SCHEMES: Remove subroutines for states reconstruction.

The whole interface reconstruction was moved to the INTERPOLATIONS
module, so these subroutines are not used anymore, nor planned to be

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
Grzegorz Kowal 2016-08-14 23:08:11 -03:00
parent 5f25de32f9
commit 0a067f1f26

View File

@ -57,10 +57,6 @@ module schemes
procedure(update_flux_hd_iso), pointer, save :: update_flux => null()
! pointer to the state reconstruction
procedure(states_hd_iso) , pointer, save :: states => null()
! pointer to the Riemann solver
procedure(riemann_hd_iso_hll), pointer, save :: riemann => null()
@ -157,7 +153,6 @@ module schemes
! set pointers to subroutines
update_flux => update_flux_hd_iso
states => states_hd_iso
! select the Riemann solver
@ -192,7 +187,6 @@ module schemes
! set pointers to subroutines
update_flux => update_flux_hd_adi
states => states_hd_adi
! select the Riemann solver
@ -247,7 +241,6 @@ module schemes
! set pointers to the subroutines
update_flux => update_flux_mhd_iso
states => states_mhd_iso
! select the Riemann solver
@ -302,7 +295,6 @@ module schemes
! set pointers to subroutines
update_flux => update_flux_mhd_adi
states => states_mhd_adi
! select the Riemann solver
@ -378,9 +370,8 @@ module schemes
name_sts = "4-vector"
! set pointers to subroutines
! set 4-vector reconstruction flag
states => states_srhd_adi_4vec
states_4vec = .true.
! in the case of state variables, revert to primitive
@ -391,10 +382,6 @@ module schemes
name_sts = "primitive"
! set pointers to subroutines
states => states_srhd_adi
end select
! select the Riemann solver
@ -451,9 +438,8 @@ module schemes
name_sts = "4-vector"
! set pointers to subroutines
! set 4-vector reconstruction flag
states => states_srmhd_adi_4vec
states_4vec = .true.
! in the case of state variables, revert to primitive
@ -464,10 +450,6 @@ module schemes
name_sts = "primitive"
! set pointers to subroutines
states => states_srmhd_adi
end select
! select the Riemann solver
@ -545,7 +527,6 @@ module schemes
! nullify procedure pointers
#ifdef PROFILE
@ -785,74 +766,6 @@ module schemes
! subroutine STATES_HD_ISO:
! ------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the Riemann states.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input vectors;
! h - the spatial step;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! ql, qr - the reconstructed Riemann states;
subroutine states_hd_iso(n, h, q, ql, qr)
! include external procedures
use equations , only : nv
use equations , only : idn
use interpolations , only : reconstruct, fix_positivity
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: ql, qr
! local variables
integer :: p
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the state reconstruction
call start_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! reconstruct the left and right states of primitive variables
do p = 1, nv
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
! check if the reconstruction gives negative values of density,
! if so, correct the states
call fix_positivity(n, q(idn,:), ql(idn,:), qr(idn,:))
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the state reconstruction
call stop_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine states_hd_iso
! subroutine RIEMANN_HD_ISO_HLL:
! -----------------------------
@ -1283,75 +1196,6 @@ module schemes
! subroutine STATES_HD_ADI:
! ------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the Riemann states.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input vectors;
! h - the spatial step;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! ql, qr - the reconstructed Riemann states;
subroutine states_hd_adi(n, h, q, ql, qr)
! include external procedures
use equations , only : nv
use equations , only : idn, ipr
use interpolations , only : reconstruct, fix_positivity
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: ql, qr
! local variables
integer :: p
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the state reconstruction
call start_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! reconstruct the left and right states of primitive variables
do p = 1, nv
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
! check if the reconstruction gives negative values of density or pressure,
! if so, correct the states
call fix_positivity(n, q(idn,:), ql(idn,:), qr(idn,:))
call fix_positivity(n, q(ipr,:), ql(ipr,:), qr(ipr,:))
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the state reconstruction
call stop_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine states_hd_adi
! subroutine RIEMANN_HD_ADI_HLL:
! -----------------------------
@ -1975,74 +1819,6 @@ module schemes
! subroutine STATES_MHD_ISO:
