
subroutine interfaces_tvd(positive, h, q, qi)
! include external procedures
use coordinates , only : im , jm , km
use coordinates , only : ib , jb , kb , ie , je , ke
use coordinates , only : ibl, jbl, kbl, ieu, jeu, keu
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit
2016-08-09 16:00:41 -03:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
logical , intent(in) :: positive
real(kind=8), dimension(NDIMS) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(im,jm,km) , intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(im,jm,km,2,NDIMS), intent(out) :: qi
! local variables
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
integer :: i, im1, ip1
integer :: j, jm1, jp1
integer :: k, km1, kp1
! local vectors
2016-08-09 16:00:41 -03:00
real(kind=8), dimension(NDIMS) :: dql, dqr, dq
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
! local parameters
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'INTERPOLATIONS::interfaces_tvd()'
2016-08-09 16:00:41 -03:00
! copy ghost zones
do k = 1, NDIMS
do j = 1, 2
qi( 1:ib, 1:jm, 1:km,j,k) = q( 1:ib, 1:jm, 1:km)
qi(ie:im, 1:jm, 1:km,j,k) = q(ie:im, 1:jm, 1:km)
qi(ib:ie, 1:jb, 1:km,j,k) = q(ib:ie, 1:jb, 1:km)
qi(ib:ie,je:jm, 1:km,j,k) = q(ib:ie,je:jm, 1:km)
#if NDIMS == 3
qi(ib:ie,jb:je, 1:kb,j,k) = q(ib:ie,jb:je, 1:kb)
qi(ib:ie,jb:je,ke:km,j,k) = q(ib:ie,jb:je,ke:km)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do
end do
! interpolate interfaces
do k = kbl, keu
#if NDIMS == 3
km1 = k - 1
kp1 = k + 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = jbl, jeu
jm1 = j - 1
jp1 = j + 1
do i = ibl, ieu
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
! calculate the TVD derivatives
dql(1) = q(i ,j,k) - q(im1,j,k)
dqr(1) = q(ip1,j,k) - q(i ,j,k)
dq (1) = limiter_tvd(0.5d+00, dql(1), dqr(1))
dql(2) = q(i,j ,k) - q(i,jm1,k)
dqr(2) = q(i,jp1,k) - q(i,j ,k)
dq (2) = limiter_tvd(0.5d+00, dql(2), dqr(2))
#if NDIMS == 3
dql(3) = q(i,j,k ) - q(i,j,km1)
dqr(3) = q(i,j,kp1) - q(i,j,k )
dq (3) = limiter_tvd(0.5d+00, dql(3), dqr(3))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! limit the derivatives if they produce negative interpolation for positive
! variables
if (positive) then
2018-08-07 14:59:42 -03:00
if (q(i,j,k) > 0.0d+00) then
do while (q(i,j,k) <= sum(abs(dq(1:NDIMS))))
dq(:) = 0.5d+00 * dq(:)
end do
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a,3i4,a)") trim(loc) &
, "Positive variable is not positive at ( ", i, j, k, " )"
2018-08-07 14:59:42 -03:00
dq(:) = 0.0d+00
end if
2016-08-09 16:00:41 -03:00
end if
! interpolate states
qi(i ,j,k,1,1) = q(i,j,k) + dq(1)
qi(im1,j,k,2,1) = q(i,j,k) - dq(1)
qi(i,j ,k,1,2) = q(i,j,k) + dq(2)
qi(i,jm1,k,2,2) = q(i,j,k) - dq(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
qi(i,j,k ,1,3) = q(i,j,k) + dq(3)
qi(i,j,km1,2,3) = q(i,j,k) - dq(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do ! i = ibl, ieu
end do ! j = jbl, jeu
end do ! k = kbl, keu
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
! apply Multi-dimensional Limiting Process
if (mlp) call mlp_limiting(q(:,:,:), qi(:,:,:,:,:))
2016-08-09 16:00:41 -03:00
end subroutine interfaces_tvd
2016-08-12 23:39:08 -03:00
! subroutine INTERFACES_DIR:
! -------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs both side interfaces of variable separately
! along each direction.
! Arguments:
! positive - the variable positivity flag;
! h - the spatial step;
! q - the variable array;
! qi - the array of reconstructed interfaces (2 in each direction);
subroutine interfaces_dir(positive, h, q, qi)
! include external procedures
use coordinates , only : im , jm , km
use coordinates , only : ib , jb , kb , ie , je , ke
use coordinates , only : ibl, jbl, kbl, ieu, jeu, keu
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
logical , intent(in) :: positive
real(kind=8), dimension(NDIMS) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(im,jm,km) , intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(im,jm,km,2,NDIMS), intent(out) :: qi
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k
! copy ghost zones
do k = 1, NDIMS
do j = 1, 2
qi( 1:ib, 1:jm, 1:km,j,k) = q( 1:ib, 1:jm, 1:km)
qi(ie:im, 1:jm, 1:km,j,k) = q(ie:im, 1:jm, 1:km)
qi(ib:ie, 1:jb, 1:km,j,k) = q(ib:ie, 1:jb, 1:km)
qi(ib:ie,je:jm, 1:km,j,k) = q(ib:ie,je:jm, 1:km)
#if NDIMS == 3
qi(ib:ie,jb:je, 1:kb,j,k) = q(ib:ie,jb:je, 1:kb)
qi(ib:ie,jb:je,ke:km,j,k) = q(ib:ie,jb:je,ke:km)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do
end do
! interpolate interfaces
do k = kbl, keu
do j = jbl, jeu
call reconstruct(im, h(1), q(1:im,j,k) &
, qi(1:im,j,k,1,1), qi(1:im,j,k,2,1))
end do ! j = jbl, jeu
do i = ibl, ieu
call reconstruct(jm, h(2), q(i,1:jm,k) &
, qi(i,1:jm,k,1,2), qi(i,1:jm,k,2,2))
end do ! i = ibl, ieu
end do ! k = kbl, keu
#if NDIMS == 3
do j = jbl, jeu
do i = ibl, ieu
call reconstruct(km, h(3), q(i,j,1:km) &
, qi(i,j,1:km,1,3), qi(i,j,1:km,2,3))
end do ! i = ibl, ieu
end do ! j = jbl, jeu
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! make sure the interface states are positive for positive variables
if (positive) then
do k = kbl, keu
do j = jbl, jeu
call fix_positivity(im, q(1:im,j,k) &
, qi(1:im,j,k,1,1), qi(1:im,j,k,2,1))
end do ! j = jbl, jeu
do i = ibl, ieu
call fix_positivity(jm, q(i,1:jm,k) &
, qi(i,1:jm,k,1,2), qi(i,1:jm,k,2,2))
end do ! i = ibl, ieu
end do ! k = kbl, keu
#if NDIMS == 3
do j = jbl, jeu
do i = ibl, ieu
call fix_positivity(km, q(i,j,1:km) &
, qi(i,j,1:km,1,3), qi(i,j,1:km,2,3))
end do ! i = ibl, ieu
end do ! j = jbl, jeu
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
! apply Multi-dimensional Limiting Process
if (mlp) call mlp_limiting(q(:,:,:), qi(:,:,:,:,:))
2016-08-12 23:39:08 -03:00
end subroutine interfaces_dir
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
! subroutine INTERFACES_MGP:
! -------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs both side interfaces of variable using
2017-03-15 10:18:39 -03:00
! multidimensional Gaussian Process method.
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
! Arguments:
! positive - the variable positivity flag;
! h - the spatial step;
! q - the variable array;
! qi - the array of reconstructed interfaces (2 in each direction);
subroutine interfaces_mgp(positive, h, q, qi)
! include external procedures
use coordinates , only : im , jm , km
use coordinates , only : ib , jb , kb , ie , je , ke
use coordinates , only : ibl, jbl, kbl, ieu, jeu, keu
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
logical , intent(in) :: positive
real(kind=8), dimension(NDIMS) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(im,jm,km) , intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(im,jm,km,2,NDIMS), intent(out) :: qi
! local variables
logical :: flag
integer :: i, il, iu, im1, ip1
integer :: j, jl, ju, jm1, jp1
integer :: k, kl, ku, km1, kp1
! local arrays for derivatives
real(kind=8), dimension(NDIMS) :: dql, dqr, dq
real(kind=8), dimension(dgp) :: u
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
! local parameters
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'INTERPOLATIONS::interfaces_mgp()'
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
! copy ghost zones
do k = 1, NDIMS
do j = 1, 2
qi( 1:ib, 1:jm, 1:km,j,k) = q( 1:ib, 1:jm, 1:km)
qi(ie:im, 1:jm, 1:km,j,k) = q(ie:im, 1:jm, 1:km)
qi(ib:ie, 1:jb, 1:km,j,k) = q(ib:ie, 1:jb, 1:km)
qi(ib:ie,je:jm, 1:km,j,k) = q(ib:ie,je:jm, 1:km)
#if NDIMS == 3
qi(ib:ie,jb:je, 1:kb,j,k) = q(ib:ie,jb:je, 1:kb)
qi(ib:ie,jb:je,ke:km,j,k) = q(ib:ie,jb:je,ke:km)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do
end do
! interpolate interfaces using precomputed interpolation vectors
do k = kbl, keu
#if NDIMS == 3
kl = k - mgp
ku = k + mgp
km1 = k - 1
kp1 = k + 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = jbl, jeu
jl = j - mgp
ju = j + mgp
jm1 = j - 1
jp1 = j + 1
do i = ibl, ieu
il = i - mgp
iu = i + mgp
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
#if NDIMS == 3
2017-04-19 07:19:56 -03:00
u(:) = reshape(q(il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku), (/ dgp /)) - q(i,j,k)
qi(i ,j,k,1,1) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,1,1) * u(1:dgp)) + q(i,j,k)
qi(im1,j,k,2,1) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,2,1) * u(1:dgp)) + q(i,j,k)
qi(i,j ,k,1,2) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,1,2) * u(1:dgp)) + q(i,j,k)
qi(i,jm1,k,2,2) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,2,2) * u(1:dgp)) + q(i,j,k)
qi(i,j,k ,1,3) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,1,3) * u(1:dgp)) + q(i,j,k)
qi(i,j,km1,2,3) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,2,3) * u(1:dgp)) + q(i,j,k)
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
2017-04-19 07:19:56 -03:00
u(:) = reshape(q(il:iu,jl:ju,k ), (/ dgp /)) - q(i,j,k)
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
2017-04-19 07:19:56 -03:00
qi(i ,j,k,1,1) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,1,1) * u(1:dgp)) + q(i,j,k)
qi(im1,j,k,2,1) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,2,1) * u(1:dgp)) + q(i,j,k)
qi(i,j ,k,1,2) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,1,2) * u(1:dgp)) + q(i,j,k)
qi(i,jm1,k,2,2) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,2,2) * u(1:dgp)) + q(i,j,k)
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! if the interpolation is not monotonic, apply a TVD slope
flag = ((qi(i ,j,k,1,1) - q(ip1,j,k)) &
2017-04-19 07:19:56 -03:00
* (qi(i ,j,k,1,1) - q(i ,j,k)) > eps)
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
flag = flag .or. ((qi(im1,j,k,2,1) - q(im1,j,k)) &
2017-04-19 07:19:56 -03:00
* (qi(im1,j,k,2,1) - q(i ,j,k)) > eps)
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
flag = flag .or. ((qi(i,j ,k,1,2) - q(i,jp1,k)) &
2017-04-19 07:19:56 -03:00
* (qi(i,j ,k,1,2) - q(i,j ,k)) > eps)
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
flag = flag .or. ((qi(i,jm1,k,2,2) - q(i,jm1,k)) &
2017-04-19 07:19:56 -03:00
* (qi(i,jm1,k,2,2) - q(i,j ,k)) > eps)
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
#if NDIMS == 3
flag = flag .or. ((qi(i,j,k ,1,3) - q(i,j,kp1)) &
2017-04-19 07:19:56 -03:00
* (qi(i,j,k ,1,3) - q(i,j,k )) > eps)
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
flag = flag .or. ((qi(i,j,km1,2,3) - q(i,j,km1)) &
2017-04-19 07:19:56 -03:00
* (qi(i,j,km1,2,3) - q(i,j,k )) > eps)
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
if (flag) then
! calculate the TVD derivatives
dql(1) = q(i ,j,k) - q(im1,j,k)
dqr(1) = q(ip1,j,k) - q(i ,j,k)
dq (1) = limiter_tvd(0.5d+00, dql(1), dqr(1))
dql(2) = q(i,j ,k) - q(i,jm1,k)
dqr(2) = q(i,jp1,k) - q(i,j ,k)
dq (2) = limiter_tvd(0.5d+00, dql(2), dqr(2))
#if NDIMS == 3
dql(3) = q(i,j,k ) - q(i,j,km1)
dqr(3) = q(i,j,kp1) - q(i,j,k )
dq (3) = limiter_tvd(0.5d+00, dql(3), dqr(3))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! limit the derivatives if they produce negative interpolation for positive
! variables
if (positive) then
2018-08-07 14:59:42 -03:00
if (q(i,j,k) > 0.0d+00) then
do while (q(i,j,k) <= sum(abs(dq(1:NDIMS))))
dq(:) = 0.5d+00 * dq(:)
end do
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a,3i4,a)") trim(loc) &
, "Positive variable is not positive at ( ", i, j, k, " )"
2018-08-07 14:59:42 -03:00
dq(:) = 0.0d+00
end if
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
end if
! interpolate states
qi(i ,j,k,1,1) = q(i,j,k) + dq(1)
qi(im1,j,k,2,1) = q(i,j,k) - dq(1)
qi(i,j ,k,1,2) = q(i,j,k) + dq(2)
qi(i,jm1,k,2,2) = q(i,j,k) - dq(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
qi(i,j,k ,1,3) = q(i,j,k) + dq(3)
qi(i,j,km1,2,3) = q(i,j,k) - dq(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if
end do ! i = ibl, ieu
end do ! j = jbl, jeu
end do ! k = kbl, keu
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
! apply Multi-dimensional Limiting Process
if (mlp) call mlp_limiting(q(:,:,:), qi(:,:,:,:,:))
2016-08-15 17:31:27 -03:00
end subroutine interfaces_mgp
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
! subroutine MLP_LIMITING:
! -----------------------
! Subroutine applies the multi-dimensional limiting process to
! the reconstructed states in order to control oscillations due to
! the Gibbs phenomena near discontinuities.
