Grzegorz Kowal 740236958c Add new subroutine read_restart_params_h5().
- this subroutine reads the number of processors and the maximum level
   from the first restart file; these two parameters are required
   before restoring the data for a job restart if we want to restart it
   with a different number of processors or with a different maximum
2011-05-13 16:04:04 -03:00

4967 lines
131 KiB

!! module: IO - handling the data input and output for storing the snapshots
!! and restarting the jobs
!! Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Grzegorz Kowal <>
!! This file is part of the AMUN code.
!! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
!! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
!! as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
!! of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
!! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
!! Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
module io
use blocks, only : pointer_meta
implicit none
! counters for the stored data and restart files
integer(kind=4), save :: nfile = -1, nrest = 0
! local variables to store the number of processors and maximum level read from
! the restart file
integer(kind=4), save :: rmaxlev = 1, rncpus = 1
! the coefficient related to the difference between the maximum level stored in
! the restart file and set through the configuration file
integer(kind=4), save :: fcor = 1
! array of pointer used during job restart
type(pointer_meta), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: block_array
! write_data: wrapper subroutine for storing data
! info: subroutine selects the writing subroutine from the supported output
! formats depending on the compilation time options, and stores a data
! file; at this moment only the HDF5 format is supported;
subroutine write_data()
use config, only : ftype
use timer , only : start_timer, stop_timer
implicit none
! start the I/O timer
call start_timer(3)
! increase the file counter
nfile = nfile + 1
#ifdef HDF5
! store data file
call write_data_h5(ftype)
#endif /* HDF5 */
! stop the I/O timer
call stop_timer(3)
end subroutine write_data
! write_restart_data: wrapper subroutine for storing the restart data
! info: subroutine selects the writing subroutine from the supported output
! formats depending on the compilation time options, and writes a restart
! file;
subroutine write_restart_data()
use timer, only : start_timer, stop_timer
implicit none
! start the I/O timer
call start_timer(3)
! increase the file counter
nrest = nrest + 1
#ifdef HDF5
! store restart file
call write_data_h5('r')
#endif /* HDF5 */
! stop the I/O timer
call stop_timer(3)
end subroutine write_restart_data
! restart_job: wrapper subroutine for the job restart from a data file
! info: subroutine selects the restoring subroutine from supported output
! formats depending on the compilation time options, and restored the
! meta and data block structures; at this moment only the HDF5 format is
! supported;
subroutine restart_job()
use config, only : nres
use timer , only : start_timer, stop_timer
implicit none
! start the I/O timer
call start_timer(3)
! set restart file number
nrest = nres
#ifdef HDF5
! read HDF5 restart file and rebuild blocks structure
call read_data_h5()
#endif /* HDF5 */
! stop the I/O timer
call stop_timer(3)
end subroutine restart_job
#ifdef HDF5
! write_data_h5: wrapper subroutine for the HDF5 format
! info: subroutine performs the initialization and finalization of the HDF5
! interface, creates and closes the file, and also stores the parameters
! andvariables in the chosen format (i.e. for the restart, visualization,
! etc.)
! arguments: same as in write_data()
subroutine write_data_h5(ftype)
! references to other modules
use error , only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F
use hdf5 , only : h5open_f, h5close_f, h5fcreate_f, h5fclose_f
use mpitools, only : ncpu
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
character, intent(in) :: ftype
! local variables
character(len=64) :: fl
integer(hid_t) :: fid
integer :: err
! initialize the FORTRAN interface
call h5open_f(err)
! check if the interface has been initialized successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! prepare the filename
if (ftype .eq. 'r') then
write (fl,'(a1,i6.6,"_",i5.5,a3)') ftype, nrest, ncpu, '.h5'
write (fl,'(a1,i6.6,"_",i5.5,a3)') ftype, nfile, ncpu, '.h5'
end if
! create the new HDF5 file
call h5fcreate_f(fl, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, fid, err)
! check if the file has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! write the global attributes
call write_attributes_h5(fid)
! depending on the selected type of output file write the right groups
select case(ftype)
! write the coordinates (data block bounds, refinement levels, etc.)
call write_coordinates_h5(fid)
! write the variables stored in data blocks (leafs)
call write_variables_full_h5(fid)
! write the coordinates (data block bounds, refinement levels, etc.)
call write_coordinates_h5(fid)
! write the variables stored in data blocks (leafs)
call write_variables_h5(fid)
! write all metablocks which represent the internal structure of domain
call write_metablocks_h5(fid)
! write all datablocks which represent the all variables
call write_datablocks_h5(fid)
case default
end select
! terminate access to the current file
call h5fclose_f(fid, err)
! check if the file has been closed successfully
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the current file
call print_error("io::write_data_h5" &
, "Cannot close file: " // trim(fl))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the HDF5 file
call print_error("io::write_data_h5" &
, "Cannot create file: " // trim(fl))
end if
! close the FORTRAN interface
call h5close_f(err)
! check if the interface has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the HDF5 Fortran interface
call print_error("io::write_data_h5" &
, "Cannot close the HDF5 Fortran interface!")
end if
! print the error about the problem with initialization of the HDF5 Fortran
! interface
call print_error("io::write_data_h5" &
, "Cannot initialize the HDF5 Fortran interface!")
end if
end subroutine write_data_h5
! read_data_h5: wrapper subroutine for job restart from a HDF5 format
! info: subroutine reads and restores the meta and data block structures from
! an HDF5 file
subroutine read_data_h5()
! references to other modules
use error , only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t
use hdf5 , only : H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F
use hdf5 , only : h5open_f, h5close_f, h5fis_hdf5_f, h5fopen_f &
, h5fclose_f
use mpitools, only : ncpus, ncpu
! declare variables
implicit none
! local variables
character(len=64) :: fl
integer(hid_t) :: fid
integer :: err, lcpu
logical :: info
! initialize the FORTRAN interface
call h5open_f(err)
! check if the interface has been initialized successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! read restart parameters, such as, the number of processors and maximum level
call read_restart_params_h5()
! if the number of processors is larger then the number of files, use the last
! file for the remaining processors
lcpu = ncpu
if (rncpus .lt. ncpus) then
lcpu = min(rncpus - 1, ncpu)
end if
if (rncpus .gt. ncpus) then
call print_error("io::read_data_h5", "This is not supported yet!")
end if
! prepare the filename
write (fl,'("r",i6.6,"_",i5.5,a3)') nrest, lcpu, '.h5'
! check if the HDF5 file exists
inquire(file = fl, exist = info)
if (info) then
! check if this is an HDF5 file
call h5fis_hdf5_f(fl, info, err)
if (err .ge. 0) then
if (info) then
! opent the current HDF5 file
call h5fopen_f(fl, H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F, fid, err)
! check if the file has been opened successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! read global attributes
call read_attributes_h5(fid)
! read meta blocks
call read_metablocks_h5(fid)
! read data blocks
if (lcpu .eq. ncpu) call read_datablocks_h5(fid)
! deallocate the array of block pointers
if (allocated(block_array)) deallocate(block_array)
! terminate access to the current file
call h5fclose_f(fid, err)
! check if the file has been closed successfully
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the current file
call print_error("io::read_data_h5" &
, "Cannot close file: " // trim(fl))
end if
! print error about the problem with opening the HDF5 file
call print_error("io::read_data_h5" &
, "Cannot open file: " // trim(fl))
end if
! print error about the wrong file format
call print_error("io::read_data_h5", "File " // trim(fl) &
// " is not an HDF5 file!")
end if
! print error about the problem with checking the file format
call print_error("io::read_data_h5", "Cannot check the file format!")
end if
! print error since files does not exist
call print_error("io::read_data_h5", "File " // trim(fl) &
// " does not exist!")
end if
! close the FORTRAN interface
call h5close_f(err)
! check if the interface has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the HDF5 Fortran interface
call print_error("io::read_data_h5" &
, "Cannot close the HDF5 Fortran interface!")
end if
! print the error about the problem with initialization of the HDF5 Fortran
! interface
call print_error("io::read_data_h5" &
, "Cannot initialize the HDF5 Fortran interface!")
end if
end subroutine read_data_h5
! read_restart_params_h5: subroutine reads parameters required to decide how to
! restart the job
subroutine read_restart_params_h5()
! references to other modules
use error , only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t
use hdf5 , only : H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F
use hdf5 , only : h5open_f, h5close_f, h5fis_hdf5_f, h5fopen_f &
, h5fclose_f, h5gopen_f, h5gclose_f &
, h5aopen_by_name_f, h5aclose_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! local variables
character(len=64) :: fl
integer(hid_t) :: fid, gid, aid
integer :: err
logical :: info
! prepare the filename
write (fl,'("r",i6.6,"_",i5.5,a3)') nrest, 0, '.h5'
! check if the HDF5 file exists
inquire(file = fl, exist = info)
if (info) then
! check if this is an HDF5 file
call h5fis_hdf5_f(fl, info, err)
! check if it was possible to verify the file format
if (err .ge. 0) then
! check if the file is in HDF5 format
if (info) then
! opent the current HDF5 file
call h5fopen_f(fl, H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F, fid, err)
! check if the file has been opened successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! read attribute 'ncpus'
call h5aopen_by_name_f(fid, "/attributes", "ncpus", aid, err)
! check if the attribute has been opened successfully
if (err .ge. 0) then
! read the attribute ncpus
call read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, "ncpus", rncpus)
! close the attribute
call h5aclose_f(aid, err)
! check if the attribute has been closed successfully
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the current file
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5" &
, "Cannot close the attribute ncpus!")
end if
! print error about the problem with opening the attribute
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5" &
, "Cannot open the attribute ncpus!")
