The copy of boundaries between blocks at the same level always uses the same size of buffer, so instead of using two of them, one for sending and another for receiving, use just one for sending and receiving. This will use the appropriate subroutine from MPITOOLS exchange_arrays_same(). Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
7002 lines
200 KiB
7002 lines
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!! This file is part of the AMUN source code, a program to perform
!! Newtonian or relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations on uniform or
!! adaptive mesh.
!! Copyright (C) 2008-2021 Grzegorz Kowal <>
!! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
!! (at your option) any later version.
!! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!! along with this program. If not, see <>.
!! module: BOUNDARIES
!! This module handles the boundary synchronization.
module boundaries
! import external subroutines
#ifdef MPI
use blocks, only : pointer_info
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
use timers, only : set_timer, start_timer, stop_timer
#endif /* PROFILE */
! module variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
#ifdef PROFILE
! timer indices
integer , save :: imi, imv, imf, ims, imu
integer , save :: ifc, ifr, ifp, iec, ier, iep, icc, icr, icp
#endif /* PROFILE */
! parameters corresponding to the boundary type
integer, parameter :: bnd_periodic = 0
integer, parameter :: bnd_open = 1
integer, parameter :: bnd_outflow = 2
integer, parameter :: bnd_reflective = 3
integer, parameter :: bnd_gravity = 4
integer, parameter :: bnd_user = 5
! variable to store boundary type flags
integer, dimension(3,2), save :: bnd_type = bnd_periodic
#ifdef MPI
! arrays to store information about blocks which need to be exchange between
! processes
type(pointer_info), dimension(:,:), allocatable, save :: barray
integer , dimension(:,:), allocatable, save :: bcount
#endif /* MPI */
! by default everything is private
! declare public subroutines
public :: initialize_boundaries, finalize_boundaries, print_boundaries
public :: boundary_variables, boundary_fluxes
public :: bnd_type, bnd_periodic
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
!!*** PUBLIC SUBROUTINES *****************************************************
! --------------------------------
! Subroutine initializes the module BOUNDARIES by setting its parameters.
! Arguments:
! status - return flag of the procedure execution status;
subroutine initialize_boundaries(status)
! import external procedures and variables
use coordinates, only : periodic
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : npmax
#endif /* MPI */
use parameters , only : get_parameter
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(out) :: status
! module parameters for the boundary update order and boundary type
character(len = 32) :: xlbndry = "periodic"
character(len = 32) :: xubndry = "periodic"
character(len = 32) :: ylbndry = "periodic"
character(len = 32) :: yubndry = "periodic"
character(len = 32) :: zlbndry = "periodic"
character(len = 32) :: zubndry = "periodic"
! local variables
integer :: n
#ifdef PROFILE
! set timer descriptions
call set_timer('boundaries:: initialization' , imi)
call set_timer('boundaries:: variables' , imv)
call set_timer('boundaries:: fluxes' , imf)
call set_timer('boundaries:: specific' , ims)
call set_timer('boundaries:: face copy' , ifc)
call set_timer('boundaries:: face restrict' , ifr)
call set_timer('boundaries:: face prolong' , ifp)
call set_timer('boundaries:: edge copy' , iec)
call set_timer('boundaries:: edge restrict' , ier)
call set_timer('boundaries:: edge prolong' , iep)
call set_timer('boundaries:: corner copy' , icc)
call set_timer('boundaries:: corner restrict', icr)
call set_timer('boundaries:: corner prolong' , icp)
call set_timer('boundaries:: update ghosts' , imu)
! start accounting time for module initialization/finalization
call start_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! reset the status flag
status = 0
! get runtime values for the boundary types
call get_parameter("xlbndry", xlbndry)
call get_parameter("xubndry", xubndry)
call get_parameter("ylbndry", ylbndry)
call get_parameter("yubndry", yubndry)
call get_parameter("zlbndry", zlbndry)
call get_parameter("zubndry", zubndry)
! fill the boundary type flags
select case(xlbndry)
bnd_type(1,1) = bnd_open
case("outflow", "out")
bnd_type(1,1) = bnd_outflow
case("reflective", "reflecting", "reflect")
bnd_type(1,1) = bnd_reflective
case("hydrostatic", "gravity")
bnd_type(1,1) = bnd_gravity
case("user", "custom")
bnd_type(1,1) = bnd_user
case default
bnd_type(1,1) = bnd_periodic
end select
select case(xubndry)
bnd_type(1,2) = bnd_open
case("outflow", "out")
bnd_type(1,2) = bnd_outflow
case("reflective", "reflecting", "reflect")
bnd_type(1,2) = bnd_reflective
case("hydrostatic", "gravity")
bnd_type(1,2) = bnd_gravity
case("user", "custom")
bnd_type(1,2) = bnd_user
case default
bnd_type(1,2) = bnd_periodic
end select
select case(ylbndry)
bnd_type(2,1) = bnd_open
case("outflow", "out")
bnd_type(2,1) = bnd_outflow
case("reflective", "reflecting", "reflect")
bnd_type(2,1) = bnd_reflective
case("hydrostatic", "gravity")
bnd_type(2,1) = bnd_gravity
case("user", "custom")
bnd_type(2,1) = bnd_user
case default
bnd_type(2,1) = bnd_periodic
end select
select case(yubndry)
bnd_type(2,2) = bnd_open
case("outflow", "out")
bnd_type(2,2) = bnd_outflow
case("reflective", "reflecting", "reflect")
bnd_type(2,2) = bnd_reflective
case("hydrostatic", "gravity")
bnd_type(2,2) = bnd_gravity
case("user", "custom")
bnd_type(2,2) = bnd_user
case default
bnd_type(2,2) = bnd_periodic
end select
select case(zlbndry)
bnd_type(3,1) = bnd_open
case("outflow", "out")
bnd_type(3,1) = bnd_outflow
case("reflective", "reflecting", "reflect")
bnd_type(3,1) = bnd_reflective
case("hydrostatic", "gravity")
bnd_type(3,1) = bnd_gravity
case("user", "custom")
bnd_type(3,1) = bnd_user
case default
bnd_type(3,1) = bnd_periodic
end select
select case(zubndry)
bnd_type(3,2) = bnd_open
case("outflow", "out")
bnd_type(3,2) = bnd_outflow
case("reflective", "reflecting", "reflect")
bnd_type(3,2) = bnd_reflective
case("hydrostatic", "gravity")
bnd_type(3,2) = bnd_gravity
case("user", "custom")
bnd_type(3,2) = bnd_user
case default
bnd_type(3,2) = bnd_periodic
end select
! set domain periodicity
do n = 1, NDIMS
periodic(n) = (bnd_type(n,1) == bnd_periodic) .and. &
(bnd_type(n,2) == bnd_periodic)
end do
#ifdef MPI
! allocate the exchange arrays
allocate(barray(0:npmax,0:npmax), bcount(0:npmax,0:npmax), stat = status)
! prepare the exchange arrays
if (status == 0) call prepare_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for module initialization/finalization
call stop_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine initialize_boundaries
! ------------------------------
! Subroutine releases memory used by the module.
! Arguments:
! status - an integer flag for error return value;
subroutine finalize_boundaries(status)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(out) :: status
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for module initialization/finalization
call start_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! reset the status flag
status = 0
#ifdef MPI
! release the exchange arrays
call release_exchange_array()
! deallocate the exchange arrays
deallocate(barray, bcount, stat = status)
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for module initialization/finalization
call stop_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine finalize_boundaries
! subroutine PRINT_BOUNDARIES:
! ---------------------------
! Subroutine prints module parameters and setup.
! Arguments:
! verbose - flag determining if the subroutine should be verbose;
subroutine print_boundaries(verbose)
! import external procedures and variables
use helpers , only : print_section, print_parameter
use parameters, only : get_parameter
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
logical, intent(in) :: verbose
! local variables
character(len=80) :: msg
character(len=64) :: sfmt
character(len=32) :: xlbndry = "periodic"
character(len=32) :: xubndry = "periodic"
character(len=32) :: ylbndry = "periodic"
character(len=32) :: yubndry = "periodic"
character(len=32) :: zlbndry = "periodic"
character(len=32) :: zubndry = "periodic"
if (verbose) then
call get_parameter("xlbndry", xlbndry)
call get_parameter("xubndry", xubndry)
call get_parameter("ylbndry", ylbndry)
call get_parameter("yubndry", yubndry)
call get_parameter("zlbndry", zlbndry)
call get_parameter("zubndry", zubndry)
call print_section(verbose, "Boundaries")
sfmt = "(a,1x,'...',1x,a)"
write(msg,sfmt) trim(xlbndry), trim(xubndry)
call print_parameter(verbose, "X-boundary", msg)
write(msg,sfmt) trim(ylbndry), trim(yubndry)
call print_parameter(verbose, "Y-boundary", msg)
#if NDIMS == 3
write(msg,sfmt) trim(zlbndry), trim(zubndry)
call print_parameter(verbose, "Z-boundary", msg)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if
end subroutine print_boundaries
! -----------------------------
! Subroutine updates the ghost zones of the data blocks from their neighbors
! or applies the specific boundary conditions.
! Arguments:
! t, dt - time and time increment;
subroutine boundary_variables(t, dt)
! import external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : ndims
use coordinates, only : minlev, maxlev
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: t, dt
! local variables
integer :: idir
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for variable boundary update
call start_timer(imv)
#endif /* PROFILE */
#if NDIMS == 3
! update face boundaries between blocks at the same levels
do idir = 1, ndims
call boundaries_face_copy(idir)
end do ! idir
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! update edge boundaries between blocks at the same levels
do idir = 1, ndims
call boundaries_edge_copy(idir)
end do ! idir
! update corner boundaries between blocks at the same levels
call boundaries_corner_copy()
! do prolongation and restriction only if blocks are at different levels
if (minlev /= maxlev) then
#if NDIMS == 3
! restrict face boundaries from higher level blocks
do idir = 1, ndims
call boundaries_face_restrict(idir)
end do ! idir
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! restricts edge boundaries from block at higher level
do idir = 1, ndims
call boundaries_edge_restrict(idir)
end do ! idir
! restricts corner boundaries from blocks at higher levels
call boundaries_corner_restrict()
! update specific boundaries
call boundaries_specific(t, dt)
#if NDIMS == 3
! prolong face boundaries from lower level blocks
do idir = 1, ndims
call boundaries_face_prolong(idir)
end do ! idir
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! prolongs edge boundaries from block at lower level
do idir = 1, ndims
call boundaries_edge_prolong(idir)
end do ! idir
! prolong corner boundaries from blocks at lower levels
call boundaries_corner_prolong()
end if ! minlev /= maxlev
! update specific boundaries
call boundaries_specific(t, dt)
! convert updated primitive variables to conservative ones in all ghost cells
call update_ghost_cells()
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for variable boundary update
call stop_timer(imv)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine boundary_variables
! subroutine BOUNDARY_FLUXES:
! --------------------------
! Subroutine updates the numerical fluxes from neighbors which lay on
! higher level. At higher levels the numerical fluxes are calculated with
! smaller error, since the resolution is higher, therefore we take those
! fluxes and restrict them down to the level of the updated block.
subroutine boundary_fluxes()
! import external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, block_leaf
use blocks , only : list_leaf
#ifdef MPI
use blocks , only : block_info, pointer_info
#endif /* MPI */
use blocks , only : ndims, nsides
use coordinates, only : minlev, maxlev
use coordinates, only : nh => ncells_half
use coordinates, only : nb, ne, nbm, nbp, nep
use coordinates, only : adxi, adyi
#if NDIMS == 3
use coordinates, only : adzi
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
use equations , only : nf, ns
use equations , only : idn, isl, isu
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : nproc, npairs, pairs
use mpitools , only : exchange_arrays
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta, pneigh
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
type(block_leaf), pointer :: pleaf
#ifdef MPI
type(block_info), pointer :: pinfo
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables
integer :: n
#if NDIMS == 2
integer :: m
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
integer :: i , il , iu
integer :: j , jl , ju
integer :: k = 1, kl = 1, ku = 1
integer :: s
#ifdef MPI
integer :: sproc = 0, rproc = 0
integer :: scount, rcount
integer :: l, p
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: sbuf, rbuf
#endif /* MPI */
#if NDIMS == 3
real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nh,nh) :: fh, df
real(kind=8), dimension(nh,nh) :: sl, sr, ps
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nh, 1) :: fh, df
real(kind=8), dimension(nh, 1) :: sl, sr, ps
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! quit if all blocks are at the same level
if (minlev == maxlev) return
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the flux boundary update
call start_timer(imf)
#endif /* PROFILE */
#ifdef MPI
! prepare the block exchange structures
call prepare_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
! update the fluxes between blocks on the same process
! associate pleaf with the first block on the leaf list
pleaf => list_leaf
! scan all leaf meta blocks in the list
do while(associated(pleaf))
! get the associated meta and data block
pmeta => pleaf%meta
pdata => pmeta%data
! iterate over all dimensions
do n = 1, ndims
#if NDIMS == 2
m = 3 - n
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
! iterate over all corners
#if NDIMS == 3
do k = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = 1, nsides
do i = 1, nsides
! associate pneigh with the neighbor
#if NDIMS == 2
pneigh => pmeta%edges(i,j,m)%ptr
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pneigh => pmeta%faces(i,j,k,n)%ptr
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! process only if the neighbor is associated
if (associated(pneigh)) then
! check if the neighbor lays at higher level
if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
#ifdef MPI
! check if the block and its neighbor belong to the same process
if (pmeta%process == pneigh%process) then
! check if the neighbor belongs to the current process
if (pneigh%process == nproc) then
#endif /* MPI */
! update the flux depending on the direction
select case(n)
! prepare the boundary layer indices for X-direction flux
if (j == 1) then
jl = nb
ju = nb + nh - 1
jl = ne - nh + 1
ju = ne
end if
#if NDIMS == 3
if (k == 1) then
kl = nb
ku = nb + nh - 1
kl = ne - nh + 1
ku = ne
end if
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! update the flux at the X-face of the block
if (i == 1) then
#if NDIMS == 3
fh(:,:,:) = &
2.5d-01 * ((pneigh%data%fx(:,2,nb :ne:2,nb :ne:2) &
+ pneigh%data%fx(:,2,nbp:ne:2,nbp:ne:2)) &
+ (pneigh%data%fx(:,2,nbp:ne:2,nb :ne:2) &
+ pneigh%data%fx(:,2,nb :ne:2,nbp:ne:2)))
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
fh(:,:,:) = &
5.0d-01 * (pneigh%data%fx(:,2,nb :ne:2,:) &
+ pneigh%data%fx(:,2,nbp:ne:2,:))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
df(:,:,:) = (fh(:,:,:) - pdata%fx(:,1,jl:ju,kl:ku)) &
* adxi(pmeta%level)
pdata%du(:,nbm,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(:,nbm,jl:ju,kl:ku) - df(:,:,:)
pdata%du(:,nb ,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(:,nb ,jl:ju,kl:ku) + df(:,:,:)
if (ns > 0) then
sl(:,:) = sign(5.0d-01, fh(idn,:,:)) + 5.0d-01
sr(:,:) = 1.0d+00 - sl(:,:)
do s = isl, isu
ps(:,:) = sl(:,:) * pdata%q(s,nbm,jl:ju,kl:ku) &
+ sr(:,:) * pdata%q(s,nb ,jl:ju,kl:ku)
pdata%du(s,nbm,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(s,nbm,jl:ju,kl:ku) &
- df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
pdata%du(s,nb ,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(s,nb ,jl:ju,kl:ku) &
+ df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
end do
end if
#if NDIMS == 3
fh(:,:,:) = &
2.5d-01 * ((pneigh%data%fx(:,1,nb :ne:2,nb :ne:2) &
+ pneigh%data%fx(:,1,nbp:ne:2,nbp:ne:2)) &
+ (pneigh%data%fx(:,1,nbp:ne:2,nb :ne:2) &
+ pneigh%data%fx(:,1,nb :ne:2,nbp:ne:2)))
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
fh(:,:,:) = &
5.0d-01 * (pneigh%data%fx(:,1,nb :ne:2,:) &
+ pneigh%data%fx(:,1,nbp:ne:2,:))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
df(:,:,:) = (fh(:,:,:) - pdata%fx(:,2,jl:ju,kl:ku)) &
* adxi(pmeta%level)
pdata%du(:,ne ,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(:,ne ,jl:ju,kl:ku) - df(:,:,:)
pdata%du(:,nep,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(:,nep,jl:ju,kl:ku) + df(:,:,:)