! Arguments:
! q - the variable array;
! qi - the array of reconstructed interfaces (2 in each direction);
! References:
! [1] Gerlinger, P.,
! "Multi-dimensional limiting for high-order schemes including
! turbulence and combustion",
! Journal of Computational Physics,
! 2012, vol. 231, pp. 2199-2228,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2011.10.024
subroutine mlp_limiting(q, qi)
! include external procedures
use coordinates , only : im , jm , km
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
real(kind=8), dimension(im,jm,km) , intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(im,jm,km,2,NDIMS), intent(inout) :: qi
! local variables
integer :: i, im1, ip1
integer :: j, jm1, jp1
integer :: k, km1, kp1
integer :: m
#if NDIMS == 3
integer :: n, np1, np2
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
real(kind=8) :: qmn, qmx, dqc
real(kind=8) :: fc, fl
! local vectors
real(kind=8), dimension(NDIMS) :: dql, dqr, dq
real(kind=8), dimension(NDIMS) :: dqm, ap
#if NDIMS == 3
real(kind=8), dimension(NDIMS) :: hh, uu
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
2017-05-10 08:45:50 -03:00
do k = 1, km
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
#if NDIMS == 3
2017-05-10 08:45:50 -03:00
km1 = max( 1, k - 1)
kp1 = min(km, k + 1)
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
2017-05-10 08:45:50 -03:00
do j = 1, jm
jm1 = max( 1, j - 1)
jp1 = min(jm, j + 1)
do i = 1, im
im1 = max( 1, i - 1)
ip1 = min(im, i + 1)
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
! calculate the minmod TVD derivatives
dql(1) = q(i ,j,k) - q(im1,j,k)
dqr(1) = q(ip1,j,k) - q(i ,j,k)
2017-04-05 10:23:15 -03:00
dq (1) = limiter_minmod(0.5d+00, dql(1), dqr(1))
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
dql(2) = q(i,j ,k) - q(i,jm1,k)
dqr(2) = q(i,jp1,k) - q(i,j ,k)
2017-04-05 10:23:15 -03:00
dq (2) = limiter_minmod(0.5d+00, dql(2), dqr(2))
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
#if NDIMS == 3
dql(3) = q(i,j,k ) - q(i,j,km1)
dqr(3) = q(i,j,kp1) - q(i,j,k )
2017-04-05 10:23:15 -03:00
dq (3) = limiter_minmod(0.5d+00, dql(3), dqr(3))
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! calculate dqc
#if NDIMS == 3
qmn = minval(q(im1:ip1,jm1:jp1,km1:kp1))
qmx = maxval(q(im1:ip1,jm1:jp1,km1:kp1))
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
qmn = minval(q(im1:ip1,jm1:jp1,k))
qmx = maxval(q(im1:ip1,jm1:jp1,k))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
dqc = min(qmx - q(i,j,k), q(i,j,k) - qmn)
! if needed, apply the multi-dimensional limiting process
if (sum(abs(dq(1:NDIMS))) > dqc) then
dqm(1) = abs(q(ip1,j,k) - q(im1,j,k))
dqm(2) = abs(q(i,jp1,k) - q(i,jm1,k))
#if NDIMS == 3
dqm(3) = abs(q(i,j,kp1) - q(i,j,km1))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
fc = dqc / max(1.0d-16, sum(abs(dqm(1:NDIMS))))
do m = 1, NDIMS
ap(m) = fc * abs(dqm(m))
end do
#if NDIMS == 3
do n = 1, NDIMS
hh(n) = max(ap(n) - abs(dq(n)), 0.0d+00)
np1 = mod(n , NDIMS) + 1
np2 = mod(n + 1, NDIMS) + 1
uu(n) = ap(n) - hh(n)
uu(np1) = ap(np1) + 0.5d+00 * hh(n)
uu(np2) = ap(np2) + 0.5d+00 * hh(n)
fc = hh(n) / (hh(n) + 1.0d-16)
fl = fc * (max(ap(np1) - abs(dq(np1)), 0.0d+00) &
- max(ap(np2) - abs(dq(np2)), 0.0d+00))
ap(n ) = uu(n)
ap(np1) = uu(np1) - fl
ap(np2) = uu(np2) + fl
end do
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
fl = max(ap(1) - abs(dq(1)), 0.0d+00) &
- max(ap(2) - abs(dq(2)), 0.0d+00)
ap(1) = ap(1) - fl
ap(2) = ap(2) + fl
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do m = 1, NDIMS
2017-04-05 10:23:15 -03:00
dq(m) = sign(ap(m), dq(m))
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
end do
2017-04-28 13:26:10 -03:00
end if
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
! update the interpolated states
2017-04-28 13:26:10 -03:00
dql(1) = qi(i ,j,k,1,1) - q(i,j,k)
dqr(1) = qi(im1,j,k,2,1) - q(i,j,k)
if (max(abs(dql(1)), abs(dqr(1))) > abs(dq(1))) then
qi(i ,j,k,1,1) = q(i,j,k) + dq(1)
qi(im1,j,k,2,1) = q(i,j,k) - dq(1)
end if
2017-04-05 10:23:15 -03:00
2017-04-28 13:26:10 -03:00
dql(2) = qi(i,j ,k,1,2) - q(i,j,k)
dqr(2) = qi(i,jm1,k,2,2) - q(i,j,k)
if (max(abs(dql(2)), abs(dqr(2))) > abs(dq(2))) then
qi(i,j ,k,1,2) = q(i,j,k) + dq(2)
qi(i,jm1,k,2,2) = q(i,j,k) - dq(2)
end if
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
#if NDIMS == 3
2017-04-28 13:26:10 -03:00
dql(3) = qi(i,j,k ,1,3) - q(i,j,k)
dqr(3) = qi(i,j,km1,2,3) - q(i,j,k)
if (max(abs(dql(3)), abs(dqr(3))) > abs(dq(3))) then
qi(i,j,k ,1,3) = q(i,j,k) + dq(3)
qi(i,j,km1,2,3) = q(i,j,k) - dq(3)
2017-04-05 10:23:15 -03:00
end if
2017-04-28 13:26:10 -03:00
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
2017-04-05 10:23:15 -03:00
2017-05-10 08:45:50 -03:00
end do ! i = 1, im
end do ! j = 1, jm
end do ! k = 1, km
2017-03-16 09:50:10 -03:00
end subroutine mlp_limiting
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
! subroutine RECONSTRUCT:
! ----------------------
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! Subroutine calls a reconstruction procedure, depending on the compilation
! flag SPACE, in order to interpolate the left and right states from their
! cell integrals. These states are required by any approximate Riemann
! solver.
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
! Arguments:
! n - the length of the input vector;
! h - the spatial step; this is required for some reconstruction methods;
! f - the input vector of cell averaged values;
! fl - the left side state reconstructed for location (i+1/2);
! fr - the right side state reconstructed for location (i+1/2);
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2010-12-06 17:05:44 -02:00
subroutine reconstruct(n, h, f, fl, fr)
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2012-07-27 16:46:36 -03:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
implicit none
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! subroutine arguments
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2010-10-13 03:32:10 -03:00
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2014-01-02 12:12:16 -02:00
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for reconstruction
call start_timer(imr)
#endif /* PROFILE */
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! reconstruct the states using the selected subroutine
2010-12-06 17:05:44 -02:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
call reconstruct_states(n, h, f(:), fl(:), fr(:))
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
2014-04-29 12:43:22 -03:00
! correct the reconstruction near extrema by clipping them in order to improve
! the stability of scheme
if (clip) call clip_extrema(n, f(:), fl(:), fr(:))
2014-01-02 12:12:16 -02:00
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for reconstruction
call stop_timer(imr)
#endif /* PROFILE */
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
end subroutine reconstruct
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_TVD:
! --------------------------
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the second order TVD
! method with a selected limiter.
2012-08-05 22:03:13 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
subroutine reconstruct_tvd(n, h, f, fl, fr)
2011-05-28 09:49:35 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
implicit none
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! subroutine arguments
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! local variables
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
integer :: i, im1, ip1
real(kind=8) :: df, dfl, dfr
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! calculate the left- and right-side interface interpolations
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2015-12-13 08:48:20 -02:00
do i = 2, n - 1
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! calculate left and right indices
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
2015-12-13 08:48:20 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! calculate left and right side derivatives
dfl = f(i ) - f(im1)
dfr = f(ip1) - f(i )
! obtain the TVD limited derivative
2015-05-10 10:12:20 -03:00
df = limiter_tvd(0.5d+00, dfl, dfr)
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! update the left and right-side interpolation states
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
fl(i ) = f(i) + df
fr(im1) = f(i) - df
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
2015-12-13 08:48:20 -02:00
end do ! i = 2, n - 1
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! update the interpolation of the first and last points
2010-12-06 17:05:44 -02:00
2015-12-13 08:48:20 -02:00
i = n - 1
fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (f(1) + f(2))
fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (f(i) + f(n))
fl(n) = f(n)
2010-12-06 17:05:44 -02:00
fr(n) = f(n)
2011-05-29 12:22:50 -03:00
2011-05-28 16:45:49 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
end subroutine reconstruct_tvd
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 14:32:27 -02:00
! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_WENO3:
! ----------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the third order
! Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) method.
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Yamaleev & Carpenter, 2009, J. Comput. Phys., 228, 3025
subroutine reconstruct_weno3(n, h, f, fl, fr)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
! local variables
integer :: i, im1, ip1
real(kind=8) :: bp, bm, ap, am, wp, wm, ww
real(kind=8) :: dfl, dfr, df, fp, fm, fc, h2
! selection weights
2014-08-04 09:01:21 -03:00
real(kind=8), parameter :: dp = 2.0d+00 / 3.0d+00, dm = 1.0d+00 / 3.0d+00
2013-12-12 14:32:27 -02:00
! prepare common parameters
h2 = h * h
! iterate along the vector
2015-12-13 08:53:15 -02:00
do i = 2, n - 1
2013-12-12 14:32:27 -02:00
! prepare neighbour indices
2015-12-13 08:53:15 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2013-12-12 14:32:27 -02:00
! calculate the left and right derivatives
dfl = f(i ) - f(im1)
dfr = f(ip1) - f(i )
! calculate coefficient omega
ww = (dfr - dfl)**2
! calculate corresponding betas
bp = dfr * dfr
bm = dfl * dfl
! calculate improved alphas
ap = 1.0d+00 + ww / (bp + h2)
am = 1.0d+00 + ww / (bm + h2)
! calculate weights
wp = dp * ap
wm = dm * am
ww = 2.0d+00 * (wp + wm)
! calculate central interpolation
fp = f(i ) + f(ip1)
! calculate left side interpolation
fm = - f(im1) + 3.0d+00 * f(i )
! calculate the left state
fl( i ) = (wp * fp + wm * fm) / ww
! calculate weights
wp = dp * am
wm = dm * ap
ww = 2.0d+00 * (wp + wm)
! calculate central interpolation
fp = f(i ) + f(im1)
! calculate right side interpolation
fm = - f(ip1) + 3.0d+00 * f(i )
! calculate the right state
fr(im1) = (wp * fp + wm * fm) / ww
2015-12-13 08:53:15 -02:00
end do ! i = 2, n - 1
2013-12-12 14:32:27 -02:00
! update the interpolation of the first and last points
2015-12-13 08:53:15 -02:00
i = n - 1
fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (f(1) + f(2))
fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (f(i) + f(n))
fl(n) = f(n)
fr(n) = f(n)
2013-12-12 14:32:27 -02:00
end subroutine reconstruct_weno3
2013-12-19 10:38:40 -02:00
! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_LIMO3:
! ----------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the third order method
! with a limiter function LimO3.
