1547 lines
47 KiB
1547 lines
47 KiB
! This file is a component of the AMUN source code, a robust and versatile
! framework for conducting numerical simulations in fluid approximation
! on uniform and non-uniform (adaptive) meshes. AMUN is designed for
! magnetohydrodynamic (classical and relativistic) plasma modeling studies
! of astrophysical phenomena.
! Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Grzegorz Kowal <grzegorz@amuncode.org>
! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
! Name: XML
! Description:
! The XML module offers a user-friendly interface for parsing, creating,
! manipulating, and saving XML data in Fortran 2003. It introduces two
! primary data structures, XMLNode and XMLAttribute, which effectively
! represent XML elements and attributes. Within this module, you can easily
! initialize XML nodes and attributes, append child nodes and attributes
! to a parent node, parse XML files to construct an XML tree, retrieve
! values of elements and attributes, print the XML tree, and seamlessly
! save XML data back to a file.
module XML
implicit none
! Module interfaces
! -----------------
interface XMLAddElement
module procedure XMLAddElementString
module procedure XMLAddElementInteger
module procedure XMLAddElementDouble
module procedure XMLAddElementFile
end interface
interface XMLGetElementValue
module procedure XMLGetElementValueInteger
module procedure XMLGetElementValueDouble
module procedure XMLGetElementValueString
end interface
interface XMLGetAttributeValue
module procedure XMLGetAttributeValueInteger
module procedure XMLGetAttributeValueLong
module procedure XMLGetAttributeValueDouble
module procedure XMLGetAttributeValueString
end interface
! Module structures
! -----------------
type XMLNode
character(len=:), allocatable :: name
character(len=:), allocatable :: value
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attributes
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: children
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: next
end type XMLNode
type XMLAttribute
character(len=:), allocatable :: name
character(len=:), allocatable :: value
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: next
end type XMLAttribute
! Public members
! --------------
public :: XMLNode, XMLAttribute
public :: XMLParseFile, XMLInitTree, XMLFreeTree, XMLSaveTree
public :: XMLAddElement, XMLGetElementValue, XMLGetAttributeValue
public :: XMLHasAttribute
! subroutine XMLParseFile:
! -----------------------
! Description:
! Parses an XML file and builds an XML tree, returning a pointer to its root.
! Arguments:
! filename - Input filename of the XML file to parse;
! root_ptr - Pointer to the root node of the XML tree;
! status - a flag indicating the status of the subroutine;
subroutine XMLParseFile(filename, root_ptr, status)
use helpers, only : print_message
implicit none
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: filename
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent( out) :: root_ptr
integer , intent( out) :: status
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = "XML::XMLParseFile()"
integer :: io, filesize, ibeg, iend
character(:), allocatable :: content
status = 0
inquire (file=filename, size=filesize)
allocate(character(filesize) :: content)
open (newunit=io, file=filename, access='stream', action='read')
read (io) content
close (io)
ibeg = index(content, '<?xml')
if (ibeg <= 0) then
call print_message(loc, "File '" // trim(filename) // &
"' does not seem to be an XML file!")
status = -1
end if
ibeg = index(content, '<AMUNFile')
if (ibeg <= 0) then
call print_message(loc, "File '" // trim(filename) // &
"' does not seem to be an AMUN-XML file!")
status = -1
end if
iend = index(content(ibeg:), '>')
if (iend <= 0) then
call print_message(loc, "File '" // trim(filename) // &
"' seems to be corrupted!")
status = -1
end if
iend = iend + ibeg - 1
call XMLNodeInit(root_ptr, "AMUNFile")
call XMLIterateAttributes(trim(content(ibeg:iend)), root_ptr)
ibeg = iend + 1
iend = index(content, '</AMUNFile>') - 1
if (iend <= 0) then
call print_message(loc, "File '" // trim(filename) // &
"' seems to be corrupted!")
status = -1
end if
call XMLIterateSections(trim(adjustl(content(ibeg:iend))), root_ptr)
end subroutine XMLParseFile
! subroutine XMLTreeInit:
! ----------------------
! Description:
! Initializes a new XML Tree.
