Grzegorz Kowal db606cfa1a Use primitive variables in the Riemann solvers.
There is no need to convert conservative variables to primitive ones,
since they are already up to date, so pass primitive variables directly
to Riemann solvers in subroutine update_flux().
2012-07-31 16:49:14 -03:00

2378 lines
61 KiB

!! This file is part of the AMUN source code, a program to perform
!! Newtonian or relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations on uniform or
!! adaptive mesh.
!! Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Grzegorz Kowal <>
!! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
!! (at your option) any later version.
!! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!! along with this program. If not, see <>.
!! module: SCHEME - handling the actual solver of the set of equations
module scheme
implicit none
! the maximal speed in the system
real, save :: cmax
! update_flux: subroutine sweeps over all directions and calculates the
! numerical fluxes, which is used to update the solution
subroutine update_flux(idir, dx, q, f)
use coordinates, only : im, jm, km
use variables , only : nqt, nfl
use variables , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, imx, imy, imz
#ifdef ADI
use variables , only : ipr, ien
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
use variables , only : ibx, iby, ibz
#ifdef GLM
use variables , only : iph
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
implicit none
! input arguments
integer , intent(in) :: idir
real , intent(in) :: dx
real, dimension(nqt,im,jm,km), intent(in) :: q
real, dimension(nqt,im,jm,km), intent(out) :: f
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k
! local temporary arrays
real, dimension(nqt,im) :: qx, fx
real, dimension(nqt,jm) :: qy, fy
#if NDIMS == 3
real, dimension(nqt,km) :: qz, fz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! reset the flux array
f(:,:,:,:) = 0.0d0
! select the directional flux to compute
select case(idir)
! calculate the flux along the X-direction
do k = 1, km
do j = 1, jm
! copy directional vectors of variables for the one dimensional solver
do i = 1, im
qx(idn,i) = q(idn,i,j,k)
qx(imx,i) = q(ivx,i,j,k)
qx(imy,i) = q(ivy,i,j,k)
qx(imz,i) = q(ivz,i,j,k)
#ifdef ADI
qx(ien,i) = q(ien,i,j,k)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
qx(ibx,i) = q(ibx,i,j,k)
qx(iby,i) = q(iby,i,j,k)
qx(ibz,i) = q(ibz,i,j,k)
#ifdef GLM
qx(iph,i) = q(iph,i,j,k)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
end do
! execute solver (returns fluxes for the update)
#ifdef HLL
call hll (im, dx, qx(:,:), fx(:,:))
#endif /* HLL */
#ifdef HLLC
call hllc(im, dx, qx(:,:), fx(:,:))
#endif /* HLLC */
#ifdef HLLD
call hlld(im, dx, qx(:,:), fx(:,:))
#endif /* HLLD */
#ifdef ROE
call roe (im, dx, qx(:,:), fx(:,:))
#endif /* ROE */
! insert the flux for a given stencil
do i = 1, im
! fluid variable fluxes
f(idn,i,j,k) = fx(idn,i)
f(imx,i,j,k) = fx(imx,i)
f(imy,i,j,k) = fx(imy,i)
f(imz,i,j,k) = fx(imz,i)
#ifdef ADI
f(ien,i,j,k) = fx(ien,i)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
! magnetic field fluxes
f(ibx,i,j,k) = fx(ibx,i)
f(iby,i,j,k) = fx(iby,i)
f(ibz,i,j,k) = fx(ibz,i)
#ifdef GLM
! scalar potential flux
f(iph,i,j,k) = fx(iph,i)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
end do
end do
end do
! calculate the flux along the Y direction
do k = 1, km
do i = 1, im
! copy directional vectors of variables for the one dimensional solver
do j = 1, jm
qy(idn,j) = q(idn,i,j,k)
qy(ivx,j) = q(ivy,i,j,k)
qy(ivy,j) = q(ivz,i,j,k)
qy(ivz,j) = q(ivx,i,j,k)
#ifdef ADI
qy(ien,j) = q(ien,i,j,k)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
qy(ibx,j) = q(iby,i,j,k)
qy(iby,j) = q(ibz,i,j,k)
qy(ibz,j) = q(ibx,i,j,k)
#ifdef GLM
qy(iph,j) = q(iph,i,j,k)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
end do
! execute solver (returns fluxes for the update)
#ifdef HLL
call hll (jm, dx, qy(:,:), fy(:,:))
#endif /* HLL */
#ifdef HLLC
call hllc(jm, dx, qy(:,:), fy(:,:))
#endif /* HLLC */
#ifdef HLLD
call hlld(jm, dx, qy(:,:), fy(:,:))
#endif /* HLLD */
#ifdef ROE
call roe (jm, dx, qy(:,:), fy(:,:))
#endif /* ROE */
! insert the flux for a given stencil
do j = 1, jm
! fluid variable fluxes
f(idn,i,j,k) = fy(idn,j)
f(imx,i,j,k) = fy(imz,j)
f(imy,i,j,k) = fy(imx,j)
f(imz,i,j,k) = fy(imy,j)
#ifdef ADI
f(ien,i,j,k) = fy(ien,j)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
! magnetic field fluxes
f(ibx,i,j,k) = fy(ibz,j)
f(iby,i,j,k) = fy(ibx,j)
f(ibz,i,j,k) = fy(iby,j)
#ifdef GLM
! scalar potential flux
f(iph,i,j,k) = fy(iph,j)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
end do
end do
end do
#if NDIMS == 3
! calculate the flux along the Z direction
do j = 1, jm
do i = 1, im
! copy directional vectors of variables for the one dimensional solver
do k = 1, km
qz(idn,k) = q(idn,i,j,k)
qz(ivx,k) = q(ivz,i,j,k)
qz(ivy,k) = q(ivx,i,j,k)
qz(ivz,k) = q(ivy,i,j,k)
#ifdef ADI
qz(ien,k) = q(ien,i,j,k)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
qz(ibx,k) = q(ibz,i,j,k)
qz(iby,k) = q(ibx,i,j,k)
qz(ibz,k) = q(iby,i,j,k)
#ifdef GLM
qz(iph,k) = q(iph,i,j,k)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
end do
! execute solver (returns fluxes for the update)
#ifdef HLL
call hll (km, dx, qz(:,:), fz(:,:))
#endif /* HLL */
#ifdef HLLC
call hllc(km, dx, qz(:,:), fz(:,:))
#endif /* HLLC */
#ifdef HLLD
call hlld(km, dx, qz(:,:), fz(:,:))
#endif /* HLLD */
#ifdef ROE
call roe (km, dx, qz(:,:), fz(:,:))
#endif /* ROE */
! insert the flux for a given stencil
do k = 1, km
! fluid variable fluxes
f(idn,i,j,k) = fz(idn,k)
f(imx,i,j,k) = fz(imy,k)
f(imy,i,j,k) = fz(imz,k)
f(imz,i,j,k) = fz(imx,k)
#ifdef ADI
f(ien,i,j,k) = fz(ien,k)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
! magnetic field fluxes
f(ibx,i,j,k) = fz(iby,k)
f(iby,i,j,k) = fz(ibz,k)
f(ibz,i,j,k) = fz(ibx,k)
#ifdef GLM
! scalar potential flux
f(iph,i,j,k) = fz(iph,k)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
end do
end do
end do
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
