2011-05-05 18:37:53 -03:00

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14 KiB

!! module: MPITOOLS - subroutines for MPI communication
!! Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Grzegorz Kowal <>
!! This file is part of the AMUN code.
!! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
!! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
!! as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
!! of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
!! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
!! Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
module mpitools
implicit none
! MPI global variables
integer , save :: comm3d
integer(kind=4), save :: ncpu, ncpus
! init_mpi: subroutine initializes the MPI variables
subroutine init_mpi
#ifdef MPI
use mpi, only : mpi_comm_world
#endif /* MPI */
implicit none
#ifdef MPI
! local variables
integer :: err
#endif /* MPI */
ncpu = 0
ncpus = 1
#ifdef MPI
! initialize the MPI interface
call mpi_init(err)
! get the current process id and the total number of processes
call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world, ncpu , err)
call mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm_world, ncpus, err)
comm3d = mpi_comm_world
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine init_mpi
! clear_mpi: subroutine clears the MPI variables
subroutine clear_mpi
implicit none
#ifdef MPI
! local variables
integer :: err
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef MPI
! finalize the MPI interface
call mpi_finalize(err)
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine clear_mpi
! mbarrier: subroutine synchronizes processes
subroutine mbarrier
implicit none
#ifdef MPI
! local variables
integer :: err
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef MPI
! finalize the MPI interface
call mpi_barrier(comm3d, err)
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine mbarrier
! is_master: function returns true if it is the master node, otherwise it
! returns false
function is_master()
implicit none
! return value
logical :: is_master
is_master = ncpu .eq. 0
end function is_master
! msendi: subroutine sends an array
subroutine msendi(n, dst, tag, buf)
#ifdef MPI
use mpi, only : mpi_integer
#endif /* MPI */
implicit none
! arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n, dst, tag
integer, dimension(n), intent(in) :: buf
#ifdef MPI
! local variables
integer :: err
err = 0
call mpi_send(buf, n, mpi_integer, dst, tag, comm3d, err)
if (err .ne. 0) print *, 'msendi: error', err
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine msendi
! mrecvi: subroutine receives an array
subroutine mrecvi(n, src, tag, buf)
#ifdef MPI
use mpi, only : mpi_status_size, mpi_integer
#endif /* MPI */
! arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n, src, tag
integer, dimension(n), intent(out) :: buf
#ifdef MPI
! local variables
integer :: err, status(mpi_status_size)
#endif /* MPI */
buf(:) = 0
#ifdef MPI
err = 0
status(:) = 0
call mpi_recv(buf, n, mpi_integer, src, tag, comm3d, status, err)
if (err .ne. 0) print *, 'mrecvi: error', err
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine mrecvi
! msendf: subroutine sends an array
subroutine msendf(n, dst, tag, buf)
#ifdef MPI
use mpi, only : mpi_real8
#endif /* MPI */
implicit none
! arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n, dst, tag
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: buf
#ifdef MPI
! local variables
integer :: err
call mpi_send(buf, n, mpi_real8, dst, tag, comm3d, err)
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine msendf
! mrecvf: subroutine receives an array
subroutine mrecvf(n, src, tag, buf)
#ifdef MPI
use mpi, only : mpi_status_size, mpi_real8
#endif /* MPI */
! arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n, src, tag
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: buf
#ifdef MPI
! local variables
integer :: err, status(mpi_status_size)
call mpi_recv(buf, n, mpi_real8, src, tag, comm3d, status, err)
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine mrecvf
! mallreducesuml: subroutine adds values over all proceeses
subroutine mallreducesuml(n, buf)
#ifdef MPI
