541 lines
17 KiB
541 lines
17 KiB
!! This file is part of the AMUN source code, a program to perform
!! Newtonian or relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations on uniform or
!! adaptive mesh.
!! Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Grzegorz Kowal <grzegorz@amuncode.org>
!! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
!! (at your option) any later version.
!! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!! along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
!! module: DOMAINS
!! This module handles the initialization of the problem domains.
module domains
! module variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! module variable to store the problem name
character(len=32), save :: problem = "blast"
! by default everything is private
! declare public subroutines
public :: initialize_domains, setup_domain
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
!!*** PUBLIC SUBROUTINES *****************************************************
! -----------------------------
! Subroutine prepares module DOMAINS.
subroutine initialize_domains()
! include external procedures and variables
use parameters, only : get_parameter
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! get the problem name
call get_parameter("problem", problem)
end subroutine initialize_domains
! subroutine SETUP_DOMAIN:
! -----------------------
! Subroutine sets up the domain for selected problem. If there is no special
! domain required, sets up the default domain.
subroutine setup_domain()
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! select the domain setup depending on the problem name
select case(problem)
case default
call setup_domain_default()
end select
end subroutine setup_domain
!!*** PRIVATE SUBROUTINES ****************************************************
! -------------------------------
! Subroutine sets the default domain of N₁xN₂xN₃ blocks in the right
! configuration.
subroutine setup_domain_default()
! include external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : pointer_meta, block_meta, block_data
use blocks , only : append_metablock, append_datablock, link_blocks
use blocks , only : metablock_set_leaf, metablock_set_level
use blocks , only : metablock_set_configuration
use blocks , only : metablock_set_coordinates, metablock_set_bounds
use blocks , only : nsides
use coordinates , only : xmin, ymin, zmin, xlen, ylen, zlen
use coordinates , only : ir, jr, kr
use coordinates , only : periodic
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k, n, p, ic, jc, kc
real(kind=8) :: xl, xmn, xmx, yl, ymn, ymx, zl, zmn, zmx
! local arrays
integer, dimension(3) :: loc, del
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta, pnext
! allocatable arrays
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: cfg
integer, dimension(:) , allocatable :: im, jm, km
integer, dimension(:) , allocatable :: ip, jp, kp
! local pointer array
type(pointer_meta), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: block_array
! obtain the number of blocks
n = ir * jr * kr
! allocate the configuration array
! set the block configurations
cfg(1:ir,1:jr:2,1:kr:2) = 12
if (jr > 1) then
cfg(1:ir,2:jr:2,1:kr:2) = 43
cfg( ir,1:jr ,1:kr:2) = 13
end if
if (kr > 1) then
cfg(1:ir,1:jr:2,2:kr:2) = 65
if (jr > 1) then
cfg(1:ir,2:jr:2,2:kr:2) = 78
cfg( ir,1:jr ,2:kr:2) = 75
end if
if (ir == 1 .or. mod(jr,2) == 1) then
cfg( ir, jr ,1:kr ) = 15
cfg( 1 , jr ,1:kr ) = 48
end if
end if
! allocate the block pointer array
! generate the gray code for a given configuration and link the block in
! the proper order
loc(:) = (/ 0, 0, 0 /)
del(:) = (/ 1, 1, 1 /)
p = 1
do k = 1, kr
if (del(3) == 1) loc(3) = loc(3) + del(3)
do j = 1, jr
if (del(2) == 1) loc(2) = loc(2) + del(2)
do i = 1, ir
if (del(1) == 1) loc(1) = loc(1) + del(1)
! append a new metablock
call append_metablock(block_array(loc(1),loc(2),loc(3))%ptr)
! set the configuration type
call metablock_set_configuration( &
block_array(loc(1),loc(2),loc(3))%ptr &
, cfg(loc(1),loc(2),loc(3)))
! increase the block number
p = p + 1
if (del(1) == -1) loc(1) = loc(1) + del(1)
end do
if (del(2) == -1) loc(2) = loc(2) + del(2)
