!!  This file is part of the AMUN source code, a program to perform
!!  Newtonian or relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations on uniform or
!!  adaptive mesh.
!!  Copyright (C) 2008-2020 Grzegorz Kowal <grzegorz@amuncode.org>
!!  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!!  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!!  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
!!  (at your option) any later version.
!!  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!!  GNU General Public License for more details.
!!  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!!  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
!! module: PROBLEMS
!!  This module handles the initialization of various test and research
!!  problems.
module problems

#ifdef PROFILE
! include external procedures
  use timers, only : set_timer, start_timer, stop_timer
#endif /* PROFILE */

! module variables are not implicit by default
  implicit none

#ifdef PROFILE
! timer indices
  integer, save :: imi, imu
#endif /* PROFILE */

! problem name
  character(len=64), save :: problem_name = "none"

! interfaces for procedure pointers
  abstract interface
    subroutine setup_problem_iface(pdata)
      use blocks, only : block_data
      type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata
    end subroutine
  end interface

! pointer to the problem setup subroutine
  procedure(setup_problem_iface), pointer, save :: setup_problem => null()

! by default everything is private

! declare public subroutines
  public :: initialize_problems, finalize_problems
  public :: setup_problem
  public :: problem_name

!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
!!***  PUBLIC SUBROUTINES  *****************************************************
! ------------------------------
!   Subroutine prepares module PROBLEMS.
!   Arguments:
!     problem - the problem name
!     status  - an integer flag for error return value;
  subroutine initialize_problems(problem, status)

! include external procedures and variables
    use parameters  , only : get_parameter
    use user_problem, only : setup_problem_user

! local variables are not implicit by default
    implicit none

! subroutine arguments
    character(len=64), intent(in)  :: problem
    integer          , intent(out) :: status
#ifdef PROFILE
! set timer descriptions
    call set_timer('problems:: initialize', imi)
    call set_timer('problems:: update'    , imu)

! start accounting time for module initialization/finalization
    call start_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */

! reset the status flag
    status = 0

! set problem name
    problem_name = problem

! associate the setup_problem pointer with the respective problem setup
! subroutine
    select case(trim(problem))

! general test problems
      setup_problem => setup_problem_riemann

      setup_problem => setup_problem_blast

    case("st", "sedov-taylor", "ST", "Sedov-Taylor")
      setup_problem => setup_problem_sedov_taylor

      setup_problem => setup_problem_implosion

    case("kh", "kelvinhelmholtz", "kelvin-helmholtz")
      setup_problem => setup_problem_kelvin_helmholtz

    case("rt", "rayleightaylor", "rayleigh-taylor")
      setup_problem => setup_problem_rayleigh_taylor

    case("current-sheet", "current_sheet")
      setup_problem => setup_problem_current_sheet

    case("tearing-mode", "tearing_mode", "tearing")
      setup_problem => setup_problem_tearing

    case default
      setup_problem => setup_problem_user

    end select

#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for module initialization/finalization
    call stop_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */

  end subroutine initialize_problems
! ----------------------------
!   Subroutine releases memory used by the module.
!   Arguments:
!     status - an integer flag for error return value;
  subroutine finalize_problems(status)

! local variables are not implicit by default
    implicit none

! subroutine arguments
    integer, intent(out) :: status
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for module initialization/finalization
    call start_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */

! reset the status flag
    status = 0

! nullify procedure pointers

#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for module initialization/finalization
    call stop_timer(imi)
#endif /* PROFILE */

  end subroutine finalize_problems
!!***  PRIVATE SUBROUTINES  ****************************************************
! --------------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the initial conditions for the general Riemann problem.
!   Arguments:
!     pdata - pointer to the datablock structure of the currently initialized
!             block;
  subroutine setup_problem_riemann(pdata)

! include external procedures and variables
    use blocks     , only : block_data
    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells
    use coordinates, only : ax, adx
    use equations  , only : prim2cons
    use equations  , only : nv
    use equations  , only : qpbnd

! local variables are not implicit by default
    implicit none

! input arguments
    type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata

! local variables
    integer       :: p, i, j, k = 1
    real(kind=8)  :: xl, xr
    real(kind=8)  :: dx, dxh

! local arrays
    real(kind=8), dimension(nv,nn) :: q, u
    real(kind=8), dimension(nn)    :: x
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the problem setup
    call start_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */

! prepare block coordinates
    x(:) = pdata%meta%xmin + ax(pdata%meta%level,:)

! calculate mesh intervals and areas
    dx   = adx(pdata%meta%level)
    dxh  = 0.5d+00 * dx

! set the left and right states of the primitive variables
    do i = 1, nn
      xl = x(i) - dxh
      xr = x(i) + dxh

      if (xr <= 0.0d+00) then
        do p = 1, nv
          q(p,i) = qpbnd(p,1,1)
        end do
      else if (xl >= 0.0d+00) then
        do p = 1, nv
          q(p,i) = qpbnd(p,1,2)
        end do
        do p = 1, nv
          q(p,i) = (xr * qpbnd(p,1,2) - xl * qpbnd(p,1,1)) / dx
        end do
      end if
    end do ! i = 1, im

! convert the primitive variables to conservative ones
    call prim2cons(q(:,:), u(:,:))

! iterate over all positions in the YZ plane
#if NDIMS == 3
    do k = 1, nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
      do j = 1, nn

! copy the conserved variables to the current block
        pdata%u(:,:,j,k) = u(:,:)

! copy the primitive variables to the current block
        pdata%q(:,:,j,k) = q(:,:)

      end do ! j = 1, nn
#if NDIMS == 3
    end do ! k = 1, nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the problems setup
    call stop_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */

  end subroutine setup_problem_riemann
! ------------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the initial conditions for the spherical blast problem.
!   Arguments:
!     pdata - pointer to the datablock structure of the currently initialized
!             block;
  subroutine setup_problem_blast(pdata)

! include external procedures and variables
    use blocks     , only : block_data
    use constants  , only : d2r
    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells
    use coordinates, only : ax, ay, adx, ady, advol
#if NDIMS == 3
    use coordinates, only : az, adz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
    use equations  , only : prim2cons
    use equations  , only : adiabatic_index
    use equations  , only : nv
    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, ipr, ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
    use parameters , only : get_parameter

! local variables are not implicit by default
    implicit none

! input arguments
    type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata

! default parameter values
    real(kind=8), save :: dens     = 1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: ratio    = 1.00d+02
    real(kind=8), save :: radius   = 1.00d-01
    real(kind=8), save :: csnd     = 4.0824829046386301635d-01
    real(kind=8), save :: buni     = 1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: angle    = 4.50d+01
#if NDIMS == 3
    integer     , save :: nsubgrid = 10
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! local saved parameters
    logical     , save :: first = .true.
    real(kind=8), save :: dn_amb, dn_ovr
    real(kind=8), save :: pr_amb, pr_ovr
    real(kind=8), save :: bx, by
    real(kind=8), save :: r2