end if
! read attribute 'maxlev'
call h5aopen_by_name_f(fid, "/attributes", "maxlev", aid, err)
! check if the attribute has been opened successfully
if (err .ge. 0) then
! read the attribute maxlev
call read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, "maxlev", rmaxlev)
! close the attribute
call h5aclose_f(aid, err)
! check if the attribute has been closed successfully
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the current file
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5" &
, "Cannot close the attribute maxlev!")
end if
! print error about the problem with opening the attribute
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5" &
, "Cannot open the attribute maxlev!")
end if
! terminate access to the current file
call h5fclose_f(fid, err)
! check if the file has been closed successfully
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the current file
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5" &
, "Cannot close file: " // trim(fl))
end if
! print error about the problem with opening the HDF5 file
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5" &
, "Cannot open file: " // trim(fl))
end if
! print error about the wrong file format
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5", "File " // trim(fl) &
// " is not an HDF5 file!")
end if
! print error about the problem with checking the file format
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5" &
, "Cannot check the file format!")
end if
! print error if the file does not exist
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5", "File " // trim(fl) &
// " does not exist!")
end if
end subroutine read_restart_params_h5
! write_attributes_h5: subroutine writes attributes in the HDF5 format
! connected to the provided identificator
! info: this subroutine stores only the global attributes
! arguments:
! fid - the HDF5 file identificator
subroutine write_attributes_h5(fid)
! references to other modules
use blocks , only : get_mblocks, get_dblocks, get_nleafs
use blocks , only : get_last_id
use config , only : ncells, nghost
use config , only : xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax
use config , only : in, jn, kn, rdims, maxlev
use error , only : print_error
use evolution, only : n, t, dt, dtn
use hdf5 , only : hid_t
use hdf5 , only : h5gcreate_f, h5gclose_f
use mpitools , only : ncpus, ncpu
use random , only : nseeds, get_seeds
use scheme , only : cmax
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: fid
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: gid
integer(kind=4) :: dm(3)
integer :: err
! allocatable arrays
integer(kind=4), dimension(:), allocatable :: seeds
! create a group to store the global attributes
call h5gcreate_f(fid, 'attributes', gid, err)
! check if the group has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! store the integer attributes
call write_attribute_integer_h5(gid, 'ndims' , NDIMS)
call write_attribute_integer_h5(gid, 'last_id', get_last_id())
call write_attribute_integer_h5(gid, 'mblocks', get_mblocks())
call write_attribute_integer_h5(gid, 'dblocks', get_dblocks())
call write_attribute_integer_h5(gid, 'nleafs' , get_nleafs())
call write_attribute_integer_h5(gid, 'ncells' , ncells)
call write_attribute_integer_h5(gid, 'nghost' , nghost)
call write_attribute_integer_h5(gid, 'maxlev' , maxlev)
call write_attribute_integer_h5(gid, 'ncpus' , ncpus)
call write_attribute_integer_h5(gid, 'ncpu' , ncpu)
call write_attribute_integer_h5(gid, 'nseeds' , nseeds)
call write_attribute_integer_h5(gid, 'iter' , n)
call write_attribute_integer_h5(gid, 'nfile' , nfile)
! store the real attributes
call write_attribute_double_h5(gid, 'xmin', xmin)
call write_attribute_double_h5(gid, 'xmax', xmax)
call write_attribute_double_h5(gid, 'ymin', ymin)
call write_attribute_double_h5(gid, 'ymax', ymax)
call write_attribute_double_h5(gid, 'zmin', zmin)
call write_attribute_double_h5(gid, 'zmax', zmax)
call write_attribute_double_h5(gid, 'time', t )
call write_attribute_double_h5(gid, 'dt' , dt )
call write_attribute_double_h5(gid, 'dtn' , dtn )
call write_attribute_double_h5(gid, 'cmax', cmax)
! store the vector attributes
dm(:) = (/ in, jn, kn /)
call write_attribute_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'dims' , 3, dm(:))
call write_attribute_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'rdims', 3, rdims(:))
! store random number generator seed values
if (nseeds .gt. 0) then
! allocate space for seeds
! get the seed values
call get_seeds(seeds)
! store them in the current group
call write_attribute_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'seeds', nseeds, seeds(:))
! deallocate seed array
end if ! nseeds > 0
! close the group
call h5gclose_f(gid, err)
! check if the group has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the group
call print_error("io::write_attributes_h5", "Cannot close the group!")
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the group
call print_error("io::write_attributes_h5", "Cannot create the group!")
end if
end subroutine write_attributes_h5
! read_attributes_h5: subroutine restores attributes from an HDF5 file linked
! to the HDF5 file identificator
! info: this subroutine restores only the global attributes
! arguments:
! fid - the HDF5 file identificator
subroutine read_attributes_h5(fid)
! references to other modules
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data
use blocks , only : append_metablock, append_datablock
use blocks , only : set_last_id, get_last_id, get_mblocks, get_dblocks &
, get_nleafs
use config , only : ncells, nghost
use config , only : in, jn, kn, rdims, maxlev
use config , only : xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax
use error , only : print_error, print_warning
use evolution, only : n, t, dt, dtn
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t
use hdf5 , only : h5gopen_f, h5gclose_f, h5aget_num_attrs_f &
, h5aopen_idx_f, h5aclose_f, h5aget_name_f
use mpitools , only : ncpus, ncpu
use random , only : nseeds, set_seeds
use scheme , only : cmax
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: fid
! local variables
character(len=16) :: aname
integer(hid_t) :: gid, aid
integer(hsize_t) :: alen = 16
integer(kind=4) :: dm(3)
integer :: err, i, l
integer :: nattrs, lndims, llast_id, lmblocks, ldblocks &
, lnleafs, lncells, lnghost, lnseeds, lmaxlev, lncpu
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
! allocatable arrays
integer(kind=4), dimension(:), allocatable :: seeds
! open the global attributes group
call h5gopen_f(fid, 'attributes', gid, err)
! check if the group has been opened successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! read the number of global attributes
call h5aget_num_attrs_f(gid, nattrs, err)
! check if the number of attributes has been read successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! iterate over all attributes
do i = 0, nattrs - 1
! open the current attribute
call h5aopen_idx_f(gid, i, aid, err)
! check if the attribute has been opened successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! obtain the attribute name
call h5aget_name_f(aid, alen, aname, err)
! depending on the attribute name use proper subroutine to read its value
select case(trim(aname))
call read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, aname, lndims)
! check if the restart file and compiled program have the same number of
! dimensions
if (lndims .ne. NDIMS) then
call print_error("io::read_attributes_h5" &
, "File and program dimensions are incompatible!")
end if
call read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, aname, lmaxlev)
if (lmaxlev .gt. maxlev) then
call print_warning("io::read_attributes_h5" &
, "The maximum refinement level has been decreased!")
fcor = 2**(maxlev - lmaxlev)
end if
call read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, aname, lncpu)
call read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, aname, llast_id)
call read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, aname, lmblocks)
call read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, aname, ldblocks)
call read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, aname, lnleafs)
call read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, aname, lncells)
! check if the block dimensions are compatible
if (lncells .ne. ncells) then
call print_error("io::read_attributes_h5" &
, "File and program block dimensions are incompatible!")
end if
call read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, aname, lnghost)
! check if the ghost layers are compatible
if (lnghost .ne. nghost) then
call print_error("io::read_attributes_h5" &
, "File and program block ghost layers are incompatible!")
end if
call read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, aname, n)
call read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, aname, nfile)
call read_attribute_double_h5(aid, aname, t)
call read_attribute_double_h5(aid, aname, dt)
call read_attribute_double_h5(aid, aname, dtn)
call read_attribute_double_h5(aid, aname, cmax)
call read_attribute_double_h5(aid, aname, xmin)
call read_attribute_double_h5(aid, aname, xmax)
call read_attribute_double_h5(aid, aname, ymin)
call read_attribute_double_h5(aid, aname, ymax)
call read_attribute_double_h5(aid, aname, zmin)
call read_attribute_double_h5(aid, aname, zmax)
call read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, aname, lnseeds)
! check if the numbers of seeds are compatible
if (lnseeds .ne. nseeds) then
call print_error("io::read_attributes_h5" &
, "The number of seeds from file and program are incompatible!")
end if
! check if the numbers of seeds are compatible
if (lnseeds .eq. nseeds) then
! allocate space for seeds
! store them in the current group
call read_attribute_vector_integer_h5(aid, aname, nseeds &
, seeds(:))
! set the seed values
call set_seeds(seeds(:))
! deallocate seed array
end if
case default
end select
! close the current attribute
call h5aclose_f(aid, err)
! print error about the problem with obtaining the number of attributes
call print_error("io::read_attributes_h5", &
"Cannot open the current attribute!")
end if
end do
! allocate all metablocks
do l = 1, lmblocks
call append_metablock(pmeta)
end do
! check if the number of created metablocks is equal to lbmcloks
if (lmblocks .ne. get_mblocks()) then
call print_error("io::read_attributes_h5" &
, "Number of metablocks doesn't match!")
end if
! allocate all datablocks
if (lncpu .eq. ncpu) then
do l = 1, ldblocks
call append_datablock(pdata)
end do
ldblocks = 0
end if
! check if the number of created datablocks is equal to the ldblocks
if (ldblocks .ne. get_dblocks()) then
call print_error("io::read_attributes_h5" &
, "Number of datablocks doesn't match!")
end if
! allocate an array of pointers with the size llast_id
call set_last_id(llast_id)
! print error about the problem with obtaining the number of attributes
call print_error("io::read_attributes_h5", &
"Cannot get the number of global attributes!")
end if
! close the group
call h5gclose_f(gid, err)
! check if the group has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the group
call print_error("io::read_attributes_h5", "Cannot close the group!")
