INTERPOLATIONS: Implement multidimentional GP reconstruction.
This is truely multidimentional reconstruction based on Gaussian Processes. All neighbors of the interpolation cell are taken into account and properly weighted. The size of the neighbor region can be controlled. The monotonicity of the interpolated interfaces is detected and if the case of lack it, the linear TVD reconstruction is applied. Therefore, only the monotonic regions are interpolated using the high-order Gauss Process. Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,15 +71,18 @@ module interpolations
! number of cells used in the Gaussian process reconstruction
integer , save :: ngp = 5
integer , save :: ngp = 3
integer , save :: mgp = 1
integer , save :: dgp = 9
! normal distribution width in the Gaussian process reconstruction
real(kind=8), save :: sgp = 1.0d+01
real(kind=8), save :: sgp = 3.0d+00
! Gaussian process reconstruction coefficients vector
real(kind=8), dimension(:) , allocatable, save :: cgp
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, save :: ugp
! flags for reconstruction corrections
@ -179,6 +182,11 @@ module interpolations
kappa = min(kappa, (1.0d+00 - cfl) / cfl)
! calculate mgp
mgp = (ngp - 1) / 2
dgp = ngp**NDIMS
! select the reconstruction method
select case(trim(sreconstruction))
@ -288,6 +296,27 @@ module interpolations
if (verbose .and. mod(ngp,2) == 0) &
call print_warning("interpolations:initialize_interpolation" &
, "The parameter ngp has to be integer with odd value.")
case ("mgp", "MGP")
write(stmp, '(f16.1)') sgp
write(name_rec, &
'("Multidimensional Gaussian Process (",i1,"-point, δ=",a,")")') &
ngp, trim(adjustl(stmp))
! allocate the Gaussian process reconstruction matrix and position vector
! prepare matrix coefficients
call prepare_mgp()
interfaces => interfaces_mgp
if (verbose .and. 2 * ng <= ngp - 1) &
call print_warning("interpolations:initialize_interpolation" &
, "Increase the number of ghost cells (at least (ngp+1)/2).")
if (verbose .and. mod(ngp,2) == 0) &
call print_warning("interpolations:initialize_interpolation" &
, "The parameter ngp has to be integer with odd value.")
case default
if (verbose) then
write (*,"(1x,a)") "The selected reconstruction method is not " // &
@ -431,6 +460,7 @@ module interpolations
! deallocate Gaussian process reconstruction coefficient vector if used
if (allocated(cgp)) deallocate(cgp)
if (allocated(ugp)) deallocate(ugp)
! release the procedure pointers
@ -451,6 +481,163 @@ module interpolations
! subroutine PREPARE_MGP:
! ---------------------
! Subroutine prepares matrixes for the multidimensional
! Gaussian Process (GP) method.
subroutine prepare_mgp()
! include external procedures
use algebra , only : invert
use constants , only : pi
use error , only : print_error
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! local variables
logical :: flag
integer :: i, j, i1, j1, k1, i2, j2, k2
real(kind=16) :: sig, fc, fx, fy, fz, xl, xr, yl, yr, zl, zr
! local arrays for derivatives
real(kind=16), dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: cov, inv
real(kind=16), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: xgp
! calculate normal distribution sigma
sig = sqrt(2.0d+00) * sgp
! allocate the convariance matrix and interpolation position vector
! prepare the covariance matrix
fc = 0.5d+00 * sqrt(pi) * sig
i = 0
#if NDIMS == 3
do k1 = - mgp, mgp
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j1 = - mgp, mgp
do i1 = - mgp, mgp
i = i + 1
j = 0
#if NDIMS == 3
do k2 = - mgp, mgp
