!!  This file is part of the AMUN source code, a program to perform
!!  Newtonian or relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations on uniform or
!!  adaptive mesh.
!!  Copyright (C) 2008-2021 Grzegorz Kowal <grzegorz@amuncode.org>
!!  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!!  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
!!  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
!!  (at your option) any later version.
!!  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!!  GNU General Public License for more details.
!!  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!!  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
!! module: BLOCKS
!!  This module provides data structures, variables and subroutines to
!!  construct and dynamically modify the hierarchy of blocks corresponding
!!  to the simulated mesh geometry.
module blocks

  implicit none

! =================
!   ndims     - the number of dimensions (2 or 3);
!   nsides    - the number of sides along each direction (2);
!   nchildren - the number of child blocks for each block (4 for 2D, 8 for 3D);
  integer(kind=4), parameter :: ndims     = NDIMS
  integer(kind=4), parameter :: nsides    = 2
  integer(kind=4), parameter :: nchildren = 2**ndims

! ================
! the identification of the last allocated block (always increases)
  integer(kind=4), save      :: last_id = 0

! the number of allocated meta and data blocks (inserted in the lists),
! and the number of leafs
  integer(kind=4), save      :: mblocks = 0, dblocks = 0, nleafs  = 0

! the number of variables, fluxes, and registers stored in data blocks
  integer(kind=4), save      :: nvars   = 1, nflux   = 1, nregs   = 1

! the spacial dimensions of allocatable data block arrays
  integer(kind=4), save      :: nx      = 1, ny      = 1, nz      = 1

! ========================
! define pointers to meta, data, and info block structures defined below;
! they have to be defined before block structures
  type pointer_meta
    type(block_meta), pointer :: ptr
  end type pointer_meta

  type pointer_data
    type(block_data), pointer :: ptr
  end type pointer_data

  type pointer_info
    type(block_info), pointer :: ptr
  end type pointer_info

! ================
! define the META block structure; each process keeps exactly same meta block
! structure all the time, so processes can know how the block structure changes
! and where to move data blocks;
  type block_meta
                                 ! pointers to the previous and next meta blocks
    type(block_meta)  , pointer :: prev, next

                                 ! a pointer to the parent meta block
    type(block_meta)  , pointer :: parent

                                 ! pointers to child meta blocks
    type(pointer_meta)          :: child(nchildren)

#if NDIMS == 2
                                 ! pointers to edge neighbor meta blocks with
                                 ! indices:
                                 ! 1 - the X corner coordinate
                                 ! 2 - the Y corner coordinate
                                 ! 3 - the direction of the edge from the corner
                                 !     with above coordinates
                                 ! and dimensions [1:2,1:2,1:2]
    type(pointer_meta)          :: edges(nsides,nsides,ndims)

                                 ! pointers to corner neighbor meta blocks with
                                 ! indices:
                                 ! 1 - the X corner coordinate
                                 ! 2 - the Y corner coordinate
                                 ! and dimensions [1:2,1:2]
    type(pointer_meta)          :: corners(nsides,nsides)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
                                 ! pointers to face neighbor meta blocks with
                                 ! indices:
                                 ! 1 - the X corner coordinate
                                 ! 2 - the Y corner coordinate
                                 ! 3 - the Z corner coordinate
                                 ! 4 - the direction of the face normal vector
                                 !     from the corner with above coordinates
                                 ! and dimensions [1:2,1:2,1:2,1:3]
    type(pointer_meta)          :: faces(nsides,nsides,nsides,ndims)

                                 ! pointers to edge neighbor meta blocks with
                                 ! indices:
                                 ! 1 - the X corner coordinate
                                 ! 2 - the Y corner coordinate
                                 ! 3 - the Z corner coordinate
                                 ! 4 - the direction of the edge from the corner
                                 !     with above coordinates
                                 ! and dimensions [1:2,1:2,1:2,1:3]
    type(pointer_meta)          :: edges(nsides,nsides,nsides,ndims)

                                 ! pointers to corner neighbor meta blocks with
                                 ! indices:
                                 ! 1 - the X corner coordinate
                                 ! 2 - the Y corner coordinate
                                 ! 3 - the Z corner coordinate
                                 ! and dimensions [1:2,1:2,1:2]
    type(pointer_meta)          :: corners(nsides,nsides,nsides)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

                                 ! a pointer to the associated data block
    type(block_data)  , pointer :: data

                                 ! the identification number (unique for each
                                 ! block)
    integer(kind=4)             :: id

                                 ! the process number to which the meta block
                                 ! is bounded
    integer(kind=4)             :: process

                                 ! the level of refinement
    integer(kind=4)             :: level

                                 ! the number describing the configuration of
                                 ! the child meta blocks
    integer(kind=4)             :: conf

                                 ! the refinement flag, -1, 0, and 1 for
                                 ! the block marked to be derefined, not
                                 ! changed, and refined, respectively
    integer(kind=4)             :: refine

                                 ! the block position in its parent
    integer(kind=4)             :: pos(ndims)

                                 ! the block global coordinates at its level
    integer(kind=4)             :: coords(ndims)

                                 ! the leaf flag, signifying that the block is
                                 ! the highest block in the local block
                                 ! structure
    logical                     :: leaf

                                 ! the flag indicates that the corresponding
                                 ! data needs to be updated (e.g. boundaries or
                                 ! primitive variables), therefore it is
                                 ! usually .true.
    logical                     :: update