end subroutine update_flux
#else /* CONSERVATIVE */
! update: subroutine sweeps over all directions and integrates the directional
! derivatives of the flux in order to get the increment of solution
subroutine update(u, du, dxi, dyi, dzi)
use coordinates, only : im, jm, km
use variables , only : nvr, nqt, nfl
use variables , only : idn, imx, imy, imz
#ifdef ADI
use variables , only : ien
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
use variables , only : ibx, iby, ibz
#ifdef GLM
use variables , only : iph
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
implicit none
! input arguments
real, dimension(nqt,im,jm,km) , intent(in) :: u
real, dimension(nqt,im,jm,km) , intent(out) :: du
real , intent(in) :: dxi, dyi, dzi
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k
real :: dx, dy, dz
! local temporary arrays
real, dimension(nvr,im) :: ux
real, dimension(nqt,im) :: fx
real, dimension(nvr,jm) :: uy
real, dimension(nqt,jm) :: fy
#if NDIMS == 3
real, dimension(nvr,km) :: uz
real, dimension(nqt,km) :: fz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! reset the increment array
du(:,:,:,:) = 0.0
! prepare the spacial increment
dx = 1.0d0 / dxi
dy = 1.0d0 / dyi
#if NDIMS == 3
dz = 1.0d0 / dzi
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! update along X-direction
do k = 1, km
do j = 1, jm
! copy directional vectors of variables for the one dimensional solver
do i = 1, im
ux(idn,i) = u(idn,i,j,k)
ux(imx,i) = u(imx,i,j,k)
ux(imy,i) = u(imy,i,j,k)
ux(imz,i) = u(imz,i,j,k)
#ifdef ADI
ux(ien,i) = u(ien,i,j,k)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
ux(ibx,i) = u(ibx,i,j,k)
ux(iby,i) = u(iby,i,j,k)
ux(ibz,i) = u(ibz,i,j,k)
#ifdef GLM
ux(iph,i) = u(iph,i,j,k)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
end do
! execute solver (returns fluxes for the update)
#ifdef HLL
call hll (im, dx, ux(:,:), fx(:,:))
#endif /* HLL */
#ifdef HLLC
call hllc(im, dx, ux(:,:), fx(:,:))
#endif /* HLLC */
#ifdef HLLD
call hlld(im, dx, ux(:,:), fx(:,:))
#endif /* HLLD */
#ifdef ROE
call roe (im, dx, ux(:,:), fx(:,:))
#endif /* ROE */
! update the arrays of increments
do i = 1, im
! update fluid variables
du(idn,i,j,k) = du(idn,i,j,k) + dxi * fx(idn,i)
du(imx,i,j,k) = du(imx,i,j,k) + dxi * fx(imx,i)
du(imy,i,j,k) = du(imy,i,j,k) + dxi * fx(imy,i)
du(imz,i,j,k) = du(imz,i,j,k) + dxi * fx(imz,i)
#ifdef ADI
du(ien,i,j,k) = du(ien,i,j,k) + dxi * fx(ien,i)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
! update magnetic variables
du(ibx,i,j,k) = du(ibx,i,j,k) + dxi * fx(ibx,i)
du(iby,i,j,k) = du(iby,i,j,k) + dxi * fx(iby,i)
du(ibz,i,j,k) = du(ibz,i,j,k) + dxi * fx(ibz,i)
#ifdef GLM
! update scalar potential
du(iph,i,j,k) = du(iph,i,j,k) + dxi * fx(iph,i)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
end do
end do
end do
! update along Y-direction
do k = 1, km
do i = 1, im
! copy directional vectors of variables for the one dimensional solver
do j = 1, jm
uy(idn,j) = u(idn,i,j,k)
uy(imx,j) = u(imy,i,j,k)
uy(imy,j) = u(imz,i,j,k)
uy(imz,j) = u(imx,i,j,k)
#ifdef ADI
uy(ien,j) = u(ien,i,j,k)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
uy(ibx,j) = u(iby,i,j,k)
uy(iby,j) = u(ibz,i,j,k)
uy(ibz,j) = u(ibx,i,j,k)
#ifdef GLM
uy(iph,j) = u(iph,i,j,k)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
end do
! execute solver (returns fluxes for the update)
#ifdef HLL
call hll (jm, dy, uy(:,:), fy(:,:))
#endif /* HLL */
#ifdef HLLC
call hllc(jm, dy, uy(:,:), fy(:,:))
#endif /* HLLC */
#ifdef HLLD
call hlld(jm, dy, uy(:,:), fy(:,:))
#endif /* HLLD */
#ifdef ROE
call roe (jm, dy, uy(:,:), fy(:,:))
#endif /* ROE */
! update the arrays of increments
do j = 1, jm
! update fluid variables
du(idn,i,j,k) = du(idn,i,j,k) + dyi * fy(idn,j)
du(imx,i,j,k) = du(imx,i,j,k) + dyi * fy(imz,j)
du(imy,i,j,k) = du(imy,i,j,k) + dyi * fy(imx,j)
du(imz,i,j,k) = du(imz,i,j,k) + dyi * fy(imy,j)
#ifdef ADI
du(ien,i,j,k) = du(ien,i,j,k) + dyi * fy(ien,j)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
! update magnetic variables
du(ibx,i,j,k) = du(ibx,i,j,k) + dyi * fy(ibz,j)
du(iby,i,j,k) = du(iby,i,j,k) + dyi * fy(ibx,j)
du(ibz,i,j,k) = du(ibz,i,j,k) + dyi * fy(iby,j)
#ifdef GLM
! update scalar potential
du(iph,i,j,k) = du(iph,i,j,k) + dyi * fy(iph,j)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
end do
end do
end do
#if NDIMS == 3
! update along Z-direction
do j = 1, jm
do i = 1, im
! copy directional vectors of variables for the one dimensional solver
do k = 1, km
uz(idn,k) = u(idn,i,j,k)
uz(imx,k) = u(imz,i,j,k)
uz(imy,k) = u(imx,i,j,k)
uz(imz,k) = u(imy,i,j,k)
#ifdef ADI
uz(ien,k) = u(ien,i,j,k)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
uz(ibx,k) = u(ibz,i,j,k)
uz(iby,k) = u(ibx,i,j,k)
uz(ibz,k) = u(iby,i,j,k)
#ifdef GLM
uz(iph,k) = u(iph,i,j,k)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
end do
! execute solver (returns fluxes for the update)
#ifdef HLL
call hll (km, dz, uz(:,:), fz(:,:))
#endif /* HLL */
#ifdef HLLC
call hllc(km, dz, uz(:,:), fz(:,:))
#endif /* HLLC */
#ifdef HLLD
call hlld(km, dz, uz(:,:), fz(:,:))
#endif /* HLLD */
#ifdef ROE
call roe (km, dz, uz(:,:), fz(:,:))
#endif /* ROE */
! update the arrays of increments
do k = 1, km
! update fluid variables
du(idn,i,j,k) = du(idn,i,j,k) + dzi * fz(idn,k)
du(imx,i,j,k) = du(imx,i,j,k) + dzi * fz(imy,k)
du(imy,i,j,k) = du(imy,i,j,k) + dzi * fz(imz,k)
du(imz,i,j,k) = du(imz,i,j,k) + dzi * fz(imx,k)
#ifdef ADI
du(ien,i,j,k) = du(ien,i,j,k) + dzi * fz(ien,k)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
! update magnetic variables
du(ibx,i,j,k) = du(ibx,i,j,k) + dzi * fz(iby,k)
du(iby,i,j,k) = du(iby,i,j,k) + dzi * fz(ibz,k)
du(ibz,i,j,k) = du(ibz,i,j,k) + dzi * fz(ibx,k)
#ifdef GLM
! update scalar potential
du(iph,i,j,k) = du(iph,i,j,k) + dzi * fz(iph,k)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
end do
end do
end do
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end subroutine update
#endif /* CONSERVATIVE */
#ifdef HLL
! hll: subroutine computes the approximated flux using the HLL method