if (ns > 0) then
sl(:,:) = sign(5.0d-01, fh(idn,:,:)) + 5.0d-01
sr(:,:) = 1.0d+00 - sl(:,:)
do s = isl, isu
ps(:,:) = sl(:,:) * pdata%q(s,ne ,jl:ju,kl:ku) &
+ sr(:,:) * pdata%q(s,nep,jl:ju,kl:ku)
pdata%du(s,ne ,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(s,ne ,jl:ju,kl:ku) &
- df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
pdata%du(s,nep,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(s,nep,jl:ju,kl:ku) &
+ df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
end do
end if
end if
! prepare the boundary layer indices for Y-direction flux
if (i == 1) then
il = nb
iu = nb + nh - 1
il = ne - nh + 1
iu = ne
end if
#if NDIMS == 3
if (k == 1) then
kl = nb
ku = nb + nh - 1
kl = ne - nh + 1
ku = ne
end if
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! update the flux at the Y-face of the block
if (j == 1) then
#if NDIMS == 3
fh(:,:,:) = &
2.5d-01 * ((pneigh%data%fy(:,nb :ne:2,2,nb :ne:2) &
+ pneigh%data%fy(:,nbp:ne:2,2,nbp:ne:2)) &
+ (pneigh%data%fy(:,nbp:ne:2,2,nb :ne:2) &
+ pneigh%data%fy(:,nb :ne:2,2,nbp:ne:2)))
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
fh(:,:,:) = &
5.0d-01 * (pneigh%data%fy(:,nb :ne:2,2,:) &
+ pneigh%data%fy(:,nbp:ne:2,2,:))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
df(:,:,:) = (fh(:,:,:) - pdata%fy(:,il:iu,1,kl:ku)) &
* adyi(pmeta%level)
pdata%du(:,il:iu,nbm,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(:,il:iu,nbm,kl:ku) - df(:,:,:)
pdata%du(:,il:iu,nb ,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(:,il:iu,nb ,kl:ku) + df(:,:,:)
if (ns > 0) then
sl(:,:) = sign(5.0d-01, fh(idn,:,:)) + 5.0d-01
sr(:,:) = 1.0d+00 - sl(:,:)
do s = isl, isu
ps(:,:) = sl(:,:) * pdata%q(s,il:iu,nbm,kl:ku) &
+ sr(:,:) * pdata%q(s,il:iu,nb ,kl:ku)
pdata%du(s,il:iu,nbm,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(s,il:iu,nbm,kl:ku) &
- df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
pdata%du(s,il:iu,nb ,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(s,il:iu,nb ,kl:ku) &
+ df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
end do
end if
#if NDIMS == 3
fh(:,:,:) = &
2.5d-01 * ((pneigh%data%fy(:,nb :ne:2,1,nb :ne:2) &
+ pneigh%data%fy(:,nbp:ne:2,1,nbp:ne:2)) &
+ (pneigh%data%fy(:,nbp:ne:2,1,nb :ne:2) &
+ pneigh%data%fy(:,nb :ne:2,1,nbp:ne:2)))
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
fh(:,:,:) = &
5.0d-01 * (pneigh%data%fy(:,nb :ne:2,1,:) &
+ pneigh%data%fy(:,nbp:ne:2,1,:))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
df(:,:,:) = (fh(:,:,:) - pdata%fy(:,il:iu,2,kl:ku)) &
* adyi(pmeta%level)
pdata%du(:,il:iu,ne ,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(:,il:iu,ne ,kl:ku) - df(:,:,:)
pdata%du(:,il:iu,nep,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(:,il:iu,nep,kl:ku) + df(:,:,:)
if (ns > 0) then
sl(:,:) = sign(5.0d-01, fh(idn,:,:)) + 5.0d-01
sr(:,:) = 1.0d+00 - sl(:,:)
do s = isl, isu
ps(:,:) = sl(:,:) * pdata%q(s,il:iu,ne ,kl:ku) &
+ sr(:,:) * pdata%q(s,il:iu,nep,kl:ku)
pdata%du(s,il:iu,ne ,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(s,il:iu,ne ,kl:ku) &
- df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
pdata%du(s,il:iu,nep,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(s,il:iu,nep,kl:ku) &
+ df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
end do
end if
end if
#if NDIMS == 3
! prepare the boundary layer indices for Z-direction flux
if (i == 1) then
il = nb
iu = nb + nh - 1
il = ne - nh + 1
iu = ne
end if
if (j == 1) then
jl = nb
ju = nb + nh - 1
jl = ne - nh + 1
ju = ne
end if
! update the flux at the Z-face of the block
if (k == 1) then
fh(:,:,:) = &
2.5d-01 * ((pneigh%data%fz(:,nb :ne:2,nb :ne:2,2) &
+ pneigh%data%fz(:,nbp:ne:2,nbp:ne:2,2)) &
+ (pneigh%data%fz(:,nbp:ne:2,nb :ne:2,2) &
+ pneigh%data%fz(:,nb :ne:2,nbp:ne:2,2)))
df(:,:,:) = (fh(:,:,:) - pdata%fz(:,il:iu,jl:ju,1)) &
* adzi(pmeta%level)
pdata%du(:,il:iu,jl:ju,nbm) = &
pdata%du(:,il:iu,jl:ju,nbm) - df(:,:,:)
pdata%du(:,il:iu,jl:ju,nb ) = &
pdata%du(:,il:iu,jl:ju,nb ) + df(:,:,:)
if (ns > 0) then
sl(:,:) = sign(5.0d-01, fh(idn,:,:)) + 5.0d-01
sr(:,:) = 1.0d+00 - sl(:,:)
do s = isl, isu
ps(:,:) = sl(:,:) * pdata%q(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nbm) &
+ sr(:,:) * pdata%q(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nb )
pdata%du(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nbm) = &
pdata%du(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nbm) &
- df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
pdata%du(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nb ) = &
pdata%du(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nb ) &
+ df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
end do
end if
fh(:,:,:) = &
2.5d-01 * ((pneigh%data%fz(:,nb :ne:2,nb :ne:2,1) &
+ pneigh%data%fz(:,nbp:ne:2,nbp:ne:2,1)) &
+ (pneigh%data%fz(:,nbp:ne:2,nb :ne:2,1) &
+ pneigh%data%fz(:,nb :ne:2,nbp:ne:2,1)))
df(:,:,:) = (fh(:,:,:) - pdata%fz(:,il:iu,jl:ju,2)) &
* adzi(pmeta%level)
pdata%du(:,il:iu,jl:ju,ne ) = &
pdata%du(:,il:iu,jl:ju,ne ) - df(:,:,:)
pdata%du(:,il:iu,jl:ju,nep) = &
pdata%du(:,il:iu,jl:ju,nep) + df(:,:,:)
if (ns > 0) then
sl(:,:) = sign(5.0d-01, fh(idn,:,:)) + 5.0d-01
sr(:,:) = 1.0d+00 - sl(:,:)
do s = isl, isu
ps(:,:) = sl(:,:) * pdata%q(s,il:iu,jl:ju,ne ) &
+ sr(:,:) * pdata%q(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nep)
pdata%du(s,il:iu,jl:ju,ne ) = &
pdata%du(s,il:iu,jl:ju,ne ) &
- df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
pdata%du(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nep) = &
pdata%du(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nep) &
+ df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
end do
end if
end if
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
#ifdef MPI
end if ! pneigh on the current process
else ! pneigh%proc /= pmeta%proc
! append the block to the exchange list
call append_exchange_block(pmeta, pneigh, n, (/ i, j, k /))
end if ! pneigh%proc /= pmeta%proc
#endif /* MPI */
end if ! pmeta level < pneigh level
end if ! pneigh associated
end do ! i = 1, nsides
end do ! j = 1, nsides
#if NDIMS == 3
end do ! k = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do ! n = 1, ndims
! associate pleaf with the next leaf on the list
pleaf => pleaf%next
end do ! over leaf blocks
#ifdef MPI
! update flux boundaries between neighbors laying on different processes
! iterate over all process pairs
do p = 1, npairs
! process only pairs related to this process
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc .or. pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
! get sending and receiving process identifiers (depending on pair member)
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,1)
rproc = pairs(p,2)
end if
if (pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,2)
rproc = pairs(p,1)
end if
! get the number of blocks to exchange
scount = bcount(sproc,rproc)
rcount = bcount(rproc,sproc)
! process only pairs which have anything to exchange
if ((scount + rcount) > 0) then
! allocate buffers for variable exchange
#if NDIMS == 3
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
allocate(sbuf(nf,nh, 1,scount))
allocate(rbuf(nf,nh, 1,rcount))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate pinfo with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(sproc,rproc)%ptr
! scan all blocks on the list
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block count
l = l + 1
! associate pneigh pointer
pneigh => pinfo%neigh
! get neighbor direction and corner coordinates
n = pinfo%direction
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
k = pinfo%corner(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! update directional flux from the neighbor
select case(n)
! update the flux edge from the neighbor at higher level
if (i == 1) then
#if NDIMS == 3
sbuf(:,:,:,l) = &
2.5d-01 * ((pneigh%data%fx(:,2,nb :ne:2,nb :ne:2) &
+ pneigh%data%fx(:,2,nbp:ne:2,nbp:ne:2)) &
+ (pneigh%data%fx(:,2,nbp:ne:2,nb :ne:2) &
+ pneigh%data%fx(:,2,nb :ne:2,nbp:ne:2)))
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
sbuf(:,:,:,l) = &
5.0d-01 * (pneigh%data%fx(:,2,nb :ne:2,:) &
+ pneigh%data%fx(:,2,nbp:ne:2,:))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 3
sbuf(:,:,:,l) = &
2.5d-01 * ((pneigh%data%fx(:,1,nb :ne:2,nb :ne:2) &
+ pneigh%data%fx(:,1,nbp:ne:2,nbp:ne:2)) &
+ (pneigh%data%fx(:,1,nbp:ne:2,nb :ne:2) &
+ pneigh%data%fx(:,1,nb :ne:2,nbp:ne:2)))
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
sbuf(:,:,:,l) = &
5.0d-01 * (pneigh%data%fx(:,1,nb :ne:2,:) &
+ pneigh%data%fx(:,1,nbp:ne:2,:))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if
! update the flux edge from the neighbor at higher level
if (j == 1) then
#if NDIMS == 3
sbuf(:,:,:,l) = &
2.5d-01 * ((pneigh%data%fy(:,nb :ne:2,2,nb :ne:2) &
+ pneigh%data%fy(:,nbp:ne:2,2,nbp:ne:2)) &
+ (pneigh%data%fy(:,nbp:ne:2,2,nb :ne:2) &
+ pneigh%data%fy(:,nb :ne:2,2,nbp:ne:2)))
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
sbuf(:,:,:,l) = &
5.0d-01 * (pneigh%data%fy(:,nb :ne:2,2,:) &
+ pneigh%data%fy(:,nbp:ne:2,2,:))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 3
sbuf(:,:,:,l) = &
2.5d-01 * ((pneigh%data%fy(:,nb :ne:2,1,nb :ne:2) &
+ pneigh%data%fy(:,nbp:ne:2,1,nbp:ne:2)) &
+ (pneigh%data%fy(:,nbp:ne:2,1,nb :ne:2) &
+ pneigh%data%fy(:,nb :ne:2,1,nbp:ne:2)))
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
sbuf(:,:,:,l) = &
5.0d-01 * (pneigh%data%fy(:,nb :ne:2,1,:) &
+ pneigh%data%fy(:,nbp:ne:2,1,:))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if
#if NDIMS == 3
! update the flux edge from the neighbor at higher level
if (k == 1) then
sbuf(:,:,:,l) = &
2.5d-01 * ((pneigh%data%fz(:,nb :ne:2,nb :ne:2,2) &
+ pneigh%data%fz(:,nbp:ne:2,nbp:ne:2,2)) &
+ (pneigh%data%fz(:,nbp:ne:2,nb :ne:2,2) &
+ pneigh%data%fz(:,nb :ne:2,nbp:ne:2,2)))
sbuf(:,:,:,l) = &
2.5d-01 * ((pneigh%data%fz(:,nb :ne:2,nb :ne:2,1) &
+ pneigh%data%fz(:,nbp:ne:2,nbp:ne:2,1)) &
+ (pneigh%data%fz(:,nbp:ne:2,nb :ne:2,1) &
+ pneigh%data%fz(:,nb :ne:2,nbp:ne:2,1)))
end if
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
! associate pinfo with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr blocks
! exchange data
call exchange_arrays(rproc, p, sbuf, rbuf)
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate pinfo with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(rproc,sproc)%ptr
! scan all blocks on the list
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block count
l = l + 1
! associate meta and data block pointers
pmeta => pinfo%meta
pdata => pmeta%data
! get neighbor direction and corner indices
n = pinfo%direction
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
k = pinfo%corner(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! update directional flux from the neighbor
select case(n)
! prepare the boundary layer indices depending on the corner position
if (j == 1) then
jl = nb
ju = nb + nh - 1
jl = ne - nh + 1
ju = ne
end if
#if NDIMS == 3
if (k == 1) then
kl = nb
ku = nb + nh - 1
kl = ne - nh + 1
ku = ne
end if
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! update the flux edge from the neighbor at higher level
if (i == 1) then
df(:,:,:) = (rbuf(:,:,:,l) - pdata%fx(:,1,jl:ju,kl:ku)) &
* adxi(pmeta%level)
pdata%du(:,nbm,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(:,nbm,jl:ju,kl:ku) - df(:,:,:)
pdata%du(:,nb ,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(:,nb ,jl:ju,kl:ku) + df(:,:,:)
if (ns > 0) then
sl(:,:) = sign(5.0d-01, rbuf(idn,:,:,l)) + 5.0d-01
sr(:,:) = 1.0d+00 - sl(:,:)
do s = isl, isu
ps(:,:) = sl(:,:) * pdata%q(s,nbm,jl:ju,kl:ku) &
+ sr(:,:) * pdata%q(s,nb ,jl:ju,kl:ku)
pdata%du(s,nbm,jl:ju,kl:ku) = pdata%du(s,nbm,jl:ju,kl:ku) &
- df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
pdata%du(s,nb ,jl:ju,kl:ku) = pdata%du(s,nb ,jl:ju,kl:ku) &
+ df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
end do
end if
df(:,:,:) = (rbuf(:,:,:,l) - pdata%fx(:,2,jl:ju,kl:ku)) &
* adxi(pmeta%level)
pdata%du(:,ne ,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(:,ne ,jl:ju,kl:ku) - df(:,:,:)
pdata%du(:,nep,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
pdata%du(:,nep,jl:ju,kl:ku) + df(:,:,:)
if (ns > 0) then
sl(:,:) = sign(5.0d-01, rbuf(idn,:,:,l)) + 5.0d-01
sr(:,:) = 1.0d+00 - sl(:,:)
do s = isl, isu
ps(:,:) = sl(:,:) * pdata%q(s,ne ,jl:ju,kl:ku) &
+ sr(:,:) * pdata%q(s,nep,jl:ju,kl:ku)
pdata%du(s,ne ,jl:ju,kl:ku) = pdata%du(s,ne ,jl:ju,kl:ku) &
- df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
pdata%du(s,nep,jl:ju,kl:ku) = pdata%du(s,nep,jl:ju,kl:ku) &
+ df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
end do
end if
end if
! prepare the boundary layer indices depending on the corner position
if (i == 1) then
il = nb
iu = nb + nh - 1
il = ne - nh + 1
iu = ne
end if
#if NDIMS == 3
if (k == 1) then
kl = nb
ku = nb + nh - 1
kl = ne - nh + 1
ku = ne
end if
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! update the flux edge from the neighbor at higher level
if (j == 1) then
df(:,:,:) = (rbuf(:,:,:,l) - pdata%fy(:,il:iu,1,kl:ku)) &
* adyi(pmeta%level)
pdata%du(:,il:iu,nbm,kl:ku) = pdata%du(:,il:iu,nbm,kl:ku) &
- df(:,:,:)
pdata%du(:,il:iu,nb ,kl:ku) = pdata%du(:,il:iu,nb ,kl:ku) &
+ df(:,:,:)
if (ns > 0) then
sl(:,:) = sign(5.0d-01, rbuf(idn,:,:,l)) + 5.0d-01
sr(:,:) = 1.0d+00 - sl(:,:)
do s = isl, isu
ps(:,:) = sl(:,:) * pdata%q(s,il:iu,nbm,kl:ku) &
+ sr(:,:) * pdata%q(s,il:iu,nb ,kl:ku)
pdata%du(s,il:iu,nbm,kl:ku) = pdata%du(s,il:iu,nbm,kl:ku) &
- df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
pdata%du(s,il:iu,nb ,kl:ku) = pdata%du(s,il:iu,nb ,kl:ku) &
+ df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
end do
end if
df(:,:,:) = (rbuf(:,:,:,l) - pdata%fy(:,il:iu,2,kl:ku)) &
* adyi(pmeta%level)
pdata%du(:,il:iu,ne ,kl:ku) = pdata%du(:,il:iu,ne ,kl:ku) &
- df(:,:,:)
pdata%du(:,il:iu,nep,kl:ku) = pdata%du(:,il:iu,nep,kl:ku) &
+ df(:,:,:)
if (ns > 0) then
sl(:,:) = sign(5.0d-01, rbuf(idn,:,:,l)) + 5.0d-01
sr(:,:) = 1.0d+00 - sl(:,:)
do s = isl, isu
ps(:,:) = sl(:,:) * pdata%q(s,il:iu,ne ,kl:ku) &
+ sr(:,:) * pdata%q(s,il:iu,nep,kl:ku)
pdata%du(s,il:iu,ne ,kl:ku) = pdata%du(s,il:iu,ne ,kl:ku) &
- df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
pdata%du(s,il:iu,nep,kl:ku) = pdata%du(s,il:iu,nep,kl:ku) &
+ df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
end do
end if
end if
#if NDIMS == 3
! prepare the boundary layer indices depending on the corner position
if (i == 1) then
il = nb
iu = nb + nh - 1
il = ne - nh + 1
iu = ne
end if
if (j == 1) then
jl = nb
ju = nb + nh - 1
jl = ne - nh + 1
ju = ne
end if
! update the flux edge from the neighbor at higher level
if (k == 1) then
df(:,:,:) = (rbuf(:,:,:,l) - pdata%fz(:,il:iu,jl:ju,1)) &
* adzi(pmeta%level)
pdata%du(:,il:iu,jl:ju,nbm) = pdata%du(:,il:iu,jl:ju,nbm) &
- df(:,:,:)
pdata%du(:,il:iu,jl:ju,nb ) = pdata%du(:,il:iu,jl:ju,nb ) &
+ df(:,:,:)
if (ns > 0) then
sl(:,:) = sign(5.0d-01, rbuf(idn,:,:,l)) + 5.0d-01
sr(:,:) = 1.0d+00 - sl(:,:)
do s = isl, isu
ps(:,:) = sl(:,:) * pdata%q(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nbm) &
+ sr(:,:) * pdata%q(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nb )
pdata%du(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nbm) = pdata%du(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nbm) &
- df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
pdata%du(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nb ) = pdata%du(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nb ) &
+ df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
end do
end if
df(:,:,:) = (rbuf(:,:,:,l) - pdata%fz(:,il:iu,jl:ju,2)) &
* adzi(pmeta%level)
pdata%du(:,il:iu,jl:ju,ne ) = pdata%du(:,il:iu,jl:ju,ne ) &
- df(:,:,:)
pdata%du(:,il:iu,jl:ju,nep) = pdata%du(:,il:iu,jl:ju,nep) &
+ df(:,:,:)
if (ns > 0) then
sl(:,:) = sign(5.0d-01, rbuf(idn,:,:,l)) + 5.0d-01
sr(:,:) = 1.0d+00 - sl(:,:)
do s = isl, isu
ps(:,:) = sl(:,:) * pdata%q(s,il:iu,jl:ju,ne ) &
+ sr(:,:) * pdata%q(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nep)
pdata%du(s,il:iu,jl:ju,ne ) = pdata%du(s,il:iu,jl:ju,ne ) &
- df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
pdata%du(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nep) = pdata%du(s,il:iu,jl:ju,nep) &
+ df(idn,:,:) * ps(:,:)
end do
end if
end if
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
! associate pinfo with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr blocks
! deallocate data buffer
deallocate(sbuf, rbuf)
end if ! (scount + rcount) > 0
end if ! pairs(p,1) == nproc || pairs(p,2) == nproc
end do ! p = 1, npairs
! release the memory used by the array of exchange block lists
call release_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the flux boundary update
call stop_timer(imf)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine boundary_fluxes
!!*** PRIVATE SUBROUTINES ****************************************************
! ------------------------------
! Subroutine scans over all leaf blocks in order to find blocks without
! neighbors and update the corresponding boundaries for the selected
! boundary type.
