Grzegorz Kowal f8b65842af Move source files from src/ to sources/.
Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
2019-01-28 09:14:20 -02:00

564 lines
15 KiB

!! This file is part of the AMUN source code, a program to perform
!! Newtonian or relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations on uniform or
!! adaptive mesh.
!! Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Grzegorz Kowal <>
!! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
!! (at your option) any later version.
!! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!! along with this program. If not, see <>.
!! module: SHAPES
!! This modules handles the update of the shapes embedded in the domain. In
!! such a region, the primitive and conservative variables have to be updated
!! after each temporal integration substep.
module shapes
#ifdef PROFILE
! include external procedures
use timers, only : set_timer, start_timer, stop_timer
#endif /* PROFILE */
! module variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
#ifdef PROFILE
! timer indices
integer, save :: imi, imu
#endif /* PROFILE */
! interfaces for procedure pointers
abstract interface
subroutine update_shapes_iface(pdata, time, dt)
use blocks, only : block_data
type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: time, dt
end subroutine
end interface
! pointer to the shape update subroutine
procedure(update_shapes_iface), pointer, save :: update_shapes => null()
! by default everything is private
! declare public subroutines
public :: initialize_shapes, finalize_shapes
public :: update_shapes
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
!!*** PUBLIC SUBROUTINES *****************************************************
! ----------------------------
! Subroutine initializes module SHAPES.
! Arguments:
! verbose - a logical flag turning the information printing;
! iret - an integer flag for error return value;
subroutine initialize_shapes(verbose, iret)
! include external procedures and variables
use parameters , only : get_parameter_string
use user_problem , only : update_shapes_user
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
logical, intent(in) :: verbose
integer, intent(inout) :: iret
! local variables
character(len=64) :: problem_name = "blast"
character(len=64) :: enable_shapes = "off"
#ifdef PROFILE
! set timer descriptions
call set_timer('shapes:: initialize', imi)
call set_timer('shapes:: update' , imu)
! start accounting time for module initialization/finalization
call start_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! get the problem name
call get_parameter_string("problem" , problem_name )
call get_parameter_string("enable_shapes", enable_shapes)
! set the correct procedure pointer if shapes are enabled
select case(trim(enable_shapes))
case ("on", "ON", "t", "T", "y", "Y", "true", "TRUE", "yes", "YES")
! select the shape update subroutine depending on the problem
select case(trim(problem_name))
! general test problems
update_shapes => update_shapes_blast
! no shape update
case default
update_shapes => update_shapes_user
end select
case default
! by default the shape update is turned off, so reset the procedure pointer
update_shapes => update_shapes_none
end select
! print information about the Riemann solver
if (verbose) then
write (*,"(4x,a,1x,a)") "embedded shapes =", trim(enable_shapes)
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for module initialization/finalization
call stop_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine initialize_shapes
! subroutine FINALIZE_SHAPES:
! --------------------------
! Subroutine releases memory used by the module.
! Arguments:
! iret - an integer flag for error return value;
subroutine finalize_shapes(iret)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer, intent(inout) :: iret
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for module initialization/finalization
call start_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! nullify procedure pointers
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for module initialization/finalization
call stop_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine finalize_shapes
!!*** PRIVATE SUBROUTINES ****************************************************
! subroutine UPDATE_SHAPES_NONE:
! -----------------------------
! Subroutine does not do anything, but it is required to define the interface
! for other specific shape update subroutines.
! Arguments:
! pdata - pointer to the data block structure of the currently initialized
! block;
! time - time at the moment of update;
! dt - time step since the last update;
subroutine update_shapes_none(pdata, time, dt)
! include external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : block_data
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: time, dt
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the shape update
call start_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the shape update
call stop_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine update_shapes_none
! ------------------------------
! Subroutine resets the primitive and conserved variables within a defined
! shape for the blast problem.
! Arguments:
! pdata - pointer to the data block structure of the currently initialized
! block;
! time - time at the moment of update;
! dt - time step since the last update;
subroutine update_shapes_blast(pdata, time, dt)
! include external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : block_data
use constants , only : d2r
use coordinates , only : im, jm, km
use coordinates , only : ax, ay, az, adx, ady, adz
use equations , only : prim2cons
use equations , only : gamma
use equations , only : nv
use equations , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, ipr, ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
use parameters , only : get_parameter_real
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: time, dt
! default parameter values
real(kind=8), save :: dens = 1.00d+00
real(kind=8), save :: ratio = 1.00d+02
real(kind=8), save :: radius = 1.00d-01
real(kind=8), save :: csnd = 4.0824829046386301635d-01
real(kind=8), save :: buni = 1.00d+00
real(kind=8), save :: angle = 4.50d+01
! local saved parameters
logical , save :: first = .true.
