625 lines
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625 lines
20 KiB
This file is part of the AMUN source code, a program to perform
Newtonian or relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations on uniform or
adaptive mesh.
Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Grzegorz Kowal <grzegorz@amuncode.org>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
module: AMUN
Python module with subroutines to read AMUN code HDF5 files.
The only requirements for this module are:
- h5py
- numpy
import h5py as h5
import numpy as np
import os.path as op
import sys
def amun_compatible(fname):
Subroutine checks if the HDF5 file is AMUN compatible.
fname - the HDF5 file name;
Return values:
ret - True or False;
comp = amun_compatible('p000010_00000.h5')
f = h5.File(fname, 'r')
# check if the file is written in the AMUN format or at least contains
# necessary groups
ret = True
if 'code' in f.attrs:
if f.attrs['code'].astype(str) != "AMUN":
print("'%s' contains attribute 'code'", \
" but it is not set to 'AMUN'!" % fname)
ret = False
elif not 'attributes' in f or \
not 'coordinates' in f or \
not 'variables' in f:
print("'%s' misses one of these groups: ", \
"'attributes', 'coordinates' or 'variables'!" % fname)
ret = False
print("It seems '%s' is not an HDF5 file!" % fname)
ret = False
return ret
def amun_attribute(fname, aname):
Subroutine to read global attributes from AMUN HDF5 snapshots.
fname - the HDF5 file name;
aname - the attribute name;
Return values:
ret - the value of the attribute;
time = amun_attribute('p000010_00000.h5', 'time')
if not amun_compatible(fname):
return False
f = h5.File(fname, 'r')
g = f['attributes']
if aname in g.attrs:
attr = g.attrs[aname]
if attr.dtype.type is np.string_:
ret = np.squeeze(attr).astype(str)
ret = np.squeeze(attr)
print("Attribute '%s' cannot be retrieved from '%s'!" % (aname, fname))
ret = False
print("Attribute '%s' cannot be retrieved from '%s'!" % (aname, fname))
ret = False
return ret
def amun_coordinate(fname, iname):
Subroutine to read coordinate items from AMUN HDF5 snapshots.
fname - the HDF5 file name;
iname - the item name;
Return values:
ret - the values of the item;
bounds = amun_coordinate('p000010_00000.h5', 'bounds')
if not amun_compatible(fname):
return False
f = h5.File(fname, 'r')
g = f['coordinates']
if iname in g:
item = g[iname]
if item.dtype.type is np.string_:
ret = np.squeeze(item).astype(str)
ret = np.squeeze(item)
print("Coordinate item '%s' cannot be retrieved from '%s'!" % (iname, fname))
ret = False
print("Coordinate item '%s' cannot be retrieved from '%s'!" % (iname, fname))
ret = False
return ret
def amun_dataset(fname, vname, shrink = 1, progress = False):
Subroutine to read datasets from AMUN HDF5 snapshots.