! Arguments:
! t, dt - time and time increment;
subroutine boundaries_specific(t, dt)
! import external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_leaf
use blocks , only : list_leaf
use blocks , only : ndims, nsides
use coordinates, only : nn => bcells
use coordinates, only : ax, ay
#if NDIMS == 3
use coordinates, only : az
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
use coordinates, only : periodic
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : nproc
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: t, dt
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta
type(block_leaf), pointer :: pleaf
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k = 1, n
#if NDIMS == 2
integer :: m
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(nn) :: x
real(kind=8), dimension(nn) :: y
#if NDIMS == 3
real(kind=8), dimension(nn) :: z
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
real(kind=8), dimension( 1) :: z
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the specific boundary update
call start_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! associate pleaf with the first block on the leaf list
pleaf => list_leaf
! scan all leaf meta blocks in the list
do while(associated(pleaf))
! get the associated meta block
pmeta => pleaf%meta
! process only if this block is marked for update
if (pmeta%update) then
#ifdef MPI
! check if the block belongs to the local process
if (pmeta%process == nproc) then
#endif /* MPI */
! prepare block coordinates
x(:) = pmeta%xmin + ax(pmeta%level,:)
y(:) = pmeta%ymin + ay(pmeta%level,:)
#if NDIMS == 3
z(:) = pmeta%zmin + az(pmeta%level,:)
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
z( : ) = 0.0d+00
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 2
! iterate over all directions
do n = 1, ndims
! process boundaries only if they are not periodic along the given direction
if (.not. periodic(n)) then
! calculate the edge direction (in 2D we don't have face neighbors, so we have
! to use edge neighbors)
m = 3 - n
! iterate over all corners
do j = 1, nsides
do i = 1, nsides
! if the face neighbor is not associated, apply specific boundaries
if (.not. associated(pmeta%edges(i,j,m)%ptr)) &
call block_boundary_specific(n, (/ i, j, k /) &
, t, dt, x(:), y(:), z(:) &
, pmeta%data%q(:,:,:,:))
end do ! i = 1, sides
end do ! j = 1, sides
end if ! not periodic
end do ! n = 1, ndims
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
! iterate over all directions
do n = 1, ndims
! process boundaries only if they are not periodic along the given direction
if (.not. periodic(n)) then
! iterate over all corners
do k = 1, nsides
do j = 1, nsides
do i = 1, nsides
! if the face neighbor is not associated, apply specific boundaries
if (.not. associated(pmeta%faces(i,j,k,n)%ptr)) &
call block_boundary_specific(n, (/ i, j, k /) &
, t, dt, x(:), y(:), z(:) &
, pmeta%data%q(:,:,:,:))
end do ! i = 1, sides
end do ! j = 1, sides
end do ! k = 1, sides
end if ! not periodic
end do ! n = 1, ndims
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef MPI
end if ! block belongs to the local process
#endif /* MPI */
end if ! if pmeta marked for update
! associate pleaf with the next leaf on the list
pleaf => pleaf%next
end do ! over leaf blocks
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the specific boundary update
call stop_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine boundaries_specific
#if NDIMS == 3
! -------------------------------
! Subroutine updates the face boundaries between blocks on the same level.
! Arguments:
! idir - the direction to be processed;
subroutine boundaries_face_copy(idir)
! import external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : nsides
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, block_leaf
use blocks , only : list_leaf
use blocks , only : block_info, pointer_info
use coordinates, only : nh => ncells_half, ng => nghosts
use coordinates, only : faces_gc, faces_dc
use equations , only : nv
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : nproc, npairs, pairs
use mpitools , only : exchange_arrays
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: idir
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta, pneigh
type(block_leaf), pointer :: pleaf
#ifdef MPI
type(block_info), pointer :: pinfo
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables
integer :: i , j , k = 1
integer :: il, jl, kl
integer :: iu, ju, ku
integer :: is, js, ks
integer :: it, jt, kt
#ifdef MPI
integer :: sproc = 0, rproc = 0
integer :: ecount
integer :: l, p
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: buf
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the face boundary update by copying
call start_timer(ifc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
#ifdef MPI
! prepare the block exchange structures
call prepare_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
! update boundaries between blocks on the same process
! associate pleaf with the first block on the leaf list
pleaf => list_leaf
! scan all leaf meta blocks in the list
do while(associated(pleaf))
! get the associated meta block
pmeta => pleaf%meta
! scan over all block corners
do k = 1, nsides
do j = 1, nsides
do i = 1, nsides
! associate pneigh with the current neighbor
pneigh => pmeta%faces(i,j,k,idir)%ptr
! check if the neighbor is associated
if (associated(pneigh)) then
! check if the neighbor is at the same level
if (pneigh%level == pmeta%level) then
! process only blocks and neighbors which are marked for update
if (pmeta%update .or. pneigh%update) then
#ifdef MPI
! check if the block and its neighbor belong to the same process
if (pmeta%process == pneigh%process) then
! check if the neighbor belongs to the current process
if (pneigh%process == nproc) then
#endif /* MPI */
! prepare region indices of the block and its neighbor for the face boundary
! update
il = faces_gc(i,j,k,idir)%l(1)
jl = faces_gc(i,j,k,idir)%l(2)
kl = faces_gc(i,j,k,idir)%l(3)
iu = faces_gc(i,j,k,idir)%u(1)
ju = faces_gc(i,j,k,idir)%u(2)
ku = faces_gc(i,j,k,idir)%u(3)
is = faces_dc(i,j,k,idir)%l(1)
js = faces_dc(i,j,k,idir)%l(2)
ks = faces_dc(i,j,k,idir)%l(3)
it = faces_dc(i,j,k,idir)%u(1)
jt = faces_dc(i,j,k,idir)%u(2)
kt = faces_dc(i,j,k,idir)%u(3)
! copy the corresponding face region from the neighbor to the current data
! block
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
#ifdef MPI
end if ! pneigh on the current process
else ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
! append the block to the exchange list
call append_exchange_block(pmeta, pneigh, idir, (/ i, j, k /))
end if ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
#endif /* MPI */
end if ! pmeta and pneigh marked for update
end if ! neighbor at the same level
end if ! neighbor associated
end do ! i = 1, nsides
end do ! j = 1, nsides
end do ! k = 1, nsides
! associate pleaf with the next leaf on the list
pleaf => pleaf%next
end do ! over leaf blocks
#ifdef MPI
! iterate over all process pairs
do p = 1, npairs
! process only pairs related to this process
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc .or. pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
! get sending and receiving process identifiers (depending on pair member),
! and the number of blocks to exchange
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,1)
rproc = pairs(p,2)
ecount = bcount(sproc,rproc)
end if
if (pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,2)
rproc = pairs(p,1)
ecount = bcount(rproc,sproc)
end if
! process only pairs which have anything to exchange
if (ecount > 0) then
! allocate data buffer for variables to exchange
select case(idir)
end select
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(sproc,rproc)%ptr
! scan over all blocks on the block exchange list
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign pneigh to the associated neighbor block
pneigh => pinfo%neigh
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
k = pinfo%corner(3)
! prepare region indices for the face boundary update
is = faces_dc(i,j,k,idir)%l(1)
js = faces_dc(i,j,k,idir)%l(2)
ks = faces_dc(i,j,k,idir)%l(3)
it = faces_dc(i,j,k,idir)%u(1)
jt = faces_dc(i,j,k,idir)%u(2)
kt = faces_dc(i,j,k,idir)%u(3)
! copy the corresponding face region from the neighbor and insert it to
! the buffer
select case(idir)
buf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:nh,1:nh) = pneigh%data%q(1:nv,is:it,js:jt,ks:kt)
buf(l,1:nv,1:nh,1:ng,1:nh) = pneigh%data%q(1:nv,is:it,js:jt,ks:kt)
buf(l,1:nv,1:nh,1:nh,1:ng) = pneigh%data%q(1:nv,is:it,js:jt,ks:kt)
end select
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! exchange data
call exchange_arrays(rproc, p, buf)
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(rproc,sproc)%ptr
! iterate over all received blocks and update boundaries of the corresponding
! data blocks
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign a pointer to the associated data block
pmeta => pinfo%meta
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
k = pinfo%corner(3)
! prepare region indices for the face boundary update
il = faces_gc(i,j,k,idir)%l(1)
jl = faces_gc(i,j,k,idir)%l(2)
kl = faces_gc(i,j,k,idir)%l(3)
iu = faces_gc(i,j,k,idir)%u(1)
ju = faces_gc(i,j,k,idir)%u(2)
ku = faces_gc(i,j,k,idir)%u(3)
! update the corresponding face region of the current block
select case(idir)
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = buf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:nh,1:nh)
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = buf(l,1:nv,1:nh,1:ng,1:nh)
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = buf(l,1:nv,1:nh,1:nh,1:ng)
end select
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! deallocate data buffer
end if ! ecount > 0
end if ! pairs(p,1) == nproc || pairs(p,2) == nproc
end do ! p = 1, npairs
! release the memory used by the array of exchange block lists
call release_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the face boundary update by copying
call stop_timer(ifc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine boundaries_face_copy
! -----------------------------------
! Subroutine updates the face boundaries from blocks on higher level.
! Arguments:
! idir - the direction to be processed;
subroutine boundaries_face_restrict(idir)
! import external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : nsides
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, block_leaf
use blocks , only : list_leaf
use blocks , only : block_info, pointer_info
use coordinates, only : nh => ncells_half, ng => nghosts
use coordinates, only : faces_gr
use equations , only : nv
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : nproc, npairs, pairs
use mpitools , only : exchange_arrays
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: idir
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta, pneigh
type(block_leaf), pointer :: pleaf
#ifdef MPI
type(block_info), pointer :: pinfo
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables
integer :: i , j , k = 1
integer :: il, jl, kl
integer :: iu, ju, ku
#ifdef MPI
integer :: sproc = 0, rproc = 0
integer :: scount, rcount
integer :: l, p
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: sbuf, rbuf
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the face boundary update by restriction
call start_timer(ifr)
#endif /* PROFILE */
#ifdef MPI
! prepare the block exchange structures
call prepare_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
! update boundaries between blocks on the same process
! associate pleaf with the first block on the leaf list
pleaf => list_leaf
! scan all leaf meta blocks in the list
do while(associated(pleaf))
! get the associated meta block
pmeta => pleaf%meta
! scan over all block corners
do k = 1, nsides
do j = 1, nsides
do i = 1, nsides
! associate pneigh with the current neighbor
pneigh => pmeta%faces(i,j,k,idir)%ptr
! check if the neighbor is associated
if (associated(pneigh)) then
! check if the neighbor is at higher level
if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
! process only blocks and neighbors which are marked for update
if (pmeta%update .or. pneigh%update) then
#ifdef MPI
! check if the block and its neighbor belong to the same process
if (pmeta%process == pneigh%process) then
! check if the neighbor belongs to the current process
if (pneigh%process == nproc) then
#endif /* MPI */
! prepare region indices of the block and its neighbor for the face boundary
! update
il = faces_gr(i,j,k,idir)%l(1)
jl = faces_gr(i,j,k,idir)%l(2)
kl = faces_gr(i,j,k,idir)%l(3)
iu = faces_gr(i,j,k,idir)%u(1)
ju = faces_gr(i,j,k,idir)%u(2)
ku = faces_gr(i,j,k,idir)%u(3)
! extract the corresponding face region from the neighbor and insert it in
! the current data block
call block_face_restrict(idir, i, j, k &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku))
#ifdef MPI
end if ! pneigh on the current process
else ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
! append the block to the exchange list
call append_exchange_block(pmeta, pneigh, idir, (/ i, j, k /))
end if ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
#endif /* MPI */
end if ! pmeta and pneigh marked for update
end if ! neighbor at the same level
end if ! neighbor associated
end do ! i = 1, nsides
end do ! j = 1, nsides
end do ! k = 1, nsides
! associate pleaf with the next leaf on the list
pleaf => pleaf%next
end do ! over leaf blocks
#ifdef MPI
! iterate over all process pairs
do p = 1, npairs
! process only pairs related to this process
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc .or. pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
! get sending and receiving process identifiers (depending on pair member)
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,1)
rproc = pairs(p,2)
end if
if (pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,2)
rproc = pairs(p,1)
end if
! get the number of blocks to exchange
scount = bcount(sproc,rproc)
rcount = bcount(rproc,sproc)
! process only pairs which have anything to exchange
if ((scount + rcount) > 0) then
! allocate data buffer for variables to exchange
select case(idir)
end select
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(sproc,rproc)%ptr
! scan over all blocks on the block exchange list
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign pneigh to the associated neighbor block
pneigh => pinfo%neigh
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
k = pinfo%corner(3)
! restrict the corresponding face region from the neighbor and insert it
! to the buffer
select case(idir)
call block_face_restrict(idir, i, j, k &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:nh,1:nh))
call block_face_restrict(idir, i, j, k &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:nh,1:ng,1:nh))
call block_face_restrict(idir, i, j, k &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:nh,1:nh,1:ng))
end select
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! exchange data
call exchange_arrays(rproc, p, sbuf, rbuf)
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(rproc,sproc)%ptr
! iterate over all received blocks and update boundaries of the corresponding
! data blocks
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign a pointer to the associated data block
pmeta => pinfo%meta
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
k = pinfo%corner(3)
! prepare region indices for the face boundary update
il = faces_gr(i,j,k,idir)%l(1)
jl = faces_gr(i,j,k,idir)%l(2)
kl = faces_gr(i,j,k,idir)%l(3)
iu = faces_gr(i,j,k,idir)%u(1)
ju = faces_gr(i,j,k,idir)%u(2)
ku = faces_gr(i,j,k,idir)%u(3)
! update the corresponding face region of the current block
select case(idir)
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
end select
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! deallocate data buffer
deallocate(sbuf, rbuf)
end if ! (scount + rcount) > 0
end if ! pairs(p,1) == nproc || pairs(p,2) == nproc
end do ! p = 1, npairs
! release the memory used by the array of exchange block lists
call release_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the face boundary update by restriction
call stop_timer(ifr)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine boundaries_face_restrict
! ----------------------------------
! Subroutine updates the face boundaries from blocks on lower level.