                                 ! the block bounds in the coordinate units
    real(kind=8)                :: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax

  end type block_meta

! define the LEAF structure; this is a simple structure used to keep the leaf
! list; it contains the pointer to the next leaf block and the pointer to
! the meta block which is leaf;
  type block_leaf
                                 ! pointer to the next leaf block
    type(block_leaf), pointer :: next
                                 ! pointer to the leaf meta block
    type(block_meta), pointer :: meta

  end type block_leaf

! define the DATA block structure; all data blocks are divided between
! processes, therefore the same data block cannot be associated with two
! different processes, but they can be moved from one process to another;
  type block_data
                                 ! pointers to the previous and next data blocks
    type(block_data), pointer :: prev, next

                                 ! a pointer to the associated meta block
    type(block_meta), pointer :: meta

                                 ! a pointer to the current conserved variable
                                 ! array
    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:)  , pointer     :: u

                                 ! an allocatable arrays to store all conserved
                                 ! variables (requires two additional arrays
                                 ! for embedded low-storage explicit optimal
                                 ! high-order SSPRK integration methods)
    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: uu

                                 ! an allocatable array to store all primitive
                                 ! variables and
    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:)  , allocatable :: q, du

                                 ! allocatable arrays to store interface fluxes
    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:)  , allocatable :: fx, fy, fz

  end type block_data

! define the INFO block structure
  type block_info
                                 ! pointers to the previous and next info blocks
    type(block_info)  , pointer :: prev, next

                                 ! a pointer to the associated meta block
    type(block_meta)  , pointer :: meta

                                 ! a pointer to the associated neighbor block
    type(block_meta)  , pointer :: neigh

                                 ! the direction along which the neighbor
                                 ! is located
    integer(kind=4)             :: direction

                                 ! the corner index determining the position of
                                 ! the corner boundary and when direction is
                                 ! specified also the face or edge boundaries
    integer(kind=4)             :: corner(NDIMS)

                                 ! the level difference between the block and
                                 ! its neighbor
    integer(kind=4)             :: level_difference

  end type block_info

! =================================================
! these pointers construct the lists of meta and data blocks, and the list of
! leaf blocks;
  type(block_meta), pointer, save :: list_meta, last_meta
  type(block_data), pointer, save :: list_data, last_data
  type(block_leaf), pointer, save :: list_leaf

! =================================
  type(pointer_data), dimension(:), allocatable :: data_blocks

! all variables and subroutines are private by default

! declare public pointers, structures, and variables
  public :: pointer_meta, pointer_data, pointer_info
  public :: block_meta, block_data, block_info, block_leaf
  public :: list_meta, list_data, list_leaf
  public :: ndims, nsides, nchildren, nregs

! declare public subroutines
  public :: initialize_blocks, finalize_blocks
  public :: append_metablock, remove_metablock
  public :: append_datablock, remove_datablock
  public :: allocate_metablock, deallocate_metablock
  public :: allocate_datablock, deallocate_datablock
  public :: link_blocks, unlink_blocks
  public :: refine_block, derefine_block
  public :: set_last_id, get_last_id, get_mblocks, get_dblocks, get_nleafs
  public :: set_blocks_update
  public :: change_blocks_process
  public :: set_neighbors_refine, set_neighbors_update
  public :: metablock_set_id, metablock_set_process, metablock_set_level
  public :: metablock_set_configuration, metablock_set_refinement
  public :: metablock_set_position, metablock_set_coordinates
  public :: metablock_set_bounds, metablock_set_leaf, metablock_unset_leaf
  public :: build_leaf_list, build_datablock_list
  public :: data_blocks
#ifdef DEBUG
  public :: check_neighbors
#endif /* DEBUG */

!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
!!***  PUBLIC SUBROUTINES  *****************************************************
! ----------------------------
!   Subroutine initializes the module structures, pointers and variables.
!   Arguments:
!     nv      - the number of variables stored in the block;
!     nf      - the number of fluxes stored in the block;
!     nc      - the number of cells per block dimension;
!     nr      - the number of registers;
!     status  - the subroutine call status: 0 for success, otherwise failure;
  subroutine initialize_blocks(nv, nf, nc, nr, status)

    implicit none

    integer, intent(in)  :: nv, nf, nc, nr
    integer, intent(out) :: status

    status  = 0

! reset identification counter
    last_id = 0

! reset the number of meta blocks, data blocks, and leafs
    mblocks = 0
    dblocks = 0
    nleafs  = 0

! set the initial number of variables, fluxes, and registers
    nvars   = nv
    nflux   = nf
    nregs   = nr

! set the initial data block resolution
    nx      = nc
    ny      = nc
#if NDIMS == 3
    nz      = nc
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! nullify pointers defining the meta and data lists

  end subroutine initialize_blocks
! subroutine FINALIZE_BLOCKS:
! --------------------------
!   Subroutine iterates over all meta blocks and first deallocates all
!   associated with them data blocks, and then their metadata structure.
!   Arguments:
!     status - the subroutine call status: 0 for success, otherwise failure;
  subroutine finalize_blocks(status)

    use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit

    implicit none

    integer, intent(out) :: status

    type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta

    character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::finalize_blocks()'

    status = 0

! deallocate the vector of data blocks
    if (allocated(data_blocks)) then
      deallocate(data_blocks, stat=status)
      if (status /= 0) &
        write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc), &
                         "Could not deallocate the vector of data blocks!"
    end if

! remove all metablocks
    pmeta => last_meta
    do while(associated(pmeta))

      call remove_metablock(pmeta, status)

      pmeta => last_meta
    end do ! meta blocks

! wipe the leaf list out
    call wipe_leaf_list(status)