! local variables
    integer       :: i, j, k = 1
#if NDIMS == 3
    integer       :: ic, jc, kc
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
    real(kind=8)  :: xl, yl, xu, yu, rl, ru
    real(kind=8)  :: dx, dy, dxh, dyh, dvol
    real(kind=8)  :: sn
#if NDIMS == 3
    real(kind=8)  :: zl, zu, dz, dzh
    real(kind=8)  :: xb, yb, zb
    real(kind=8)  :: xt, yt, zt
    real(kind=8)  :: fc_inc
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
    real(kind=8)  :: rlu, rul
    real(kind=8)  :: xb, yb
    real(kind=8)  :: xt, yt
    real(kind=8)  :: ph
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
    real(kind=8)  :: fc_amb, fc_ovr

! local arrays
    real(kind=8), dimension(nv,nn) :: q, u
    real(kind=8), dimension(nn)    :: x, y
#if NDIMS == 3
    real(kind=8), dimension(nn)    :: z

! allocatable arrays
    real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: xm, ym, zm
    real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: xp, yp, zp
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the problem setup
    call start_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */

! prepare problem constants during the first subroutine call
    if (first) then

! get problem parameters
      call get_parameter("dens"       , dens  )
      call get_parameter("ratio"      , ratio )
      call get_parameter("radius"     , radius)
      call get_parameter("sound_speed", csnd  )
      call get_parameter("buni"       , buni  )
      call get_parameter("angle"      , angle )

#if NDIMS == 3
! get the fine grid resolution
      call get_parameter("nsubgrid", nsubgrid)

! correct subgrid resolution if necessary
      nsubgrid = max(1, nsubgrid)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! calculate the overdense and ambient region densities
      dn_amb = dens
      if (ipr > 0) then
        dn_ovr = dn_amb

! calculate parallel and perpendicular pressures from sound speeds
        pr_amb = dens * csnd * csnd / adiabatic_index
        pr_ovr = pr_amb * ratio

        dn_ovr = dn_amb * ratio
      end if

! calculate initial uniform field components
      if (ibx > 0) then
        sn = sin(d2r * angle)
        bx = buni * sqrt(1.0d+00 - sn * sn)
        by = buni * sn
      end if

! calculate the square of radius
      r2    = radius * radius

! reset the first execution flag
      first = .false.

    end if ! first call

! prepare block coordinates
    x(:) = pdata%meta%xmin + ax(pdata%meta%level,:)
    y(:) = pdata%meta%ymin + ay(pdata%meta%level,:)
#if NDIMS == 3
    z(:) = pdata%meta%zmin + az(pdata%meta%level,:)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! calculate mesh intervals and areas
    dx   = adx(pdata%meta%level)
    dy   = ady(pdata%meta%level)
#if NDIMS == 3
    dz   = adz(pdata%meta%level)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
    dxh  = 0.5d+00 * dx
    dyh  = 0.5d+00 * dy
#if NDIMS == 3
    dzh  = 0.5d+00 * dz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
    dvol = advol(pdata%meta%level)

#if NDIMS == 3
! allocate subgrid coordinates
    allocate(xm(nsubgrid), ym(nsubgrid), zm(nsubgrid))
    allocate(xp(nsubgrid), yp(nsubgrid), zp(nsubgrid))

! and generate them
    xm(:) = (1.0d+00 * (/(i, i = 0, nsubgrid - 1)/)) / nsubgrid
    ym(:) = xm(:)
    zm(:) = xm(:)
    xm(:) = xm(:) * dx
    ym(:) = ym(:) * dy
    zm(:) = zm(:) * dz
    xp(:) = (1.0d+00 * (/(i, i = 1, nsubgrid    )/)) / nsubgrid
    yp(:) = xp(:)
    zp(:) = xp(:)
    xp(:) = xp(:) * dx
    yp(:) = yp(:) * dy
    zp(:) = zp(:) * dz

! calculate the factor increment for the given subgrid
    fc_inc = dvol / nsubgrid**3
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! set the ambient density and pressure
    q(idn,:) = dn_amb
    if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,:) = pr_amb

! reset velocity components
    q(ivx,:) = 0.0d+00
    q(ivy,:) = 0.0d+00
    q(ivz,:) = 0.0d+00

! if magnetic field is present, set it to be uniform with the desired strength
! and orientation
    if (ibx > 0) then

      q(ibx,:) = bx
      q(iby,:) = by
      q(ibz,:) = 0.0d+00
      q(ibp,:) = 0.0d+00

    end if

! iterate over all positions in the YZ plane
#if NDIMS == 3
    do k = 1, nn

! calculate the corner Z coordinates
      zl = abs(z(k)) - dzh
      zu = abs(z(k)) + dzh
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

      do j = 1, nn

! calculate the corner Y coordinates
        yl = abs(y(j)) - dyh
        yu = abs(y(j)) + dyh

! sweep along the X coordinate
        do i = 1, nn

! calculate the corner X coordinates
          xl = abs(x(i)) - dxh
          xu = abs(x(i)) + dxh

! calculate the minimum and maximum corner distances from the origin
#if NDIMS == 3
          rl = xl * xl + yl * yl + zl * zl
          ru = xu * xu + yu * yu + zu * zu
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
          rl = xl * xl + yl * yl
          ru = xu * xu + yu * yu
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! set the initial density and pressure in cells laying completely within
! the blast radius
          if (ru <= r2) then

! set the overpressure region density
            q(idn,i) = dn_ovr

! set the overpressure region pressure
            if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,i) = pr_ovr

! set the initial pressure in the cell completely outside the radius
          else if (rl >= r2) then

! set the ambient region density
            q(idn,i) = dn_amb

! set the ambient medium pressure
            if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,i) = pr_amb

! integrate density or pressure in cells which are crossed by the circule with
! the given radius

#if NDIMS == 3
! interpolate the factor using subgrid
            fc_ovr = 0.0d+00
            do kc = 1, nsubgrid
              zb = (zl + zm(kc))**2
              zt = (zl + zp(kc))**2
              do jc = 1, nsubgrid
                yb = (yl + ym(jc))**2
                yt = (yl + yp(jc))**2
                do ic = 1, nsubgrid
                  xb = (xl + xm(ic))**2
                  xt = (xl + xp(ic))**2

! update the integration factor depending on the subcell position
                  if ((xt + yt + zt) <= r2) then
                    fc_ovr = fc_ovr + fc_inc
                  else if ((xb + yb + zb) < r2) then
                    fc_ovr = fc_ovr + 0.5d+00 * fc_inc
                  end if

                end do ! ic = 1, nsubgrid
              end do ! jc = 1, nsubgrid
            end do ! kc = 1, nsubgrid
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */