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Cada, M. & Torrilhon, M.,
! "Compact third-order limiter functions for finite volume methods",
! Journal of Computational Physics, 2009, 228, 4118-4145
! [2] Mignone, A., Tzeferacos, P., & Bodo, G.,
! "High-order conservative finite divergence GLM-MHD schemes for
! cell-centered MHD",
! Journal of Computational Physics, 2010, 229, 5896-5920
subroutine reconstruct_limo3(n, h, f, fl, fr)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
! local variables
integer :: i, im1, ip1
real(kind=8) :: dfl, dfr
real(kind=8) :: th, et, f1, f2, xl, xi, rdx, rdx2
! prepare parameters
rdx = rad * h
rdx2 = rdx * rdx
! iterate over positions and interpolate states
2015-12-13 08:59:21 -02:00
do i = 2, n - 1
2013-12-19 10:38:40 -02:00
! prepare neighbour indices
2015-12-13 08:59:21 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2013-12-19 10:38:40 -02:00
! prepare left and right differences
dfl = f(i ) - f(im1)
dfr = f(ip1) - f(i )
! calculate the indicator function (eq. 3.17 in [1])
et = (dfl * dfl + dfr * dfr) / rdx2
! the switching function (embedded in eq. 3.22 in [1], eq. 32 in [2])
xi = max(0.0d+00, 0.5d+00 * min(2.0d+00, 1.0d+00 + (et - 1.0d+00) / eps))
xl = 1.0d+00 - xi
! calculate values at i + ½
2015-12-13 10:56:28 -02:00
if (abs(dfr) > eps) then
2013-12-19 10:38:40 -02:00
! calculate the slope ratio (eq. 2.8 in [1])
th = dfl / dfr
! calculate the quadratic reconstruction (eq. 3.8 in [1], divided by 2)
f1 = (2.0d+00 + th) / 6.0d+00
! calculate the third order limiter (eq. 3.13 in [1], cofficients divided by 2)
if (th >= 0.0d+00) then
f2 = max(0.0d+00, min(f1, th, 0.8d+00))
f2 = max(0.0d+00, min(f1, - 0.25d+00 * th))
end if
! interpolate the left state (eq. 3.5 in [1], eq. 30 in [2])
fl(i) = f(i) + dfr * (xl * f1 + xi * f2)
2015-12-13 10:56:28 -02:00
fl(i) = f(i)
2013-12-19 10:38:40 -02:00
end if
! calculate values at i - ½
2015-12-13 10:56:28 -02:00
if (abs(dfl) > eps) then
2013-12-19 10:38:40 -02:00
! calculate the slope ratio (eq. 2.8 in [1])
th = dfr / dfl
! calculate the quadratic reconstruction (eq. 3.8 in [1], divided by 2)
f1 = (2.0d+00 + th) / 6.0d+00
! calculate the third order limiter (eq. 3.13 in [1], cofficients divided by 2)
if (th >= 0.0d+00) then
f2 = max(0.0d+00, min(f1, th, 0.8d+00))
f2 = max(0.0d+00, min(f1, - 0.25d+00 * th))
end if
! interpolate the right state (eq. 3.5 in [1], eq. 30 in [2])
fr(im1) = f(i) - dfl * (xl * f1 + xi * f2)
2015-12-13 10:56:28 -02:00
fr(im1) = f(i)
2013-12-19 10:38:40 -02:00
end if
2015-12-13 08:59:21 -02:00
end do ! i = 2, n - 1
2013-12-19 10:38:40 -02:00
! update the interpolation of the first and last points
2015-12-13 08:59:21 -02:00
i = n - 1
fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (f(1) + f(2))
fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (f(i) + f(n))
fl(n) = f(n)
fr(n) = f(n)
2013-12-19 10:38:40 -02:00
end subroutine reconstruct_limo3
2014-08-01 12:05:12 -03:00
2018-01-08 21:58:41 -02:00
! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_PPM:
! --------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the third order
! Piecewise Parabolic Method (PPM) with new limiters. This version lacks
! the support for flattening important for keeping the spurious oscillations
! near strong shocks/discontinuties under control.
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Colella, P., Woodward, P. R.,
! "The Piecewise Parabolic Method (PPM) for Gas-Dynamical Simulations",
! Journal of Computational Physics, 1984, vol. 54, pp. 174-201,
! https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0021-9991(84)90143-8
! [2] Colella, P., Sekora, M. D.,
! "A limiter for PPM that preserves accuracy at smooth extrema",
! Journal of Computational Physics, 2008, vol. 227, pp. 7069-7076,
! https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2008.03.034
subroutine reconstruct_ppm(n, h, f, fl, fr)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
! local variables
logical :: cm, cp, ext
integer :: i, im1, ip1, im2
real(kind=8) :: df2c, df2m, df2p, df2s, df2l
real(kind=8) :: dfm, dfp, dcm, dcp
real(kind=8) :: alm, alp, amx, sgn, del
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: fi, df2
! calculate the high-order interface interpolation; eq. (16) in [2]
fi(1 ) = 5.0d-01 * (f(1 ) + f(2 ))
do i = 2, n - 2
fi(i) = (7.0d+00 * (f(i) + f(i+1)) - (f(i-1) + f(i+2))) / 1.2d+01
end do
fi(n-1) = 5.0d-01 * (f(n-1) + f(n ))
fi(n ) = f(n)
! calculate second-order central derivative
df2(1) = 0.0d+00
do i = 2, n - 1
df2(i) = (f(i+1) + f(i-1)) - 2.0d+00 * f(i)
end do
df2(n) = 0.0d+00
! limit the interpolation; eqs. (18) and (19) in [2]
do i = 2, n - 2
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
if ((f(ip1) - fi(i)) * (fi(i) - f(i)) < 0.0d+00) then
df2c = 3.0d+00 * ((f(ip1) + f(i )) - 2.0d+00 * fi(i))
df2m = df2(i )
df2p = df2(ip1)
if (min(df2c, df2m, df2p) * max(df2c, df2m, df2p) > 0.0d+00) then
df2l = sign(min(ppm_const * min(abs(df2m), abs(df2p)), abs(df2c)), df2c)
df2l = 0.0d+00
end if
fi(i) = 5.0d-01 * (f(i) + f(ip1)) - df2l / 6.0d+00
end if
end do
! iterate along the vector
do i = 2, n - 1
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
! limit states if local extremum is detected or the interpolation is not
! monotone
alm = fi(im1) - f(i)
alp = fi(i ) - f(i)
cm = abs(alm) >= 2.0d+00 * abs(alp)
cp = abs(alp) >= 2.0d+00 * abs(alm)
ext = .false.
! check if we have local extremum here
if (alm * alp > 0.0d+00) then
ext = .true.
else if (cm .or. cp) then
im2 = max(1, i - 1)
dfm = fi(im1) - fi(im2)
dfp = fi(ip1) - fi(i )
dcm = f (i ) - f (im1)
dcp = f (ip1) - f (i )
if (min(abs(dfm),abs(dfp)) >= min(abs(dcm),abs(dcp))) then
ext = dfm * dfp < 0.0d+00
ext = dcm * dcp < 0.0d+00
end if
end if
! limit states if the local extremum is detected
if (ext) then
df2s = 6.0d+00 * (alm + alp)
df2m = df2(im1)
df2c = df2(i )
df2p = df2(ip1)
if (min(df2s, df2c, df2m, df2p) &
* max(df2s, df2c, df2m, df2p) > 0.0d+00) then
df2l = sign(min(ppm_const * min(abs(df2m), abs(df2c), abs(df2p)) &
, abs(df2s)), df2s)
if (abs(df2l) > 0.0d+00) then
alm = alm * df2l / df2s
alp = alp * df2l / df2s
alm = 0.0d+00
alp = 0.0d+00
end if
alm = 0.0d+00
alp = 0.0d+00
end if
! the interpolation is not monotonic so apply additional limiter
if (cp) then
sgn = sign(1.0d+00, alp)
amx = - 2.5d-01 * alp**2 / (alp + alm)
dfp = f(ip1) - f(i)
if (sgn * amx >= sgn * dfp) then
del = dfp * (dfp - alm)
if (del >= 0.0d+00) then
alp = - 2.0d+00 * (dfp + sgn * sqrt(del))
alp = - 2.0d+00 * alm
end if
end if
end if
if (cm) then
sgn = sign(1.0d+00, alm)
amx = - 2.5d-01 * alm**2 / (alp + alm)
dfm = f(im1) - f(i)
if (sgn * amx >= sgn * dfm) then
del = dfm * (dfm - alp)
if (del >= 0.0d+00) then
alm = - 2.0d+00 * (dfm + sgn * sqrt(del))
alm = - 2.0d+00 * alp
end if
end if
end if
end if
! update the states
fr(im1) = f(i) + alm
fl(i ) = f(i) + alp
end do ! i = 2, n
! update the interpolation of the first and last points
fl(1 ) = fi(1)
fr(n-1) = fi(n)
fl(n ) = fi(n)
fr(n ) = f (n)
end subroutine reconstruct_ppm
2014-08-06 17:34:23 -03:00
! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_WENO5Z:
! -----------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the fifth order
! Explicit Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO5) method with
! stencil weights by Borges et al. (2008).
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Borges, R., Carmona, M., Costa, B., & Don, W.-S.,
! "An improved weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme for
! hyperbolic conservation laws"
! Journal of Computational Physics,
! 2008, vol. 227, pp. 3191-3211,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2007.11.038
subroutine reconstruct_weno5z(n, h, f, fl, fr)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
! local variables
integer :: i, im1, ip1, im2, ip2
2015-12-14 09:44:45 -02:00
real(kind=8) :: bl, bc, br, tt, df
2014-08-06 17:34:23 -03:00
real(kind=8) :: al, ac, ar
real(kind=8) :: wl, wc, wr, ww
real(kind=8) :: ql, qc, qr
! local arrays for derivatives
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: dfm, dfp, df2
! smoothness indicator coefficients
real(kind=8), parameter :: c1 = 1.3d+01 / 1.2d+01, c2 = 2.5d-01
2015-12-06 12:03:59 -02:00
! weight coefficients
2014-08-06 17:34:23 -03:00
2015-12-06 12:03:59 -02:00
real(kind=8), parameter :: dl = 1.0d-01, dc = 6.0d-01, dr = 3.0d-01
2014-08-06 17:34:23 -03:00
! interpolation coefficients
real(kind=8), parameter :: a11 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a12 = - 7.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a13 = 1.1d+01 / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: a21 = - 1.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a22 = 5.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a23 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: a31 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a32 = 5.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a33 = - 1.0d+00 / 6.0d+00
! calculate the left and right derivatives
do i = 1, n - 1
ip1 = i + 1
dfp(i ) = f(ip1) - f(i)
dfm(ip1) = dfp(i)
end do
dfm(1) = dfp(1)
dfp(n) = dfm(n)
! calculate the absolute value of the second derivative
df2(:) = c1 * (dfp(:) - dfm(:))**2
! iterate along the vector
2015-12-14 09:44:45 -02:00
do i = 3, n - 2
2014-08-06 17:34:23 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
2015-12-14 09:44:45 -02:00
im2 = i - 2
2015-12-13 09:14:34 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2015-12-14 09:44:45 -02:00
ip2 = i + 2
2014-08-06 17:34:23 -03:00
! calculate βₖ (eqs. 9-11 in [1])
bl = df2(im1) + c2 * (3.0d+00 * dfm(i ) - dfm(im1))**2
bc = df2(i ) + c2 * ( dfp(i ) + dfm(i ))**2
br = df2(ip1) + c2 * (3.0d+00 * dfp(i ) - dfp(ip1))**2
! calculate τ (below eq. 25 in [1])
tt = abs(br - bl)
! calculate αₖ (eq. 28 in [1])
al = 1.0d+00 + tt / (bl + eps)
ac = 1.0d+00 + tt / (bc + eps)
ar = 1.0d+00 + tt / (br + eps)
! calculate weights
wl = dl * al
wc = dc * ac
wr = dr * ar
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the left state
ql = a11 * f(im2) + a12 * f(im1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(im1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(ip1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(ip1) + a33 * f(ip2)
! calculate the left state
fl(i ) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! normalize weights
wl = dl * ar
wc = dc * ac
wr = dr * al
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the right state
ql = a11 * f(ip2) + a12 * f(ip1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(ip1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(im1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(im1) + a33 * f(im2)
! calculate the right state
fr(im1) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
2015-12-14 09:44:45 -02:00
end do ! i = 3, n - 2
! update the interpolation of the first and last two points
fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (f(1) + f(2))
df = limiter_tvd(0.5d+00, dfm(2), dfp(2))
fr(1) = f(2) - df
fl(2) = f(2) + df
i = n - 1
df = limiter_tvd(0.5d+00, dfm(i), dfp(i))
fr(i-1) = f(i) - df
fl(i) = f(i) + df
fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (f(i) + f(n))
fl(n) = f(n)
fr(n) = f(n)
2014-08-06 17:34:23 -03:00
end subroutine reconstruct_weno5z
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
! ------------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the fifth order
2014-08-06 17:34:23 -03:00
! Explicit Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO5) method with
! stencil weights by Yamaleev & Carpenter (2009).
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Yamaleev, N. K. & Carpenter, H. C.,
! "A Systematic Methodology for Constructing High-Order Energy Stable
! WENO Schemes"
! Journal of Computational Physics,
! 2009, vol. 228, pp. 4248-4272,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2009.03.002
subroutine reconstruct_weno5yc(n, h, f, fl, fr)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
! local variables
integer :: i, im1, ip1, im2, ip2
2015-12-14 09:46:25 -02:00
real(kind=8) :: bl, bc, br, tt, df
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
real(kind=8) :: al, ac, ar
real(kind=8) :: wl, wc, wr, ww
real(kind=8) :: ql, qc, qr
! local arrays for derivatives
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: dfm, dfp, df2
! smoothness indicator coefficients
real(kind=8), parameter :: c1 = 1.3d+01 / 1.2d+01, c2 = 2.5d-01
2015-12-06 12:03:59 -02:00
! weight coefficients
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
2015-12-06 12:03:59 -02:00
real(kind=8), parameter :: dl = 1.0d-01, dc = 6.0d-01, dr = 3.0d-01
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
! interpolation coefficients
real(kind=8), parameter :: a11 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a12 = - 7.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a13 = 1.1d+01 / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: a21 = - 1.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a22 = 5.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a23 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: a31 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a32 = 5.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a33 = - 1.0d+00 / 6.0d+00
! calculate the left and right derivatives
do i = 1, n - 1
ip1 = i + 1
dfp(i ) = f(ip1) - f(i)
dfm(ip1) = dfp(i)
end do
dfm(1) = dfp(1)
dfp(n) = dfm(n)
! calculate the absolute value of the second derivative
df2(:) = c1 * (dfp(:) - dfm(:))**2
! iterate along the vector
2015-12-14 09:46:25 -02:00
do i = 3, n - 2
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
2015-12-14 09:46:25 -02:00
im2 = i - 2
2015-12-13 12:31:23 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2015-12-14 09:46:25 -02:00
ip2 = i + 2
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
! calculate βₖ (eq. 19 in [1])
bl = df2(im1) + c2 * (3.0d+00 * dfm(i ) - dfm(im1))**2
bc = df2(i ) + c2 * ( dfp(i ) + dfm(i ))**2
br = df2(ip1) + c2 * (3.0d+00 * dfp(i ) - dfp(ip1))**2
2015-12-13 12:31:23 -02:00
! calculate τ (below eq. 20 in [1])
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
2015-12-13 12:31:23 -02:00
tt = (6.0d+00 * f(i) - 4.0d+00 * (f(im1) + f(ip1)) &
+ (f(im2) + f(ip2)))**2
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
2015-12-13 12:31:23 -02:00
! calculate αₖ (eqs. 18 or 58 in [1])
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
al = 1.0d+00 + tt / (bl + eps)
ac = 1.0d+00 + tt / (bc + eps)
ar = 1.0d+00 + tt / (br + eps)
! calculate weights
wl = dl * al
wc = dc * ac
wr = dr * ar
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
2014-08-06 17:34:23 -03:00
! calculate the interpolations of the left state
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
ql = a11 * f(im2) + a12 * f(im1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(im1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(ip1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(ip1) + a33 * f(ip2)
! calculate the left state
fl(i ) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! normalize weights
wl = dl * ar
wc = dc * ac
wr = dr * al
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
2014-08-06 17:34:23 -03:00
! calculate the interpolations of the right state
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
ql = a11 * f(ip2) + a12 * f(ip1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(ip1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(im1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(im1) + a33 * f(im2)
! calculate the right state
fr(im1) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
2015-12-14 09:46:25 -02:00
end do ! i = 3, n - 2
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
2015-12-14 09:46:25 -02:00
! update the interpolation of the first and last two points
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
2015-12-14 09:46:25 -02:00
fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (f(1) + f(2))
df = limiter_tvd(0.5d+00, dfm(2), dfp(2))
fr(1) = f(2) - df
fl(2) = f(2) + df
i = n - 1
df = limiter_tvd(0.5d+00, dfm(i), dfp(i))
fr(i-1) = f(i) - df
fl(i) = f(i) + df
fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (f(i) + f(n))
fl(n) = f(n)
fr(n) = f(n)
2014-08-06 17:27:09 -03:00
end subroutine reconstruct_weno5yc
2014-08-06 17:03:53 -03:00
! ------------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the fifth order
! Explicit Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO5) method with new
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! smoothness indicators and stencil weights by Ha et al. (2013).