! nullify pointers defining the meta and data lists

  end subroutine finalize_blocks
! subroutine APPEND_METABLOCK:
! ---------------------------
!   Subroutine allocates memory for one meta block, appends it to the meta
!   block list and returns a pointer associated with it.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta  - the pointer associated with the newly appended meta block;
!     status - the subroutine call status: 0 for success, otherwise failure;
  subroutine append_metablock(pmeta, status)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(out) :: pmeta
    integer                  , intent(out) :: status
! allocate memory for the new meta block
    call allocate_metablock(pmeta, status)

! quit if block couldn't be allocated
    if (status /= 0) return

! check if there are any blocks in the meta block list
    if (associated(last_meta)) then

! add the new block to the end of the list
      pmeta%prev     => last_meta
      last_meta%next => pmeta


! there are no blocks in the list, so add this one as the first block
      list_meta      => pmeta

    end if

! update the pointer to the last block on the list
    last_meta => pmeta

! increase the number of allocated meta blocks stored in the meta block list
    mblocks = mblocks + 1

  end subroutine append_metablock
! subroutine REMOVE_METABLOCK:
! ---------------------------
!   Subroutine removes a meta block associated with the input pointer from
!   the meta block list, and deallocates space used by it.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta  - the pointer pointing to the meta block which will be removed;
!     status - the subroutine call status: 0 for success, otherwise failure;
  subroutine remove_metablock(pmeta, status)

    use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta
    integer                  , intent(out)   :: status

    character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::remove_metablock()'

! check if the pointer is actually associated with any block
    if (associated(pmeta)) then

! if this is the first block in the list, update the list_meta pointer
      if (pmeta%id == list_meta%id) list_meta => pmeta%next

! if this is the last block in the list, update the last_meta pointer
      if (pmeta%id == last_meta%id) last_meta => pmeta%prev

! update the %next and %prev pointers of the previous and next blocks,
! respectively
      if (associated(pmeta%prev)) pmeta%prev%next => pmeta%next
      if (associated(pmeta%next)) pmeta%next%prev => pmeta%prev

! set this block to be not a leaf
      call metablock_unset_leaf(pmeta)

! decrease the number of allocated meta blocks stored in the meta block list
      mblocks = mblocks - 1

! deallocate memory used by the meta block
      call deallocate_metablock(pmeta, status)


! the argument contains a null pointer, so print an error
      write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                            &
                      , "Null pointer argument to meta block!"
      status = 1

    end if

  end subroutine remove_metablock
! subroutine APPEND_DATABLOCK:
! ---------------------------
!   Subroutine allocates memory for one data block, appends it to the data
!   block list and returns a pointer associated with it.
!   Arguments:
!     pdata  - the pointer associated with the newly appended data block;
!     status - the subroutine call status: 0 for success, otherwise failure;
  subroutine append_datablock(pdata, status)

    implicit none

    type(block_data), pointer, intent(out) :: pdata
    integer                  , intent(out) :: status

! allocate memory for the new data block
    call allocate_datablock(pdata, status)

! quit if block couldn't be allocated
    if (status /= 0) return

! check if there are any blocks in the data block list
    if (associated(last_data)) then

! add the new block to the end of the list
      pdata%prev     => last_data
      last_data%next => pdata


! there are no blocks in the list, so add this one as the first block
      list_data      => pdata

    end if

! update the pointer to the last block on the list
    last_data => pdata

! increase the number of data blocks in the list
    dblocks = dblocks + 1

  end subroutine append_datablock
! subroutine REMOVE_DATABLOCK:
! ---------------------------
!   Subroutine removes a data block associated with the input pointer from
!   the data block list, and deallocates space used by it.
!   Arguments:
!     pdata  - the pointer pointing to the data block which will be removed;
!     status - the subroutine call status: 0 for success, otherwise failure;
  subroutine remove_datablock(pdata, status)

    use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit

    implicit none

    type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata
    integer                  , intent(out)   :: status

    character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::remove_datablock()'

! check if the pointer is actually associated with any block
    if (associated(pdata)) then

! check if the data block has associated meta block
      if (associated(pdata%meta)) then

! if this is the first block in the list, update the list_data pointer
        if (pdata%meta%id == list_data%meta%id) list_data => pdata%next

! if this is the last block in the list, update the last_data pointer
        if (pdata%meta%id == last_data%meta%id) last_data => pdata%prev

! update the %next and %prev pointers of the previous and next blocks,
! respectively
        if (associated(pdata%prev)) pdata%prev%next => pdata%next
        if (associated(pdata%next)) pdata%next%prev => pdata%prev

      else ! %meta associated

! there is no meta block associated, so print an error
        write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                          &
                        , "No meta block associated with the data block!"
        status = 1

      end if ! %meta associated

! decrease the number of allocated data blocks in the list
      dblocks = dblocks - 1

! deallocate the associated data block
      call deallocate_datablock(pdata, status)


! the argument contains a null pointer, so print an error
      write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                            &
                      , "Null pointer argument to data block!"
      status = 1

    end if

  end subroutine remove_datablock
! -----------------------------
!   Subroutine allocates memory for one meta block, initializes its fields
!   and returns a pointer associated with it.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta  - the pointer associated with the newly allocated meta block;
!     status - the subroutine call status: 0 for success, otherwise failure;
  subroutine allocate_metablock(pmeta, status)

    use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(out) :: pmeta
    integer                  , intent(out) :: status

    integer :: n, i, j
#if NDIMS == 3
    integer :: k
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

    character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::allocate_metablock()'

! allocate the meta block structure for one object
    allocate(pmeta, stat = status)

