Grzegorz Kowal 84a3f1e687 COPYRIGHTS: Update year.
Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
2016-11-18 11:09:19 -02:00

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!! This file is part of the AMUN source code, a program to perform
!! Newtonian or relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations on uniform or
!! adaptive mesh.
!! Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Grzegorz Kowal <>
!! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
!! (at your option) any later version.
!! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!! along with this program. If not, see <>.
!! module: EQUATIONS
!! This module provides interface for the systems of equations. Any set of
!! equations gives us some basic informations, such as the number of variables,
!! the primitive and conservative variable definitions, the conversion between
!! those variables, the flux and characteristic speeds defined in terms of
!! primitive variables. All this information is provided by this module.
!! In order to implement a new set of equations, we need to:
!! 1) define the number of independent variables (or equations) nv;
!! 2) define the variable indices and names (both primitive and conservative);
!! 3) provide subroutines for primitive-conservative variable conversion and
!! point them to corresponding pointers;
!! 4) provide a subroutine to calculate physical fluxes and characteristic
!! speeds;
!! 5) provide a subroutine to calculate the maximum speed;
!! 6) optionally, define and read all physical constants related to a given
!! system;
module equations
#ifdef PROFILE
! import external subroutines
use timers, only : set_timer, start_timer, stop_timer
#endif /* PROFILE */
! module variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
#ifdef PROFILE
! timer indices
integer , save :: imi, imc, imf, imm, imp, imb
#endif /* PROFILE */
! pointers to the conversion procedures
procedure(prim2cons_hd_iso) , pointer, save :: prim2cons => null()
procedure(cons2prim_hd_iso) , pointer, save :: cons2prim => null()
! pointer to the flux procedure
procedure(fluxspeed_hd_iso) , pointer, save :: fluxspeed => null()
! pointer to the maxspeed procedure
procedure(maxspeed_hd_iso) , pointer, save :: maxspeed => null()
! pointer to the Roe eigensystem procedure
procedure(esystem_roe_hd_iso), pointer, save :: eigensystem_roe => null()
! pointer to the variable conversion method
procedure(nr_iterate_srhd_adi_1dw), pointer, save :: nr_iterate => null()
! the system of equations and the equation of state
character(len=32), save :: eqsys = "hydrodynamic"
character(len=32), save :: eos = "adiabatic"
! the variable conversion method
character(len=32), save :: c2p = "1Dw"
! the number of independent variables
integer(kind=4) , save :: nv = 0
! direction indices
integer(kind=4) , save :: inx = 1, iny = 2, inz = 3
! variable indices
integer(kind=4) , save :: idn = -1
integer(kind=4) , save :: ivx = -1, ivy = -1, ivz = -1
integer(kind=4) , save :: imx = -1, imy = -1, imz = -1
integer(kind=4) , save :: ibx = -1, iby = -1, ibz = -1
integer(kind=4) , save :: ibp = -1
integer(kind=4) , save :: ipr = -1, ien = -1
! variable names
character(len=4), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: pvars, cvars
! variable boundary values
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, save :: qpbnd
! eigenvectors
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, save :: evroe
! adiabatic heat ratio
real(kind=8) , save :: gamma = 5.0d+00 / 3.0d+00
! additional adiabatic parameters
real(kind=8) , save :: gammam1 = 2.0d+00 / 3.0d+00, gammam1i = 1.5d+00
real(kind=8) , save :: gammaxi = 2.0d+00 / 5.0d+00
! isothermal speed of sound and its second power
real(kind=8) , save :: csnd = 1.0d+00, csnd2 = 1.0d+00
! maximum speed in the system
real(kind=8) , save :: cmax = 0.0d+00, cmax2 = 0.0d+00
! the lower limits for density and pressure to be treated as physical
real(kind=8) , save :: dmin = 1.0d-08, pmin = 1.0d-08
! the upper limits for the Lorentz factor and corresponding |v|²
real(kind=8) , save :: lmax = 1.0d+06
real(kind=8) , save :: vmax = 0.999999999999d+00
! the upper bound for the sonic Mach number
real(kind=8) , save :: msmax = 1.0d+03
real(kind=8) , save :: msfac = 3.0d-06 / 5.0d+00
! the tolerance for Newton-Raphson interative method, the maximum number of
! iterations and the number of extra iterations for polishing
real(kind=8) , save :: tol = 1.0d-10
integer , save :: nrmax = 100
integer , save :: nrext = 2
! flags for reconstruction corrections
logical , save :: positivity = .false.
! by default everything is private
! declare public variables and subroutines
public :: initialize_equations, finalize_equations
public :: prim2cons, cons2prim
public :: fluxspeed
public :: maxspeed, reset_maxspeed, get_maxspeed
public :: eigensystem_roe
public :: update_primitive_variables
public :: gamma
public :: csnd, csnd2
public :: cmax, cmax2
public :: nv
public :: inx, iny, inz
public :: idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, imx, imy, imz
public :: ibx, iby, ibz, ibp, ipr, ien
public :: eqsys, eos
public :: pvars, cvars
public :: qpbnd
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
!!*** PUBLIC SUBROUTINES *****************************************************
! -------------------------------
! Subroutine initiate the module by setting module parameters and subroutine
! pointers.
! Arguments:
! verbose - a logical flag turning the information printing;
! iret - an integer flag for error return value;
subroutine initialize_equations(verbose, iret)
! include external procedures and variables
use parameters, only : get_parameter_string, get_parameter_real &
, get_parameter_integer
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
logical, intent(in) :: verbose
integer, intent(inout) :: iret
! local variables
logical :: relativistic = .false.
integer :: p
character(len=255) :: name_eqsys = ""
character(len=255) :: name_eos = ""
character(len=255) :: name_c2p = ""
character(len=255) :: positivity_fix = "off"
#ifdef PROFILE
! set timer descriptions
call set_timer('equations:: initialization' , imi)
call set_timer('equations:: variable conversion', imc)
call set_timer('equations:: variable solver' , imp)
call set_timer('equations:: flux calculation' , imf)
call set_timer('equations:: speed estimation' , imm)
call set_timer('equations:: initial brackets' , imb)
! start accounting time for module initialization/finalization
call start_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! get the system of equations
call get_parameter_string("equation_system" , eqsys)
! get the equation of state
call get_parameter_string("equation_of_state" , eos )
! get the primitive variable solver
call get_parameter_string("primitive_solver" , c2p )
! get the tolerance
call get_parameter_real ("tolerance" , tol )
! get the maximum number of Newton-Raphson method iterations
call get_parameter_integer("nr_maxit" , nrmax)
call get_parameter_integer("nr_extra" , nrext)
! depending on the system of equations initialize the module variables
select case(trim(eqsys))
case("hd", "HD", "hydro", "HYDRO", "hydrodynamic", "HYDRODYNAMIC")
! the name of equation system
name_eqsys = "HD"
eqsys = "hd"
! initialize the number of variables (density + 3 components of velocity)
nv = 4
! initialize the variable indices
idn = 1
ivx = 2
ivy = 3
ivz = 4
imx = 2
imy = 3
imz = 4
! depending on the equation of state complete the initialization
select case(trim(eos))
case("iso", "ISO", "isothermal", "ISOTHERMAL")
! the type of equation of state
name_eos = "isothermal"
eos = "iso"
! set pointers to subroutines
prim2cons => prim2cons_hd_iso
cons2prim => cons2prim_hd_iso
fluxspeed => fluxspeed_hd_iso
maxspeed => maxspeed_hd_iso
eigensystem_roe => esystem_roe_hd_iso
case("adi", "ADI", "adiabatic", "ADIABATIC")
! the type of equation of state
name_eos = "adiabatic"
eos = "adi"
! include the pressure/energy in the number of variables
nv = nv + 1
! initialize the pressure and energy indices
ipr = nv
ien = nv
! set pointers to subroutines
prim2cons => prim2cons_hd_adi
cons2prim => cons2prim_hd_adi
fluxspeed => fluxspeed_hd_adi
maxspeed => maxspeed_hd_adi
eigensystem_roe => esystem_roe_hd_adi
! warn about the unimplemented equation of state
case default
if (verbose) then
write (*,"(1x,a)") "The selected equation of state is not " // &
"implemented: " // trim(eos)
write (*,*)
end if
iret = 110
end select
! allocate arrays for variable names
allocate(pvars(nv), cvars(nv))
! fill in the primitive variable names
pvars(idn) = 'dens'
pvars(ivx) = 'velx'
pvars(ivy) = 'vely'
pvars(ivz) = 'velz'
if (ipr > 0) pvars(ipr) = 'pres'
! fill in the conservative variable names
cvars(idn) = 'dens'
cvars(imx) = 'momx'
cvars(imy) = 'momy'
cvars(imz) = 'momz'
if (ien > 0) cvars(ien) = 'ener'
case("mhd", "MHD", "magnetohydrodynamic", "MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC")
! the name of equation system
name_eqsys = "MHD"
eqsys = "mhd"
! initialize the number of variables (density + 3 components of velocity
! + 3 components of magnetic field)
nv = 8
! initialize the variable indices
idn = 1
ivx = 2
ivy = 3
ivz = 4
imx = 2
imy = 3
imz = 4
ibx = 5
iby = 6
ibz = 7
ibp = 8
! depending on the equation of state complete the initialization
select case(trim(eos))
case("iso", "ISO", "isothermal", "ISOTHERMAL")
! the type of equation of state
name_eos = "isothermal"
eos = "iso"
! set pointers to the subroutines
prim2cons => prim2cons_mhd_iso
cons2prim => cons2prim_mhd_iso
fluxspeed => fluxspeed_mhd_iso
maxspeed => maxspeed_mhd_iso
eigensystem_roe => esystem_roe_mhd_iso
case("adi", "ADI", "adiabatic", "ADIABATIC")
! the type of equation of state
name_eos = "adiabatic"
eos = "adi"
! increase the number of variables by the pressure/energy
nv = nv + 1
! initialize the pressure and energy indices
ipr = nv
ien = nv
! set pointers to subroutines
prim2cons => prim2cons_mhd_adi
cons2prim => cons2prim_mhd_adi
fluxspeed => fluxspeed_mhd_adi
maxspeed => maxspeed_mhd_adi
eigensystem_roe => esystem_roe_mhd_adi
case default
if (verbose) then
write (*,"(1x,a)") "The selected equation of state is not " // &
"implemented: " // trim(eos)
write (*,*)
end if
iret = 110
end select
! allocate arrays for variable names
allocate(pvars(nv), cvars(nv))
! fill in the primitive variable names
pvars(idn) = 'dens'
pvars(ivx) = 'velx'
pvars(ivy) = 'vely'
pvars(ivz) = 'velz'
pvars(ibx) = 'magx'
pvars(iby) = 'magy'
pvars(ibz) = 'magz'
pvars(ibp) = 'bpsi'
if (ipr > 0) pvars(ipr) = 'pres'
! fill in the conservative variable names
cvars(idn) = 'dens'
cvars(imx) = 'momx'
cvars(imy) = 'momy'
cvars(imz) = 'momz'
cvars(ibx) = 'magx'
cvars(iby) = 'magy'
cvars(ibz) = 'magz'
cvars(ibp) = 'bpsi'
if (ien > 0) cvars(ien) = 'ener'
case("srhd", "SRHD")
! the name of equation system
name_eqsys = "Special Relativity HD"
eqsys = "srhd"
! set relativistic flag
relativistic = .true.
! initialize the number of variables (density + 3 components of velocity)
nv = 4
! initialize the variable indices
idn = 1
ivx = 2
ivy = 3
ivz = 4
imx = 2
imy = 3
imz = 4
! depending on the equation of state complete the initialization
select case(trim(eos))
case("adi", "ADI", "adiabatic", "ADIABATIC")
! the type of equation of state
name_eos = "adiabatic"
eos = "adi"
! include the pressure/energy in the number of variables
nv = nv + 1
! initialize the pressure and energy indices
ipr = nv
ien = nv
! set pointers to subroutines
prim2cons => prim2cons_srhd_adi
cons2prim => cons2prim_srhd_adi
fluxspeed => fluxspeed_srhd_adi
maxspeed => maxspeed_srhd_adi
! warn about the unimplemented equation of state
case default
if (verbose) then
write (*,"(1x,a)") "The selected equation of state is not " // &
"implemented: " // trim(eos)
write (*,*)
end if
iret = 110
end select
! choose the conserved to primitive variable conversion method
select case(trim(c2p))
case("1Dw", "1dw", "1DW", "1D(w)", "1D(W)")
! the type of equation of state
name_c2p = "1D(W)"
! set pointer to the conversion method
nr_iterate => nr_iterate_srhd_adi_1dw
case("2dwv", "2Dwv", "2D(w,v)", "2D(W,v)")
! the type of equation of state
name_c2p = "2D(W,v²)"
! set pointer to the conversion method
nr_iterate => nr_iterate_srhd_adi_2dwv
case("2dwu", "2Dwu", "2D(w,u)", "2D(W,u)")
! the type of equation of state
name_c2p = "2D(W,u²)"
! set pointer to the conversion method
nr_iterate => nr_iterate_srhd_adi_2dwu
! warn about the unimplemented method
case default
if (verbose) then
write (*,"(1x,a)") "The selected conversion method is not " // &
"implemented: " // trim(c2p)
write (*,*)
end if
iret = 110
end select
! allocate arrays for variable names
allocate(pvars(nv), cvars(nv))
! fill in the primitive variable names
pvars(idn) = 'dens'
pvars(ivx) = 'velx'
pvars(ivy) = 'vely'
pvars(ivz) = 'velz'
if (ipr > 0) pvars(ipr) = 'pres'
! fill in the conservative variable names
cvars(idn) = 'dens'
cvars(imx) = 'momx'
cvars(imy) = 'momy'
cvars(imz) = 'momz'
if (ien > 0) cvars(ien) = 'ener'
case("srmhd", "SRMHD")
! the name of equation system
name_eqsys = "Special Relativity MHD"
eqsys = "srmhd"
! set relativistic flag
relativistic = .true.