2014-08-06 17:03:53 -03:00
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Ha, Y., Kim, C. H., Lee, Y. J., & Yoon, J.,
! "An improved weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme with a new
! smoothness indicator",
! Journal of Computational Physics,
! 2013, vol. 232, pp. 68-86
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2012.06.016
subroutine reconstruct_weno5ns(n, h, f, fl, fr)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
! local variables
integer :: i, im1, ip1, im2, ip2
real(kind=8) :: bl, bc, br
real(kind=8) :: al, ac, ar, aa
real(kind=8) :: wl, wc, wr
real(kind=8) :: df, lq, l3, zt
real(kind=8) :: ql, qc, qr
! local arrays for derivatives
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: dfm, dfp, df2
2015-12-06 12:03:59 -02:00
! weight coefficients
2014-08-06 17:03:53 -03:00
2015-12-06 12:03:59 -02:00
real(kind=8), parameter :: dl = 1.0d-01, dc = 6.0d-01, dr = 3.0d-01
2014-08-06 17:03:53 -03:00
! interpolation coefficients
real(kind=8), parameter :: a11 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a12 = - 7.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a13 = 1.1d+01 / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: a21 = - 1.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a22 = 5.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a23 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: a31 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a32 = 5.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a33 = - 1.0d+00 / 6.0d+00
! the free parameter for smoothness indicators (see Eq. 3.6 in [1])
real(kind=8), parameter :: xi = 4.0d-01
! calculate the left and right derivatives
do i = 1, n - 1
ip1 = i + 1
dfp(i ) = f(ip1) - f(i)
dfm(ip1) = dfp(i)
end do
dfm(1) = dfp(1)
dfp(n) = dfm(n)
! calculate the absolute value of the second derivative
df2(:) = 0.5d+00 * abs(dfp(:) - dfm(:))
! iterate along the vector
2015-12-14 09:48:11 -02:00
do i = 3, n - 2
2014-08-06 17:03:53 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
2015-12-14 09:48:11 -02:00
im2 = i - 2
2015-12-13 12:34:53 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2015-12-14 09:48:11 -02:00
ip2 = i + 2
2014-08-06 17:03:53 -03:00
! calculate βₖ (eq. 3.6 in [1])
df = abs(dfp(i))
lq = xi * df
bl = df2(im1) + xi * abs(2.0d+00 * dfm(i) - dfm(im1))
bc = df2(i ) + lq
br = df2(ip1) + lq
! calculate ζ (below eq. 3.6 in [1])
l3 = df**3
zt = 0.5d+00 * ((bl - br)**2 + (l3 / (1.0d+00 + l3))**2)
! calculate αₖ (eq. 3.9 in [4])
al = dl * (1.0d+00 + zt / (bl + eps)**2)
ac = dc * (1.0d+00 + zt / (bc + eps)**2)
ar = dr * (1.0d+00 + zt / (br + eps)**2)
! calculate weights
aa = (al + ar) + ac
wl = al / aa
wr = ar / aa
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
2014-08-06 17:34:23 -03:00
! calculate the interpolations of the left state
2014-08-06 17:03:53 -03:00
ql = a11 * f(im2) + a12 * f(im1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(im1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(ip1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(ip1) + a33 * f(ip2)
! calculate the left state
fl(i ) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! calculate βₖ (eq. 3.6 in [1])
df = abs(dfm(i))
lq = xi * df
bl = df2(ip1) + xi * abs(2.0d+00 * dfp(i) - dfp(ip1))
bc = df2(i ) + lq
br = df2(im1) + lq
! calculate ζ (below eq. 3.6 in [1])
l3 = df**3
zt = 0.5d+00 * ((bl - br)**2 + (l3 / (1.0d+00 + l3))**2)
! calculate αₖ (eq. 3.9 in [4])
al = dl * (1.0d+00 + zt / (bl + eps)**2)
ac = dc * (1.0d+00 + zt / (bc + eps)**2)
ar = dr * (1.0d+00 + zt / (br + eps)**2)
! normalize weights
aa = (al + ar) + ac
wl = al / aa
wr = ar / aa
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
2014-08-06 17:34:23 -03:00
! calculate the interpolations of the right state
2014-08-06 17:03:53 -03:00
ql = a11 * f(ip2) + a12 * f(ip1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(ip1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(im1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(im1) + a33 * f(im2)
! calculate the right state
fr(im1) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
2015-12-14 09:48:11 -02:00
end do ! i = 3, n - 2
2014-08-06 17:03:53 -03:00
2015-12-14 09:48:11 -02:00
! update the interpolation of the first and last two points
2014-08-06 17:03:53 -03:00
2015-12-14 09:48:11 -02:00
fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (f(1) + f(2))
df = limiter_tvd(0.5d+00, dfm(2), dfp(2))
fr(1) = f(2) - df
fl(2) = f(2) + df
i = n - 1
df = limiter_tvd(0.5d+00, dfm(i), dfp(i))
fr(i-1) = f(i) - df
fl(i) = f(i) + df
fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (f(i) + f(n))
fl(n) = f(n)
fr(n) = f(n)
2014-08-06 17:03:53 -03:00
end subroutine reconstruct_weno5ns
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! -------------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the fifth order
! Compact-Reconstruction Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (CRWENO)
! method and smoothness indicators by Borges et al. (2008).
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Ghosh, D. & Baeder, J. D.,
! "Compact Reconstruction Schemes with Weighted ENO Limiting for
! Hyperbolic Conservation Laws"
! SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
! 2012, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. A1678-A1706,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/110857659
! [2] Ghosh, D. & Baeder, J. D.,
! "Weighted Non-linear Compact Schemes for the Direct Numerical
! Simulation of Compressible, Turbulent Flows"
! Journal on Scientific Computing,
! 2014,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10915-014-9818-0
! [3] Borges, R., Carmona, M., Costa, B., & Don, W.-S.,
! "An improved weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme for
! hyperbolic conservation laws"
! Journal of Computational Physics,
! 2008, vol. 227, pp. 3191-3211,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2007.11.038
subroutine reconstruct_crweno5z(n, h, f, fl, fr)
2015-12-08 09:14:48 -02:00
! include external procedures
use algebra , only : tridiag
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
! local variables
2015-12-08 09:54:35 -02:00
integer :: i, im1, ip1, im2, ip2
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
integer :: iret
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
real(kind=8) :: bl, bc, br, tt
real(kind=8) :: wl, wc, wr, ww
real(kind=8) :: ql, qc, qr
! local arrays for derivatives
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: dfm, dfp, df2
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: al, ac, ar
2015-12-08 09:14:48 -02:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: u
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n,2) :: a, b, c, r
! smoothness indicator coefficients
real(kind=8), parameter :: c1 = 1.3d+01 / 1.2d+01, c2 = 2.5d-01
2015-12-06 12:28:26 -02:00
! weight coefficients for implicit (c) and explicit (d) interpolations
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
real(kind=8), parameter :: cl = 1.0d+00 / 9.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: cc = 5.0d+00 / 9.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: cr = 1.0d+00 / 3.0d+00
2015-12-06 12:28:26 -02:00
real(kind=8), parameter :: dl = 1.0d-01, dc = 6.0d-01, dr = 3.0d-01
! implicit method coefficients
2015-12-08 09:14:48 -02:00
real(kind=8), parameter :: dq = 5.0d-01
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! interpolation coefficients
real(kind=8), parameter :: a11 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a12 = - 7.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a13 = 1.1d+01 / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: a21 = - 1.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a22 = 5.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a23 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: a31 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a32 = 5.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a33 = - 1.0d+00 / 6.0d+00
! calculate the left and right derivatives
do i = 1, n - 1
ip1 = i + 1
dfp(i ) = f(ip1) - f(i)
dfm(ip1) = dfp(i)
end do
dfm(1) = dfp(1)
dfp(n) = dfm(n)
! calculate the absolute value of the second derivative
df2(:) = c1 * (dfp(:) - dfm(:))**2
! prepare smoothness indicators
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
do i = 2, n - 1
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! calculate βₖ (eqs. 9-11 in [1])
bl = df2(im1) + c2 * (3.0d+00 * dfm(i ) - dfm(im1))**2
bc = df2(i ) + c2 * ( dfp(i ) + dfm(i ))**2
br = df2(ip1) + c2 * (3.0d+00 * dfp(i ) - dfp(ip1))**2
! calculate τ (below eq. 25 in [1])
tt = abs(br - bl)
! calculate αₖ (eq. 28 in [1])
al(i) = 1.0d+00 + tt / (bl + eps)
ac(i) = 1.0d+00 + tt / (bc + eps)
ar(i) = 1.0d+00 + tt / (br + eps)
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
end do ! i = 2, n - 1
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! prepare tridiagonal system coefficients
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
do i = ng, n - ng + 1
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! calculate weights
wl = cl * al(i)
wc = cc * ac(i)
wr = cr * ar(i)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate tridiagonal matrix coefficients
2015-12-08 09:14:48 -02:00
a(i,1) = 2.0d+00 * wl + wc
b(i,1) = wl + 2.0d+00 * (wc + wr)
c(i,1) = wr
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! prepare right hand side of tridiagonal equation
2015-12-08 09:14:48 -02:00
r(i,1) = (wl * f(im1) + (5.0d+00 * (wl + wc) + wr) * f(i ) &
+ (wc + 5.0d+00 * wr) * f(ip1)) * dq
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! calculate weights
2015-12-08 09:14:48 -02:00
wl = cl * ar(i)
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
wc = cc * ac(i)
2015-12-08 09:14:48 -02:00
wr = cr * al(i)
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate tridiagonal matrix coefficients
2015-12-08 09:14:48 -02:00
a(i,2) = wr
b(i,2) = wl + 2.0d+00 * (wc + wr)
c(i,2) = 2.0d+00 * wl + wc
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! prepare right hand side of tridiagonal equation
2015-12-08 09:14:48 -02:00
r(i,2) = (wl * f(ip1) + (5.0d+00 * (wl + wc) + wr) * f(i ) &
+ (wc + 5.0d+00 * wr) * f(im1)) * dq
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! interpolate ghost zones using explicit solver (left-side reconstruction)
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
do i = 2, ng
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
im2 = max(1, i - 2)
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
ip2 = i + 2
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! calculate weights
wl = dl * al(i)
wc = dc * ac(i)
wr = dr * ar(i)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the left state
ql = a11 * f(im2) + a12 * f(im1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(im1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(ip1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(ip1) + a33 * f(ip2)
! calculate the left state
fl(i) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! prepare coefficients of the tridiagonal system
a(i,1) = 0.0d+00
2015-12-08 09:14:48 -02:00
b(i,1) = 1.0d+00
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
c(i,1) = 0.0d+00
r(i,1) = fl(i)
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
end do ! i = 2, ng
a(1,1) = 0.0d+00
b(1,1) = 1.0d+00
c(1,1) = 0.0d+00
r(1,1) = 0.5d+00 * (f(1) + f(2))
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! interpolate ghost zones using explicit solver (left-side reconstruction)
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
do i = n - ng, n - 1
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
im2 = i - 2
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
ip2 = min(n, i + 2)
! calculate weights
wl = dl * al(i)
wc = dc * ac(i)
wr = dr * ar(i)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the left state
ql = a11 * f(im2) + a12 * f(im1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(im1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(ip1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(ip1) + a33 * f(ip2)
! calculate the left state
fl(i) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! prepare coefficients of the tridiagonal system
a(i,1) = 0.0d+00
2015-12-08 09:14:48 -02:00
b(i,1) = 1.0d+00
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
c(i,1) = 0.0d+00
r(i,1) = fl(i)
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
end do ! i = n - ng, n - 1
a(n,1) = 0.0d+00
b(n,1) = 1.0d+00
c(n,1) = 0.0d+00
r(n,1) = f(n)
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! interpolate ghost zones using explicit solver (right-side reconstruction)
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
do i = 2, ng + 1
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
im2 = max(1, i - 2)
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
ip2 = i + 2
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! normalize weights
wl = dl * ar(i)
wc = dc * ac(i)
wr = dr * al(i)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the right state
ql = a11 * f(ip2) + a12 * f(ip1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(ip1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(im1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(im1) + a33 * f(im2)
! calculate the right state
fr(i) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! prepare coefficients of the tridiagonal system
a(i,2) = 0.0d+00
2015-12-08 09:14:48 -02:00
b(i,2) = 1.0d+00
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
c(i,2) = 0.0d+00
r(i,2) = fr(i)
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
end do ! i = 2, ng + 1
a(1,2) = 0.0d+00
b(1,2) = 1.0d+00
c(1,2) = 0.0d+00
r(1,2) = f(1)
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! interpolate ghost zones using explicit solver (right-side reconstruction)
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
do i = n - ng + 1, n - 1
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
im2 = max(1, i - 2)
im1 = max(1, i - 1)
ip1 = min(n, i + 1)
ip2 = min(n, i + 2)
! normalize weights
wl = dl * ar(i)
wc = dc * ac(i)
wr = dr * al(i)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the right state
ql = a11 * f(ip2) + a12 * f(ip1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(ip1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(im1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(im1) + a33 * f(im2)
! calculate the right state
fr(i) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! prepare coefficients of the tridiagonal system
a(i,2) = 0.0d+00
2015-12-08 09:14:48 -02:00
b(i,2) = 1.0d+00
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
c(i,2) = 0.0d+00
r(i,2) = fr(i)
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
end do ! i = n - ng + 1, n - 1
a(n,2) = 0.0d+00
b(n,2) = 1.0d+00
c(n,2) = 0.0d+00
r(n,2) = 0.5d+00 * (f(n-1) + f(n))
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! solve the tridiagonal system of equations for the left-side interpolation
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
call tridiag(n, a(1:n,1), b(1:n,1), c(1:n,1), r(1:n,1), u(1:n), iret)
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
2015-12-08 09:14:48 -02:00
! substitute the left-side values
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
2015-12-08 09:14:48 -02:00
fl(1:n ) = u(1:n)
! solve the tridiagonal system of equations for the left-side interpolation
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
call tridiag(n, a(1:n,2), b(1:n,2), c(1:n,2), r(1:n,2), u(1:n), iret)
2015-12-08 09:14:48 -02:00
! substitute the right-side values
fr(1:n-1) = u(2:n)
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
! update the interpolation of the first and last points
2015-12-13 12:42:18 -02:00
i = n - 1
fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (f(1) + f(2))
fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (f(i) + f(n))
fl(n) = f(n)
fr(n) = f(n)
2014-08-07 13:37:21 -03:00
end subroutine reconstruct_crweno5z
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! --------------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the fifth order
! Compact-Reconstruction Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (CRWENO)
! method and smoothness indicators by Yamaleev & Carpenter (2009).