! calculate the distance of remaining corners
            rlu = xl * xl + yu * yu
            rul = xu * xu + yl * yl

! separate in the cases of which corners lay inside, and which outside
! the radius
            if (min(rlu, rul) >= r2) then

! only one cell corner inside the radius
! calculate middle coordinates of the radius-edge crossing point
              xb = sqrt(r2 - yl**2) - xl
              yb = sqrt(r2 - xl**2) - yl

! calculate the sin(½φ), φ, and sin(φ)
              sn = 0.5d+00 * sqrt(xb**2 + yb**2) / radius
              ph = 2.0d+00 * asin(sn)
              sn = sin(ph)

! calculate the area of cell intersection with the radius
              fc_ovr = 0.5d+00 * (xb * yb + (ph - sn) * r2)

            else if (rlu >= r2) then

! two lower corners inside the radius
! calculate middle coordinates of the radius-edge crossing point
              yb = sqrt(r2 - xl**2) - yl
              yt = sqrt(r2 - xu**2) - yl

! calculate the sin(½φ), φ, and sin(φ)
              sn = 0.5d+00 * sqrt(dx**2 + (yt - yb)**2) / radius
              ph = 2.0d+00 * asin(sn)
              sn = sin(ph)

! calculate the area of cell intersection with the radius
              fc_ovr = 0.5d+00 * ((yt + yb) * dx + (ph - sn) * r2)

            else if (rul >= r2) then

! two left corners inside the radius
! calculate middle coordinates of the radius-edge crossing point
              xb = sqrt(r2 - yl**2) - xl
              xt = sqrt(r2 - yu**2) - xl

! calculate the sin(½φ), φ, and sin(φ)
              sn = 0.5d+00 * sqrt((xt - xb)**2 + dy**2) / radius
              ph = 2.0d+00 * asin(sn)
              sn = sin(ph)

! calculate the area of cell intersection with the radius
              fc_ovr = 0.5d+00 * ((xt + xb) * dy + (ph - sn) * r2)


! three corners inside the radius
! calculate middle coordinates of the radius-edge crossing point
              xt = xu - sqrt(r2 - yu**2)
              yt = yu - sqrt(r2 - xu**2)

! calculate the sin(½φ), φ, and sin(φ)
              sn = 0.5d+00 * sqrt(xt**2 + yt**2) / radius
              ph = 2.0d+00 * asin(sn)
              sn = sin(ph)

! calculate the area of cell intersection with the radius
              fc_ovr = dvol - 0.5d+00 * (xt * yt - (ph - sn) * r2)

            end if
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! normalize coefficients
            fc_ovr = fc_ovr / dvol
            fc_amb = 1.0d+00 - fc_ovr

! integrate the density over the edge cells
            q(idn,i) = fc_ovr * dn_ovr + fc_amb * dn_amb

! integrate the pressure over the edge cells
            if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,i) = fc_ovr * pr_ovr + fc_amb * pr_amb

          end if

        end do ! i = 1, nn

! convert the primitive variables to conservative ones
        call prim2cons(q(:,:), u(:,:))

! copy the conserved variables to the current block
        pdata%u(:,:,j,k) = u(:,:)

! copy the primitive variables to the current block
        pdata%q(:,:,j,k) = q(:,:)

      end do ! j = 1, nn
#if NDIMS == 3
    end do ! k = 1, nn

! deallocate subgrid coordinates
    deallocate(xm, ym, zm)
    deallocate(xp, yp, zp)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the problems setup
    call stop_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */

  end subroutine setup_problem_blast
! -------------------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the initial conditions for the spherical Sedov-Taylor
!   blast problem.
!   Arguments:
!     pdata - pointer to the datablock structure of the currently initialized
!             block;
!   References:
!     [1] Almgren, A. S. et al.,
!         "CASTRO: A New Compressible Astrophysical Solver.
!          I. Hydrodynamics and Self-Gravity",
!         The Astrophysical Journal, 2010, vol. 715, pp. 1221-1238,
!         http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/715/2/1221
  subroutine setup_problem_sedov_taylor(pdata)

! include external procedures and variables
    use blocks     , only : block_data
    use constants  , only : d2r
#if NDIMS == 3
    use constants  , only : pi4
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
    use constants  , only : pi
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells
    use coordinates, only : ax, ay, adx, ady, advol
#if NDIMS == 3
    use coordinates, only : az, adz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
    use equations  , only : prim2cons
    use equations  , only : adiabatic_index
    use equations  , only : nv
    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, ipr, ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
    use parameters , only : get_parameter

! local variables are not implicit by default
    implicit none

! input arguments
    type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata

! default parameter values
    real(kind=8), save :: radius   = 1.00d-02
    real(kind=8), save :: dens     = 1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: pres     = 1.00d-05
    real(kind=8), save :: eexp     = 1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: buni     = 0.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: angle    = 0.00d+00
#if NDIMS == 3
    integer     , save :: nsubgrid = 10
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! local saved parameters
    logical     , save :: first = .true.
    real(kind=8), save :: dn_amb, dn_ovr
    real(kind=8), save :: pr_amb, pr_ovr
    real(kind=8), save :: bx, by
    real(kind=8), save :: r2

! local variables
    integer       :: i, j, k = 1
#if NDIMS == 3
    integer       :: ic, jc, kc
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
    real(kind=8)  :: xl, yl, xu, yu, rl, ru
    real(kind=8)  :: sn
#if NDIMS == 3
    real(kind=8)  :: zl, zu, dz, dzh
    real(kind=8)  :: xb, yb, zb
    real(kind=8)  :: xt, yt, zt
    real(kind=8)  :: fc_inc
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
    real(kind=8)  :: rlu, rul
    real(kind=8)  :: xb, yb
    real(kind=8)  :: xt, yt
    real(kind=8)  :: ph
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
    real(kind=8)  :: dx, dy, dxh, dyh, dvol
    real(kind=8)  :: fc_amb, fc_ovr

! local arrays
    real(kind=8), dimension(nv,nn) :: q, u
    real(kind=8), dimension(nn)    :: x, y
#if NDIMS == 3
    real(kind=8), dimension(nn)    :: z

! allocatable arrays
    real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: xm, ym, zm
    real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable :: xp, yp, zp
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the problem setup
    call start_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */

! prepare problem constants during the first subroutine call
    if (first) then

! get problem parameters
      call get_parameter("radius", radius)
      call get_parameter("dens"  , dens  )
      call get_parameter("pres"  , pres  )
      call get_parameter("eexp"  , eexp  )
      call get_parameter("buni"  , buni  )
      call get_parameter("angle" , angle )