use mpi, only : mpi_integer, mpi_sum
#endif /* MPI */
! arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
integer, dimension(n), intent(inout) :: buf
#ifdef MPI
! local variables
integer, dimension(n) :: tbuf
integer :: err
err = 0
call mpi_allreduce(buf, tbuf, n, mpi_integer, mpi_sum, comm3d, err)
buf(1:n) = tbuf(1:n)
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine mallreducesuml
! mallreducesumd: subroutine sums double precision array from all processors
subroutine mallreducesumd(n, buf)
#ifdef MPI
use mpi, only : mpi_real8, mpi_sum
#endif /* MPI */
! arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: buf
#ifdef MPI
! local variables
real(kind=8), dimension(n) :: tbuf
integer :: err
err = 0
call mpi_allreduce(buf, tbuf, n, mpi_real8, mpi_sum, comm3d, err)
buf(1:n) = tbuf(1:n)
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine mallreducesumd
! mallreducesumc: subroutine sums complex array from all processors
subroutine mallreducesumc(n, m, buf)
#ifdef MPI
use mpi, only : mpi_real8, mpi_sum
#endif /* MPI */
! arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n, m
complex(kind=8), dimension(n,m), intent(inout) :: buf
#ifdef MPI
! local variables
real(kind=8), dimension(n,m) :: rbuf, ibuf
integer :: err
err = 0
call mpi_allreduce( real(buf), rbuf, n*m, mpi_real8, mpi_sum, comm3d, err)
call mpi_allreduce(aimag(buf), ibuf, n*m, mpi_real8, mpi_sum, comm3d, err)
buf(1:n,1:m) = cmplx(rbuf(1:n,1:m),ibuf(1:n,1:m))
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine mallreducesumc
! mallreducesuml: subroutine adds values over all proceeses
subroutine mallreduceprodl(n, buf)
#ifdef MPI
use mpi, only : mpi_integer, mpi_prod
#endif /* MPI */
! arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
integer, dimension(n), intent(inout) :: buf
#ifdef MPI
! local variables
integer, dimension(n) :: tbuf
integer :: err
err = 0
call mpi_allreduce(buf, tbuf, n, mpi_integer, mpi_prod, comm3d, err)
buf(1:n) = tbuf(1:n)
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine mallreduceprodl
! mallreducemaxl: subroutine finds maximum values over all proceeses
subroutine mallreducemaxl(n, buf)
#ifdef MPI
use mpi, only : mpi_integer, mpi_max
#endif /* MPI */
! arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
integer, dimension(n), intent(inout) :: buf
#ifdef MPI
! local variables
integer, dimension(n) :: tbuf
integer :: err
err = 0
call mpi_allreduce(buf, tbuf, n, mpi_integer, mpi_max, comm3d, err)
buf(1:n) = tbuf(1:n)
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine mallreducemaxl
! mallreduceminr: subroutine finds the minimum value over all proceeses
subroutine mallreduceminr(buf)
#ifdef MPI
use mpi, only : mpi_real8, mpi_min
#endif /* MPI */
! arguments
real(kind=8), intent(inout) :: buf
#ifdef MPI
! local variables
real(kind=8) :: tbuf
integer :: err
err = 0
call mpi_allreduce(buf, tbuf, 1, mpi_real8, mpi_min, comm3d, err)
buf = tbuf
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine mallreduceminr
! mallreducemaxr: subroutine reduces the maximum value over all processes
subroutine mallreducemaxr(buf)
#ifdef MPI
use mpi, only : mpi_real8, mpi_max
#endif /* MPI */
! arguments
real(kind=8), intent(inout) :: buf
#ifdef MPI
! local variables
real(kind=8) :: tbuf
integer :: err
err = 0
call mpi_allreduce(buf, tbuf, 1, mpi_real8, mpi_max, comm3d, err)
buf = tbuf
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine mallreducemaxr
! mfindmaxi: subroutine finds the maximum integer value across all proceeses
subroutine mfindmaxi(buf)
#ifdef MPI
use mpi, only : mpi_integer, mpi_max
#endif /* MPI */
! arguments
integer(kind=4), intent(inout) :: buf
#ifdef MPI
! local variables
integer(kind=4) :: tbuf, err
err = 0
call mpi_allreduce(buf, tbuf, 1, mpi_integer, mpi_max, comm3d, err)
buf = tbuf
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine mfindmaxi
subroutine mbcasti(n, buf)
#ifdef MPI
use mpi, only : mpi_integer
#endif /* MPI */
! arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
integer, dimension(n), intent(inout) :: buf
#ifdef MPI
! local variables
integer :: ierr
call mpi_bcast(buf, n, mpi_integer, 0, comm3d, ierr)
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine mbcasti
end module