! Arguments:
! node_ptr - Pointer to the XMLNode to be initialized;
! node_name - Name for the XMLNode;
! node_value - Optional value for the XMLNode;
subroutine XMLInitTree(root_ptr, version)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(inout) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ), optional :: version
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
call XMLNodeInit(root_ptr, "AMUNFile")
if (present(version)) then
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "version", trim(version))
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "version", "1.0")
end if
call XMLAddAttribute(root_ptr, attr_ptr)
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "byte_order", "LittleEndian")
call XMLAddAttribute(root_ptr, attr_ptr)
end subroutine XMLInitTree
! subroutine XMLFreeTree:
! ----------------------
! Description:
! Recursively frees the memory allocated for an XML tree.
! Arguments:
! node_ptr - Pointer to the node of the XML tree to free;
recursive subroutine XMLFreeTree(node_ptr)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(inout) :: node_ptr
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: child_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
attr_ptr => node_ptr%attributes
do while (associated(attr_ptr))
node_ptr%attributes => attr_ptr%next
deallocate(attr_ptr%name, attr_ptr%value)
attr_ptr => node_ptr%attributes
end do
child_ptr => node_ptr%children
do while (associated(child_ptr))
node_ptr%children => child_ptr%next
call XMLFreeTree(child_ptr)
child_ptr => node_ptr%children
end do
deallocate(node_ptr%name, node_ptr%value)
end subroutine XMLFreeTree
! subroutine XMLSaveTree:
! ----------------------
! Description:
! Saves an XML tree to a file.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - The XML root to save.
! filename - The file name to write to.
subroutine XMLSaveTree(root_ptr, filename)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(in) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: filename
integer :: io
open (newunit=io, file=filename)
write (io,"(a)") '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
call XMLSaveNode(io, 1, root_ptr)
close (io)
end subroutine XMLSaveTree
! subroutine XMLNodeInit:
! ----------------------
! Description:
! Initializes an XMLNode with the specified name and optional value.
! Arguments:
! node_ptr - Pointer to the XMLNode to be initialized;
! node_name - Name for the XMLNode;
! node_value - Optional value for the XMLNode;
subroutine XMLNodeInit(node_ptr, node_name, node_value)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(inout) :: node_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: node_name
character(len=*) , intent(in ), optional :: node_value
node_ptr%name = node_name
if (present(node_value)) then
node_ptr%value = node_value
node_ptr%value = ""
end if
end subroutine XMLNodeInit
! subroutine XMLAttributeInit:
! ---------------------------
! Description:
! Initializes an XMLAttribute with the specified name and optional value.
! Arguments:
! attr_ptr - Pointer to the XMLAttribute to be initialized;
! attr_name - Name for the XMLAttribute;
! attr_value - Optional value for the XMLAttribute;
subroutine XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, attr_name, attr_value)
implicit none
type(XMLAttribute), pointer, intent(inout) :: attr_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: attr_name
character(len=*) , intent(in ), optional :: attr_value
attr_ptr%name = attr_name
if (present(attr_value)) then
attr_ptr%value = attr_value
attr_ptr%value = ""
end if
end subroutine XMLAttributeInit
! subroutine XMLIterateSections:
! -----------------------------
! Description:
! Iterates through XML sections in content and builds an XML tree.
! Arguments:
! content - Input XML content string;
! node_ptr - Pointer to the current XML node being built;
subroutine XMLIterateSections(content, node_ptr)
implicit none
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: content
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(inout) :: node_ptr
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: child_ptr
character(len=:), allocatable :: tag
integer :: ibeg, iend, icur
icur = 1
do while (icur > 0 .and. icur < len(content))
ibeg = index(content(icur:), '<') + icur - 1
iend = index(content(icur:), '>') + icur - 1
tag = trim(adjustl(content(ibeg + 1 : iend - 1)))
call XMLNodeInit(child_ptr, trim(tag))
call XMLAddChild(node_ptr, child_ptr)
icur = iend + 1
iend = index(content(icur:), '</' // trim(tag) // '>') &
+ icur + len(trim(tag)) + 1
call XMLIterateElements(content(ibeg:iend), child_ptr)
icur = iend + 1
end do
end subroutine XMLIterateSections
! subroutine XMLIterateElements:
! -----------------------------
! Description:
! Iterates through XML elements in content and builds an XML tree.