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Ghosh, D. & Baeder, J. D.,
! "Compact Reconstruction Schemes with Weighted ENO Limiting for
! Hyperbolic Conservation Laws"
! SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
! 2012, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. A1678-A1706,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/110857659
! [2] Ghosh, D. & Baeder, J. D.,
! "Weighted Non-linear Compact Schemes for the Direct Numerical
! Simulation of Compressible, Turbulent Flows"
! Journal on Scientific Computing,
! 2014,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10915-014-9818-0
! [3] Yamaleev, N. K. & Carpenter, H. C.,
! "A Systematic Methodology for Constructing High-Order Energy Stable
! WENO Schemes"
! Journal of Computational Physics,
! 2009, vol. 228, pp. 4248-4272,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2009.03.002
subroutine reconstruct_crweno5yc(n, h, f, fl, fr)
2015-12-08 09:23:13 -02:00
! include external procedures
use algebra , only : tridiag
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
! local variables
2015-12-08 09:54:35 -02:00
integer :: i, im1, ip1, im2, ip2
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
integer :: iret
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
real(kind=8) :: bl, bc, br, tt
real(kind=8) :: wl, wc, wr, ww
real(kind=8) :: ql, qc, qr
! local arrays for derivatives
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: dfm, dfp, df2
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: al, ac, ar
2015-12-08 09:23:13 -02:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: u
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n,2) :: a, b, c, r
! smoothness indicator coefficients
real(kind=8), parameter :: c1 = 1.3d+01 / 1.2d+01, c2 = 2.5d-01
2015-12-06 12:28:26 -02:00
! weight coefficients for implicit (c) and explicit (d) interpolations
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
real(kind=8), parameter :: cl = 1.0d+00 / 9.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: cc = 5.0d+00 / 9.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: cr = 1.0d+00 / 3.0d+00
2015-12-06 12:28:26 -02:00
real(kind=8), parameter :: dl = 1.0d-01, dc = 6.0d-01, dr = 3.0d-01
! implicit method coefficients
2015-12-08 09:23:13 -02:00
real(kind=8), parameter :: dq = 5.0d-01
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! interpolation coefficients
real(kind=8), parameter :: a11 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a12 = - 7.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a13 = 1.1d+01 / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: a21 = - 1.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a22 = 5.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a23 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: a31 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a32 = 5.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a33 = - 1.0d+00 / 6.0d+00
! calculate the left and right derivatives
do i = 1, n - 1
ip1 = i + 1
dfp(i ) = f(ip1) - f(i)
dfm(ip1) = dfp(i)
end do
dfm(1) = dfp(1)
dfp(n) = dfm(n)
! calculate the absolute value of the second derivative
df2(:) = c1 * (dfp(:) - dfm(:))**2
! prepare smoothness indicators
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
do i = 2, n - 1
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
im2 = max(1, i - 2)
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
ip2 = min(n, i + 2)
! calculate βₖ (eqs. 9-11 in [1])
bl = df2(im1) + c2 * (3.0d+00 * dfm(i ) - dfm(im1))**2
bc = df2(i ) + c2 * ( dfp(i ) + dfm(i ))**2
br = df2(ip1) + c2 * (3.0d+00 * dfp(i ) - dfp(ip1))**2
! calculate τ (below eq. 64 in [3])
tt = (6.0d+00 * f(i) + (f(im2) + f(ip2)) &
- 4.0d+00 * (f(im1) + f(ip1)))**2
! calculate αₖ (eq. 28 in [1])
al(i) = 1.0d+00 + tt / (bl + eps)
ac(i) = 1.0d+00 + tt / (bc + eps)
ar(i) = 1.0d+00 + tt / (br + eps)
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
end do ! i = 2, n - 1
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! prepare tridiagonal system coefficients
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
do i = ng, n - ng + 1
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! calculate weights
wl = cl * al(i)
wc = cc * ac(i)
wr = cr * ar(i)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate tridiagonal matrix coefficients
2015-12-08 09:23:13 -02:00
a(i,1) = 2.0d+00 * wl + wc
b(i,1) = wl + 2.0d+00 * (wc + wr)
c(i,1) = wr
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! prepare right hand side of tridiagonal equation
2015-12-08 09:23:13 -02:00
r(i,1) = (wl * f(im1) + (5.0d+00 * (wl + wc) + wr) * f(i ) &
+ (wc + 5.0d+00 * wr) * f(ip1)) * dq
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! calculate weights
2015-12-08 09:23:13 -02:00
wl = cl * ar(i)
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
wc = cc * ac(i)
2015-12-08 09:23:13 -02:00
wr = cr * al(i)
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate tridiagonal matrix coefficients
2015-12-08 09:23:13 -02:00
a(i,2) = wr
b(i,2) = wl + 2.0d+00 * (wc + wr)
c(i,2) = 2.0d+00 * wl + wc
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! prepare right hand side of tridiagonal equation
2015-12-08 09:23:13 -02:00
r(i,2) = (wl * f(ip1) + (5.0d+00 * (wl + wc) + wr) * f(i ) &
+ (wc + 5.0d+00 * wr) * f(im1)) * dq
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! interpolate ghost zones using explicit solver (left-side reconstruction)
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
do i = 2, ng
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
im2 = max(1, i - 2)
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
ip2 = i + 2
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! calculate weights
wl = dl * al(i)
wc = dc * ac(i)
wr = dr * ar(i)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the left state
ql = a11 * f(im2) + a12 * f(im1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(im1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(ip1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(ip1) + a33 * f(ip2)
! calculate the left state
fl(i) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! prepare coefficients of the tridiagonal system
a(i,1) = 0.0d+00
2015-12-08 09:23:13 -02:00
b(i,1) = 1.0d+00
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
c(i,1) = 0.0d+00
r(i,1) = fl(i)
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
end do ! i = 2, ng
a(1,1) = 0.0d+00
b(1,1) = 1.0d+00
c(1,1) = 0.0d+00
r(1,1) = 0.5d+00 * (f(1) + f(2))
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! interpolate ghost zones using explicit solver (left-side reconstruction)
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
do i = n - ng, n - 1
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
im2 = i - 2
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
ip2 = min(n, i + 2)
! calculate weights
wl = dl * al(i)
wc = dc * ac(i)
wr = dr * ar(i)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the left state
ql = a11 * f(im2) + a12 * f(im1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(im1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(ip1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(ip1) + a33 * f(ip2)
! calculate the left state
fl(i) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! prepare coefficients of the tridiagonal system
a(i,1) = 0.0d+00
2015-12-08 09:23:13 -02:00
b(i,1) = 1.0d+00
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
c(i,1) = 0.0d+00
r(i,1) = fl(i)
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
end do ! i = n - ng, n - 1
a(n,1) = 0.0d+00
b(n,1) = 1.0d+00
c(n,1) = 0.0d+00
r(n,1) = f(n)
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! interpolate ghost zones using explicit solver (right-side reconstruction)
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
do i = 2, ng + 1
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
im2 = max(1, i - 2)
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
ip2 = i + 2
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! normalize weights
wl = dl * ar(i)
wc = dc * ac(i)
wr = dr * al(i)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the right state
ql = a11 * f(ip2) + a12 * f(ip1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(ip1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(im1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(im1) + a33 * f(im2)
! calculate the right state
fr(i) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! prepare coefficients of the tridiagonal system
a(i,2) = 0.0d+00
2015-12-08 09:23:13 -02:00
b(i,2) = 1.0d+00
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
c(i,2) = 0.0d+00
r(i,2) = fr(i)
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
end do ! i = 2, ng + 1
a(1,2) = 0.0d+00
b(1,2) = 1.0d+00
c(1,2) = 0.0d+00
r(1,2) = f(1)
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! interpolate ghost zones using explicit solver (right-side reconstruction)
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
do i = n - ng + 1, n - 1
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
im2 = i - 2
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
ip2 = min(n, i + 2)
! normalize weights
wl = dl * ar(i)
wc = dc * ac(i)
wr = dr * al(i)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the right state
ql = a11 * f(ip2) + a12 * f(ip1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(ip1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(im1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(im1) + a33 * f(im2)
! calculate the right state
fr(i) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! prepare coefficients of the tridiagonal system
a(i,2) = 0.0d+00
2015-12-08 09:23:13 -02:00
b(i,2) = 1.0d+00
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
c(i,2) = 0.0d+00
r(i,2) = fr(i)
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
end do ! i = n - ng + 1, n - 1
a(n,2) = 0.0d+00
b(n,2) = 1.0d+00
c(n,2) = 0.0d+00
r(n,2) = 0.5d+00 * (f(n-1) + f(n))
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! solve the tridiagonal system of equations for the left-side interpolation
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
call tridiag(n, a(1:n,1), b(1:n,1), c(1:n,1), r(1:n,1), u(1:n), iret)
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
2015-12-08 09:23:13 -02:00
! substitute the left-side values
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
2015-12-08 09:23:13 -02:00
fl(1:n ) = u(1:n)
! solve the tridiagonal system of equations for the left-side interpolation
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
call tridiag(n, a(1:n,2), b(1:n,2), c(1:n,2), r(1:n,2), u(1:n), iret)
2015-12-08 09:23:13 -02:00
! substitute the right-side values
fr(1:n-1) = u(2:n)
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
! update the interpolation of the first and last points
2015-12-13 12:48:54 -02:00
i = n - 1
fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (f(1) + f(2))
fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (f(i) + f(n))
fl(n) = f(n)
fr(n) = f(n)
2014-08-07 14:07:22 -03:00
end subroutine reconstruct_crweno5yc
2014-08-06 17:03:53 -03:00
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! --------------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the fifth order
! Compact-Reconstruction Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (CRWENO)
! method combined with the smoothness indicators by Ha et al. (2013).