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the group
call print_error("io::read_attributes_h5", "Cannot open the group!")
end if
end subroutine read_attributes_h5
! write_attribute_integer_h5: subroutine writes an attribute with the integer
! value in a group given by its indentificator
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator
! name - the string name of the attribute
! value - the attribute value
subroutine write_attribute_integer_h5(gid, name, value)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER
use hdf5 , only : h5screate_simple_f, h5sclose_f &
, h5acreate_f, h5awrite_f, h5aclose_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer , intent(in) :: value
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: sid, aid
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: am = (/ 1 /)
integer :: err
! create space for the attribute
call h5screate_simple_f(1, am, sid, err)
! check if the space has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! create the attribute
call h5acreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, sid, aid, err)
! check if the attribute has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! write the attribute data
call h5awrite_f(aid, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, value, am, err)
! check if the attribute data has been written successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with storing the attribute data
call print_error("io::write_attribute_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot write the attribute data in :" // trim(name))
end if
! close the attribute
call h5aclose_f(aid, err)
! check if the attribute has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the attribute
call print_error("io::write_attribute_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot close attribute :" // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the attribute
call print_error("io::write_attribute_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot create attribute :" // trim(name))
end if
! release the space
call h5sclose_f(sid, err)
! check if the space has been released successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the space
call print_error("io::write_attribute_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot close space for attribute :" // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the space for the attribute
call print_error("io::write_attribute_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot create space for attribute :" // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine write_attribute_integer_h5
! read_attribute_integer_h5: subroutine read an integer value from an attribute
! given by the identificator
! arguments:
! aid - the HDF5 attribute identificator
! value - the attribute value
subroutine read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, name, value)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER
use hdf5 , only : h5aread_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: aid
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer , intent(inout) :: value
! local variables
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: am = (/ 1 /)
integer :: err
! read attribute value
call h5aread_f(aid, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, value, am(:), err)
! check if the attribute has been read successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with reading the attribute
call print_error("io::read_attribute_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot read attribute :" // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine read_attribute_integer_h5
! write_attribute_vector_integer_h5: subroutine writes an vector intiger
! attribute in a group given by its indentificator
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator
! name - the string name of the attribute
! length - the vector length
! data - the attribute value
subroutine write_attribute_vector_integer_h5(gid, name, length, data)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER
use hdf5 , only : h5screate_simple_f, h5sclose_f &
, h5acreate_f, h5awrite_f, h5aclose_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
integer , intent(in) :: length
integer(kind=4) , dimension(:), intent(in) :: data
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: sid, aid
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: am
integer :: err
! prepare the space dimensions
am(1) = length
! create space for the attribute
call h5screate_simple_f(1, am, sid, err)
! check if the space has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! create the attribute
call h5acreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, sid, aid, err)
! check if the attribute has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! write the attribute data
call h5awrite_f(aid, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, data, am, err)
! check if the attribute data has been written successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with storing the attribute data
call print_error("io::write_attribute_vector_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot write the attribute data in :" // trim(name))
end if
! close the attribute
call h5aclose_f(aid, err)
! check if the attribute has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the attribute
call print_error("io::write_attribute_vector_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot close attribute :" // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the attribute
call print_error("io::write_attribute_vector_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot create attribute :" // trim(name))
end if
! release the space
call h5sclose_f(sid, err)
! check if the space has been released successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the space
call print_error("io::write_attribute_vector_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot close space for attribute :" // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the space for the attribute
call print_error("io::write_attribute_vector_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot create space for attribute :" // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine write_attribute_vector_integer_h5
! read_attribute_vector_integer_h5: subroutine reads a vector of integer values
! from an attribute given by the identificator
! arguments:
! aid - the HDF5 attribute identificator
! name - the attribute name
! length - the vector length
! value - the attribute value
subroutine read_attribute_vector_integer_h5(aid, name, length, value)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER
use hdf5 , only : h5aread_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: aid
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer , intent(in) :: length
integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: value
! local variables
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: am
integer :: err
! check if the length is larger than 0
if (length .gt. 0) then
! prepare dimension array
am(1) = length
! read attribute value
call h5aread_f(aid, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, value(:), am(:), err)
! check if the attribute has been read successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with reading the attribute
call print_error("io::read_attribute_vector_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot read attribute :" // trim(name))
end if
else ! length > 0
! print error about the wrong vector size
call print_error("io::read_attribute_vector_integer_h5" &
, "Wrong length of vector")
end if ! length > 0
end subroutine read_attribute_vector_integer_h5
! write_attribute_double_h5: subroutine writes a double precision attribute in
! a group given by its indentificator
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator
! name - the string name of the attribute
! value - the attribute value
subroutine write_attribute_double_h5(gid, name, value)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE
use hdf5 , only : h5screate_simple_f, h5sclose_f, h5acreate_f, h5awrite_f &
, h5aclose_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: value
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: sid, aid
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: am = (/ 1 /)
integer :: err
! create space for the attribute
call h5screate_simple_f(1, am, sid, err)
! check if the space has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! create the attribute
call h5acreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, sid, aid, err)
! check if the attribute has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! write the attribute data
call h5awrite_f(aid, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, value, am, err)
! check if the attribute data has been written successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with storing the attribute data
call print_error("io::write_attribute_double_h5" &
, "Cannot write the attribute data in :" // trim(name))
end if
! close the attribute
call h5aclose_f(aid, err)
! check if the attribute has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the attribute
call print_error("io::write_attribute_double_h5" &
, "Cannot close attribute :" // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the attribute
call print_error("io::write_attribute_double_h5" &
, "Cannot create attribute :" // trim(name))
end if
! release the space
call h5sclose_f(sid, err)
! check if the space has been released successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the space
call print_error("io::write_attribute_double_h5" &
, "Cannot close space for attribute :" // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the space for the attribute
call print_error("io::write_attribute_double_h5" &
, "Cannot create space for attribute :" // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine write_attribute_double_h5
! read_attribute_double_h5: subroutine reads a double precision attribute
! arguments:
! aid - the HDF5 attribute identificator
! value - the attribute value
subroutine read_attribute_double_h5(aid, name, value)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE
use hdf5 , only : h5aread_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: aid
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
real(kind=8) , intent(inout) :: value
! local variables
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: am = (/ 1 /)
integer :: err
! read attribute value
call h5aread_f(aid, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, value, am(:), err)
! check if the attribute has been read successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with reading the attribute
call print_error("io::read_attribute_double_h5" &
, "Cannot read attribute :" // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine read_attribute_double_h5
! write_metablocks_h5: subroutine writes metablocks in the HDF5 format connected
! to the provided identificator
! info: this subroutine stores only the metablocks
! arguments:
! fid - the HDF5 file identificator
subroutine write_metablocks_h5(fid)
! references to other modules
use blocks , only : block_meta, list_meta
use blocks , only : get_last_id, get_mblocks, nchild, nsides, nfaces
use error , only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t
use hdf5 , only : h5gcreate_f, h5gclose_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: fid
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: gid
integer(kind=4) :: l, p, i, j, k
integer :: err
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: am, cm
integer(hsize_t), dimension(2) :: dm, pm
integer(hsize_t), dimension(4) :: qm
! local allocatable arrays
integer(kind=4), dimension(:) , allocatable :: idx
integer(kind=4), dimension(:) , allocatable :: par, dat
integer(kind=4), dimension(:) , allocatable :: id, cpu, lev, cfg, ref, lea
real (kind=8), dimension(:) , allocatable :: xmn, xmx, ymn, ymx, zmn, zmx
integer(kind=4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: chl, pos, cor
integer(kind=4), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: ngh
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta
! create the group for metadata
call h5gcreate_f(fid, 'metablocks', gid, err)
! check if the group has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! prepate dimensions
am(1) = get_mblocks()
cm(1) = get_last_id()
dm(1) = get_mblocks()
dm(2) = nchild
pm(1) = get_mblocks()
pm(2) = NDIMS
qm(1) = get_mblocks()
qm(2) = NDIMS
qm(3) = nsides
qm(4) = nfaces
! allocate arrays to store metablocks data
allocate(id (am(1)))
! reset vectors
idx(:) = -1
par(:) = -1
dat(:) = -1
lea(:) = -1
chl(:,:) = -1
ngh(:,:,:,:) = -1
! iterate over all metablocks and fill in the arrays for storage
l = 1
pmeta => list_meta
do while(associated(pmeta))
idx(pmeta%id) = l
if (associated(pmeta%parent)) par(l) = pmeta%parent%id
if (associated(pmeta%data) ) dat(l) = 1
id (l) = pmeta%id
cpu(l) = pmeta%cpu
lev(l) = pmeta%level
cfg(l) = pmeta%config
ref(l) = pmeta%refine
pos(l,:) = pmeta%pos(:)
cor(l,:) = pmeta%coord(:)
if (pmeta%leaf) lea(l) = 1
xmn(l) = pmeta%xmin
xmx(l) = pmeta%xmax
ymn(l) = pmeta%ymin
ymx(l) = pmeta%ymax
zmn(l) = pmeta%zmin
zmx(l) = pmeta%zmax
do p = 1, nchild
if (associated(pmeta%child(p)%ptr)) chl(l,p) = pmeta%child(p)%ptr%id
end do
do i = 1, NDIMS
do j = 1, nsides
do k = 1, nfaces
if (associated(pmeta%neigh(i,j,k)%ptr)) &
ngh(l,i,j,k) = pmeta%neigh(i,j,k)%ptr%id
end do
end do
end do
l = l + 1
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do
! store metadata in the HDF5 file
call write_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'indices', cm(1), idx)
call write_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'parent' , am(1), par)
call write_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'data' , am(1), dat)
call write_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'id' , am(1), id)
call write_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'cpu' , am(1), cpu)
call write_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'level' , am(1), lev)
call write_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'config' , am(1), cfg)
call write_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'refine' , am(1), ref)
call write_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'leaf' , am(1), lea)
call write_vector_double_h5 (gid, 'xmin' , am(1), xmn)
call write_vector_double_h5 (gid, 'xmax' , am(1), xmx)
call write_vector_double_h5 (gid, 'ymin' , am(1), ymn)
call write_vector_double_h5 (gid, 'ymax' , am(1), ymx)
call write_vector_double_h5 (gid, 'zmin' , am(1), zmn)
call write_vector_double_h5 (gid, 'zmax' , am(1), zmx)
call write_array2_integer_h5(gid, 'child' , dm(:), chl)
call write_array2_integer_h5(gid, 'pos' , pm(:), pos)
call write_array2_integer_h5(gid, 'coord' , pm(:), cor)
call write_array4_integer_h5(gid, 'neigh' , qm(:), ngh)
! deallocate allocatable arrays
if (allocated(idx)) deallocate(idx)
if (allocated(par)) deallocate(par)
if (allocated(dat)) deallocate(dat)
if (allocated(id) ) deallocate(id)
if (allocated(cpu)) deallocate(cpu)
if (allocated(lev)) deallocate(lev)
if (allocated(cfg)) deallocate(cfg)
if (allocated(ref)) deallocate(ref)
if (allocated(lea)) deallocate(lea)
if (allocated(xmn)) deallocate(xmn)
if (allocated(xmx)) deallocate(xmx)
if (allocated(ymn)) deallocate(ymn)
if (allocated(ymx)) deallocate(ymx)
if (allocated(zmn)) deallocate(zmn)
if (allocated(zmx)) deallocate(zmx)
if (allocated(chl)) deallocate(chl)
if (allocated(cor)) deallocate(cor)
if (allocated(ngh)) deallocate(ngh)
! close the group
call h5gclose_f(gid, err)
! check if the group has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the group
call print_error("io::write_metablocks_h5", "Cannot close the group!")