! initialize the number of variables (density + 3 components of velocity
! + 3 components of magnetic field
! + magnetic divergence potential)
nv = 8
! initialize the variable indices
idn = 1
ivx = 2
ivy = 3
ivz = 4
imx = 2
imy = 3
imz = 4
ibx = 5
iby = 6
ibz = 7
ibp = 8
! depending on the equation of state complete the initialization
select case(trim(eos))
case("adi", "ADI", "adiabatic", "ADIABATIC")
! the type of equation of state
name_eos = "adiabatic"
eos = "adi"
! include the pressure/energy in the number of variables
nv = nv + 1
! initialize the pressure and energy indices
ipr = nv
ien = nv
! set pointers to subroutines
prim2cons => prim2cons_srmhd_adi
cons2prim => cons2prim_srmhd_adi
fluxspeed => fluxspeed_srmhd_adi
maxspeed => maxspeed_srmhd_adi
! warn about the unimplemented equation of state
case default
if (verbose) then
write (*,"(1x,a)") "The selected equation of state is not " // &
"implemented: " // trim(eos)
write (*,*)
end if
iret = 110
end select
! choose the conserved to primitive variable conversion method
select case(trim(c2p))
case("1Dw", "1dw", "1DW", "1D(w)", "1D(W)")
! the type of equation of state
name_c2p = "1D(W)"
! set pointer to the conversion method
nr_iterate => nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_1dw
case("2dwv", "2Dwv", "2D(w,v)", "2D(W,v)")
! the type of equation of state
name_c2p = "2D(W,v²)"
! set pointer to the conversion method
nr_iterate => nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_2dwv
case("2dwu", "2Dwu", "2D(w,u)", "2D(W,u)")
! the type of equation of state
name_c2p = "2D(W,u²)"
! set pointer to the conversion method
nr_iterate => nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_2dwu
! warn about the unimplemented method
case default
if (verbose) then
write (*,"(1x,a)") "The selected conversion method is not " // &
"implemented: " // trim(c2p)
write (*,*)
end if
iret = 110
end select
! allocate arrays for variable names
allocate(pvars(nv), cvars(nv))
! fill in the primitive variable names
pvars(idn) = 'dens'
pvars(ivx) = 'velx'
pvars(ivy) = 'vely'
pvars(ivz) = 'velz'
pvars(ibx) = 'magx'
pvars(iby) = 'magy'
pvars(ibz) = 'magz'
pvars(ibp) = 'bpsi'
if (ipr > 0) pvars(ipr) = 'pres'
! fill in the conservative variable names
cvars(idn) = 'dens'
cvars(imx) = 'momx'
cvars(imy) = 'momy'
cvars(imz) = 'momz'
cvars(ibx) = 'magx'
cvars(iby) = 'magy'
cvars(ibz) = 'magz'
cvars(ibp) = 'bpsi'
if (ien > 0) cvars(ien) = 'ener'
case default
if (verbose) then
write (*,"(1x,a)") "The selected equation system is not " // &
"implemented: " // trim(eqsys)
write (*,*)
end if
iret = 100
end select
! obtain the adiabatic specific heat ratio
call get_parameter_real("gamma" , gamma )
! calculate additional parameters
gammam1 = gamma - 1.0d+00
gammam1i = 1.0d+00 / gammam1
gammaxi = gammam1 / gamma
! obtain the isothermal sound speed
call get_parameter_real("csnd" , csnd )
! calculate additional parameters
csnd2 = csnd * csnd
! allocate array for the boundary values
! set the boundary values
do p = 1, nv
! set the initial boundary values (1.0 for density and pressure, 0.0 otherwise)
if (pvars(p) == "dens" .or. pvars(p) == "pres") then
qpbnd(p,:,:) = 1.0d+00
qpbnd(p,:,:) = 0.0d+00
end if
! read the boundary values from the parameter file
call get_parameter_real(pvars(p) // "_bnd_xl", qpbnd(p,1,1))
call get_parameter_real(pvars(p) // "_bnd_xr", qpbnd(p,1,2))
call get_parameter_real(pvars(p) // "_bnd_yl", qpbnd(p,2,1))
call get_parameter_real(pvars(p) // "_bnd_yr", qpbnd(p,2,2))
call get_parameter_real(pvars(p) // "_bnd_zl", qpbnd(p,3,1))
call get_parameter_real(pvars(p) // "_bnd_zr", qpbnd(p,3,2))
end do ! over all variables
! allocate space for Roe eigenvectors
! get the minimum allowed density and pressure in the system, and the maximum
! Lorentz factor for special relativity
call get_parameter_real("dmin" , dmin )
call get_parameter_real("pmin" , pmin )
call get_parameter_real("lmax" , lmax )
! calculate the maximum speed corresponding to the maximum Lorentz factor
vmax = 1.0d+00 - 1.0d+00 / lmax**2
! get the upper bound for the sonic Mach number
call get_parameter_real("msmax" , msmax )
! calculate the sonic Mach number factor
msfac = 1.0d+00 / (gamma * msmax**2)
! get the positivity fix flag
call get_parameter_string("fix_positivity", positivity_fix )
! check additional reconstruction limiting
select case(trim(positivity_fix))
case ("on", "ON", "t", "T", "y", "Y", "true", "TRUE", "yes", "YES")
positivity = .true.
case default
positivity = .false.
end select
! print information about the equation module
if (verbose) then
write (*,"(4x,a,1x,a)" ) "equation system =", trim(name_eqsys)
write (*,"(4x,a,1x,a)" ) "equation of state =", trim(name_eos)
if (relativistic) then
write (*,"(4x,a,1x,a)" ) "variable conversion =", trim(name_c2p)
end if
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for module initialization/finalization
call stop_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine initialize_equations
! -----------------------------
! Subroutine releases memory used by the module.
! Arguments:
! iret - an integer flag for error return value;
subroutine finalize_equations(iret)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(inout) :: iret
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for module initialization/finalization
call start_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! deallocate variable name arrays
if (allocated(pvars)) deallocate(pvars)
if (allocated(cvars)) deallocate(cvars)
! deallocate boundary values array
if (allocated(qpbnd)) deallocate(qpbnd)
! deallocate Roe eigenvectors
if (allocated(evroe)) deallocate(evroe)
! release the procedure pointers
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for module initialization/finalization
call stop_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine finalize_equations
! subroutine RESET_MAXSPEED:
! -------------------------
! Subroutine resets the maximum speed in the domain to zero.
subroutine reset_maxspeed()
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! reset the maximum speed
cmax = 0.0d+00
end subroutine reset_maxspeed
! function GET_MAXSPEED:
! -----------------
! Function returns the maximum speed in the domain.
real(kind=8) function get_maxspeed()
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! return the maximum speed
get_maxspeed = cmax
! return the value
end function get_maxspeed
! -------------------------------------
! Subroutine updates primitive variables from their conservative
! representation. This process is done once after advance of the conserved
! variables due to their evolution in time.
! Arguments:
! uu - the input array of conservative variables;
! qq - the output array of primitive variables;
subroutine update_primitive_variables(uu, qq)
! include external procedures and variables
use coordinates, only : im , jm , km , in , jn , kn
use coordinates, only : ib , jb , kb , ie , je , ke
use coordinates, only : ibl, jbl, kbl, ieu, jeu, keu
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,im,jm,km), intent(inout) :: uu
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,im,jm,km), intent(inout) :: qq
! temporary variables
integer :: i, j, k
real(kind=8) :: pmin
! update primitive variables
do k = kb, ke
do j = jb, je
! convert conserved variables to primitive ones
call cons2prim(in, uu(1:nv,ib:ie,j,k), qq(1:nv,ib:ie,j,k))
end do ! j = jb, je
end do ! k = kb, ke
! fix negative pressure is desired
if (positivity .and. ipr > 0) then
! iterate over block interior
do k = kb, ke
do j = jb, je
do i = ib, ie
! fix the cells where pressure is negative
if (qq(ipr,i,j,k) <= 0.0d+00) then
! calculate pressure from the sonic Mach number limit and local velocity
pmin = msfac * qq(idn,i,j,k) * sum(qq(ivx:ivz,i,j,k)**2)
! update total energy and pressure
uu(ien,i,j,k) = uu(ien,i,j,k) + gammam1i * (pmin - qq(ipr,i,j,k))
qq(ipr,i,j,k) = pmin
end if
end do ! i = ib, ie
end do ! j = jb, je
end do ! k = kb, ke
end if
! fill out the borders
do i = ibl, 1, -1
qq(1:nv, i,jb:je,kb:ke) = qq(1:nv,ib,jb:je,kb:ke)
end do
do i = ieu, im
qq(1:nv, i,jb:je,kb:ke) = qq(1:nv,ie,jb:je,kb:ke)
end do
do j = jbl, 1, -1
qq(1:nv, 1:im, j,kb:ke) = qq(1:nv, 1:im,jb,kb:ke)
end do
do j = jeu, jm
qq(1:nv, 1:im, j,kb:ke) = qq(1:nv, 1:im,je,kb:ke)
end do
#if NDIMS == 3
do k = kbl, 1, -1
qq(1:nv, 1:im, 1:jm, k) = qq(1:nv, 1:im, 1:jm,kb)
end do
do k = keu, km
qq(1:nv, 1:im, 1:jm, k) = qq(1:nv, 1:im, 1:jm,ke)
end do
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end subroutine update_primitive_variables
!!*** PRIVATE SUBROUTINES ****************************************************
! subroutine PRIM2CONS_HD_ISO:
! ---------------------------
! Subroutine converts primitive variables to their corresponding
! conservative representation.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! u - the output array of conservative variables;
subroutine prim2cons_hd_iso(n, q, u)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: u
! local variables
integer :: i
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable conversion
call start_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! iterate over all positions
do i = 1, n
u(idn,i) = q(idn,i)
u(imx,i) = q(idn,i) * q(ivx,i)
u(imy,i) = q(idn,i) * q(ivy,i)
u(imz,i) = q(idn,i) * q(ivz,i)
end do ! i = 1, n
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable conversion
call stop_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine prim2cons_hd_iso
! subroutine CONS2PRIM_HD_ISO:
! ---------------------------
! Subroutine converts conservative variables to their corresponding
! primitive representation.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! u - the input array of conservative variables;
! q - the output array of primitive variables;
subroutine cons2prim_hd_iso(n, u, q)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: u
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: q
! local variables
integer :: i
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable conversion
call start_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! iterate over all positions
do i = 1, n
q(idn,i) = u(idn,i)
q(ivx,i) = u(imx,i) / u(idn,i)
q(ivy,i) = u(imy,i) / u(idn,i)
q(ivz,i) = u(imz,i) / u(idn,i)
end do ! i = 1, n
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable conversion
call stop_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine cons2prim_hd_iso
! subroutine FLUXSPEED_HD_ISO:
! ---------------------------
! Subroutine calculates physical fluxes and characteristic speeds from a
! given equation system.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! u - the input array of conservative variables;
! f - the output vector of fluxes;
! cm, cp - the output vector of left- and right-going characteristic speeds;
subroutine fluxspeed_hd_iso(n, q, u, f, cm, cp)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n) , intent(in) :: q, u
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n) , intent(out) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n) , optional, intent(out) :: cm, cp
! local variables
integer :: i
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for flux calculation
call start_timer(imf)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! calculate the hydrodynamic fluxes
do i = 1, n
f(idn,i) = u(imx,i)
f(imx,i) = q(ivx,i) * u(imx,i)
f(imy,i) = q(ivx,i) * u(imy,i)
f(imz,i) = q(ivx,i) * u(imz,i)
f(imx,i) = f(imx,i) + csnd2 * q(idn,i)
end do ! i = 1, n
! calculate the characteristic speeds
if (present(cm) .and. present(cp)) then
do i = 1, n
cm(i) = q(ivx,i) - csnd
cp(i) = q(ivx,i) + csnd
end do ! i = 1, n
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for flux calculation
call stop_timer(imf)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine fluxspeed_hd_iso
! function MAXSPEED_HD_ISO:
! ------------------------
! Function scans the variable array and returns the maximum speed in within.
! Arguments:
! q - the array of primitive variables;
function maxspeed_hd_iso(qq) result(maxspeed)
! include external procedures and variables
use coordinates, only : im, jm, km, ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input arguments
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,im,jm,km), intent(in) :: qq
! return value
real(kind=8) :: maxspeed
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k
real(kind=8) :: vv, v, c
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the maximum speed estimation
call start_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! reset the maximum speed
maxspeed = 0.0d+00
! iterate over all positions
do k = kb, ke
do j = jb, je
do i = ib, ie
! calculate the velocity amplitude
vv = sum(qq(ivx:ivz,i,j,k) * qq(ivx:ivz,i,j,k))
v = sqrt(vv)
! calculate the maximum speed
maxspeed = max(maxspeed, v + csnd)
end do ! i = ib, ie
end do ! j = jb, je
end do ! k = kb, ke
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the maximum speed estimation
call stop_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! return the value
end function maxspeed_hd_iso
! subroutine ESYSTEM_ROE_HD_ISO:
! -----------------------------
! Subroutine computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a given set of
! equations and input variables.
! Arguments:
! x - ratio of the perpendicular magnetic field component difference
! y - ratio of the density
! q - the intermediate Roe state vector;
! c - the vector of eigenvalues;
! r - the matrix of right eigenvectors;
! l - the matrix of left eigenvectors;
! References:
! [1] Roe, P. L.
! "Approximate Riemann Solvers, Parameter Vectors, and Difference
! Schemes",
! Journal of Computational Physics, 1981, 43, pp. 357-372
! [2] Stone, J. M. & Gardiner, T. A.,
! "ATHENA: A New Code for Astrophysical MHD",
! The Astrophysical Journal Suplement Series, 2008, 178, pp. 137-177
subroutine esystem_roe_hd_iso(x, y, q, c, r, l)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: x, y
real(kind=8), dimension(nv) , intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv) , intent(inout) :: c
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,nv), intent(inout) :: l, r
! local variables
logical , save :: first = .true.
real(kind=8), save :: ch
! prepare the internal arrays at the first run
if (first) then
! prepare constants
ch = 0.5d+00 / csnd
! reset all elements
evroe(:, : ,:) = 0.0d+00
! initiate the matrix of left eigenvectors
evroe(1,ivx,1) = - ch
evroe(1,ivy,2) = 1.0d+00
evroe(1,ivz,3) = 1.0d+00
evroe(1,ivx,4) = ch
! initiate the matrix of right eigenvectors
evroe(2,1,idn) = 1.0d+00
evroe(2,2,ivy) = 1.0d+00
evroe(2,3,ivz) = 1.0d+00
evroe(2,4,idn) = 1.0d+00
! unset the first execution flag
first = .false.
end if ! first execution
! prepare eigenvalues
c(1) = q(ivx) - csnd
c(2) = q(ivx)
c(3) = q(ivx)
c(4) = q(ivx) + csnd
! update the varying elements of the matrix of left eigenvectors
evroe(1,idn,1) = ch * c(4)
evroe(1,idn,2) = - q(ivy)
evroe(1,idn,3) = - q(ivz)
evroe(1,idn,4) = - ch * c(1)
! update the varying elements of the matrix of right eigenvectors
evroe(2,1,ivx) = c(1)
evroe(2,1,ivy) = q(ivy)
evroe(2,1,ivz) = q(ivz)
evroe(2,4,ivx) = c(4)
evroe(2,4,ivy) = q(ivy)
evroe(2,4,ivz) = q(ivz)
! copy matrices of eigenvectors
l(1:nv,1:nv) = evroe(1,1:nv,1:nv)
r(1:nv,1:nv) = evroe(2,1:nv,1:nv)
end subroutine esystem_roe_hd_iso
! subroutine PRIM2CONS_HD_ADI:
! ---------------------------
! Subroutine converts primitive variables to their corresponding
! conservative representation.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! u - the output array of conservative variables;
subroutine prim2cons_hd_adi(n, q, u)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: u
! local variables
integer :: i
real(kind=8) :: ek, ei
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable conversion
call start_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! iterate over all positions
do i = 1, n
u(idn,i) = q(idn,i)
u(imx,i) = q(idn,i) * q(ivx,i)
u(imy,i) = q(idn,i) * q(ivy,i)
u(imz,i) = q(idn,i) * q(ivz,i)
ek = 0.5d+00 * (u(imx,i) * q(ivx,i) + u(imy,i) * q(ivy,i) &
+ u(imz,i) * q(ivz,i))
ei = gammam1i * q(ipr,i)
u(ien,i) = ei + ek
end do ! i = 1, n
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable conversion
call stop_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine prim2cons_hd_adi
! subroutine CONS2PRIM_HD_ADI:
! ---------------------------
! Subroutine converts conservative variables to their corresponding
! primitive representation.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! u - the input array of conservative variables;
! q - the output array of primitive variables;
subroutine cons2prim_hd_adi(n, u, q)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: u
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: q
! local variables
integer :: i
real(kind=8) :: ek, ei
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable conversion
call start_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! iterate over all positions
do i = 1, n
q(idn,i) = u(idn,i)
q(ivx,i) = u(imx,i) / u(idn,i)
q(ivy,i) = u(imy,i) / u(idn,i)
q(ivz,i) = u(imz,i) / u(idn,i)
ek = 0.5d+00 * (u(imx,i) * q(ivx,i) + u(imy,i) * q(ivy,i) &
+ u(imz,i) * q(ivz,i))
ei = u(ien,i) - ek
q(ipr,i) = gammam1 * ei
end do ! i = 1, n
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable conversion
call stop_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine cons2prim_hd_adi
! subroutine FLUXSPEED_HD_ADI:
! ---------------------------
! Subroutine calculates physical fluxes and characteristic speeds from a
! given equation system.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! u - the input array of conservative variables;
! f - the output vector of fluxes;
! cm, cp - the output vector of left- and right-going characteristic speeds;
subroutine fluxspeed_hd_adi(n, q, u, f, cm, cp)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n) , intent(in) :: q, u
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n) , intent(out) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n) , optional, intent(out) :: cm, cp
! local variables
integer :: i
real(kind=8) :: cs
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for flux calculation
call start_timer(imf)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! calculate the hydrodynamic fluxes
do i = 1, n
f(idn,i) = u(imx,i)
f(imx,i) = q(ivx,i) * u(imx,i)
f(imy,i) = q(ivx,i) * u(imy,i)
f(imz,i) = q(ivx,i) * u(imz,i)
f(imx,i) = f(imx,i) + q(ipr,i)
f(ien,i) = q(ivx,i) * (u(ien,i) + q(ipr,i))
end do ! i = 1, n
! calculate the characteristic speeds
if (present(cm) .and. present(cp)) then
do i = 1, n
cs = sqrt(gamma * q(ipr,i) / q(idn,i))
cm(i) = q(ivx,i) - cs
cp(i) = q(ivx,i) + cs
end do ! i = 1, n
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for flux calculation
call stop_timer(imf)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine fluxspeed_hd_adi
! function MAXSPEED_HD_ADI:
! ------------------------
! Function scans the variable array and returns the maximum speed in within.