! check if allocation succeeded
    if (status == 0) then

! nullify fields pointing to previous and next block on the meta block list

! nullify the field pointing to the parent

! nullify fields pointing to children
      do i = 1, nchildren
      end do

! nullify fields pointing to face, edge, and corner neighbors
#if NDIMS == 2
      do i = 1, nsides
        do j = 1, nsides
          do n = 1, ndims
          end do ! ndims
        end do ! nsides
      end do ! nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
      do i = 1, nsides
        do j = 1, nsides
          do k = 1, nsides
            do n = 1, ndims
            end do ! ndims
          end do ! nsides
        end do ! nsides
      end do ! nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! nullify the field pointing to the associated data block

! set unique ID
      pmeta%id        = increase_id()

! unset the process number, level, the children configuration, refine, leaf,
! and update flags
      pmeta%process   = -1
      pmeta%level     = -1
      pmeta%conf      = -1
      pmeta%refine    =  0
      pmeta%leaf      = .false.
      pmeta%update    = .true.

! initialize the position in the parent block
      pmeta%pos(:)    = -1

! initialize the block coordinates in the current level
      pmeta%coords(:) = 0

! initialize coordinate bounds of the block
      pmeta%xmin      = 0.0d+00
      pmeta%xmax      = 1.0d+00
      pmeta%ymin      = 0.0d+00
      pmeta%ymax      = 1.0d+00
      pmeta%zmin      = 0.0d+00
      pmeta%zmax      = 1.0d+00

    else ! allocate
      write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                            &
                      , "Cannot allocate meta block!"
      status = 1
    end if ! allocate

  end subroutine allocate_metablock
! -------------------------------
!   Subroutine releases memory used by the meta block associated with
!   the pointer argument.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta  - the pointer associated with the meta block which will be
!              deallocated;
!     status - the subroutine call status: 0 for success, otherwise failure;
  subroutine deallocate_metablock(pmeta, status)

    use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta
    integer                  , intent(out)   :: status

    integer :: n, i, j
#if NDIMS == 3
    integer :: k
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! local parameters
    character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::deallocate_metablock()'

! check if the pointer is actually associated with any block
    if (associated(pmeta)) then

! nullify fields pointing to previous and next block on the meta block list

! nullify the field pointing to the parent

! nullify fields pointing to children
      do i = 1, nchildren
      end do

! nullify fields pointing to face, edge, and corner neighbors
#if NDIMS == 2
      do i = 1, nsides
        do j = 1, nsides
          do n = 1, ndims
          end do ! ndims
        end do ! nsides
      end do ! nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
      do i = 1, nsides
        do j = 1, nsides
          do k = 1, nsides
            do n = 1, ndims
            end do ! ndims
          end do ! nsides
        end do ! nsides
      end do ! nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! if there is a data block is associated, remove it
      if (associated(pmeta%data)) call remove_datablock(pmeta%data, status)

! nullify the field pointing to the associated data block

! release the memory occupied by the block
      deallocate(pmeta, stat = status)

! nullify the pointer to the deallocated meta block


! the argument contains a null pointer, so print an error
      write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                            &
                      , "Null pointer argument to meta block!"
      status = 1

    end if

  end subroutine deallocate_metablock
! -----------------------------
!   Subroutine allocates memory for one data block, initializes its fields
!   and returns a pointer associated with it.
!   Arguments:
!     pdata  - the pointer associated with the newly allocated data block;
!     status - the subroutine call status: 0 for success, otherwise failure;
  subroutine allocate_datablock(pdata, status)

    use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit

    implicit none

    type(block_data), pointer, intent(out) :: pdata
    integer                  , intent(out) :: status

    character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::allocate_datablock()'

! allocate the block structure
    allocate(pdata, stat = status)

! check if allocation succeeded
    if (status == 0) then

! nullify field pointing to the previous and next blocks on the data block list

! nullify the field pointing to the associate meta block list

! allocate space for conserved and primitive variables, and fluxes
      allocate(pdata%uu(nvars,nx,ny,nz,nregs), pdata%du(nvars,nx,ny,nz),       &
               pdata%q(nvars,nx,ny,nz),                                        &
               pdata%fx(nflux,2,ny,nz), pdata%fy(nflux,nx,2,nz),               &
#if NDIMS == 3
               pdata%fz(nflux,nx,ny,2),                                        &
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
               stat = status)

! check if allocation succeeded
      if (status == 0) then

! reset arrays
        pdata%uu = 0.0d+00
        pdata%du = 0.0d+00
        pdata%q  = 0.0d+00
        pdata%fx = 0.0d+00
        pdata%fy = 0.0d+00
#if NDIMS == 3
        pdata%fz = 0.0d+00
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! initiate the conserved variable pointer
        pdata%u => pdata%uu(:,:,:,:,1)

      else ! allocation
        write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                            &
                        , "Cannot allocate variables in data block!"
        status = 1
      end if ! allocation

    else ! allocation
      write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                            &
                      , "Cannot allocate data block!"
      status = 1
    end if ! allocation

  end subroutine allocate_datablock
! -------------------------------
!   Subroutine releases memory used by the data block associated with
!   the pointer argument.
!   Arguments:
!     pdata  - the pointer associated with the data block which will be
!              deallocated;
!     status - the subroutine call status: 0 for success, otherwise failure;
  subroutine deallocate_datablock(pdata, status)

    use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit

    implicit none

    type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata
    integer                  , intent(out)   :: status

    character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::deallocate_datablock()'

! check if the pointer is actually associated with any block
    if (associated(pdata)) then

