Grzegorz Kowal fedba83d17 EQUATIONS: Implement correction of unphysical cells.
The unphysical cells (those with negative density or pressure) will be
corrected by averaging their states from the values of physical

The option is off by default, but can be turned on by setting:

fix_unphysical_cells = "on"

in the parameter file.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
2018-01-16 09:57:23 -02:00

168 lines
6.2 KiB

# include configuration
$(info )
ifeq ($(wildcard make.config),make.config)
$(info Using customized file 'make.config'.)
$(info )
include make.config
$(warning Could not find customized file 'make.config'!)
$(info )
$(info File 'make.default' is an example with all available compilation time \
options. You can modify it, but it is better to copy it to a new file \
'make.config' and then customize it. This will also make disappear \
the following 15 second pause every time you compile.)
$(info )
$(shell sleep 15)
include make.default
# host name
HOST := $(shell hostname)
include hosts/default
ifeq ($(wildcard hosts/$(HOST)),hosts/$(HOST))
$(info Using customized compiler setup from 'hosts/$(HOST)' file.)
$(info )
include hosts/$(HOST)
$(info Using default compiler setup from file 'hosts/default'. \
Do not modify it!)
$(info Instead, copy this file to 'hosts/$(HOST)' and customize compilers and \
compilation options there. This will also get rid of the following \
15 second pause every time you compile.)
$(info )
$(shell sleep 15)
# check flag conditions
# pass additional flags to the compiler
# compiler
# number of dimensions
# output data format
.SUFFIXES: .F90 .o
$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $*.F90
name = amun
default: $(name).x
sources = algebra.F90 blocks.F90 boundaries.F90 constants.F90 coordinates.F90 \
domains.F90 driver.F90 equations.F90 error.F90 evolution.F90 \
gravity.F90 integrals.F90 interpolations.F90 io.F90 mesh.F90 \
mpitools.F90 operators.F90 parameters.F90 problems.F90 random.F90 \
refinement.F90 schemes.F90 shapes.F90 sources.F90 timers.F90 \
user_problem.F90 utils.F90
objects = algebra.o blocks.o boundaries.o constants.o coordinates.o domains.o \
driver.o equations.o error.o evolution.o gravity.o integrals.o \
interpolations.o io.o mesh.o mpitools.o operators.o parameters.o \
problems.o random.o refinement.o schemes.o shapes.o sources.o \
timers.o user_problem.o utils.o
$(name).x: $(objects)
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(objects) $(LIBS) -o $(name).x
rm -rf *.bak *~
rm -rf *.dat *.h5
rm -rf *.x
rm -rf *.log
rm -rf *.mod
rm -rf *.o
clean: clean-bak clean-modules clean-objects
clean-all: clean-bak clean-data clean-exec clean-logs clean-modules \
algebra.o : algebra.F90 constants.o error.o
blocks.o : blocks.F90 error.o timers.o
boundaries.o : boundaries.F90 blocks.o coordinates.o equations.o error.o \
gravity.o interpolations.o mpitools.o timers.o \
constants.o : constants.F90
coordinates.o : coordinates.F90 parameters.o
driver.o : driver.F90 blocks.o coordinates.o equations.o evolution.o \
gravity.o integrals.o interpolations.o io.o mesh.o \
mpitools.o operators.o parameters.o problems.o random.o \
refinement.o schemes.o shapes.o sources.o user_problem.o
equations.o : equations.F90 algebra.o coordinates.o error.o parameters.o \
error.o : error.F90
evolution.o : evolution.F90 blocks.o boundaries.o coordinates.o \
equations.o mesh.o mpitools.o parameters.o schemes.o \
shapes.o sources.o
domains.o : domains.F90 blocks.o boundaries.o coordinates.o parameters.o
gravity.o : gravity.F90 parameters.o timers.o user_problem.o
integrals.o : integrals.F90 blocks.o coordinates.o equations.o error.o \
evolution.o mpitools.o parameters.o timers.o
interpolations.o : interpolations.F90 algebra.o blocks.o coordinates.o error.o \
parameters.o timers.o
io.o : io.F90 blocks.o coordinates.o equations.o error.o \
evolution.o mesh.o mpitools.o random.o refinement.o timers.o
mesh.o : mesh.F90 blocks.o coordinates.o domains.o equations.o \
error.o interpolations.o mpitools.o problems.o refinement.o \
mpitools.o : mpitools.F90 error.o timers.o
operators.o : operators.F90 timers.o
parameters.o : parameters.F90 mpitools.o
problems.o : problems.F90 blocks.o constants.o coordinates.o equations.o \
error.o parameters.o random.o timers.o user_problem.o
random.o : random.F90 mpitools.o parameters.o
refinement.o : refinement.F90 blocks.o coordinates.o equations.o \
operators.o parameters.o timers.o
schemes.o : schemes.F90 algebra.o coordinates.o equations.o \
interpolations.o timers.o
shapes.o : shapes.F90 blocks.o constants.o coordinates.o equations.o \
parameters.o timers.o user_problem.o
sources.o : sources.F90 blocks.o coordinates.o equations.o gravity.o \
operators.o parameters.o timers.o user_problem.o
timers.o : timers.F90
user_problem.o : user_problem.F90 blocks.o constants.o coordinates.o \
equations.o error.o operators.o parameters.o random.o \
utils.o : utils.F90 error.o