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the group
call print_error("io::write_metablocks_h5", "Cannot create the group!")
end if
end subroutine write_metablocks_h5
! read_metablocks_h5: subroutine reads metablocks from the restart HDF5 file
! and restores all their structure fields
! info: this subroutine restores metablocks only
! arguments:
! fid - the HDF5 file identificator
subroutine read_metablocks_h5(fid)
! references to other modules
use blocks , only : block_meta, list_meta
use blocks , only : nchild, nsides, nfaces
use blocks , only : get_mblocks
use blocks , only : metablock_set_id, metablock_set_cpu &
, metablock_set_refine, metablock_set_config &
, metablock_set_level, metablock_set_position &
, metablock_set_coord, metablock_set_bounds &
, metablock_set_leaf
use error , only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t
use hdf5 , only : h5gopen_f, h5gclose_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: fid
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: gid
integer(kind=4) :: l, p, i, j, k
integer :: err
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: am
integer(hsize_t), dimension(2) :: dm, pm
integer(hsize_t), dimension(4) :: qm
! local allocatable arrays
integer(kind=4), dimension(:) , allocatable :: idx
integer(kind=4), dimension(:) , allocatable :: par, dat
integer(kind=4), dimension(:) , allocatable :: id, cpu, lev, cfg, ref, lea
real (kind=8), dimension(:) , allocatable :: xmn, xmx, ymn, ymx, zmn, zmx
integer(kind=4), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: chl, pos, cor
integer(kind=4), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: ngh
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta
! open metablock group
call h5gopen_f(fid, 'metablocks', gid, err)
! check if the group has been opened successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! prepate dimensions
am(1) = get_mblocks()
dm(1) = get_mblocks()
dm(2) = nchild
pm(1) = get_mblocks()
pm(2) = NDIMS
qm(1) = get_mblocks()
qm(2) = NDIMS
qm(3) = nsides
qm(4) = nfaces
! allocate arrays to store metablocks data
allocate(id (am(1)))
! reset vectors
par(:) = -1
dat(:) = -1
lea(:) = -1
chl(:,:) = -1
ngh(:,:,:,:) = -1
! read metablock fields from the HDF5 file
call read_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'id' , am(:), id (:))
call read_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'cpu' , am(:), cpu(:))
call read_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'level' , am(:), lev(:))
call read_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'config' , am(:), cfg(:))
call read_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'refine' , am(:), ref(:))
call read_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'leaf' , am(:), lea(:))
call read_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'parent' , am(:), par(:))
call read_vector_double_h5 (gid, 'xmin' , am(:), xmn(:))
call read_vector_double_h5 (gid, 'xmax' , am(:), xmx(:))
call read_vector_double_h5 (gid, 'ymin' , am(:), ymn(:))
call read_vector_double_h5 (gid, 'ymax' , am(:), ymx(:))
call read_vector_double_h5 (gid, 'zmin' , am(:), zmn(:))
call read_vector_double_h5 (gid, 'zmax' , am(:), zmx(:))
call read_array2_integer_h5(gid, 'pos' , pm(:), pos(:,:))
call read_array2_integer_h5(gid, 'coord' , pm(:), cor(:,:))
call read_array2_integer_h5(gid, 'child' , dm(:), chl(:,:))
call read_array4_integer_h5(gid, 'neigh' , qm(:), ngh(:,:,:,:))
! check if the maximum level has been changed, is so, rescale block coordinates
if (fcor .gt. 1) then
cor(:,:) = cor(:,:) * fcor
end if
! prepare the array of pointers to metablocks
l = 1
pmeta => list_meta
do while(associated(pmeta))
block_array(id(l))%ptr => pmeta
call metablock_set_id (pmeta, id (l))
call metablock_set_cpu (pmeta, cpu(l))
call metablock_set_refine (pmeta, ref(l))
call metablock_set_config (pmeta, cfg(l))
call metablock_set_level (pmeta, lev(l))
call metablock_set_position(pmeta, pos(l,1), pos(l,2), pos(l,3))
call metablock_set_coord (pmeta, cor(l,1), cor(l,2), cor(l,3))
call metablock_set_bounds (pmeta, xmn(l), xmx(l), ymn(l), ymx(l) &
, zmn(l), zmx(l))
if (lea(l) .eq. 1) call metablock_set_leaf(pmeta)
l = l + 1
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do
! iterate over all metablocks and restore pointers
l = 1
pmeta => list_meta
do while(associated(pmeta))
if (par(l) .gt. 0) pmeta%parent => block_array(par(l))%ptr
do p = 1, nchild
if (chl(l,p) .gt. 0) then
pmeta%child(p)%ptr => block_array(chl(l,p))%ptr
end if
end do
do i = 1, NDIMS
do j = 1, nsides
do k = 1, nfaces
if (ngh(l,i,j,k) .gt. 0) then
pmeta%neigh(i,j,k)%ptr => block_array(ngh(l,i,j,k))%ptr
end if
end do
end do
end do
l = l + 1
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do
! deallocate allocatable arrays
if (allocated(id) ) deallocate(id )
if (allocated(par)) deallocate(par)
if (allocated(dat)) deallocate(dat)
if (allocated(cpu)) deallocate(cpu)
if (allocated(lev)) deallocate(lev)
if (allocated(cfg)) deallocate(cfg)
if (allocated(ref)) deallocate(ref)
if (allocated(lea)) deallocate(lea)
if (allocated(xmn)) deallocate(xmn)
if (allocated(xmx)) deallocate(xmx)
if (allocated(ymn)) deallocate(ymn)
if (allocated(ymx)) deallocate(ymx)
if (allocated(zmn)) deallocate(zmn)
if (allocated(zmx)) deallocate(zmx)
if (allocated(chl)) deallocate(chl)
if (allocated(cor)) deallocate(cor)
if (allocated(ngh)) deallocate(ngh)
! close the group
call h5gclose_f(gid, err)
! check if the group has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the group
call print_error("io::read_metablocks_h5" &
, "Cannot close metablock group!")
end if
! print error about the problem with opening the group
call print_error("io::read_metablocks_h5", "Cannot open metablock group!")
end if
end subroutine read_metablocks_h5
! write_datablocks_h5: subroutine writes datablocks in the HDF5 format connected
! to the provided identificator
! info: this subroutine stores only the datablocks
! arguments:
! fid - the HDF5 file identificator
subroutine write_datablocks_h5(fid)
! references to other modules
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, list_data
use blocks , only : get_dblocks
use config , only : im, jm, km
use error , only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t
use hdf5 , only : h5gcreate_f, h5gclose_f
use variables, only : nqt
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: fid
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: gid
integer(kind=4) :: l
integer :: err
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: am
integer(hsize_t), dimension(5) :: cm, dm
integer(hsize_t), dimension(6) :: qm
! local allocatable arrays
integer(kind=4), dimension(:) , allocatable :: met
real(kind=8) , dimension(:,:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: u
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
! create the group for datablocks
call h5gcreate_f(fid, 'datablocks', gid, err)
! check if the group has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! store data blocks only if there are some on the current processor
if (get_dblocks() .gt. 0) then
! prepate dimensions
am(1) = get_dblocks()
cm(1) = get_dblocks()
dm(1) = get_dblocks()
dm(2) = nqt
dm(3) = im
dm(4) = jm
dm(5) = km
qm(1) = get_dblocks()
qm(2) = NDIMS
qm(3) = nqt
qm(4) = im
qm(5) = jm
qm(6) = km
cm(2) = 3
cm(3) = im
cm(4) = jm
cm(5) = km
! allocate arrays to store datablocks data
allocate(u (dm(1),dm(2),dm(3),dm(4),dm(5)))
! iterate over all metablocks and fill in the arrays for storage
l = 1
pdata => list_data
do while(associated(pdata))
if (associated(pdata%meta)) met(l) = pdata%meta%id
u(l,:,:,:,:) = pdata%u(:,:,:,:)
l = l + 1
pdata => pdata%next
end do
! store datablocks in the HDF5 file
call write_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'meta', am(1), met)
call write_array5_double_h5 (gid, 'u' , dm(:), u)
! deallocate allocatable arrays
if (allocated(met)) deallocate(met)
if (allocated(u) ) deallocate(u)
end if ! dblocks > 0
! close the group
call h5gclose_f(gid, err)
! check if the group has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the group
call print_error("io::write_datablocks_h5", "Cannot close the group!")