! nullify field pointing to the previous and next blocks on the data block list

! nullify the field pointing to the associate meta block list

! nullify pointer to the current conserved variable array

! deallocate conserved variables
      if (allocated(pdata%uu)) deallocate(pdata%uu, stat = status)

! deallocate the increment of conserved variables
      if (allocated(pdata%du)) deallocate(pdata%du, stat = status)

! deallocate primitive variables
      if (allocated(pdata%q )) deallocate(pdata%q , stat = status)

! deallocate numerical fluxes
      if (allocated(pdata%fx)) deallocate(pdata%fx, stat = status)
      if (allocated(pdata%fy)) deallocate(pdata%fy, stat = status)
      if (allocated(pdata%fz)) deallocate(pdata%fz, stat = status)

! release the memory occupied by the block
      deallocate(pdata, stat = status)

! nullify the pointer to the deallocated meta block


! the argument contains a null pointer, so print an error
      write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                            &
                      , "Null pointer argument to data block!"
      status = 1

    end if ! pdata associated with a data block

  end subroutine deallocate_datablock
! subroutine LINK_BLOCKS:
! ----------------------
!   Subroutine links meta and data blocks.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta - the meta block pointer;
!     pdata - the data block pointer;
  subroutine link_blocks(pmeta, pdata)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta
    type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata

    pmeta%data => pdata
    pdata%meta => pmeta

  end subroutine link_blocks
! subroutine UNLINK_BLOCKS:
! ------------------------
!   Subroutine unlinks meta and data blocks.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta - the meta block pointer;
!     pdata - the data block pointer;
  subroutine unlink_blocks(pmeta, pdata)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta
    type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata


  end subroutine unlink_blocks
! subroutine REFINE_BLOCK:
! -----------------------
!   Subroutine creates children of the current block and initializes their
!   configuration, pointers and fields.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta  - a pointer to meta block for which children will be created;
!     fdata  - a flag indicating if data blocks for children should be allocated;
!     status - the subroutine call status: 0 for success, otherwise failure;
  subroutine refine_block(pmeta, fdata, status)

    use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta
    logical                  , intent(in)    :: fdata
    integer                  , intent(out)   :: status

    type(block_meta), pointer :: pnext, pneigh, pchild
    type(block_data), pointer :: pdata

    logical, save :: first = .true.
    integer       :: p, q, np
    integer       :: i, ip, ir
    integer       :: j, jp, jr
    integer       :: k, kp = 1
#if NDIMS == 3
    integer       :: kr
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
    real(kind=8)  :: xln, yln, zln, xmn, xmx, ymn, ymx, zmn, zmx

    integer, dimension(0:79,nchildren), save :: order
    integer, dimension(0:79,nchildren), save :: config

    character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::refine_block()'

    status = 0

! prepare some arrays
    if (first) then

! prepare order array
      do p = 1, nchildren
        order ( :,p) = p
      end do
#if NDIMS == 2
      order ( 0,:) = (/  1,  2,  3,  4 /)
      order (12,:) = (/  1,  3,  4,  2 /)
      order (13,:) = (/  1,  2,  4,  3 /)
      order (42,:) = (/  4,  3,  1,  2 /)
      order (43,:) = (/  4,  2,  1,  3 /)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
      order ( 0,:) = (/  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8 /)
      order (12,:) = (/  1,  3,  7,  5,  6,  8,  4,  2 /)
      order (13,:) = (/  1,  5,  6,  2,  4,  8,  7,  3 /)
      order (15,:) = (/  1,  2,  4,  3,  7,  8,  6,  5 /)
      order (42,:) = (/  4,  8,  7,  3,  1,  5,  6,  2 /)
      order (43,:) = (/  4,  2,  6,  8,  7,  5,  1,  3 /)
      order (48,:) = (/  4,  3,  1,  2,  6,  5,  7,  8 /)
      order (62,:) = (/  6,  5,  7,  8,  4,  3,  1,  2 /)
      order (65,:) = (/  6,  8,  4,  2,  1,  3,  7,  5 /)
      order (68,:) = (/  6,  2,  1,  5,  7,  3,  4 , 8 /)
      order (73,:) = (/  7,  8,  6,  5,  1,  2,  4,  3 /)
      order (75,:) = (/  7,  3,  4,  8,  6,  2,  1,  5 /)
      order (78,:) = (/  7,  5,  1,  3,  4,  2,  6,  8 /)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! prepare config array
      config( :,:) = 0
#if NDIMS == 2
      config( 0,:) = (/  0,  0,  0,  0 /)
      config(12,:) = (/ 13, 12, 12, 42 /)
      config(13,:) = (/ 12, 13, 13, 43 /)
      config(42,:) = (/ 43, 42, 42, 12 /)
      config(43,:) = (/ 42, 43, 43, 13 /)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
      config( 0,:) = (/ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /)
      config(12,:) = (/ 13, 15, 15, 78, 78, 62, 62, 42 /)
      config(13,:) = (/ 15, 12, 12, 68, 68, 43, 43, 73 /)
      config(15,:) = (/ 12, 13, 13, 48, 48, 75, 75, 65 /)
      config(42,:) = (/ 48, 43, 43, 75, 75, 12, 12, 62 /)
      config(43,:) = (/ 42, 48, 48, 65, 65, 73, 73, 13 /)
      config(48,:) = (/ 43, 42, 42, 15, 15, 68, 68, 78 /)
      config(62,:) = (/ 65, 68, 68, 73, 73, 42, 42, 12 /)
      config(65,:) = (/ 68, 62, 62, 43, 43, 15, 15, 75 /)
      config(68,:) = (/ 62, 65, 65, 13, 13, 78, 78, 48 /)
      config(73,:) = (/ 78, 75, 75, 62, 62, 13, 13, 43 /)
      config(75,:) = (/ 73, 78, 78, 42, 42, 65, 65, 15 /)
      config(78,:) = (/ 75, 73, 73, 12, 12, 48, 48, 68 /)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! reset the first execution flag
      first = .false.