! Arguments:
! idir - the direction to be processed;
subroutine boundaries_face_prolong(idir)
! import external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : nsides
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, block_leaf
use blocks , only : list_leaf
use blocks , only : block_info, pointer_info
use coordinates, only : ni => ncells, ng => nghosts
use coordinates, only : faces_gp
use equations , only : nv
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : nproc, npairs, pairs
use mpitools , only : exchange_arrays
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: idir
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta, pneigh
type(block_leaf), pointer :: pleaf
#ifdef MPI
type(block_info), pointer :: pinfo
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables
integer :: i , j , k = 1
integer :: ic, jc, kc
integer :: ih, jh, kh
integer :: il = 1, jl = 1, kl = 1
integer :: iu = 1, ju = 1, ku = 1
#ifdef MPI
integer :: sproc = 0, rproc = 0
integer :: scount, rcount
integer :: l, p
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: sbuf, rbuf
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the face boundary update by prolongation
call start_timer(ifp)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! calculate the sizes
ih = ni + ng
jh = ni + ng
kh = ni + ng
#ifdef MPI
! prepare the block exchange structures
call prepare_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
! update boundaries between blocks on the same process
! associate pleaf with the first block on the leaf list
pleaf => list_leaf
! scan all leaf meta blocks in the list
do while(associated(pleaf))
! get the associated meta block
pmeta => pleaf%meta
! scan over all block corners
do k = 1, nsides
kc = k
do j = 1, nsides
jc = j
do i = 1, nsides
ic = i
! associate pneigh with the current neighbor
pneigh => pmeta%faces(i,j,k,idir)%ptr
! check if the neighbor is associated
if (associated(pneigh)) then
! check if the neighbor lays at lower level
if (pneigh%level < pmeta%level) then
! process only blocks and neighbors which are marked for update
if (pmeta%update .or. pneigh%update) then
#ifdef MPI
! check if the block and its neighbor belong to the same process
if (pmeta%process == pneigh%process) then
! check if the neighbor belongs to the current process
if (pneigh%process == nproc) then
#endif /* MPI */
! prepare indices of the region in which the boundaries should be updated
select case(idir)
jc = pmeta%pos(2) + 1
kc = pmeta%pos(3) + 1
il = faces_gp(i ,jc,kc,idir)%l(1)
jl = faces_gp(i ,jc,kc,idir)%l(2)
kl = faces_gp(i ,jc,kc,idir)%l(3)
iu = faces_gp(i ,jc,kc,idir)%u(1)
ju = faces_gp(i ,jc,kc,idir)%u(2)
ku = faces_gp(i ,jc,kc,idir)%u(3)
ic = pmeta%pos(1) + 1
kc = pmeta%pos(3) + 1
il = faces_gp(ic,j ,kc,idir)%l(1)
jl = faces_gp(ic,j ,kc,idir)%l(2)
kl = faces_gp(ic,j ,kc,idir)%l(3)
iu = faces_gp(ic,j ,kc,idir)%u(1)
ju = faces_gp(ic,j ,kc,idir)%u(2)
ku = faces_gp(ic,j ,kc,idir)%u(3)
ic = pmeta%pos(1) + 1
jc = pmeta%pos(2) + 1
il = faces_gp(ic,jc,k ,idir)%l(1)
jl = faces_gp(ic,jc,k ,idir)%l(2)
kl = faces_gp(ic,jc,k ,idir)%l(3)
iu = faces_gp(ic,jc,k ,idir)%u(1)
ju = faces_gp(ic,jc,k ,idir)%u(2)
ku = faces_gp(ic,jc,k ,idir)%u(3)
end select
! take the neighbor volume, extract the corresponding face region and insert
! it in the current data block
call block_face_prolong(idir, ic, jc, kc &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku))
#ifdef MPI
end if ! pneigh on the current process
else ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
! append the block to the exchange list
call append_exchange_block(pmeta, pneigh, idir, (/ i, j, k /))
end if ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
#endif /* MPI */
end if ! pmeta and pneigh marked for update
end if ! neighbor at lower level
end if ! neighbor associated
end do ! i = 1, nsides
end do ! j = 1, nsides
end do ! k = 1, nsides
! associate pleaf with the next leaf on the list
pleaf => pleaf%next
end do ! over leaf blocks
#ifdef MPI
! iterate over all process pairs
do p = 1, npairs
! process only pairs related to this process
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc .or. pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
! get sending and receiving process identifiers (depending on pair member)
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,1)
rproc = pairs(p,2)
end if
if (pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,2)
rproc = pairs(p,1)
end if
! get the number of blocks to exchange
scount = bcount(sproc,rproc)
rcount = bcount(rproc,sproc)
! process only pairs which have anything to exchange
if ((scount + rcount) > 0) then
! allocate data buffer for variables to exchange
select case(idir)
end select
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(sproc,rproc)%ptr
! scan over all blocks on the block exchange list
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign pmeta and pneigh to the right blocks
pmeta => pinfo%meta
pneigh => pinfo%neigh
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
k = pinfo%corner(3)
! extract the corresponding face region from the neighbor and insert it
! to the buffer
select case(idir)
j = pmeta%pos(2) + 1
k = pmeta%pos(3) + 1
call block_face_prolong(idir, i, j, k &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:jh,1:kh))
i = pmeta%pos(1) + 1
k = pmeta%pos(3) + 1
call block_face_prolong(idir, i, j, k &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:ih,1:ng,1:kh))
i = pmeta%pos(1) + 1
j = pmeta%pos(2) + 1
call block_face_prolong(idir, i, j, k &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:ih,1:jh,1:ng))
end select
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! exchange data
call exchange_arrays(rproc, p, sbuf, rbuf)
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(rproc,sproc)%ptr
! iterate over all received blocks and update boundaries of the corresponding
! data blocks
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign a pointer to the associated data block
pmeta => pinfo%meta
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
k = pinfo%corner(3)
! update the corresponding face region of the current block
select case(idir)
jc = pmeta%pos(2) + 1
kc = pmeta%pos(3) + 1
il = faces_gp(i ,jc,kc,idir)%l(1)
jl = faces_gp(i ,jc,kc,idir)%l(2)
kl = faces_gp(i ,jc,kc,idir)%l(3)
iu = faces_gp(i ,jc,kc,idir)%u(1)
ju = faces_gp(i ,jc,kc,idir)%u(2)
ku = faces_gp(i ,jc,kc,idir)%u(3)
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = rbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:jh,1:kh)
ic = pmeta%pos(1) + 1
kc = pmeta%pos(3) + 1
il = faces_gp(ic,j ,kc,idir)%l(1)
jl = faces_gp(ic,j ,kc,idir)%l(2)
kl = faces_gp(ic,j ,kc,idir)%l(3)
iu = faces_gp(ic,j ,kc,idir)%u(1)
ju = faces_gp(ic,j ,kc,idir)%u(2)
ku = faces_gp(ic,j ,kc,idir)%u(3)
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = rbuf(l,1:nv,1:ih,1:ng,1:kh)
ic = pmeta%pos(1) + 1
jc = pmeta%pos(2) + 1
il = faces_gp(ic,jc,k ,idir)%l(1)
jl = faces_gp(ic,jc,k ,idir)%l(2)
kl = faces_gp(ic,jc,k ,idir)%l(3)
iu = faces_gp(ic,jc,k ,idir)%u(1)
ju = faces_gp(ic,jc,k ,idir)%u(2)
ku = faces_gp(ic,jc,k ,idir)%u(3)
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = rbuf(l,1:nv,1:ih,1:jh,1:ng)
end select
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! deallocate data buffer
deallocate(sbuf, rbuf)
end if ! (scount + rcount) > 0
end if ! pairs(p,1) == nproc || pairs(p,2) == nproc
end do ! p = 1, npairs
! release the memory used by the array of exchange block lists
call release_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the face boundary update by prolongation
call stop_timer(ifp)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine boundaries_face_prolong
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! -------------------------------
! Subroutine updates the edge boundaries from blocks on the same level.
! Arguments:
! idir - the direction to be processed;
subroutine boundaries_edge_copy(idir)
! import external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : nsides
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, block_leaf
use blocks , only : list_leaf
use blocks , only : block_info, pointer_info
use coordinates, only : nh => ncells_half, ng => nghosts
use coordinates, only : edges_gc, edges_dc
use equations , only : nv
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : nproc, npairs, pairs
use mpitools , only : exchange_arrays
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: idir
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta, pneigh
type(block_leaf), pointer :: pleaf
#ifdef MPI
type(block_info), pointer :: pinfo
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables
integer :: i, il, iu, is, it
integer :: j, jl, ju, js, jt
integer :: k = 1
#if NDIMS == 3
integer :: kl, ku, ks, kt
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef MPI
integer :: sproc = 0, rproc = 0
integer :: ecount
integer :: l, p
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: buf
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the edge boundary update by copying
call start_timer(iec)
#endif /* PROFILE */
#ifdef MPI
! prepare the block exchange structures
call prepare_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
! update boundaries between blocks on the same process
! associate pleaf with the first block on the leaf list
pleaf => list_leaf
! scan all leaf meta blocks in the list
do while(associated(pleaf))
! get the associated meta block
pmeta => pleaf%meta
! scan over all block corners
#if NDIMS == 3
do k = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = 1, nsides
do i = 1, nsides
! associate pneigh with the current neighbor
#if NDIMS == 2
pneigh => pmeta%edges(i,j,idir)%ptr
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pneigh => pmeta%edges(i,j,k,idir)%ptr
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! check if the neighbor is associated
if (associated(pneigh)) then
! check if the neighbor is at the same level
if (pneigh%level == pmeta%level) then
! process only blocks and neighbors which are marked for update
if (pmeta%update .or. pneigh%update) then
#ifdef MPI
! check if the block and its neighbor belong to the same process
if (pmeta%process == pneigh%process) then
! check if the neighbor belongs to the current process
if (pneigh%process == nproc) then
#endif /* MPI */
! prepare region indices of the block and its neighbor for the edge boundary
! update
#if NDIMS == 2
il = edges_gc(i,j ,idir)%l(1)
jl = edges_gc(i,j ,idir)%l(2)
iu = edges_gc(i,j ,idir)%u(1)
ju = edges_gc(i,j ,idir)%u(2)
is = edges_dc(i,j ,idir)%l(1)
js = edges_dc(i,j ,idir)%l(2)
it = edges_dc(i,j ,idir)%u(1)
jt = edges_dc(i,j ,idir)%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = edges_gc(i,j,k,idir)%l(1)
jl = edges_gc(i,j,k,idir)%l(2)
kl = edges_gc(i,j,k,idir)%l(3)
iu = edges_gc(i,j,k,idir)%u(1)
ju = edges_gc(i,j,k,idir)%u(2)
ku = edges_gc(i,j,k,idir)%u(3)
is = edges_dc(i,j,k,idir)%l(1)
js = edges_dc(i,j,k,idir)%l(2)
ks = edges_dc(i,j,k,idir)%l(3)
it = edges_dc(i,j,k,idir)%u(1)
jt = edges_dc(i,j,k,idir)%u(2)
kt = edges_dc(i,j,k,idir)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! copy the corresponding edge region from the neighbor and insert it in
! the current data block
#if NDIMS == 2
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju, : ) = &
pneigh%data%q(1:nv,is:it,js:jt, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef MPI
end if ! pneigh on the current process
else ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
! append the block to the exchange list
call append_exchange_block(pmeta, pneigh, idir, (/ i, j, k /))
end if ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
#endif /* MPI */
end if ! pmeta and pneigh marked for update
end if ! neighbor at the same level
end if ! neighbor associated
end do ! i = 1, nsides
end do ! j = 1, nsides
#if NDIMS == 3
end do ! k = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! associate pleaf with the next leaf on the list
pleaf => pleaf%next
end do ! over leaf blocks
#ifdef MPI
! iterate over all process pairs
do p = 1, npairs
! process only pairs related to this process
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc .or. pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
! get sending and receiving process identifiers (depending on pair member),
! and the number of blocks to exchange
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,1)
rproc = pairs(p,2)
ecount = bcount(sproc,rproc)
end if
if (pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,2)
rproc = pairs(p,1)
ecount = bcount(rproc,sproc)
end if
! process only pairs which have anything to exchange
if (ecount > 0) then
! allocate buffers for variable exchange
select case(idir)
#if NDIMS == 2
allocate(buf(ecount,nv,nh,ng, 1))
allocate(buf(ecount,nv,ng,nh, 1))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(sproc,rproc)%ptr
! scan over all blocks on the block exchange list
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign pneigh to the associated neighbor block
pneigh => pinfo%neigh
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
k = pinfo%corner(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! prepare indices of the region for edge boundary update
#if NDIMS == 2
is = edges_dc(i,j ,idir)%l(1)
js = edges_dc(i,j ,idir)%l(2)
it = edges_dc(i,j ,idir)%u(1)
jt = edges_dc(i,j ,idir)%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
is = edges_dc(i,j,k,idir)%l(1)
js = edges_dc(i,j,k,idir)%l(2)
ks = edges_dc(i,j,k,idir)%l(3)
it = edges_dc(i,j,k,idir)%u(1)
jt = edges_dc(i,j,k,idir)%u(2)
kt = edges_dc(i,j,k,idir)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! copy the corresponding edge region from the neighbor and insert it in
! the buffer
select case(idir)
#if NDIMS == 2
buf(l,1:nv,1:nh,1:ng, : ) = pneigh%data%q(1:nv,is:it,js:jt, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
buf(l,1:nv,1:nh,1:ng,1:ng) = pneigh%data%q(1:nv,is:it,js:jt,ks:kt)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 2
buf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:nh, : ) = pneigh%data%q(1:nv,is:it,js:jt, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
buf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:nh,1:ng) = pneigh%data%q(1:nv,is:it,js:jt,ks:kt)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 3
buf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:ng,1:nh) = pneigh%data%q(1:nv,is:it,js:jt,ks:kt)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! exchange data
call exchange_arrays(rproc, p, buf)
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(rproc,sproc)%ptr
! iterate over all received blocks and update boundaries of the corresponding
! data blocks
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign a pointer to the associated data block
pmeta => pinfo%meta
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
k = pinfo%corner(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! prepare indices of the region for the edge update
#if NDIMS == 2
il = edges_gc(i,j ,idir)%l(1)
jl = edges_gc(i,j ,idir)%l(2)
iu = edges_gc(i,j ,idir)%u(1)
ju = edges_gc(i,j ,idir)%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = edges_gc(i,j,k,idir)%l(1)
jl = edges_gc(i,j,k,idir)%l(2)
kl = edges_gc(i,j,k,idir)%l(3)
iu = edges_gc(i,j,k,idir)%u(1)
ju = edges_gc(i,j,k,idir)%u(2)
ku = edges_gc(i,j,k,idir)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! update the corresponding edge region of the current block
select case(idir)
#if NDIMS == 2
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju, : ) = buf(l,1:nv,1:nh,1:ng, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = buf(l,1:nv,1:nh,1:ng,1:ng)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 2
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju, : ) = buf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:nh, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = buf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:nh,1:ng)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = buf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:ng,1:nh)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! deallocate data buffer
end if ! ecount > 0
end if ! pairs(p,1) == nproc || pairs(p,2) == nproc
end do ! p = 1, npairs
! release the memory used by the array of exchange block lists
call release_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the edge boundary update by copying
call stop_timer(iec)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine boundaries_edge_copy
! -----------------------------------
! Subroutine updates the edge boundaries from blocks on higher level.
