Parameters such block dimensions, the base level dimensions, or the domain extrema cannot be modified when the job is restarted, so read them from the restart snapshots. Also add new subroutine to IO read integer vector attribute from the HDF5 snapshots. Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
950 lines
24 KiB
950 lines
24 KiB
!! This file is part of the AMUN source code, a program to perform
!! Newtonian or relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations on uniform or
!! adaptive mesh.
!! Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Grzegorz Kowal <>
!! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
!! (at your option) any later version.
!! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!! GNU General Public License for more details.
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!! along with this program. If not, see <>.
!! program: AMUN
!! AMUN is a code to perform numerical simulations in a fluid approximation on
!! adaptive mesh for Newtonian and relativistic environments with or without
!! magnetic field.
program amun
! include external subroutines used in this module
use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit
use blocks , only : initialize_blocks, finalize_blocks, get_nleafs
use blocks , only : build_leaf_list
use boundaries , only : initialize_boundaries, finalize_boundaries
use boundaries , only : boundary_variables
use coordinates , only : initialize_coordinates, finalize_coordinates
use equations , only : initialize_equations, finalize_equations
use evolution , only : initialize_evolution, finalize_evolution
use evolution , only : advance, new_time_step
use evolution , only : step, time, dt
use gravity , only : initialize_gravity, finalize_gravity
use integrals , only : initialize_integrals, finalize_integrals
use integrals , only : store_integrals
use interpolations , only : initialize_interpolations, finalize_interpolations
use io , only : initialize_io, finalize_io
use io , only : restart_from_snapshot, read_snapshot_parameter
use io , only : read_restart_snapshot, write_restart_snapshot
use io , only : write_snapshot, next_tout
use mesh , only : initialize_mesh, finalize_mesh
use mesh , only : generate_mesh, store_mesh_stats
use mpitools , only : initialize_mpitools, finalize_mpitools
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : bcast_integer_variable
use mpitools , only : reduce_maximum_integer, reduce_sum_real_array
#endif /* MPI */
use mpitools , only : master, nprocs, nproc
use operators , only : initialize_operators, finalize_operators
use parameters , only : read_parameters, finalize_parameters
#ifdef MPI
use parameters , only : redistribute_parameters
#endif /* MPI */
use parameters , only : get_parameter
use problems , only : initialize_problems, finalize_problems
use random , only : initialize_random, finalize_random
use refinement , only : initialize_refinement, finalize_refinement
use schemes , only : initialize_schemes, finalize_schemes
use shapes , only : initialize_shapes, finalize_shapes
use sources , only : initialize_sources, finalize_sources
use timers , only : initialize_timers, finalize_timers
use timers , only : start_timer, stop_timer, set_timer, get_timer
use timers , only : get_timer_total, timer_enabled, timer_description
use timers , only : get_count, ntimers
use user_problem , only : initialize_user_problem, finalize_user_problem
! module variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! flat to identify if the problem is run from scratch or restarted
logical :: job_restart = .false.
integer :: nres = 0
! default parameters
character(len=64) :: problem = "none"
character(len=32) :: eqsys = "hydrodynamic"
character(len=32) :: eos = "adiabatic"
integer :: ncells = 8
integer :: nghosts = 2
integer :: toplev = 1
integer, dimension(3) :: bdims = 1
integer :: nmax = huge(1), ndat = 1
real(kind=8) :: xmin = 0.0d+00, xmax = 1.0d+00
real(kind=8) :: ymin = 0.0d+00, ymax = 1.0d+00
real(kind=8) :: zmin = 0.0d+00, zmax = 1.0d+00
real(kind=8) :: tmax = 0.0d+00, trun = 9.999d+03, tsav = 3.0d+01
real(kind=8) :: dtnext = 0.0d+00
! flag to adjust time precisely to the snapshots
logical , save :: precise_snapshots = .false.