! Arguments:
! q - the array of primitive variables;
function maxspeed_hd_adi(qq) result(maxspeed)
! include external procedures and variables
use coordinates, only : im, jm, km, ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input arguments
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,im,jm,km), intent(in) :: qq
! return value
real(kind=8) :: maxspeed
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k
real(kind=8) :: vv, v, c
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the maximum speed estimation
call start_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! reset the maximum speed
maxspeed = 0.0d+00
! iterate over all positions
do k = kb, ke
do j = jb, je
do i = ib, ie
! calculate the velocity amplitude
vv = sum(qq(ivx:ivz,i,j,k) * qq(ivx:ivz,i,j,k))
v = sqrt(vv)
! calculate the adiabatic speed of sound
c = sqrt(gamma * qq(ipr,i,j,k) / qq(idn,i,j,k))
! calculate the maximum speed
maxspeed = max(maxspeed, v + c)
end do ! i = ib, ie
end do ! j = jb, je
end do ! k = kb, ke
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the maximum speed estimation
call stop_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! return the value
end function maxspeed_hd_adi
! subroutine ESYSTEM_ROE_HD_ADI:
! -----------------------------
! Subroutine computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a given set of
! equations and input variables.
! Arguments:
! x - ratio of the perpendicular magnetic field component difference
! y - ratio of the density
! q - the intermediate Roe state vector;
! c - the vector of eigenvalues;
! r - the matrix of right eigenvectors;
! l - the matrix of left eigenvectors;
! References:
! [1] Roe, P. L.
! "Approximate Riemann Solvers, Parameter Vectors, and Difference
! Schemes",
! Journal of Computational Physics, 1981, 43, pp. 357-372
! [2] Stone, J. M. & Gardiner, T. A.,
! "ATHENA: A New Code for Astrophysical MHD",
! The Astrophysical Journal Suplement Series, 2008, 178, pp. 137-177
subroutine esystem_roe_hd_adi(x, y, q, c, r, l)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: x, y
real(kind=8), dimension(nv) , intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv) , intent(inout) :: c
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,nv), intent(inout) :: l, r
! local variables
logical, save :: first = .true.
real(kind=8) :: vv, vh, c2, na, cc, vc, ng, nd, nw, nh, nc
! prepare the internal arrays at the first run
if (first) then
! reset all elements
evroe(:, : ,:) = 0.0d+00
! initiate the matrix of left eigenvectors
evroe(1,ivy,2) = 1.0d+00
evroe(1,ivz,3) = 1.0d+00
! initiate the matrix of right eigenvectors
evroe(2,1,idn) = 1.0d+00
evroe(2,2,ivy) = 1.0d+00
evroe(2,3,ivz) = 1.0d+00
evroe(2,4,idn) = 1.0d+00
evroe(2,5,idn) = 1.0d+00
! unset the first execution flag
first = .false.
end if ! first execution
! calculate characteristic speeds and useful variables
vv = sum(q(ivx:ivz)**2)
vh = 0.5d+00 * vv
c2 = gammam1 * (q(ien) - vh)
na = 0.5d+00 / c2
cc = sqrt(c2)
vc = q(ivx) * cc
ng = na * gammam1
nd = 2.0d+00 * ng
nw = na * vc
nh = na * gammam1 * vh
nc = na * cc
! prepare eigenvalues
c(1) = q(ivx) - cc
c(2) = q(ivx)
c(3) = q(ivx)
c(4) = q(ivx)
c(5) = q(ivx) + cc
! update the varying elements of the matrix of left eigenvectors
evroe(1,idn,1) = nh + nw
evroe(1,ivx,1) = - ng * q(ivx) - nc
evroe(1,ivy,1) = - ng * q(ivy)
evroe(1,ivz,1) = - ng * q(ivz)
evroe(1,ien,1) = ng
evroe(1,idn,2) = - q(ivy)
evroe(1,idn,3) = - q(ivz)
evroe(1,idn,4) = 1.0d+00 - ng * vv
evroe(1,ivx,4) = nd * q(ivx)
evroe(1,ivy,4) = nd * q(ivy)
evroe(1,ivz,4) = nd * q(ivz)
evroe(1,ien,4) = - nd
evroe(1,idn,5) = nh - nw
evroe(1,ivx,5) = - ng * q(ivx) + nc
evroe(1,ivy,5) = - ng * q(ivy)
evroe(1,ivz,5) = - ng * q(ivz)
evroe(1,ien,5) = ng
! update the varying elements of the matrix of right eigenvectors
evroe(2,1,ivx) = q(ivx) - cc
evroe(2,1,ivy) = q(ivy)
evroe(2,1,ivz) = q(ivz)
evroe(2,1,ien) = q(ien) - vc
evroe(2,2,ien) = q(ivy)
evroe(2,3,ien) = q(ivz)
evroe(2,4,ivx) = q(ivx)
evroe(2,4,ivy) = q(ivy)
evroe(2,4,ivz) = q(ivz)
evroe(2,4,ien) = vh
evroe(2,5,ivx) = q(ivx) + cc
evroe(2,5,ivy) = q(ivy)
evroe(2,5,ivz) = q(ivz)
evroe(2,5,ien) = q(ien) + vc
! copy matrices of eigenvectors
l(1:nv,1:nv) = evroe(1,1:nv,1:nv)
r(1:nv,1:nv) = evroe(2,1:nv,1:nv)
end subroutine esystem_roe_hd_adi
! subroutine PRIM2CONS_MHD_ISO:
! ----------------------------
! Subroutine converts primitive variables to their corresponding
! conservative representation.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! u - the output array of conservative variables;
subroutine prim2cons_mhd_iso(n, q, u)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: u
! local variables
integer :: i
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable conversion
call start_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! iterate over all positions
do i = 1, n
u(idn,i) = q(idn,i)
u(imx,i) = q(idn,i) * q(ivx,i)
u(imy,i) = q(idn,i) * q(ivy,i)
u(imz,i) = q(idn,i) * q(ivz,i)
u(ibx,i) = q(ibx,i)
u(iby,i) = q(iby,i)
u(ibz,i) = q(ibz,i)
u(ibp,i) = q(ibp,i)
end do ! i = 1, n
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable conversion
call stop_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine prim2cons_mhd_iso
! subroutine CONS2PRIM_MHD_ISO:
! ----------------------------
! Subroutine converts conservative variables to their corresponding
! primitive representation.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! u - the input array of conservative variables;
! q - the output array of primitive variables;
subroutine cons2prim_mhd_iso(n, u, q)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: u
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: q
! local variables
integer :: i
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable conversion
call start_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! iterate over all positions
do i = 1, n
q(idn,i) = u(idn,i)
q(ivx,i) = u(imx,i) / u(idn,i)
q(ivy,i) = u(imy,i) / u(idn,i)
q(ivz,i) = u(imz,i) / u(idn,i)
q(ibx,i) = u(ibx,i)
q(iby,i) = u(iby,i)
q(ibz,i) = u(ibz,i)
q(ibp,i) = u(ibp,i)
end do ! i = 1, n
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable conversion
call stop_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine cons2prim_mhd_iso
! subroutine FLUXSPEED_MHD_ISO:
! ----------------------------
! Subroutine calculates physical fluxes and characteristic speeds from a
! given equation system.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! u - the input array of conservative variables;
! f - the output vector of fluxes;
! cm, cp - the output vector of left- and right-going characteristic speeds;
subroutine fluxspeed_mhd_iso(n, q, u, f, cm, cp)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n) , intent(in) :: q, u
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n) , intent(out) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n) , optional, intent(out) :: cm, cp
! local variables
integer :: i
real(kind=8) :: by2, bz2, pt
real(kind=8) :: fa, fb, fc, cf
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: bx2, bb
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for flux calculation
call start_timer(imf)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! calculate the magnetohydrodynamic fluxes
do i = 1, n
bx2(i) = q(ibx,i) * q(ibx,i)
by2 = q(iby,i) * q(iby,i)
bz2 = q(ibz,i) * q(ibz,i)
bb(i) = bx2(i) + by2 + bz2
pt = csnd2 * q(idn,i) + 0.5d+00 * bb(i)
f(idn,i) = u(imx,i)
f(imx,i) = q(ivx,i) * u(imx,i) - bx2(i)
f(imy,i) = q(ivx,i) * u(imy,i) - q(ibx,i) * q(iby,i)
f(imz,i) = q(ivx,i) * u(imz,i) - q(ibx,i) * q(ibz,i)
f(imx,i) = f(imx,i) + pt
f(ibx,i) = q(ibp,i)
f(iby,i) = q(ivx,i) * q(iby,i) - q(ibx,i) * q(ivy,i)
f(ibz,i) = q(ivx,i) * q(ibz,i) - q(ibx,i) * q(ivz,i)
f(ibp,i) = cmax2 * q(ibx,i)
end do ! i = 1, n
! calculate the characteristic speeds
if (present(cm) .and. present(cp)) then
do i = 1, n
fa = csnd2 * q(idn,i)
fb = fa + bb(i)
fc = fb * fb - 4.0d+00 * fa * bx2(i)
if (fc > 0.0d+00) then
cf = sqrt(0.5d+00 * (fb + sqrt(fc)) / q(idn,i))
cf = sqrt(0.5d+00 * fb / q(idn,i))
end if
cm(i) = q(ivx,i) - cf
cp(i) = q(ivx,i) + cf
end do ! i = 1, n
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for flux calculation
call stop_timer(imf)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine fluxspeed_mhd_iso
! function MAXSPEED_MHD_ISO:
! -------------------------
! Function scans the variable array and returns the maximum speed in within.
! Arguments:
! q - the array of primitive variables;
function maxspeed_mhd_iso(qq) result(maxspeed)
! include external procedures and variables
use coordinates, only : im, jm, km, ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input arguments
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,im,jm,km), intent(in) :: qq
! return value
real(kind=8) :: maxspeed
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k
real(kind=8) :: vv, bb, v, c
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the maximum speed estimation
call start_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! reset the maximum speed
maxspeed = 0.0d+00
! iterate over all positions
do k = kb, ke
do j = jb, je
do i = ib, ie
! calculate the velocity amplitude
vv = sum(qq(ivx:ivz,i,j,k) * qq(ivx:ivz,i,j,k))
v = sqrt(vv)
bb = sum(qq(ibx:ibz,i,j,k) * qq(ibx:ibz,i,j,k))
! calculate the fast magnetosonic speed
c = sqrt(csnd2 + bb / qq(idn,i,j,k))
! calculate the maximum of speed
maxspeed = max(maxspeed, v + c)
end do ! i = ib, ie
end do ! j = jb, je
end do ! k = kb, ke
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the maximum speed estimation
call stop_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! return the value
end function maxspeed_mhd_iso
! subroutine ESYSTEM_ROE_MHD_ISO:
! ------------------------------
! Subroutine computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a given set of
! equations and input variables.
! Arguments:
! x - ratio of the perpendicular magnetic field component difference
! y - ratio of the density
! q - the intermediate Roe state vector;
! c - the vector of eigenvalues;
! r - the matrix of right eigenvectors;
! l - the matrix of left eigenvectors;
! References:
! [1] Stone, J. M. & Gardiner, T. A.,
! "ATHENA: A New Code for Astrophysical MHD",
! The Astrophysical Journal Suplement Series, 2008, 178, pp. 137-177
! [2] Balsara, D. S.
! "Linearized Formulation of the Riemann Problem for Adiabatic and
! Isothermal Magnetohydrodynamics",
! The Astrophysical Journal Suplement Series, 1998, 116, pp. 119-131
subroutine esystem_roe_mhd_iso(x, y, q, c, r, l)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: x, y
real(kind=8), dimension(nv) , intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv) , intent(inout) :: c
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,nv), intent(inout) :: l, r
! saved variables
logical , save :: first = .true.
! local variables
real(kind=8) :: di, btsq, bt_starsq, casq, twid_csq
real(kind=8) :: ct2, tsum, tdif, cf2_cs2, cfsq, cf, cssq, cs, ca
real(kind=8) :: bt, bt_star, bet2, bet3, bet2_star, bet3_star, bet_starsq
real(kind=8) :: alpha_f, alpha_s
real(kind=8) :: sqrtd, s, twid_c, qf, qs, af_prime, as_prime
real(kind=8) :: norm, cff, css, af, as, afpb, aspb, q2_star, q3_star, vqstr
! prepare the internal arrays at the first run
if (first) then
! reset all elements
evroe(:, : ,:) = 0.0d+00
! unset the first execution flag
first = .false.