#if NDIMS == 3
! get the fine grid resolution
      call get_parameter("nsubgrid", nsubgrid)

! correct subgrid resolution if necessary
      nsubgrid = max(1, nsubgrid)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! calculate the volume of the injection region
#if NDIMS == 3
      dvol = pi4 * radius**3 / 3.0d+00
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
      dvol = pi  * radius**2
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! calculate the overdense and ambient region densities and pressures
      dn_amb = dens
      dn_ovr = dn_amb
      pr_amb = pres
      pr_ovr = (adiabatic_index - 1.0d+00) * eexp / dvol

! calculate initial uniform field components
      if (ibx > 0) then
        sn = sin(d2r * angle)
        bx = buni * sqrt(1.0d+00 - sn * sn)
        by = buni * sn
      end if

! calculate the square of radius
      r2    = radius * radius

! reset the first execution flag
      first = .false.

    end if ! first call

! prepare block coordinates
    x(:) = pdata%meta%xmin + ax(pdata%meta%level,:)
    y(:) = pdata%meta%ymin + ay(pdata%meta%level,:)
#if NDIMS == 3
    z(:) = pdata%meta%zmin + az(pdata%meta%level,:)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! calculate mesh intervals and areas
    dx   = adx(pdata%meta%level)
    dy   = ady(pdata%meta%level)
#if NDIMS == 3
    dz   = adz(pdata%meta%level)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
    dxh  = 0.5d+00 * dx
    dyh  = 0.5d+00 * dy
#if NDIMS == 3
    dzh  = 0.5d+00 * dz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
    dvol = advol(pdata%meta%level)

#if NDIMS == 3
! allocate subgrid coordinates
    allocate(xm(nsubgrid), ym(nsubgrid), zm(nsubgrid))
    allocate(xp(nsubgrid), yp(nsubgrid), zp(nsubgrid))

! and generate them
    xm(:) = (1.0d+00 * (/(i, i = 0, nsubgrid - 1)/)) / nsubgrid
    ym(:) = xm(:)
    zm(:) = xm(:)
    xm(:) = xm(:) * dx
    ym(:) = ym(:) * dy
    zm(:) = zm(:) * dz
    xp(:) = (1.0d+00 * (/(i, i = 1, nsubgrid    )/)) / nsubgrid
    yp(:) = xp(:)
    zp(:) = xp(:)
    xp(:) = xp(:) * dx
    yp(:) = yp(:) * dy
    zp(:) = zp(:) * dz

! calculate the factor increment for the given subgrid
    fc_inc = dvol / nsubgrid**3
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! set density and pressure of the ambient
    q(idn,:) = dn_amb
    if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,:) = pr_amb

! reset velocity components
    q(ivx,:) = 0.0d+00
    q(ivy,:) = 0.0d+00
    q(ivz,:) = 0.0d+00

! if magnetic field is present, set it to be uniform with the desired strength
! and orientation
    if (ibx > 0) then

      q(ibx,:) = bx
      q(iby,:) = by
      q(ibz,:) = 0.0d+00
      q(ibp,:) = 0.0d+00

    end if

! iterate over all positions in the YZ plane
#if NDIMS == 3
    do k = 1, nn

! calculate the corner Z coordinates
      zl = abs(z(k)) - dzh
      zu = abs(z(k)) + dzh
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

      do j = 1, nn

! calculate the corner Y coordinates
        yl = abs(y(j)) - dyh
        yu = abs(y(j)) + dyh

! sweep along the X coordinate
        do i = 1, nn

! calculate the corner X coordinates
          xl = abs(x(i)) - dxh
          xu = abs(x(i)) + dxh

! calculate the minimum and maximum corner distances from the origin
#if NDIMS == 3
          rl = xl * xl + yl * yl + zl * zl
          ru = xu * xu + yu * yu + zu * zu
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
          rl = xl * xl + yl * yl
          ru = xu * xu + yu * yu
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! set the initial density and pressure in cells laying completely within
! the blast radius
          if (ru <= r2) then

! set density and pressure for the overpressure region
            q(idn,i) = dn_ovr
            if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,i) = pr_ovr

! set the initial pressure in the cell completely outside the radius
          else if (rl >= r2) then

! set density and pressure of the ambient
            q(idn,i) = dn_amb
            if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,i) = pr_amb

! integrate density or pressure in cells which are crossed by the circule with
! the given radius

#if NDIMS == 3
! interpolate the factor using subgrid
            fc_ovr = 0.0d+00
            do kc = 1, nsubgrid
              zb = (zl + zm(kc))**2
              zt = (zl + zp(kc))**2
              do jc = 1, nsubgrid
                yb = (yl + ym(jc))**2
                yt = (yl + yp(jc))**2
                do ic = 1, nsubgrid
                  xb = (xl + xm(ic))**2
                  xt = (xl + xp(ic))**2

! update the integration factor depending on the subcell position
                  if ((xt + yt + zt) <= r2) then
                    fc_ovr = fc_ovr + fc_inc
                  else if ((xb + yb + zb) < r2) then
                    fc_ovr = fc_ovr + 0.5d+00 * fc_inc
                  end if

                end do ! ic = 1, nsubgrid
              end do ! jc = 1, nsubgrid
            end do ! kc = 1, nsubgrid
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */

! calculate the distance of remaining corners
            rlu = xl * xl + yu * yu
            rul = xu * xu + yl * yl

! separate in the cases of which corners lay inside, and which outside
! the radius
            if (min(rlu, rul) >= r2) then

! only one cell corner inside the radius
! calculate middle coordinates of the radius-edge crossing point
              xb = sqrt(r2 - yl**2) - xl
              yb = sqrt(r2 - xl**2) - yl

! calculate the sin(½φ), φ, and sin(φ)
              sn = 0.5d+00 * sqrt(xb**2 + yb**2) / radius
              ph = 2.0d+00 * asin(sn)
              sn = sin(ph)

! calculate the area of cell intersection with the radius
              fc_ovr = 0.5d+00 * (xb * yb + (ph - sn) * r2)

            else if (rlu >= r2) then

! two lower corners inside the radius
! calculate middle coordinates of the radius-edge crossing point
              yb = sqrt(r2 - xl**2) - yl
              yt = sqrt(r2 - xu**2) - yl

! calculate the sin(½φ), φ, and sin(φ)
              sn = 0.5d+00 * sqrt(dx**2 + (yt - yb)**2) / radius
              ph = 2.0d+00 * asin(sn)
              sn = sin(ph)

! calculate the area of cell intersection with the radius
              fc_ovr = 0.5d+00 * ((yt + yb) * dx + (ph - sn) * r2)

            else if (rul >= r2) then

! two left corners inside the radius
! calculate middle coordinates of the radius-edge crossing point
              xb = sqrt(r2 - yl**2) - xl
              xt = sqrt(r2 - yu**2) - xl