real(kind=8), save :: r2
real(kind=8), save :: dn_ovr, pr_ovr, bx_ovr, by_ovr
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k
real(kind=8) :: xl, yl, zl, xu, yu, zu, rl, ru
real(kind=8) :: xb, yb, xt, yt
real(kind=8) :: dx, dy, dz, dxh, dyh, dzh, daxy
real(kind=8) :: fc_amb, fc_ovr
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(nv) :: qi
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,im) :: q, u
real(kind=8), dimension(im) :: x
real(kind=8), dimension(jm) :: y
real(kind=8), dimension(km) :: z
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the shape update
call start_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! prepare problem constants during the first subroutine call
if (first) then
! get problem parameters
call get_parameter_real("dens" , dens )
call get_parameter_real("ratio" , ratio )
call get_parameter_real("radius", radius)
call get_parameter_real("csnd" , csnd )
call get_parameter_real("buni" , buni )
call get_parameter_real("angle" , angle )
! set the conditions inside the radius
if (ipr > 0) then
dn_ovr = dens
pr_ovr = dens * ratio * csnd * csnd / gamma
dn_ovr = dens * ratio
end if
bx_ovr = buni * cos(d2r * angle)
by_ovr = buni * sin(d2r * angle)
! calculate the square of radius
r2 = radius * radius
! reset the first execution flag
first = .false.
end if ! first call
! prepare block coordinates
x(1:im) = pdata%meta%xmin + ax(pdata%meta%level,1:im)
y(1:jm) = pdata%meta%ymin + ay(pdata%meta%level,1:jm)
#if NDIMS == 3
z(1:km) = pdata%meta%zmin + az(pdata%meta%level,1:km)
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
z(1:km) = 0.0d+00
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! calculate mesh intervals and areas
dx = adx(pdata%meta%level)
dy = ady(pdata%meta%level)
dz = adz(pdata%meta%level)
dxh = 0.5d+00 * dx
dyh = 0.5d+00 * dy
#if NDIMS == 3
dzh = 0.5d+00 * dz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
dzh = 1.0d+00
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
daxy = dx * dy
! set the conditions inside the radius
if (ipr > 0) then
qi(idn) = dn_ovr
qi(ipr) = pr_ovr
qi(idn) = dn_ovr
end if
qi(ivx) = 0.0d+00
qi(ivy) = 0.0d+00
qi(ivz) = 0.0d+00
if (ibx > 0) then
qi(ibx) = bx_ovr
qi(iby) = by_ovr
qi(ibz) = 0.0d+00
qi(ibp) = 0.0d+00
end if
! iterate over all positions in the YZ plane
do k = 1, km
#if NDIMS == 3
! calculate the corner Z coordinates
zl = abs(z(k)) - dzh
zu = abs(z(k)) + dzh
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = 1, jm
! calculate the corner Y coordinates
yl = abs(y(j)) - dyh
yu = abs(y(j)) + dyh
! sweep along the X coordinate
do i = 1, im
! calculate the corner X coordinates
xl = abs(x(i)) - dxh
xu = abs(x(i)) + dxh
! calculate the minimum and maximum corner distances from the origin
#if NDIMS == 3
rl = xl * xl + yl * yl + zl * zl
ru = xu * xu + yu * yu + zu * zu
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
rl = xl * xl + yl * yl
ru = xu * xu + yu * yu
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! set the initial density and pressure in cells laying completely within
! the blast radius
if (ru <= r2) then
! set the overpressure region primitive variables
q(1:nv,i) = qi(1:nv)
! variables in cells completely outside the given radius are not changed
else if (rl >= r2) then
q(1:nv,i) = pdata%q(1:nv,i,j,k)
! integrate density or pressure in cells which are crossed by the circle with
! the given radius
#if NDIMS == 3
! in 3D simply set the ambient values since the integration is more complex
q(1:nv,i) = pdata%q(1:nv,i,j,k)
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
! calculate the bounds of area integration
xb = max(xl, sqrt(max(0.0d+00, r2 - yu * yu)))
xt = min(xu, sqrt(max(0.0d+00, r2 - yl * yl)))
yb = max(yl, sqrt(max(0.0d+00, r2 - xu * xu)))
yt = min(yu, sqrt(max(0.0d+00, r2 - xl * xl)))
! integrate the area below the circle within the current cell for both
! functions, y = f(x) and x = g(y), and then average them to be sure that we
! are getting the ideal symmetry
fc_ovr = 0.5d+00 * (r2 * (asin(xt / radius) - asin(xb / radius)) &
+ (xt * yb - xb * yt)) - yl * (xt - xb)
fc_ovr = fc_ovr + (xb - xl) * dy
fc_amb = 0.5d+00 * (r2 * (asin(yt / radius) - asin(yb / radius)) &
+ (yt * xb - yb * xt)) - xl * (yt - yb)
fc_amb = fc_amb + (yb - yl) * dx
fc_ovr = 0.5d+00 * (fc_ovr + fc_amb)
! normalize coefficients
fc_ovr = fc_ovr / daxy
fc_amb = 1.0d+00 - fc_ovr
! integrate the primitive variables over the edge cells
q(1:nv,i) = fc_ovr * qi(1:nv) + fc_amb * pdata%q(1:nv,i,j,k)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if
end do ! i = 1, im
! convert the primitive variables to conservative ones
call prim2cons(im, q(1:nv,1:im), u(1:nv,1:im))
! copy the conserved variables to the current block
pdata%u(1:nv,1:im,j,k) = u(1:nv,1:im)
! copy the primitive variables to the current block
pdata%q(1:nv,1:im,j,k) = q(1:nv,1:im)
end do ! j = 1, jm
end do ! k = 1, km
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the shape update
call stop_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine update_shapes_blast
end module shapes