end if ! first execution
! prepare coefficients for eigenvalues
di = 1.0d+00 / q(idn)
casq = q(ibx) * q(ibx) * di
ca = sqrt(casq)
btsq = q(iby) * q(iby) + q(ibz) * q(ibz)
bt_starsq = btsq * y
twid_csq = csnd2 + x
ct2 = bt_starsq * di
tsum = casq + ct2 + twid_csq
tdif = casq + ct2 - twid_csq
cf2_cs2 = sqrt(tdif * tdif + 4.0d+00 * twid_csq * ct2)
cfsq = 0.5d+00 * (tsum + cf2_cs2)
cf = sqrt(cfsq)
cssq = twid_csq * casq / cfsq
cs = sqrt(cssq)
! prepare eigenvalues
c(1) = q(ivx) - cf
c(2) = q(ivx) - ca
c(3) = q(ivx) - cs
c(4) = q(ivx)
c(5) = q(ivx) + cs
c(6) = q(ivx) + ca
c(7) = q(ivx) + cf
c(8) = c(7)
! calculate the eigenvectors only if the waves propagate in both direction
if (c(1) >= 0.0d+00) return
if (c(7) <= 0.0d+00) return
! prepare remaining coefficients for eigenvectors
bt = sqrt(btsq)
bt_star = sqrt(bt_starsq)
if (bt == 0.0d+00) then
bet2 = 1.0d+00
bet3 = 0.0d+00
bet2 = q(iby) / bt
bet3 = q(ibz) / bt
end if
bet2_star = bet2 / sqrt(y)
bet3_star = bet3 / sqrt(y)
bet_starsq = bet2_star * bet2_star + bet3_star * bet3_star
if ((cfsq - cssq) == 0.0d+00) then
alpha_f = 1.0d+00
alpha_s = 0.0d+00
else if ((twid_csq - cssq) <= 0.0d+00) then
alpha_f = 0.0d+00
alpha_s = 1.0d+00
else if ((cfsq - twid_csq) <= 0.0d+00) then
alpha_f = 1.0d+00
alpha_s = 0.0d+00
alpha_f = sqrt((twid_csq - cssq) / (cfsq - cssq))
alpha_s = sqrt((cfsq - twid_csq) / (cfsq - cssq))
end if
sqrtd = sqrt(q(idn))
s = sign(1.0d+00, q(ibx))
twid_c = sqrt(twid_csq)
qf = cf * alpha_f * s
qs = cs * alpha_s * s
af_prime = twid_c * alpha_f / sqrtd
as_prime = twid_c * alpha_s / sqrtd
! update the varying elements of the matrix of right eigenvectors
! left-going fast wave
evroe(2,1,idn) = alpha_f
evroe(2,1,ivx) = alpha_f * c(1)
evroe(2,1,ivy) = alpha_f * q(ivy) + qs * bet2_star
evroe(2,1,ivz) = alpha_f * q(ivz) + qs * bet3_star
evroe(2,1,iby) = as_prime * bet2_star
evroe(2,1,ibz) = as_prime * bet3_star
! left-going Alfvèn wave
evroe(2,2,ivy) = - bet3
evroe(2,2,ivz) = bet2
evroe(2,2,iby) = - bet3 * s / sqrtd
evroe(2,2,ibz) = bet2 * s / sqrtd
! left-going slow wave
evroe(2,3,idn) = alpha_s
evroe(2,3,ivx) = alpha_s * c(3)
evroe(2,3,ivy) = alpha_s * q(ivy) - qf * bet2_star
evroe(2,3,ivz) = alpha_s * q(ivz) - qf * bet3_star
evroe(2,3,iby) = - af_prime * bet2_star
evroe(2,3,ibz) = - af_prime * bet3_star
! right-going slow wave
evroe(2,5,idn) = alpha_s
evroe(2,5,ivx) = alpha_s * c(5)
evroe(2,5,ivy) = alpha_s * q(ivy) + qf * bet2_star
evroe(2,5,ivz) = alpha_s * q(ivz) + qf * bet3_star
evroe(2,5,iby) = evroe(2,3,iby)
evroe(2,5,ibz) = evroe(2,3,ibz)
! right-going Alfvèn wave
evroe(2,6,ivy) = bet3
evroe(2,6,ivz) = - bet2
evroe(2,6,iby) = evroe(2,2,iby)
evroe(2,6,ibz) = evroe(2,2,ibz)
! right-going fast wave
evroe(2,7,idn) = alpha_f
evroe(2,7,ivx) = alpha_f * c(7)
evroe(2,7,ivy) = alpha_f * q(ivy) - qs * bet2_star
evroe(2,7,ivz) = alpha_f * q(ivz) - qs * bet3_star
evroe(2,7,iby) = evroe(2,1,iby)
evroe(2,7,ibz) = evroe(2,1,ibz)
! update the varying elements of the matrix of left eigenvectors
norm = 0.5d+00 / twid_csq
cff = norm * alpha_f * cf
css = norm * alpha_s * cs
qf = qf * norm
qs = qs * norm
af = norm * af_prime * q(idn)
as = norm * as_prime * q(idn)
afpb = norm * af_prime * bt_star
aspb = norm * as_prime * bt_star
q2_star = bet2_star / bet_starsq
q3_star = bet3_star / bet_starsq
vqstr = q(ivy) * q2_star + q(ivz) * q3_star
! left-going fast wave
evroe(1,idn,1) = cff * c(7) - qs * vqstr - aspb
evroe(1,ivx,1) = - cff
evroe(1,ivy,1) = qs * q2_star
evroe(1,ivz,1) = qs * q3_star
evroe(1,iby,1) = as * q2_star
evroe(1,ibz,1) = as * q3_star
! left-going Alfvèn wave
evroe(1,idn,2) = 0.5d+00 * (q(ivy) * bet3 - q(ivz) * bet2)
evroe(1,ivy,2) = - 0.5d+00 * bet3
evroe(1,ivz,2) = 0.5d+00 * bet2
evroe(1,iby,2) = - 0.5d+00 * sqrtd * bet3 * s
evroe(1,ibz,2) = 0.5d+00 * sqrtd * bet2 * s
! left-going slow wave
evroe(1,idn,3) = css * c(5) + qf * vqstr + afpb
evroe(1,ivx,3) = - css
evroe(1,ivy,3) = - qf * q2_star
evroe(1,ivz,3) = - qf * q3_star
evroe(1,iby,3) = - af * q2_star
evroe(1,ibz,3) = - af * q3_star
! right-going slow wave
evroe(1,idn,5) = - css * c(3) - qf * vqstr + afpb
evroe(1,ivx,5) = css
evroe(1,ivy,5) = - evroe(1,ivy,3)
evroe(1,ivz,5) = - evroe(1,ivz,3)
evroe(1,iby,5) = evroe(1,iby,3)
evroe(1,ibz,5) = evroe(1,ibz,3)
! right-going Alfvèn wave
evroe(1,idn,6) = - evroe(1,idn,2)
evroe(1,ivy,6) = - evroe(1,ivy,2)
evroe(1,ivz,6) = - evroe(1,ivz,2)
evroe(1,iby,6) = evroe(1,iby,2)
evroe(1,ibz,6) = evroe(1,ibz,2)
! right-going fast wave
evroe(1,idn,7) = - cff * c(1) + qs * vqstr - aspb
evroe(1,ivx,7) = cff
evroe(1,ivy,7) = - evroe(1,ivy,1)
evroe(1,ivz,7) = - evroe(1,ivz,1)
evroe(1,iby,7) = evroe(1,iby,1)
evroe(1,ibz,7) = evroe(1,ibz,1)
! copy matrices of eigenvectors
l(1:nv,1:nv) = evroe(1,1:nv,1:nv)
r(1:nv,1:nv) = evroe(2,1:nv,1:nv)
end subroutine esystem_roe_mhd_iso
! subroutine PRIM2CONS_MHD_ADI:
! ----------------------------
! Subroutine converts primitive variables to their corresponding
! conservative representation.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! u - the output array of conservative variables;
subroutine prim2cons_mhd_adi(n, q, u)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: u
! local variables
integer :: i
real(kind=8) :: ei, ek, em
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable conversion
call start_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! iterate over all positions
do i = 1, n
u(idn,i) = q(idn,i)
u(imx,i) = q(idn,i) * q(ivx,i)
u(imy,i) = q(idn,i) * q(ivy,i)
u(imz,i) = q(idn,i) * q(ivz,i)
u(ibx,i) = q(ibx,i)
u(iby,i) = q(iby,i)
u(ibz,i) = q(ibz,i)
u(ibp,i) = q(ibp,i)
ei = gammam1i * q(ipr,i)
ek = 0.5d+00 * (u(imx,i) * q(ivx,i) + u(imy,i) * q(ivy,i) &
+ u(imz,i) * q(ivz,i))
em = 0.5d+00 * sum(q(ibx:ibz,i) * q(ibx:ibz,i))
u(ien,i) = ei + ek + em
end do ! i = 1, n
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable conversion
call stop_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine prim2cons_mhd_adi
! subroutine CONS2PRIM_MHD_ADI:
! ----------------------------
! Subroutine converts conservative variables to their corresponding
! primitive representation.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! u - the input array of conservative variables;
! q - the output array of primitive variables;
subroutine cons2prim_mhd_adi(n, u, q)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: u
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: q
! local variables
integer :: i
real(kind=8) :: ei, ek, em
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable conversion
call start_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! iterate over all positions
do i = 1, n
q(idn,i) = u(idn,i)
q(ivx,i) = u(imx,i) / u(idn,i)
q(ivy,i) = u(imy,i) / u(idn,i)
q(ivz,i) = u(imz,i) / u(idn,i)
q(ibx,i) = u(ibx,i)
q(iby,i) = u(iby,i)
q(ibz,i) = u(ibz,i)
q(ibp,i) = u(ibp,i)
ek = 0.5d+00 * (u(imx,i) * q(ivx,i) + u(imy,i) * q(ivy,i) &
+ u(imz,i) * q(ivz,i))
em = 0.5d+00 * sum(q(ibx:ibz,i) * q(ibx:ibz,i))
ei = u(ien,i) - (ek + em)
q(ipr,i) = gammam1 * ei
end do ! i = 1, n
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable conversion
call stop_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine cons2prim_mhd_adi
! subroutine FLUXSPEED_MHD_ADI:
! ----------------------------
! Subroutine calculates physical fluxes and characteristic speeds from a
! given equation system.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! u - the input array of conservative variables;
! f - the output vector of fluxes;
! cm, cp - the output vector of left- and right-going characteristic speeds;
subroutine fluxspeed_mhd_adi(n, q, u, f, cm, cp)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n) , intent(in) :: q, u
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n) , intent(out) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n) , optional, intent(out) :: cm, cp
! local variables
integer :: i
real(kind=8) :: by2, bz2, pt
real(kind=8) :: vb
real(kind=8) :: fa, fb, fc, cf
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: bx2, bb
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for flux calculation
call start_timer(imf)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! calculate the magnetohydrodynamic fluxes
do i = 1, n
bx2(i) = q(ibx,i) * q(ibx,i)
by2 = q(iby,i) * q(iby,i)
bz2 = q(ibz,i) * q(ibz,i)
bb(i) = bx2(i) + by2 + bz2
vb = sum(q(ivx:ivz,i) * q(ibx:ibz,i))
pt = q(ipr,i) + 0.5d+00 * bb(i)
f(idn,i) = u(imx,i)
f(imx,i) = q(ivx,i) * u(imx,i) - bx2(i)
f(imy,i) = q(ivx,i) * u(imy,i) - q(ibx,i) * q(iby,i)
f(imz,i) = q(ivx,i) * u(imz,i) - q(ibx,i) * q(ibz,i)
f(imx,i) = f(imx,i) + pt
f(ibx,i) = q(ibp,i)
f(iby,i) = q(ivx,i) * q(iby,i) - q(ibx,i) * q(ivy,i)
f(ibz,i) = q(ivx,i) * q(ibz,i) - q(ibx,i) * q(ivz,i)
f(ibp,i) = cmax2 * q(ibx,i)
f(ien,i) = q(ivx,i) * (u(ien,i) + pt) - q(ibx,i) * vb
end do ! i = 1, n
! calculate the characteristic speeds
if (present(cm) .and. present(cp)) then
do i = 1, n
fa = gamma * q(ipr,i)
fb = fa + bb(i)
fc = fb * fb - 4.0d+00 * fa * bx2(i)
if (fc > 0.0d+00) then
cf = sqrt(0.5d+00 * (fb + sqrt(fc)) / q(idn,i))
cf = sqrt(0.5d+00 * fb / q(idn,i))
end if
cm(i) = q(ivx,i) - cf
cp(i) = q(ivx,i) + cf
end do ! i = 1, n
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for flux calculation
call stop_timer(imf)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine fluxspeed_mhd_adi
! function MAXSPEED_MHD_ADI:
! -------------------------
! Function scans the variable array and returns the maximum speed in within.
! Arguments:
! q - the array of primitive variables;
function maxspeed_mhd_adi(qq) result(maxspeed)
! include external procedures and variables
use coordinates, only : im, jm, km, ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input arguments
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,im,jm,km), intent(in) :: qq
! return value
real(kind=8) :: maxspeed
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k
real(kind=8) :: vv, bb, v, c
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the maximum speed estimation
call start_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! reset the maximum speed
maxspeed = 0.0d+00
! iterate over all positions
do k = kb, ke
do j = jb, je
do i = ib, ie
! calculate the velocity amplitude
vv = sum(qq(ivx:ivz,i,j,k) * qq(ivx:ivz,i,j,k))
v = sqrt(vv)
bb = sum(qq(ibx:ibz,i,j,k) * qq(ibx:ibz,i,j,k))
! calculate the fast magnetosonic speed
c = sqrt((gamma * qq(ipr,i,j,k) + bb) / qq(idn,i,j,k))
! calculate the maximum of speed
maxspeed = max(maxspeed, v + c)
end do ! i = ib, ie
end do ! j = jb, je
end do ! k = kb, ke
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the maximum speed estimation
call stop_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! return the value
end function maxspeed_mhd_adi
! subroutine ESYSTEM_ROE_MHD_ADI:
! ------------------------------
! Subroutine computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a given set of
! equations and input variables.
! Arguments:
! x - ratio of the perpendicular magnetic field component difference
! y - ratio of the density
! q - the intermediate Roe state vector;
! c - the vector of eigenvalues;
! r - the matrix of right eigenvectors;
! l - the matrix of left eigenvectors;
! References:
! [1] Stone, J. M. & Gardiner, T. A.,
! "ATHENA: A New Code for Astrophysical MHD",
! The Astrophysical Journal Suplement Series, 2008, 178, pp. 137-177
! [2] Balsara, D. S.
! "Linearized Formulation of the Riemann Problem for Adiabatic and
! Isothermal Magnetohydrodynamics",
! The Astrophysical Journal Suplement Series, 1998, 116, pp. 119-131
subroutine esystem_roe_mhd_adi(x, y, q, c, r, l)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: x, y
real(kind=8), dimension(nv) , intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv) , intent(inout) :: c
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,nv), intent(inout) :: l, r
! saved variables
logical , save :: first = .true.
real(kind=8), save :: gammam2
! local variables
real(kind=8) :: di, vsq, btsq, bt_starsq, casq, hp, twid_asq
real(kind=8) :: ct2, tsum, tdif, cf2_cs2, cfsq, cf, cssq, cs, ca, bt
real(kind=8) :: bt_star, bet2, bet3, bet2_star, bet3_star, bet_starsq, vbet
real(kind=8) :: alpha_f, alpha_s, af_prime, as_prime
real(kind=8) :: sqrtd, isqrtd, s, twid_a, qf, qs, afpbb, aspbb
real(kind=8) :: qa, qb, qc, qd
real(kind=8) :: norm, cff, css, af, as, afpb, aspb
real(kind=8) :: q2_star, q3_star, vqstr
! local parameters
real(kind=8), parameter :: eps = epsilon(di)
! prepare the internal arrays at the first run
if (first) then
! prepare coefficients
gammam2 = gamma - 2.0d+00
! reset all elements
evroe(:, : ,:) = 0.0d+00
! initiate the matrix of right eigenvectors
evroe(2,4,idn) = 1.0d+00
! unset the first execution flag
first = .false.