! Arguments:
! content - Input XML content string;
! node_ptr - Pointer to the current XML node being built;
subroutine XMLIterateElements(content, node_ptr)
implicit none
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: content
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(inout) :: node_ptr
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: child_ptr
character(len=:), allocatable :: element, name
integer :: icur, ibeg, iend
icur = 1
do while (icur > 0 .and. icur < len(content))
ibeg = index(content(icur:), '<Attribute')
iend = index(content(icur:), '</Attribute>')
if (ibeg > 0 .and. iend > 0) then
ibeg = ibeg + icur - 1
iend = iend + icur + 10
element = trim(adjustl(content(ibeg:iend)))
icur = iend + 1
ibeg = index(element, 'name=') + 6
iend = index(element(ibeg:), '"') + ibeg - 2
name = trim(element(ibeg:iend))
ibeg = index(element, '>') + 1
iend = index(element, '</') - 1
call XMLNodeInit(child_ptr, name, element(ibeg:iend))
call XMLAddChild(node_ptr, child_ptr)
call XMLIterateAttributes(trim(element), child_ptr)
deallocate(name, element)
icur = -1
end if
end do
end subroutine XMLIterateElements
! subroutine XMLIterateAttributes:
! -------------------------------
! Description:
! Iterates through attributes in XML content and add them to a node.
! Arguments:
! content - Input XML content string;
! node_ptr - Pointer to the current XML node being built;
subroutine XMLIterateAttributes(content, node_ptr)
implicit none
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: content
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(inout) :: node_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
integer :: icur, ieql, ibeg, iend
icur = index(content, ' ')
do while (icur > 0 .and. icur < len(content))
ieql = index(content(icur:), '=')
if (ieql > 0) then
ieql = ieql + icur - 1
ibeg = index(content(ieql + 1:), '"') + ieql
iend = index(content(ibeg + 1:), '"') + ibeg
if (.not. trim(adjustl(content(icur:ieql - 1))) == 'name') then
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, trim(adjustl(content(icur : ieql - 1))), &
trim(adjustl(content(ibeg + 1 : iend - 1))))
call XMLAddAttribute(node_ptr, attr_ptr)
end if
icur = iend + 1
icur = -1
end if
end do
end subroutine XMLIterateAttributes
! subroutine XMLAddChild:
! ----------------------
! Description:
! Adds a child node to a parent node in an XML tree.
! Arguments:
! node_ptr - Pointer to the parent XML node;
! child_ptr - Pointer to the child XML node to be added;
subroutine XMLAddChild(node_ptr, child_ptr)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(inout) :: node_ptr
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(in ) :: child_ptr
type(XMLNode), pointer :: last_ptr
if (associated(node_ptr%children)) then
last_ptr => node_ptr%children
do while (associated(last_ptr%next))
last_ptr => last_ptr%next
end do
last_ptr%next => child_ptr
node_ptr%children => child_ptr
end if
end subroutine XMLAddChild
! subroutine XMLAddAttribute:
! --------------------------
! Description:
! Adds an XMLAttribute to an XMLNode.
! Arguments:
! node_ptr - Pointer to the parent XML node;
! attr_ptr - Pointer to the XML attribute that will be added;
subroutine XMLAddAttribute(node_ptr, attr_ptr)
implicit none
type(XMLNode) , pointer, intent(inout) :: node_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer, intent(in ) :: attr_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: last_ptr
if (associated(node_ptr%attributes)) then
last_ptr => node_ptr%attributes
do while (associated(last_ptr%next))
last_ptr => last_ptr%next
end do
last_ptr%next => attr_ptr
node_ptr%attributes => attr_ptr
end if
end subroutine XMLAddAttribute
! subroutine XMLSaveNode:
! ----------------------
! Description:
! Saves an XML node to a file.