fname - the HDF5 file name;
vname - the variable name;
shrink - the shrink factor (must be the power of 2 and not larger
than the block size);
progress - the progress bar switch;
Return values:
ret - the array of values for the variable;
dn = amun_dataset('p000010_00000.h5', 'dens')
if not amun_compatible(fname):
return False
dname = op.dirname(fname)
if progress:
sys.stdout.write("Data file path:\n '%s'\n" % (dname))
# get attributes necessary to reconstruct the domain
eqsys = amun_attribute(fname, 'eqsys')
eos = amun_attribute(fname, 'eos')
nr = amun_attribute(fname, 'isnap')
nc = amun_attribute(fname, 'nprocs')
nl = amun_attribute(fname, 'nleafs')
if eos == 'adi':
gm = amun_attribute(fname, 'gamma')
# prepare array to hold data
ndims = amun_attribute(fname, 'ndims')
nn = amun_attribute(fname, 'ncells')
bm = np.array([nn, nn, nn])
if ndims == 2:
bm[2] = 1
ng = amun_attribute(fname, 'nghosts')
ml = amun_attribute(fname, 'maxlev')
f = h5.File(fname, 'r')
if 'rdims' in f['attributes'].attrs:
rm = amun_attribute(fname, 'rdims')
elif 'bdims' in f['attributes'].attrs:
rm = amun_attribute(fname, 'bdims')
rm = amun_attribute(fname, 'domain_base_dims')
# build the list of supported variables
variables = []
f = h5.File(fname, 'r')
for var in f['variables'].keys():
# add derived variables if possible
if 'velx' in variables and 'vely' in variables and 'velz' in variables:
if 'magx' in variables and 'magy' in variables and 'magz' in variables:
if (eqsys == 'hd' or eqsys == 'mhd') and eos == 'adi' \
and 'pres' in variables:
if 'dens' in variables and 'pres' in variables:
if (eqsys == 'hd' or eqsys == 'mhd') \
and 'dens' in variables \
and 'velx' in variables \
and 'vely' in variables \
and 'velz' in variables:
if (eqsys == 'mhd' or eqsys == 'srmhd') \
and 'magx' in variables \
and 'magy' in variables \
and 'magz' in variables:
if eqsys == 'hd' and 'ekin' in variables and 'eint' in variables:
if eqsys == 'mhd' and 'eint' in variables \
and 'ekin' in variables \
and 'emag' in variables:
if (eqsys == 'srhd' or eqsys == 'srmhd') and 'velo' in variables:
# check if the requested variable is in the variable list
if not vname in variables:
print('The requested variable cannot be extracted from the file datasets!')
return False
# check if the shrink parameter is correct (block dimensions should be
# divisible by the shrink factor)
shrink = max(1, int(shrink))
if shrink > 1:
if (nn % shrink) != 0:
print('The block dimension should be divisible by the shrink factor!')
return False
sh = shrink
while(sh > 2 and sh % 2 == 0):
sh = int(sh / 2)
if (sh % 2) != 0:
print('The shrink factor should be a power of 2!')
return False
# determine the actual maximum level from the blocks
ml = 0
for n in range(nc):
fname = 'p%06d_%05d.h5' % (nr, n)
lname = op.join(dname, fname)
dblocks = amun_attribute(lname, 'dblocks')
if dblocks > 0:
levels = amun_coordinate(lname, 'levels')
ml = max(ml, levels.max())
# prepare dimensions of the output array and allocate it
dm = np.array(rm[0:ndims] * bm[0:ndims] * 2**(ml - 1) / shrink, \
dtype = np.int32)
ret = np.zeros(dm[::-1])
# iterate over all subdomain files
nb = 0
for n in range(nc):
fname = 'p%06d_%05d.h5' % (nr, n)
lname = op.join(dname, fname)
dblocks = amun_attribute(lname, 'dblocks')
if dblocks > 0:
levels = amun_coordinate(lname, 'levels')
coords = amun_coordinate(lname, 'coords')
dx = amun_coordinate(lname, 'dx')
dy = amun_coordinate(lname, 'dy')
dz = amun_coordinate(lname, 'dz')
f = h5.File(lname, 'r')
g = f['variables']
if vname == 'level':
dataset = np.zeros(g[variables[0]].shape)
for l in range(dblocks):
dataset[:,:,:,l] = levels[l]
elif vname == 'velo':
dataset = np.sqrt(g['velx'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['vely'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['velz'][:,:,:,:]**2)
elif vname == 'magn':
dataset = np.sqrt(g['magx'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['magy'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['magz'][:,:,:,:]**2)
elif vname == 'eint':
dataset = 1.0 / (gm - 1.0) * g['pres'][:,:,:,:]
elif vname == 'ekin':
dataset = 0.5 * g['dens'][:,:,:,:] * (g['velx'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['vely'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['velz'][:,:,:,:]**2)
elif vname == 'emag':
dataset = 0.5 * (g['magx'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['magy'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['magz'][:,:,:,:]**2)
elif vname == 'etot':