end if ! first execution
! prepare coefficients for eigenvalues
di = 1.0d+00 / q(idn)
casq = q(ibx) * q(ibx) * di
ca = sqrt(casq)
vsq = q(ivx) * q(ivx) + q(ivy) * q(ivy) + q(ivz) * q(ivz)
btsq = q(iby) * q(iby) + q(ibz) * q(ibz)
bt_starsq = (gammam1 - gammam2 * y) * btsq
hp = q(ien) - (casq + btsq * di)
twid_asq = max(eps, (gammam1 * (hp - 0.5d+00 * vsq) - gammam2 * x))
ct2 = bt_starsq * di
tsum = casq + ct2 + twid_asq
tdif = casq + ct2 - twid_asq
cf2_cs2 = sqrt((tdif * tdif + 4.0d+00 * twid_asq * ct2))
cfsq = 0.5d+00 * (tsum + cf2_cs2)
cf = sqrt(cfsq)
cssq = twid_asq * casq / cfsq
cs = sqrt(cssq)
! prepare eigenvalues
c(1) = q(ivx) - cf
c(2) = q(ivx) - ca
c(3) = q(ivx) - cs
c(4) = q(ivx)
c(5) = q(ivx)
c(6) = q(ivx) + cs
c(7) = q(ivx) + ca
c(8) = q(ivx) + cf
c(9) = c(8)
! calculate the eigenvectors only if the waves propagate in both direction
if (c(1) >= 0.0d+00) return
if (c(8) <= 0.0d+00) return
! prepare remaining coefficients for eigenvectors
bt = sqrt(btsq)
bt_star = sqrt(bt_starsq)
if (bt == 0.0d+00) then
bet2 = 1.0d+00
bet3 = 0.0d+00
bet2 = q(iby) / bt
bet3 = q(ibz) / bt
end if
bet2_star = bet2 / sqrt(gammam1 - gammam2 * y)
bet3_star = bet3 / sqrt(gammam1 - gammam2 * y)
bet_starsq = bet2_star * bet2_star + bet3_star * bet3_star
vbet = q(ivy) * bet2_star + q(ivz) * bet3_star
if ( (cfsq - cssq) == 0.0d+00 ) then
alpha_f = 1.0d+00
alpha_s = 0.0d+00
else if ( (twid_asq - cssq) <= 0.0d+00 ) then
alpha_f = 0.0d+00
alpha_s = 1.0d+00
else if ( (cfsq - twid_asq) <= 0.0d+00 ) then
alpha_f = 1.0d+00
alpha_s = 0.0d+00
alpha_f = sqrt((twid_asq - cssq) / (cfsq - cssq))
alpha_s = sqrt((cfsq - twid_asq) / (cfsq - cssq))
end if
sqrtd = sqrt(q(idn))
isqrtd = 1.0d+00 / sqrtd
s = sign(1.0d+00, q(ibx))
twid_a = sqrt(twid_asq)
qf = cf * alpha_f * s
qs = cs * alpha_s * s
af_prime = twid_a * alpha_f * isqrtd
as_prime = twid_a * alpha_s * isqrtd
afpbb = af_prime * bt_star * bet_starsq
aspbb = as_prime * bt_star * bet_starsq
! update the varying elements of the matrix of right eigenvectors
evroe(2,1,idn) = alpha_f
evroe(2,3,idn) = alpha_s
evroe(2,6,idn) = alpha_s
evroe(2,8,idn) = alpha_f
evroe(2,1,ivx) = alpha_f * c(1)
evroe(2,3,ivx) = alpha_s * c(3)
evroe(2,4,ivx) = q(ivx)
evroe(2,6,ivx) = alpha_s * c(6)
evroe(2,8,ivx) = alpha_f * c(8)
qa = alpha_f * q(ivy)
qb = alpha_s * q(ivy)
qc = qs * bet2_star
qd = qf * bet2_star
evroe(2,1,ivy) = qa + qc
evroe(2,2,ivy) = - bet3
evroe(2,3,ivy) = qb - qd
evroe(2,4,ivy) = q(ivy)
evroe(2,6,ivy) = qb + qd
evroe(2,7,ivy) = bet3
evroe(2,8,ivy) = qa - qc
qa = alpha_f * q(ivz)
qb = alpha_s * q(ivz)
qc = qs * bet3_star
qd = qf * bet3_star
evroe(2,1,ivz) = qa + qc
evroe(2,2,ivz) = bet2
evroe(2,3,ivz) = qb - qd
evroe(2,4,ivz) = q(ivz)
evroe(2,6,ivz) = qb + qd
evroe(2,7,ivz) = - bet2
evroe(2,8,ivz) = qa - qc
evroe(2,1,ipr) = alpha_f * (hp - q(ivx) * cf) + qs * vbet + aspbb
evroe(2,2,ipr) = -(q(ivy) * bet3 - q(ivz) * bet2)
evroe(2,3,ipr) = alpha_s * (hp - q(ivx) * cs) - qf * vbet - afpbb
evroe(2,4,ipr) = 0.5d+00 * vsq + gammam2 * x / gammam1
evroe(2,6,ipr) = alpha_s * (hp + q(ivx) * cs) + qf * vbet - afpbb
evroe(2,7,ipr) = - evroe(2,2,ipr)
evroe(2,8,ipr) = alpha_f * (hp + q(ivx) * cf) - qs * vbet + aspbb
evroe(2,1,iby) = as_prime * bet2_star
evroe(2,2,iby) = - bet3 * s * isqrtd
evroe(2,3,iby) = - af_prime * bet2_star
evroe(2,6,iby) = evroe(2,3,iby)
evroe(2,7,iby) = evroe(2,2,iby)
evroe(2,8,iby) = evroe(2,1,iby)
evroe(2,1,ibz) = as_prime * bet3_star
evroe(2,2,ibz) = bet2 * s * isqrtd
evroe(2,3,ibz) = - af_prime * bet3_star
evroe(2,6,ibz) = evroe(2,3,ibz)
evroe(2,7,ibz) = evroe(2,2,ibz)
evroe(2,8,ibz) = evroe(2,1,ibz)
! update the varying elements of the matrix of left eigenvectors
norm = 0.5d+00 / twid_asq
cff = norm * alpha_f * cf
css = norm * alpha_s * cs
qf = qf * norm
qs = qs * norm
af = norm * af_prime * q(idn)
as = norm * as_prime * q(idn)
afpb = norm * af_prime * bt_star
aspb = norm * as_prime * bt_star
norm = norm * gammam1
alpha_f = alpha_f * norm
alpha_s = alpha_s * norm
q2_star = bet2_star / bet_starsq
q3_star = bet3_star / bet_starsq
vqstr = (q(ivy) * q2_star + q(ivz) * q3_star)
norm = 2.0d+00 * norm
! left-going fast wave
evroe(1,idn,1) = alpha_f * (vsq - hp) + cff * (cf + q(ivx)) &
- qs * vqstr - aspb
evroe(1,ivx,1) = - alpha_f * q(ivx) - cff
evroe(1,ivy,1) = - alpha_f * q(ivy) + qs * q2_star
evroe(1,ivz,1) = - alpha_f * q(ivz) + qs * q3_star
evroe(1,ipr,1) = alpha_f
evroe(1,iby,1) = as * q2_star - alpha_f * q(iby)
evroe(1,ibz,1) = as * q3_star - alpha_f * q(ibz)
! left-going Alfvèn wave
evroe(1,idn,2) = 0.5d+00 * (q(ivy) * bet3 - q(ivz) * bet2)
evroe(1,ivy,2) = - 0.5d+00 * bet3
evroe(1,ivz,2) = 0.5d+00 * bet2
evroe(1,iby,2) = - 0.5d+00 * sqrtd * bet3 * s
evroe(1,ibz,2) = 0.5d+00 * sqrtd * bet2 * s
! left-going slow wave
evroe(1,idn,3) = alpha_s * (vsq - hp) + css * (cs + q(ivx)) &
+ qf * vqstr + afpb
evroe(1,ivx,3) = - alpha_s * q(ivx) - css
evroe(1,ivy,3) = - alpha_s * q(ivy) - qf * q2_star
evroe(1,ivz,3) = - alpha_s * q(ivz) - qf * q3_star
evroe(1,ipr,3) = alpha_s
evroe(1,iby,3) = - af * q2_star - alpha_s * q(iby)
evroe(1,ibz,3) = - af * q3_star - alpha_s * q(ibz)
! entropy wave
evroe(1,idn,4) = 1.0d+00 - norm * (0.5d+00 * vsq - gammam2 * x / gammam1)
evroe(1,ivx,4) = norm * q(ivx)
evroe(1,ivy,4) = norm * q(ivy)
evroe(1,ivz,4) = norm * q(ivz)
evroe(1,ipr,4) = - norm
evroe(1,iby,4) = norm * q(iby)
evroe(1,ibz,4) = norm * q(ibz)
! right-going slow wave
evroe(1,idn,6) = alpha_s * (vsq - hp) + css * (cs - q(ivx)) &
- qf * vqstr + afpb
evroe(1,ivx,6) = - alpha_s * q(ivx) + css
evroe(1,ivy,6) = - alpha_s * q(ivy) + qf * q2_star
evroe(1,ivz,6) = - alpha_s * q(ivz) + qf * q3_star
evroe(1,ipr,6) = alpha_s
evroe(1,iby,6) = evroe(1,iby,3)
evroe(1,ibz,6) = evroe(1,ibz,3)
! right-going Alfvèn wave
evroe(1,idn,7) = - evroe(1,idn,2)
evroe(1,ivy,7) = - evroe(1,ivy,2)
evroe(1,ivz,7) = - evroe(1,ivz,2)
evroe(1,iby,7) = evroe(1,iby,2)
evroe(1,ibz,7) = evroe(1,ibz,2)
! right-going fast wave
evroe(1,idn,8) = alpha_f * (vsq - hp) + cff * (cf - q(ivx)) &
+ qs * vqstr - aspb
evroe(1,ivx,8) = - alpha_f * q(ivx) + cff
evroe(1,ivy,8) = - alpha_f * q(ivy) - qs * q2_star
evroe(1,ivz,8) = - alpha_f * q(ivz) - qs * q3_star
evroe(1,ipr,8) = alpha_f
evroe(1,iby,8) = evroe(1,iby,1)
evroe(1,ibz,8) = evroe(1,ibz,1)
! copy matrices of eigenvectors
l(1:nv,1:nv) = evroe(1,1:nv,1:nv)
r(1:nv,1:nv) = evroe(2,1:nv,1:nv)
end subroutine esystem_roe_mhd_adi
! subroutine PRIM2CONS_SRHD_ADI:
! -----------------------------
! Subroutine converts primitive variables to their corresponding
! conservative representation.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! u - the output array of conservative variables;
subroutine prim2cons_srhd_adi(n, q, u)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: u
! local variables
integer :: i
real(kind=8) :: vv, vm, vs, ww
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable conversion
call start_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! iterate over all positions
do i = 1, n
! calculate the square of velocity, the Lorentz factor and specific enthalpy
vv = sum(q(ivx:ivz,i) * q(ivx:ivz,i))
vm = 1.0d+00 - vv
vs = sqrt(vm)
ww = (q(idn,i) + q(ipr,i) / gammaxi) / vm
! calculate conservative variables
u(idn,i) = q(idn,i) / vs
u(imx,i) = ww * q(ivx,i)
u(imy,i) = ww * q(ivy,i)
u(imz,i) = ww * q(ivz,i)
u(ien,i) = ww - q(ipr,i) - u(idn,i)
end do ! i = 1, n
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable conversion
call stop_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine prim2cons_srhd_adi
! subroutine CONS2PRIM_SRHD_ADI:
! -----------------------------
! Subroutine converts conservative variables to their corresponding
! primitive representation using an interative method.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! u - the input array of conservative variables;
! q - the output array of primitive variables;
subroutine cons2prim_srhd_adi(n, u, q)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: u
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: q
! local variables
logical :: info
integer :: i
real(kind=8) :: mm, bb, mb, en, dn
real(kind=8) :: w , vv, vm, vs
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable conversion
call start_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! iterate over all positions
do i = 1, n
! prepare variables which do not change during the Newton-Ralphson iterations
mm = sum(u(imx:imz,i) * u(imx:imz,i))
en = u(ien,i) + u(idn,i)
dn = u(idn,i)
! find the exact W using an Newton-Ralphson interative method
call nr_iterate(mm, bb, mb, en, dn, w, vv, info)
! if info is .true., the solution was found
if (info) then
! prepare coefficients
vm = 1.0d+00 - vv
vs = sqrt(vm)
! calculate the primitive variables
q(idn,i) = dn * vs
q(ivx,i) = u(imx,i) / w
q(ivy,i) = u(imy,i) / w
q(ivz,i) = u(imz,i) / w
q(ipr,i) = w - en
else ! unphysical state
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::cons2prim_srhd_adi()"
write(*,"(a,5(1x,1e24.16e3))") "Unphysical state for U = ", u(1:nv,i)
write(*,"(a,3(1x,1e24.16e3))") " D, |m|², E = ", dn, mm, en
end if ! unphysical state
end do ! i = 1, n
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable conversion
call stop_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine cons2prim_srhd_adi
! subroutine FLUXSPEED_SRHD_ADI:
! -----------------------------
! Subroutine calculates physical fluxes and characteristic speeds from a
! given equation system.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! u - the input array of conservative variables;
! f - the output vector of fluxes;
! cm, cp - the output vector of left- and right-going characteristic speeds;
! References:
! [1] Mignone, A., Bodo, G.,
! "An HLLC Riemann solver for relativistic flows - I. Hydrodynamics",
! Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2005, 364, 126-136
subroutine fluxspeed_srhd_adi(n, q, u, f, cm, cp)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n) , intent(in) :: q, u
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n) , intent(out) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n) , optional, intent(out) :: cm, cp
! local variables
integer :: i
real(kind=8) :: vv, ww, c2, ss, cc, fc
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for flux calculation
call start_timer(imf)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! calculate the relativistic hydrodynamic fluxes (eq. 2 in [1])
do i = 1, n
f(idn,i) = u(idn,i) * q(ivx,i)
f(imx,i) = u(imx,i) * q(ivx,i) + q(ipr,i)
f(imy,i) = u(imy,i) * q(ivx,i)
f(imz,i) = u(imz,i) * q(ivx,i)
f(ien,i) = u(imx,i) - f(idn,i)
end do ! i = 1, n
! calculate characteristic speeds (eq. 23 in [1])
if (present(cm) .and. present(cp)) then
do i = 1, n
ww = q(idn,i) + q(ipr,i) / gammaxi
c2 = gamma * q(ipr,i) / ww
vv = sum(q(ivx:ivz,i) * q(ivx:ivz,i))
ss = c2 * (1.0d+00 - vv) / (1.0d+00 - c2)
fc = 1.0d+00 + ss
cc = sqrt(ss * (fc - q(ivx,i)**2))
cm(i) = (q(ivx,i) - cc) / fc
cp(i) = (q(ivx,i) + cc) / fc
end do ! i = 1, n
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for flux calculation
call stop_timer(imf)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine fluxspeed_srhd_adi
! --------------------------
! Function scans the variable array and returns the maximum speed in within.
! Arguments:
! q - the array of primitive variables;
function maxspeed_srhd_adi(qq) result(maxspeed)
! include external procedures and variables
use coordinates, only : im, jm, km, ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input arguments
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,im,jm,km), intent(in) :: qq
! return value
real(kind=8) :: maxspeed
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k
real(kind=8) :: vv, v, cc, ww, c2, ss, fc
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the maximum speed estimation
call start_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! reset the maximum speed
maxspeed = 0.0d+00
! iterate over all positions
do k = kb, ke
do j = jb, je
do i = ib, ie
! calculate the velocity amplitude
vv = sum(qq(ivx:ivz,i,j,k) * qq(ivx:ivz,i,j,k))
v = sqrt(vv)
! calculate the square of the sound speed
ww = qq(idn,i,j,k) + qq(ipr,i,j,k) / gammaxi
c2 = gamma * qq(ipr,i,j,k) / ww
ss = c2 * (1.0d+00 - vv) / (1.0d+00 - c2)
fc = 1.0d+00 + ss
cc = sqrt(ss * (fc - vv))
! calculate the maximum of speed
maxspeed = max(maxspeed, (v + cc) / fc)
end do ! i = ib, ie
end do ! j = jb, je
end do ! k = kb, ke
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the maximum speed estimation
call stop_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! return the value
end function maxspeed_srhd_adi
! subroutine NR_FUNCTION_SRHD_ADI_1D:
! ----------------------------------
! Subroutine calculate the value of function
! F(W) = W - P(W) - E
! for a given enthalpy W. It is used to estimate the initial guess.
! The pressure is
! P(W) = (γ - 1)/γ (W - D / sqrt(1 - |v|²(W))) (1 - |v|²(W))
! and the squared velocity is
! |v|²(W) = |m|² / W²
! Optional derivative is returned
! dF(W)/dW = 1 - dP(W)/dW
! Arguments:
! mm, en, dn, w - input coefficients for |M|² E, D, and W, respectively;
! f - the value of function F(W);
! df - optional derivative F'(W);
subroutine nr_function_srhd_adi_1d(mm, en, dn, w, f, df)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: mm, en, dn, w
real(kind=8) , intent(out) :: f
real(kind=8), optional, intent(out) :: df
! local variables
real(kind=8) :: vv, vm, vs, pr
vv = mm / (w * w)
vm = 1.0d+00 - vv
vs = sqrt(vm)
f = (1.0d+00 - gammaxi * vm) * w + gammaxi * dn * vs - en
if (present(df)) then
df = 1.0d+00 - gammaxi * (1.0d+00 + (1.0d+00 - dn / (vs * w)) * vv)
end if
end subroutine nr_function_srhd_adi_1d
! subroutine NR_ITERATE_SRHD_ADI_1DW:
! ----------------------------------
! Subroutine finds a root W of equation
! F(W) = W - P(W) - E = 0
! using the Newton-Raphson 1Dw iterative method.
! Arguments:
! mm, en - input coefficients for |M|² and E, respectively;
! bb, bm - input coefficients for |B|² and B.M, respectively;
! w, vv - input/output coefficients W and |v|²;
! info - the flag is .true. if the solution was found, otherwise
! it is .false.;
! References:
! Noble, S. C., Gammie, C. F., McKinney, J. C, Del Zanna, L.,
! "Primitive Variable Solvers for Conservative General Relativistic
! Magnetohydrodynamics",
! The Astrophysical Journal, 2006, vol. 641, pp. 626-637
subroutine nr_iterate_srhd_adi_1dw(mm, bb, mb, en, dn, w, vv, info)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: mm, bb, mb, en, dn
real(kind=8), intent(inout) :: w, vv
logical , intent(out) :: info
! local variables
logical :: keep
integer :: it, cn
real(kind=8) :: wl, wu, fl, fu
real(kind=8) :: f, df, dw
real(kind=8) :: err
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable solver
call start_timer(imp)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! prepare the initial brackets
wl = sqrt(mm + dn * dn) + gammaxi * pmin
wu = en + pmin
! make sure that the upper bracket is larger than the lower one
keep = wl >= wu
it = nrmax
do while(keep)
wu = 2.0d+00 * wu
it = it - 1
keep = (wl >= wu) .and. it > 0
end do
if (it <= 0) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)") "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srhd_adi_1dw()"
write(*,"(a)" ) "Could not find the upper limit for enthalpy!"
info = .false.
end if
! check if the brackets bound the root region, if not proceed until
! opposite function signs are found for the brackets
call nr_function_srhd_adi_1d(mm, en, dn, wl, fl)
call nr_function_srhd_adi_1d(mm, en, dn, wu, fu)
keep = (fl * fu > 0.0d+00)
it = nrmax
do while (keep)
wl = wu
fl = fu
wu = 2.0d+00 * wu
call nr_function_srhd_adi_1d(mm, en, dn, wu, fu)
it = it - 1
keep = (fl * fu > 0.0d+00) .and. it > 0
end do
if (it <= 0) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)") "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srhd_adi_1dw()"
write(*,"(a)" ) "No initial brackets found!"
info = .false.
end if
! estimate the value of enthalpy close to the root and corresponding v²
w = wl - fl * (wu - wl) / (fu - fl)
! initialize iteration parameters
info = .true.
keep = .true.
it = nrmax
cn = nrext
! iterate using the Newton-Raphson method in order to find a root w of the
! function
do while(keep)
! calculate F(W) and dF(W)/dW
call nr_function_srhd_adi_1d(mm, en, dn, w, f, df)
! update brackets
if (f > fl .and. f < 0.0d+00) then
wl = w
fl = f
end if
if (f < fu .and. f > 0.0d+00) then
wu = w
fu = f
end if
! calculate the increment dW
dw = f / df
! update the solution
w = w - dw
! calculate the error
err = abs(dw / w)
! check the convergence, if the convergence is not reached, iterate until
! the maximum number of iteration is reached
if (err < tol) then
keep = cn > 0
cn = cn - 1
keep = it > 0
end if
! if new W lays out of the brackets, use the bisection method to estimate
! the new guess
if (w < wl .or. w > wu) then
w = 0.5d+00 * (wl + wu)
end if
! decrease the number of remaining iterations
it = it - 1
end do ! NR iterations
! calculate |V|² from W
vv = mm / (w * w)
! print information about failed convergence or unphysical variables
if (err >= tol) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "WARNING in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srhd_adi_1dw()"
write(*,"(a,1x,1e24.16e3)") "Convergence not reached: ", err
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable solver
call stop_timer(imp)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine nr_iterate_srhd_adi_1dw
! subroutine NR_ITERATE_SRHD_ADI_2DWV:
! -----------------------------------
! Subroutine finds a root (W,v²) of 2D equations
! F(W,v²) = W - E - P(W,v²) = 0
! G(W,v²) = W² v² - m² = 0
! using the Newton-Raphson 2D iterative method.