! -------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the Riemann states.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input vectors;
! h - the spatial step;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! ql, qr - the reconstructed Riemann states;
subroutine states_mhd_iso(n, h, q, ql, qr)
! include external procedures
use equations , only : nv
use equations , only : idn
use interpolations , only : reconstruct, fix_positivity
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: ql, qr
! local variables
integer :: i, p
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the state reconstruction
call start_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! reconstruct the left and right states of primitive variables
do p = 1, nv
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
! check if the reconstruction gives negative values of density,
! if so, correct the states
call fix_positivity(n, q(idn,:), ql(idn,:), qr(idn,:))
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the state reconstruction
call stop_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine states_mhd_iso
! subroutine RIEMANN_MHD_ISO_HLL:
! ------------------------------
@ -3335,75 +3111,6 @@ module schemes
! subroutine STATES_MHD_ADI:
! -------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the Riemann states.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input vectors;
! h - the spatial step;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! ql, qr - the reconstructed Riemann states;
subroutine states_mhd_adi(n, h, q, ql, qr)
! include external procedures
use equations , only : nv
use equations , only : idn, ipr
use interpolations , only : reconstruct, fix_positivity
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: ql, qr
! local variables
integer :: i, p
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the state reconstruction
call start_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! reconstruct the left and right states of primitive variables
do p = 1, nv
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do ! p = 1, nv
! check if the reconstruction gives negative values of density or density,
! if so, correct the states
call fix_positivity(n, q(idn,:), ql(idn,:), qr(idn,:))
call fix_positivity(n, q(ipr,:), ql(ipr,:), qr(ipr,:))
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the state reconstruction
call stop_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine states_mhd_adi
! subroutine RIEMANN_MHD_ADI_HLL:
! ------------------------------
@ -4856,183 +4563,6 @@ module schemes
! subroutine STATES_SRHD_ADI:
! --------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the Riemann states.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input vectors;
! h - the spatial step;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! ql, qr - the reconstructed Riemann states;
subroutine states_srhd_adi(n, h, q, ql, qr)
! include external procedures
use equations , only : nv
use equations , only : idn, ipr
use interpolations , only : reconstruct, fix_positivity
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: ql, qr
! local variables
integer :: p
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the state reconstruction
call start_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! reconstruct the left and right states of primitive variables
do p = 1, nv
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
! check if the reconstruction gives negative values of density or pressure,
! if so, correct the states
call fix_positivity(n, q(idn,:), ql(idn,:), qr(idn,:))
call fix_positivity(n, q(ipr,:), ql(ipr,:), qr(ipr,:))
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the state reconstruction
call stop_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine states_srhd_adi
! subroutine STATES_SRHD_ADI_4VEC:
! -------------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the Riemann states using the 4-velocity vector.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input vectors;
! h - the spatial step;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! ql, qr - the reconstructed Riemann states;
subroutine states_srhd_adi_4vec(n, h, q, ql, qr)
! include external procedures
use equations , only : nv
use equations , only : idn, ipr, ivx, ivy, ivz
use interpolations , only : reconstruct, fix_positivity
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: ql, qr
! local variables
integer :: p, i
real(kind=8) :: vm
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n) :: qq
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the state reconstruction
call start_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! convert velocities to four-velocities for physical reconstruction