del(1) = - del(1)
end do
if (del(3) == -1) loc(3) = loc(3) + del(3)
del(2) = - del(2)
end do
! deallocate the configuration array
! calculate block sizes
xl = xlen / ir
yl = ylen / jr
zl = zlen / kr
! fill out block structure fields
do k = 1, kr
! claculate the block position along Z
kc = k - 1
! calculate the Z bounds
zmn = zmin + kc * zl
zmx = zmin + k * zl
do j = 1, jr
! claculate the block position along Y
jc = j - 1
! calculate the Y bounds
ymn = ymin + jc * yl
ymx = ymin + j * yl
do i = 1, ir
! claculate the block position along Y
ic = i - 1
! calculate the Z bounds
xmn = xmin + ic * xl
xmx = xmin + i * xl
! assign a pointer
pmeta => block_array(i,j,k)%ptr
! mark it as the leaf
call metablock_set_leaf(pmeta)
! set the level
call metablock_set_level(pmeta, 1)
! set block coordinates
call metablock_set_coordinates(pmeta, ic, jc, kc)
! set the bounds
call metablock_set_bounds(pmeta, xmn, xmx, ymn, ymx, zmn, zmx)
end do
end do
end do
! allocate indices
allocate(im(ir), ip(ir))
allocate(jm(jr), jp(jr))
#if NDIMS == 3
allocate(km(kr), kp(kr))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! generate indices
im(:) = cshift((/(i, i = 1, ir)/),-1)
ip(:) = cshift((/(i, i = 1, ir)/), 1)
jm(:) = cshift((/(j, j = 1, jr)/),-1)
jp(:) = cshift((/(j, j = 1, jr)/), 1)
#if NDIMS == 3
km(:) = cshift((/(k, k = 1, kr)/),-1)
kp(:) = cshift((/(k, k = 1, kr)/), 1)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! check periodicity and reset the edge indices if box is not periodic
if (.not. periodic(1)) then
im( 1) = 0
ip(ir) = 0
end if
if (.not. periodic(2)) then
jm( 1) = 0
jp(jr) = 0
end if
#if NDIMS == 3
if (.not. periodic(3)) then
km( 1) = 0
kp(kr) = 0
end if
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! iterate over all initial blocks
do k = 1, kr
do j = 1, jr
do i = 1, ir
! assign pmeta with the current block
pmeta => block_array(i,j,k)%ptr
#if NDIMS == 3
! assign face neighbor pointers
if (im(i) > 0) then
pmeta%faces(1,1,1,1)%ptr => block_array(im(i),j,k)%ptr
pmeta%faces(1,2,1,1)%ptr => block_array(im(i),j,k)%ptr
pmeta%faces(1,1,2,1)%ptr => block_array(im(i),j,k)%ptr
pmeta%faces(1,2,2,1)%ptr => block_array(im(i),j,k)%ptr
end if
if (ip(i) > 0) then
pmeta%faces(2,1,1,1)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),j,k)%ptr
pmeta%faces(2,2,1,1)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),j,k)%ptr
pmeta%faces(2,1,2,1)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),j,k)%ptr
pmeta%faces(2,2,2,1)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),j,k)%ptr
end if
if (jm(j) > 0) then
pmeta%faces(1,1,1,2)%ptr => block_array(i,jm(j),k)%ptr
pmeta%faces(2,1,1,2)%ptr => block_array(i,jm(j),k)%ptr
pmeta%faces(1,1,2,2)%ptr => block_array(i,jm(j),k)%ptr
pmeta%faces(2,1,2,2)%ptr => block_array(i,jm(j),k)%ptr
end if
if (jp(j) > 0) then
pmeta%faces(1,2,1,2)%ptr => block_array(i,jp(j),k)%ptr
pmeta%faces(2,2,1,2)%ptr => block_array(i,jp(j),k)%ptr
pmeta%faces(1,2,2,2)%ptr => block_array(i,jp(j),k)%ptr
pmeta%faces(2,2,2,2)%ptr => block_array(i,jp(j),k)%ptr
end if
if (km(k) > 0) then
pmeta%faces(1,1,1,3)%ptr => block_array(i,j,km(k))%ptr
pmeta%faces(2,1,1,3)%ptr => block_array(i,j,km(k))%ptr
pmeta%faces(1,2,1,3)%ptr => block_array(i,j,km(k))%ptr
pmeta%faces(2,2,1,3)%ptr => block_array(i,j,km(k))%ptr
end if
if (kp(k) > 0) then
pmeta%faces(1,1,2,3)%ptr => block_array(i,j,kp(k))%ptr
pmeta%faces(2,1,2,3)%ptr => block_array(i,j,kp(k))%ptr
pmeta%faces(1,2,2,3)%ptr => block_array(i,j,kp(k))%ptr
pmeta%faces(2,2,2,3)%ptr => block_array(i,j,kp(k))%ptr
end if
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! assign edge neighbor pointers
#if NDIMS == 2
if (im(i) > 0) then
pmeta%edges(1,1,2)%ptr => block_array(im(i),j,k)%ptr
pmeta%edges(1,2,2)%ptr => block_array(im(i),j,k)%ptr
end if
if (ip(i) > 0) then
pmeta%edges(2,1,2)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),j,k)%ptr
pmeta%edges(2,2,2)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),j,k)%ptr
end if
if (jm(j) > 0) then
pmeta%edges(1,1,1)%ptr => block_array(i,jm(j),k)%ptr
pmeta%edges(2,1,1)%ptr => block_array(i,jm(j),k)%ptr
end if
if (jp(j) > 0) then
pmeta%edges(1,2,1)%ptr => block_array(i,jp(j),k)%ptr