! All evaluated equations incorporate already the pressure of the form
! P(W,|v|²) = (γ - 1)/γ (W - Γ D) (1 - |v|²)
! in order to optimize calculations.
! Arguments:
! mm, en - input coefficients for |M|² and E, respectively;
! bb, bm - input coefficients for |B|² and B.M, respectively;
! w, vv - input/output coefficients W and |v|²;
! info - the flag is .true. if the solution was found, otherwise
! it is .false.;
! References:
! Noble, S. C., Gammie, C. F., McKinney, J. C, Del Zanna, L.,
! "Primitive Variable Solvers for Conservative General Relativistic
! Magnetohydrodynamics",
! The Astrophysical Journal, 2006, vol. 641, pp. 626-637
subroutine nr_iterate_srhd_adi_2dwv(mm, bb, mb, en, dn, w, vv, info)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: mm, bb, mb, en, dn
real(kind=8), intent(inout) :: w, vv
logical , intent(out) :: info
! local variables
logical :: keep
integer :: it, cn
real(kind=8) :: wl, wu, fl, fu
real(kind=8) :: ww, vm, vs, gd, gv
real(kind=8) :: f, dfw, dfv, df
real(kind=8) :: g, dgw, dgv, dg
real(kind=8) :: det, jfw, jfv, jgw, jgv
real(kind=8) :: dw, dv
real(kind=8) :: err
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable solver
call start_timer(imp)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! prepare the initial brackets
wl = sqrt(mm + dn * dn) + gammaxi * pmin
wu = en + pmin
! make sure that the upper bracket is larger than the lower one
keep = wl >= wu
it = nrmax
do while(keep)
wu = 2.0d+00 * wu
it = it - 1
keep = (wl >= wu) .and. it > 0
end do
if (it <= 0) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)") "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srhd_adi_1dw()"
write(*,"(a)" ) "Could not find the upper limit for enthalpy!"
info = .false.
end if
! check if the brackets bound the root region, if not proceed until
! opposite function signs are found for the brackets
call nr_function_srhd_adi_1d(mm, en, dn, wl, fl)
call nr_function_srhd_adi_1d(mm, en, dn, wu, fu)
keep = (fl * fu > 0.0d+00)
it = nrmax
do while (keep)
wl = wu
fl = fu
wu = 2.0d+00 * wu
call nr_function_srhd_adi_1d(mm, en, dn, wu, fu)
it = it - 1
keep = (fl * fu > 0.0d+00) .and. it > 0
end do
if (it <= 0) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)") "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srhd_adi_2dwv()"
write(*,"(a)" ) "No initial brackets found!"
info = .false.
end if
! estimate the value of enthalpy close to the root and corresponding v²
w = wl - fl * (wu - wl) / (fu - fl)
vv = mm / (w * w)
! initialize iteration parameters
info = .true.
keep = .true.
it = nrmax
cn = nrext
! iterate using the Newton-Raphson method in order to find the roots W and |v|²
! of functions
do while(keep)
! calculate W², (1 - |v|²), and the Lorentz factor
ww = w * w
vm = 1.0d+00 - vv
vs = sqrt(vm)
gd = gammaxi * dn
gv = 1.0d+00 - gammaxi * vm
! calculate F(W,|v|²) and G(W,|v|²)
f = gv * w - en + gd * vs
g = vv * ww - mm
! calculate dF(W,|v|²)/dW and dF(W,|v|²)/d|v|²
dfw = gv
dfv = gammaxi * w - 0.5d+00 * gd / vs
! calculate dG(W,|v|²)/dW and dG(W,|v|²)/d|v|²
dgw = 2.0d+00 * vv * w
dgv = ww
! invert the Jacobian J = | dF/dW, dF/d|v|² |
! | dG/dW, dG/d|v|² |
det = dfw * dgv - dfv * dgw
jfw = dgv / det
jgw = - dfv / det
jfv = - dgw / det
jgv = dfw / det
! calculate increments dW and d|v|²
dw = f * jfw + g * jgw
dv = f * jfv + g * jgv
! correct W and |v|²
w = w - dw
vv = vv - dv
! check if the new enthalpy and velocity are physical
if (w < wl) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srhd_adi_2dwv()"
write(*,"(a,1x,2e24.16e3)") "Enthalpy smaller than the limit: ", w, wl
info = .false.
end if
if (vv < 0.0d+00 .or. vv >= 1.0d+00) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srhd_adi_2dwv()"
write(*,"(a,1x,1e24.16e3)") "Unphysical speed |v|²: ", vv
info = .false.
end if
! calculate the error
err = max(abs(dw / w), abs(dv))
! check the convergence, if the convergence is not reached, iterate until
! the maximum number of iteration is reached
if (err < tol) then
keep = cn > 0
cn = cn - 1
keep = it > 0
end if
! decrease the number of remaining iterations
it = it - 1
end do ! NR iterations
! print information about failed convergence or unphysical variables
if (err >= tol) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "WARNING in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srhd_adi_2dwv()"
write(*,"(a,1x,1e24.16e3)") "Convergence not reached: ", err
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable solver
call stop_timer(imp)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine nr_iterate_srhd_adi_2dwv
! subroutine NR_ITERATE_SRHD_ADI_2DWU:
! -----------------------------------
! Subroutine finds a root (W,u²) of 2D equations
! F(W,u²) = (W - E - P(W,u²)) (u² + 1) = 0
! G(W,u²) = W² u² - (u² + 1) m² = 0
! using the Newton-Raphson 2D iterative method.
! All evaluated equations incorporate already the pressure of the form
! P(W,|u|²) = (γ - 1)/γ (W - Γ D) / (1 + |u|²)
! in order to optimize calculations.
! Arguments:
! mm, en - input coefficients for |M|² and E, respectively;
! bb, bm - input coefficients for |B|² and B.M, respectively;
! w, vv - input/output coefficients W and |v|²;
! info - the flag is .true. if the solution was found, otherwise
! it is .false.;
subroutine nr_iterate_srhd_adi_2dwu(mm, bb, mb, en, dn, w, vv, info)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: mm, bb, mb, en, dn
real(kind=8), intent(inout) :: w, vv
logical , intent(out) :: info
! local variables
logical :: keep
integer :: it, cn
real(kind=8) :: wl, wu, fl, fu
real(kind=8) :: ww, uu, up, gm, gd
real(kind=8) :: f, dfw, dfu, df
real(kind=8) :: g, dgw, dgu, dg
real(kind=8) :: det, jfw, jfu, jgw, jgu
real(kind=8) :: dw, du
real(kind=8) :: err
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable solver
call start_timer(imp)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! prepare the initial brackets
wl = sqrt(mm + dn * dn) + gammaxi * pmin
wu = en + pmin
! make sure that the upper bracket is larger than the lower one
keep = wl >= wu
it = nrmax
do while(keep)
wu = 2.0d+00 * wu
it = it - 1
keep = (wl >= wu) .and. it > 0
end do
if (it <= 0) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)") "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srhd_adi_1dw()"
write(*,"(a)" ) "Could not find the upper limit for enthalpy!"
info = .false.
end if
! check if the brackets bound the root region, if not proceed until
! opposite function signs are found for the brackets
call nr_function_srhd_adi_1d(mm, en, dn, wl, fl)
call nr_function_srhd_adi_1d(mm, en, dn, wu, fu)
keep = (fl * fu > 0.0d+00)
it = nrmax
do while (keep)
wl = wu
fl = fu
wu = 2.0d+00 * wu
call nr_function_srhd_adi_1d(mm, en, dn, wu, fu)
it = it - 1
keep = (fl * fu > 0.0d+00) .and. it > 0
end do
if (it <= 0) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)") "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srhd_adi_2dwu()"
write(*,"(a)" ) "No initial brackets found!"
info = .false.
end if
! estimate the value of enthalpy close to the root and corresponding u²
w = wl - fl * (wu - wl) / (fu - fl)
uu = mm / (w * w - mm)
! initialize iteration parameters
info = .true.
keep = .true.
it = nrmax
cn = nrext
! iterate using the Newton-Raphson method in order to find the roots W and |u|²
! of functions
do while(keep)
! calculate W², (1 + |u|²), and the Lorentz factor, and some repeated
! expressions
ww = w * w
up = 1.0d+00 + uu
gm = sqrt(up)
gd = gammaxi * dn
! calculate F(W,|u|²) and G(W,|u|²)
f = (up - gammaxi) * w - up * en + gm * gd
g = uu * ww - up * mm
! calculate dF(W,|u|²)/dW and dF(W,|u|²)/d|u|²
dfw = up - gammaxi
dfu = w - en + 0.5d+00 * gd / gm
! calculate dG(W,|u|²)/dW and dG(W,|u|²)/d|u|²
dgw = 2.0d+00 * uu * w
dgu = ww - mm
! invert the Jacobian J = | dF/dW, dF/d|u|² |
! | dG/dW, dG/d|u|² |
det = dfw * dgu - dfu * dgw
jfw = dgu / det
jgw = - dfu / det
jfu = - dgw / det
jgu = dfw / det
! calculate increments dW and d|u|²
dw = f * jfw + g * jgw
du = f * jfu + g * jgu
! correct W and |u|²
w = w - dw
uu = uu - du
! check if the new enthalpy gives physical pressure and velocity
if (w < wl) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srhd_adi_2dwu()"
write(*,"(a,1x,2e24.16e3)") "Enthalpy smaller than the limit: ", w, wl
info = .false.
end if
if (uu < 0.0d+00) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srhd_adi_2dwu()"
write(*,"(a,1x,1e24.16e3)") "Unphysical speed |u|²: ", uu
info = .false.
end if
! calculate the error
err = max(abs(dw / w), abs(du))
! check the convergence, if the convergence is not reached, iterate until
! the maximum number of iteration is reached
if (err < tol) then
keep = cn > 0
cn = cn - 1
keep = it > 0
end if
! decrease the number of remaining iterations
it = it - 1
end do ! NR iterations
! calculate |v|² from |u|²
vv = uu / (1.0d+00 + uu)
! print information about failed convergence or unphysical variables
if (err >= tol) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "WARNING in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srhd_adi_2dwu()"
write(*,"(a,1x,1e24.16e3)") "Convergence not reached: ", err
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable solver
call stop_timer(imp)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine nr_iterate_srhd_adi_2dwu
! subroutine PRIM2CONS_SRMHD_ADI:
! ------------------------------
! Subroutine converts primitive variables to their corresponding
! conservative representation.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! u - the output array of conservative variables;
subroutine prim2cons_srmhd_adi(n, q, u)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: q
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: u
! local variables
integer :: i
real(kind=8) :: vv, bb, vb, vm, vs, ww, wt
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable conversion
call start_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! iterate over all positions
do i = 1, n
! calculate the square of velocity, the quare of magnetic field, the scalar
! product of velocity and magnetic field, the Lorentz factor, specific and
! total enthalpies
vv = sum(q(ivx:ivz,i) * q(ivx:ivz,i))
bb = sum(q(ibx:ibz,i) * q(ibx:ibz,i))
vb = sum(q(ivx:ivz,i) * q(ibx:ibz,i))
vm = 1.0d+00 - vv
vs = sqrt(vm)
ww = (q(idn,i) + q(ipr,i) / gammaxi) / vm
wt = ww + bb
! calculate conservative variables
u(idn,i) = q(idn,i) / vs
u(imx,i) = wt * q(ivx,i) - vb * q(ibx,i)
u(imy,i) = wt * q(ivy,i) - vb * q(iby,i)
u(imz,i) = wt * q(ivz,i) - vb * q(ibz,i)
u(ibx,i) = q(ibx,i)
u(iby,i) = q(iby,i)
u(ibz,i) = q(ibz,i)
u(ibp,i) = q(ibp,i)
u(ien,i) = wt - q(ipr,i) - u(idn,i) - 0.5d+00 * (vm * bb + vb * vb)
end do ! i = 1, n
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable conversion
call stop_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine prim2cons_srmhd_adi
! subroutine CONS2PRIM_SRMHD_ADI:
! ------------------------------
! Subroutine converts conservative variables to their corresponding
! primitive representation using an interative method.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! u - the input array of conservative variables;
! q - the output array of primitive variables;
subroutine cons2prim_srmhd_adi(n, u, q)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(in) :: u
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n), intent(out) :: q
! local variables
logical :: info
integer :: i
real(kind=8) :: mm, mb, bb, en, dn
real(kind=8) :: w, wt, vv, vm, vs, vb, fc
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable conversion
call start_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! iterate over all positions
do i = 1, n
! prepare variables which do not change during the Newton-Ralphson iterations
! (|B|², |M|² and B.M and their multiplications)
mm = sum(u(imx:imz,i) * u(imx:imz,i))
mb = sum(u(imx:imz,i) * u(ibx:ibz,i))
bb = sum(u(ibx:ibz,i) * u(ibx:ibz,i))
en = u(ien,i) + u(idn,i)
dn = u(idn,i)
! find the exact W using an Newton-Ralphson interative method
call nr_iterate(mm, bb, mb, en, dn, w, vv, info)
! if info is .true., the solution was found
if (info) then
! prepare coefficients
vm = 1.0d+00 - vv
vs = sqrt(vm)
wt = w + bb
fc = mb / w
! calculate the primitive variables
q(idn,i) = dn * vs
q(ivx,i) = (u(imx,i) + fc * u(ibx,i)) / wt
q(ivy,i) = (u(imy,i) + fc * u(iby,i)) / wt
q(ivz,i) = (u(imz,i) + fc * u(ibz,i)) / wt
q(ibx,i) = u(ibx,i)
q(iby,i) = u(iby,i)
q(ibz,i) = u(ibz,i)
q(ibp,i) = u(ibp,i)
q(ipr,i) = w - en + 0.5d+00 * (bb + (bb * mm - mb * mb) / wt**2)
! check if the pressure is positive, if not, print a warning and replace it
! with the minimum allowed value pmin
if (q(ipr,i) <= 0.0d+00) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "WARNING in" &
, "EQUATIONS::cons2prim_srmhd_adi()"
write(*,"(a,9(1x,1e24.16e3))") "Negative pressure for U = ", u(1:nv,i)
write(*,"(a,6(1x,1e24.16e3))") " D, |m|², m.B, |B|², E, W = " &
, dn, mm, mb, bb, en, w
write(*,"(a,1(1x,1e24.16e3))") "Pressure corrected to ", pmin
q(ipr,i) = pmin
end if ! p <= 0
else ! unphysical state
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::cons2prim_srmhd_adi()"
write(*,"(a,9(1x,1e24.16e3))") "Unphysical state for U = ", u(1:nv,i)
write(*,"(a,5(1x,1e24.16e3))") " D, |m|², m.B, |B|², E = ", dn, mm, mb &
, bb, en
end if ! unphysical state
end do ! i = 1, n
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable conversion
call stop_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine cons2prim_srmhd_adi
! ------------------------------
! Subroutine calculates physical fluxes and characteristic speeds from a
! given equation system.