dataset = 1.0 / (gm - 1.0) * g['pres'][:,:,:,:] \
+ 0.5 * g['dens'][:,:,:,:] * (g['velx'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['vely'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['velz'][:,:,:,:]**2)
if eqsys == 'mhd':
dataset += 0.5 * (g['magx'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['magy'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['magz'][:,:,:,:]**2)
elif vname == 'temp':
dataset = g['pres'][:,:,:,:] / g['dens'][:,:,:,:]
elif vname == 'lore':
dataset = 1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 - (g['velx'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['vely'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['velz'][:,:,:,:]**2))
elif vname == 'divv':
dataset = np.zeros(g['velx'].shape)
fields = [ 'velx', 'vely', 'velz' ]
h = (dx, dy, dz)
for i in range(ndims):
v = fields[i]
dataset += 0.5 * (np.roll(g[v][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 2) \
- np.roll(g[v][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 2)) \
/ h[i][levels[:] - 1]
elif vname == 'divb':
dataset = np.zeros(g['magx'].shape)
fields = [ 'magx', 'magy', 'magz' ]
h = (dx, dy, dz)
for i in range(ndims):
v = fields[i]
dataset += 0.5 * (np.roll(g[v][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 2) \
- np.roll(g[v][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 2)) \
/ h[i][levels[:] - 1]
elif vname == 'vort':
if ndims == 3:
wx = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['velz'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 1) \
- np.roll(g['velz'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 1)) \
/ dy[levels[:]-1] \
- 0.5 * (np.roll(g['vely'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 0) \
- np.roll(g['vely'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 0)) \
/ dz[levels[:]-1]
wy = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['velx'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 0) \
- np.roll(g['velx'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 0)) \
/ dz[levels[:]-1] \
- 0.5 * (np.roll(g['velz'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 2) \
- np.roll(g['velz'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 2)) \
/ dx[levels[:]-1]
wz = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['vely'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 2) \
- np.roll(g['vely'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 2)) \
/ dx[levels[:]-1] \
- 0.5 * (np.roll(g['velx'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 1) \
- np.roll(g['velx'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 1)) \
/ dy[levels[:]-1]
wx = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['velz'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 1) \
- np.roll(g['velz'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 1)) \
/ dy[levels[:]-1]
wy = - 0.5 * (np.roll(g['velz'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 2) \
- np.roll(g['velz'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 2)) \
/ dx[levels[:]-1]
wz = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['vely'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 2) \
- np.roll(g['vely'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 2)) \
/ dx[levels[:]-1] \
- 0.5 * (np.roll(g['velx'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 1) \
- np.roll(g['velx'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 1)) \
/ dy[levels[:]-1]
dataset = np.sqrt(wx * wx + wy * wy + wz * wz)
elif vname == 'curr':
if ndims == 3:
wx = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magz'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 1) \
- np.roll(g['magz'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 1)) \
/ dy[levels[:]-1] \
- 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magy'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 0) \
- np.roll(g['magy'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 0)) \
/ dz[levels[:]-1]
wy = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magx'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 0) \
- np.roll(g['magx'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 0)) \
/ dz[levels[:]-1] \
- 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magz'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 2) \
- np.roll(g['magz'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 2)) \
/ dx[levels[:]-1]
wz = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magy'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 2) \