    end if

! check if pointer is associated
    if (associated(pmeta)) then

! store the pointer to the next block on the list
      pnext => pmeta%next

! set corresponding configuration of the new blocks
      q   = pmeta%conf

! calculate sizes of the child blocks
      xln = 0.5d+00 * (pmeta%xmax - pmeta%xmin)
      yln = 0.5d+00 * (pmeta%ymax - pmeta%ymin)
#if NDIMS == 3
      zln = 0.5d+00 * (pmeta%zmax - pmeta%zmin)
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
      zln =           (pmeta%zmax - pmeta%zmin)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! iterate over the number of children in the reverse configuration order, i.e.
! the allocated blocks are inserted after the parent block following
! the reversed Hilbert curve
      p = nchildren
      do while(p >= 1 .and. status == 0)

! insert a new meta block after pmeta and associate it with pchild
        call insert_metablock_after(pmeta, pchild, status)

! proceed, if metablock insertion was successful
        if (status == 0) then

! set the child configuration number
          call metablock_set_configuration(pchild, config(q,p))

! associate the parent's children array element with the freshly created
! meta block
          pmeta%child(order(q,p))%ptr => pchild

          write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                        &
                       , "Cannot insert new meta block for the current child!"
          status = 1
        end if

! decrease the child index
        p = p - 1

      end do ! nchildren

! check if new child blocks are ready for configuration
      if (status == 0) then

! iterate over all children
        do p = 1, nchildren

! associate a pointer with the current child
          pchild        => pmeta%child(p)%ptr

! associate the parent field with pmeta
          pchild%parent => pmeta

! mark the child as the leaf
          call metablock_set_leaf(pchild)

! mark the child to be updated
          call metablock_set_update(pchild)

! set the child refinement level
          call metablock_set_level(pchild, pmeta%level + 1)

! set the child process number
          call metablock_set_process(pchild, pmeta%process)

! calculate the block position indices
          q   = p - 1
          i   = mod(q    ,2)
          j   = mod(q / 2,2)
          k   = mod(q / 4,2)

! calculate the block coordinates in effective resolution units
          ip  = 2 * pmeta%coords(1) + i
          jp  = 2 * pmeta%coords(2) + j
#if NDIMS == 3
          kp  = 2 * pmeta%coords(3) + k
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! calculate block bounds
          xmn = pmeta%xmin + xln * i
          ymn = pmeta%ymin + yln * j
          zmn = pmeta%zmin + zln * k

          xmx = xmn        + xln
          ymx = ymn        + yln
          zmx = zmn        + zln

! set the block position
          call metablock_set_position(pchild, (/ i, j, k /))

! set the effective resolution coordinates
          call metablock_set_coordinates(pchild, (/ ip, jp, kp /))

! set the child block bounds
          call metablock_set_bounds(pchild, xmn, xmx, ymn, ymx, zmn, zmx)

        end do ! nchildren

! update neighbor pointers of the parent block
#if NDIMS == 2
        do jp = 1, nsides
          jr = 3 - jp
          do ip = 1, nsides
            ir = 3 - ip

! calculate the child index
            p  = 2 * (jp - 1) + ip

! associate pchild with the proper child
            pchild => pmeta%child(p)%ptr

!--- update edge neighbor pointers ---
! update external edges
! along X-direction
            pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,1)%ptr
            if (associated(pneigh)) then
              if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                q  = 2 * (jr - 1) + ip
                pchild%edges(ip,jp,1)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                pchild%edges(ir,jp,1)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                pchild%edges(ip,jp,1)%ptr => pneigh
                pchild%edges(ir,jp,1)%ptr => pneigh
              end if
            end if ! pneigh associated

! along Y-direction
            pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,2)%ptr
            if (associated(pneigh)) then
              if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                q = 2 * (jp - 1) + ir
                pchild%edges(ip,jp,2)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                pchild%edges(ip,jr,2)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                pchild%edges(ip,jp,2)%ptr => pneigh
                pchild%edges(ip,jr,2)%ptr => pneigh
              end if
            end if ! pneigh associated

! update internal edges
! along X-direction
            q = 2 * (jr - 1) + ip
            pchild%edges(ip,jr,1)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
            pchild%edges(ir,jr,1)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr

! along Y-direction
            q = 2 * (jp - 1) + ir
            pchild%edges(ir,jp,2)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
            pchild%edges(ir,jr,2)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr

!--- update corner neighbor pointers ---
! calculate the index of opposite child
            q = 2 * (jr - 1) + ir

! update corner located at the parent's one
            pneigh => pmeta%corners(ip,jp)%ptr
            if (associated(pneigh)) then
              if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                pchild%corners(ip,jp)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                pchild%corners(ip,jp)%ptr => pneigh
              end if
            end if ! pneigh associated

! update corner touching another child
            pchild%corners(ir,jr)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr

! update corners laying on parent's edges
! along X-direction
            pneigh => pmeta%edges(ir,jp,1)%ptr
            if (associated(pneigh)) then
              if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                pchild%corners(ir,jp)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                &
                                           pchild%corners(ir,jp)%ptr => pneigh
              end if
            end if ! pneigh associated