character(len=255) :: prec_snap = "off"
! the termination and status flags
integer :: iterm, iret
! timer indices
integer :: iin, iev, itm
#ifdef PROFILE
integer :: ipr, ipi
#endif /* PROFILE */
! local snapshot file counters
integer :: nrun = 1
! iteration and time variables
integer :: i, ed, eh, em, es, ec
integer :: nsteps = 1
character(len=80) :: fmt, tmp
real(kind=8) :: tbeg, thrs
real(kind=8) :: tm_curr, tm_exec, tm_conv, tm_last = 0.0d+00
#ifdef INTEL
! the type of the function SIGNAL should be defined for Intel compiler
integer(kind=4) :: signal
#endif /* INTEL */
#ifdef SIGNALS
! references to functions handling signals
#ifdef GNU
intrinsic signal
#endif /* GNU */
external terminate
! signal definitions
integer, parameter :: SIGERR = -1
integer, parameter :: SIGINT = 2, SIGABRT = 6, SIGTERM = 15
#endif /* SIGNALS */
! an array to store execution times
real(kind=8), dimension(ntimers) :: tm
! common block
common /termination/ iterm
! initialize the termination and return flags
iterm = 0
iret = 0
! initialize module TIMERS
call initialize_timers()
! set timer descriptions
call set_timer('INITIALIZATION', iin)
call set_timer('EVOLUTION' , iev)
call set_timer('TERMINATION' , itm)
! start time accounting for the initialization
call start_timer(iin)
#ifdef SIGNALS
! assign function terminate() to handle signals
#ifdef GNU
if (signal(SIGINT , terminate) == SIGERR) iret = 1
if (signal(SIGABRT, terminate) == SIGERR) iret = 2
if (signal(SIGTERM, terminate) == SIGERR) iret = 3
#endif /* GNU */
#ifdef INTEL
if (signal(SIGINT , terminate, -1) == SIGERR) iret = 1
if (signal(SIGABRT, terminate, -1) == SIGERR) iret = 2
if (signal(SIGTERM, terminate, -1) == SIGERR) iret = 3
#endif /* INTEL */
! in the case of problems with signal handler assignment, quit the program
if (iret > 0) then
write(error_unit,"('[AMUN::program]: ', a)") &
"Problem initializing the signal handler!"
call stop_timer(iin)
call finalize_timers()
call exit(1)
end if
#endif /* SIGNALS */
! initialize module MPITOOLS
call initialize_mpitools(iret)
! quit, in the case of problems with the MPI initialization
if (iret > 0) then
call stop_timer(iin)
go to 500
end if
! print the welcome message
if (master) then
write (*,"(1x,78('-'))")
write (*,"(1x,18('='),17x,a,17x,19('='))") 'A M U N'
write (*,"(1x,16('='),4x,a,4x,16('='))") &
'Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Grzegorz Kowal'
write (*,"(1x,18('='),9x,a,9x,19('='))") &
'under GNU GPLv3 license'
write (*,"(1x,78('-'))")
#ifdef MPI
! print the parallelization type and the number of parallel processes
write (*,*)
write (*,"(1x,a)" ) "Parallelization:"
write (*,"(4x,a,1x,i6 )" ) "MPI processes =", nprocs
#endif /* MPI */
end if
! initialize and read parameters from the parameter file
if (master) call read_parameters(iterm)
#ifdef MPI
! broadcast the termination flag
call bcast_integer_variable(iterm, iret)
#endif /* MPI */
! check if the parameters were read successfully
if (iterm > 0 .or. iret > 0) then
if (master) then
write(error_unit,"('[AMUN::program]: ', a)") "Problem reading parameters!"
end if
go to 400
end if
#ifdef MPI
! redistribute parameters among all processors
call redistribute_parameters(iterm)
! reduce the termination flag over all processors to check if everything is fine
call reduce_maximum_integer(iterm, iret)
! check if the parameters were broadcasted successfully
if (iterm > 0 .or. iret > 0) then
if (master) then
write(error_unit,"('[AMUN::program]: ', a)") &
"Problem broadcasting parameters!"