! Arguments:
! n - the length of input and output vectors;
! q - the input array of primitive variables;
! u - the input array of conservative variables;
! f - the output vector of fluxes;
! cm, cp - the output vector of left- and right-going characteristic speeds;
! References:
! [1] Mignone, A., Bodo, G.,
! "An HLLC Riemann solver for relativistic flows -
! II. Magnetohydrodynamics",
! Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
! 2006, Volume 368, Pages 1040-1054
! [2] van der Holst, B., Keppens, R., Meliani, Z.
! "A multidimentional grid-adaptive relativistic magnetofluid code",
! Computer Physics Communications, 2008, Volume 179, Pages 617-627
subroutine fluxspeed_srmhd_adi(n, q, u, f, cm, cp)
! include external procedures
use algebra , only : quadratic, quartic
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n) , intent(in) :: q, u
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,n) , intent(out) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n) , optional, intent(out) :: cm, cp
! local variables
integer :: i, nr
real(kind=8) :: bb, vs
real(kind=8) :: bx, by, bz, pm, pt
real(kind=8) :: rh, v1, v2
real(kind=8) :: ca, cc, c2, gn, rt, zm, zp
real(kind=8) :: fa, fb, fc, fd, fe, ff, fg
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: vv, vm, vb, b2
! local arrays for characteristic speeds
real(kind=8), dimension(5) :: a
real(kind=8), dimension(4) :: x
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for flux calculation
call start_timer(imf)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! iterate over all positions
do i = 1, n
! calculate the square of velocity, magnetic field and their scalar product
vv(i) = sum(q(ivx:ivz,i) * q(ivx:ivz,i))
bb = sum(q(ibx:ibz,i) * q(ibx:ibz,i))
vb(i) = sum(q(ivx:ivz,i) * q(ibx:ibz,i))
! calculate (1 - |V|²)
vm(i) = 1.0d+00 - vv(i)
! calculate magnetic field components of the magnetic four-vector divided by
! the Lorentz factor (eq. 3 in [1])
bx = q(ibx,i) * vm(i) + vb(i) * q(ivx,i)
by = q(iby,i) * vm(i) + vb(i) * q(ivy,i)
bz = q(ibz,i) * vm(i) + vb(i) * q(ivz,i)
! calculate magnetic and total pressures (eq. 6 in [1])
b2(i) = bb * vm(i) + vb(i) * vb(i)
pm = 0.5d+00 * b2(i)
pt = q(ipr,i) + pm
! calculate the relativistic hydrodynamic fluxes (eq. 13 in [1])
f(idn,i) = u(idn,i) * q(ivx,i)
f(imx,i) = u(imx,i) * q(ivx,i) - q(ibx,i) * bx + pt
f(imy,i) = u(imy,i) * q(ivx,i) - q(ibx,i) * by
f(imz,i) = u(imz,i) * q(ivx,i) - q(ibx,i) * bz
f(ibx,i) = q(ibp,i)
f(ibp,i) = cmax2 * q(ibx,i)
f(iby,i) = q(ivx,i) * q(iby,i) - q(ibx,i) * q(ivy,i)
f(ibz,i) = q(ivx,i) * q(ibz,i) - q(ibx,i) * q(ivz,i)
f(ien,i) = u(imx,i) - f(idn,i)
end do ! i = 1, n
if (present(cm) .and. present(cp)) then
! calculate the characteristic speeds
do i = 1, n
! check if the total velocity |V|² is larger than zero
if (vv(i) > 0.0d+00) then
! calculate additional coefficients
rh = q(idn,i) + q(ipr,i) / gammaxi
vs = sqrt(vm(i))
! check if the normal component of magnetic field Bₓ is larger than zero
if (q(ibx,i) /= 0.0d+00) then ! Bₓ ≠ 0
! prepare parameters for this case
c2 = gamma * q(ipr,i) / rh
v1 = abs(q(ivx,i))
v2 = v1 * v1
fa = rh * (1.0d+00 - c2)
fb = c2 * (rh - vb(i) * vb(i)) + b2(i)
fc = sign(1.0d+00, q(ivx,i)) * q(ibx,i) * vs
fd = c2 * fc * fc
fe = 1.0d+00 - v2
ff = c2 * vb(i) * fc
fg = v1 * vs
! prepare polynomial coefficients
a(5) = fa + fb * vm(i)
a(4) = 2.0d+00 * (ff * vm(i) + fb * fg)
a(3) = - fd * vm(i) + 4.0d+00 * ff * fg - fb * fe
a(2) = - 2.0d+00 * (fd * fg + fe * ff)
a(1) = fd * fe
! call the quartic solver
nr = quartic(a(1:5), x(1:4))
! convert eigenvalues to charasteristic speeds
x(1:nr) = sign(1.0d+00, q(ivx,i)) * (abs(v1) + x(1:nr) * vs)
else ! Bₓ ≠ 0
! special case when Bₓ = 0, then the quartic equation reduces to quadratic one
! prepare parameters for this case
c2 = gamma * q(ipr,i) / rh
cc = (1.0d+00 - c2) / vm(i)
gn = b2(i) - c2 * vb(i) * vb(i)
! prepare polynomial coefficients
a(3) = rh * (c2 + cc) + gn
a(2) = - 2.0d+00 * rh * cc * q(ivx,i)
a(1) = rh * (cc * q(ivx,i)**2 - c2) - gn
! solve the quadratic equation
nr = quadratic(a(1:3), x(1:2))
end if ! Bx ≠ 0
else ! |V|² > 0
! special case when |V|² = 0 (Γ = 1), then the quartic equation reduces to
! bi-quartic one
! prepare parameters for this case
rh = q(idn,i) + q(ipr,i) / gammaxi
vs = sqrt(vm(i))
rt = rh + b2(i)
c2 = gamma * q(ipr,i) / rh
ca = (q(ibx,i) * vs + vb(i) * q(ivx,i) / vs)**2
! prepare polynomial coefficients
a(3) = 1.0d+00
a(2) = - ((rh + ca) * c2 + b2(i)) / rt
a(1) = c2 * ca / rt
! solve the bi-quartic equation
nr = quadratic(a(1:3), x(1:2))
! compute the roots
if (nr > 0) then
zm = min(x(1), x(2))
zp = max(x(1), x(2))
if (zm >= 0.0d+00) then
zm = sqrt(zm)
zp = sqrt(zp)
x(1) = zp
x(2) = zm
x(3) = - zm
x(4) = - zp
nr = 4
if (zp >= 0.0d+00) then
zp = sqrt(zp)
x(1) = zp
x(2) = - zp
nr = 2
x(:) = 0.0d+00
nr = 0
end if
end if
end if
end if ! |V|² > 0
! find the minimum and maximum characteristic speeds
if (nr > 1) then
cm(i) = minval(x(1:nr))
cp(i) = maxval(x(1:nr))
#ifdef DEBUG
if (max(abs(cm(i)), abs(cp(i))) >= 1.0d+00) then
write(*,*) 'Estimation returned unphysical speeds!'
write(*,"('A = ',5(1pe24.16))") a(1:5)
write(*,"('N = ',1i2)" ) nr
write(*,"('X = ',4(1pe24.16))") x(1:4)
end if
#endif /* DEBUG */
! speed estimation failed, so we substitute the minimum and maximum physical
! speeds equal the speed of light
cm(i) = - 1.0d+00
cp(i) = 1.0d+00
#ifdef DEBUG
write(*,*) 'Speed estimation failed!'
write(*,"('A = ',5(1pe24.16))") a(1:5)
write(*,"('N = ',1i2)" ) nr
write(*,"('X = ',4(1pe24.16))") x(1:4)
#endif /* DEBUG */
end if
end do ! i = 1, n
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for flux calculation
call stop_timer(imf)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine fluxspeed_srmhd_adi
! ---------------------------
! Function scans the variable array and returns the maximum speed in within.
! Arguments:
! qq - the array of primitive variables;
function maxspeed_srmhd_adi(qq) result(maxspeed)
! include external procedures and variables
use coordinates, only : im, jm, km, ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input arguments
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,im,jm,km), intent(in) :: qq
! return value
real(kind=8) :: maxspeed
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k
real(kind=8) :: vv, v, cc, ww, c2, ss, fc
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the maximum speed estimation
call start_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! reset the maximum speed
maxspeed = 1.0d+00
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the maximum speed estimation
call stop_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! return the value
end function maxspeed_srmhd_adi
! -------------------------------------
! Subroutine calculates the function
! Q(W) = W² - D² - [|m|² W² + (2 W + |B|²) S²] / (W + |B|²)²
! and its derivative
! Q'(W) = 2 W [ 1 - (|m|² |B|² - S²) / (W + |B|²)³]
! for a given enthalpy W.
! This subroutine is used to find the minimum enthalpy for which the velocity
! is physical and the pressure is positive.
! Arguments:
! mm, bb, mb, dn, w - input coefficients for |M|², |B|², M.B, D, and W,
! respectively;
! q, dq - the values for the function Q(W) and its
! derivative Q'(W);
subroutine nr_positivity_srmhd_adi_1d(mm, bb, mb, dn, w, q, dq)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: mm, bb, mb, dn, w
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: q, dq
! local variables
real(kind=8) :: dd, ss, ww, wt
! temporary variables
dd = dn * dn
ss = mb * mb
ww = w * w
wt = w + bb
! the function and its derivative
q = ww - dd - (mm * ww + (w + wt) * ss) / wt**2
dq = 2.0d+00 * w * (1.0d+00 - (mm * bb - ss) / wt**3)
end subroutine nr_positivity_srmhd_adi_1d
! subroutine NR_VELOCITY_SRMHD_ADI_1D:
! -----------------------------------
! Subroutine calculates the squared velocity
! |V|²(W) = (|m|² W² + S² (2 W + |B|²)) / (W² (W² + |B|²)²)
! and its derivative
! |V|²'(W) = - 2 (|m|² W³ + 3 S² W² + 3 S² |B|² W + S² |B|⁴)
! / (W³ (W² + |B|²)³)
! for a given enthalpy W.
! Arguments:
! mm, bb, mb, w - input coefficients for |M|², |B|², M.B, and W,
! respectively;
! vv, dv - the values of squared velocity |V|² and its derivative;
subroutine nr_velocity_srmhd_adi_1d(mm, bb, mb, w, vv, dv)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: mm, bb, mb, w
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: vv
real(kind=8), optional, intent(out) :: dv
! local variables
real(kind=8) :: ss, ww, www, wt, wt2
! temporary variables
ss = mb * mb
ww = w * w
www = ww * w
wt = w + bb
wt2 = wt * wt
! the function and its derivative
vv = (mm * ww + (w + wt) * ss) / (ww * wt2)
if (present(dv)) then
dv = - 2.0d+00 * (mm * www + (3.0d+00 * ww &
+ (2.0d+00 * w + wt) * bb) * ss) / (www * wt2 * wt)
end if
end subroutine nr_velocity_srmhd_adi_1d
! subroutine NR_PRESSURE_SRMHD_ADI_1D:
! -----------------------------------
! Subroutine calculates the pressure function
! P(W) = W - E + ½ |B|² + ½ (|m|² |B|² - S²) / (W + |B|²)²
! and its derivative
! P'(W) = 1 - (|m|² |B|² - S²) / (W + |B|²)³
! for a given enthalpy W.
! This subroutine is used to find the minimum enthalpy for which the velocity
! is physical and the pressure is positive.
! Arguments:
! mm, bb, mb, dn, en, w - input coefficients for |M|², |B|², M.B, D, E,
! and W, respectively;
! p, dp - the values for the function P(W) and its
! derivative P'(W);
subroutine nr_pressure_srmhd_adi_1d(mm, bb, mb, en, dn, w, p, dp)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: mm, bb, mb, en, dn, w
real(kind=8) , intent(out) :: p
real(kind=8), optional, intent(out) :: dp
! local variables
real(kind=8) :: wt, wd, ss, fn
! temporary variables
wt = w + bb
wd = wt * wt
ss = mb * mb
fn = (mm * bb - ss) / wd
! the pressure function and its derivative
p = w - en + 0.5d+00 * (bb + fn)
if (present(dp)) dp = 1.0d+00 - fn / wt
end subroutine nr_pressure_srmhd_adi_1d
! subroutine NR_FUNCTION_SRMHD_ADI_1D:
! -----------------------------------
! Subroutine calculates the energy function
! F(W) = W - P(W) + ½ |B|² + ½ (|m|² |B|² - S²) / (W + |B|²)² - E
! and its derivative
! F'(W) = 1 - dP(W)/dW - (|m|² |B|² - S²) / (W + |B|²)³
! for a given enthalpy W. It is used to estimate the initial guess.
! Arguments:
! mm, bb, mb, en, dn, w - input coefficients for |M|², |B|², M.B, E, D,
! and W, respectively;
! f, df - the values of F(W) and its derivative;
subroutine nr_function_srmhd_adi_1d(mm, bb, mb, en, dn, w, f, df)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: mm, bb, mb, en, dn, w
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: f
real(kind=8), optional, intent(out) :: df
! local variables
real(kind=8) :: pr, dp, gm2, gm, dg
real(kind=8) :: ww, wt, wd, ss, sw, ws, fn, dv, ds
! temporary variables
ww = w * w
wt = w + bb
wd = wt * wt
ss = mb * mb
sw = ss / ww
ws = (w + wt) * sw
fn = (mm * bb - ss) / wd
dv = wd - mm - ws
ds = sqrt(dv)
! calculate the Lorentz factor
gm2 = wd / dv
gm = wt / ds
! calculate the pressure P(W) and energy function F(W)
pr = gammaxi * (w - gm * dn) / gm2
f = w - pr - en + 0.5d+00 * (bb + fn)
! if desired, calculate the derivatives dP(W)/dW and dF(W)/dW
if (present(df)) then
dg = (1.0d+00 - wt * (wt - sw + ws / w) / dv) / ds
dp = gammaxi * (1.0d+00 - (2.0d+00 * w / gm - dn) * dg) / gm2
df = 1.0d+00 - dp - fn / wt
end if ! df present
end subroutine nr_function_srmhd_adi_1d
! ----------------------------------------
! Subroutine finds the initial brackets and initial guess from
! the positivity condition
! W³ + (5/2 |B|² - E) W² + 2 (|B|² - E) |B|² W
! + 1/2 [(|B|⁴ - 2 |B|² E + |m|²) |B|² - S²] > 0
! coming from the energy equation and
! W⁴ + 2 |B|² W³ - (|m|² + D² - |B|⁴) W²
! - (2 S² + D² |B|²) W - (S² + D² |B|²) |B|² > 0
! coming from the equation of state
! using analytical. It takes the maximum estimated root as the lower bracket.
! If the analytical estimation fails, the Newton-Raphson iterative method
! is used.