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the group
call print_error("io::write_datablocks_h5", "Cannot create the group!")
end if
end subroutine write_datablocks_h5
! read_datablocks_h5: subroutine restored datablocks from the HDF5 restart file
! info: this subroutine restores only the datablocks
! arguments:
! fid - the HDF5 file identificator
subroutine read_datablocks_h5(fid)
! references to other modules
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, list_data
use blocks , only : associate_blocks
use blocks , only : get_dblocks
use config , only : im, jm, km
use error , only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t
use hdf5 , only : h5gopen_f, h5gclose_f
use variables, only : nqt
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: fid
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: gid
integer(kind=4) :: l
integer :: err
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: am
integer(hsize_t), dimension(5) :: dm
! local allocatable arrays
integer(kind=4), dimension(:) , allocatable :: m
real(kind=8) , dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: u
! local pointers
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
! open the datablock group
call h5gopen_f(fid, 'datablocks', gid, err)
! check if the datablock group has been opened successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! restore all data blocks
if (get_dblocks() .gt. 0) then
! prepate dimensions
am(1) = get_dblocks()
dm(1) = get_dblocks()
dm(2) = nqt
dm(3) = im
dm(4) = jm
dm(5) = km
! allocate array to restore datablocks data
! read datablocks from the HDF5 file
call read_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'meta', am(:), m(:))
call read_array5_double_h5 (gid, 'u' , dm(:), u(:,:,:,:,:))
! iterate over all data blocks and fill their U arrays
l = 1
pdata => list_data
do while(associated(pdata))
call associate_blocks(block_array(m(l))%ptr, pdata)
pdata%u(:,:,:,:) = u(l,:,:,:,:)
l = l + 1
pdata => pdata%next
end do
! deallocate allocatable arrays
if (allocated(m)) deallocate(m)
if (allocated(u)) deallocate(u)
end if ! dblocks > 0
! close the group
call h5gclose_f(gid, err)
! check if the group has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the group
call print_error("io::read_datablocks_h5" &
, "Cannot close datablock group!")
end if
! print error about the problem with opening the group
call print_error("io::read_datablocks_h5", "Cannot open datablock group!")
end if
end subroutine read_datablocks_h5
! write_coordinates_h5: subroutine writes data block coordinates and other
! variables which determine geometrical position of
! the blocks
! info: this subroutine stores coordinates
! arguments:
! fid - the HDF5 file identificator
subroutine write_coordinates_h5(fid)
! references to other modules
use blocks, only : block_meta, block_data, list_data
use blocks, only : nsides
use blocks, only : get_dblocks
use config, only : maxlev
use error , only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t
use hdf5 , only : h5gcreate_f, h5gclose_f
use coords, only : adx, ady, adz, res
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: fid
! HDF5 variables
integer(hid_t) :: gid
! local variables
integer :: err
integer(kind=4) :: l
integer(hsize_t) :: am(1), cm(2), rm(2), dm(3)
! local allocatable arrays
integer(kind=4), dimension(:) , allocatable :: lev, ref
integer(kind=4), dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: cor
real (kind=8), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: bnd
! local pointers
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
! create a group to store global attributes
call h5gcreate_f(fid, 'coordinates', gid, err)
! check if the group has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! store coordinates only if there are some data blocks on the current processor
if (get_dblocks() .gt. 0) then
! prepare dimensions
am(1) = maxlev
cm(1) = get_dblocks()
cm(2) = NDIMS
rm(1) = maxlev
rm(2) = NDIMS
dm(1) = get_dblocks()
dm(2) = NDIMS
dm(3) = nsides
! allocate arrays to store coordinates
! iterate over all data blocks and fill in the arrays
l = 1
pdata => list_data
do while(associated(pdata))
! fill in the level array
lev(l) = pdata%meta%level
! fill in the refinement flag
ref(l) = pdata%meta%refine
! fill in the coordinate array
cor(l,:) = pdata%meta%coord(:)
! fill in the bounds array
bnd(l,1,1) = pdata%meta%xmin
bnd(l,1,2) = pdata%meta%xmax
bnd(l,2,1) = pdata%meta%ymin
bnd(l,2,2) = pdata%meta%ymax
#if NDIMS == 3
bnd(l,3,1) = pdata%meta%zmin
bnd(l,3,2) = pdata%meta%zmax
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
l = l + 1
pdata => pdata%next
end do
! write the arrays to the HDF5 file
call write_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'levels', cm(1), lev)
call write_vector_integer_h5(gid, 'refine', cm(1), ref)
call write_array2_integer_h5(gid, 'blkres', rm(:), res(:,1:NDIMS))
call write_array2_integer_h5(gid, 'coords', cm(:), cor)
call write_array3_double_h5 (gid, 'bounds', dm(:), bnd)
call write_vector_double_h5 (gid, 'dx' , am(1), adx)
call write_vector_double_h5 (gid, 'dy' , am(1), ady)
call write_vector_double_h5 (gid, 'dz' , am(1), adz)
! deallocate temporary arrays
if (allocated(lev)) deallocate(lev)
if (allocated(ref)) deallocate(ref)
if (allocated(cor)) deallocate(cor)
if (allocated(bnd)) deallocate(bnd)
end if ! dblocks > 0
! close the attribute group
call h5gclose_f(gid, err)
! check if the group has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the group
call print_error("io::write_coordinates_h5", "Cannot close the group!")
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the group
call print_error("io::write_coordinates_h5", "Cannot create the group!")
end if
end subroutine write_coordinates_h5
! write_variables_full_h5: subroutine writes each variable from datablocks in a
! separate array in the HDF5 format connected to the
! provided identificator
! info: this subroutine stores variables with ghost cells
! arguments:
! fid - the HDF5 file identificator
subroutine write_variables_full_h5(fid)
! references to other modules
use blocks , only : block_data, list_data
use blocks , only : get_dblocks
use config , only : im, jm, km
use error , only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t
use hdf5 , only : h5gcreate_f, h5gclose_f
use scheme , only : cons2prim
use variables , only : nvr, nqt
use variables , only : idn, imx, imy, imz, ivx, ivy, ivz
#ifdef ADI
use variables , only : ien, ipr
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
use variables , only : ibx, iby, ibz
#ifdef GLM
use variables , only : iph
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: fid
! HDF5 variables
integer(hid_t) :: gid
integer(hsize_t) :: dm(4)
! local variables
integer :: err
integer(kind=4) :: i, j, k, l
! local allocatable arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: u, q
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: dens
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: momx, momy, momz
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: velx, vely, velz
#ifdef ADI
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: ener, pres
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: magx, magy, magz
#ifdef GLM
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: bpsi
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
! local pointers
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
! create a group to store global attributes
call h5gcreate_f(fid, 'variables', gid, err)
! check if the group has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! store variables only if there are some data blocks on the current processor
if (get_dblocks() .gt. 0) then
! prepare dimensions
dm(1) = get_dblocks()
dm(2) = im
dm(3) = jm
dm(4) = km
! allocate arrays to store variables from all datablocks
#ifdef ADI
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
#ifdef GLM
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
! iterate over all data blocks and fill in the arrays
l = 1
pdata => list_data
do while(associated(pdata))
! copy conserved variables from the current block to the temporary array
u(1:nqt,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = pdata%u(1:nqt,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
! obtain the primitive variables from the conserved ones
do k = 1, km
do j = 1, jm
call cons2prim(im, u(:,:,j,k), q(:,:,j,k))
end do
end do
dens(l,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = u(idn,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
momx(l,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = u(imx,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
momy(l,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = u(imy,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
momz(l,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = u(imz,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
velx(l,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = q(ivx,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
vely(l,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = q(ivy,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
velz(l,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = q(ivz,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
#ifdef ADI
ener(l,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = u(ien,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
pres(l,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = q(ipr,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
magx(l,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = u(ibx,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
magy(l,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = u(iby,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
magz(l,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = u(ibz,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
#ifdef GLM
bpsi(l,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = q(iph,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
l = l + 1
pdata => pdata%next
end do
! write the variables to the HDF5 file
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'dens', dm, dens)
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'momx', dm, momx)
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'momy', dm, momy)
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'momz', dm, momz)
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'velx', dm, velx)
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'vely', dm, vely)
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'velz', dm, velz)
#ifdef ADI
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'ener', dm, ener)
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'pres', dm, pres)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'magx', dm, magx)
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'magy', dm, magy)
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'magz', dm, magz)
#ifdef GLM
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'bpsi', dm, bpsi)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
! deallocate allocatable arrays
if (allocated(dens)) deallocate(dens)
if (allocated(momx)) deallocate(momx)
if (allocated(momy)) deallocate(momy)
if (allocated(momz)) deallocate(momz)
if (allocated(velx)) deallocate(velx)
if (allocated(vely)) deallocate(vely)
if (allocated(velz)) deallocate(velz)
#ifdef ADI
if (allocated(ener)) deallocate(ener)
if (allocated(pres)) deallocate(pres)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
if (allocated(magx)) deallocate(magx)
if (allocated(magy)) deallocate(magy)
if (allocated(magz)) deallocate(magz)
#ifdef GLM
if (allocated(bpsi)) deallocate(bpsi)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
if (allocated(u)) deallocate(u)
if (allocated(q)) deallocate(q)
end if ! dblocks > 0
! close the attribute group
call h5gclose_f(gid, err)
! check if the group has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the group
call print_error("io::write_variables_full_h5" &
, "Cannot close the group!")