! Arguments:
! io - The file unit to write to;
! level - The level of the node in the hierarchy;
! node_ptr - The XML node to save;
recursive subroutine XMLSaveNode(io, level, node_ptr)
implicit none
integer , intent(in) :: io, level
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(in) :: node_ptr
character(len=:), allocatable :: node_name
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: child_ptr
if (level > 2) then
node_name = 'Attribute'
node_name = trim(node_ptr%name)
end if
write (io, '(A)', advance='no') "<" // node_name
if (level > 2) then
write (io,"(1x,a,'=',a)", advance='no') &
'name', '"' // trim(node_ptr%name) // '"'
end if
attr_ptr => node_ptr%attributes
do while (associated(attr_ptr))
write (io,"(1x,a,'=',a)", advance='no') trim(attr_ptr%name), &
'"' // trim(attr_ptr%value) // '"'
attr_ptr => attr_ptr%next
end do
if (level > 2) then
write (io,'(a,a,a)') ">", trim(node_ptr%value), "</" // node_name // ">"
write (io,'(a)') ">"
child_ptr => node_ptr%children
do while(associated(child_ptr))
call XMLSaveNode(io, level+1, child_ptr)
child_ptr => child_ptr%next
end do
write (io,'(a)') "</" // node_name // ">"
end if
end subroutine XMLSaveNode
! subroutine XMLFindElement:
! -------------------------
! Description:
! Finds an XML element within a specific section of the XML tree.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - The root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The section of the XML document where the element is located;
! element_name - The name of the XML element;
! node_ptr - Pointer to store the found XML node;
subroutine XMLFindElement(root_ptr, section_name, element_name, node_ptr)
use helpers, only : print_message
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(in ) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: section_name, element_name
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent( out) :: node_ptr
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = "XML::XMLFindElement()"
type(XMLNode), pointer :: child_ptr
child_ptr => root_ptr%children
do while (associated(child_ptr))
if (trim(child_ptr%name) == trim(section_name)) then
node_ptr => child_ptr%children
do while (associated(node_ptr))
if (trim(node_ptr%name) == trim(element_name)) return
node_ptr => node_ptr%next
end do
end if
child_ptr => child_ptr%next
end do
call print_message(loc, "Element '" // trim(element_name) // &
"' in section '" // trim(section_name) // &
"' not found!")
end subroutine XMLFindElement
! subroutine XMLGetAttribute:
! --------------------------
! Description:
! Gets the attribute of an XML node by its name.
! Arguments:
! node_ptr - Pointer to the XML node to search for the attribute;
! attr_name - Input string for the attribute name;
! attr_ptr - Pointer to store the found XML attribute;
subroutine XMLGetAttribute(node_ptr, attr_name, attr_ptr)
use helpers, only : print_message
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer , intent(in ) :: node_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: attr_name
type(XMLAttribute), pointer, intent( out) :: attr_ptr
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = "XML::XMLGetAttribute()"
attr_ptr => node_ptr%attributes
do while (associated(attr_ptr))
if (trim(attr_ptr%name) == trim(attr_name)) return
attr_ptr => attr_ptr%next
end do
call print_message(loc, "Attribute '" // trim(attr_name) // &
"' not found in the node '" // &
trim(node_ptr%name) // "'!")
end subroutine XMLGetAttribute
! subroutine XMLAddElementString:
! ------------------------------
! Description:
! This subroutine adds a new element to the specified section of a XML tree.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - The root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The section of the XML document where the element is located;
! element_name - The name of the XML element;
! element_value - The value of the element;
subroutine XMLAddElementString(root_ptr, section_name, &
element_name, element_value)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(inout) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: section_name, element_name
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: element_value
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: node_ptr, elem_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
logical :: found
found = .false.
node_ptr => root_ptr%children
do while (associated(node_ptr) .and. .not. found)
if (trim(node_ptr%name) == trim(section_name)) then
found = .true.