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j2 = - mgp, mgp
do i2 = - mgp, mgp
j = j + 1
xl = (1.0d+00 * (i1 - i2) - 0.5d+00) / sig
xr = (1.0d+00 * (i1 - i2) + 0.5d+00) / sig
yl = (1.0d+00 * (j1 - j2) - 0.5d+00) / sig
yr = (1.0d+00 * (j1 - j2) + 0.5d+00) / sig
#if NDIMS == 3
zl = (1.0d+00 * (k1 - k2) - 0.5d+00) / sig
zr = (1.0d+00 * (k1 - k2) + 0.5d+00) / sig
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
cov(i,j) = fc * (erf(xr) - erf(xl)) * (erf(yr) - erf(yl))
#if NDIMS == 3
cov(i,j) = cov(i,j) * (erf(zr) - erf(zl))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do
end do
end do
end do
#if NDIMS == 3
end do
end do
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! prepare the interpolation position vector
i = 0
#if NDIMS == 3
do k1 = - mgp, mgp
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j1 = - mgp, mgp
do i1 = - mgp, mgp
i = i + 1
xl = (1.0d+00 * i1 - 0.5d+00) / sig
xr = (1.0d+00 * i1 + 0.5d+00) / sig
yl = (1.0d+00 * j1 - 0.5d+00) / sig
yr = (1.0d+00 * j1 + 0.5d+00) / sig
#if NDIMS == 3
zl = (1.0d+00 * k1 - 0.5d+00) / sig
zr = (1.0d+00 * k1 + 0.5d+00) / sig
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
fx = erf(xr) - erf(xl)
fy = erf(yr) - erf(yl)
#if NDIMS == 3
fz = erf(zr) - erf(zl)
xgp(i,1,1) = exp(- xl**2) * fy * fz
xgp(i,2,1) = exp(- xr**2) * fy * fz
xgp(i,1,2) = exp(- yl**2) * fx * fz
xgp(i,2,2) = exp(- yr**2) * fx * fz
xgp(i,1,3) = exp(- zl**2) * fx * fy
xgp(i,2,3) = exp(- zr**2) * fx * fy
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
xgp(i,1,1) = exp(- xl**2) * fy
xgp(i,2,1) = exp(- xr**2) * fy
xgp(i,1,2) = exp(- yl**2) * fx
xgp(i,2,2) = exp(- yr**2) * fx
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do
end do
#if NDIMS == 3
end do
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! invert the matrix
call invert(dgp, cov(1:dgp,1:dgp), inv(1:dgp,1:dgp), flag)
! prepare the interpolation coefficients vector
do j = 1, NDIMS
do i = 1, 2
ugp(1:dgp,i,j) = matmul(xgp(1:dgp,i,j), inv(1:dgp,1:dgp))
end do
end do
! deallocate the convariance matrix and interpolation position vector
! check if the matrix was inverted successfully
if (.not. flag) then
call print_error("interpolations::prepare_mgp" &
, "Could not invert covariance matrix!")
end if
end subroutine prepare_mgp
! subroutine INTERFACES_TVD:
! -------------------------
@ -677,6 +864,176 @@ module interpolations
! subroutine INTERFACES_MGP:
! -------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs both side interfaces of variable using
! multidimentional Gaussian Process method.
! Arguments:
! positive - the variable positivity flag;
! h - the spatial step;
! q - the variable array;
! qi - the array of reconstructed interfaces (2 in each direction);
subroutine interfaces_mgp(positive, h, q, qi)
! include external procedures
use coordinates , only : im , jm , km
use coordinates , only : ib , jb , kb , ie , je , ke
use coordinates , only : ibl, jbl, kbl, ieu, jeu, keu
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
logical , intent(in) :: positive
real(kind=8), dimension(NDIMS) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(im,jm,km) , intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(im,jm,km,2,NDIMS), intent(out) :: qi
! local variables
logical :: flag
integer :: i, il, iu, im1, ip1
integer :: j, jl, ju, jm1, jp1
integer :: k, kl, ku, km1, kp1
! local arrays for derivatives
real(kind=8), dimension(NDIMS) :: dql, dqr, dq
real(kind=8), dimension(dgp) :: u
! copy ghost zones
do k = 1, NDIMS
do j = 1, 2
qi( 1:ib, 1:jm, 1:km,j,k) = q( 1:ib, 1:jm, 1:km)
qi(ie:im, 1:jm, 1:km,j,k) = q(ie:im, 1:jm, 1:km)