subroutine hll(n, h, u, f)
use interpolations, only : reconstruct
use variables , only : nvr, nfl, nqt
use variables , only : ivx, ivy, ivz
#ifdef ADI
use variables , only : ien
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
use variables , only : ibx, iby, ibz
#ifdef GLM
use variables , only : iph
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real , intent(in) :: h
real, dimension(nvr,n), intent(in) :: u
real, dimension(nqt,n), intent(out) :: f
! local variables
integer :: p, i, ip1
real, dimension(nvr,n) :: q, ql, qr, ul, ur
real, dimension(nqt,n) :: fl, fr, fn
real, dimension(n) :: cl, cr
real :: al, ar, ap, div
! calculate the primitive variables
call cons2prim(n, u(:,:), q(:,:))
! reconstruct the left and right states of the primitive variables
do p = 1, nfl
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
#ifdef MHD
! reconstruct the left and right states of the magnetic field components
do p = ibx, ibz
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
#ifdef GLM
! reconstruct the left and right states of the scalar potential
call reconstruct(n, h, q(iph,:), ql(iph,:), qr(iph,:))
! obtain the state values for Bx and Psi for the GLM-MHD equations
cl(:) = 0.5d0 * ((qr(ibx,:) + ql(ibx,:)) - (qr(iph,:) - ql(iph,:)) / cmax)
cr(:) = 0.5d0 * ((qr(iph,:) + ql(iph,:)) - (qr(ibx,:) - ql(ibx,:)) * cmax)
ql(ibx,:) = cl(:)
qr(ibx,:) = cl(:)
ql(iph,:) = cr(:)
qr(iph,:) = cr(:)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
! calculate conservative variables at states
call prim2cons(n, ql(:,:), ul(:,:))
call prim2cons(n, qr(:,:), ur(:,:))
! calculate fluxes and speeds
call fluxspeed(n, ql(:,:), ul(:,:), fl(:,:), cl(:))
call fluxspeed(n, qr(:,:), ur(:,:), fr(:,:), cr(:))
! iterate over all points
do i = 1, n
! calculate min and max and intermediate speeds: eq. (67)
al = min(ql(ivx,i) - cl(i), qr(ivx,i) - cr(i))
ar = max(ql(ivx,i) + cl(i), qr(ivx,i) + cr(i))
! calculate HLL flux
if (al .ge. 0.0d0) then
fn(:,i) = fl(:,i)
else if (ar .le. 0.0d0) then
fn(:,i) = fr(:,i)
ap = ar * al
div = 1.0d0 / (ar - al)
fn(:,i) = div * (ar * fl(:,i) - al * fr(:,i) + ap * (ur(:,i) - ul(:,i)))
end if
end do
! return numerica flux at i+1/2
f( : , : ) = fn( : , : )
#else /* CONSERVATIVE */
! calculate numerical flux
f( 1:nfl,2:n) = - fn( 1:nfl,2:n) + fn( 1:nfl,1:n-1)
#ifdef MHD
f(ibx:ibz,2:n) = - fn(ibx:ibz,2:n) + fn(ibx:ibz,1:n-1)
#ifdef GLM
f(iph ,2:n) = - fn(iph ,2:n) + fn(iph ,1:n-1)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
#endif /* CONSERVATIVE */
end subroutine hll
#endif /* HLL */
#ifdef HLLC
! hllc: subroutine to compute flux approximated by HLLC method (HYDRO only)
! ([1] Batten et al., 1997, JSC, 18, 6, 1553)
! ([2] Miyoshi & Kusano, 2005, JCP, 208, 315)
subroutine hllc(n, h, q, f)
use interpolations, only : reconstruct
use variables , only : nvr, nfl, nqt
use variables , only : idn, imx, imy, imz, ien, ivx, ivy, ivz, ipr
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real , intent(in) :: h
real, dimension(nvr,n), intent(in) :: q
real, dimension(nqt,n), intent(out) :: f
! local variables
integer :: p, i, ip1
real, dimension(nvr,n) :: ql, qr, ul, ur
real, dimension(nfl,n) :: fl, fr, fn
real, dimension(n) :: cl, cr, cm
real :: sl, sr, sm, sml, smr, srmv, slmv, srmm, slmm &
, smvl, smvr, div, pt
real, dimension(nvr) :: q1l, q1r, u1l, u1r
! reconstruct the left and right states of the primitive variables
do p = 1, nfl
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
! obtain the conservative variables at both states
call prim2cons(n, ql(:,:), ul(:,:))
call prim2cons(n, qr(:,:), ur(:,:))
! calculate the physical fluxes and speeds
call fluxspeed(n, ql(:,:), ul(:,:), fl(:,:), cl(:))
call fluxspeed(n, qr(:,:), ur(:,:), fr(:,:), cr(:))
! iterate along the direction
do i = 1, n
! calculate the minimum and maxximum speeds
sl = min(ql(ivx,i) - cl(i), qr(ivx,i) - cr(i))
sr = max(ql(ivx,i) + cl(i), qr(ivx,i) + cr(i))
! all speeds >= 0, left side flux
if (sl .ge. 0.0) then
fn(:,i) = fl(:,i)
! all speeds <= 0, right side flux
else if (sr .le. 0.0) then
fn(:,i) = fr(:,i)
! intermediate states
else ! sl < 0 & sr > 0
! useful differences
slmv = sl - ql(ivx,i)
srmv = sr - qr(ivx,i)
! speed of the contact discontinuity (eq. 34 [1], 14 [2])
div = srmv * qr(idn,i) - slmv * ql(idn,i)
sml = (srmv * ur(imx,i) - slmv * ul(imx,i) &
- qr(ipr,i) + ql(ipr,i)) / div
div = slmv * ql(idn,i) - srmv * qr(idn,i)
smr = (slmv * ul(imx,i) - srmv * ur(imx,i) &
- ql(ipr,i) + qr(ipr,i)) / div
sm = 0.5d0 * (sml + smr)
if (sm .eq. 0.0d0) then
! calculate the left intermediate state
pt = ql(ipr,i) - ul(imx,i) * slmv
u1l(idn) = ql(idn,i) * slmv / sl
u1l(imx) = 0.0d0
u1l(imy) = u1l(idn) * ql(ivy,i)
u1l(imz) = u1l(idn) * ql(ivz,i)
if (sl .eq. 0.0d0) then
u1l(ien) = ul(ien,i)
u1l(ien) = (slmv * ul(ien,i) - ql(ipr,i) * ql(ivx,i)) / sl
end if
! calculate right intermediate state
pt = qr(ipr,i) - ur(imx,i) * srmv
u1r(idn) = qr(idn,i) * srmv / sr
u1r(imx) = 0.0d0
u1r(imy) = u1r(idn) * qr(ivy,i)
u1r(imz) = u1r(idn) * qr(ivz,i)
if (sr .eq. 0.0d0) then
u1r(ien) = ur(ien,i)
u1r(ien) = (srmv * ur(ien,i) - qr(ipr,i) * qr(ivx,i)) / sr
! calculate intermediate flux
fn(:,i) = 0.5d0 * (fl(:,i) + sl * (u1l(:) - ul(:,i)) &
+ fr(:,i) + sr * (u1r(:) - ur(:,i)))
! useful differences
slmm = sl - sm
srmm = sr - sm
smvl = sm - ql(ivx,i)
smvr = sm - qr(ivx,i)
! intermediate discontinuities
if (sm .gt. 0.0d0) then
! pressure of intermediate states (eq. 36 [1], 16 [2])
pt = ql(ipr,i) + ql(idn,i) * slmv * smvl
! calculate the left intermediate state
u1l(idn) = ql(idn,i) * slmv / slmm
u1l(imx) = u1l(idn) * sm
u1l(imy) = u1l(idn) * ql(ivy,i)
u1l(imz) = u1l(idn) * ql(ivz,i)
if (slmm .eq. 0.0d0) then
u1l(ien) = ul(ien,i)
u1l(ien) = (slmv * ul(ien,i) - ql(ipr,i) * ql(ivx,i) &
+ pt * sm) / slmm
end if
! calculate the left intermediate flux
fn(:,i) = fl(:,i) + sl * (u1l(:) - ul(:,i))
else if (sm .lt. 0.0) then
! pressure of intermediate states (eq. 36 [1], 16 [2])
pt = qr(ipr,i) + qr(idn,i) * srmv * smvr
! calculate the right intermediate state
u1r(idn) = qr(idn,i) * srmv / srmm
