Grzegorz Kowal d8c0b0d5f7 PARAMETERS: Change argument type in get_parameter_real().
We are working with double precision, so this subroutine should return a
real value with double precision too.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
2014-08-04 08:58:27 -03:00

695 lines
18 KiB

!! This file is part of the AMUN source code, a program to perform
!! Newtonian or relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations on uniform or
!! adaptive mesh.
!! Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Grzegorz Kowal <>
!! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
!! (at your option) any later version.
!! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!! along with this program. If not, see <>.
!! module: PARAMETERS
!! This module handles runtime parameters by reading them from a parameter
!! file and distributing among all processes.
module parameters
! module variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! module parameters determining the name and value field lengths, and the
! maximum string length
integer, parameter :: nlen = 32, vlen = 128, mlen = 256
! the name of the parameter file
character(len=mlen), save :: fname = './'
! the number of parameters stored in the parameter file
integer , save :: nparams = 0
! allocatable arrays to store parameter names and values
character(len=nlen), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: pnames
character(len=vlen), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: pvalues
! by default everything is private
! declare public subroutines
public :: read_parameters, finalize_parameters
public :: get_parameter_integer, get_parameter_real, get_parameter_string
#ifdef MPI
public :: redistribute_parameters
#endif /* MPI */
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! subroutine READ_PARAMETERS:
! --------------------------
! Subroutine checks if the parameter file exists, checks its length,
! allocates structures to store all parameters provided in the parameters
! file and read parameters into these structures.
! Arguments:
! iret - the return value; if it is 0 everything went successfully,
! otherwise there was a problem;
! Note:
! There is a possibility to specify customized input file by adding a
! command line option -i or --input followed by the name of the input file.
subroutine read_parameters(iret)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(inout) :: iret
! local variables
character(len=mlen) :: line
integer :: l
logical :: info
! external functions required to obtain comand line parameters
integer :: iargc
#ifdef GNU
intrinsic :: iargc, getarg
#else /* GNU */
external :: iargc, getarg
#endif /* GNU */
! parse the command line to check if a different parameter file has been
! provided
do l = 1, iargc()
call getarg(l, line)
if (trim(line) == '-i' .or. trim(line) == '--input') then
call getarg(l + 1, line)
if (trim(line) /= '') then
fname = trim(line)
end if
end if
end do
! print information about the file from which parameters are read
write(*,*) 'Reading parameters from ' // trim(fname)
! check if the file exists
inquire(file = fname, exist = info)
! proceed if file exists
if (info) then
! obtain the number of parameters stored in the file
call get_parameters_number(iret)
! check if the number of parameters was obtained successfully
if (iret > 0) return
! if the parameter file is empty, print an error and quit the subroutine
if (nparams <= 0) then
write(*,*) 'The parameter file ' // trim(fname) &
// ' is empty! Exiting...'
iret = 110
end if
! allocate arrays to store the parameter names and values as string variables
allocate(pnames (nparams))
! get the parameter names and values and copy them to the corresponding arrays
call get_parameters(iret)
! the parameter file does not exists, so print a warning and exit
write(*,*) 'The parameter file ' // trim(fname) &
// ' does not exist! Exiting...'
iret = 111
end if
end subroutine read_parameters
! ------------------------------
! Subroutine releases memory used by arrays in this module.
subroutine finalize_parameters()
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
if (allocated(pnames) ) deallocate(pnames)
if (allocated(pvalues)) deallocate(pvalues)
end subroutine finalize_parameters
! --------------------------------
! Subroutine scans the input file and accounts the number of parameters
! stored in it.
! Arguments:
! iret - the return value; if it is 0 everything went successfully,
! otherwise there was a problem;
subroutine get_parameters_number(iret)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input and output variables
integer, intent(inout) :: iret
! local variable to store the line content
character(len=mlen) :: line
! reset the number of parameters
nparams = 0
! open the parameter file
open(1, file = fname, err = 30)
! read the line
10 read(1, fmt = "(a)", end = 20) line
! if the line is empty or it's a comment, skip the counting
if ((len_trim(line) == 0) &
.or. index(trim(adjustl(line)), '#') == 1) go to 10
! increase the number of parameters
nparams = nparams + 1
! go to the next line
go to 10
! close the file
20 close(1)
! quit the subroutine without printing any errors since everything went fine
! print a massage if an error occurred
30 write(*,*) 'There was a problem with reading the parameters file ' &
// trim(fname)
! set the return flag
iret = 112
end subroutine get_parameters_number
! subroutine GET_PARAMETERS:
! -------------------------
! Subroutine scans the input file, reads parameter names and values, and
! stores them in module arrays.