do i = 1, n
vm = sqrt(1.0d+00 - sum(q(ivx:ivz,i)**2))
qq(idn,i) = q(idn,i) / vm
qq(ivx,i) = q(ivx,i) / vm
qq(ivy,i) = q(ivy,i) / vm
qq(ivz,i) = q(ivz,i) / vm
qq(ipr,i) = q(ipr,i)
end do ! i = 1, n
! reconstruct the left and right states of primitive variables
do p = 1, nv
call reconstruct(n, h, qq(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
! convert state four-velocities back to velocities
do i = 1, n
vm = sqrt(1.0d+00 + sum(ql(ivx:ivz,i)**2))
ql(idn,i) = ql(idn,i) / vm
ql(ivx,i) = ql(ivx,i) / vm
ql(ivy,i) = ql(ivy,i) / vm
ql(ivz,i) = ql(ivz,i) / vm
vm = sqrt(1.0d+00 + sum(qr(ivx:ivz,i)**2))
qr(idn,i) = qr(idn,i) / vm
qr(ivx,i) = qr(ivx,i) / vm
qr(ivy,i) = qr(ivy,i) / vm
qr(ivz,i) = qr(ivz,i) / vm
end do ! i = 1, n
! check if the reconstruction gives negative values of density or pressure,
! if so, correct the states
call fix_positivity(n, q(idn,:), ql(idn,:), qr(idn,:))
call fix_positivity(n, q(ipr,:), ql(ipr,:), qr(ipr,:))
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the state reconstruction
call stop_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine states_srhd_adi_4vec
! subroutine RIEMANN_SRHD_ADI_HLL:
! -------------------------------
@ -5625,187 +5155,6 @@ module schemes
! subroutine STATES_SRMHD_ADI:
! ---------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the Riemann states.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input vectors;
! h - the spatial step;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! ql, qr - the reconstructed Riemann states;
subroutine states_srmhd_adi(n, h, q, ql, qr)
! include external procedures
use equations , only : nv
use equations , only : idn, ipr
use interpolations , only : reconstruct, fix_positivity
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: ql, qr
! local variables
integer :: i, p
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the state reconstruction
call start_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! reconstruct the left and right states of primitive variables
do p = 1, nv
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do ! p = 1, nv
! check if the reconstruction gives negative values of density or density,
! if so, correct the states
call fix_positivity(n, q(idn,:), ql(idn,:), qr(idn,:))
call fix_positivity(n, q(ipr,:), ql(ipr,:), qr(ipr,:))
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the state reconstruction
call stop_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine states_srmhd_adi
! subroutine STATES_SRMHD_ADI_4VEC:
! --------------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the Riemann states using the 4-velocity vector.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input vectors;
! h - the spatial step;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! ql, qr - the reconstructed Riemann states;
subroutine states_srmhd_adi_4vec(n, h, q, ql, qr)
! include external procedures
use equations , only : nv
use equations , only : idn, ipr, ivx, ivy, ivz, ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
use interpolations , only : reconstruct, fix_positivity
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: ql, qr
! local variables
integer :: p, i
real(kind=8) :: vm
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n) :: qq
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the state reconstruction
call start_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! convert velocities to four-velocities for physical reconstruction
do i = 1, n
vm = sqrt(1.0d+00 - sum(q(ivx:ivz,i)**2))
qq(idn,i) = q(idn,i) / vm
qq(ivx,i) = q(ivx,i) / vm
qq(ivy,i) = q(ivy,i) / vm
qq(ivz,i) = q(ivz,i) / vm
qq(ibx,i) = q(ibx,i)
qq(iby,i) = q(iby,i)
qq(ibz,i) = q(ibz,i)
qq(ibp,i) = q(ibp,i)
qq(ipr,i) = q(ipr,i)
end do ! i = 1, n
! reconstruct the left and right states of primitive variables
do p = 1, nv
call reconstruct(n, h, qq(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
! convert state four-velocities back to velocities
do i = 1, n
vm = sqrt(1.0d+00 + sum(ql(ivx:ivz,i)**2))
ql(idn,i) = ql(idn,i) / vm
ql(ivx,i) = ql(ivx,i) / vm
ql(ivy,i) = ql(ivy,i) / vm
ql(ivz,i) = ql(ivz,i) / vm
vm = sqrt(1.0d+00 + sum(qr(ivx:ivz,i)**2))
qr(idn,i) = qr(idn,i) / vm
qr(ivx,i) = qr(ivx,i) / vm
qr(ivy,i) = qr(ivy,i) / vm
qr(ivz,i) = qr(ivz,i) / vm
end do ! i = 1, n
! check if the reconstruction gives negative values of density or pressure,
! if so, correct the states
call fix_positivity(n, q(idn,:), ql(idn,:), qr(idn,:))
call fix_positivity(n, q(ipr,:), ql(ipr,:), qr(ipr,:))
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the state reconstruction
call stop_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine states_srmhd_adi_4vec
! --------------------------------