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the group
call print_error("io::write_variables_full_h5" &
, "Cannot create the group!")
end if
end subroutine write_variables_full_h5
! write_variables_h5: subroutine writes each variable from datablocks in a
! separate array in the HDF5 format connected to the
! provided identificator
! info: this subroutine stores variables
! arguments:
! fid - the HDF5 file identificator
subroutine write_variables_h5(fid)
! references to other modules
use blocks , only : block_data, list_data
use blocks , only : get_dblocks
use config , only : im, jm, km, in, jn, kn, ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
use error , only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t
use hdf5 , only : h5gcreate_f, h5gclose_f
use scheme , only : cons2prim
use variables , only : nvr, nqt
use variables , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz
#ifdef ADI
use variables , only : ipr
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
use variables , only : ibx, iby, ibz
#endif /* MHD */
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t), intent(in) :: fid
! HDF5 variables
integer(hid_t) :: gid
integer(hsize_t) :: dm(4)
! local variables
integer :: err
integer(kind=4) :: i, j, k, l
! local allocatable arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: u, q
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: dens, velx, vely, velz
#ifdef ADI
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: pres
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: magx, magy, magz
#endif /* MHD */
! local pointers
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
! create a group to store global attributes
call h5gcreate_f(fid, 'variables', gid, err)
! check if the group has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! store variables only if there are some data blocks on the current processor
if (get_dblocks() .gt. 0) then
! prepare dimensions
dm(1) = get_dblocks()
dm(2) = in
dm(3) = jn
dm(4) = kn
! allocate arrays to store variables from all datablocks
allocate(u(nvr ,im,jm,km))
allocate(q(nvr ,im,jm,km))
#ifdef ADI
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
#endif /* MHD */
! iterate over all data blocks and fill in the arrays
l = 1
pdata => list_data
do while(associated(pdata))
! copy conserved variables from the current block to the temporary array
u(1:nqt,1:im,1:jm,1:km) = pdata%u(1:nqt,1:im,1:jm,1:km)
! obtain the primitive variables from the conserved ones
do k = 1, km
do j = 1, jm
call cons2prim(im, u(:,:,j,k), q(:,:,j,k))
end do
end do
dens(l,1:in,1:jn,1:kn) = q(idn,ib:ie,jb:je,kb:ke)
velx(l,1:in,1:jn,1:kn) = q(ivx,ib:ie,jb:je,kb:ke)
vely(l,1:in,1:jn,1:kn) = q(ivy,ib:ie,jb:je,kb:ke)
velz(l,1:in,1:jn,1:kn) = q(ivz,ib:ie,jb:je,kb:ke)
#ifdef ADI
pres(l,1:in,1:jn,1:kn) = q(ipr,ib:ie,jb:je,kb:ke)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
magx(l,1:in,1:jn,1:kn) = q(ibx,ib:ie,jb:je,kb:ke)
magy(l,1:in,1:jn,1:kn) = q(iby,ib:ie,jb:je,kb:ke)
magz(l,1:in,1:jn,1:kn) = q(ibz,ib:ie,jb:je,kb:ke)
#endif /* MHD */
l = l + 1
pdata => pdata%next
end do
! write the variables to the HDF5 file
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'dens', dm, dens)
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'velx', dm, velx)
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'vely', dm, vely)
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'velz', dm, velz)
#ifdef ADI
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'pres', dm, pres)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'magx', dm, magx)
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'magy', dm, magy)
call write_array4_double_h5(gid, 'magz', dm, magz)
#endif /* MHD */
! deallocate allocatable arrays
if (allocated(dens)) deallocate(dens)
if (allocated(velx)) deallocate(velx)
if (allocated(vely)) deallocate(vely)
if (allocated(velz)) deallocate(velz)
#ifdef ADI
if (allocated(pres)) deallocate(pres)
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
if (allocated(magx)) deallocate(magx)
if (allocated(magy)) deallocate(magy)
if (allocated(magz)) deallocate(magz)
#endif /* MHD */
if (allocated(u)) deallocate(u)
if (allocated(q)) deallocate(q)
end if ! dblocks > 0
! close the attribute group
call h5gclose_f(gid, err)
! check if the group has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the group
call print_error("io::write_variables_h5", "Cannot close the group!")
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the group
call print_error("io::write_variables_h5", "Cannot create the group!")
end if
end subroutine write_variables_h5
! write_vector_integer_h5: subroutine stores a 1D integer vector in a group
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator
! name - the string name representing the dataset
! length - the vector length
! value - the data
subroutine write_vector_integer_h5(gid, name, length, data)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER
use hdf5 , only : h5screate_simple_f, h5sclose_f &
, h5dcreate_f, h5dwrite_f, h5dclose_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
integer(hsize_t) , intent(in) :: length
integer(kind=4) , dimension(:), intent(in) :: data
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: sid, did
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: am
integer :: err
! prepare the vector dimensions
am(1) = length
! create space for the vector
call h5screate_simple_f(1, am, sid, err)
! check if the space has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! create the dataset
call h5dcreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, sid, did, err)
! check if the dataset has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! write the dataset data
call h5dwrite_f(did, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, data(:), am, err, sid)
! check if the dataset has been written successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with writing down the dataset
call print_error("io::write_vector_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot write dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! close the dataset
call h5dclose_f(did, err)
! check if the dataset has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the dataset
call print_error("io::write_vector_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot close dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the dataset
call print_error("io::write_vector_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot create dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! release the space
call h5sclose_f(sid, err)
! check if the space has been released successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the space
call print_error("io::write_vector_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot close space for dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the space for the attribute
call print_error("io::write_vector_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot create space for dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine write_vector_integer_h5
! read_vector_integer_h5: subroutine reads a 1D integer vector
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator
! name - the string name representing the dataset
! length - the vector length
! value - the data
subroutine read_vector_integer_h5(gid, name, dm, data)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER
use hdf5 , only : h5dopen_f, h5dread_f, h5dclose_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1), intent(inout) :: dm
integer(kind=4) , dimension(:), intent(inout) :: data
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: did
integer :: err
! open the dataset
call h5dopen_f(gid, name, did, err)
! check if the dataset has been opened successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! read the dataset data
call h5dread_f(did, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, data(:), dm(:), err)
! check if the dataset has been read successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with reading the dataset
call print_error("io::read_vector_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot read dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! close the dataset
call h5dclose_f(did, err)
! check if the dataset has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the dataset
call print_error("io::read_vector_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot close dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with opening the dataset
call print_error("io::read_vector_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot open dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine read_vector_integer_h5
! write_array2_integer_h5: subroutine stores a 2D integer array in a group
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator
! name - the string name representing the dataset
! dm - the data dimensions
! value - the data
subroutine write_array2_integer_h5(gid, name, dm, var)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER
use hdf5 , only : h5screate_simple_f, h5sclose_f &
, h5dcreate_f, h5dwrite_f, h5dclose_f
use hdf5 , only : H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F
use hdf5 , only : h5pcreate_f, h5pset_chunk_f, h5pclose_f
#ifdef DEFLATE
use hdf5 , only : h5pset_deflate_f
#endif /* DEFLATE */
#ifdef SZIP
use hdf5 , only : H5_SZIP_NN_OM_F
use hdf5 , only : h5pset_szip_f
#endif /* SZIP */
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
integer(hsize_t), dimension(2) , intent(in) :: dm
integer(kind=4) , dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: var
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: sid, pid, did
integer :: err
logical :: compress = .false.
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! create space for the vector
call h5screate_simple_f(2, dm, sid, err)
! check if the space has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! prepare compression
call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F, pid, err)
! check if the properties have been created properly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! so far ok, so turn on the compression
compress = .true.
! set the chunk size
call h5pset_chunk_f(pid, 2, dm, err)
! check if the chunk size has been set properly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with setting the chunk size
call print_error("io::write_array4_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot set the size of the chunk!")
! setting the size of the chunk failed, so turn off the compression
compress = .false.
end if
! set the compression algorithm
#ifdef DEFLATE
call h5pset_deflate_f(pid, 9, err)
#endif /* DEFLATE */
#ifdef SZIP
if (product(dm) .ge. 32) &
call h5pset_szip_f(pid, H5_SZIP_NN_OM_F, 32, err)
#endif /* SZIP */
! check if the compression algorithm has been set properly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with setting the compression method
call print_error("io::write_array4_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot set the compression method!")