u1r(imx) = u1r(idn) * sm
u1r(imy) = u1r(idn) * qr(ivy,i)
u1r(imz) = u1r(idn) * qr(ivz,i)
if (srmm .eq. 0.0d0) then
u1r(ien) = ur(ien,i)
u1r(ien) = (srmv * ur(ien,i) - qr(ipr,i) * qr(ivx,i) &
+ pt * sm) / srmm
end if
! calculate the right intermediate flux
fn(:,i) = fr(:,i) + sr * (u1r(:) - ur(:,i))
end if
end if
end if
end do
! return numerica flux at i+1/2
f(:, : ) = fn(:, : )
#else /* CONSERVATIVE */
! calculate numerical flux
f(:,2:n) = - fn(:,2:n) + fn(:,1:n-1)
#endif /* CONSERVATIVE */
end subroutine hllc
#endif /* HLLC */
#ifdef MHD
#ifdef HLLD
#ifdef ISO
! hlld: subroutine computes the approximated flux using the HLLD method
! for the isothermal equation of state
subroutine hlld(n, h, u, f)
use interpolations, only : reconstruct
use variables , only : nvr, nfl, nqt
use variables , only : idn, imx, imy, imz, ivx, ivy, ivz
use variables , only : ibx, iby, ibz
#ifdef GLM
use variables , only : iph
#endif /* GLM */
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real , intent(in) :: h
real, dimension(nvr,n), intent(in) :: u
real, dimension(nqt,n), intent(out) :: f
! local variables
integer :: p, i, ip1
real, dimension(nvr,n) :: q, ql, qr, ul, ur
real, dimension(nqt,n) :: fl, fr, fn
real, dimension(n) :: cl, cr
real, dimension(nvr) :: u1l, u1r, u2
real :: sl, sr, srl, srml, sm, sml, smr
real :: dnm, mxm, sqd, div, fac, bxs
! calculate the primitive variables
call cons2prim(n, u, q)
! reconstruct the left and right states of the primitive variables
do p = 1, nfl
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
! reconstruct the left and right states of the magnetic field components
do p = ibx, ibz
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
#ifdef GLM
! reconstruct the left and right states of the scalar potential
call reconstruct(n, h, q(iph,:), ql(iph,:), qr(iph,:))
! obtain the state values for Bx and Psi for the GLM-MHD equations
cl(:) = 0.5d0 * ((qr(ibx,:) + ql(ibx,:)) - (qr(iph,:) - ql(iph,:)) / cmax)
cr(:) = 0.5d0 * ((qr(iph,:) + ql(iph,:)) - (qr(ibx,:) - ql(ibx,:)) * cmax)
ql(ibx,:) = cl(:)
qr(ibx,:) = cl(:)
ql(iph,:) = cr(:)
qr(iph,:) = cr(:)
#endif /* GLM */
! calculate conservative variables at states
call prim2cons(n, ql, ul)
call prim2cons(n, qr, ur)
! calculate fluxes and speeds
call fluxspeed(n, ql, ul, fl, cl)
call fluxspeed(n, qr, ur, fr, cr)
! iterate over all points and calculate the HLLD flux
do i = 1, n
! calculate min and max and intermediate speeds: eq. (67)
sl = min(ql(ivx,i) - cl(i), qr(ivx,i) - cr(i))
sr = max(ql(ivx,i) + cl(i), qr(ivx,i) + cr(i))
! all speeds > 0, left side flux
if (sl .ge. 0.0) then
fn(:,i) = fl(:,i)
! all speeds < 0, right side flux
else if (sr .le. 0.0) then
fn(:,i) = fr(:,i)
! intermediate states
else ! sl < 0 & sr > 0
! product and difference of speeds
srl = sr * sl
srml = sr - sl
! density of the intermediate state (eq. 20 and 21)
dnm = (sr * ur(idn,i) - sl * ul(idn,i) - fr(idn,i) + fl(idn,i)) / srml
mxm = (sr * ur(imx,i) - sl * ul(imx,i) - fr(imx,i) + fl(imx,i)) / srml
sqd = sqrt(dnm)
! fluxes for density and x-momentum are the same for all intermediate states (eq. 22 and 23)
fn(idn,i) = (sr * fl(idn,i) - sl * fr(idn,i) &
+ srl * (ur(idn,i) - ul(idn,i))) / srml
fn(imx,i) = (sr * fl(imx,i) - sl * fr(imx,i) &
+ srl * (ur(imx,i) - ul(imx,i))) / srml
#ifdef GLM
! fluxes for parallel magnetic component and the scalar potential is the same
! as well
fn(ibx,i) = (sr * fl(ibx,i) - sl * fr(ibx,i) &
+ srl * (ur(ibx,i) - ul(ibx,i))) / srml
fn(iph,i) = (sr * fl(iph,i) - sl * fr(iph,i) &
+ srl * (ur(iph,i) - ul(iph,i))) / srml
#endif /* GLM */
! the speed of contact discontinuity (from eq. 15 and eq. 17)
sm = fn(idn,i) / dnm
! Alfven speeds (eq. 29)
sml = sm - abs(ql(ibx,i)) / sqd
smr = sm + abs(qr(ibx,i)) / sqd
! calculate the left intermediate state
u1l(idn) = dnm
u1l(imx) = mxm
div = (sl - sml) * (sl - smr)
if (sm .eq. ql(ivx,i) .or. div .eq. 0.0 .or. ql(ibx,i) .eq. 0.0) then
u1l(imy) = dnm * ql(ivy,i)
u1l(imz) = dnm * ql(ivz,i)
u1l(iby) = ql(iby,i)
u1l(ibz) = ql(ibz,i)
fac = ql(ibx,i) * (sm - ql(ivx,i)) / div
u1l(imy) = dnm * ql(ivy,i) - ql(iby,i) * fac
u1l(imz) = dnm * ql(ivz,i) - ql(ibz,i) * fac
fac = (ql(idn,i) * (sl - ql(ivx,i))**2 - ql(ibx,i)**2) &
/ (dnm * div)
u1l(iby) = ql(iby,i) * fac
u1l(ibz) = ql(ibz,i) * fac
end if
! calculate the right intermediate state
u1r(idn) = dnm
u1r(imx) = mxm
div = (sr - sml) * (sr - smr)
if (sm .eq. qr(ivx,i) .or. div .eq. 0.0 .or. qr(ibx,i) .eq. 0.0) then
u1r(imy) = dnm * qr(ivy,i)
u1r(imz) = dnm * qr(ivz,i)
u1r(iby) = qr(iby,i)
u1r(ibz) = qr(ibz,i)
fac = qr(ibx,i) * (sm - qr(ivx,i)) / div
u1r(imy) = dnm * qr(ivy,i) - qr(iby,i) * fac
u1r(imz) = dnm * qr(ivz,i) - qr(ibz,i) * fac
fac = (qr(idn,i) * (sr - qr(ivx,i))**2 - qr(ibx,i)**2) &
/ (dnm * div)
u1r(iby) = qr(iby,i) * fac
u1r(ibz) = qr(ibz,i) * fac
end if
! intermediate discontinuities
if (sml .ge. 0.0) then
! calculate the left intermediate flux
fn(imy,i) = fl(imy,i) + sl * (u1l(imy) - ul(imy,i)) ! eq. (38)
fn(imz,i) = fl(imz,i) + sl * (u1l(imz) - ul(imz,i))
fn(iby,i) = fl(iby,i) + sl * (u1l(iby) - ul(iby,i))
fn(ibz,i) = fl(ibz,i) + sl * (u1l(ibz) - ul(ibz,i))
else if (smr .le. 0.0) then
! calculate right intermediate flux
fn(imy,i) = fr(imy,i) + sr * (u1r(imy) - ur(imy,i)) ! eq. (38)
fn(imz,i) = fr(imz,i) + sr * (u1r(imz) - ur(imz,i))
fn(iby,i) = fr(iby,i) + sr * (u1r(iby) - ur(iby,i))
fn(ibz,i) = fr(ibz,i) + sr * (u1r(ibz) - ur(ibz,i))
else ! sml < 0 & smr > 0
! normal component of magnetic field multiplied by sqrt(dnm)
if (ql(ibx,i) .ge. 0.0) then
bxs = sqd
bxs = - sqd
end if
! calculate the intermediate state (eq. 34-37)
u2(imy) = 0.5d0 * (u1r(imy) + u1l(imy) + bxs * (u1r(iby) - u1l(iby)))
u2(imz) = 0.5d0 * (u1r(imz) + u1l(imz) + bxs * (u1r(ibz) - u1l(ibz)))
u2(iby) = 0.5d0 * (u1r(iby) + u1l(iby) + (u1r(imy) - u1l(imy)) / bxs)
u2(ibz) = 0.5d0 * (u1r(ibz) + u1l(ibz) + (u1r(imz) - u1l(imz)) / bxs)
! calculate the intermediate flux (eq. 24)
fn(imy,i) = sm * u2(imy) - ql(ibx,i) * u2(iby)
fn(imz,i) = sm * u2(imz) - ql(ibx,i) * u2(ibz)