qi(ib:ie, 1:jb, 1:km,j,k) = q(ib:ie, 1:jb, 1:km)
qi(ib:ie,je:jm, 1:km,j,k) = q(ib:ie,je:jm, 1:km)
#if NDIMS == 3
qi(ib:ie,jb:je, 1:kb,j,k) = q(ib:ie,jb:je, 1:kb)
qi(ib:ie,jb:je,ke:km,j,k) = q(ib:ie,jb:je,ke:km)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do
end do
! interpolate interfaces using precomputed interpolation vectors
do k = kbl, keu
#if NDIMS == 3
kl = k - mgp
ku = k + mgp
km1 = k - 1
kp1 = k + 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = jbl, jeu
jl = j - mgp
ju = j + mgp
jm1 = j - 1
jp1 = j + 1
do i = ibl, ieu
il = i - mgp
iu = i + mgp
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
#if NDIMS == 3
u(:) = reshape(q(il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku), (/ dgp /))
qi(i ,j,k,1,1) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,1,1) * u(1:dgp))
qi(im1,j,k,2,1) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,2,1) * u(1:dgp))
qi(i,j ,k,1,2) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,1,2) * u(1:dgp))
qi(i,jm1,k,2,2) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,2,2) * u(1:dgp))
qi(i,j,k ,1,3) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,1,3) * u(1:dgp))
qi(i,j,km1,2,3) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,2,3) * u(1:dgp))
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
u(:) = reshape(q(il:iu,jl:ju,k ), (/ dgp /))
qi(i ,j,k,1,1) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,1,1) * u(1:dgp))
qi(im1,j,k,2,1) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,2,1) * u(1:dgp))
qi(i,j ,k,1,2) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,1,2) * u(1:dgp))
qi(i,jm1,k,2,2) = sum(ugp(1:dgp,2,2) * u(1:dgp))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! if the interpolation is not monotonic, apply a TVD slope
flag = ((qi(i ,j,k,1,1) - q(ip1,j,k)) &
* (qi(i ,j,k,1,1) - q(i ,j,k)) > 0.0d+00)
flag = flag .or. ((qi(im1,j,k,2,1) - q(im1,j,k)) &
* (qi(im1,j,k,2,1) - q(i ,j,k)) > 0.0d+00)
flag = flag .or. ((qi(i,j ,k,1,2) - q(i,jp1,k)) &
* (qi(i,j ,k,1,2) - q(i,j ,k)) > 0.0d+00)
flag = flag .or. ((qi(i,jm1,k,2,2) - q(i,jm1,k)) &
* (qi(i,jm1,k,2,2) - q(i,j ,k)) > 0.0d+00)
#if NDIMS == 3
flag = flag .or. ((qi(i,j,k ,1,3) - q(i,j,kp1)) &
* (qi(i,j,k ,1,3) - q(i,j,k )) > 0.0d+00)
flag = flag .or. ((qi(i,j,km1,2,3) - q(i,j,km1)) &
* (qi(i,j,km1,2,3) - q(i,j,k )) > 0.0d+00)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
if (flag) then
! calculate the TVD derivatives
dql(1) = q(i ,j,k) - q(im1,j,k)
dqr(1) = q(ip1,j,k) - q(i ,j,k)
dq (1) = limiter_tvd(0.5d+00, dql(1), dqr(1))
dql(2) = q(i,j ,k) - q(i,jm1,k)
dqr(2) = q(i,jp1,k) - q(i,j ,k)
dq (2) = limiter_tvd(0.5d+00, dql(2), dqr(2))
#if NDIMS == 3
dql(3) = q(i,j,k ) - q(i,j,km1)
dqr(3) = q(i,j,kp1) - q(i,j,k )
dq (3) = limiter_tvd(0.5d+00, dql(3), dqr(3))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! limit the derivatives if they produce negative interpolation for positive
! variables
if (positive) then
do while (q(i,j,k) <= sum(abs(dq(1:NDIMS))))
dq(:) = 0.5d+00 * dq(:)
end do
end if
! interpolate states
qi(i ,j,k,1,1) = q(i,j,k) + dq(1)
qi(im1,j,k,2,1) = q(i,j,k) - dq(1)
qi(i,j ,k,1,2) = q(i,j,k) + dq(2)
qi(i,jm1,k,2,2) = q(i,j,k) - dq(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
qi(i,j,k ,1,3) = q(i,j,k) + dq(3)
qi(i,j,km1,2,3) = q(i,j,k) - dq(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if
end do ! i = ibl, ieu
end do ! j = jbl, jeu
end do ! k = kbl, keu
end subroutine interfaces_mgp
! subroutine RECONSTRUCT:
! ----------------------
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