! setting compression method failed, so turn off the compression
compress = .false.
end if
end if
! check if it is safe to use compression
if (compress) then
! create the dataset
call h5dcreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, sid, did, err, pid)
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! create the dataset
call h5dcreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, sid, did, err)
end if
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! check if the dataset has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! write the dataset data
call h5dwrite_f(did, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, var(:,:), dm, err, sid)
! check if the dataset has been written successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with writing down the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array2_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot write dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! close the dataset
call h5dclose_f(did, err)
! check if the dataset has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array2_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot close dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array2_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot create dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! release the space
call h5sclose_f(sid, err)
! check if the space has been released successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the space
call print_error("io::write_array2_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot close space for dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the space for the attribute
call print_error("io::write_array2_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot create space for dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine write_array2_integer_h5
! read_array2_integer_h5: subroutine reads a 2D integer array
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator
! name - the string name representing the dataset
! dm - the data dimensions
! value - the data
subroutine read_array2_integer_h5(gid, name, dm, var)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER
use hdf5 , only : h5dopen_f, h5dread_f, h5dclose_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
integer(hsize_t), dimension(2) , intent(inout) :: dm
integer(kind=4) , dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: var
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: did
integer :: err
! open the dataset
call h5dopen_f(gid, name, did, err)
! check if the dataset has been opened successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! read dataset data
call h5dread_f(did, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, var(:,:), dm(:), err)
! check if the dataset has been read successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with reading the dataset
call print_error("io::read_array2_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot read dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! close the dataset
call h5dclose_f(did, err)
! check if the dataset has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the dataset
call print_error("io::read_array2_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot close dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with opening the dataset
call print_error("io::read_array2_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot open dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine read_array2_integer_h5
! write_array4_integer_h5: subroutine stores a 4D integer array in a group
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator
! name - the string name representing the dataset
! dm - the data dimensions
! value - the data
subroutine write_array4_integer_h5(gid, name, dm, var)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER
use hdf5 , only : h5screate_simple_f, h5sclose_f &
, h5dcreate_f, h5dwrite_f, h5dclose_f
use hdf5 , only : H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F
use hdf5 , only : h5pcreate_f, h5pset_chunk_f, h5pclose_f
#ifdef DEFLATE
use hdf5 , only : h5pset_deflate_f
#endif /* DEFLATE */
#ifdef SZIP
use hdf5 , only : H5_SZIP_NN_OM_F
use hdf5 , only : h5pset_szip_f
#endif /* SZIP */
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
integer(hsize_t), dimension(4) , intent(in) :: dm
integer(kind=4) , dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: var
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: sid, pid, did
integer :: err
logical :: compress = .false.
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! create space for the vector
call h5screate_simple_f(4, dm, sid, err)
! check if the space has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! prepare compression
call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F, pid, err)
! check if the properties have been created properly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! so far ok, so turn on the compression
compress = .true.
! set the chunk size
call h5pset_chunk_f(pid, 4, dm, err)
! check if the chunk size has been set properly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with setting the chunk size
call print_error("io::write_array4_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot set the size of the chunk!")
! setting the size of the chunk failed, so turn off the compression
compress = .false.
end if
! set the compression algorithm
#ifdef DEFLATE
call h5pset_deflate_f(pid, 9, err)
#endif /* DEFLATE */
#ifdef SZIP
if (product(dm) .ge. 32) &
call h5pset_szip_f(pid, H5_SZIP_NN_OM_F, 32, err)
#endif /* SZIP */
! check if the compression algorithm has been set properly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with setting the compression method
call print_error("io::write_array4_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot set the compression method!")
! setting compression method failed, so turn off the compression
compress = .false.
end if
end if
! check if it is safe to use compression
if (compress) then
! create the dataset
call h5dcreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, sid, did, err, pid)
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! create the dataset
call h5dcreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, sid, did, err)
end if
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! check if the dataset has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! write the dataset data
call h5dwrite_f(did, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, var(:,:,:,:), dm, err, sid)
! check if the dataset has been written successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with writing down the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array4_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot write dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! close the dataset
call h5dclose_f(did, err)
! check if the dataset has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array4_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot close dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array4_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot create dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! release the space
call h5sclose_f(sid, err)
! check if the space has been released successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the space
call print_error("io::write_array4_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot close space for dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the space for the attribute
call print_error("io::write_array4_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot create space for dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine write_array4_integer_h5
! read_array4_integer_h5: subroutine reads a 4D integer array
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator
! name - the string name representing the dataset
! dm - the data dimensions
! value - the data
subroutine read_array4_integer_h5(gid, name, dm, var)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER
use hdf5 , only : h5dopen_f, h5dread_f, h5dclose_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
integer(hsize_t), dimension(4) , intent(inout) :: dm
integer(kind=4) , dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: var
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: did
integer :: err
! open the dataset
call h5dopen_f(gid, name, did, err)
! check if the dataset has been opened successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! read dataset data
call h5dread_f(did, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, var(:,:,:,:), dm(:), err)
! check if the dataset has been read successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with reading the dataset
call print_error("io::read_array4_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot read dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! close the dataset
call h5dclose_f(did, err)
! check if the dataset has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the dataset
call print_error("io::read_array4_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot close dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with opening the dataset
call print_error("io::read_array4_integer_h5" &
, "Cannot open dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine read_array4_integer_h5
! write_vector_double_h5: subroutine stores a 1D double precision vector in
! a group
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator
subroutine write_vector_double_h5(gid, name, length, data)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE
use hdf5 , only : h5screate_simple_f, h5sclose_f &
, h5dcreate_f, h5dwrite_f, h5dclose_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
integer(hsize_t) , intent(in) :: length
real(kind=8) , dimension(:), intent(in) :: data
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: sid, did
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: am
integer :: err
! prepare the vector dimensions
am(1) = length
! create space for the vector
call h5screate_simple_f(1, am, sid, err)
! check if the space has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! create the dataset
call h5dcreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, sid, did, err)
! check if the dataset has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! write the dataset data
call h5dwrite_f(did, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, data(:), am, err, sid)
! check if the dataset has been written successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with writing down the dataset
call print_error("io::write_vector_double_h5" &
, "Cannot write dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! close the dataset
call h5dclose_f(did, err)
! check if the dataset has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the dataset
call print_error("io::write_vector_double_h5" &
, "Cannot close dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the dataset
call print_error("io::write_vector_double_h5" &
, "Cannot create dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! release the space
call h5sclose_f(sid, err)
! check if the space has been released successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the space
call print_error("io::write_vector_double_h5" &
, "Cannot close space for dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the space for the attribute
call print_error("io::write_vector_double_h5" &
, "Cannot create space for dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine write_vector_double_h5
! read_vector_double_h5: subroutine reads a 1D double precision vector
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator
! name - the string name representing the dataset
! dm - the vector dimensions
! value - the data
subroutine read_vector_double_h5(gid, name, dm, data)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE
use hdf5 , only : h5dopen_f, h5dread_f, h5dclose_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1), intent(inout) :: dm
real(kind=8) , dimension(:), intent(inout) :: data
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: did
integer :: err
! open the dataset
call h5dopen_f(gid, name, did, err)
! check if the dataset has been opened successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! read the dataset data
call h5dread_f(did, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, data(:), dm(:), err)
! check if the dataset has been read successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with reading the dataset
call print_error("io::read_vector_double_h5" &
, "Cannot read dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! close the dataset
call h5dclose_f(did, err)
! check if the dataset has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the dataset
call print_error("io::read_vector_double_h5" &
, "Cannot close dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with opening the dataset
call print_error("io::read_vector_double_h5" &
, "Cannot open dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine read_vector_double_h5
! write_array3_double_h5: subroutine stores a 3D double precision array
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator
! name - the string name representing the dataset
! dm - the data dimensions
! value - the data
subroutine write_array3_double_h5(gid, name, dm, var)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE
use hdf5 , only : h5screate_simple_f, h5sclose_f &
, h5dcreate_f, h5dwrite_f, h5dclose_f
use hdf5 , only : H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F
use hdf5 , only : h5pcreate_f, h5pset_chunk_f, h5pclose_f
#ifdef DEFLATE
use hdf5 , only : h5pset_deflate_f
#endif /* DEFLATE */
#ifdef SZIP
use hdf5 , only : H5_SZIP_NN_OM_F
use hdf5 , only : h5pset_szip_f
#endif /* SZIP */
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
integer(hsize_t), dimension(3) , intent(in) :: dm
real(kind=8) , dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: var
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: sid, pid, did
integer :: err
logical :: compress = .false.
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! create space for the vector
call h5screate_simple_f(3, dm, sid, err)
! check if the space has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! prepare compression
call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F, pid, err)
! check if the properties have been created properly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! so far ok, so turn on the compression
compress = .true.
! set the chunk size
call h5pset_chunk_f(pid, 3, dm, err)
! check if the chunk size has been set properly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with setting the chunk size
call print_error("io::write_array3_double_h5" &
, "Cannot set the size of the chunk!")
! setting the size of the chunk failed, so turn off the compression
compress = .false.
end if
! set the compression algorithm
#ifdef DEFLATE
call h5pset_deflate_f(pid, 9, err)
#endif /* DEFLATE */
#ifdef SZIP
if (product(dm) .ge. 32) &
call h5pset_szip_f(pid, H5_SZIP_NN_OM_F, 32, err)
#endif /* SZIP */
! check if the compression algorithm has been set properly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with setting the compression method
call print_error("io::write_array3_double_h5" &
, "Cannot set the compression method!")