pmeta%edges(2,2,1)%ptr => block_array(i,jp(j),k)%ptr
end if
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
if (jm(j) > 0 .and. km(k) > 0) then
pmeta%edges(1,1,1,1)%ptr => block_array(i,jm(j),km(k))%ptr
pmeta%edges(2,1,1,1)%ptr => block_array(i,jm(j),km(k))%ptr
end if
if (jp(j) > 0 .and. km(k) > 0) then
pmeta%edges(1,2,1,1)%ptr => block_array(i,jp(j),km(k))%ptr
pmeta%edges(2,2,1,1)%ptr => block_array(i,jp(j),km(k))%ptr
end if
if (jm(j) > 0 .and. kp(k) > 0) then
pmeta%edges(1,1,2,1)%ptr => block_array(i,jm(j),kp(k))%ptr
pmeta%edges(2,1,2,1)%ptr => block_array(i,jm(j),kp(k))%ptr
end if
if (jp(j) > 0 .and. kp(k) > 0) then
pmeta%edges(1,2,2,1)%ptr => block_array(i,jp(j),kp(k))%ptr
pmeta%edges(2,2,2,1)%ptr => block_array(i,jp(j),kp(k))%ptr
end if
if (im(i) > 0 .and. km(k) > 0) then
pmeta%edges(1,1,1,2)%ptr => block_array(im(i),j,km(k))%ptr
pmeta%edges(1,2,1,2)%ptr => block_array(im(i),j,km(k))%ptr
end if
if (ip(i) > 0 .and. km(k) > 0) then
pmeta%edges(2,1,1,2)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),j,km(k))%ptr
pmeta%edges(2,2,1,2)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),j,km(k))%ptr
end if
if (im(i) > 0 .and. kp(k) > 0) then
pmeta%edges(1,1,2,2)%ptr => block_array(im(i),j,kp(k))%ptr
pmeta%edges(1,2,2,2)%ptr => block_array(im(i),j,kp(k))%ptr
end if
if (ip(i) > 0 .and. kp(k) > 0) then
pmeta%edges(2,1,2,2)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),j,kp(k))%ptr
pmeta%edges(2,2,2,2)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),j,kp(k))%ptr
end if
if (im(i) > 0 .and. jm(j) > 0) then
pmeta%edges(1,1,1,3)%ptr => block_array(im(i),jm(j),k)%ptr
pmeta%edges(1,1,2,3)%ptr => block_array(im(i),jm(j),k)%ptr
end if
if (ip(i) > 0 .and. jm(j) > 0) then
pmeta%edges(2,1,1,3)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),jm(j),k)%ptr
pmeta%edges(2,1,2,3)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),jm(j),k)%ptr
end if
if (im(i) > 0 .and. jp(j) > 0) then
pmeta%edges(1,2,1,3)%ptr => block_array(im(i),jp(j),k)%ptr
pmeta%edges(1,2,2,3)%ptr => block_array(im(i),jp(j),k)%ptr
end if
if (ip(i) > 0 .and. jp(j) > 0) then
pmeta%edges(2,2,1,3)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),jp(j),k)%ptr
pmeta%edges(2,2,2,3)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),jp(j),k)%ptr
end if
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! assign corner neighbor pointers
#if NDIMS == 2
if (im(i) > 0 .and. jm(j) > 0) &
pmeta%corners(1,1)%ptr => block_array(im(i),jm(j),k)%ptr
if (ip(i) > 0 .and. jm(j) > 0) &
pmeta%corners(2,1)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),jm(j),k)%ptr
if (im(i) > 0 .and. jp(j) > 0) &
pmeta%corners(1,2)%ptr => block_array(im(i),jp(j),k)%ptr
if (ip(i) > 0 .and. jp(j) > 0) &
pmeta%corners(2,2)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),jp(j),k)%ptr
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
if (im(i) > 0 .and. jm(j) > 0 .and. km(k) > 0) &
pmeta%corners(1,1,1)%ptr => block_array(im(i),jm(j),km(k))%ptr
if (ip(i) > 0 .and. jm(j) > 0 .and. km(k) > 0) &
pmeta%corners(2,1,1)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),jm(j),km(k))%ptr
if (im(i) > 0 .and. jp(j) > 0 .and. km(k) > 0) &
pmeta%corners(1,2,1)%ptr => block_array(im(i),jp(j),km(k))%ptr
if (ip(i) > 0 .and. jp(j) > 0 .and. km(k) > 0) &
pmeta%corners(2,2,1)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),jp(j),km(k))%ptr
if (im(i) > 0 .and. jm(j) > 0 .and. kp(k) > 0) &
pmeta%corners(1,1,2)%ptr => block_array(im(i),jm(j),kp(k))%ptr
if (ip(i) > 0 .and. jm(j) > 0 .and. kp(k) > 0) &
pmeta%corners(2,1,2)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),jm(j),kp(k))%ptr
if (im(i) > 0 .and. jp(j) > 0 .and. kp(k) > 0) &
pmeta%corners(1,2,2)%ptr => block_array(im(i),jp(j),kp(k))%ptr
if (ip(i) > 0 .and. jp(j) > 0 .and. kp(k) > 0) &
pmeta%corners(2,2,2)%ptr => block_array(ip(i),jp(j),kp(k))%ptr
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do ! over i
end do ! over j
end do ! over k
! deallocate indices
deallocate(im, ip)
deallocate(jm, jp)
#if NDIMS == 3
deallocate(km, kp)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! deallocate the block pointer array
end subroutine setup_domain_default
end module domains