end if
go to 400
end if
#endif /* MPI */
! check if the job is restarted
call get_parameter("restart_number", nres)
job_restart = nres > 0
! if the run is from a restarted job, read the fixed parameters from
! the restart snapshot, otherwise, read them from the parameter file
if (job_restart) then
call read_snapshot_parameter("problem", problem, iret)
call read_snapshot_parameter("eqsys" , eqsys , iret)
call read_snapshot_parameter("eos" , eos , iret)
call read_snapshot_parameter("ncells" , ncells , iret)
call read_snapshot_parameter("nghosts", nghosts, iret)
call read_snapshot_parameter("maxlev" , toplev , iret)
call read_snapshot_parameter("rdims" , bdims , iret)
call read_snapshot_parameter("xmin" , xmin , iret)
call read_snapshot_parameter("xmax" , xmax , iret)
call read_snapshot_parameter("ymin" , ymin , iret)
call read_snapshot_parameter("ymax" , ymax , iret)
#if NDIMS == 3
call read_snapshot_parameter("zmin" , zmin , iret)
call read_snapshot_parameter("zmax" , zmax , iret)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
call get_parameter("problem" , problem)
call get_parameter("equation_system" , eqsys )
call get_parameter("equation_of_state", eos )
call get_parameter("ncells" , ncells )
call get_parameter("nghosts" , nghosts)
call get_parameter("maxlev" , toplev )
call get_parameter("xblocks" , bdims(1))
call get_parameter("yblocks" , bdims(2))
#if NDIMS == 3
call get_parameter("zblocks" , bdims(3))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
call get_parameter("xmin" , xmin )
call get_parameter("xmax" , xmax )
call get_parameter("ymin" , ymin )
call get_parameter("ymax" , ymax )
#if NDIMS == 3
call get_parameter("zmin" , zmin )
call get_parameter("zmax" , zmax )
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if
! get the execution termination parameters
call get_parameter("nmax" , nmax)
call get_parameter("tmax" , tmax)
call get_parameter("trun" , trun)
call get_parameter("tsav" , tsav)
! correct the run time by the save time
trun = trun - tsav / 6.0d+01
! initialize dtnext
dtnext = 2.0d+00 * tmax
! get the precise snapshot flag
call get_parameter("precise_snapshots", prec_snap)
! set the precise snapshot flag
if (prec_snap == "on" ) precise_snapshots = .true.
if (prec_snap == "ON" ) precise_snapshots = .true.
if (prec_snap == "true") precise_snapshots = .true.
if (prec_snap == "TRUE") precise_snapshots = .true.
if (prec_snap == "yes" ) precise_snapshots = .true.
if (prec_snap == "YES" ) precise_snapshots = .true.
! get integral calculation interval
call get_parameter("ndat" , ndat)
! initialize the random number generator (passes the number of OpenMP threads
! and the current thread number)
call initialize_random(1, 0)
! initialize module USER_PROBLEM
call initialize_user_problem(problem, master, iret)
if (iret > 0) go to 340
! initialize module PROBLEMS
call initialize_problems(problem, master, iret)
if (iret > 0) go to 320
! initialize module EQUATIONS
call initialize_equations(eqsys, eos, master, iret)
if (iret > 0) go to 300
! initialize module SOURCES
call initialize_sources(master, iret)
if (iret > 0) go to 280
! initialize module GRAVITY
call initialize_gravity(master, iret)
if (iret > 0) go to 260
! initialize module COORDINATES
call initialize_coordinates(ncells, nghosts, toplev, bdims, xmin, xmax, &
ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, master, iret)
if (iret > 0) go to 240
! initialize refinement module and print info
if (master) then
write (*,*)
write (*,"(1x,a)" ) "Refinement:"
end if
! jump to the end if the refinement could not be initialized
if (iret > 0) go to 50
! initialize module REFINEMENT
call initialize_refinement(master, iret)
! initialize methods modules and print info
if (master) then
write (*,*)
write (*,"(1x,a)" ) "Methods:"
end if
! initialize evolution
call initialize_evolution(master, iret)
! jump to the end if the schemes could not be initialized
if (iret > 0) go to 40
! initialize module SCHEMES
call initialize_schemes(master, iret)
! jump to the end if the schemes could not be initialized
if (iret > 0) go to 30
! initialize module INTERPOLATIONS
call initialize_interpolations(master, iret)
! initialize module OPERATORS
call initialize_operators(master, iret)
! initialize block module