fn(iby,i) = sm * u2(iby) - ql(ibx,i) * u2(imy) / dnm
fn(ibz,i) = sm * u2(ibz) - ql(ibx,i) * u2(imz) / dnm
end if
end if
end do
! return numerica flux at i+1/2
f( : , : ) = fn( : , : )
#else /* CONSERVATIVE */
! calculate numerical flux
f( 1:nfl,2:n) = - fn( 1:nfl,2:n) + fn( 1:nfl,1:n-1)
f(ibx:ibz,2:n) = - fn(ibx:ibz,2:n) + fn(ibx:ibz,1:n-1)
#ifdef GLM
f(iph ,2:n) = - fn(iph ,2:n) + fn(iph ,1:n-1)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* CONSERVATIVE */
end subroutine hlld
#endif /* ISO */
#ifdef ADI
! hlld: subroutine computes the approximated flux using the HLLD method
! for the adiabatic equation of state
subroutine hlld(n, h, u, f)
use equations , only : gamma
use interpolations, only : reconstruct
use variables , only : nvr, nfl, nqt
use variables , only : idn, imx, imy, imz, ien, ivx, ivy, ivz, ipr
use variables , only : ibx, iby, ibz
#ifdef GLM
use variables , only : iph
#endif /* GLM */
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real , intent(in) :: h
real, dimension(nvr,n), intent(in) :: u
real, dimension(nqt,n), intent(out) :: f
! local variables
integer :: p, i, ip1
real, dimension(nvr,n) :: q, ql, qr, ul, ur
real, dimension(nqt,n) :: fl, fr, fn
real, dimension(n) :: cl, cr
real, dimension(nvr) :: u1l, u1r, u2, q1l, q1r, q2
real :: sl, sr, slmv, srmv, slmm, srmm, sm, smvl, smvr &
, sml, smr
real :: ptl, ptr, pt, bx2, div, fac, bxs, dlsq, drsq
! calculate the primitive variables
call cons2prim(n, u, q)
! reconstruct the left and right states of the primitive variables
do p = 1, nfl
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
! reconstruct the left and right states of the magnetic field components
do p = ibx, ibz
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
#ifdef GLM
! reconstruct the left and right states of the scalar potential
call reconstruct(n, h, q(iph,:), ql(iph,:), qr(iph,:))
! obtain the state values for Bx and Psi for the GLM-MHD equations
cl(:) = 0.5d0 * ((qr(ibx,:) + ql(ibx,:)) - (qr(iph,:) - ql(iph,:)) / cmax)
cr(:) = 0.5d0 * ((qr(iph,:) + ql(iph,:)) - (qr(ibx,:) - ql(ibx,:)) * cmax)
ql(ibx,:) = cl(:)
qr(ibx,:) = cl(:)
ql(iph,:) = cr(:)
qr(iph,:) = cr(:)
#endif /* GLM */
! calculate conservative variables at states
call prim2cons(n, ql, ul)
call prim2cons(n, qr, ur)
! calculate fluxes and speeds
call fluxspeed(n, ql, ul, fl, cl)
call fluxspeed(n, qr, ur, fr, cr)
! iterate over all points and calculate the HLLD flux
do i = 1, n
! calculate min and max and intermediate speeds: eq. (67)
sl = min(ql(ivx,i) - cl(i), qr(ivx,i) - cr(i))
sr = max(ql(ivx,i) + cl(i), qr(ivx,i) + cr(i))
! all speeds > 0, left side flux
if (sl .ge. 0.0) then
fn(:,i) = fl(:,i)
! all speeds < 0, right side flux
else if (sr .le. 0.0) then
fn(:,i) = fr(:,i)
! intermediate states
else ! sl < 0 & sr > 0
! calculate the total left and right pressures
ptl = ql(ipr,i) + 0.5d0 * sum(ql(ibx:ibz,i)**2)
ptr = qr(ipr,i) + 0.5d0 * sum(qr(ibx:ibz,i)**2)
! useful speed differences
slmv = sl - ql(ivx,i)
srmv = sr - qr(ivx,i)
! the speed of contact discontinuity (eq. 38, average from the both states)
div = slmv * ql(idn,i) - srmv * qr(idn,i)
slmm = (slmv * ul(imx,i) - srmv * ur(imx,i) - ptl + ptr) / div
div = srmv * qr(idn,i) - slmv * ql(idn,i)
srmm = (srmv * ur(imx,i) - slmv * ul(imx,i) - ptr + ptl) / div
sm = 0.5d0 * (slmm + srmm)
! more useful speed differences
slmm = sl - sm
srmm = sr - sm
smvl = sm - ql(ivx,i)
smvr = sm - qr(ivx,i)
bx2 = ql(ibx,i) * qr(ibx,i)
! pressure of the intermediate states (eq. 41)
pt = 0.5d0 * (ptl + ptr + ql(idn,i) * slmv * smvl &
+ qr(idn,i) * srmv * smvr)
! calculate the left intermediate state variables
q1l(idn) = ql(idn,i) * slmv / slmm
q1l(ivx) = sm
q1l(ibx) = ql(ibx,i)
div = ql(idn,i) * slmv * slmm - bx2
if ((sm .eq. ql(ivx,i)) .or. (div .eq. 0.0) &
.or. (bx2 .ge. gamma * ql(ipr,i)) &
.or. (sl .eq. (ql(ivx,i) + cl(i))) &
.or. (sl .eq. (ql(ivx,i) - cl(i)))) then
q1l(ivy) = ql(ivy,i)
q1l(ivz) = ql(ivz,i)
q1l(iby) = ql(iby,i)
q1l(ibz) = ql(ibz,i)
fac = ql(ibx,i) * smvl / div
q1l(ivy) = ql(ivy,i) - ql(iby,i) * fac
q1l(ivz) = ql(ivz,i) - ql(ibz,i) * fac
fac = (ql(idn,i) * slmv**2 - bx2) / div
q1l(iby) = ql(iby,i) * fac
q1l(ibz) = ql(ibz,i) * fac
end if
! convert the left intermediate state to the conservative form
u1l(idn) = q1l(idn)
u1l(imx) = q1l(idn) * q1l(ivx)
u1l(imy) = q1l(idn) * q1l(ivy)
u1l(imz) = q1l(idn) * q1l(ivz)
if (slmm .ne. 0.0) then
u1l(ien) = (slmv * ul(ien,i) - ptl * ql(ivx,i) + pt * sm &
+ ql(ibx,i) * (sum(ql(ivx:ivz,i) * ql(ibx:ibz,i)) &
- sum(q1l(ivx:ivz) * q1l(ibx:ibz)))) / slmm
u1l(ien) = ul(ien,i)
end if
u1l(ibx) = q1l(ibx)
u1l(iby) = q1l(iby)
u1l(ibz) = q1l(ibz)
#ifdef GLM
u1l(iph) = ul(iph,i)
#endif /* GLM */
! calculate the right intermediate state variables
q1r(idn) = qr(idn,i) * srmv / srmm
q1r(ivx) = sm
q1r(ibx) = qr(ibx,i)
div = qr(idn,i) * srmv * srmm - bx2
if ((sm .eq. qr(ivx,i)) .or. (div .eq. 0.0) &
.or. (bx2 .ge. gamma * qr(ipr,i)) &
.or. (sr .eq. (qr(ivx,i) + cr(i))) &
.or. (sr .eq. (qr(ivx,i) - cr(i)))) then
q1r(ivy) = qr(ivy,i)
q1r(ivz) = qr(ivz,i)
q1r(iby) = qr(iby,i)
q1r(ibz) = qr(ibz,i)
fac = qr(ibx,i) * smvr / div
q1r(ivy) = qr(ivy,i) - qr(iby,i) * fac
q1r(ivz) = qr(ivz,i) - qr(ibz,i) * fac
fac = (qr(idn,i) * srmv**2 - bx2) / div
q1r(iby) = qr(iby,i) * fac
q1r(ibz) = qr(ibz,i) * fac
end if
! convert the right intermediate state to the conservative form
u1r(idn) = q1r(idn)
u1r(imx) = q1r(idn) * q1r(ivx)
u1r(imy) = q1r(idn) * q1r(ivy)
u1r(imz) = q1r(idn) * q1r(ivz)
if (srmm .ne. 0.0) then
u1r(ien) = (srmv * ur(ien,i) - ptr * qr(ivx,i) + pt * sm &
+ qr(ibx,i) * (sum(qr(ivx:ivz,i) * qr(ibx:ibz,i)) &
- sum(q1r(ivx:ivz) * q1r(ibx:ibz)))) / srmm
u1r(ien) = ur(ien,i)
end if
u1r(ibx) = q1r(ibx)
u1r(iby) = q1r(iby)
u1r(ibz) = q1r(ibz)
#ifdef GLM
u1r(iph) = ur(iph,i)
#endif /* GLM */
! Alfven speeds (eq. 51)
sml = sm - abs(ql(ibx,i)) / sqrt(q1l(idn))
smr = sm + abs(qr(ibx,i)) / sqrt(q1r(idn))
! intermediate discontinuities
if (sml .ge. 0.0d0) then
! calculate the left intermediate flux
fn(:,i) = fl(:,i) + sl * (u1l(:) - ul(:,i))