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Ghosh, D. & Baeder, J. D.,
! "Compact Reconstruction Schemes with Weighted ENO Limiting for
! Hyperbolic Conservation Laws"
! SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
! 2012, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. A1678-A1706,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/110857659
! [2] Ghosh, D. & Baeder, J. D.,
! "Weighted Non-linear Compact Schemes for the Direct Numerical
! Simulation of Compressible, Turbulent Flows"
! Journal on Scientific Computing,
! 2014,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10915-014-9818-0
! [3] Ha, Y., Kim, C. H., Lee, Y. J., & Yoon, J.,
! "An improved weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme with a new
! smoothness indicator",
! Journal of Computational Physics,
! 2013, vol. 232, pp. 68-86
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2012.06.016
subroutine reconstruct_crweno5ns(n, h, f, fl, fr)
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
! include external procedures
use algebra , only : tridiag
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
! local variables
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
integer :: i, im1, ip1, im2, ip2
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
integer :: iret
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
real(kind=8) :: bl, bc, br, tt
real(kind=8) :: wl, wc, wr, ww
real(kind=8) :: df, lq, l3, zt
real(kind=8) :: ql, qc, qr
! local arrays for derivatives
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: dfm, dfp, df2
real(kind=8), dimension(n,2) :: al, ac, ar
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: u
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n,2) :: a, b, c, r
! the free parameter for smoothness indicators (see eq. 3.6 in [3])
real(kind=8), parameter :: xi = 4.0d-01
! weight coefficients for implicit (c) and explicit (d) interpolations
real(kind=8), parameter :: cl = 1.0d+00 / 9.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: cc = 5.0d+00 / 9.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: cr = 1.0d+00 / 3.0d+00
2015-12-06 12:28:26 -02:00
real(kind=8), parameter :: dl = 1.0d-01, dc = 6.0d-01, dr = 3.0d-01
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! implicit method coefficients
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
real(kind=8), parameter :: dq = 5.0d-01
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! 3rd order interpolation coefficients for three stencils
real(kind=8), parameter :: a11 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a12 = - 7.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a13 = 1.1d+01 / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: a21 = - 1.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a22 = 5.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a23 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), parameter :: a31 = 2.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a32 = 5.0d+00 / 6.0d+00 &
, a33 = - 1.0d+00 / 6.0d+00
! calculate the left and right derivatives
do i = 1, n - 1
ip1 = i + 1
dfp(i ) = f(ip1) - f(i)
dfm(ip1) = dfp(i)
end do
dfm(1) = dfp(1)
dfp(n) = dfm(n)
! calculate the absolute value of the second derivative
df2(:) = 0.5d+00 * abs(dfp(:) - dfm(:))
! prepare smoothness indicators
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
do i = 2, n - 1
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! calculate βₖ
df = abs(dfp(i))
lq = xi * df
bl = df2(im1) + xi * abs(2.0d+00 * dfm(i) - dfm(im1))
bc = df2(i ) + lq
br = df2(ip1) + lq
! calculate ζ
l3 = df**3
zt = 0.5d+00 * ((bl - br)**2 + (l3 / (1.0d+00 + l3))**2)
! calculate αₖ
al(i,1) = 1.0d+00 + zt / (bl + eps)**2
ac(i,1) = 1.0d+00 + zt / (bc + eps)**2
ar(i,1) = 1.0d+00 + zt / (br + eps)**2
! calculate βₖ
df = abs(dfm(i))
lq = xi * df
bl = df2(im1) + lq
bc = df2(i ) + lq
br = df2(ip1) + xi * abs(2.0d+00 * dfp(i) - dfp(ip1))
! calculate ζ
l3 = df**3
zt = 0.5d+00 * ((bl - br)**2 + (l3 / (1.0d+00 + l3))**2)
! calculate αₖ
al(i,2) = 1.0d+00 + zt / (bl + eps)**2
ac(i,2) = 1.0d+00 + zt / (bc + eps)**2
ar(i,2) = 1.0d+00 + zt / (br + eps)**2
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
end do ! i = 2, n - 1
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! prepare tridiagonal system coefficients
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
do i = ng, n - ng + 1
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! calculate weights
wl = cl * al(i,1)
wc = cc * ac(i,1)
wr = cr * ar(i,1)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate tridiagonal matrix coefficients
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
a(i,1) = 2.0d+00 * wl + wc
b(i,1) = wl + 2.0d+00 * (wc + wr)
c(i,1) = wr
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! prepare right hand side of tridiagonal equation
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
r(i,1) = (wl * f(im1) + (5.0d+00 * (wl + wc) + wr) * f(i ) &
+ (wc + 5.0d+00 * wr) * f(ip1)) * dq
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! calculate weights
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
wl = cl * ar(i,2)
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
wc = cc * ac(i,2)
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
wr = cr * al(i,2)
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate tridiagonal matrix coefficients
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
a(i,2) = wr
b(i,2) = wl + 2.0d+00 * (wc + wr)
c(i,2) = 2.0d+00 * wl + wc
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! prepare right hand side of tridiagonal equation
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
r(i,2) = (wl * f(ip1) + (5.0d+00 * (wl + wc) + wr) * f(i ) &
+ (wc + 5.0d+00 * wr) * f(im1)) * dq
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! interpolate ghost zones using explicit solver (left-side reconstruction)
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
do i = 2, ng
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
im2 = max(1, i - 2)
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
ip2 = i + 2
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! calculate weights
wl = dl * al(i,1)
wc = dc * ac(i,1)
wr = dr * ar(i,1)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the left state
ql = a11 * f(im2) + a12 * f(im1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(im1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(ip1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(ip1) + a33 * f(ip2)
! calculate the left state
fl(i) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! prepare coefficients of the tridiagonal system
a(i,1) = 0.0d+00
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
b(i,1) = 1.0d+00
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
c(i,1) = 0.0d+00
r(i,1) = fl(i)
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
end do ! i = 2, ng
a(1,1) = 0.0d+00
b(1,1) = 1.0d+00
c(1,1) = 0.0d+00
r(1,1) = 0.5d+00 * (f(1) + f(2))
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! interpolate ghost zones using explicit solver (left-side reconstruction)
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
do i = n - ng, n - 1
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
im2 = i - 2
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
ip2 = min(n, i + 2)
! calculate weights
wl = dl * al(i,1)
wc = dc * ac(i,1)
wr = dr * ar(i,1)
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the left state
ql = a11 * f(im2) + a12 * f(im1) + a13 * f(i )
qc = a21 * f(im1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(ip1)
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(ip1) + a33 * f(ip2)
! calculate the left state
fl(i) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
! prepare coefficients of the tridiagonal system
a(i,1) = 0.0d+00
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
b(i,1) = 1.0d+00
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
c(i,1) = 0.0d+00
r(i,1) = fl(i)
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
end do ! i = n - ng, n - 1
a(n,1) = 0.0d+00
b(n,1) = 1.0d+00
c(n,1) = 0.0d+00
r(n,1) = f(n)
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! interpolate ghost zones using explicit solver (right-side reconstruction)
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
do i = 2, ng + 1
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
im2 = max(1, i - 2)
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
ip2 = i + 2
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! normalize weights
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
wl = dl * ar(i,2)
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
wc = dc * ac(i,2)
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
wr = dr * al(i,2)
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the right state
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
ql = a11 * f(ip2) + a12 * f(ip1) + a13 * f(i )
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
qc = a21 * f(ip1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(im1)
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(im1) + a33 * f(im2)
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! calculate the right state
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
fr(i) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! prepare coefficients of the tridiagonal system
a(i,2) = 0.0d+00
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
b(i,2) = 1.0d+00
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
c(i,2) = 0.0d+00
r(i,2) = fr(i)
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
end do ! i = 2, ng + 1
a(1,2) = 0.0d+00
b(1,2) = 1.0d+00
c(1,2) = 0.0d+00
r(1,2) = f(1)
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! interpolate ghost zones using explicit solver (right-side reconstruction)
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
do i = n - ng + 1, n - 1
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! prepare neighbour indices
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
im2 = i - 2
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
ip2 = min(n, i + 2)
! normalize weights
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
wl = dl * ar(i,2)
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
wc = dc * ac(i,2)
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
wr = dr * al(i,2)
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
ww = (wl + wr) + wc
wl = wl / ww
wr = wr / ww
wc = 1.0d+00 - (wl + wr)
! calculate the interpolations of the right state
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
ql = a11 * f(ip2) + a12 * f(ip1) + a13 * f(i )
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
qc = a21 * f(ip1) + a22 * f(i ) + a23 * f(im1)
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
qr = a31 * f(i ) + a32 * f(im1) + a33 * f(im2)
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! calculate the right state
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
fr(i) = (wl * ql + wr * qr) + wc * qc
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! prepare coefficients of the tridiagonal system
a(i,2) = 0.0d+00
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
b(i,2) = 1.0d+00
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
c(i,2) = 0.0d+00
r(i,2) = fr(i)
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
end do ! i = n - ng + 1, n - 1
a(n,2) = 0.0d+00
b(n,2) = 1.0d+00
c(n,2) = 0.0d+00
r(n,2) = 0.5d+00 * (f(n-1) + f(n))
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! solve the tridiagonal system of equations for the left-side interpolation
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
call tridiag(n, a(1:n,1), b(1:n,1), c(1:n,1), r(1:n,1), u(1:n), iret)
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
! substitute the left-side values
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
fl(1:n ) = u(1:n)
! solve the tridiagonal system of equations for the left-side interpolation
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
call tridiag(n, a(1:n,2), b(1:n,2), c(1:n,2), r(1:n,2), u(1:n), iret)
2015-12-08 09:53:34 -02:00
! substitute the right-side values
fr(1:n-1) = u(2:n)
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
! update the interpolation of the first and last points
2015-12-13 12:55:34 -02:00
i = n - 1
fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (f(1) + f(2))
fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (f(i) + f(n))
fl(n) = f(n)
fr(n) = f(n)
2014-08-08 08:16:46 -03:00
end subroutine reconstruct_crweno5ns
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_MP5:
! --------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the fifth order
! Monotonicity Preserving (MP) method.
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Suresh, A. & Huynh, H. T.,
! "Accurate Monotonicity-Preserving Schemes with Runge-Kutta
! Time Stepping"
! Journal on Computational Physics,
! 1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/jcph.1997.5745
! [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
! "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
! scheme",
! Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
! Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11433-010-4220-x
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
subroutine reconstruct_mp5(n, h, fc, fl, fr)
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: fc
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
! local variables
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
integer :: i
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
! local arrays for derivatives
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: fi
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: u
! local parameters
real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter :: &
ce5 = (/ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.7d+01 &
, 2.7d+01,-3.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+01
real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter :: &
ce3 = (/-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter :: ce2 = (/ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 /)
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
!! === left-side interpolation ===
! reconstruct the interface state using the 5th order interpolation
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
do i = 3, n - 2
u(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(i-2:i+2))
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
end do
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
! of lower orders
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
u( 1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc( 1: 2))
u( 2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc( 1: 3))
u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2: n))
u(n ) = fc(n )
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
call mp_limiting(n, fc(1:n), u(1:n))
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
!! === right-side interpolation ===
! invert the cell-centered value vector
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
! reconstruct the interface state using the 5th order interpolation
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
do i = 3, n - 2
u(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(i-2:i+2))
end do
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
! of lower orders
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
u( 1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi( 1: 2))
u( 2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi( 1: 3))
u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2: n))
u(n ) = fi(n )
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
call mp_limiting(n, fi(1:n), u(1:n))
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
! update the interpolation of the first and last points
2015-12-13 11:10:31 -02:00
i = n - 1
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
fl(n) = fc(n)
fr(n) = fc(n)
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
end subroutine reconstruct_mp5
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2017-05-05 07:40:35 -03:00
! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_MP7:
! --------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the seventh order
! Monotonicity Preserving (MP) method.
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Suresh, A. & Huynh, H. T.,
! "Accurate Monotonicity-Preserving Schemes with Runge-Kutta
! Time Stepping"
! Journal on Computational Physics,
! 1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/jcph.1997.5745
! [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
! "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
! scheme",
! Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
! Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11433-010-4220-x
subroutine reconstruct_mp7(n, h, fc, fl, fr)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: fc
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
! local variables
integer :: i
! local arrays for derivatives
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: fi
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: u
! local parameters
real(kind=8), dimension(7), parameter :: &
ce7 = (/-3.0d+00, 2.5d+01,-1.01d+02, 3.19d+02 &
, 2.14d+02,-3.8d+01, 4.0d+00 /) / 4.2d+02
real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter :: &
ce5 = (/ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.7d+01 &
, 2.7d+01,-3.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+01
real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter :: &
ce3 = (/-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter :: ce2 = (/ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 /)
!! === left-side interpolation ===
! reconstruct the interface state using the 5th order interpolation
do i = 4, n - 3
u(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(i-3:i+3))
end do
! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
! of lower orders
u( 1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc( 1: 2))
u( 2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc( 1: 3))
u( 3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc( 1: 5))
u(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(n-4: n))
u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2: n))
u(n ) = fc(n )
! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
call mp_limiting(n, fc(1:n), u(1:n))
! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
!! === right-side interpolation ===
! invert the cell-centered value vector
fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
! reconstruct the interface state using the 5th order interpolation
do i = 4, n - 3
u(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(i-3:i+3))
end do
! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
! of lower orders
u( 1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi( 1: 2))
u( 2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi( 1: 3))
u( 3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi( 1: 5))
u(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(n-4: n))
u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2: n))
u(n ) = fi(n )
! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
call mp_limiting(n, fi(1:n), u(1:n))
! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
! update the interpolation of the first and last points
i = n - 1
fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
fl(n) = fc(n)
fr(n) = fc(n)
end subroutine reconstruct_mp7
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_CRMP5:
! ----------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the fifth order
! Compact Reconstruction Monotonicity Preserving (CRMP) method.
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Suresh, A. & Huynh, H. T.,
! "Accurate Monotonicity-Preserving Schemes with Runge-Kutta
! Time Stepping"
! Journal on Computational Physics,
! 1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/jcph.1997.5745
! [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
! "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
! scheme",
! Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
! Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11433-010-4220-x
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
subroutine reconstruct_crmp5(n, h, fc, fl, fr)
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2015-12-08 08:21:39 -02:00
! include external procedures
use algebra , only : tridiag
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: fc
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
2017-05-05 07:31:57 -03:00
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
! local variables
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
integer :: i, iret
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
! local arrays for derivatives
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: fi
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: a, b, c
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: r
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: u
! local parameters
real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter :: &
di = (/ 3.0d-01, 6.0d-01, 1.0d-01 /)
real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter :: &
ci5 = (/ 1.0d+00, 1.9d+01, 1.0d+01 /) / 3.0d+01
real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter :: &
ce5 = (/ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.7d+01 &
, 2.7d+01,-3.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+01
real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter :: &
ce3 = (/-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter :: ce2 = (/ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 /)
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
! prepare the diagonals of the tridiagonal matrix
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
do i = 1, ng
a(i) = 0.0d+00
b(i) = 1.0d+00
c(i) = 0.0d+00
end do
do i = ng + 1, n - ng - 1
a(i) = di(1)
b(i) = di(2)
c(i) = di(3)
end do
do i = n - ng, n
a(i) = 0.0d+00
b(i) = 1.0d+00
c(i) = 0.0d+00
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
end do
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
!! === left-side interpolation ===
! prepare the tridiagonal system coefficients for the interior part
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2015-12-13 11:34:03 -02:00
do i = ng, n - ng + 1
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
r(i) = sum(ci5(:) * fc(i-1:i+1))
end do
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
! interpolate ghost zones using the explicit method
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
r( 1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc( 1: 2))
r( 2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc( 1: 3))
do i = 3, ng
r(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(i-2:i+2))
end do
do i = n - ng, n - 2
r(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(i-2:i+2))
end do
r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2: n))
r(n ) = fc(n )
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
! solve the tridiagonal system of equations
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n), iret)
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
call mp_limiting(n, fc(1:n), u(1:n))
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
!! === right-side interpolation ===
! invert the cell-centered value vector
fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
! prepare the tridiagonal system coefficients for the interior part
do i = ng, n - ng + 1
r(i) = sum(ci5(:) * fi(i-1:i+1))
end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
! interpolate ghost zones using the explicit method
r( 1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi( 1: 2))
r( 2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi( 1: 3))
do i = 3, ng
r(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(i-2:i+2))
end do
do i = n - ng, n - 2
r(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(i-2:i+2))
end do
r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2: n))
r(n ) = fi(n )
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
! solve the tridiagonal system of equations
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n), iret)
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
call mp_limiting(n, fi(1:n), u(1:n))
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
! update the interpolation of the first and last points
2015-12-13 11:34:03 -02:00
i = n - 1
2017-05-03 11:57:36 -03:00
fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
fl(n) = fc(n)
fr(n) = fc(n)
2015-12-04 17:52:21 -02:00
end subroutine reconstruct_crmp5
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
! ------------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the fifth order
! Low-Dissipation Compact Reconstruction Monotonicity Preserving (CRMP)
! method.