! calculate the sin(½φ), φ, and sin(φ)
              sn = 0.5d+00 * sqrt((xt - xb)**2 + dy**2) / radius
              ph = 2.0d+00 * asin(sn)
              sn = sin(ph)

! calculate the area of cell intersection with the radius
              fc_ovr = 0.5d+00 * ((xt + xb) * dy + (ph - sn) * r2)


! three corners inside the radius
! calculate middle coordinates of the radius-edge crossing point
              xt = xu - sqrt(r2 - yu**2)
              yt = yu - sqrt(r2 - xu**2)

! calculate the sin(½φ), φ, and sin(φ)
              sn = 0.5d+00 * sqrt(xt**2 + yt**2) / radius
              ph = 2.0d+00 * asin(sn)
              sn = sin(ph)

! calculate the area of cell intersection with the radius
              fc_ovr = dvol - 0.5d+00 * (xt * yt - (ph - sn) * r2)

            end if
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! normalize coefficients
            fc_ovr = fc_ovr / dvol
            fc_amb = 1.0d+00 - fc_ovr

! integrate density and pressure over the edge cells
            q(idn,i) = fc_ovr * dn_ovr + fc_amb * dn_amb
            if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,i) = fc_ovr * pr_ovr + fc_amb * pr_amb

          end if

        end do ! i = 1, nn

! convert the primitive variables to conservative ones
        call prim2cons(q(:,:), u(:,:))

! copy the conserved variables to the current block
        pdata%u(:,:,j,k) = u(:,:)

! copy the primitive variables to the current block
        pdata%q(:,:,j,k) = q(:,:)

      end do ! j = 1, nn
#if NDIMS == 3
    end do ! k = 1, nn

! deallocate subgrid coordinates
    deallocate(xm, ym, zm)
    deallocate(xp, yp, zp)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the problems setup
    call stop_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */

  end subroutine setup_problem_sedov_taylor
! ----------------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the initial conditions for the implosion problem.
!   Arguments:
!     pdata - pointer to the datablock structure of the currently initialized
!             block;
  subroutine setup_problem_implosion(pdata)

! include external procedures and variables
    use blocks     , only : block_data, ndims
    use constants  , only : d2r
    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells
    use coordinates, only : ax, ay, adx, ady
#if NDIMS == 3
    use coordinates, only : az, adz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
    use equations  , only : prim2cons
    use equations  , only : nv
    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, ipr, ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
    use parameters , only : get_parameter

! local variables are not implicit by default
    implicit none

! input arguments
    type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata

! default parameter values
    real(kind=8), save :: sline  = 1.50d-01
    real(kind=8), save :: adens  = 1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: apres  = 1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: drat   = 1.25d-01
    real(kind=8), save :: prat   = 1.40d-01
    real(kind=8), save :: buni   = 1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: bgui   = 0.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: angle  = 0.00d+00

! local saved parameters
    logical     , save :: first = .true.
    real(kind=8), save :: odens = 1.25d-01
    real(kind=8), save :: opres = 1.40d-01

! local variables
    integer       :: i, j, k = 1
    real(kind=8)  :: rl, ru, dx, dy, dxh, dyh, ds, dl, dr
#if NDIMS == 3
    real(kind=8)  :: dz, dzh
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
    real(kind=8)  :: sn, cs

! local arrays
    real(kind=8), dimension(nv,nn) :: q, u
    real(kind=8), dimension(nn)    :: x, xl, xu
    real(kind=8), dimension(nn)    :: y, yl, yu
#if NDIMS == 3
    real(kind=8), dimension(nn)    :: z, zl, zu
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the problem setup
    call start_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */

! prepare problem constants during the first subroutine call
    if (first) then

! get problem parameters
      call get_parameter("shock_line"      , sline )
      call get_parameter("ambient_density" , adens )
      call get_parameter("ambient_pressure", apres )
      call get_parameter("density_ratio"   , drat  )
      call get_parameter("pressure_ratio"  , prat  )
      call get_parameter("buni"            , buni  )
      call get_parameter("bgui"            , bgui  )
      call get_parameter("angle"           , angle )

! calculate parameters
      odens = drat * adens
      opres = prat * apres

! reset the first execution flag
      first = .false.

    end if ! first call

! prepare block coordinates
    x(:) = pdata%meta%xmin + ax(pdata%meta%level,:)
    y(:) = pdata%meta%ymin + ay(pdata%meta%level,:)
#if NDIMS == 3
    z(:) = pdata%meta%zmin + az(pdata%meta%level,:)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! calculate mesh intervals and areas
    dx  = adx(pdata%meta%level)
    dy  = ady(pdata%meta%level)
#if NDIMS == 3
    dz  = adz(pdata%meta%level)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
    dxh  = 0.5d+00 * dx
    dyh  = 0.5d+00 * dy
#if NDIMS == 3
    dzh  = 0.5d+00 * dz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! calculate edge coordinates
    xl(:) = abs(x(:)) - dxh
    xu(:) = abs(x(:)) + dxh
    yl(:) = abs(y(:)) - dyh
    yu(:) = abs(y(:)) + dyh
#if NDIMS == 3
    zl(:) = abs(z(:)) - dzh
    zu(:) = abs(z(:)) + dzh
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! reset velocity components
    q(ivx,:) = 0.0d+00
    q(ivy,:) = 0.0d+00
    q(ivz,:) = 0.0d+00

! if magnetic field is present, set it to be uniform with the desired strength
! and orientation
    if (ibx > 0) then

! calculate the orientation angles
      sn = sin(d2r * angle)
      cs = sqrt(1.0d+00 - sn * sn)

! set magnetic field components
      q(ibx,:) = buni * cs
      q(iby,:) = buni * sn
      q(ibz,:) = bgui
      q(ibp,:) = 0.0d+00

    end if

! iterate over all positions
#if NDIMS == 3
    do k = 1, nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
      do j = 1, nn
        do i = 1, nn

! calculate the distance from the origin
#if NDIMS == 3
          rl = xl(i) + yl(j) + zl(k)
          ru = xu(i) + yu(j) + zu(k)
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
          rl = xl(i) + yl(j)
          ru = xu(i) + yu(j)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! initialize density and pressure
          if (ru <= sline) then
            q(idn,i) = odens
            if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,i) = opres
          else if (rl >= sline) then
            q(idn,i) = adens
            if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,i) = apres
            ds = (sline - rl) / dx
            if (ds <= 1.0d+00) then
              dl = 5.0d-01 * ds**ndims
              dr = 1.0d+00 - dl
              ds = (ru - sline) / dx
              dr = 5.0d-01 * ds**ndims
              dl = 1.0d+00 - dr
            end if

            q(idn,i) = adens * dl + odens * dr
            if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,i) = apres * dl + opres * dr
          end if

        end do ! i = 1, im

! convert the primitive variables to conservative ones
        call prim2cons(q(:,:), u(:,:))