node_ptr => node_ptr%next
end if
end do
if (.not. found) then
call XMLNodeInit(node_ptr, section_name)
call XMLAddChild(root_ptr, node_ptr)
end if
call XMLNodeInit(elem_ptr, element_name, element_value)
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "type", "string")
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
call XMLAddChild(node_ptr, elem_ptr)
end subroutine XMLAddElementString
! subroutine XMLAddElementInteger:
! -------------------------------
! Description:
! This subroutine adds a new element to the specified section of a XML tree.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - The root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The section of the XML document where the element is located;
! element_name - The name of the XML element;
! element_value - The value of the element;
subroutine XMLAddElementInteger(root_ptr, section_name, &
element_name, element_value)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(inout) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: section_name, element_name
integer(kind=4) , intent(in ) :: element_value
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: node_ptr, elem_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
logical :: found
character(len=64) :: str
found = .false.
node_ptr => root_ptr%children
do while (associated(node_ptr) .and. .not. found)
if (trim(node_ptr%name) == trim(section_name)) then
found = .true.
node_ptr => node_ptr%next
end if
end do
if (.not. found) then
call XMLNodeInit(node_ptr, section_name)
call XMLAddChild(root_ptr, node_ptr)
end if
write (str,"(i0)") element_value
call XMLNodeInit(elem_ptr, element_name, trim(adjustl(str)))
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "type", "integer")
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
call XMLAddChild(node_ptr, elem_ptr)
end subroutine XMLAddElementInteger
! subroutine XMLAddElementDouble:
! -------------------------------
! Description:
! This subroutine adds a new element to the specified section of a XML tree.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - The root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The section of the XML document where the element is located;
! element_name - The name of the XML element;
! element_value - The value of the element;
subroutine XMLAddElementDouble(root_ptr, section_name, &
element_name, element_value)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(inout) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: section_name, element_name
real(kind=8) , intent(in ) :: element_value
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: node_ptr, elem_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
logical :: found
character(len=64) :: str
found = .false.
node_ptr => root_ptr%children
do while (associated(node_ptr) .and. .not. found)
if (trim(node_ptr%name) == trim(section_name)) then
found = .true.
node_ptr => node_ptr%next
end if
end do
if (.not. found) then
call XMLNodeInit(node_ptr, section_name)
call XMLAddChild(root_ptr, node_ptr)
end if
write (str,"(1es32.20)") element_value
call XMLNodeInit(elem_ptr, element_name, trim(adjustl(str)))
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "type", "double")
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
call XMLAddChild(node_ptr, elem_ptr)
end subroutine XMLAddElementDouble
! subroutine XMLAddElementFile:
! ----------------------------
! Description:
! This subroutine is designed to add an XML element to an XML tree structure,
! with various attributes.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - A pointer to the root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The name of the section or parent element under which
! the new XML element should be added;
! element_name - The name of the XML element to be added;
! element_value - The value associated with the XML element;
! element_dtype - The data type of the associated array;
! element_size - The size in bytes of an array stored in an associated
! binary file;
! element_dims - The shape or dimensions of the array stored in
! an associated binary file;
! element_digest - This argument is a string that specifies the type of
! digest used for the array data to ensure its integrity;
! element_hash - The digest or hash value of the uncompressed array data
! stored in the associated binary file;
! compressor - A string specifying the compression format used.
! compressed_size - The size of the compressed array.
! compressed_hash - The digest/hash value of the compressed array.
! encoder - A string specifying the data encoding format used.
subroutine XMLAddElementFile(root_ptr, section_name, element_name, &
element_value, element_dtype, element_size, &
element_dims, element_digest, element_hash, &
compressor, compressed_size, compressed_hash, &
implicit none
type(XMLNode) , pointer , intent(inout) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: section_name, element_name
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: element_value, element_dtype
integer(kind=8) , intent(in ) :: element_size
integer, dimension(:) , intent(in ) :: element_dims
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: element_digest, element_hash
integer(kind=8) , optional, intent(in ) :: compressed_size
character(len=*), optional, intent(in ) :: compressor, compressed_hash, &
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: node_ptr, elem_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
logical :: found
character(len=64) :: str
found = .false.
node_ptr => root_ptr%children
do while (associated(node_ptr) .and. .not. found)
if (trim(node_ptr%name) == trim(section_name)) then
found = .true.