call initialize_blocks(master, iret)
! initialize boundaries module and print info
if (master) then
write (*,*)
write (*,"(1x,a)" ) "Boundaries:"
end if
! initialize boundaries
call initialize_boundaries(master, iret)
! initialize module SHAPES
call initialize_shapes(master, iret)
! initialize boundaries module and print info
if (master) then
write (*,*)
write (*,"(1x,a)" ) "Snapshots:"
write (*,"(4x,a22,1x,'=',1x,a)") "precise snapshot times", trim(prec_snap)
end if
! initialize module IO
call initialize_io(master, nrun, iret)
! check if we initiate new problem or restart previous job
if (restart_from_snapshot()) then
! increase the run number
nrun = nrun + 1
! initialize the mesh module
call initialize_mesh(nrun, master, iret)
! quit if mesh couldn't be initialized
if (iret > 0) go to 10
! reconstruct the meta and data block structures from a given restart file
call read_restart_snapshot(iterm)
#ifdef MPI
! reduce termination flag over all processors
call reduce_maximum_integer(iterm, iret)
#endif /* MPI */
! quit if there was a problem with reading restart snapshots
if (iterm > 0) go to 10
! update the list of leafs
call build_leaf_list()
! initialize the mesh module
call initialize_mesh(nrun, master, iret)
! quit if mesh couldn't be initialized
if (iret > 0) go to 10
! generate the initial mesh, refine that mesh to the desired level according to
! the initialized problem
call generate_mesh()
! update boundaries
call boundary_variables(0.0d+00, dtnext)
! calculate new timestep
call new_time_step(dtnext)
end if
! initialize the integrals module
call initialize_integrals(master, nrun, iret)
! check if the module was successfully initialized
if (iret > 0) go to 10
! store mesh statistics
call store_mesh_stats(step, time)
#ifdef MPI
! reduce termination flag over all processors
call reduce_maximum_integer(iterm, iret)
#endif /* MPI */
! check if the problem was successfully initialized or restarted
if (iterm > 0) go to 10
! store integrals and data to a file
if (.not. restart_from_snapshot()) then
call store_integrals()
call write_snapshot()
#ifdef MPI
! reduce termination flag over all processors
call reduce_maximum_integer(iterm, iret)
#endif /* MPI */
end if
! if the initial data were not successfully writen, exit the program
if (iterm > 0) go to 10
! reset the termination flag
iterm = 0
iret = 0
! stop time accounting for the initialization
call stop_timer(iin)
! start time accounting for the evolution
call start_timer(iev)
! get current time in seconds
if (master) &
tbeg = time
! print progress info on master processor
if (master) then
! initialize estimated remaining time of calculations
ed = 9999
eh = 23
em = 59
es = 59
! print progress info
write(*,"(1x,a)" ) "Evolving the system:"
write(*,'(4x,a4,5x,a4,11x,a2,12x,a6,7x,a3)') 'step', 'time', 'dt' &
, 'blocks', 'ETA'
#ifdef INTEL
write(*,'(i8,2(1x,1es14.6),2x,i8,2x,1i4.1,"d",1i2.2,"h",1i2.2,"m"' // &
',1i2.2,"s",15x,a1,$)') &
step, time, dt, get_nleafs(), ed, eh, em, es, char(13)
#else /* INTEL */
write(*,'(i8,2(1x,1es14.6),2x,i8,2x,1i4.1,"d",1i2.2,"h",1i2.2,"m"' // &
',1i2.2,"s",15x,a1)',advance="no") &
step, time, dt, get_nleafs(), ed, eh, em, es, char(13)
#endif /* INTEL */
end if
! main loop
do while((nsteps <= nmax) .and. (time < tmax) .and. (iterm == 0))
! get the next snapshot time
if (precise_snapshots) dtnext = next_tout() - time
! performe one step evolution
call advance(dtnext)
! advance the iteration number and time
time = time + dt
step = step + 1
nsteps = nsteps + 1
! get current time in seconds
tm_curr = get_timer_total()
! compute elapsed time
thrs = tm_curr / 3.6d+03
! store mesh statistics
call store_mesh_stats(step, time)
! store integrals
call store_integrals()
! write down the restart snapshot
call write_restart_snapshot(thrs, nrun, iret)
! store data
call write_snapshot()
! check if the time exceeds execution time limit
if (thrs > trun) iterm = 100
! print progress info to console, but not too often
if (master) then
if (time >= tmax .or. (tm_curr - tm_last) >= 1.0d+00) then
! calculate days, hours, seconds
ec = int(tm_curr * (tmax - time) / max(1.0d-08, time - tbeg), kind = 4)
es = max(0, int(mod(ec, 60)))
em = int(mod(ec / 60, 60))
eh = int(ec / 3600)
ed = int(eh / 24)
eh = int(mod(eh, 24))