! copy the conserved variables to the current block
        pdata%u(:,:,j,k) = u(:,:)

! copy the primitive variables to the current block
        pdata%q(:,:,j,k) = q(:,:)

      end do ! j = 1, nn
#if NDIMS == 3
    end do ! k = 1, nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the problems setup
    call stop_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */

  end subroutine setup_problem_implosion
! -----------------------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the initial conditions for the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
!   problem.
!   Arguments:
!     pdata - pointer to the datablock structure of the currently initialized
!             block;
  subroutine setup_problem_kelvin_helmholtz(pdata)

! include external procedures and variables
    use blocks     , only : block_data
    use constants  , only : d2r
    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells
    use coordinates, only : ay, ady
    use equations  , only : prim2cons
    use equations  , only : nv
    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, ipr, ibx, iby, ibz, ibp, isl
    use parameters , only : get_parameter
    use random     , only : randsym

! local variables are not implicit by default
    implicit none

! input arguments
    type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata

! default parameter values
    real(kind=8), save :: ycut   = 2.50d-01
    real(kind=8), save :: dens   = 1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: drat   = 2.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: pres   = 2.50d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: vamp   = 1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: vper   = 1.00d-02
    real(kind=8), save :: buni   = 1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: bgui   = 0.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: angle  = 0.00d+00

! local saved parameters
    logical     , save :: first = .true.

! local variables
    integer       :: i, j, k = 1
    real(kind=8)  :: yl, yu, dy, dyh
    real(kind=8)  :: sn, cs

! local arrays
    real(kind=8), dimension(nv,nn) :: q, u
    real(kind=8), dimension(nn)    :: y
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the problem setup
    call start_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */

! prepare problem constants during the first subroutine call
    if (first) then

! get problem parameters
      call get_parameter("ycut"  , ycut  )
      call get_parameter("dens"  , dens  )
      call get_parameter("drat"  , drat  )
      call get_parameter("pres"  , pres  )
      call get_parameter("vamp"  , vamp  )
      call get_parameter("vper"  , vper  )
      call get_parameter("buni"  , buni  )
      call get_parameter("bgui"  , bgui  )
      call get_parameter("angle" , angle )

! reset the first execution flag
      first = .false.

    end if ! first call

! prepare block coordinates
    y(:) = pdata%meta%ymin + ay(pdata%meta%level,:)

! calculate mesh intervals and areas
    dy   = ady(pdata%meta%level)
    dyh  = 0.5d+00 * dy

! set the ambient density and pressure
    q(idn,:) = dens
    if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,:) = pres

! if magnetic field is present, set it to be uniform with the desired strength
! and orientation
    if (ibx > 0) then

! calculate the orientation angles
      sn = sin(d2r * angle)
      cs = sqrt(1.0d+00 - sn * sn)

! set magnetic field components
      q(ibx,:) = buni * cs
      q(iby,:) = buni * sn
      q(ibz,:) = bgui
      q(ibp,:) = 0.0d+00

    end if

! iterate over all positions in the YZ plane
#if NDIMS == 3
    do k = 1, nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
      do j = 1, nn

! calculate the corner Y coordinates
        yl = abs(y(j)) - dyh
        yu = abs(y(j)) + dyh

! set the primitive variables for two regions
        if (yu <= ycut) then
          q(idn,:) =   dens * drat
          q(ivx,:) =   vamp
          if (isl > 0) q(isl,:) = 1.0d+00
        else if (yl >= ycut) then
          q(idn,:) =   dens
          q(ivx,:) = - vamp
          if (isl > 0) q(isl,:) = 0.0d+00
          q(idn,:) = dens * ((yu - ycut) * drat + (ycut - yl)) / dy
          q(ivx,:) = vamp * ((yu - ycut)        - (ycut - yl)) / dy
          if (isl > 0) q(isl,:) = (yu - ycut) / dy
        end if

! reset remaining velocity components
        q(ivy,:) = 0.0d+00
        q(ivz,:) = 0.0d+00

! set the pressure
        if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,:) = pres

! add a random seed velocity component
        do i = 1, nn
          q(ivx,i) = q(ivx,i) + vper * randsym()
          q(ivy,i) = q(ivy,i) + vper * randsym()
#if NDIMS == 3
          q(ivz,i) = q(ivz,i) + vper * randsym()
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
        end do

! convert the primitive variables to conservative ones
        call prim2cons(q(:,:), u(:,:), .true.)

! copy the conserved variables to the current block
        pdata%u(:,:,j,k) = u(:,:)

! copy the primitive variables to the current block
        pdata%q(:,:,j,k) = q(:,:)

      end do ! j = 1, nn
#if NDIMS == 3
    end do ! k = 1, nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the problems setup
    call stop_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */

  end subroutine setup_problem_kelvin_helmholtz
! ----------------------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the initial conditions for the Rayleigh-Taylor instability
!   problem.
!   Arguments:
!     pdata - pointer to the datablock structure of the currently initialized
!             block;
!   References:
!     [1] Almgren, A. S. et al.,
!         "CASTRO: A New Compressible Astrophysical Solver.
!          I. Hydrodynamics and Self-Gravity",
!         The Astrophysical Journal, 2010, vol. 715, pp. 1221-1238,
!         http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/715/2/1221
  subroutine setup_problem_rayleigh_taylor(pdata)

! include external procedures and variables
    use blocks     , only : block_data
    use constants  , only : pi2, d2r
    use coordinates, only : xmin, xmax, xlen
    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells
    use coordinates, only : ax, ay
    use equations  , only : prim2cons
    use equations  , only : nv
    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, ipr, ibx, iby, ibz, ibp, isl
    use equations  , only : csnd2
    use parameters , only : get_parameter
    use random     , only : randsym

! local variables are not implicit by default
    implicit none

! input arguments
    type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata

! default parameter values
    real(kind=8), save :: dens   =  1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: drat   =  2.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: damp   =  5.00d-01
    real(kind=8), save :: pres   =  5.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: ycut   =  0.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: vper   =  0.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: lper   =  1.00d-02
    real(kind=8), save :: kper   =  1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: hdel   =  5.00d-03
    real(kind=8), save :: gacc   = -1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: buni   =  1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: bgui   =  0.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: angle  =  0.00d+00

! local saved parameters
    logical     , save :: first = .true.