! Arguments:
! idir - the direction to be processed;
subroutine boundaries_edge_restrict(idir)
! import external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : nsides
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, block_leaf
use blocks , only : list_leaf
use blocks , only : block_info, pointer_info
use coordinates, only : nh => ncells_half, ng => nghosts
use coordinates, only : edges_gr
use equations , only : nv
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : nproc, npairs, pairs
use mpitools , only : exchange_arrays
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: idir
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta, pneigh
type(block_leaf), pointer :: pleaf
#ifdef MPI
type(block_info), pointer :: pinfo
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables
integer :: i, il, iu
integer :: j, jl, ju
integer :: k = 1
#if NDIMS == 3
integer :: kl, ku
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef MPI
integer :: sproc = 0, rproc = 0
integer :: scount, rcount
integer :: l, p
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: sbuf, rbuf
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the edge boundary update by restriction
call start_timer(ier)
#endif /* PROFILE */
#ifdef MPI
! prepare the block exchange structures
call prepare_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
! update boundaries between blocks on the same process
! associate pleaf with the first block on the leaf list
pleaf => list_leaf
! scan all leaf meta blocks in the list
do while(associated(pleaf))
! get the associated meta block
pmeta => pleaf%meta
! scan over all block corners
#if NDIMS == 3
do k = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = 1, nsides
do i = 1, nsides
! assign pneigh to the current neighbor
#if NDIMS == 2
pneigh => pmeta%edges(i,j,idir)%ptr
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pneigh => pmeta%edges(i,j,k,idir)%ptr
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! check if the neighbor is associated
if (associated(pneigh)) then
! check if the neighbor is at higher level
if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
! process only blocks and neighbors which are marked for update
if (pmeta%update .or. pneigh%update) then
#ifdef MPI
! check if the block and its neighbor belong to the same process
if (pmeta%process == pneigh%process) then
! check if the neighbor belongs to the current process
if (pneigh%process == nproc) then
#endif /* MPI */
! prepare the region indices for edge boundary update
#if NDIMS == 2
il = edges_gr(i,j, idir)%l(1)
jl = edges_gr(i,j, idir)%l(2)
iu = edges_gr(i,j, idir)%u(1)
ju = edges_gr(i,j, idir)%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = edges_gr(i,j,k,idir)%l(1)
jl = edges_gr(i,j,k,idir)%l(2)
kl = edges_gr(i,j,k,idir)%l(3)
iu = edges_gr(i,j,k,idir)%u(1)
ju = edges_gr(i,j,k,idir)%u(2)
ku = edges_gr(i,j,k,idir)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! extract the corresponding edge region from the neighbor to the current
! data block
#if NDIMS == 2
call block_edge_restrict(idir, (/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju, : ))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
call block_edge_restrict(idir, (/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef MPI
end if ! pneigh on the current process
else ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
! append the block to the exchange list
call append_exchange_block(pmeta, pneigh, idir, (/ i, j, k /))
end if ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
#endif /* MPI */
end if ! pmeta and pneigh marked for update
end if ! neighbor at the same level
end if ! neighbor associated
end do ! i = 1, nsides
end do ! j = 1, nsides
#if NDIMS == 3
end do ! k = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! associate pleaf with the next leaf on the list
pleaf => pleaf%next
end do ! over leaf blocks
#ifdef MPI
! iterate over all process pairs
do p = 1, npairs
! process only pairs related to this process
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc .or. pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
! get sending and receiving process identifiers (depending on pair member)
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,1)
rproc = pairs(p,2)
end if
if (pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,2)
rproc = pairs(p,1)
end if
! get the number of blocks to exchange
scount = bcount(sproc,rproc)
rcount = bcount(rproc,sproc)
! process only pairs which have anything to exchange
if ((scount + rcount) > 0) then
! allocate buffers for variable exchange
select case(idir)
#if NDIMS == 2
allocate(sbuf(scount,nv,nh,ng, 1))
allocate(rbuf(rcount,nv,nh,ng, 1))
allocate(sbuf(scount,nv,ng,nh, 1))
allocate(rbuf(rcount,nv,ng,nh, 1))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(sproc,rproc)%ptr
! scan over all blocks on the block exchange list
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign pneigh to the associated neighbor block
pneigh => pinfo%neigh
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
k = pinfo%corner(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! extract the corresponding edge region from the neighbor and insert it
! to the buffer
select case(idir)
#if NDIMS == 2
call block_edge_restrict(idir, (/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:nh,1:ng, : ))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
call block_edge_restrict(idir, (/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:nh,1:ng,1:ng))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 2
call block_edge_restrict(idir, (/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:nh, : ))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
call block_edge_restrict(idir, (/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:nh,1:ng))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 3
call block_edge_restrict(idir, (/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:ng,1:nh))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! exchange data
call exchange_arrays(rproc, p, sbuf, rbuf)
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(rproc,sproc)%ptr
! iterate over all received blocks and update boundaries of the corresponding
! data blocks
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign a pointer to the associated data block
pmeta => pinfo%meta
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
k = pinfo%corner(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! prepare the region indices for edge boundary update
#if NDIMS == 2
il = edges_gr(i,j, idir)%l(1)
jl = edges_gr(i,j, idir)%l(2)
iu = edges_gr(i,j, idir)%u(1)
ju = edges_gr(i,j, idir)%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = edges_gr(i,j,k,idir)%l(1)
jl = edges_gr(i,j,k,idir)%l(2)
kl = edges_gr(i,j,k,idir)%l(3)
iu = edges_gr(i,j,k,idir)%u(1)
ju = edges_gr(i,j,k,idir)%u(2)
ku = edges_gr(i,j,k,idir)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! update the corresponding corner region of the current block
select case(idir)
#if NDIMS == 2
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju, : ) = &
rbuf(l,1:nv,1:nh,1:ng, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 2
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju, : ) = &
rbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:nh, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! deallocate data buffer
deallocate(sbuf, rbuf)
end if ! (scount + rcount) > 0
end if ! pairs(p,1) == nproc || pairs(p,2) == nproc
end do ! p = 1, npairs
! release the memory used by the array of exchange block lists
call release_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the edge boundary update by restriction
call stop_timer(ier)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine boundaries_edge_restrict
! ----------------------------------
! Subroutine updates the edge boundaries from blocks on lower level.
! Arguments:
! idir - the direction to be processed;
subroutine boundaries_edge_prolong(idir)
! import external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : nsides
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, block_leaf
use blocks , only : list_leaf
use blocks , only : block_info, pointer_info
use coordinates, only : ni => ncells, ng => nghosts
use coordinates, only : edges_gp
use equations , only : nv
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : nproc, npairs, pairs
use mpitools , only : exchange_arrays
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(in) :: idir
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta, pneigh
type(block_leaf), pointer :: pleaf
#ifdef MPI
type(block_info), pointer :: pinfo
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables
integer :: i, ic, ih, il = 1, iu = 1
integer :: j, jc, jh, jl = 1, ju = 1
integer :: k = 1, kc = 1
#if NDIMS == 3
integer :: kh, kl = 1, ku = 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef MPI
integer :: sproc = 0, rproc = 0
integer :: scount, rcount
integer :: l, p
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: sbuf, rbuf
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the edge boundary update by prolongation
call start_timer(iep)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! calculate the sizes
ih = ni + ng
jh = ni + ng
#if NDIMS == 3
kh = ni + ng
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef MPI
! prepare the block exchange structures
call prepare_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
! update boundaries between blocks on the same process
! associate pleaf with the first block on the leaf list
pleaf => list_leaf
! scan all leaf meta blocks in the list
do while(associated(pleaf))
! get the associated meta block
pmeta => pleaf%meta
! scan over all block corners
#if NDIMS == 3
do k = 1, nsides
kc = k
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = 1, nsides
jc = j
do i = 1, nsides
ic = i
! assign pneigh to the current neighbor
#if NDIMS == 2
pneigh => pmeta%edges(i,j,idir)%ptr
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pneigh => pmeta%edges(i,j,k,idir)%ptr
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! check if the neighbor is associated
if (associated(pneigh)) then
! check if the neighbor lays at lower level
if (pneigh%level < pmeta%level) then
! process only blocks and neighbors which are marked for update
if (pmeta%update .or. pneigh%update) then
#ifdef MPI
! check if the block and its neighbor belong to the same process
if (pmeta%process == pneigh%process) then
! check if the neighbor belongs to the current process
if (pneigh%process == nproc) then
#endif /* MPI */
! prepare the region indices for edge boundary update
select case(idir)
ic = pmeta%pos(1) + 1
#if NDIMS == 2
il = edges_gp(ic,j ,idir)%l(1)
iu = edges_gp(ic,j ,idir)%u(1)
jl = edges_gp(i ,j ,idir)%l(2)
ju = edges_gp(i ,j ,idir)%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = edges_gp(ic,j,k,idir)%l(1)
iu = edges_gp(ic,j,k,idir)%u(1)
jl = edges_gp(i ,j,k,idir)%l(2)
ju = edges_gp(i ,j,k,idir)%u(2)
kl = edges_gp(i ,j,k,idir)%l(3)
ku = edges_gp(i ,j,k,idir)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
jc = pmeta%pos(2) + 1
#if NDIMS == 2
il = edges_gp(i,j ,idir)%l(1)
iu = edges_gp(i,j ,idir)%u(1)
jl = edges_gp(i,jc ,idir)%l(2)
ju = edges_gp(i,jc ,idir)%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = edges_gp(i,j ,k,idir)%l(1)
iu = edges_gp(i,j ,k,idir)%u(1)
jl = edges_gp(i,jc,k,idir)%l(2)
ju = edges_gp(i,jc,k,idir)%u(2)
kl = edges_gp(i,j ,k,idir)%l(3)
ku = edges_gp(i,j ,k,idir)%u(3)
kc = pmeta%pos(3) + 1
il = edges_gp(i,j,k ,idir)%l(1)
iu = edges_gp(i,j,k ,idir)%u(1)
jl = edges_gp(i,j,k ,idir)%l(2)
ju = edges_gp(i,j,k ,idir)%u(2)
kl = edges_gp(i,j,kc,idir)%l(3)
ku = edges_gp(i,j,kc,idir)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
! extract the corresponding edge region from the neighbor and insert it in
! the current data block
#if NDIMS == 2
call block_edge_prolong(idir, (/ ic, jc, kc /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju, : ))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
call block_edge_prolong(idir, (/ ic, jc, kc /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef MPI
end if ! pneigh on the current process
else ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
! append the block to the exchange list
call append_exchange_block(pmeta, pneigh, idir, (/ i, j, k /))
end if ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
#endif /* MPI */
end if ! pmeta and pneigh marked for update
end if ! neighbor at lower level
end if ! neighbor associated
end do ! i = 1, nsides
end do ! j = 1, nsides
#if NDIMS == 3
end do ! k = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! associate pleaf with the next leaf on the list
pleaf => pleaf%next
end do ! over leaf blocks
#ifdef MPI
! iterate over all process pairs
do p = 1, npairs
! process only pairs related to this process
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc .or. pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
! get sending and receiving process identifiers (depending on pair member)
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,1)
rproc = pairs(p,2)
end if
if (pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,2)
rproc = pairs(p,1)
end if
! get the number of blocks to exchange
scount = bcount(sproc,rproc)
rcount = bcount(rproc,sproc)
! process only pairs which have anything to exchange
if ((scount + rcount) > 0) then
! allocate buffers for variable exchange
select case(idir)
#if NDIMS == 2
allocate(sbuf(scount,nv,ih,ng, 1))
allocate(rbuf(rcount,nv,ih,ng, 1))
allocate(sbuf(scount,nv,ng,jh, 1))
allocate(rbuf(rcount,nv,ng,jh, 1))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(sproc,rproc)%ptr
! scan over all blocks on the block exchange list
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign pmeta and pneigh to the associated blocks
pmeta => pinfo%meta
pneigh => pinfo%neigh
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
k = pinfo%corner(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! extract the corresponding edge region from the neighbor and insert it
! to the buffer
select case(idir)
i = pmeta%pos(1) + 1
#if NDIMS == 2
call block_edge_prolong(idir, (/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:ih,1:ng, : ))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
call block_edge_prolong(idir, (/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:ih,1:ng,1:ng))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
j = pmeta%pos(2) + 1
#if NDIMS == 2
call block_edge_prolong(idir, (/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:jh, : ))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
call block_edge_prolong(idir, (/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:jh,1:ng))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 3
k = pmeta%pos(3) + 1
call block_edge_prolong(idir, (/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:ng,1:kh))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! exchange data
call exchange_arrays(rproc, p, sbuf, rbuf)
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(rproc,sproc)%ptr
! iterate over all received blocks and update boundaries of the corresponding
! data blocks
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign a pointer to the associated data block
pmeta => pinfo%meta
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
k = pinfo%corner(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! update the corresponding corner region of the current block
select case(idir)
ic = pmeta%pos(1) + 1
#if NDIMS == 2
il = edges_gp(ic,j ,idir)%l(1)
iu = edges_gp(ic,j ,idir)%u(1)
jl = edges_gp(i ,j ,idir)%l(2)
ju = edges_gp(i ,j ,idir)%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = edges_gp(ic,j,k,idir)%l(1)
iu = edges_gp(ic,j,k,idir)%u(1)
jl = edges_gp(i ,j,k,idir)%l(2)
ju = edges_gp(i ,j,k,idir)%u(2)
kl = edges_gp(i ,j,k,idir)%l(3)
ku = edges_gp(i ,j,k,idir)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 2
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju, : ) = &
rbuf(l,1:nv,1:ih,1:ng, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
jc = pmeta%pos(2) + 1
#if NDIMS == 2
il = edges_gp(i,j ,idir)%l(1)
iu = edges_gp(i,j ,idir)%u(1)
jl = edges_gp(i,jc ,idir)%l(2)
ju = edges_gp(i,jc ,idir)%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = edges_gp(i,j ,k,idir)%l(1)
iu = edges_gp(i,j ,k,idir)%u(1)
jl = edges_gp(i,jc,k,idir)%l(2)
ju = edges_gp(i,jc,k,idir)%u(2)
kl = edges_gp(i,j ,k,idir)%l(3)
ku = edges_gp(i,j ,k,idir)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 2
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju, : ) = &
rbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:jh, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
kc = pmeta%pos(3) + 1
il = edges_gp(i,j,k ,idir)%l(1)
iu = edges_gp(i,j,k ,idir)%u(1)
jl = edges_gp(i,j,k ,idir)%l(2)
ju = edges_gp(i,j,k ,idir)%u(2)
kl = edges_gp(i,j,kc,idir)%l(3)
ku = edges_gp(i,j,kc,idir)%u(3)
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = &
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! deallocate data buffer
deallocate(sbuf, rbuf)
end if ! (scount + rcount) > 0
end if ! pairs(p,1) == nproc || pairs(p,2) == nproc
end do ! p = 1, npairs
! release the memory used by the array of exchange block lists
call release_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the edge boundary update by prolongation
call stop_timer(iep)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine boundaries_edge_prolong
! ---------------------------------
! Subroutine updates the corner boundaries from blocks on the same level.
subroutine boundaries_corner_copy()
! import external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : nsides
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, block_leaf
use blocks , only : list_leaf
use blocks , only : block_info, pointer_info
use coordinates, only : ng => nghosts
use coordinates, only : corners_gc, corners_dc
use equations , only : nv
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : nproc, npairs, pairs
use mpitools , only : exchange_arrays
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta, pneigh
type(block_leaf), pointer :: pleaf
#ifdef MPI
type(block_info), pointer :: pinfo
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables
integer :: i, il, iu, is, it
integer :: j, jl, ju, js, jt
integer :: k = 1
#if NDIMS == 3
integer :: kl, ku, ks, kt
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef MPI
integer :: sproc = 0, rproc = 0
integer :: ecount
integer :: l, p
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: buf
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the corner boundary update by copying
call start_timer(icc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
#ifdef MPI
! prepare the block exchange structures
call prepare_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
! update boundaries between blocks on the same process
! associate pleaf with the first block on the leaf list
pleaf => list_leaf
! scan all leaf meta blocks in the list
do while(associated(pleaf))
! get the associated meta block
pmeta => pleaf%meta
! scan over all block corners
#if NDIMS == 3
do k = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = 1, nsides
do i = 1, nsides
! assign pneigh to the current neighbor
#if NDIMS == 2
pneigh => pmeta%corners(i,j)%ptr
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pneigh => pmeta%corners(i,j,k)%ptr
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! check if the neighbor is associated
if (associated(pneigh)) then
! check if the neighbor is at the same level
if (pneigh%level == pmeta%level) then
! skip if the block and its neighbor are not marked for update
if (pmeta%update .or. pneigh%update) then
#ifdef MPI
! check if the block and its neighbor belong to the same process
if (pmeta%process == pneigh%process) then
! check if the neighbor belongs to the current process
if (pneigh%process == nproc) then
#endif /* MPI */
! prepare region indices of the block and its neighbor for the corner boundary
! update
#if NDIMS == 2
il = corners_gc(i,j )%l(1)
jl = corners_gc(i,j )%l(2)
iu = corners_gc(i,j )%u(1)
ju = corners_gc(i,j )%u(2)
is = corners_dc(i,j )%l(1)
js = corners_dc(i,j )%l(2)
it = corners_dc(i,j )%u(1)
jt = corners_dc(i,j )%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = corners_gc(i,j,k)%l(1)
jl = corners_gc(i,j,k)%l(2)
kl = corners_gc(i,j,k)%l(3)
iu = corners_gc(i,j,k)%u(1)
ju = corners_gc(i,j,k)%u(2)
ku = corners_gc(i,j,k)%u(3)
is = corners_dc(i,j,k)%l(1)
js = corners_dc(i,j,k)%l(2)
ks = corners_dc(i,j,k)%l(3)
it = corners_dc(i,j,k)%u(1)
jt = corners_dc(i,j,k)%u(2)
kt = corners_dc(i,j,k)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! copy the corresponding corner region from the neighbor to the current
! data block
#if NDIMS == 2
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju, : ) &
= pneigh%data%q(1:nv,is:it,js:jt, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) &
= pneigh%data%q(1:nv,is:it,js:jt,ks:kt)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef MPI
end if ! pneigh on the current process
else ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
! append the block to the exchange list
call append_exchange_block(pmeta, pneigh, -1, (/ i, j, k /))
end if ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
#endif /* MPI */
end if ! pmeta and pneigh marked for update
end if ! neighbor at the same level
end if ! neighbor associated
end do ! i = 1, nsides
end do ! j = 1, nsides
#if NDIMS == 3
end do ! k = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! associate pleaf with the next leaf on the list
pleaf => pleaf%next
end do ! over leaf blocks
#ifdef MPI
! iterate over all process pairs
do p = 1, npairs
! process only pairs related to this process
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc .or. pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
! get sending and receiving process identifiers (depending on pair member),
! and the number of blocks to exchange
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,1)
rproc = pairs(p,2)
ecount = bcount(sproc,rproc)
end if
if (pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,2)
rproc = pairs(p,1)
ecount = bcount(rproc,sproc)
end if
! process only pairs which have anything to exchange
if (ecount > 0) then
! allocate buffers for variable exchange
#if NDIMS == 2
allocate(buf(ecount,nv,ng,ng, 1))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(sproc,rproc)%ptr
! scan over all blocks on the block exchange list
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign pneigh to the associated neighbor block
pneigh => pinfo%neigh
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
k = pinfo%corner(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! prepare the corner region indices for the neighbor
#if NDIMS == 2
is = corners_dc(i,j )%l(1)
js = corners_dc(i,j )%l(2)
it = corners_dc(i,j )%u(1)
jt = corners_dc(i,j )%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
is = corners_dc(i,j,k)%l(1)
js = corners_dc(i,j,k)%l(2)
ks = corners_dc(i,j,k)%l(3)
it = corners_dc(i,j,k)%u(1)
jt = corners_dc(i,j,k)%u(2)
kt = corners_dc(i,j,k)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! copy the corresponding corner region from the neighbor to the buffer
#if NDIMS == 2
buf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:ng, : ) = pneigh%data%q(1:nv,is:it,js:jt, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
buf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:ng,1:ng) = pneigh%data%q(1:nv,is:it,js:jt,ks:kt)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! exchange data
call exchange_arrays(rproc, p, buf)
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(rproc,sproc)%ptr
! iterate over all received blocks and update boundaries of the corresponding
! data blocks
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign a pointer to the associated data block
pmeta => pinfo%meta
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
k = pinfo%corner(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! prepare the corner region indices for the block
#if NDIMS == 2
il = corners_gc(i,j )%l(1)
jl = corners_gc(i,j )%l(2)
iu = corners_gc(i,j )%u(1)
ju = corners_gc(i,j )%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = corners_gc(i,j,k)%l(1)
jl = corners_gc(i,j,k)%l(2)
kl = corners_gc(i,j,k)%l(3)
iu = corners_gc(i,j,k)%u(1)
ju = corners_gc(i,j,k)%u(2)
ku = corners_gc(i,j,k)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! update the corresponding corner region of the current block
#if NDIMS == 2
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju, : ) = buf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:ng, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = buf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:ng,1:ng)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! deallocate data buffer
end if ! ecount > 0
end if ! pairs(p,1) == nproc || pairs(p,2) == nproc
end do ! p = 1, npairs
! release the memory used by the array of exchange block lists
call release_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the corner boundary update by copying
call stop_timer(icc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine boundaries_corner_copy
! -------------------------------------
! Subroutine updates the corner boundaries from blocks on higher level.