else if (smr .le. 0.0d0) then
! calculate the right intermediate flux
fn(:,i) = fr(:,i) + sr * (u1r(:) - ur(:,i))
else ! sml < 0 & smr > 0
! obtain the normal component of magnetic field
if (ql(ibx,i) .gt. 0.0d0) then
bxs = 1.0d0
else if (ql(ibx,i) .lt. 0.0d0) then
bxs = -1.0d0
bxs = 0.0d0
end if
! compute the density root squares
dlsq = sqrt(q1l(idn))
drsq = sqrt(q1r(idn))
div = dlsq + drsq
! calculate the velocity components
q2(ivx) = sm
q2(ivy) = (dlsq * q1l(ivy) + drsq * q1r(ivy) &
+ (q1r(iby) - q1l(iby)) * bxs) / div
q2(ivz) = (dlsq * q1l(ivz) + drsq * q1r(ivz) &
+ (q1r(ibz) - q1l(ibz)) * bxs) / div
! calculate the magnetic field components
q2(ibx) = ql(ibx,i)
q2(iby) = (dlsq * q1r(iby) + drsq * q1l(iby) &
+ dlsq * drsq * (q1r(ivy) - q1l(ivy)) * bxs) / div
q2(ibz) = (dlsq * q1r(ibz) + drsq * q1l(ibz) &
+ dlsq * drsq * (q1r(ivz) - q1l(ivz)) * bxs) / div
if (sm .ge. 0.0) then
! convert the left Alfven intermediate state to the conservative form
u2(idn) = u1l(idn)
u2(imx) = u1l(idn) * q2(ivx)
u2(imy) = u1l(idn) * q2(ivy)
u2(imz) = u1l(idn) * q2(ivz)
u2(ien) = u1l(ien) - dlsq * (sum(q1l(ivx:ivz) * q1l(ibx:ibz)) &
- sum(q2 (ivx:ivz) * q2 (ibx:ibz))) * bxs
u2(ibx) = u1l(ibx)
u2(iby) = q2(iby)
u2(ibz) = q2(ibz)
#ifdef GLM
u2(iph) = u1l(iph)
#endif /* GLM */
! calculate the numerical flux
fn(:,i) = fl(:,i) + sml * u2(:) - (sml - sl) * u1l(:) - sl * ul(:,i)
else ! sm < 0
! convert the right Alfven intermediate state to the conservative form
u2(idn) = u1r(idn)
u2(imx) = u1r(idn) * q2(ivx)
u2(imy) = u1r(idn) * q2(ivy)
u2(imz) = u1r(idn) * q2(ivz)
u2(ien) = u1r(ien) + drsq * (sum(q1r(ivx:ivz) * q1r(ibx:ibz)) &
- sum(q2 (ivx:ivz) * q2 (ibx:ibz))) * bxs
u2(ibx) = u1r(ibx)
u2(iby) = q2(iby)
u2(ibz) = q2(ibz)
#ifdef GLM
u2(iph) = u1r(iph)
#endif /* GLM */
! calculate the numerical flux
fn(:,i) = fr(:,i) + smr * u2(:) - (smr - sr) * u1r(:) - sr * ur(:,i)
end if
end if
end if
end do
! return numerica flux at i+1/2
f( : , : ) = fn( : , : )
#else /* CONSERVATIVE */
! calculate the numerical flux derivative
f( 1:nfl,2:n) = - fn( 1:nfl,2:n) + fn( 1:nfl,1:n-1)
f(ibx:ibz,2:n) = - fn(ibx:ibz,2:n) + fn(ibx:ibz,1:n-1)
#ifdef GLM
f(iph ,2:n) = - fn(iph ,2:n) + fn(iph ,1:n-1)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* CONSERVATIVE */
end subroutine hlld
#endif /* ADI */
#endif /* HLLD */
#endif /* MHD */
#ifdef ROE
! roe: subroutine computes the approximated flux using the ROE method
! references:
! - Roe, P. L., 1981, Journal of Computational Physics, 43, 357
subroutine roe(n, h, u, f)
use equations , only : gamma
use interpolations, only : reconstruct
use variables , only : nvr, nfl, nqt
use variables , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz
#ifdef ADI
use variables , only : ien, ipr
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
use variables , only : ibx, iby, ibz
#ifdef GLM
use variables , only : iph
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real , intent(in) :: h
real, dimension(nvr,n), intent(in) :: u
real, dimension(nqt,n), intent(out) :: f
! local variables
integer :: p, i, ip1
real, dimension(nvr,n) :: q, ql, qr, ul, ur
real, dimension(nqt,n) :: fl, fr, fn
real, dimension(n) :: cl, cr
real, dimension(nqt) :: qi, ci, et, du
real, dimension(nqt,nqt) :: li, ri
real :: al, ar, ap, div
real :: sdl, sdr, sds, sfl, sfr
#ifdef MHD
real :: pbl, pbr, xfc, yfc
#endif /* MHD */
! reset eigensystem values
ci(:) = 0.0d0
li(:,:) = 0.0d0
ri(:,:) = 0.0d0
! calculate the primitive variables
call cons2prim(n, u(:,:), q(:,:))
! reconstruct the left and right states of the primitive variables
do p = 1, nfl
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
#ifdef MHD
! reconstruct the left and right states of the magnetic field components
do p = ibx, ibz
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
#ifdef GLM
! reconstruct the left and right states of the scalar potential
call reconstruct(n, h, q(iph,:), ql(iph,:), qr(iph,:))
! obtain the state values for Bx and Psi for the GLM-MHD equations
cl(:) = 0.5d0 * ((qr(ibx,:) + ql(ibx,:)) - (qr(iph,:) - ql(iph,:)) / cmax)
cr(:) = 0.5d0 * ((qr(iph,:) + ql(iph,:)) - (qr(ibx,:) - ql(ibx,:)) * cmax)
ql(ibx,:) = cl(:)
qr(ibx,:) = cl(:)
ql(iph,:) = cr(:)
qr(iph,:) = cr(:)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
! calculate conservative variables at states
call prim2cons(n, ql(:,:), ul(:,:))
call prim2cons(n, qr(:,:), ur(:,:))
! calculate fluxes and speeds
call fluxspeed(n, ql(:,:), ul(:,:), fl(:,:), cl(:))
call fluxspeed(n, qr(:,:), ur(:,:), fr(:,:), cr(:))
! iterate over all points
do i = 1, n
! calculate conserved states difference
du(:) = ur(:,i) - ul(:,i)
! calculate Roe variables for the eigenproblem solution
sdl = sqrt(ql(idn,i))
sdr = sqrt(qr(idn,i))
sds = sdl + sdr
sfl = sdl / sds
sfr = sdr / sds
qi(idn) = sdl * sdr
qi(ivx) = sfl * ql(ivx,i) + sfr * qr(ivx,i)
qi(ivy) = sfl * ql(ivy,i) + sfr * qr(ivy,i)
qi(ivz) = sfl * ql(ivz,i) + sfr * qr(ivz,i)
#ifdef HYDRO
#ifdef ADI
qi(ipr) = sfl * (ul(ien,i) + ql(ipr,i)) / ql(idn,i) &
+ sfr * (ur(ien,i) + qr(ipr,i)) / qr(idn,i)
#endif /* ADI */
#endif /* HYDRO */
#ifdef MHD
qi(ibx) = ql(ibx,i)
qi(iby) = sfl * ql(iby,i) + sfr * qr(iby,i)
qi(ibz) = sfl * ql(ibz,i) + sfr * qr(ibz,i)
#ifdef ADI
pbl = 0.5d0 * sum(ql(ibx:ibz,i)**2)
pbr = 0.5d0 * sum(qr(ibx:ibz,i)**2)
qi(ipr) = sfl * (ul(ien,i) + ql(ipr,i) + pbl) / ql(idn,i) &
+ sfr * (ur(ien,i) + qr(ipr,i) + pbr) / qr(idn,i)
#endif /* ADI */
xfc = 0.5d0 * sum(du(iby:ibz)**2) / sds**2
yfc = 0.5d0 * (ql(idn,i) + qr(idn,i)) / qi(idn)
#endif /* MHD */
! check if density and pressure are positive
#ifdef ADI
if (qi(idn) .gt. 0.0d0 .and. qi(ipr) .gt. 0.0d0) then
#else /* ADI */
if (qi(idn) .gt. 0.0d0) then
#endif /* ADI */
! obtain eigenvalues and eigenvectors
#ifdef HYDRO
call eigensystem(qi(:), ci(:), ri(:,:), li(:,:))
#endif /* HYDRO */
#ifdef MHD
call eigensystem(qi(:), ci(:), ri(:,:), li(:,:), xfc, yfc)
#endif /* MHD */
! calculate vector (Ur - Ul).L
et(:) = 0.0d0
do p = 1, nqt
et(:) = et(:) + du(p) * li(p,:)
end do
! calculate numerical flux