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Suresh, A. & Huynh, H. T.,
! "Accurate Monotonicity-Preserving Schemes with Runge-Kutta
! Time Stepping"
! Journal on Computational Physics,
! 1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/jcph.1997.5745
! [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
! "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
! scheme",
! Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
! Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11433-010-4220-x
! [3] Ghosh, D. & Baeder, J.,
! "Compact Reconstruction Schemes With Weighted ENO Limiting For
! Hyperbolic Conservation Laws",
! SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,
! 2012, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. A1678-A1705,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/110857659
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
subroutine reconstruct_crmp5ld(n, h, fc, fl, fr)
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
! include external procedures
use algebra , only : tridiag
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: fc
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
! local variables
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
integer :: i, iret
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
! local arrays for derivatives
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: fi
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: a, b, c
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: r
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: u
! local parameters
real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter :: &
2017-05-03 11:53:38 -03:00
di = (/ 2.5d-01, 6.0d-01, 1.5d-01 /)
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
real(kind=8), dimension(4), parameter :: &
ci5 = (/ 3.0d+00, 6.7d+01, 4.9d+01 &
, 1.0d+00 /) / 1.2d+02
real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter :: &
ce5 = (/ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.7d+01 &
, 2.7d+01,-3.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+01
real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter :: &
ce3 = (/-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00 /) / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter :: ce2 = (/ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 /)
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
! prepare the diagonals of the tridiagonal matrix
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
do i = 1, ng
a(i) = 0.0d+00
b(i) = 1.0d+00
c(i) = 0.0d+00
end do
do i = ng + 1, n - ng - 1
a(i) = di(1)
b(i) = di(2)
c(i) = di(3)
end do
do i = n - ng, n
a(i) = 0.0d+00
b(i) = 1.0d+00
c(i) = 0.0d+00
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
end do
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
!! === left-side interpolation ===
! prepare the tridiagonal system coefficients for the interior part
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
do i = ng, n - ng + 1
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
r(i) = sum(ci5(:) * fc(i-1:i+2))
end do
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
! interpolate ghost zones using the explicit method
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
r( 1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc( 1: 2))
r( 2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc( 1: 3))
do i = 3, ng
r(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(i-2:i+2))
end do
do i = n - ng, n - 2
r(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(i-2:i+2))
end do
r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2: n))
r(n ) = fc(n )
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
! solve the tridiagonal system of equations
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n), iret)
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
call mp_limiting(n, fc(1:n), u(1:n))
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
!! === right-side interpolation ===
! invert the cell-centered value vector
fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
! prepare the tridiagonal system coefficients for the interior part
do i = ng, n - ng + 1
r(i) = sum(ci5(:) * fi(i-1:i+2))
end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
! interpolate ghost zones using the explicit method
r( 1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi( 1: 2))
r( 2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi( 1: 3))
do i = 3, ng
r(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(i-2:i+2))
end do
do i = n - ng, n - 2
r(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(i-2:i+2))
end do
r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2: n))
r(n ) = fi(n )
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
! solve the tridiagonal system of equations
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n), iret)
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
call mp_limiting(n, fi(1:n), u(1:n))
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
! update the interpolation of the first and last points
i = n - 1
2017-05-03 11:50:27 -03:00
fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
fl(n) = fc(n)
fr(n) = fc(n)
2015-12-14 18:59:11 -02:00
end subroutine reconstruct_crmp5ld
2017-05-03 11:35:31 -03:00
! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_CRMP7:
! ----------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the seventh order
! Compact Reconstruction Monotonicity Preserving (CRMP) method.
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Suresh, A. & Huynh, H. T.,
! "Accurate Monotonicity-Preserving Schemes with Runge-Kutta
! Time Stepping"
! Journal on Computational Physics,
! 1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/jcph.1997.5745
! [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
! "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
! scheme",
! Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
! Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11433-010-4220-x
subroutine reconstruct_crmp7(n, h, fc, fl, fr)
! include external procedures
use algebra , only : tridiag
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: fc
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
! local variables
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
integer :: i, iret
2017-05-03 11:35:31 -03:00
! local arrays for derivatives
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: fi
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: a, b, c
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: r
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: u
! local parameters
real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter :: &
di = (/ 2.0d+00, 4.0d+00, 1.0d+00/) / 7.0d+00
real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter :: &
ci = (/-1.0d+00, 1.9d+01, 2.39d+02 &
, 1.59d+02, 4.0d+00 /) / 4.2d+02
real(kind=8), dimension(7), parameter :: &
ce7 = (/-3.0d+00, 2.5d+01,-1.01d+02, 3.19d+02 &
, 2.14d+02,-3.8d+01, 4.0d+00/) / 4.2d+02
real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter :: &
ce5 = (/ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.70d+01 &
, 2.70d+01,-3.0d+00/) / 6.0d+01
real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter :: &
ce3 = (/-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00/) / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter :: ce2 = (/ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 /)
! prepare the diagonals of the tridiagonal matrix
do i = 1, ng
a(i) = 0.0d+00
b(i) = 1.0d+00
c(i) = 0.0d+00
end do
do i = ng + 1, n - ng - 1
a(i) = di(1)
b(i) = di(2)
c(i) = di(3)
end do
do i = n - ng, n
a(i) = 0.0d+00
b(i) = 1.0d+00
c(i) = 0.0d+00
end do
!! === left-side interpolation ===
! prepare the tridiagonal system coefficients for the interior part
do i = ng, n - ng + 1
r(i) = sum( ci(:) * fc(i-2:i+2))
end do
! interpolate ghost zones using the explicit method
r( 1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc( 1: 2))
r( 2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc( 1: 3))
r( 3) = sum(ce5(:) * fc( 1: 5))
do i = 4, ng
r(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(i-3:i+3))
end do
do i = n - ng, n - 3
r(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fc(i-3:i+3))
end do
r(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(n-4: n))
r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2: n))
r(n ) = fc(n )
! solve the tridiagonal system of equations
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n), iret)
2017-05-03 11:35:31 -03:00
! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
call mp_limiting(n, fc(1:n), u(1:n))
! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
!! === right-side interpolation ===
! invert the cell-centered value vector
fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
! prepare the tridiagonal system coefficients for the interior part
do i = ng, n - ng + 1
r(i) = sum( ci(:) * fi(i-2:i+2))
end do ! i = ng, n - ng + 1
! interpolate ghost zones using the explicit method
r( 1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi( 1: 2))
r( 2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi( 1: 3))
r( 3) = sum(ce5(:) * fi( 1: 5))
do i = 4, ng
r(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(i-3:i+3))
end do
do i = n - ng, n - 3
r(i) = sum(ce7(:) * fi(i-3:i+3))
end do
r(n-2) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(n-4: n))
r(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2: n))
r(n ) = fi(n )
! solve the tridiagonal system of equations
2018-08-27 19:07:29 -03:00
call tridiag(n, a(1:n), b(1:n), c(1:n), r(1:n), u(1:n), iret)
2017-05-03 11:35:31 -03:00
! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
call mp_limiting(n, fi(1:n), u(1:n))
! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
! update the interpolation of the first and last points
i = n - 1
fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
fl(n) = fc(n)
fr(n) = fc(n)
end subroutine reconstruct_crmp7
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! subroutine PREPARE_GP:
! ---------------------
! Subroutine prepares matrixes for the Gaussian Process (GP) method.
2018-08-27 19:15:21 -03:00
subroutine prepare_gp(iret)
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! include external procedures
2018-08-28 22:35:01 -03:00
use algebra , only : max_real_kind, invert
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
use constants , only : pi
use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
2018-08-27 19:15:21 -03:00
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(inout) :: iret
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! local variables
2018-08-28 22:35:01 -03:00
logical :: flag
integer :: i, j, ip, jp
real(kind=max_real_kind) :: sig, zl, zr, fc
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! local arrays for derivatives
2018-08-28 22:35:01 -03:00
real(kind=max_real_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cov, agp
real(kind=max_real_kind), dimension(:) , allocatable :: xgp
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
! local parameters
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'INTERPOLATIONS::prepare_gp()'
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! calculate normal distribution sigma
sig = sqrt(2.0d+00) * sgp
! allocate the convariance matrix and interpolation position vector
2017-04-18 14:37:21 -03:00
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! prepare the covariance matrix
fc = 0.5d+00 * sqrt(pi) * sig
2017-04-18 14:37:21 -03:00
i = 0
do ip = - mgp, mgp
i = i + 1
j = 0
do jp = - mgp, mgp
j = j + 1
zl = (1.0d+00 * (ip - jp) - 0.5d+00) / sig
zr = (1.0d+00 * (ip - jp) + 0.5d+00) / sig
cov(i,j) = fc * (erf(zr) - erf(zl))
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
end do
end do
! invert the matrix
2017-04-18 14:37:21 -03:00
call invert(ngp, cov(:,:), agp(:,:), flag)
! continue if the matrix inversion was successful
if (flag) then
! make the inversed matrix symmetric
do j = 1, ngp
do i = 1, ngp
if (i /= j) then
fc = 0.5d+00 * (agp(i,j) + agp(j,i))
agp(i,j) = fc
agp(j,i) = fc
end if
end do
end do
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! prepare the interpolation position vector
2017-04-18 14:37:21 -03:00
j = 0
do jp = - mgp, mgp
j = j + 1
zr = (0.5d+00 - 1.0d+00 * jp) / sig
xgp(j) = exp(- zr**2)
end do
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! prepare the interpolation coefficients vector
2017-04-18 14:37:21 -03:00
cgp(1:ngp) = matmul(xgp(1:ngp), agp(1:ngp,1:ngp))
end if
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! deallocate the convariance matrix and interpolation position vector
2017-04-18 14:37:21 -03:00
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! check if the matrix was inverted successfully
if (.not. flag) then
2018-08-26 19:32:10 -03:00
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Could not invert the covariance matrix!"
2018-08-27 19:15:21 -03:00
iret = 202
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
end if
end subroutine prepare_gp
! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_GP:
! -------------------------
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using one dimensional
! high order Gaussian Process (GP) method.
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
subroutine reconstruct_gp(n, h, fc, fl, fr)
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: fc
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
! local variables
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
integer :: i
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! local arrays for derivatives
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: fi
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: u
! local parameters
real(kind=8), dimension(5), parameter :: &
ce5 = (/ 2.0d+00,-1.3d+01, 4.70d+01 &
, 2.70d+01,-3.0d+00/) / 6.0d+01
real(kind=8), dimension(3), parameter :: &
ce3 = (/-1.0d+00, 5.0d+00, 2.0d+00/) / 6.0d+00
real(kind=8), dimension(2), parameter :: ce2 = (/ 5.0d-01, 5.0d-01 /)
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
!! === left-side interpolation ===
! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
! of lower orders
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
u( 1) = sum(ce2(:) * fc( 1: 2))
u( 2) = sum(ce3(:) * fc( 1: 3))
do i = 3, mgp
u(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(i-2:i+2))
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
end do
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
do i = n + 1 - mgp, n - 2
u(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fc(i-2:i+2))
end do
u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fc(n-2: n))
u(n ) = fc(n )
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
! reconstruct the interface state using the Gauss process interpolation
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
do i = 1 + mgp, n - mgp
u(i) = sum(cgp(1:ngp) * (fc(i-mgp:i+mgp) - fc(i))) + fc(i)
end do
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
call mp_limiting(n, fc(1:n), u(1:n))
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
!! === right-side interpolation ===
! invert the cell-centered value vector
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
fi(1:n) = fc(n:1:-1)
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
! interpolate the interface state of the ghost zones using the interpolations
! of lower orders
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
u( 1) = sum(ce2(:) * fi( 1: 2))
u( 2) = sum(ce3(:) * fi( 1: 3))
do i = 3, mgp
u(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(i-2:i+2))
end do
do i = n + 1 - mgp, n - 2
u(i) = sum(ce5(:) * fi(i-2:i+2))
end do
u(n-1) = sum(ce3(:) * fi(n-2: n))
u(n ) = fi(n )
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
! reconstruct the interface state using the Gauss process interpolation
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
do i = 1 + mgp, n - mgp
u(i) = sum(cgp(1:ngp) * (fi(i-mgp:i+mgp) - fi(i))) + fi(i)
end do
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
! apply the monotonicity preserving limiting
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
call mp_limiting(n, fi(1:n), u(1:n))
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
! copy the interpolation to the respective vector
fr(1:n-1) = u(n-1:1:-1)
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
! update the interpolation of the first and last points
i = n - 1
2017-05-05 08:41:26 -03:00
fl(1) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(1) + fc(2))
fr(i) = 0.5d+00 * (fc(i) + fc(n))
fl(n) = fc(n)
fr(n) = fc(n)
2016-07-23 19:18:41 -03:00
end subroutine reconstruct_gp
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! function LIMITER_ZERO:
! ---------------------
! Function returns zero.