! local variables
    integer       :: i, j, k = 1
    real(kind=8)  :: sn, cs

! local arrays
    real(kind=8), dimension(nv,nn) :: q, u
    real(kind=8), dimension(nn)    :: x, y, yp
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the problem setup
    call start_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */

! prepare problem constants during the first subroutine call
    if (first) then

! get problem parameters
      call get_parameter("ycut"  , ycut  )
      call get_parameter("dens"  , dens  )
      call get_parameter("drat"  , drat  )
      call get_parameter("pres"  , pres  )
      call get_parameter("lper"  , lper  )
      call get_parameter("kper"  , kper  )
      call get_parameter("vper"  , vper  )
      call get_parameter("hdel"  , hdel  )
      call get_parameter("gacc"  , gacc  )
      call get_parameter("buni"  , buni  )
      call get_parameter("bgui"  , bgui  )
      call get_parameter("angle" , angle )

! calculate the density change across the interface
      damp = 5.0d-01 * (drat * dens - dens)

! reset the first execution flag
      first = .false.

    end if ! first call

! prepare block coordinates
    x(:) = pdata%meta%xmin + ax(pdata%meta%level,:)
    y(:) = pdata%meta%ymin + ay(pdata%meta%level,:)

! set the ambient density and pressure
    q(idn,:) = dens
    if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,:) = pres

! if magnetic field is present, set it to be uniform with the desired strength
! and orientation
    if (ibx > 0) then

! calculate the orientation angles
      sn = sin(d2r * angle)
      cs = sqrt(1.0d+00 - sn * sn)

! set magnetic field components
      q(ibx,:) = buni * cs
      q(iby,:) = buni * sn
      q(ibz,:) = bgui
      q(ibp,:) = 0.0d+00

    end if

! prepare density perturbation
    yp(:) = 0.5d+00 * lper * (cos(pi2 * kper * (x(:) - xmin) / xlen)           &
                            + cos(pi2 * kper * (xmax - x(:)) / xlen)) + ycut

! iterate over all positions in the YZ plane
#if NDIMS == 3
    do k = 1, nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
      do j = 1, nn

! set density and pressure
        if (ipr > 0) then
          if (y(j) <= ycut) then
            q(idn,:) = dens
            q(idn,:) = dens * drat
          end if
          q(idn,:) = dens + damp * (1.0d+00 + tanh((y(j) - yp(:)) / hdel))
          q(ipr,:) = pres + q(idn,:) * gacc * y(j)
          if (y(j) <= ycut) then
            q(idn,:) = dens        * exp(gacc * y(j) / csnd2)
            q(idn,:) = dens * drat * exp(gacc * y(j) / csnd2)
          end if
        end if
        if (isl > 0) then
          if (y(j) <= ycut) then
            q(isl,:) = 0.0d+00
            q(isl,:) = 1.0d+00
          end if
        end if

! reset the velocity components
        q(ivx,:) = 0.0d+00
        q(ivy,:) = 0.0d+00
        q(ivz,:) = 0.0d+00

! add a random seed velocity component
        if (abs(vper) > 0.0d+00) then
          do i = 1, nn
            q(ivy,i) = q(ivy,i) + vper * randsym()
          end do
        end if

! convert the primitive variables to conservative ones
        call prim2cons(q(:,:), u(:,:), .true.)

! copy the conserved variables to the current block
        pdata%u(:,:,j,k) = u(:,:)

! copy the primitive variables to the current block
        pdata%q(:,:,j,k) = q(:,:)

      end do ! j = 1, nn
#if NDIMS == 3
    end do ! k = 1, nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the problems setup
    call stop_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */

  end subroutine setup_problem_rayleigh_taylor
! --------------------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the initial conditions for the current sheet test problem.
!   Arguments:
!     pdata - pointer to the datablock structure of the currently initialized
!             block;
  subroutine setup_problem_current_sheet(pdata)

! include external procedures and variables
    use blocks     , only : block_data
    use constants  , only : pi2
    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells
    use coordinates, only : ax, ay
    use equations  , only : prim2cons
    use equations  , only : nv, magnetized
    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, ipr, ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
    use parameters , only : get_parameter

! local variables are not implicit by default
    implicit none

! input arguments
    type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata

! default parameter values
    real(kind=8), save :: xpos  = 2.50d-01
    real(kind=8), save :: xdel  = 1.00d-08
    real(kind=8), save :: dens  = 1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: beta  = 1.00d-01
    real(kind=8), save :: vamp  = 1.00d-01
    real(kind=8), save :: bamp  = 1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: bgui  = 0.00d+00

! local saved parameters
    logical, save :: first = .true.

! local variables
    integer      :: i, j, k = 1
    real(kind=8) :: t

! local arrays
    real(kind=8), dimension(nv,nn) :: q, u
    real(kind=8), dimension(nn)    :: x, y, vx
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the problem setup
    call start_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */

! retrieve the problem parameters during the first subroutine call
    if (first) then
      call get_parameter("position"     , xpos)
      call get_parameter("thickness"    , xdel)
      call get_parameter("density"      , dens)
      call get_parameter("beta"         , beta)
      call get_parameter("vel_amplitude", vamp)
      call get_parameter("mag_amplitude", bamp)
      call get_parameter("mag_guide"    , bgui)

      first = .false.
    end if

! prepare the block coordinates
    x(:) = pdata%meta%xmin + ax(pdata%meta%level,:)
    y(:) = pdata%meta%ymin + ay(pdata%meta%level,:)

! prepare the vector of velocity perturbation (varying along Y)
    vx(:) = vamp * sin(pi2 * y(:))

! set the fields, along X, which do not vary along the YZ planes
    q(idn,:) = dens
    q(ivy,:) = 0.0d+00
    q(ivz,:) = 0.0d+00
    if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,:) = 0.5d+00 * beta

! if magnetic field is present, set its antiparallel configuration
    if (magnetized) then

! set magnetic field components
      q(ibx,:) = 0.0d+00
      do i = 1, nn
        t = (xpos - abs(x(i))) / xdel
        q(iby,i) = sign(bamp, t) * min(abs(t), 1.0d+00)
      end do
      q(ibz,:) = bgui
      q(ibp,:) = 0.0d+00

! correct the gas pressure due to the variance of magnetic pressure
      if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,:) = q(ipr,:) + 0.5d+00 * (bamp**2 - q(iby,:)**2)

    end if

! iterate over all positions in the YZ planes
#if NDIMS == 3
    do k = 1, nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
      do j = 1, nn

! set the velocity perturbation
        q(ivx,:) = vx(j)

! convert the primitive variables to conservative ones
        call prim2cons(q(:,:), u(:,:))