fn(:,i) = 0.5d0 * (fl(:,i) + fr(:,i))
! add term abs(lambda) R.(Ur - Ul).L
do p = 1, nqt
fn(:,i) = fn(:,i) - 0.5d0 * abs(ci(p)) * et(p) * ri(p,:)
end do
else ! in the case when density or pressure of the intermediate state
! are negative, use the simplest and most robust HLL flux
! calculate min and max speeds
al = min(ql(ivx,i) - cl(i), qr(ivx,i) - cr(i))
ar = max(ql(ivx,i) + cl(i), qr(ivx,i) + cr(i))
! calculate the HLL flux
if (al .ge. 0.0d0) then
fn(:,i) = fl(:,i)
else if (ar .le. 0.0d0) then
fn(:,i) = fr(:,i)
ap = ar * al
div = 1.0d0 / (ar - al)
fn(:,i) = div * (ar * fl(:,i) - al * fr(:,i) &
+ ap * (ur(:,i) - ul(:,i)))
end if
end if
end do
! return numerica flux at i+1/2
f( : , : ) = fn( : , : )
#else /* CONSERVATIVE */
! calculate numerical flux
f( 1:nfl,2:n) = - fn( 1:nfl,2:n) + fn( 1:nfl,1:n-1)
#ifdef MHD
f(ibx:ibz,2:n) = - fn(ibx:ibz,2:n) + fn(ibx:ibz,1:n-1)
#ifdef GLM
f(iph ,2:n) = - fn(iph ,2:n) + fn(iph ,1:n-1)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
#endif /* CONSERVATIVE */
end subroutine roe
! eigensystem: subroutine computes eigenvalues and eigenmatrices for a given
! set of equations and input variables
#ifdef HYDRO
#ifdef ADI
subroutine eigensystem(q, c, r, l)
use equations, only : gamma
use variables, only : nqt
use variables, only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz
use variables, only : ien
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real, dimension(nqt) , intent(in) :: q
real, dimension(nqt) , intent(inout) :: c
real, dimension(nqt,nqt), intent(inout) :: l, r
! local variables
real :: gm, vv, vh, c2, na, cc, vc, ng, nd, nv, nh, nc
! calculate characteristic speeds and useful variables
gm = gamma - 1.0d0
vv = sum(q(ivx:ivz)**2)
vh = 0.5d0 * vv
c2 = gm * (q(ien) - vh)
na = 0.5d0 / c2
cc = sqrt(c2)
vc = q(ivx) * cc
ng = na * gm
nd = 2.0 * ng
nv = na * vc
nh = na * gm * vh
nc = na * cc
! prepare eigenvalues
c(1) = q(ivx) - cc
c(2) = q(ivx)
c(3) = q(ivx)
c(4) = q(ivx)
c(5) = q(ivx) + cc
! prepare the right eigenmatrix
r(1,idn) = 1.0d0
r(1,ivx) = q(ivx) - cc
r(1,ivy) = q(ivy)
r(1,ivz) = q(ivz)
r(1,ien) = q(ien) - vc
r(2,ivy) = 1.0d0
r(2,ien) = q(ivy)
r(3,ivz) = 1.0d0
r(3,ien) = q(ivz)
r(4,idn) = 1.0d0
r(4,ivx) = q(ivx)
r(4,ivy) = q(ivy)
r(4,ivz) = q(ivz)
r(4,ien) = vh
r(5,idn) = 1.0d0
r(5,ivx) = q(ivx) + cc
r(5,ivy) = q(ivy)
r(5,ivz) = q(ivz)
r(5,ien) = q(ien) + vc
! prepare the left eigenmatrix
l(idn,1) = nh + nv
l(ivx,1) = - ng * q(ivx) - nc
l(ivy,1) = - ng * q(ivy)
l(ivz,1) = - ng * q(ivz)
l(ien,1) = ng
l(idn,2) = - q(ivy)
l(ivy,2) = 1.0d0
l(idn,3) = - q(ivz)
l(ivz,3) = 1.0d0
l(idn,4) = 1.0d0 - ng * vv
l(ivx,4) = nd * q(ivx)
l(ivy,4) = nd * q(ivy)
l(ivz,4) = nd * q(ivz)
l(ien,4) = - nd
l(idn,5) = nh - nv
l(ivx,5) = - ng * q(ivx) + nc
l(ivy,5) = - ng * q(ivy)
l(ivz,5) = - ng * q(ivz)
l(ien,5) = ng
end subroutine eigensystem
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef ISO
subroutine eigensystem(q, c, r, l)
use equations, only : csnd
use variables, only : nqt
use variables, only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real, dimension(nqt) , intent(in) :: q
real, dimension(nqt) , intent(inout) :: c
real, dimension(nqt,nqt), intent(inout) :: l, r
! local variables
real :: ch, vc
! calculate useful variables
ch = 0.5d0 / csnd
vc = ch * q(ivx)
! prepare eigenvalues
c(1) = q(ivx) - csnd
c(2) = q(ivx)
c(3) = q(ivx)
c(4) = q(ivx) + csnd
! prepare the right eigenmatrix
r(1,idn) = 1.0d0
r(1,ivx) = q(ivx) - csnd
r(1,ivy) = q(ivy)
r(1,ivz) = q(ivz)
r(2,ivy) = 1.0d0
r(3,ivz) = 1.0d0
r(4,idn) = 1.0d0
r(4,ivx) = q(ivx) + csnd
r(4,ivy) = q(ivy)
r(4,ivz) = q(ivz)
! prepare the left eigenmatrix
l(idn,1) = 0.5d0 + vc
l(ivx,1) = - ch
l(idn,2) = - q(ivy)
l(ivy,2) = 1.0d0
l(idn,3) = - q(ivz)
l(ivz,3) = 1.0d0
l(idn,4) = 0.5d0 - vc
l(ivx,4) = ch
end subroutine eigensystem
#endif /* ISO */
#endif /* HYDRO */
#ifdef MHD
#ifdef ADI
subroutine eigensystem(q, c, r, l, x, y)
use equations, only : gamma
use variables, only : nqt
use variables, only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, ibx, iby, ibz, ien
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real, dimension(nqt) , intent(in) :: q
real, dimension(nqt) , intent(inout) :: c
real, dimension(nqt,nqt), intent(inout) :: l, r
real , intent(in) :: x, y
! local variables
real :: gm1, gm2, v2, b2
real :: ah2, bt2, aa2, cb2, cx2, ct2, ca2, cs2, cf2
real :: cx , ct , cs, ca, cf
! calculate characteristic speeds
gm1 = gamma - 1.0d0
gm2 = gamma - 2.0d0
v2 = sum(q(ivx:ivz)**2)
b2 = sum(q(ibx:ibz)**2)
ah2 = gm1 * (q(ien) - 0.5d0 * v2 - b2 / q(idn)) - gm2 * x
bt2 = (gm1 - gm2 * y) * sum(q(iby:ibz)**2)
cx2 = q(ibx) * q(ibx) / q(idn)
ct2 = bt2 / q(idn)
ca2 = cx2 + ct2
aa2 = ah2 + ca2
cb2 = sqrt(max(0.0d0, aa2 * aa2 - 4.0d0 * ah2 * cx2))
cs2 = 0.5d0 * (aa2 - cb2)
cf2 = 0.5d0 * (aa2 + cb2)
af2 = (ah2 - cs2) / (cf2 - cs2)
cx = sqrt(cx2)
ca = sqrt(ca2)
cs = sqrt(cs2)
cf = sqrt(cf2)
af = sqrt(af2)
! prepare eigenvalues
c(1) = q(ivx) - cf
c(2) = q(ivx) - cx
c(3) = q(ivx) - cs
c(4) = q(ivx)
c(5) = q(ivx) + cs
c(6) = q(ivx) + cx
c(7) = q(ivx) + cf
! prepare the right eigenmatrix
r(1,idn) = af
r(1,ivx) = af * (q(ivx) - cf)
! prepare the left eigenmatrix
end subroutine eigensystem
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef ISO
subroutine eigensystem(q, c, r, l, x, y)
use equations, only : csnd
use variables, only : nqt
use variables, only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, ibx, iby, ibz
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real, dimension(nqt) , intent(in) :: q
real, dimension(nqt) , intent(inout) :: c
real, dimension(nqt,nqt), intent(inout) :: l, r
real , intent(in) :: x, y
! local variables
real :: cs, ca, cx, cf
! calculate characteristic speeds
ca = sqrt(sum(q(ibx:ibz)**2) / q(idn))
cx = abs(q(ibx)) / sqrt(q(idn))
! prepare eigenvalues
c(1) = q(ivx) - cf
c(2) = q(ivx) - ca
c(3) = q(ivx) - cs
c(4) = q(ivx) + cs
c(5) = q(ivx) + ca
c(6) = q(ivx) + cf
! prepare the right eigenmatrix
! prepare the left eigenmatrix
end subroutine eigensystem
#endif /* ISO */
#endif /* MHD */