subroutine boundaries_corner_restrict()
! import external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : nsides
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, block_leaf
use blocks , only : list_leaf
use blocks , only : block_info, pointer_info
use coordinates, only : ng => nghosts
use coordinates, only : corners_gr
use equations , only : nv
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : nproc, npairs, pairs
use mpitools , only : exchange_arrays
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta, pneigh
type(block_leaf), pointer :: pleaf
#ifdef MPI
type(block_info), pointer :: pinfo
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables
integer :: i, il, iu
integer :: j, jl, ju
integer :: k = 1
#if NDIMS == 3
integer :: kl, ku
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef MPI
integer :: sproc = 0, rproc = 0
integer :: scount, rcount
integer :: l, p
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: sbuf, rbuf
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the corner boundary update by restriction
call start_timer(icr)
#endif /* PROFILE */
#ifdef MPI
! prepare the block exchange structures
call prepare_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
! update boundaries between blocks on the same process
! associate pleaf with the first block on the leaf list
pleaf => list_leaf
! scan all leaf meta blocks in the list
do while(associated(pleaf))
! get the associated meta block
pmeta => pleaf%meta
! scan over all block corners
#if NDIMS == 3
do k = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = 1, nsides
do i = 1, nsides
! assign pneigh to the current neighbor
#if NDIMS == 2
pneigh => pmeta%corners(i,j)%ptr
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pneigh => pmeta%corners(i,j,k)%ptr
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! check if the neighbor is associated
if (associated(pneigh)) then
! check if the neighbor is at higher level
if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
! skip if the block and its neighbor are not marked for update
if (pmeta%update .or. pneigh%update) then
#ifdef MPI
! check if the block and its neighbor belong to the same process
if (pmeta%process == pneigh%process) then
! check if the neighbor belongs to the current process
if (pneigh%process == nproc) then
#endif /* MPI */
! prepare the region indices for corner boundary update
#if NDIMS == 2
il = corners_gr(i,j )%l(1)
jl = corners_gr(i,j )%l(2)
iu = corners_gr(i,j )%u(1)
ju = corners_gr(i,j )%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = corners_gr(i,j,k)%l(1)
jl = corners_gr(i,j,k)%l(2)
kl = corners_gr(i,j,k)%l(3)
iu = corners_gr(i,j,k)%u(1)
ju = corners_gr(i,j,k)%u(2)
ku = corners_gr(i,j,k)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! extract and restrict the corresponding corner region from the neighbor and
! insert it in the current data block
#if NDIMS == 2
call block_corner_restrict((/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju, : ))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
call block_corner_restrict((/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef MPI
end if ! block on the current processor
else ! block and neighbor on different processors
! append the block to the exchange list
call append_exchange_block(pmeta, pneigh, -1, (/ i, j, k /))
end if ! block and neighbor on different processors
#endif /* MPI */
end if ! pmeta and pneigh marked for update
end if ! neighbor at higher level
end if ! neighbor associated
end do ! i = 1, nsides
end do ! j = 1, nsides
#if NDIMS == 3
end do ! k = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! associate pleaf with the next leaf on the list
pleaf => pleaf%next
end do ! over leaf blocks
#ifdef MPI
! iterate over all process pairs
do p = 1, npairs
! process only pairs related to this process
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc .or. pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
! get sending and receiving process identifiers (depending on pair member)
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,1)
rproc = pairs(p,2)
end if
if (pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,2)
rproc = pairs(p,1)
end if
! get the number of blocks to exchange
scount = bcount(sproc,rproc)
rcount = bcount(rproc,sproc)
! process only pairs which have anything to exchange
if ((scount + rcount) > 0) then
! allocate buffers for variable exchange
#if NDIMS == 2
allocate(sbuf(scount,nv,ng,ng, 1))
allocate(rbuf(rcount,nv,ng,ng, 1))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(sproc,rproc)%ptr
! scan over all blocks on the block exchange list
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign pneigh to the associated neighbor block
pneigh => pinfo%neigh
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
k = pinfo%corner(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! restrict and extract the corresponding corner region from the neighbor and
! insert it to the buffer
#if NDIMS == 2
call block_corner_restrict((/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:ng,1: ))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
call block_corner_restrict((/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:ng,1:ng))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! exchange data
call exchange_arrays(rproc, p, sbuf, rbuf)
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(rproc,sproc)%ptr
! iterate over all received blocks and update boundaries of the corresponding
! data blocks
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign a pointer to the associated data block
pmeta => pinfo%meta
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
k = pinfo%corner(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! prepare the region indices for corner boundary update
#if NDIMS == 2
il = corners_gr(i,j )%l(1)
jl = corners_gr(i,j )%l(2)
iu = corners_gr(i,j )%u(1)
ju = corners_gr(i,j )%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = corners_gr(i,j,k)%l(1)
jl = corners_gr(i,j,k)%l(2)
kl = corners_gr(i,j,k)%l(3)
iu = corners_gr(i,j,k)%u(1)
ju = corners_gr(i,j,k)%u(2)
ku = corners_gr(i,j,k)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! update the corresponding corner region of the current block
#if NDIMS == 2
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju, : ) = rbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:ng, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = rbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:ng,1:ng)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! deallocate data buffer
deallocate(sbuf, rbuf)
end if ! (scount + rcount) > 0
end if ! pairs(p,1) == nproc || pairs(p,2) == nproc
end do ! p = 1, npairs
! release the memory used by the array of exchange block lists
call release_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the corner boundary update by restriction
call stop_timer(icr)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine boundaries_corner_restrict
! ------------------------------------
! Subroutine updates the corner boundaries from blocks on lower level.
subroutine boundaries_corner_prolong()
! import external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : nsides
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, block_leaf
use blocks , only : list_leaf
use blocks , only : block_info, pointer_info
use coordinates, only : ng => nghosts
use coordinates, only : corners_gp
use equations , only : nv
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : nproc, npairs, pairs
use mpitools , only : exchange_arrays
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta, pneigh
type(block_leaf), pointer :: pleaf
#ifdef MPI
type(block_info), pointer :: pinfo
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables
integer :: i, il, iu
integer :: j, jl, ju
integer :: k = 1
#if NDIMS == 3
integer :: kl, ku
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef MPI
integer :: sproc = 0, rproc = 0
integer :: scount, rcount
integer :: l, p
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: sbuf, rbuf
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the corner boundary update by prolongation
call start_timer(icp)
#endif /* PROFILE */
#ifdef MPI
! prepare the block exchange structures
call prepare_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
! update boundaries between blocks on the same process
! associate pleaf with the first block on the leaf list
pleaf => list_leaf
! scan all leaf meta blocks in the list
do while(associated(pleaf))
! get the associated meta block
pmeta => pleaf%meta
! scan over all block corners
#if NDIMS == 3
do k = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = 1, nsides
do i = 1, nsides
! assign pneigh to the current neighbor
#if NDIMS == 2
pneigh => pmeta%corners(i,j)%ptr
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pneigh => pmeta%corners(i,j,k)%ptr
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! check if the neighbor is associated
if (associated(pneigh)) then
! check if the neighbor lays at lower level
if (pneigh%level < pmeta%level) then
! skip if the block and its neighbor are not marked for update
if (pmeta%update .or. pneigh%update) then
#ifdef MPI
! check if the block and its neighbor belong to the same process
if (pmeta%process == pneigh%process) then
! check if the neighbor belongs to the current process
if (pneigh%process == nproc) then
#endif /* MPI */
! prepare the region indices for corner boundary update
#if NDIMS == 2
il = corners_gp(i,j )%l(1)
jl = corners_gp(i,j )%l(2)
iu = corners_gp(i,j )%u(1)
ju = corners_gp(i,j )%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = corners_gp(i,j,k)%l(1)
jl = corners_gp(i,j,k)%l(2)
kl = corners_gp(i,j,k)%l(3)
iu = corners_gp(i,j,k)%u(1)
ju = corners_gp(i,j,k)%u(2)
ku = corners_gp(i,j,k)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! restrict and extract the corresponding corner region from the neighbor and
! insert it in the current data block
#if NDIMS == 2
call block_corner_prolong((/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju, : ))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
call block_corner_prolong((/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef MPI
end if ! block on the current processor
else ! block and neighbor on different processors
! append the block to the exchange list
call append_exchange_block(pmeta, pneigh, -1, (/ i, j, k /))
end if ! block and neighbor on different processors
#endif /* MPI */
end if ! pmeta and pneigh marked for update
end if ! neighbor at lower level
end if ! neighbor associated
end do ! i = 1, nsides
end do ! j = 1, nsides
#if NDIMS == 3
end do ! k = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! associate pleaf with the next leaf on the list
pleaf => pleaf%next
end do ! over leaf blocks
#ifdef MPI
! iterate over all process pairs
do p = 1, npairs
! process only pairs related to this process
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc .or. pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
! get sending and receiving process identifiers (depending on pair member)
if (pairs(p,1) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,1)
rproc = pairs(p,2)
end if
if (pairs(p,2) == nproc) then
sproc = pairs(p,2)
rproc = pairs(p,1)
end if
! get the number of blocks to exchange
scount = bcount(sproc,rproc)
rcount = bcount(rproc,sproc)
! process only pairs which have anything to exchange
if ((scount + rcount) > 0) then
! allocate buffers for variable exchange
#if NDIMS == 2
allocate(sbuf(scount,nv,ng,ng, 1))
allocate(rbuf(rcount,nv,ng,ng, 1))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(sproc,rproc)%ptr
! scan over all blocks on the block exchange list
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign pneigh to the associated neighbor block
pneigh => pinfo%neigh
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
k = pinfo%corner(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! prolong the corresponding corner region from the neighbor and insert it in
! the buffer
#if NDIMS == 2
call block_corner_prolong((/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:ng, : ))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
call block_corner_prolong((/ i, j, k /) &
, pneigh%data%q(1:nv, : , : , : ) &
, sbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:ng,1:ng))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! exchange data
call exchange_arrays(rproc, p, sbuf, rbuf)
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(rproc,sproc)%ptr
! iterate over all received blocks and update boundaries of the corresponding
! data blocks
do while(associated(pinfo))
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! assign a pointer to the associated data block
pmeta => pinfo%meta
! get the corner coordinates
i = pinfo%corner(1)
j = pinfo%corner(2)
#if NDIMS == 3
k = pinfo%corner(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! prepare the region indices for corner boundary update
#if NDIMS == 2
il = corners_gp(i,j )%l(1)
jl = corners_gp(i,j )%l(2)
iu = corners_gp(i,j )%u(1)
ju = corners_gp(i,j )%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = corners_gp(i,j,k)%l(1)
jl = corners_gp(i,j,k)%l(2)
kl = corners_gp(i,j,k)%l(3)
iu = corners_gp(i,j,k)%u(1)
ju = corners_gp(i,j,k)%u(2)
ku = corners_gp(i,j,k)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! update the corresponding corner region of the current block
#if NDIMS == 2
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju, : ) = rbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:ng, : )
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) = rbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:ng,1:ng)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
end do ! %ptr block list
! deallocate data buffer
deallocate(sbuf, rbuf)
end if ! (scount + rcount) > 0
end if ! pairs(p,1) == nproc || pairs(p,2) == nproc
end do ! p = 1, npairs
! release the memory used by the array of exchange block lists
call release_exchange_array()
#endif /* MPI */
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the corner boundary update by prolongation
call stop_timer(icp)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine boundaries_corner_prolong
! ----------------------------------
! Subroutine applies specific boundary conditions to the pointed data block.
! Arguments:
! nc - the direction;
! side - the side of the boundary;
! t, dt - time and time increment;
! x, y, z - the block coordinates;
! qn - the variable array;
subroutine block_boundary_specific(nc, side, t, dt, x, y, z, qn)
! import external procedures and variables
use coordinates , only : nn => bcells, nh => bcells_half, ng => nghosts
use coordinates , only : nb, ne, nbl, neu
use equations , only : nv
use equations , only : idn, ipr, ivx, ivy, ibx, iby
#if NDIMS == 3
use equations , only : ivz, ibz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
use equations , only : csnd2
use gravity , only : gravitational_acceleration
use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit
use user_problem , only : user_boundary_x, user_boundary_y &
, user_boundary_z
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: nc
integer , dimension(3) , intent(in) :: side
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: t, dt
real(kind=8), dimension(:) , intent(inout) :: x
real(kind=8), dimension(:) , intent(inout) :: y
real(kind=8), dimension(:) , intent(inout) :: z
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: qn
! local variables
integer :: i, il, iu, is, it, im1, ip1
integer :: j, jl, ju, js, jt, jm1, jp1
integer :: k, kl, ku
#if NDIMS == 3
integer :: ks, kt, km1, kp1
real(kind=8) :: dz, dzh, zi
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
real(kind=8) :: dx, dxh, xi, dy, dyh, yi
! local vectors
real(kind=8), dimension(3) :: ga
! local parameters
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BOUNDARIES::block_boundary_specific()'
! apply specific boundaries depending on the direction
select case(nc)
! prepare indices for the boundaries
if (side(2) == 1) then
jl = 1
ju = nh - 1
jl = nh
ju = nn
end if
#if NDIMS == 3
if (side(3) == 1) then
kl = 1
ku = nh - 1
kl = nh
ku = nn
end if
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
kl = 1
ku = 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! apply selected boundary condition
select case(bnd_type(nc,side(1)))
! "open" boundary conditions
if (side(1) == 1) then
do i = nbl, 1, -1
qn(1:nv,i,jl:ju,kl:ku) = qn(1:nv,nb,jl:ju,kl:ku)
end do
do i = neu, nn
qn(1:nv,i,jl:ju,kl:ku) = qn(1:nv,ne,jl:ju,kl:ku)
end do
end if
! "outflow" boundary conditions
if (side(1) == 1) then
do i = nbl, 1, -1
qn(1:nv,i,jl:ju,kl:ku) = qn(1:nv,nb,jl:ju,kl:ku)
qn(ivx ,i,jl:ju,kl:ku) = min(0.0d+00, qn(ivx,nb,jl:ju,kl:ku))
end do ! i = nbl, 1, -1
do i = neu, nn
qn(1:nv,i,jl:ju,kl:ku) = qn(1:nv,ne,jl:ju,kl:ku)
qn(ivx ,i,jl:ju,kl:ku) = max(0.0d+00, qn(ivx,ne,jl:ju,kl:ku))
end do ! i = neu, nn
end if
! "reflective" boundary conditions
if (side(1) == 1) then
do i = 1, ng
it = nb - i
is = nbl + i
qn(1:nv,it,jl:ju,kl:ku) = qn(1:nv,is,jl:ju,kl:ku)
qn(ivx ,it,jl:ju,kl:ku) = - qn(ivx ,is,jl:ju,kl:ku)
if (ibx > 0) then
qn(ibx ,it,jl:ju,kl:ku) = - qn(ibx ,is,jl:ju,kl:ku)
end if
end do
do i = 1, ng
it = ne + i
is = neu - i
qn(1:nv,it,jl:ju,kl:ku) = qn(1:nv,is,jl:ju,kl:ku)
qn(ivx ,it,jl:ju,kl:ku) = - qn(ivx ,is,jl:ju,kl:ku)
if (ibx > 0) then
qn(ibx ,it,jl:ju,kl:ku) = - qn(ibx ,is,jl:ju,kl:ku)
end if
end do
end if
! "gravity" or "hydrostatic" boundary conditions
dx = x(nb) - x(nbl)
dxh = 0.5d+00 * dx
if (ipr > 0) then
if (side(1) == 1) then
do i = nbl, 1, -1
ip1 = i + 1
xi = x(i) + dxh
do k = kl, ku
do j = jl, ju
qn(1:nv,i,j,k) = qn(1:nv,nb,j,k)
call gravitational_acceleration(t, dt, xi, y(j), z(k), ga(:))
qn(ipr,i,j,k) = qn(ipr,ip1,j,k) &
- (qn(idn,ip1,j,k) + qn(idn,i,j,k)) * ga(1) * dxh
end do
end do
end do
do i = neu, nn
im1 = i - 1
xi = x(i) - dxh
do k = kl, ku
do j = jl, ju
qn(1:nv,i,j,k) = qn(1:nv,ne,j,k)
call gravitational_acceleration(t, dt, xi, y(j), z(k), ga(:))
qn(ipr,i,j,k) = qn(ipr,im1,j,k) &
+ (qn(idn,im1,j,k) + qn(idn,i,j,k)) * ga(1) * dxh
end do
end do
end do
end if
if (side(1) == 1) then
do i = nbl, 1, -1
ip1 = i + 1
xi = x(i) + dxh
do k = kl, ku
do j = jl, ju
qn(1:nv,i,j,k) = qn(1:nv,nb,j,k)
call gravitational_acceleration(t, dt, xi, y(j), z(k), ga(:))
qn(idn,i,j,k) = qn(idn,ip1,j,k) * exp(- ga(1) * dx / csnd2)
end do
end do
end do
do i = neu, nn
im1 = i - 1
xi = x(i) - dxh
do k = kl, ku
do j = jl, ju
qn(1:nv,i,j,k) = qn(1:nv,ne,j,k)
call gravitational_acceleration(t, dt, xi, y(j), z(k), ga(:))
qn(idn,i,j,k) = qn(idn,im1,j,k) * exp( ga(1) * dx / csnd2)
end do
end do
end do
end if
end if
! user specific boundary conditions
call user_boundary_x(side(1), jl, ju, kl, ku &
, t, dt, x(:), y(:), z(:), qn(:,:,:,:))
! wrong boundary conditions
case default
if (side(1) == 1) then
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Wrong left X boundary type!"