- np.roll(g['magy'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 2)) \
/ dx[levels[:]-1] \
- 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magx'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 1) \
- np.roll(g['magx'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 1)) \
/ dy[levels[:]-1]
wx = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magz'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 1) \
- np.roll(g['magz'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 1)) \
/ dy[levels[:]-1]
wy = - 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magz'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 2) \
- np.roll(g['magz'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 2)) \
/ dx[levels[:]-1]
wz = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magy'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 2) \
- np.roll(g['magy'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 2)) \
/ dx[levels[:]-1] \
- 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magx'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis = 1) \
- np.roll(g['magx'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis = 1)) \
/ dy[levels[:]-1]
dataset = np.sqrt(wx * wx + wy * wy + wz * wz)
dataset = g[vname][:,:,:,:]
# rescale all blocks to the effective resolution
for l in range(dblocks):
nn = 2**(ml - levels[l])
cm = np.array(bm[0:ndims] * nn / shrink, dtype = np.int32)
ibeg = coords[0:ndims,l] * cm[0:ndims]
iend = ibeg + cm[0:ndims]
if ndims == 3:
ib, jb, kb = ibeg[0], ibeg[1], ibeg[2]
ie, je, ke = iend[0], iend[1], iend[2]
ret[kb:ke,jb:je,ib:ie] = rebin(dataset[ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng,l], cm)
ib, jb = ibeg[0], ibeg[1]
ie, je = iend[0], iend[1]
ret[jb:je,ib:ie] = rebin(dataset[ 0,ng:-ng,ng:-ng,l], cm)
nb += 1
# print progress bar if desired
if progress:
sys.stdout.write("Reading '%s' from '%s': block %d from %d" \
% (vname, fname, nb, nl))
if (progress):
print("Dataset '%s' cannot be retrieved from '%s'!" % (vname, fname))
ret = False
return ret
def amun_integrals(field, filename, pathlist):
get_integral: iterate over pathlist and read and merge field values from filename files in the provided paths
# Initiate the return values with empty array and file number.
vals = np.array([])
num = 1
# Iterate over all paths provided in the list 'pathlist'.
for path in pathlist:
# Iterate over all files in the current path.
while True:
# Generate file name.
dfile = path + '/' + filename + '_' + str(num).zfill(2) + '.dat'
# Check if the file exists.
if op.isfile(dfile):
# Read values from the current integrals file.
lvals = read_integrals(dfile, field)
# Append to the return array.
vals = np.append(vals, lvals)
# Increase the number file.
num = num + 1
# File does not exists, so go to the next path.
# Return appended values.
return vals
def read_integrals(filename, column):
read_integrals: reads a given column from an integral file.
# Open the given file and check if it is text file.
f = open(filename, 'r')
# Read fist line and store it in h, since it will be used to obtain the
# column headers.
l = f.readline()
h = l
# Read first line which is not comment in order to determine the number of
# columns and store the number of columns in nc. Calculate the column width
# and store it in wc.
while l.startswith('#'):
l = f.readline()
nc = len(l.rsplit())
wc = int((len(l) - 9) / (nc - 1))
# Split header line into a list.
lh = [h[1:9].strip()]
for i in range(nc - 1):
ib = i * wc + 10
ie = ib + wc - 1
ic = lh.index(column)
# Read given column.
if (ic > -1):
lc = [float(l.split()[ic])]
for l in f:
# Close the file.
# Return values.
def rebin(a, newshape):
Subroutine changes the size of the input array to to new shape,
by copying cells or averaging them.
assert len(a.shape) == len(newshape)
m = a.ndim - 1
if (a.shape[m] > newshape[m]):
if a.ndim == 3:
nn = [newshape[0], int(a.shape[0] / newshape[0]),
newshape[1], int(a.shape[1] / newshape[1]),
newshape[2], int(a.shape[2] / newshape[2])]
return a.reshape(nn).mean(5).mean(3).mean(1)
nn = [newshape[0], int(a.shape[0] / newshape[0]),
newshape[1], int(a.shape[1] / newshape[1])]
return a.reshape(nn).mean(3).mean(1)
for n in range(a.ndim):
a = np.repeat(a, int(newshape[n] / a.shape[n]), axis = n)
if __name__ == "__main__":
fname = './p000030_00000.h5'
ret = amun_attribute(fname, 'time')
ret = amun_attribute(fname, 'dims')
ret = amun_dataset(fname, 'dens')
print(ret.shape, ret.min(), ret.max())