#endif /* ROE */
! fluxspeed: subroutine computes fluxes and speeds for a given set of equations
subroutine fluxspeed(n, q, u, f, c)
#ifdef ADI
use equations, only : gamma
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef ISO
use equations, only : csnd, csnd2
#endif /* ISO */
use variables, only : nvr, nqt
use variables, only : idn, imx, imy, imz, ivx, ivy, ivz
#ifdef ADI
use variables, only : ipr, ien
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
use variables, only : ibx, iby, ibz
#ifdef GLM
use variables, only : iph
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real, dimension(nvr,n), intent(in) :: q, u
real, dimension(nqt,n), intent(out) :: f
real, dimension(n) , intent(out) :: c
! local variables
integer :: i
real :: bb, pm, vb, cs, cb, ca
! sweep over all points
do i = 1, n
! compute fluxes
f(idn,i) = u(imx,i)
#ifdef ADI
f(imx,i) = q(ivx,i) * u(imx,i) + q(ipr,i)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef ISO
f(imx,i) = q(ivx,i) * u(imx,i) + q(idn,i) * csnd2
#endif /* ISO */
f(imy,i) = q(ivx,i) * u(imy,i)
f(imz,i) = q(ivx,i) * u(imz,i)
#ifdef ADI
f(ien,i) = q(ivx,i) * (u(ien,i) + q(ipr,i))
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
bb = sum(q(ibx:ibz,i) * q(ibx:ibz,i))
pm = 0.5 * bb
vb = sum(q(ivx:ivz,i) * q(ibx:ibz,i))
f(imx,i) = f(imx,i) - q(ibx,i) * q(ibx,i) + pm
f(imy,i) = f(imy,i) - q(ibx,i) * q(iby,i)
f(imz,i) = f(imz,i) - q(ibx,i) * q(ibz,i)
#ifdef ADI
f(ien,i) = f(ien,i) + q(ivx,i) * pm - q(ibx,i) * vb
#endif /* ADI */
f(ibx,i) = 0.0d0
f(iby,i) = q(ivx,i) * q(iby,i) - q(ibx,i) * q(ivy,i)
f(ibz,i) = q(ivx,i) * q(ibz,i) - q(ibx,i) * q(ivz,i)
#ifdef GLM
f(ibx,i) = q(iph,i)
f(iph,i) = q(ibx,i)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
! compute speeds
#ifdef MHD
#ifdef ADI
cs = gamma * q(ipr,i)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef ISO
cs = csnd2 * q(idn,i)
#endif /* ISO */
cb = cs + bb
ca = q(ibx,i) * q(ibx,i)
c(i) = sqrt(0.5 * (cb + sqrt(max(0.0, cb * cb - 4.0 * cs * ca))) / q(idn,i))
#else /* MHD */
#ifdef ADI
c(i) = sqrt(gamma * q(ipr,i) / q(idn,i))
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef ISO
c(i) = csnd
#endif /* ISO */
#endif /* MHD */
end do
end subroutine fluxspeed
! cons2prim: subroutine converts primitive variables to conservative
subroutine cons2prim(n, u, q)
use equations, only : gammam1
use variables, only : nvr
use variables, only : idn, imx, imy, imz, ivx, ivy, ivz
#ifdef ADI
use variables, only : ipr, ien
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
use variables, only : ibx, iby, ibz
#ifdef GLM
use variables, only : iph
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real, dimension(nvr,n), intent(in) :: u
real, dimension(nvr,n), intent(out) :: q
! local variables
integer :: i
real :: dni, ei, ek, em
do i = 1, n
dni = 1.0 / u(idn,i)
q(idn,i) = u(idn,i)
q(ivx,i) = dni * u(imx,i)
q(ivy,i) = dni * u(imy,i)
q(ivz,i) = dni * u(imz,i)
#ifdef ADI
ek = 0.5 * sum(u(imx:imz,i) * q(ivx:ivz,i))
ei = u(ien,i) - ek
#ifdef MHD
em = 0.5 * sum(u(ibx:ibz,i) * u(ibx:ibz,i))
ei = ei - em
#endif /* MHD */
q(ipr,i) = gammam1 * ei
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
q(ibx,i) = u(ibx,i)
q(iby,i) = u(iby,i)
q(ibz,i) = u(ibz,i)
#ifdef GLM
q(iph,i) = u(iph,i)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
end do
end subroutine cons2prim
! prim2cons: subroutine converts primitive variables to conservative
subroutine prim2cons(n, q, u)
use equations, only : gammam1i
use variables, only : nvr
use variables, only : idn, imx, imy, imz, ivx, ivy, ivz
#ifdef ADI
use variables, only : ipr, ien
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
use variables, only : ibx, iby, ibz
#ifdef GLM
use variables, only : iph
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real, dimension(nvr,n), intent(in) :: q
real, dimension(nvr,n), intent(out) :: u
! local variables
integer :: i
real :: ei, ek, em
do i = 1, n
u(idn,i) = q(idn,i)
u(imx,i) = q(idn,i) * q(ivx,i)
u(imy,i) = q(idn,i) * q(ivy,i)
u(imz,i) = q(idn,i) * q(ivz,i)
#ifdef ADI
ei = gammam1i * q(ipr,i)
ek = 0.5 * sum(u(imx:imz,i) * q(ivx:ivz,i))
u(ien,i) = ei + ek
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
#ifdef ADI
em = 0.5 * sum(q(ibx:ibz,i) * q(ibx:ibz,i))
u(ien,i) = u(ien,i) + em
#endif /* ADI */
u(ibx,i) = q(ibx,i)
u(iby,i) = q(iby,i)
u(ibz,i) = q(ibz,i)
#ifdef GLM
u(iph,i) = q(iph,i)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
end do
end subroutine prim2cons
! maxspeed: function to calculate maximum speed in the system
function maxspeed(u)
use coordinates, only : im, jm, km, ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
#ifdef ADI
use equations , only : gamma
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef ISO
use equations , only : csnd, csnd2
#endif /* ISO */
use variables , only : nvr, nqt
use variables , only : idn, ivx, ivz
#ifdef ADI
use variables , only : ipr
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
use variables , only : ibx, iby, ibz
#endif /* MHD */
implicit none
! input arguments
real, dimension(nqt,im,jm,km), intent(in) :: u
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k
real :: vv, v, c
#ifdef MHD
real :: bb
#endif /* MHD */
real :: maxspeed
! local arrays
real, dimension(nvr,im) :: q
maxspeed = 0.0
! iterate over all points and calculate maximum speed
do k = kb, ke
do j = jb, je
call cons2prim(im, u(1:nqt,1:im,j,k), q(1:nqt,1:im))
do i = ib, ie
! calculate the velocity
vv = sum(q(ivx:ivz,i)**2)
v = sqrt(vv)
#ifdef MHD
bb = sum(q(ibx:ibz,i)**2)
#endif /* MHD */
! calculate the maximum characteristic speed
#ifdef MHD
#ifdef ADI
c = sqrt((gamma * q(ipr,i) + bb) / q(idn,i))
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef ISO
c = sqrt(csnd2 + bb / q(idn,i))
#endif /* ISO */
#else /* MHD */
#ifdef ADI
c = sqrt(gamma * q(ipr,i) / q(idn,i))
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef ISO
c = csnd
#endif /* ISO */
#endif /* MHD */
! calculate maximum of the speed
maxspeed = max(maxspeed, v + c)
end do
end do
end do
end function maxspeed
end module