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Wrong right X boundary type!"
end if
end select
! prepare indices for the boundaries
if (side(1) == 1) then
il = 1
iu = nh - 1
il = nh
iu = nn
end if
#if NDIMS == 3
if (side(3) == 1) then
kl = 1
ku = nh - 1
kl = nh
ku = nn
end if
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
kl = 1
ku = 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! apply selected boundary condition
select case(bnd_type(nc,side(2)))
! "open" boundary conditions
if (side(2) == 1) then
do j = nbl, 1, -1
qn(1:nv,il:iu,j,kl:ku) = qn(1:nv,il:iu,nb,kl:ku)
end do
do j = neu, nn
qn(1:nv,il:iu,j,kl:ku) = qn(1:nv,il:iu,ne,kl:ku)
end do
end if
! "outflow" boundary conditions
if (side(2) == 1) then
do j = nbl, 1, -1
qn(1:nv,il:iu,j,kl:ku) = qn(1:nv,il:iu,nb,kl:ku)
qn(ivy ,il:iu,j,kl:ku) = min(0.0d+00, qn(ivy,il:iu,nb,kl:ku))
end do ! j = nbl, 1, -1
do j = neu, nn
qn(1:nv,il:iu,j,kl:ku) = qn(1:nv,il:iu,ne,kl:ku)
qn(ivy ,il:iu,j,kl:ku) = max(0.0d+00, qn(ivy,il:iu,ne,kl:ku))
end do ! j = neu, ng
end if
! "reflective" boundary conditions
if (side(2) == 1) then
do j = 1, ng
jt = nb - j
js = nbl + j
qn(1:nv,il:iu,jt,kl:ku) = qn(1:nv,il:iu,js,kl:ku)
qn(ivy ,il:iu,jt,kl:ku) = - qn(ivy ,il:iu,js,kl:ku)
if (iby > 0) then
qn(iby ,il:iu,jt,kl:ku) = - qn(iby ,il:iu,js,kl:ku)
end if
end do
do j = 1, ng
jt = ne + j
js = neu - j
qn(1:nv,il:iu,jt,kl:ku) = qn(1:nv,il:iu,js,kl:ku)
qn(ivy ,il:iu,jt,kl:ku) = - qn(ivy ,il:iu,js,kl:ku)
if (iby > 0) then
qn(iby ,il:iu,jt,kl:ku) = - qn(iby ,il:iu,js,kl:ku)
end if
end do
end if
! "gravity" or "hydrostatic" boundary conditions
dy = y(nb) - y(nbl)
dyh = 0.5d+00 * dy
if (ipr > 0) then
if (side(2) == 1) then
do j = nbl, 1, -1
jp1 = j + 1
yi = y(j) + dyh
do k = kl, ku
do i = il, iu
qn(1:nv,i,j,k) = qn(1:nv,i,nb,k)
call gravitational_acceleration(t, dt, x(i), yi, z(k), ga(:))
qn(ipr,i,j,k) = qn(ipr,i,jp1,k) &
- (qn(idn,i,jp1,k) + qn(idn,i,j,k)) * ga(2) * dyh
end do
end do
end do
do j = neu, nn
jm1 = j - 1
yi = y(j) - dyh
do k = kl, ku
do i = il, iu
qn(1:nv,i,j,k) = qn(1:nv,i,ne,k)
call gravitational_acceleration(t, dt, x(i), yi, z(k), ga(:))
qn(ipr,i,j,k) = qn(ipr,i,jm1,k) &
+ (qn(idn,i,jm1,k) + qn(idn,i,j,k)) * ga(2) * dyh
end do
end do
end do
end if
if (side(2) == 1) then
do j = nbl, 1, -1
jp1 = j + 1
yi = y(j) + dyh
do k = kl, ku
do i = il, iu
qn(1:nv,i,j,k) = qn(1:nv,i,nb,k)
call gravitational_acceleration(t, dt, x(i), yi, z(k), ga(:))
qn(idn,i,j,k) = qn(idn,i,jp1,k) * exp(- ga(2) * dy / csnd2)
end do
end do
end do
do j = neu, nn
jm1 = j - 1
yi = y(j) - dyh
do k = kl, ku
do i = il, iu
qn(1:nv,i,j,k) = qn(1:nv,i,ne,k)
call gravitational_acceleration(t, dt, x(i), yi, z(k), ga(:))
qn(idn,i,j,k) = qn(idn,i,jm1,k) * exp( ga(2) * dy / csnd2)
end do
end do
end do
end if
end if
! user specific boundary conditions
call user_boundary_y(side(2), il, iu, kl, ku &
, t, dt, x(:), y(:), z(:), qn(:,:,:,:))
! wrong boundary conditions
case default
if (side(2) == 1) then
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Wrong left Y boundary type!"
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Wrong right Y boundary type!"
end if
end select
#if NDIMS == 3
! prepare indices for the boundaries
if (side(1) == 1) then
il = 1
iu = nh - 1
il = nh
iu = nn
end if
if (side(2) == 1) then
jl = 1
ju = nh - 1
jl = nh
ju = nn
end if
! apply selected boundary condition
select case(bnd_type(nc,side(3)))
! "open" boundary conditions
if (side(3) == 1) then
do k = nbl, 1, -1
qn(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,k) = qn(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,nb)
end do
do k = neu, nn
qn(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,k) = qn(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,ne)
end do
end if
! "outflow" boundary conditions
if (side(3) == 1) then
do k = nbl, 1, -1
qn(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,k) = qn(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,nb)
qn(ivz ,il:iu,jl:ju,k) = min(0.0d+00, qn(ivz,il:iu,jl:ju,nb))
end do ! k = nbl, 1, -1
do k = neu, nn
qn(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,k) = qn(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,ne)
qn(ivz ,il:iu,jl:ju,k) = max(0.0d+00, qn(ivz,il:iu,jl:ju,ne))
end do ! k = neu, nn
end if
! "reflective" boundary conditions
if (side(3) == 1) then
do k = 1, ng
kt = nb - k
ks = nbl + k
qn(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kt) = qn(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,ks)
qn(ivz ,il:iu,jl:ju,kt) = - qn(ivz ,il:iu,jl:ju,ks)
if (ibz > 0) then
qn(ibz ,il:iu,jl:ju,kt) = - qn(ibz ,il:iu,jl:ju,ks)
end if
end do
do k = 1, ng
kt = ne + k
ks = neu - k
qn(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kt) = qn(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,ks)
qn(ivz ,il:iu,jl:ju,kt) = - qn(ivz ,il:iu,jl:ju,ks)
if (ibz > 0) then
qn(ibz ,il:iu,jl:ju,kt) = - qn(ibz ,il:iu,jl:ju,ks)
end if
end do
end if
! "gravity" or "hydrostatic" boundary conditions
dz = z(nb) - z(nbl)
dzh = 0.5d+00 * dz
if (ipr > 0) then
if (side(3) == 1) then
do k = nbl, 1, -1
kp1 = k + 1
zi = z(k) + dzh
do j = jl, ju
do i = il, iu
qn(1:nv,i,j,k) = qn(1:nv,i,j,nb)
call gravitational_acceleration(t, dt, x(i), y(j), zi, ga(:))
qn(ipr,i,j,k) = qn(ipr,i,j,kp1) &
- (qn(idn,i,j,kp1) + qn(idn,i,j,k)) * ga(3) * dzh
end do
end do
end do
do k = neu, nn
km1 = k - 1
zi = z(k) - dzh
do j = jl, ju
do i = il, iu
qn(1:nv,i,j,k) = qn(1:nv,i,j,ne)
call gravitational_acceleration(t, dt, x(i), y(j), zi, ga(:))
qn(ipr,i,j,k) = qn(ipr,i,j,km1) &
+ (qn(idn,i,j,km1) + qn(idn,i,j,k)) * ga(3) * dzh
end do
end do
end do
end if
if (side(3) == 1) then
do k = nbl, 1, -1
kp1 = k + 1
zi = z(k) + dzh
do j = jl, ju
do i = il, iu
qn(1:nv,i,j,k) = qn(1:nv,i,j,nb)
call gravitational_acceleration(t, dt, x(i), y(j), zi, ga(:))
qn(idn,i,j,k) = qn(idn,i,j,kp1) * exp(- ga(3) * dz / csnd2)
end do
end do
end do
do k = neu, nn
km1 = k - 1
zi = z(k) - dzh
do j = jl, ju
do i = il, iu
qn(1:nv,i,j,k) = qn(1:nv,i,j,ne)
call gravitational_acceleration(t, dt, x(i), y(j), zi, ga(:))
qn(idn,i,j,k) = qn(idn,i,j,km1) * exp( ga(3) * dz / csnd2)
end do
end do
end do
end if
end if
! user specific boundary conditions
call user_boundary_z(side(3), il, iu, jl, ju &
, t, dt, x(:), y(:), z(:), qn(:,:,:,:))
! wrong boundary conditions
case default
if (side(3) == 1) then
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Wrong left Z boundary type!"
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Wrong right Z boundary type!"
end if
end select
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
end subroutine block_boundary_specific
#if NDIMS == 3
! ------------------------------
! Subroutine returns the face boundary region restricted from the provided
! input variable array.
! Arguments:
! nc - the face direction;
! ic, jc, kc - the corner position;
! qn - the input neighbor variable array;
! qb - the output face boundary array;
subroutine block_face_restrict(nc, ic, jc, kc, qn, qb)
! import external procedures and variables
use coordinates, only : nh => ncells_half, ng => nghosts
use coordinates, only : faces_dr
use equations , only : nv
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: nc, ic, jc, kc
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: qn
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: qb
! local variables
integer :: il, jl, kl
integer :: ip, jp, kp
integer :: iu, ju, ku
! prepare indices for the face region
il = faces_dr(ic,jc,kc,nc)%l(1)
jl = faces_dr(ic,jc,kc,nc)%l(2)
kl = faces_dr(ic,jc,kc,nc)%l(3)
ip = il + 1
jp = jl + 1
kp = kl + 1
iu = faces_dr(ic,jc,kc,nc)%u(1)
ju = faces_dr(ic,jc,kc,nc)%u(2)
ku = faces_dr(ic,jc,kc,nc)%u(3)
! process depending on the direction
select case(nc)
! restrict the face region to the output array
qb(1:nv,1:ng,1:nh,1:nh) = &
1.25d-01 * (((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kl:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kp:ku:2)) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kp:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kl:ku:2))) &
+ ((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kp:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kl:ku:2)) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kl:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kp:ku:2))))
! restrict the face region to the output array
qb(1:nv,1:nh,1:ng,1:nh) = &
1.25d-01 * (((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kl:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kp:ku:2)) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kp:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kl:ku:2))) &
+ ((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kp:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kl:ku:2)) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kl:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kp:ku:2))))
! restrict the face region to the output array
qb(1:nv,1:nh,1:nh,1:ng) = &
1.25d-01 * (((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kl:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kp:ku:2)) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kp:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kl:ku:2))) &
+ ((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kp:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kl:ku:2)) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kl:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kp:ku:2))))
end select
end subroutine block_face_restrict
! subroutine BLOCK_FACE_PROLONG:
! -----------------------------
! Subroutine returns the face boundary region prolongated from the provided
! input variable array.
! Arguments:
! nc - the face direction;
! ic, jc, kc - the corner position;
! qn - the input neighbor variable array;
! qb - the output face boundary array;
subroutine block_face_prolong(nc, ic, jc, kc, qn, qb)
use coordinates , only : faces_dp
use equations , only : nv, positive
use interpolations , only : limiter_prol
use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit
implicit none
integer , intent(in) :: nc, ic, jc, kc
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: qn
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: qb
integer :: i, j, k, p
integer :: il, jl, kl
integer :: iu, ju, ku
integer :: is, js, ks
integer :: it, jt, kt
integer :: im1, jm1, km1
integer :: ip1, jp1, kp1
real(kind=8) :: dql, dqr
real(kind=8) :: dq1, dq2, dq3, dq4
real(kind=8), dimension(3) :: dq
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BOUNDARIES::block_face_prolong()'
il = faces_dp(ic,jc,kc,nc)%l(1)
jl = faces_dp(ic,jc,kc,nc)%l(2)
kl = faces_dp(ic,jc,kc,nc)%l(3)
iu = faces_dp(ic,jc,kc,nc)%u(1)
ju = faces_dp(ic,jc,kc,nc)%u(2)
ku = faces_dp(ic,jc,kc,nc)%u(3)
do k = kl, ku
km1 = k - 1
kp1 = k + 1
ks = 2 * (k - kl) + 1
kt = ks + 1
do j = jl, ju
jm1 = j - 1
jp1 = j + 1
js = 2 * (j - jl) + 1
jt = js + 1
do i = il, iu
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
is = 2 * (i - il) + 1
it = is + 1
do p = 1, nv
dql = qn(p,i ,j,k) - qn(p,im1,j,k)
dqr = qn(p,ip1,j,k) - qn(p,i ,j,k)
dq(1) = limiter_prol(2.5d-01, dql, dqr)
dql = qn(p,i,j ,k) - qn(p,i,jm1,k)
dqr = qn(p,i,jp1,k) - qn(p,i,j ,k)
dq(2) = limiter_prol(2.5d-01, dql, dqr)
dql = qn(p,i,j,k ) - qn(p,i,j,km1)
dqr = qn(p,i,j,kp1) - qn(p,i,j,k )
dq(3) = limiter_prol(2.5d-01, dql, dqr)
if (positive(p) .and. qn(p,i,j,k) < sum(abs(dq(1:NDIMS)))) then
if (qn(p,i,j,k) > 0.0d+00) then
do while (qn(p,i,j,k) <= sum(abs(dq(1:NDIMS))))
dq(:) = 0.5d+00 * dq(:)
end do
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a,3i4,a)") trim(loc) &
, "Positive variable is not positive at (", i, j, k, " )"
dq(:) = 0.0d+00
end if
end if
dq1 = dq(1) + dq(2) + dq(3)
dq2 = dq(1) - dq(2) - dq(3)
dq3 = dq(1) - dq(2) + dq(3)
dq4 = dq(1) + dq(2) - dq(3)
qb(p,is,js,ks) = qn(p,i,j,k) - dq1
qb(p,it,js,ks) = qn(p,i,j,k) + dq2
qb(p,is,jt,ks) = qn(p,i,j,k) - dq3
qb(p,it,jt,ks) = qn(p,i,j,k) + dq4
qb(p,is,js,kt) = qn(p,i,j,k) - dq4
qb(p,it,js,kt) = qn(p,i,j,k) + dq3
qb(p,is,jt,kt) = qn(p,i,j,k) - dq2
qb(p,it,jt,kt) = qn(p,i,j,k) + dq1
end do ! p
end do ! i
end do ! j
end do ! k
end subroutine block_face_prolong
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! ------------------------------
! Subroutine returns the edge boundary region by restricting the corresponding
! region from the provided input variable array.