! Arguments:
! iret - the return value; if it is 0 everything went successfully,
! otherwise there was a problem;
subroutine get_parameters(iret)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(inout) :: iret
! the parameter counter
integer :: np, nl
! local variables to store the line content, the parameter name and value
character(len=256) :: line, name, value
! initialize the parameter counter
np = 1
nl = 0
! open the parameter file
open(1, file = fname, err = 30)
! read the line
10 read(1, fmt = "(a)", end = 20) line
! increase the line number
nl = nl + 1
! if the line is empty or it's a comment, skip the counting
if ((len_trim(line) == 0) &
.or. index(trim(adjustl(line)), '#') == 1) go to 10
! parse the line to get parameter name and value
call parse_line(line, name, value, iret)
! check if the line was parsed successfuly
if (iret > 0) then
write (*,"(1x,a,1x,a,'.')") "Wrong parameter format in" &
, trim(adjustl(fname))
write (*,"(1x,'Line',i4,' : ',a)") nl, trim(line)
write (*,*)
go to 30
end if
! fill the arrays of parameter names and values
pnames (np) = name (1:nlen)
pvalues(np) = value(1:vlen)
! increase the parameter counter
np = np + 1
! go to the next line
go to 10
! close the file
20 close(1)
! quit the subroutine without printing any errors since everything went fine
! print a massage if an error occurred
30 write(*,*) 'There was a problem with reading the parameters file ' &
// trim(fname)
! set the return flag
iret = 140
end subroutine get_parameters
! subroutine PARSE_LINE:
! ---------------------
! Subroutine extracts the parameter name and value from the input line.
! Arguments:
! line - the input line containing the parameter information;
! name - the extracted name of the parameter;
! value - the extracted value of the parameter;
subroutine parse_line(line, name, value, iret)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: line
character(len=*), intent(inout) :: name, value
integer , intent(out) :: iret
! local indices to store positions in the input line
integer :: l, p, c, i, j
! reset the return flag
iret = 0
! get the length of line
l = len_trim(line)
! find the indices of '=' and '#' in the line
p = index(line, '=')
c = index(line, '#')
i = index(line, '"')
j = index(line, '"', back = .true.)
! remove the length of the in-line comment from the length of line
if (c > 0) l = c - 1
if (i > 0 .and. j > 0) then
i = i + 1
j = j - 1
i = p + 1
j = l
end if
! limit the indices, so we don't overrun the variable memory
p = min(p, nlen)
j = min(j, vlen + i)
! extract the parameter name
name = trim(adjustl(line(1:p-1)))
! extract the parameter value
value = trim(adjustl(line(i:j)))
! check possible errors in formatting
if (p <= 2 .or. len_trim(name) == 0 .or. len_trim(value) == 0) iret = 1
end subroutine parse_line
! --------------------------------
! Subroutine reads a given parameter name and returns its integer value.
! Arguments:
! name - the input parameter name;
! value - the output integer value of parameter;
subroutine get_parameter_integer(name, value)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer , intent(inout) :: value
! local parameter counter
integer :: np
! find the selected parameter
np = 1
do while (np <= nparams)
if (name == pnames(np)) then
read(pvalues(np), err = 100, fmt = *) value
end if
np = np + 1
end do
100 write(*,"(1x,'GET_PARAMETER_INTEGER:',1x,a)") &
"Wrong format of the parameter '" // trim(name) // "'"
write(*,"(24x,a)") "or the value is too large!"
end subroutine get_parameter_integer
! subroutine GET_PARAMETER_REAL:
! -----------------------------
! Subroutine reads a given parameter name and returns its real value.
! Arguments:
! name - the input parameter name;
! value - the output real value of parameter;
subroutine get_parameter_real(name, value)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
real(kind=8) , intent(inout) :: value
! local parameter counter
integer :: np
! find the selected parameter
np = 1
do while (np <= nparams)
if (name == pnames(np)) then
read(pvalues(np), err = 100, fmt = *) value
end if
np = np + 1
end do
100 write(*,"(1x,'GET_PARAMETER_REAL :',1x,a)") &
"Wrong format of the parameter '" // trim(name) // "'"
write(*,"(24x,a)") "or the value is too small or too large!"
end subroutine get_parameter_real
! -------------------------------
! Subroutine reads a given parameter name and returns its string value.
! Arguments:
! name - the input parameter name;
! value - the output string value of parameter;
subroutine get_parameter_string(name, value)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(inout) :: value
! local parameter counters
integer :: np, nl
! get the length of the output string
nl = min(vlen, len(value))
! find the selected parameter
np = 1
do while (np <= nparams)
if (name == pnames(np)) then
value = pvalues(np)(1:nl)
end if
np = np + 1
end do
end subroutine get_parameter_string
#ifdef MPI
! ----------------------------------
! Subroutine redistributes parameters among all processors.
! Arguments:
! iret - the return value; if it is 0 everything went successfully,
! otherwise there was a problem;
subroutine redistribute_parameters(iret)
! import external procedures and variables
use mpitools , only : master
use mpitools , only : bcast_integer_variable, bcast_string_variable
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(inout) :: iret
! local parameter counter
integer :: np
! broadcast the number of parameters
call bcast_integer_variable(nparams, iret)
! allocate the arrays to store parameter names and values on remaining
! processors
if (.not. master) then
allocate(pnames (nparams))
end if
! send parameter names and values from master to remaining processors
do np = 1, nparams
call bcast_string_variable(pnames (np), iret)
call bcast_string_variable(pvalues(np), iret)
end do
end subroutine redistribute_parameters
#endif /* MPI */
end module parameters