ed = min(9999,ed)
#ifdef INTEL
write(*,'(i8,2(1x,1es14.6),2x,i8,2x,1i4.1,"d",1i2.2,"h",1i2.2,"m"' // &
',1i2.2,"s",15x,a1,$)') &
step, time, dt, get_nleafs(), ed, eh, em, es, char(13)
#else /* INTEL */
write(*,'(i8,2(1x,1es14.6),2x,i8,2x,1i4.1,"d",1i2.2,"h",1i2.2,"m"' // &
',1i2.2,"s",15x,a1)',advance="no") &
step, time, dt, get_nleafs(), ed, eh, em, es, char(13)
#endif /* INTEL */
! update the timestamp
tm_last = tm_curr
end if
end if
! prepare iterm
iterm = max(iterm, iret)
#ifdef MPI
! reduce termination flag over all processors
call reduce_maximum_integer(iterm, iret)
#endif /* MPI */
end do
! add one empty line
if (master) write(*,*)
! stop time accounting for the evolution
call stop_timer(iev)
! write down the restart snapshot
call write_restart_snapshot(1.0d+16, nrun, iret)
! a label to go to if there are any problems, but since all modules have been
! initialized, we have to finalize them first
10 continue
! start time accounting for the termination
call start_timer(itm)
! finalize integrals module
call finalize_integrals()
! finalize I/O module
call finalize_io(iret)
! finalize module SHAPES
call finalize_shapes(iret)
! finalize the mesh module
call finalize_mesh(iret)
! finalize boundary module
call finalize_boundaries(iret)
! deallocate block structure
call finalize_blocks(iret)
! finalize the random number generator
call finalize_random()
! finalize module OPERATORS
call finalize_operators(iret)
! finalize module INTERPOLATIONS
call finalize_interpolations(iret)
! finalize module SCHEMES
call finalize_schemes(iret)
! jump point
30 continue
! finalize module EVOLUTION
call finalize_evolution(iret)
! jump point
40 continue
! finalize module REFINEMENT
call finalize_refinement(iret)
! jump point
50 continue
! finalize module COORDINATES
240 continue
call finalize_coordinates(iret)
! finalize module GRAVITY
260 continue
call finalize_gravity(iret)
! finalize module SOURCES
280 continue
call finalize_sources(iret)
! finalize module EQUATIONS
300 continue
call finalize_equations(iret)
! finalize module PROBLEMS
320 continue
call finalize_problems(iret)
! finalize module USER_PROBLEMS
340 continue
call finalize_user_problem(iret)
! stop time accounting for the termination
call stop_timer(itm)
! get total time
tm(1) = get_timer_total()
! get subtasks timers
do i = 2, ntimers
tm(i) = get_timer(i)
end do
#ifdef MPI
! sum up timers from all processes
call reduce_sum_real_array(ntimers, tm(:), iret)
#endif /* MPI */
! print timings only on master processor
if (master) then
! calculate the conversion factor
tm_conv = 1.0d+02 / tm(1)
! print one empty line
write (*,'(a)') ''
! print the execution times
write (tmp,"(a)") "(2x,a32,1x,':',3x,1f16.3,' secs = ',f6.2,' %')"
write (*,'(1x,a)') 'EXECUTION TIMINGS'
do i = 2, ntimers
if (timer_enabled(i)) then
if (get_count(i) > 0) then
write (*,tmp) timer_description(i), tm(i), tm_conv * tm(i)
end if ! timer counter > 0
end if ! enabled
end do
! print the execution times
write (tmp,"(a)") "(1x,a14,20x,':',3x,1f16.3,' secs = ',f6.2,' %')"
write (*,tmp) 'TOTAL CPU TIME', tm(1) , 1.0d+02
write (*,tmp) 'TIME PER STEP ', tm(1) / nsteps, 1.0d+02 / nsteps
#ifdef MPI
write (*,tmp) 'TIME PER CPU ', tm(1) / nprocs, 1.0d+02 / nprocs
#endif /* MPI */
! get the execution time
tm_exec = get_timer_total()
! convert the execution time to days, hours, minutes, and seconds and print it
tm(1) = tm_exec / 8.64d+04
tm(2) = mod(tm_exec / 3.6d+03, 2.4d+01)
tm(3) = mod(tm_exec / 6.0d+01, 6.0d+01)
tm(4) = mod(tm_exec, 6.0d+01)
tm(5) = nint((tm_exec - floor(tm_exec)) * 1.0d+03)
write (tmp,"(a)") "(1x,a14,20x,':',3x,i14,'d'" // &
write (*,tmp) 'EXECUTION TIME', int(tm(1:5))
end if
! finalize modules PARAMETERS
400 continue
call finalize_parameters()
! finalize module MPITOOLS
500 continue
call finalize_mpitools()
! finalize module TIMERS
call finalize_timers()
end program
#ifdef SIGNALS
! function TERMINATE:
! ------------------
! Function sets variable iterm after receiving a signal.
integer(kind=4) function terminate(sig_num)
implicit none
! input arguments
integer(kind=4), intent(in) :: sig_num
integer :: iterm
! common block
common /termination/ iterm
#ifdef INTEL
iterm = sig_num
#else /* INTEL */
iterm = 15
#endif /* INTEL */
terminate = 1
#endif /* SIGNALS */