! setting compression method failed, so turn off the compression
compress = .false.
end if
end if
! check if it is safe to use compression
if (compress) then
! create the dataset
call h5dcreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, sid, did, err, pid)
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! create the dataset
call h5dcreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, sid, did, err)
end if
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! check if the dataset has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! write the dataset data
call h5dwrite_f(did, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, var(:,:,:), dm, err, sid)
! check if the dataset has been written successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with writing down the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array3_double_h5" &
, "Cannot write dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! close the dataset
call h5dclose_f(did, err)
! check if the dataset has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array3_double_h5" &
, "Cannot close dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array3_double_h5" &
, "Cannot create dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! release the space
call h5sclose_f(sid, err)
! check if the space has been released successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the space
call print_error("io::write_array3_double_h5" &
, "Cannot close space for dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the space for the attribute
call print_error("io::write_array3_double_h5" &
, "Cannot create space for dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine write_array3_double_h5
! write_array4_double_h5: subroutine stores a 4D double precision array
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator
! name - the string name representing the dataset
! dm - the data dimensions
! value - the data
subroutine write_array4_double_h5(gid, name, dm, var)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE
use hdf5 , only : h5screate_simple_f, h5sclose_f &
, h5dcreate_f, h5dwrite_f, h5dclose_f
use hdf5 , only : H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F
use hdf5 , only : h5pcreate_f, h5pset_chunk_f, h5pclose_f
#ifdef DEFLATE
use hdf5 , only : h5pset_deflate_f
#endif /* DEFLATE */
#ifdef SZIP
use hdf5 , only : H5_SZIP_NN_OM_F
use hdf5 , only : h5pset_szip_f
#endif /* SZIP */
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
integer(hsize_t), dimension(4) , intent(in) :: dm
real(kind=8) , dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: var
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: sid, pid, did
integer :: err
logical :: compress = .false.
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! create space for the vector
call h5screate_simple_f(4, dm, sid, err)
! check if the space has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! prepare compression
call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F, pid, err)
! check if the properties have been created properly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! so far ok, so turn on the compression
compress = .true.
! set the chunk size
call h5pset_chunk_f(pid, 4, dm, err)
! check if the chunk size has been set properly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with setting the chunk size
call print_error("io::write_array4_double_h5" &
, "Cannot set the size of the chunk!")
! setting the size of the chunk failed, so turn off the compression
compress = .false.
end if
! set the compression algorithm
#ifdef DEFLATE
call h5pset_deflate_f(pid, 9, err)
#endif /* DEFLATE */
#ifdef SZIP
if (product(dm) .ge. 32) &
call h5pset_szip_f(pid, H5_SZIP_NN_OM_F, 32, err)
#endif /* SZIP */
! check if the compression algorithm has been set properly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with setting the compression method
call print_error("io::write_array4_double_h5" &
, "Cannot set the compression method!")
! setting compression method failed, so turn off the compression
compress = .false.
end if
end if
! check if it is safe to use compression
if (compress) then
! create the dataset
call h5dcreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, sid, did, err, pid)
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! create the dataset
call h5dcreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, sid, did, err)
end if
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! check if the dataset has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! write the dataset data
call h5dwrite_f(did, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, var(:,:,:,:), dm, err, sid)
! check if the dataset has been written successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with writing down the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array4_double_h5" &
, "Cannot write dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! close the dataset
call h5dclose_f(did, err)
! check if the dataset has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array4_double_h5" &
, "Cannot close dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array4_double_h5" &
, "Cannot create dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! release the space
call h5sclose_f(sid, err)
! check if the space has been released successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the space
call print_error("io::write_array4_double_h5" &
, "Cannot close space for dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the space for the attribute
call print_error("io::write_array4_double_h5" &
, "Cannot create space for dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine write_array4_double_h5
! write_array5_double_h5: subroutine stores a 5D double precision array
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator
! name - the string name representing the dataset
! dm - the data dimensions
! value - the data
subroutine write_array5_double_h5(gid, name, dm, var)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE
use hdf5 , only : h5screate_simple_f, h5sclose_f &
, h5dcreate_f, h5dwrite_f, h5dclose_f
use hdf5 , only : H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F
use hdf5 , only : h5pcreate_f, h5pset_chunk_f, h5pclose_f
#ifdef DEFLATE
use hdf5 , only : h5pset_deflate_f
#endif /* DEFLATE */
#ifdef SZIP
use hdf5 , only : H5_SZIP_NN_OM_F
use hdf5 , only : h5pset_szip_f
#endif /* SZIP */
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
integer(hsize_t), dimension(5) , intent(in) :: dm
real(kind=8) , dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: var
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: sid, pid, did
integer :: err
logical :: compress = .false.
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! create space for the vector
call h5screate_simple_f(5, dm, sid, err)
! check if the space has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! prepare compression
call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F, pid, err)
! check if the properties have been created properly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! so far ok, so turn on the compression
compress = .true.
! set the chunk size
call h5pset_chunk_f(pid, 5, dm, err)
! check if the chunk size has been set properly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with setting the chunk size
call print_error("io::write_array5_double_h5" &
, "Cannot set the size of the chunk!")
! setting the size of the chunk failed, so turn off the compression
compress = .false.
end if
! set the compression algorithm
#ifdef DEFLATE
call h5pset_deflate_f(pid, 9, err)
#endif /* DEFLATE */
#ifdef SZIP
if (product(dm) .ge. 32) &
call h5pset_szip_f(pid, H5_SZIP_NN_OM_F, 32, err)
#endif /* SZIP */
! check if the compression algorithm has been set properly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with setting the compression method
call print_error("io::write_array5_double_h5" &
, "Cannot set the compression method!")
! setting compression method failed, so turn off the compression
compress = .false.
end if
end if
! check if it is safe to use compression
if (compress) then
! create the dataset
call h5dcreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, sid, did, err, pid)
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! create the dataset
call h5dcreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, sid, did, err)
end if
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! check if the dataset has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! write the dataset data
call h5dwrite_f(did, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, var(:,:,:,:,:), dm, err, sid)
! check if the dataset has been written successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with writing down the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array5_double_h5" &
, "Cannot write dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! close the dataset
call h5dclose_f(did, err)
! check if the dataset has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array5_double_h5" &
, "Cannot close dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array5_double_h5" &
, "Cannot create dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! release the space
call h5sclose_f(sid, err)
! check if the space has been released successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the space
call print_error("io::write_array5_double_h5" &
, "Cannot close space for dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the space for the attribute
call print_error("io::write_array5_double_h5" &
, "Cannot create space for dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine write_array5_double_h5
! read_array5_double_h5: subroutine reads a 5D double precision array
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator
! name - the string name representing the dataset
! dm - the data dimensions
! value - the data
subroutine read_array5_double_h5(gid, name, dm, var)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE
use hdf5 , only : h5dopen_f, h5dread_f, h5dclose_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
integer(hsize_t), dimension(5) , intent(inout) :: dm
real(kind=8) , dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: var
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: did
integer :: err
! open the dataset
call h5dopen_f(gid, name, did, err)
! check if the dataset has been opened successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! read dataset
call h5dread_f(did, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, var(:,:,:,:,:), dm(:), err)
! check if the dataset has been read successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with reading the dataset
call print_error("io::read_array5_double_h5" &
, "Cannot read dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! close the dataset
call h5dclose_f(did, err)
! check if the dataset has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the dataset
call print_error("io::read_array5_double_h5" &
, "Cannot close dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with opening the dataset
call print_error("io::read_array5_double_h5" &
, "Cannot open dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine read_array5_double_h5
! write_array6_double_h5: subroutine stores a 6D double precision array
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator
! name - the string name representing the dataset
! dm - the data dimensions
! value - the data
subroutine write_array6_double_h5(gid, name, dm, var)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE
use hdf5 , only : h5screate_simple_f, h5sclose_f &
, h5dcreate_f, h5dwrite_f, h5dclose_f
use hdf5 , only : H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F
use hdf5 , only : h5pcreate_f, h5pset_chunk_f, h5pclose_f
#ifdef DEFLATE
use hdf5 , only : h5pset_deflate_f
#endif /* DEFLATE */
#ifdef SZIP
use hdf5 , only : H5_SZIP_NN_OM_F
use hdf5 , only : h5pset_szip_f
#endif /* SZIP */
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! declare variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
integer(hsize_t), dimension(6) , intent(in) :: dm
real(kind=8) , dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: var
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: sid, pid, did
integer :: err
logical :: compress = .false.
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! create space for the vector
call h5screate_simple_f(6, dm, sid, err)
! check if the space has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! prepare compression
call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F, pid, err)
! check if the properties have been created properly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! so far ok, so turn on the compression
compress = .true.
! set the chunk size
call h5pset_chunk_f(pid, 6, dm, err)
! check if the chunk size has been set properly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with setting the chunk size
call print_error("io::write_array6_double_h5" &
, "Cannot set the size of the chunk!")
! setting the size of the chunk failed, so turn off the compression
compress = .false.
end if
! set the compression algorithm
#ifdef DEFLATE
call h5pset_deflate_f(pid, 9, err)
#endif /* DEFLATE */
#ifdef SZIP
if (product(dm) .ge. 32) &
call h5pset_szip_f(pid, H5_SZIP_NN_OM_F, 32, err)
#endif /* SZIP */
! check if the compression algorithm has been set properly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with setting the compression method
call print_error("io::write_array6_double_h5" &
, "Cannot set the compression method!")
! setting compression method failed, so turn off the compression
compress = .false.
end if
end if
! check if it is safe to use compression
if (compress) then
! create the dataset
call h5dcreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, sid, did, err, pid)
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! create the dataset
call h5dcreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, sid, did, err)
end if
#endif /* COMPRESS */
! check if the dataset has been created successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! write the dataset data
call h5dwrite_f(did, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, var(:,:,:,:,:,:), dm, err, sid)
! check if the dataset has been written successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with writing down the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array6_double_h5" &
, "Cannot write dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! close the dataset
call h5dclose_f(did, err)
! check if the dataset has been closed successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array6_double_h5" &
, "Cannot close dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the dataset
call print_error("io::write_array6_double_h5" &
, "Cannot create dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! close the space
call h5sclose_f(sid, err)
! check if the space has been released successfuly
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the space
call print_error("io::write_array6_double_h5" &
, "Cannot close space for dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
! print error about the problem with creating the space for the attribute
call print_error("io::write_array6_double_h5" &
, "Cannot create space for dataset: " // trim(name))
end if
end subroutine write_array6_double_h5
#endif /* HDF5 */
end module