! copy the conserved and primitive variables to the current block
        pdata%u(:,:,j,k) = u(:,:)
        pdata%q(:,:,j,k) = q(:,:)

      end do ! j = 1, nn
#if NDIMS == 3
    end do ! k = 1, nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the problems setup
    call stop_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */

  end subroutine setup_problem_current_sheet
! --------------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the initial conditions for the resistive tearing instability
!   test problem.
!   Arguments:
!     pdata - pointer to the datablock structure of the currently initialized
!             block;
!   References:
!     [1] Lapenta, G.,
!         "Self-Feeding Turbulent Magnetic Reconnection on Macroscopic Scales",
!         Physical Review Letters, 2008, vol. 100, id. 235001,
!         http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.235001
!     [2] Landi, S., Del Zanna, L., Papini, E., Pucci, F., and Velli, M.
!         "Resistive Magnetohydrodynamics Simulations of the Ideal Tearing Mode",
!         The Astrophysical Journal, 2015, vol. 806, id. 131,
!         http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/806/1/131
  subroutine setup_problem_tearing(pdata)

! include external procedures and variables
    use blocks     , only : block_data
    use constants  , only : pi2
    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells
    use coordinates, only : ax, ay, adx, ady
    use equations  , only : prim2cons
    use equations  , only : nv, magnetized, csnd2
    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, ipr, ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
    use parameters , only : get_parameter

! local variables are not implicit by default
    implicit none

! input arguments
    type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata

! default parameter values
    real(kind=8), save :: beta  = 1.00d-01
    real(kind=8), save :: delta = 1.00d-08
    real(kind=8), save :: eta   = 1.00d-08
    real(kind=8), save :: zeta  = 0.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: dens  = 1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: bamp  = 1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: bnor  = 0.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: bgui  = 0.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: bper  = 1.00d-02
    real(kind=8), save :: vper  = 1.00d-03
    real(kind=8), save :: kper  = 1.00d+00
    real(kind=8), save :: ss    = 1.00d+00

! local saved parameters
    logical, save :: first = .true.

! local variables
    integer      :: i, j, k = 1
    real(kind=8) :: dx, dy, t, btot2 = 0.0d+00

! local arrays
    real(kind=8), dimension(nv,nn) :: q, u
    real(kind=8), dimension(nn)    :: xc, xl, xu, yl, yu, xi
    real(kind=8), dimension(nn)    :: vx, vy, bx, by, b0
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the problem setup
    call start_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */

! retrieve the problem parameters during the first subroutine call
    if (first) then
      call get_parameter("resistivity", eta)
      call get_parameter("beta"       , beta)
      call get_parameter("zeta"       , zeta)
      call get_parameter("density"    , dens)
      call get_parameter("bamp"       , bamp)
      call get_parameter("bnor"       , bnor)
      call get_parameter("bgui"       , bgui)
      call get_parameter("bper"       , bper)
      call get_parameter("vper"       , vper)
      call get_parameter("kper"       , kper)

      ss    = abs(bamp) / (sqrt(dens) * max(1.0d-16, eta))
      delta = ss**(-1.0d+00/3.0d+00)
      if (abs(bper) > 0.0d+00) vper = 0.0d+00
      btot2 = bamp**2 + bnor**2 + bgui**2

      first = .false.
    end if

! prepare the block coordinates
    dx    = adx(pdata%meta%level)
    dy    = ady(pdata%meta%level)
    xc(:) = pdata%meta%xmin + ax(pdata%meta%level,:)
    xl(:) = pdata%meta%xmin + ax(pdata%meta%level,:) - 0.5d+00 * dx
    xu(:) = xl(:) + dx
    yl(:) = pdata%meta%ymin + ay(pdata%meta%level,:) - 0.5d+00 * dy
    yu(:) = yl(:) + dy

! prepare the vector of velocity perturbation (varying along Y)
    if (abs(vper) > 0.0d+00) then
      xi(:) = xc(:) * sqrt(ss)
      vx(:) = vper * tanh(xi(:)) * exp(- xi(:)**2)
      vy(:) = vper * (2.0d+00 * xi(:) * tanh(xi(:)) - 1.0d+00 / cosh(xi(:))**2)&
                   * exp(- xi(:)**2) * sqrt(ss) / (pi2 * kper)
    end if
    if (abs(bper) > 0.0d+00) then
      bx(:) = bper * (sin(pi2 * xl(:)) - sin(pi2 * xu(:))) / (pi2 * dx)
      by(:) = bper * (cos(pi2 * xl(:)) - cos(pi2 * xu(:))) / (pi2 * dx * kper)
    end if

! set the fields, along X, which do not vary along the YZ planes
    q(idn,:) = dens
    q(ivx,:) = 0.0d+00
    q(ivy,:) = 0.0d+00
    q(ivz,:) = 0.0d+00
    if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,:) = 0.5d+00 * beta

! if magnetic field is present, set its antiparallel configuration
    if (magnetized) then

! set magnetic field components
      q(ibx,:) = bnor
      do i = 1, nn
        t        = delta * (log(cosh(xu(i) / delta))                           &
                          - log(cosh(xl(i) / delta))) / dx
        q(iby,i) = bamp * max(-1.0d+00, min(1.0d+00, t))
        q(ibz,i) = zeta * sqrt(bamp**2 - q(iby,i)**2) + bgui
      end do
      q(ibp,:) = 0.0d+00
      b0(:) = q(iby,:)

! correct the gas pressure due to the variance of magnetic pressure
      if (ipr > 0) then
        q(ipr,:) = q(ipr,:) + 0.5d+00 * (btot2 - sum(q(ibx:ibz,:)**2,1))
        q(idn,:) = 0.5d+00 * (beta + btot2 - sum(q(ibx:ibz,:)**2,1)) / csnd2
      end if

    end if

! iterate over all positions in the YZ planes
#if NDIMS == 3
    do k = 1, nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
      do j = 1, nn

! set the perturbation
        if (abs(vper) > 0.0d+00) then
          q(ivx,:) = vx(:) * (sin(pi2 * kper * yl(j))                          &
                            - sin(pi2 * kper * yu(j))) / (pi2 * kper * dy)
          q(ivy,:) = vy(:) * (cos(pi2 * kper * yu(j))                          &
                            - cos(pi2 * kper * yl(j))) / (pi2 * kper * dy)
        end if
        if (abs(bper) > 0.0d+00) then
          q(ibx,:) = bx(:) * (cos(pi2 * kper * yu(j))                          &
                            - cos(pi2 * kper * yl(j))) / (pi2 * kper * dy)     &
                   + bnor
          q(iby,:) = by(:) * (sin(pi2 * kper * yl(j))                          &
                            - sin(pi2 * kper * yu(j))) / (pi2 * kper * dy)     &
                   + b0(:)
        end if

! convert the primitive variables to conservative ones
        call prim2cons(q(:,:), u(:,:))

! copy the conserved and primitive variables to the current block
        pdata%u(:,:,j,k) = u(:,:)
        pdata%q(:,:,j,k) = q(:,:)

      end do ! j = 1, nn
#if NDIMS == 3
    end do ! k = 1, nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the problems setup
    call stop_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */

  end subroutine setup_problem_tearing

end module problems