! Arguments:
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! x - scaling factor;
! a, b - the input values;
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
function limiter_zero(x, a, b) result(c)
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
implicit none
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! input arguments
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: x, a, b
real(kind=8) :: c
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
c = 0.0d+00
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
end function limiter_zero
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! function LIMITER_MINMOD:
! -----------------------
! Function returns the minimum module value among two arguments using
! minmod limiter.
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! Arguments:
! x - scaling factor;
! a, b - the input values;
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
function limiter_minmod(x, a, b) result(c)
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
implicit none
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! input arguments
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: x, a, b
real(kind=8) :: c
c = 0.5d+00 * (sign(x, a) + sign(x, b)) * min(abs(a), abs(b))
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
end function limiter_minmod
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! ------------------------------------
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! Function returns the minimum module value among two arguments using
! the monotonized central TVD limiter.
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! Arguments:
! x - scaling factor;
! a, b - the input values;
function limiter_monotonized_central(x, a, b) result(c)
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! input arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: x, a, b
real(kind=8) :: c
2015-12-10 11:22:23 -02:00
c = (sign(x, a) + sign(x, b)) * min(abs(a), abs(b), 2.5d-01 * abs(a + b))
2011-05-29 12:22:50 -03:00
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
end function limiter_monotonized_central
2011-05-28 17:42:13 -03:00
2011-05-28 16:45:49 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! -------------------------
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! Function returns the minimum module value among two arguments using
! superbee limiter.
! Arguments:
! x - scaling factor;
! a, b - the input values;
2011-05-28 16:45:49 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
function limiter_superbee(x, a, b) result(c)
2011-05-28 16:45:49 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
2011-05-28 16:45:49 -03:00
implicit none
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! input arguments
2011-05-28 16:45:49 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: x, a, b
real(kind=8) :: c
2015-12-10 11:22:23 -02:00
c = 0.5d+00 * (sign(x, a) + sign(x, b)) &
* max(min(2.0d+00 * abs(a), abs(b)), min(abs(a), 2.0d+00 * abs(b)))
2011-05-28 16:45:49 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
2011-05-28 16:45:49 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
end function limiter_superbee
2011-05-28 16:45:49 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
2011-05-28 16:45:49 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! ------------------------
2010-12-06 20:54:42 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! Function returns the minimum module value among two arguments using
! van Leer's limiter.
2010-12-06 20:54:42 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! Arguments:
2011-03-25 01:05:58 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! x - scaling factor;
! a, b - the input values;
2010-12-06 20:54:42 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
function limiter_vanleer(x, a, b) result(c)
2010-12-06 20:54:42 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
2010-12-06 20:54:42 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
implicit none
2010-12-06 20:54:42 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! input arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: x, a, b
real(kind=8) :: c
c = a * b
if (c > 0.0d+00) then
2015-12-10 11:22:23 -02:00
c = 2.0d+00 * x * c / (a + b)
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
c = 0.0d+00
end if
2011-05-29 12:22:50 -03:00
2011-05-28 16:45:49 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
end function limiter_vanleer
2008-12-12 16:39:03 -06:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! --------------------------
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! Function returns the minimum module value among two arguments using
! van Albada's limiter.
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
! Arguments:
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
! x - scaling factor;
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! a, b - the input values;
2010-12-07 10:08:30 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
function limiter_vanalbada(x, a, b) result(c)
2010-12-07 10:08:30 -02:00
2012-08-05 19:42:06 -03:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
2010-12-07 10:08:30 -02:00
implicit none
! input arguments
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: x, a, b
real(kind=8) :: c
2010-12-07 10:08:30 -02:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
c = x * a * b * (a + b) / max(eps, a * a + b * b)
2011-06-09 14:12:33 -03:00
2013-12-12 12:34:05 -02:00
end function limiter_vanalbada
2010-12-07 10:08:30 -02:00
2015-12-04 17:32:27 -02:00
! function MINMOD:
! ===============
! Function returns the minimum module value among two arguments.
! Arguments:
! a, b - the input values;
real(kind=8) function minmod(a, b)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: a, b
minmod = (sign(0.5d+00, a) + sign(0.5d+00, b)) * min(abs(a), abs(b))
end function minmod
! function MINMOD4:
! ================
! Function returns the minimum module value among four arguments.
! Arguments:
! a, b, c, d - the input values;
real(kind=8) function minmod4(a, b, c, d)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: a, b, c, d
minmod4 = minmod(minmod(a, b), minmod(c, d))
end function minmod4
! function MEDIAN:
! ===============
! Function returns the median of three argument values.
! Arguments:
! a, b, c - the input values;
real(kind=8) function median(a, b, c)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: a, b, c
median = a + minmod(b - a, c - a)
end function median
2012-08-05 18:00:10 -03:00
! subroutine FIX_POSITIVITY:
! -------------------------
2011-03-24 16:15:51 -03:00
2012-08-05 18:00:10 -03:00
! Subroutine scans the input arrays of the left and right states fl(:) and
! fr(:) for negative values. If it finds a negative value, it repeates the
! state reconstruction from f(:) using the zeroth order interpolation.
2011-03-24 16:15:51 -03:00
2012-08-05 18:00:10 -03:00
2011-03-24 16:15:51 -03:00
2012-08-05 18:00:10 -03:00
subroutine fix_positivity(n, f, fl, fr)
2011-06-09 14:47:59 -03:00
2012-08-05 18:00:10 -03:00
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
2011-06-09 14:47:59 -03:00
2012-08-05 18:00:10 -03:00
! input/output arguments
2011-06-09 14:47:59 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: fl, fr
2012-08-05 18:00:10 -03:00
! local variables
2011-03-24 16:15:51 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
integer :: i, im1, ip1
real(kind=8) :: fmn, fmx
2011-03-24 16:15:51 -03:00
2012-08-05 18:00:10 -03:00
2010-12-07 10:08:30 -02:00
2014-01-02 12:12:16 -02:00
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for positivity fix
call start_timer(imf)
#endif /* PROFILE */
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! check positivity only if desired
2010-12-07 10:08:30 -02:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
if (positivity) then
2010-12-07 10:08:30 -02:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! look for negative values in the states along the vector
2010-12-07 10:08:30 -02:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
do i = 1, n
2012-08-05 18:00:10 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! check if the left state has a negative value
2010-12-07 10:08:30 -02:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
if (fl(i) <= 0.0d+00) then
2010-12-07 10:08:30 -02:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! calculate the left neighbour index
2010-12-07 10:08:30 -02:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
im1 = max(1, i - 1)
2010-07-03 23:37:02 -03:00
2012-08-05 18:00:10 -03:00
! limit the states using the zeroth-order reconstruction
2010-07-03 23:37:02 -03:00
2012-08-05 18:00:10 -03:00
fl(i ) = f(i)
fr(im1) = f(i)
2010-07-03 23:37:02 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
end if ! fl ≤ 0
2010-02-11 23:30:46 -02:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
! check if the right state has a negative value
2010-03-30 17:44:48 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
if (fr(i) <= 0.0d+00) then
! calculate the right neighbour index
2010-03-30 17:44:48 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
ip1 = min(n, i + 1)
! limit the states using the zeroth-order reconstruction
2010-03-30 17:44:48 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
fl(ip1) = f(ip1)
fr(i ) = f(ip1)
2010-03-30 17:44:48 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
end if ! fr ≤ 0
2010-03-30 17:44:48 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
end do ! i = 1, n
2010-03-30 17:44:48 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
end if ! positivity == .true.
2010-03-30 17:44:48 -03:00
2014-01-02 12:12:16 -02:00
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for positivity fix
call stop_timer(imf)
#endif /* PROFILE */
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
2010-03-30 17:44:48 -03:00
2013-12-11 22:34:29 -02:00
end subroutine fix_positivity
2014-04-29 12:43:22 -03:00
! subroutine CLIP_EXTREMA:
! -----------------------
! Subroutine scans the reconstructed states and check if they didn't leave
! the allowed limits. In the case where the limits where exceeded,
! the states are limited using constant reconstruction.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input vectors;
! f - the cell centered integrals of variable;
! fl, fr - the left and right states of variable;
subroutine clip_extrema(n, f, fl, fr)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
2014-08-04 09:01:21 -03:00
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: fl, fr
2014-04-29 12:43:22 -03:00
! local variables
2015-05-10 08:33:26 -03:00
integer :: i, im1, ip1, ip2
2014-04-29 12:43:22 -03:00
real(kind=8) :: fmn, fmx
2015-05-10 08:33:26 -03:00
real(kind=8) :: dfl, dfr, df
2014-04-29 12:43:22 -03:00
2014-10-23 08:49:58 -02:00
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for extrema clipping
call start_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
2014-04-29 12:43:22 -03:00
! iterate over all points
do i = 1, n
! calculate indices
im1 = max(1, i - 1)
ip1 = min(n, i + 1)
! estimate the bounds of the allowed interval for reconstructed states
fmn = min(f(i), f(ip1))
fmx = max(f(i), f(ip1))
! check if the left state lays in the allowed range
if (fl(i) < fmn .or. fl(i) > fmx) then
2015-05-10 08:33:26 -03:00
! calculate the left and right derivatives
dfl = f(i ) - f(im1)
dfr = f(ip1) - f(i )
! get the limited slope
2015-05-10 09:43:39 -03:00
df = limiter_clip(0.5d+00, dfl, dfr)
2015-05-10 08:33:26 -03:00
2014-04-29 12:43:22 -03:00
! calculate new states
2015-05-10 08:33:26 -03:00
fl(i ) = f(i ) + df
fr(im1) = f(i ) - df
2014-04-29 12:43:22 -03:00
end if
! check if the right state lays in the allowed range
if (fr(i) < fmn .or. fr(i) > fmx) then
2015-05-10 08:33:26 -03:00
! calculate the missing index
ip2 = min(n, i + 2)
! calculate the left and right derivatives
dfl = f(ip1) - f(i )
dfr = f(ip2) - f(ip1)
! get the limited slope
2015-05-10 09:43:39 -03:00
df = limiter_clip(0.5d+00, dfl, dfr)
2015-05-10 08:33:26 -03:00
2014-04-29 12:43:22 -03:00
! calculate new states
2015-05-10 08:33:26 -03:00
fl(ip1) = f(ip1) + df
fr(i ) = f(ip1) - df
2014-04-29 12:43:22 -03:00
end if
end do ! i = 1, n
2014-10-23 08:49:58 -02:00
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for extrema clipping
call stop_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
2014-04-29 12:43:22 -03:00
end subroutine clip_extrema
2017-05-03 11:32:28 -03:00
! subroutine MP_LIMITING:
! ----------------------
! Subroutine applies the monotonicity preserving (MP) limiter to a vector of
! high order reconstructed interface values.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of vectors;
! f - the vector of cell-centered values;
! v - the vector of interface values obtained from the high order
! interpolation as input and its monotonicity limited values as output;
! References:
! [1] Suresh, A. & Huynh, H. T.,
! "Accurate Monotonicity-Preserving Schemes with Runge-Kutta
! Time Stepping"
! Journal on Computational Physics,
! 1997, vol. 136, pp. 83-99,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/jcph.1997.5745
! [2] He, ZhiWei, Li, XinLiang, Fu, DeXun, & Ma, YanWen,
! "A 5th order monotonicity-preserving upwind compact difference
! scheme",
! Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy,
! Volume 54, Issue 3, pp. 511-522,
! http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11433-010-4220-x
subroutine mp_limiting(n, f, v)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: v
! local variables
integer :: i, im1, ip1, ip2
real(kind=8) :: df, ds, dc0, dc4, dm1, dp1, dml, dmr
real(kind=8) :: flc, fmd, fmp, fmn, fmx, ful
! local vectors
real(kind=8), dimension(0:n+2) :: dm
! calculate derivatives
dm(0 ) = 0.0d+00
dm(1 ) = 0.0d+00
dm(2:n) = f(2:n) - f(1:n-1)
dm(n+1) = 0.0d+00
dm(n+2) = 0.0d+00
! check monotonicity condition for all elements and apply limiting if required
do i = 1, n - 1
ip1 = i + 1
if (dm(i) * dm(ip1) >= 0.0d+00) then
df = kappa * dm(i)
df = kbeta * dm(i)
end if
fmp = f(i) + minmod(dm(ip1), df)
ds = (v(i) - f(i)) * (v(i) - fmp)
if (ds > eps) then
im1 = i - 1
ip2 = i + 2
dm1 = dm(i ) - dm(im1)
dc0 = dm(ip1) - dm(i )
dp1 = dm(ip2) - dm(ip1)
dc4 = 4.0d+00 * dc0
dml = 0.5d+00 * minmod4(dc4 - dm1, 4.0d+00 * dm1 - dc0, dc0, dm1)
dmr = 0.5d+00 * minmod4(dc4 - dp1, 4.0d+00 * dp1 - dc0, dc0, dp1)
fmd = f(i) + 0.5d+00 * dm(ip1) - dmr
ful = f(i) + df
flc = f(i) + 0.5d+00 * df + dml
fmx = max(min(f(i), f(ip1), fmd), min(f(i), ful, flc))
fmn = min(max(f(i), f(ip1), fmd), max(f(i), ful, flc))
v(i) = median(v(i), fmn, fmx)
end if
end do ! i = 1, n - 1
end subroutine mp_limiting
2012-08-01 16:42:45 -03:00
2008-12-08 20:53:29 -06:00
2012-07-27 16:36:51 -03:00
end module interpolations