node_ptr => node_ptr%next
end if
end do
if (.not. found) then
call XMLNodeInit(node_ptr, section_name)
call XMLAddChild(root_ptr, node_ptr)
end if
call XMLNodeInit(elem_ptr, element_name, element_value)
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "type", "string")
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "data_type", element_dtype)
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
write (str,"(i0)") element_size
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "size", trim(adjustl(str)))
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
write (str,"(8(i0,1x))") element_dims
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "dimensions", trim(adjustl(str)))
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "digest_type", trim(element_digest))
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "digest", trim(element_hash))
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
if (present(compressor)) then
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "compression_format", trim(compressor))
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
if (present(compressed_size)) then
write (str,"(i0)") compressed_size
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "compressed_size", trim(adjustl(str)))
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
end if
if (present(compressed_hash)) then
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "compressed_digest", &
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
end if
end if
if (present(encoder)) then
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "data_encoder", trim(encoder))
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
end if
call XMLAddChild(node_ptr, elem_ptr)
end subroutine XMLAddElementFile
! subroutine XMLGetElementValueDouble:
! -----------------------------------
! Description:
! Reads an XML node value and returns it as a double precision number.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - The root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The section of the XML document where the element is located;
! element_name - The name of the XML element;
! element_value - The value of the element;
subroutine XMLGetElementValueDouble(root_ptr, section_name, &
element_name, element_value)
use helpers, only : print_message
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(in ) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: section_name, element_name
real(kind=8) , intent(inout) :: element_value
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = "XML::XMLGetElementValueDouble()"
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: node_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
call XMLFindElement(root_ptr, section_name, element_name, node_ptr)
if (associated(node_ptr)) then
call XMLGetAttribute(node_ptr, 'type', attr_ptr)
if (associated(attr_ptr)) then
if (trim(attr_ptr%value) == 'double') then
read (node_ptr%value,*) element_value
call print_message(loc, "The value of element '" // &
trim(element_name) // &
"' is not a double precision number!")
end if
end if
end if
end subroutine XMLGetElementValueDouble
! subroutine XMLGetElementValueInteger:
! ------------------------------------
! Description:
! Reads an XML node value and returns it as an integer.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - The root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The section of the XML document where the element is located;
! element_name - The name of the XML element;
! element_value - The value of the element;
subroutine XMLGetElementValueInteger(root_ptr, section_name, &
element_name, element_value)
use helpers, only : print_message
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(in ) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: section_name, element_name
integer , intent(inout) :: element_value
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = "XML::XMLGetElementValueInteger()"
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: node_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
call XMLFindElement(root_ptr, section_name, element_name, node_ptr)
if (associated(node_ptr)) then
call XMLGetAttribute(node_ptr, 'type', attr_ptr)
if (associated(attr_ptr)) then
if (trim(attr_ptr%value) == 'integer') then
read (node_ptr%value,*) element_value
call print_message(loc, "The value of element '" // &
trim(element_name) // "' is not an integer!")
end if
end if
end if
end subroutine XMLGetElementValueInteger
! subroutine XMLGetElementValueString:
! ------------------------------------
! Description:
! Reads an XML node value and returns it as a string.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - The root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The section of the XML document where the element is located;
! element_name - The name of the XML element;
! element_value - The value of the element;
subroutine XMLGetElementValueString(root_ptr, section_name, &
element_name, element_value)
use helpers, only : print_message
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(in ) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: section_name, element_name
character(len=*) , intent(inout) :: element_value
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = "XML::XMLGetElementValueString()"
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: node_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
call XMLFindElement(root_ptr, section_name, element_name, node_ptr)
if (associated(node_ptr)) then
call XMLGetAttribute(node_ptr, 'type', attr_ptr)
if (associated(attr_ptr)) then
if (trim(attr_ptr%value) == 'string') then
read (node_ptr%value,*) element_value
call print_message(loc, "The value of element '" // &
trim(element_name) // "' is not a string!")