! Arguments:
! mm, en - input coefficients for |M|² and E, respectively;
! bb, mb - input coefficients for |B|² and m.B, respectively;
! wl, wu - the lower and upper limits for the enthalpy;
! wc - the initial root guess;
! info - the flag is .true. if the initial brackets and guess were found,
! otherwise it is .false.;
subroutine nr_initial_brackets_srmhd_adi(mm, bb, mb, en, dn &
, wl, wu, wc, fl, fu, info)
! include external procedures
use algebra , only : cubic_normalized, quartic
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: mm, bb, mb, en, dn
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: wl, wu, wc, fl, fu
logical , intent(out) :: info
! local variables
logical :: keep
integer :: it, nr
real(kind=8) :: dd, ss, ec
real(kind=8) :: f , df
real(kind=8) :: dw, err
! local vectors
real(kind=8), dimension(5) :: a
real(kind=8), dimension(4) :: x
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for initial bracket solver
call start_timer(imb)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! calculate temporary variables
dd = dn * dn
ss = mb * mb
ec = en + pmin
! set the initial upper bracket
wu = en + pmin
! calculate the cubic equation coefficients for the positivity condition
! coming from the energy equation; the condition, in fact, finds the minimum
! enthalphy for which the pressure is equal to pmin
a(3) = 2.5d+00 * bb - ec
a(2) = 2.0d+00 * (bb - ec) * bb
a(1) = 0.5d+00 * (((bb - 2.0d+00 * ec) * bb + mm) * bb - ss)
! solve the cubic equation
nr = cubic_normalized(a(1:3), x(1:3))
! if solution was found, use the maximum root as the lower bracket
if (nr > 0) then
wl = x(nr)
! calculate the quartic equation coefficients for the positivity condition
! coming from the pressure equation
a(5) = 1.0d+00
a(4) = 2.0d+00 * bb
a(3) = bb * bb - dd - mm
a(2) = - 2.0d+00 * (ss + dd * bb)
a(1) = - (ss + dd * bb) * bb
! solve the quartic equation
nr = quartic(a(1:5), x(1:4))
! take the maximum ethalpy from both conditions to guarantee that the pressure
! obtains from any of those equations is positive
if (nr > 0) wl = max(wl, x(nr))
else ! nr = 0
! the root could not be found analytically, so use the iterative solver
! to find the lower bracket; as the initial guess use the initial upper bracket
keep = .true.
it = nrmax
wl = wu
do while(keep)
call nr_pressure_srmhd_adi_1d(mm, bb, mb, ec, dn, wl, f, df)
dw = f / df
wl = wl - dw
err = abs(dw / wl)
it = it - 1
keep = (err > tol) .and. it > 0
end do
if (it <= 0) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)") "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_initial_brackets_srmhd_adi()"
write(*,"(a)" ) "Could not find the lower limit for the enthalpy!"
write(*,"(a,5(1x,1e24.16e3))") " D, |m|², m.B, |B|², E = " &
, dn, mm, mb, bb, en
info = .false.
end if
end if ! nr > 0
! check if the energy function is negative for the lower limit
call nr_function_srmhd_adi_1d(mm, bb, mb, en, dn, wl, fl)
if (fl > 0.0d+00) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)") "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_initial_brackets_srmhd_adi()"
write(*,"(a)" ) "Lower limit positive!"
write(*,"(a,6(1x,1e24.16e3))") " D, |m|², m.B, |B|², E, W = " &
, dn, mm, mb, bb, en, wl
info = .false.
end if
! make sure that the upper limit is larger than the lower one
keep = wl >= wu
it = nrmax
do while(keep)
wu = 2.0d+00 * wu
it = it - 1
keep = (wl >= wu) .and. it > 0
end do
if (it <= 0) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)") "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_1dw()"
write(*,"(a)" ) "Could not find the upper limit for enthalpy!"
write(*,"(a,6(1x,1e24.16e3))") " D, |m|², m.B, |B|², E, W = " &
, dn, mm, mb, bb, en, wl
info = .false.
end if
! check if the brackets bound the root region, if not proceed until
! opposite function signs are found for the brackets
call nr_function_srmhd_adi_1d(mm, bb, mb, en, dn, wu, fu)
keep = (fl * fu > 0.0d+00)
it = nrmax
do while (keep)
wl = wu
fl = fu
wu = 2.0d+00 * wu
call nr_function_srmhd_adi_1d(mm, bb, mb, en, dn, wu, fu)
it = it - 1
keep = (fl * fu > 0.0d+00) .and. it > 0
end do
if (it <= 0) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)") "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_1dw()"
write(*,"(a)" ) "No initial brackets found!"
write(*,"(a,5(1x,1e24.16e3))") " D, |m|², m.B, |B|², E = " &
, dn, mm, mb, bb, en
info = .false.
end if
! estimate the enthalpy value close to the root
wc = wl - fl * (wu - wl) / (fu - fl)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the initial brackets
call stop_timer(imb)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine nr_initial_brackets_srmhd_adi
! subroutine NR_ITERATE_SRMHD_ADI_1DW:
! -----------------------------------
! Subroutine finds a root W of equation
! F(W) = W - P(W) + ½ [(1 + |V|²) |B|² - S² / W²] - E = 0
! using the Newton-Raphson 1Dw iterative method.
! Arguments:
! mm, en - input coefficients for |M|² and E, respectively;
! bb, bm - input coefficients for |B|² and B.M, respectively;
! w , vv - input/output coefficients W and |V|²;
! info - the flag is .true. if the solution was found, otherwise
! it is .false.;
! References:
! Noble, S. C., Gammie, C. F., McKinney, J. C, Del Zanna, L.,
! "Primitive Variable Solvers for Conservative General Relativistic
! Magnetohydrodynamics",
! The Astrophysical Journal, 2006, vol. 641, pp. 626-637
subroutine nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_1dw(mm, bb, mb, en, dn, w, vv, info)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: mm, bb, mb, en, dn
real(kind=8), intent(inout) :: w, vv
logical , intent(out) :: info
! local variables
logical :: keep
integer :: it, cn
real(kind=8) :: wl, wu, fl, fu
real(kind=8) :: f , df, dw
real(kind=8) :: err
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable solver
call start_timer(imp)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! find the initial brackets and estimate the initial enthalpy
call nr_initial_brackets_srmhd_adi(mm, bb, mb, en, dn &
, wl, wu, w, fl, fu, info)
! if the brackets could not be found, return the lower bracket as the solution
if (.not. info) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "WARNING in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_1dw()"
write(*,"(a,1x)" ) "The solution lays in unphysical regime."
write(*,"(a,1x,1e24.16e3)") "Using the lower bracket as solution: ", wl
! use the lower bracket, since it guarantees the positive pressure
w = wl
! calculate |V|² from W
call nr_velocity_srmhd_adi_1d(mm, bb, mb, w, vv)
info = .true.
end if
! initialize iteration parameters
info = .true.
keep = .true.
it = nrmax
cn = nrext
! iterate using the Newton-Raphson method in order to find a root w of the
! function
do while(keep)
! calculate F(W) and dF(W)/dW
call nr_function_srmhd_adi_1d(mm, bb, mb, en, dn, w, f, df)
! update brackets
if (f > fl .and. f < 0.0d+00) then
wl = w
fl = f
end if
if (f < fu .and. f > 0.0d+00) then
wu = w
fu = f
end if
! calculate the increment dW
dw = f / df
! update the solution
w = w - dw
! calculate the error
err = abs(dw / w)
! check the convergence, if the convergence is not reached, iterate until
! the maximum number of iteration is reached
if (err < tol) then
keep = cn > 0
cn = cn - 1
keep = it > 0
end if
! if new W lays out of the brackets, use the bisection method to estimate
! the new guess
if (w < wl .or. w > wu) then
w = 0.5d+00 * (wl + wu)
end if
! decrease the number of remaining iterations
it = it - 1
end do ! NR iterations
! calculate |V|² from W
call nr_velocity_srmhd_adi_1d(mm, bb, mb, w, vv)
! let know the user if the convergence failed
if (err >= tol) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "WARNING in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_1dw()"
write(*,"(a,1x,1e24.16e3)") "Convergence not reached: ", err
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable solver
call stop_timer(imp)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_1dw
! ------------------------------------
! Subroutine finds a root (W, |V|²) of equations
! F(W,|V|²) = W - P + ½ [(1 + |V|²) |B|² - S² / W²] - E = 0
! G(W,|V|²) = |V|² (|B|² + W)² - S² (|B|² + 2W) / W² - |M|² = 0
! using the Newton-Raphson 2D iterative method.
! Arguments:
! mm, en - input coefficients for |M|² and E, respectively;
! bb, bm - input coefficients for |B|² and B.M, respectively;
! w , vv - input/output coefficients W and |V|²;
! info - the flag is .true. if the solution was found, otherwise
! it is .false.;
! References:
! Noble, S. C., Gammie, C. F., McKinney, J. C, Del Zanna, L.,
! "Primitive Variable Solvers for Conservative General Relativistic
! Magnetohydrodynamics",
! The Astrophysical Journal, 2006, vol. 641, pp. 626-637
subroutine nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_2dwv(mm, bb, mb, en, dn, w, vv, info)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: mm, bb, mb, en, dn
real(kind=8), intent(inout) :: w, vv
logical , intent(out) :: info
! local variables
logical :: keep
integer :: it, cn
real(kind=8) :: wl, wu, fl, fu
real(kind=8) :: vm, vs, wt, mw, wt2
real(kind=8) :: f, df, dfw, dfv
real(kind=8) :: g, dg, dgw, dgv
real(kind=8) :: det, jfw, jfv, jgw, jgv
real(kind=8) :: dv, dw
real(kind=8) :: err
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable solver
call start_timer(imp)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! find the initial brackets and estimate the initial enthalpy
call nr_initial_brackets_srmhd_adi(mm, bb, mb, en, dn &
, wl, wu, w, fl, fu, info)
! if the brackets could not be found, return the lower bracket as the solution
if (.not. info) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "WARNING in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_1dw()"
write(*,"(a,1x)" ) "The solution lays in unphysical regime."
write(*,"(a,1x,1e24.16e3)") "Using the lower bracket as solution: ", wl
! use the lower bracket, since it guarantees the positive pressure
w = wl
! calculate |V|² from W
call nr_velocity_srmhd_adi_1d(mm, bb, mb, w, vv)
info = .true.
end if
! and the corresponding |V|²
call nr_velocity_srmhd_adi_1d(mm, bb, mb, w, vv)
! initialize iteration parameters
info = .true.
keep = .true.
it = nrmax
cn = nrext
! find root with the help of the Newton-Raphson method
do while(keep)
! calculate (S/W)², Wt, Wt²
mw = (mb / w)**2
wt = w + bb
wt2 = wt * wt
! prepare (1 - |V|²) and sqrt(1 - |V|²)
vm = 1.0d+00 - vv
vs = sqrt(vm)
! calculate functions F(W,|V|²) and G(W,|V|²)
f = w - en - gammaxi * (w * vm - dn * vs) &
+ 0.5d+00 * ((1.0d+00 + vv) * bb - mw)
g = vv * wt2 - (wt + w) * mw - mm
! calculate derivatives dF(W,|V|²)/dW and dF(W,|V|²)/d|V|²
dfw = 1.0d+00 - gammaxi * vm + mw / w
dfv = - gammaxi * (0.5d+00 * dn / vs - w) + 0.5d+00 * bb
! calculate derivatives dG(W,|V|²)/dW and dG(W,|V|²)/d|V|²
dgw = 2.0d+00 * wt * (vv + mw / w)
dgv = wt2
! invert the Jacobian J = | dF/dW, dF/d|V|² |
! | dG/dW, dG/d|V|² |
det = dfw * dgv - dfv * dgw
jfw = dgv / det
jgw = - dfv / det
jfv = - dgw / det
jgv = dfw / det
! calculate increments dW and d|V|²
dw = f * jfw + g * jgw
dv = f * jfv + g * jgv
! correct W and |V|²
w = w - dw
vv = vv - dv
! check if the new enthalpy and velocity are physical
if (w < wl) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_2dwv()"
write(*,"(a,1x,2e24.16e3)") "Enthalpy smaller than the limit: ", w, wl
info = .false.
end if
if (vv < 0.0d+00 .or. vv >= 1.0d+00) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_2dwv()"
write(*,"(a,1x,1e24.16e3)") "Unphysical speed |v|²: ", vv
info = .false.
end if
! calculate the error
err = max(abs(dw / w), abs(dv))
! check the convergence, if the convergence is not reached, iterate until
! the maximum number of iteration is reached
if (err < tol) then
keep = cn > 0
cn = cn - 1
keep = it > 0
end if
! decrease the number of remaining iterations
it = it - 1
end do ! NR iterations
! let know the user if the convergence failed
if (err >= tol) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "WARNING in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_2dwv()"
write(*,"(a,1x,1e24.16e3)") "Convergence not reached: ", err
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable solver
call stop_timer(imp)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_2dwv
! ------------------------------------
! Subroutine finds a root (W, |u|²) of equations
! F(W,|u|²) = W - E - P + ½ [(1 + |u|² / (1 + |u|²)) |B|² - S² / W²] = 0
! G(W,|u|²) = (|B|² + W)² |u|² / (1 + |u|²) - (2W + |B|²) S² / W² - |M|² = 0
! using the Newton-Raphson 2D iterative method.
! Arguments:
! mm, en - input coefficients for |M|² and E, respectively;
! bb, bm - input coefficients for |B|² and B.M, respectively;
! w , vv - input/output coefficients W and |v|²;
! info - the flag is .true. if the solution was found, otherwise
! it is .false.;
subroutine nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_2dwu(mm, bb, mb, en, dn, w, vv, info)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: mm, bb, mb, en, dn
real(kind=8), intent(inout) :: w, vv
logical , intent(out) :: info
! local variables
logical :: keep
integer :: it, cn
real(kind=8) :: wl, wu, fl, fu
real(kind=8) :: uu, up, gm
real(kind=8) :: ss, ww, wt, wt2, wd, wp
real(kind=8) :: f, df, dfw, dfu
real(kind=8) :: g, dg, dgw, dgu
real(kind=8) :: det, jfw, jfu, jgw, jgu
real(kind=8) :: dw, du
real(kind=8) :: err
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable solver
call start_timer(imp)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! find the initial brackets and estimate the initial enthalpy
call nr_initial_brackets_srmhd_adi(mm, bb, mb, en, dn &
, wl, wu, w, fl, fu, info)
! if the brackets could not be found, return the lower bracket as the solution
if (.not. info) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "WARNING in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_1dw()"
write(*,"(a,1x)" ) "The solution lays in unphysical regime."
write(*,"(a,1x,1e24.16e3)") "Using the lower bracket as solution: ", wl
! use the lower bracket, since it guarantees the positive pressure
w = wl
! calculate |V|² from W
call nr_velocity_srmhd_adi_1d(mm, bb, mb, w, vv)
info = .true.
end if
! and the corresponding |u|²
call nr_velocity_srmhd_adi_1d(mm, bb, mb, w, vv)
uu = vv / (1.0d+00 - vv)
! initialize iteration parameters
info = .true.
keep = .true.
it = nrmax
cn = nrext
! find root with the help of the Newton-Raphson method
do while(keep)
! prepare (1 + |u|²) and the Lorentz factor
up = 1.0d+00 + uu
gm = sqrt(up)
! calculate temporary variables
ss = mb * mb
ww = w * w
wt = w + bb
wt2 = wt * wt
wd = w - gm * dn
wp = wt / up
! calculate functions F(W,|u|²) and G(W,|u|²)
f = w - en - gammaxi * wd / up &
+ 0.5d+00 * (bb * (1.0d+00 + uu / up) - ss / ww)
g = wp * wt * uu - (w + wt) * ss / ww - mm
! calculate derivatives dF(W,|u|²)/dW and dF(W,|u|²)/d|u|²
dfw = 1.0d+00 - gammaxi / up + ss / ww / w
dfu = 0.5d+00 * (gammaxi * (w + wd) + bb) / up**2
! calculate derivatives dG(W,|u|²)/dW and dG(W,|u|²)/d|u|²
dgw = 2.0d+00 * wt * (uu / up + ss / ww / w)
dgu = wp * wp
! invert the Jacobian J = | dF/dW, dF/d|u|² |
! | dG/dW, dG/d|u|² |
det = dfw * dgu - dfu * dgw
jfw = dgu / det
jgw = - dfu / det
jfu = - dgw / det
jgu = dfw / det
! calculate increments dW and d|u|²
dw = f * jfw + g * jgw
du = f * jfu + g * jgu
! correct W and |u|²
w = w - dw
uu = uu - du
! check if the new enthalpy and velocity are physical
if (w < wl) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_2dwu()"
write(*,"(a,1x,2e24.16e3)") "Enthalpy smaller than the limit: ", w, wl
info = .false.
end if
if (uu < 0.0d+00) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "ERROR in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_2dwu()"
write(*,"(a,1x,1e24.16e3)") "Unphysical speed |u|²: ", uu
info = .false.
end if
! calculate the error
err = max(abs(dw / w), abs(du))
! check the convergence, if the convergence is not reached, iterate until
! the maximum number of iteration is reached
if (err < tol) then
keep = cn > 0
cn = cn - 1
keep = it > 0
end if
! decrease the number of remaining iterations
it = it - 1
end do ! NR iterations
! calculate |v|² from |u|²
vv = uu / (1.0d+00 + uu)
! let know the user if the convergence failed
if (err >= tol) then
write(*,"(a,1x,a)" ) "WARNING in" &
, "EQUATIONS::nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_2dwu()"
write(*,"(a,1x,1e24.16e3)") "Convergence not reached: ", err
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable solver
call stop_timer(imp)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine nr_iterate_srmhd_adi_2dwu
end module equations