! Arguments:
! dir - the edge direction;
! pos - the edge position;
! qn - the input neighbor variable array;
! qb - the output edge boundary array;
subroutine block_edge_restrict(dir, pos, qn, qb)
! import external procedures and variables
use coordinates, only : nh => ncells_half, ng => nghosts
use coordinates, only : edges_dr
use equations , only : nv
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: dir
integer , dimension(3) , intent(in) :: pos
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: qn
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: qb
! local variables
integer :: il, ip, iu
integer :: jl, jp, ju
#if NDIMS == 3
integer :: kl, kp, ku
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! prepare indices for the edge region
#if NDIMS == 2
il = edges_dr(pos(1),pos(2),dir)%l(1)
jl = edges_dr(pos(1),pos(2),dir)%l(2)
ip = il + 1
jp = jl + 1
iu = edges_dr(pos(1),pos(2),dir)%u(1)
ju = edges_dr(pos(1),pos(2),dir)%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = edges_dr(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3),dir)%l(1)
jl = edges_dr(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3),dir)%l(2)
kl = edges_dr(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3),dir)%l(3)
ip = il + 1
jp = jl + 1
kp = kl + 1
iu = edges_dr(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3),dir)%u(1)
ju = edges_dr(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3),dir)%u(2)
ku = edges_dr(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3),dir)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! process depending on the direction
select case(dir)
! restrict the edge region to the output array
#if NDIMS == 2
qb(1:nv,1:nh,1:ng, : ) = &
2.50d-01 * ((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2, : ) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2, : )) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2, : ) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2, : )))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
qb(1:nv,1:nh,1:ng,1:ng) = &
1.25d-01 * (((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kl:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kp:ku:2)) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kp:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kl:ku:2))) &
+ ((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kp:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kl:ku:2)) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kl:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kp:ku:2))))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! restrict the edge region to the output array
#if NDIMS == 2
qb(1:nv,1:ng,1:nh, : ) = &
2.50d-01 * ((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2, : ) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2, : )) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2, : ) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2, : )))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
qb(1:nv,1:ng,1:nh,1:ng) = &
1.25d-01 * (((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kl:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kp:ku:2)) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kp:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kl:ku:2))) &
+ ((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kp:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kl:ku:2)) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kl:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kp:ku:2))))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 3
! restrict the edge region to the output array
qb(1:nv,1:ng,1:ng,1:nh) = &
1.25d-01 * (((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kl:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kp:ku:2)) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kp:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kl:ku:2))) &
+ ((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kp:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kl:ku:2)) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kl:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kp:ku:2))))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
end subroutine block_edge_restrict
! subroutine BLOCK_EDGE_PROLONG:
! -----------------------------
! Subroutine returns the edge boundary region by prolongating
! the corresponding region from the provided input variable array.
! Arguments:
! dir - the edge direction;
! pos - the edge position;
! qn - the input neighbor variable array;
! qb - the output edge boundary array;
subroutine block_edge_prolong(dir, pos, qn, qb)
use coordinates , only : edges_dp
use equations , only : nv, positive
use interpolations , only : limiter_prol
use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit
implicit none
integer , intent(in) :: dir
integer , dimension(3) , intent(in) :: pos
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: qn
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: qb
integer :: p
integer :: i, il, iu, is, it, im1, ip1
integer :: j, jl, ju, js, jt, jm1, jp1
integer :: k, kt
#if NDIMS == 3
integer :: kl, ku, ks, km1, kp1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
real(kind=8) :: dql, dqr
real(kind=8) :: dq1, dq2
#if NDIMS == 3
real(kind=8) :: dq3, dq4
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
real(kind=8), dimension(NDIMS) :: dq
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BOUNDARIES::block_edge_prolong()'
#if NDIMS == 2
il = edges_dp(pos(1),pos(2),dir)%l(1)
jl = edges_dp(pos(1),pos(2),dir)%l(2)
iu = edges_dp(pos(1),pos(2),dir)%u(1)
ju = edges_dp(pos(1),pos(2),dir)%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = edges_dp(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3),dir)%l(1)
jl = edges_dp(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3),dir)%l(2)
kl = edges_dp(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3),dir)%l(3)
iu = edges_dp(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3),dir)%u(1)
ju = edges_dp(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3),dir)%u(2)
ku = edges_dp(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3),dir)%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 2
k = 1
kt = 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
do k = kl, ku
km1 = k - 1
kp1 = k + 1
ks = 2 * (k - kl) + 1
kt = ks + 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = jl, ju
jm1 = j - 1
jp1 = j + 1
js = 2 * (j - jl) + 1
jt = js + 1
do i = il, iu
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
is = 2 * (i - il) + 1
it = is + 1
do p = 1, nv
dql = qn(p,i ,j,k) - qn(p,im1,j,k)
dqr = qn(p,ip1,j,k) - qn(p,i ,j,k)
dq(1) = limiter_prol(2.5d-01, dql, dqr)
dql = qn(p,i,j ,k) - qn(p,i,jm1,k)
dqr = qn(p,i,jp1,k) - qn(p,i,j ,k)
dq(2) = limiter_prol(2.5d-01, dql, dqr)
#if NDIMS == 3
dql = qn(p,i,j,k ) - qn(p,i,j,km1)
dqr = qn(p,i,j,kp1) - qn(p,i,j,k )
dq(3) = limiter_prol(2.5d-01, dql, dqr)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
if (positive(p) .and. qn(p,i,j,k) < sum(abs(dq(1:NDIMS)))) then
if (qn(p,i,j,k) > 0.0d+00) then
do while (qn(p,i,j,k) <= sum(abs(dq(1:NDIMS))))
dq(:) = 0.5d+00 * dq(:)
end do
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a,3i4,a)") trim(loc) &
, "Positive variable is not positive at (", i, j, k, " )"
dq(:) = 0.0d+00
end if
end if
#if NDIMS == 2
dq1 = dq(1) + dq(2)
dq2 = dq(1) - dq(2)
qb(p,is,js,k ) = qn(p,i,j,k) - dq1
qb(p,it,js,k ) = qn(p,i,j,k) + dq2
qb(p,is,jt,k ) = qn(p,i,j,k) - dq2
qb(p,it,jt,k ) = qn(p,i,j,k) + dq1
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
dq1 = dq(1) + dq(2) + dq(3)
dq2 = dq(1) - dq(2) - dq(3)
dq3 = dq(1) - dq(2) + dq(3)
dq4 = dq(1) + dq(2) - dq(3)
qb(p,is,js,ks) = qn(p,i,j,k) - dq1
qb(p,it,js,ks) = qn(p,i,j,k) + dq2
qb(p,is,jt,ks) = qn(p,i,j,k) - dq3
qb(p,it,jt,ks) = qn(p,i,j,k) + dq4
qb(p,is,js,kt) = qn(p,i,j,k) - dq4
qb(p,it,js,kt) = qn(p,i,j,k) + dq3
qb(p,is,jt,kt) = qn(p,i,j,k) - dq2
qb(p,it,jt,kt) = qn(p,i,j,k) + dq1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do ! p
end do ! i
end do ! j
#if NDIMS == 3
end do ! k
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end subroutine block_edge_prolong
! --------------------------------
! Subroutine returns the corner boundary region by restricting
! the corresponding region from the provided input variable array.
! Arguments:
! pos - the corner position;
! qn - the input neighbor variable array;
! qb - the output corner boundary array;
subroutine block_corner_restrict(pos, qn, qb)
! import external procedures and variables
use coordinates, only : ng => nghosts
use coordinates, only : corners_dr
use equations , only : nv
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , dimension(3) , intent(in) :: pos
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: qn
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: qb
! local variables
integer :: il, ip, iu
integer :: jl, jp, ju
#if NDIMS == 3
integer :: kl, kp, ku
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! prepare indices for the corner region
#if NDIMS == 2
il = corners_dr(pos(1),pos(2))%l(1)
jl = corners_dr(pos(1),pos(2))%l(2)
ip = il + 1
jp = jl + 1
iu = corners_dr(pos(1),pos(2))%u(1)
ju = corners_dr(pos(1),pos(2))%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = corners_dr(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3))%l(1)
jl = corners_dr(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3))%l(2)
kl = corners_dr(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3))%l(3)
ip = il + 1
jp = jl + 1
kp = kl + 1
iu = corners_dr(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3))%u(1)
ju = corners_dr(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3))%u(2)
ku = corners_dr(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3))%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! restrict the corner region to the output array
#if NDIMS == 2
qb(1:nv,1:ng,1:ng, : ) = &
2.50d-01 * ((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2, : ) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2, : )) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2, : ) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2, : )))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
qb(1:nv,1:ng,1:ng,1:ng) = &
1.25d-01 * (((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kl:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kp:ku:2)) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kp:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kl:ku:2))) &
+ ((qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kp:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kl:ku:2)) &
+ (qn(1:nv,il:iu:2,jp:ju:2,kl:ku:2) &
+ qn(1:nv,ip:iu:2,jl:ju:2,kp:ku:2))))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end subroutine block_corner_restrict
! -------------------------------
! Subroutine returns the corner boundary region by prolongating
! the corresponding region from the provided input variable array.
! Arguments:
! pos - the corner position;
! qn - the input neighbor variable array;
! qb - the output corner boundary array;
subroutine block_corner_prolong(pos, qn, qb)
use coordinates , only : corners_dp
use equations , only : nv, positive
use interpolations , only : limiter_prol
use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit
implicit none
integer , dimension(3) , intent(in) :: pos
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: qn
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: qb
integer :: p
integer :: i, il, iu, is, it, im1, ip1
integer :: j, jl, ju, js, jt, jm1, jp1
integer :: k, kt
#if NDIMS == 3
integer :: kl, ku, ks, km1, kp1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
real(kind=8) :: dql, dqr
real(kind=8) :: dq1, dq2
#if NDIMS == 3
real(kind=8) :: dq3, dq4
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
real(kind=8), dimension(NDIMS) :: dq
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BOUNDARIES::block_corner_prolong()'
#if NDIMS == 2
il = corners_dp(pos(1),pos(2))%l(1)
jl = corners_dp(pos(1),pos(2))%l(2)
iu = corners_dp(pos(1),pos(2))%u(1)
ju = corners_dp(pos(1),pos(2))%u(2)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
il = corners_dp(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3))%l(1)
jl = corners_dp(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3))%l(2)
kl = corners_dp(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3))%l(3)
iu = corners_dp(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3))%u(1)
ju = corners_dp(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3))%u(2)
ku = corners_dp(pos(1),pos(2),pos(3))%u(3)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 2
k = 1
kt = 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
do k = kl, ku
km1 = k - 1
kp1 = k + 1
ks = 2 * (k - kl) + 1
kt = ks + 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = jl, ju
jm1 = j - 1
jp1 = j + 1
js = 2 * (j - jl) + 1
jt = js + 1
do i = il, iu
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
is = 2 * (i - il) + 1
it = is + 1
do p = 1, nv
dql = qn(p,i ,j,k) - qn(p,im1,j,k)
dqr = qn(p,ip1,j,k) - qn(p,i ,j,k)
dq(1) = limiter_prol(2.5d-01, dql, dqr)
dql = qn(p,i,j ,k) - qn(p,i,jm1,k)
dqr = qn(p,i,jp1,k) - qn(p,i,j ,k)
dq(2) = limiter_prol(2.5d-01, dql, dqr)
#if NDIMS == 3
dql = qn(p,i,j,k ) - qn(p,i,j,km1)
dqr = qn(p,i,j,kp1) - qn(p,i,j,k )
dq(3) = limiter_prol(2.5d-01, dql, dqr)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
if (positive(p) .and. qn(p,i,j,k) < sum(abs(dq(1:NDIMS)))) then
if (qn(p,i,j,k) > 0.0d+00) then
do while (qn(p,i,j,k) <= sum(abs(dq(1:NDIMS))))
dq(:) = 0.5d+00 * dq(:)
end do
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a,3i4,a)") trim(loc) &
, "Positive variable is not positive at (", i, j, k, " )"
dq(:) = 0.0d+00
end if
end if
#if NDIMS == 2
dq1 = dq(1) + dq(2)
dq2 = dq(1) - dq(2)
qb(p,is,js,k ) = qn(p,i,j,k) - dq1
qb(p,it,js,k ) = qn(p,i,j,k) + dq2
qb(p,is,jt,k ) = qn(p,i,j,k) - dq2
qb(p,it,jt,k ) = qn(p,i,j,k) + dq1
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
dq1 = dq(1) + dq(2) + dq(3)
dq2 = dq(1) - dq(2) - dq(3)
dq3 = dq(1) - dq(2) + dq(3)
dq4 = dq(1) + dq(2) - dq(3)
qb(p,is,js,ks) = qn(p,i,j,k) - dq1
qb(p,it,js,ks) = qn(p,i,j,k) + dq2
qb(p,is,jt,ks) = qn(p,i,j,k) - dq3
qb(p,it,jt,ks) = qn(p,i,j,k) + dq4
qb(p,is,js,kt) = qn(p,i,j,k) - dq4
qb(p,it,js,kt) = qn(p,i,j,k) + dq3
qb(p,is,jt,kt) = qn(p,i,j,k) - dq2
qb(p,it,jt,kt) = qn(p,i,j,k) + dq1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do ! p
end do ! i
end do ! j
#if NDIMS == 3
end do ! k
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end subroutine block_corner_prolong
! subroutine UPDATE_GHOST_CELLS:
! -----------------------------
! Subroutine updates conservative variables in all ghost cells from
! already updated primitive variables.
subroutine update_ghost_cells()
! include external variables
use blocks , only : block_data, list_data
use coordinates, only : nn => bcells, nb, ne, nbl, neu
use equations , only : prim2cons
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k = 1
! local pointers
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time subroutine
call start_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! assign the pointer to the first block on the list
pdata => list_data
! scan all data blocks until the last is reached
do while(associated(pdata))
! update the X and Y boundary ghost cells
#if NDIMS == 3
do k = 1, nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! update lower layers of the Y boundary
do j = 1, nbl
call prim2cons(pdata%q(:,:,j,k), pdata%u(:,:,j,k), .true.)
end do ! j = 1, nbl
! update upper layers of the Y boundary
do j = neu, nn
call prim2cons(pdata%q(:,:,j,k), pdata%u(:,:,j,k), .true.)
end do ! j = neu, nn
! update remaining left layers of the X boundary
do i = 1, nbl
call prim2cons(pdata%q(:,i,nb:ne,k), pdata%u(:,i,nb:ne,k), .true.)
end do ! i = 1, nbl
! update remaining right layers of the X boundary
do i = neu, nn
call prim2cons(pdata%q(:,i,nb:ne,k), pdata%u(:,i,nb:ne,k), .true.)
end do ! i = neu, nn
#if NDIMS == 3
end do ! k = 1, nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 3
! update the Z boundary ghost cells
do j = nb, ne
! update the remaining front layers of the Z boundary
do k = 1, nbl
call prim2cons(pdata%q(:,nb:ne,j,k), pdata%u(:,nb:ne,j,k), .true.)
end do ! k = 1, nbl
! update the remaining back layers of the Z boundary
do k = neu, nn
call prim2cons(pdata%q(:,nb:ne,j,k), pdata%u(:,nb:ne,j,k), .true.)
end do ! k = neu, nn
end do ! j = nb, ne
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! assign the pointer to the next block on the list
pdata => pdata%next
end do ! data blocks
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time subroutine
call stop_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine update_ghost_cells
#ifdef MPI
! ---------------------------------
! Subroutine prepares the arrays for block exchange lists and their counters.
subroutine prepare_exchange_array()
! include external variables
use mpitools, only : npmax
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! local variables
integer :: icol, irow
! iterate over all elements of the block exchange array
do irow = 0, npmax
do icol = 0, npmax
! nullify the array element pointer
! reset the corresponding counter
bcount(irow,icol) = 0
end do ! icol = 0, npmax
end do ! irow = 0, npmax
end subroutine prepare_exchange_array
! ---------------------------------
! Subroutine releases objects on the array of block exchange lists.
subroutine release_exchange_array()
! include external variables
use blocks , only : block_info, pointer_info
use mpitools, only : npmax
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! local variables
integer :: icol, irow
! local pointers
type(block_info), pointer :: pinfo
! iterate over all elements of the block exchange array
do irow = 0, npmax
do icol = 0, npmax
! associate pinfo with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => barray(irow,icol)%ptr
! scan all elements on the exchange list
do while(associated(pinfo))
! associate the exchange list pointer
barray(irow,icol)%ptr => pinfo%prev
! nullify pointer fields
! deallocate info block
! associate pinfo with the next block
pinfo => barray(irow,icol)%ptr
end do ! %ptr blocks
end do ! icol = 0, npmax
end do ! irow = 0, npmax
end subroutine release_exchange_array
! ---------------------------------
! Subroutine appends an info block to the element of array of block
! exchange lists. The element is determined by the processes of the meta
! and neighbor blocks.
! Arguments:
! pmeta - the pointer to meta block;
! pneigh - the pointer to the neighbor of pmeta;
! dir - the direction of the neighbor;
! pos - the position of the neighbor;
subroutine append_exchange_block(pmeta, pneigh, dir, pos)
! include external variables
use blocks, only : block_info, block_meta
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta, pneigh
integer , intent(in) :: dir
integer, dimension(3) , intent(in) :: pos
! local variables
integer :: icol, irow
! local pointers
type(block_info), pointer :: pinfo
! get the column and row indices
irow = pneigh%process
icol = pmeta%process
! increase the counter for the number of blocks to exchange
bcount(irow,icol) = bcount(irow,icol) + 1
! allocate a new info object
! fill out its fields
pinfo%meta => pmeta
pinfo%neigh => pneigh
pinfo%direction = dir
pinfo%corner(1:NDIMS) = pos(1:NDIMS)
pinfo%level_difference = pmeta%level - pneigh%level
! nullify pointer fields
! check if the list is empty
if (associated(barray(irow,icol)%ptr)) then
! if it is, associate the newly created block with it
pinfo%prev => barray(irow,icol)%ptr
end if ! %ptr associated
! point the list to the newly created block
barray(irow,icol)%ptr => pinfo
end subroutine append_exchange_block
#endif /* MPI */
end module