end if
end if
end if
end subroutine XMLGetElementValueString
! subroutine XMLHasAttribute:
! --------------------------
! Description:
! Verifies whether the XML element contains an attribute specified by its name.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - The root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The section of the XML document where the element
! is located;
! element_name - The name of the XML element;
! attribute_name - The name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved;
logical function XMLHasAttribute(root_ptr, section_name, element_name, &
attribute_name) result(ret)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(in) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: section_name, element_name, &
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: node_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
ret = .false.
call XMLFindElement(root_ptr, section_name, element_name, node_ptr)
if (associated(node_ptr)) then
attr_ptr => node_ptr%attributes
do while (associated(attr_ptr))
if (trim(attr_ptr%name) == trim(attribute_name)) then
ret = .true.
end if
attr_ptr => attr_ptr%next
end do
end if
end function XMLHasAttribute
! subroutine XMLGetAttributeValueDouble:
! -------------------------------------
! Description:
! Retrieves a double precision attribute value from an XML element.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - The root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The section of the XML document where the element
! is located;
! element_name - The name of the XML element;
! attribute_name - The name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved;
! attribute_value - The value of the attribute;
subroutine XMLGetAttributeValueDouble(root_ptr, section_name, element_name, &
attribute_name, attribute_value)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(in ) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: section_name, element_name, &
real(kind=8) , intent(inout) :: attribute_value
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: node_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
call XMLFindElement(root_ptr, section_name, element_name, node_ptr)
if (associated(node_ptr)) then
call XMLGetAttribute(node_ptr, trim(attribute_name), attr_ptr)
if (associated(attr_ptr)) read (attr_ptr%value, *) attribute_value
end if
end subroutine XMLGetAttributeValueDouble
! subroutine XMLGetAttributeValueInteger:
! --------------------------------------
! Description:
! Retrieves an integer attribute value from an XML element.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - The root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The section of the XML document where the element
! is located;
! element_name - The name of the XML element;
! attribute_name - The name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved;
! attribute_value - The value of the attribute;
subroutine XMLGetAttributeValueInteger(root_ptr, section_name, element_name, &
attribute_name, attribute_value)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(in ) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: section_name, element_name, &
integer , intent(inout) :: attribute_value
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: node_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
call XMLFindElement(root_ptr, section_name, element_name, node_ptr)
if (associated(node_ptr)) then
call XMLGetAttribute(node_ptr, trim(attribute_name), attr_ptr)
if (associated(attr_ptr)) read (attr_ptr%value, *) attribute_value
end if
end subroutine XMLGetAttributeValueInteger
! subroutine XMLGetAttributeValueLong:
! -----------------------------------
! Description:
! Retrieves a long integer attribute value from an XML element.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - The root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The section of the XML document where the element
! is located;
! element_name - The name of the XML element;
! attribute_name - The name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved;
! attribute_value - The value of the attribute;
subroutine XMLGetAttributeValueLong(root_ptr, section_name, element_name, &
attribute_name, attribute_value)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(in ) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: section_name, element_name, &
integer(kind=8) , intent(inout) :: attribute_value
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: node_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
call XMLFindElement(root_ptr, section_name, element_name, node_ptr)
if (associated(node_ptr)) then
call XMLGetAttribute(node_ptr, trim(attribute_name), attr_ptr)
if (associated(attr_ptr)) read (attr_ptr%value, *) attribute_value
end if
end subroutine XMLGetAttributeValueLong
! subroutine XMLGetAttributeValueString:
! -------------------------------------
! Description:
! Retrieves a string attribute value from an XML element.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - The root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The section of the XML document where the element
! is located;
! element_name - The name of the XML element;
! attribute_name - The name of the attribute whose value is to be retrieved;
! attribute_value - The value of the attribute;
subroutine XMLGetAttributeValueString(root_ptr, section_name, element_name, &
attribute_name, attribute_value)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(in ) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: section_name, element_name, &
character(len=*) , intent(inout) :: attribute_value
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: node_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
call XMLFindElement(root_ptr, section_name, element_name, node_ptr)
if (associated(node_ptr)) then
call XMLGetAttribute(node_ptr, trim(attribute_name), attr_ptr)
if (associated(attr_ptr)) read (attr_ptr%value, *) attribute_value
end if
end subroutine XMLGetAttributeValueString
end module XML