! along Y-direction
            pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jr,2)%ptr
            if (associated(pneigh)) then
              if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                pchild%corners(ip,jr)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                &
                                           pchild%corners(ip,jr)%ptr => pneigh
              end if
            end if ! pneigh associated

          end do ! ip = 1, nsides
        end do ! jp = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
        do kp = 1, nsides
          kr = 3 - kp
          do jp = 1, nsides
            jr = 3 - jp
            do ip = 1, nsides
              ir = 3 - ip

! calculate the child index
              p  = 4 * (kp - 1) + 2 * (jp - 1) + ip

! associate pchild with the proper child
              pchild => pmeta%child(p)%ptr

!--- update face neighbor pointers ---
! prepare the index of neighbor child for X-faces
              q = 4 * (kp - 1) + 2 * (jp - 1) + ir

! set the internal side neighbor pointer
              do k = 1, nsides
                do j = 1, nsides
                  pchild%faces(ir,j,k,1)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                end do ! j = 1, nsides
              end do ! k = 1, nsides

! associate pneigh with the X-face neighbor
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,1)%ptr

! set the external side neighbor pointer
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  do k = 1, nsides
                    do j = 1, nsides
                      pchild%faces(ip,j,k,1)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                    end do ! j = 1, nsides
                  end do ! k = 1, nsides
                  do k = 1, nsides
                    do j = 1, nsides
                  pchild%faces(ip,j,k,1)%ptr => pneigh
                    end do ! j = 1, nsides
                  end do ! k = 1, nsides
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! prepare the index of neighbor child for Y-faces
              q = 4 * (kp - 1) + 2 * (jr - 1) + ip

! set the internal side neighbor pointer
              do k = 1, nsides
                do i = 1, nsides
                  pchild%faces(i,jr,k,2)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                end do ! i = 1, nsides
              end do ! k = 1, nsides

! associate pneigh with the Y-face neighbor
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,2)%ptr

! set the external side neighbor pointer
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  do k = 1, nsides
                    do i = 1, nsides
                      pchild%faces(i,jp,k,2)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                    end do ! i = 1, nsides
                  end do ! k = 1, nsides
                  do k = 1, nsides
                    do i = 1, nsides
                  pchild%faces(i,jp,k,2)%ptr => pneigh
                    end do ! i = 1, nsides
                  end do ! k = 1, nsides
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! prepare the index of neighbor child for Z-faces
              q = 4 * (kr - 1) + 2 * (jp - 1) + ip

! set the internal side neighbor pointer
              do j = 1, nsides
                do i = 1, nsides
                  pchild%faces(i,j,kr,3)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                end do ! i = 1, nsides
              end do ! j = 1, nsides

! associate pneigh with the Z-face neighbor
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,3)%ptr

! set the external side neighbor pointer
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  do j = 1, nsides
                    do i = 1, nsides
                      pchild%faces(i,j,kp,3)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                    end do ! i = 1, nsides
                  end do ! j = 1, nsides
                  do j = 1, nsides
                    do i = 1, nsides
                  pchild%faces(i,j,kp,3)%ptr => pneigh
                    end do ! i = 1, nsides
                  end do ! j = 1, nsides
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

!--- update edge neighbor pointers ---
! process child edges which lay on the parent's edges
! along X direction
              pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,1)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  q = 4 * (kr - 1) + 2 * (jr - 1) + ip
                  pchild%edges(ip,jp,kp,1)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  pchild%edges(ir,jp,kp,1)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  pchild%edges(ip,jp,kp,1)%ptr => pneigh
                  pchild%edges(ir,jp,kp,1)%ptr => pneigh
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! along Y direction
              pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,2)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  q = 4 * (kr - 1) + 2 * (jp - 1) + ir
                  pchild%edges(ip,jp,kp,2)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  pchild%edges(ip,jr,kp,2)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  pchild%edges(ip,jp,kp,2)%ptr => pneigh
                  pchild%edges(ip,jr,kp,2)%ptr => pneigh
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! along Z direction
              pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,3)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  q = 4 * (kp - 1) + 2 * (jr - 1) + ir
                  pchild%edges(ip,jp,kp,3)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  pchild%edges(ip,jp,kr,3)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  pchild%edges(ip,jp,kp,3)%ptr => pneigh
                  pchild%edges(ip,jp,kr,3)%ptr => pneigh
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! process child edges which are neighbors with other children
! along X direction
              q = 4 * (kr - 1) + 2 * (jr - 1) + ip
              pchild%edges(ip,jr,kr,1)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
              pchild%edges(ir,jr,kr,1)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr

! along Y direction
              q = 4 * (kr - 1) + 2 * (jp - 1) + ir
              pchild%edges(ir,jp,kr,2)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
              pchild%edges(ir,jr,kr,2)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr

! along Z direction
              q = 4 * (kp - 1) + 2 * (jr - 1) + ir
              pchild%edges(ir,jr,kp,3)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
              pchild%edges(ir,jr,kr,3)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr

! process child edges on the parent's X-face
! along Z-edge
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jr,kp,1)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  q = 4 * (kp - 1) + 2 * (jr - 1) + ir
                  pchild%edges(ip,jr,kp,3)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  pchild%edges(ip,jr,kr,3)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
                    pchild%edges(ip,jr,kp,3)%ptr => pneigh
                    pchild%edges(ip,jr,kr,3)%ptr => pneigh
                  end if
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! along Y-edge
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kr,1)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  q = 4 * (kr - 1) + 2 * (jp - 1) + ir
                  pchild%edges(ip,jp,kr,2)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  pchild%edges(ip,jr,kr,2)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
                    pchild%edges(ip,jp,kr,2)%ptr => pneigh
                    pchild%edges(ip,jr,kr,2)%ptr => pneigh
                  end if
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! process child edges on the parent's Y-face
! along Z-edge
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ir,jp,kp,2)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  q = 4 * (kp - 1) + 2 * (jr - 1) + ir
                  pchild%edges(ir,jp,kp,3)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  pchild%edges(ir,jp,kr,3)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
                    pchild%edges(ir,jp,kp,3)%ptr => pneigh
                    pchild%edges(ir,jp,kr,3)%ptr => pneigh
                  end if
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! along X-edge
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kr,2)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  q = 4 * (kr - 1) + 2 * (jr - 1) + ip
                  pchild%edges(ip,jp,kr,1)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  pchild%edges(ir,jp,kr,1)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
                    pchild%edges(ip,jp,kr,1)%ptr => pneigh
                    pchild%edges(ir,jp,kr,1)%ptr => pneigh
                  end if
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! process child edges on the parent's Z-face
! along Y-edge
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ir,jp,kp,3)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  q = 4 * (kr - 1) + 2 * (jp - 1) + ir
                  pchild%edges(ir,jp,kp,2)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  pchild%edges(ir,jr,kp,2)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
                    pchild%edges(ir,jp,kp,2)%ptr => pneigh
                    pchild%edges(ir,jr,kp,2)%ptr => pneigh
                  end if
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! along X-edge
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jr,kp,3)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  q = 4 * (kr - 1) + 2 * (jr - 1) + ip
                  pchild%edges(ip,jr,kp,1)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  pchild%edges(ir,jr,kp,1)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
                    pchild%edges(ip,jr,kp,1)%ptr => pneigh
                    pchild%edges(ir,jr,kp,1)%ptr => pneigh
                  end if
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

!--- update corner neighbor pointers ---
! calculate the index of the neighbor child
              q = 4 * (kr - 1) + 2 * (jr - 1) + ir

! process child corner which overlaps with the parent's one
              pneigh => pmeta%corners(ip,jp,kp)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  pchild%corners(ip,jp,kp)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  pchild%corners(ip,jp,kp)%ptr => pmeta%corners(ip,jp,kp)%ptr
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! process child corner which points to another child
              pchild%corners(ir,jr,kr)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr

! process child corners which lay on parent's edges
! along X direction
              pneigh => pmeta%edges(ir,jp,kp,1)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  pchild%corners(ir,jp,kp)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                              &
                                        pchild%corners(ir,jp,kp)%ptr => pneigh
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! along Y direction
              pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jr,kp,2)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  pchild%corners(ip,jr,kp)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                              &
                                        pchild%corners(ip,jr,kp)%ptr => pneigh
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! along Z-direction
              pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kr,3)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  pchild%corners(ip,jp,kr)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                              &
                                        pchild%corners(ip,jp,kr)%ptr => pneigh
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! process child corners which lay on parent's faces
! on X-face
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jr,kr,1)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  pchild%corners(ip,jr,kr)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                              &
                                        pchild%corners(ip,jr,kr)%ptr => pneigh
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! on Y-face
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ir,jp,kr,2)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  pchild%corners(ir,jp,kr)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                              &
                                        pchild%corners(ir,jp,kr)%ptr => pneigh
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! on Z-face
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ir,jr,kp,3)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%id == pmeta%id) then
                  pchild%corners(ir,jr,kp)%ptr => pmeta%child(q)%ptr
                  if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                              &
                                        pchild%corners(ir,jr,kp)%ptr => pneigh
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

            end do ! ip = 1, nsides
          end do ! jp = 1, nsides
        end do ! kp = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! update neighbor pointers of the neighbor blocks
#if NDIMS == 2
        do jp = 1, nsides
          jr = 3 - jp
          do ip = 1, nsides
            ir = 3 - ip

! calculate the child index
            p  = 2 * (jp - 1) + ip

! associate pchild with the proper child
            pchild => pmeta%child(p)%ptr

!--- update neighbor's edge pointers ---
! along X-direction
            pneigh => pchild%edges(ip,jp,1)%ptr
            if (associated(pneigh)) then
              pneigh%edges(ip,jr,1)%ptr => pchild
              if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                  &
                                           pneigh%edges(ir,jr,1)%ptr => pchild
            end if ! pneigh associated

! along Y-direction
            pneigh => pchild%edges(ip,jp,2)%ptr
            if (associated(pneigh)) then
              pneigh%edges(ir,jp,2)%ptr => pchild
              if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                  &
                                           pneigh%edges(ir,jr,2)%ptr => pchild
            end if ! pneigh associated

!--- update neighbor's corner pointers ---
! neighbor corner located at the parent's one
            pneigh => pmeta%corners(ip,jp)%ptr
            if (associated(pneigh)) pneigh%corners(ir,jr)%ptr => pchild

! neighbor corners laying on the parent's edges
! along X-direction
            pneigh => pmeta%edges(ir,jp,1)%ptr
            if (associated(pneigh)) then
              if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                  &
                                           pneigh%corners(ip,jr)%ptr => pchild
            end if ! pneigh associated

! along Y-direction
            pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jr,2)%ptr
            if (associated(pneigh)) then
              if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                  &
                                           pneigh%corners(ir,jp)%ptr => pchild
            end if ! pneigh associated

          end do ! ip = 1, nsides
        end do ! jp = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
! update neighbor's face pointers (only in 3D)
        do kp = 1, nsides
          kr = 3 - kp
          do jp = 1, nsides
            jr = 3 - jp
            do ip = 1, nsides
              ir = 3 - ip

! calculate the child index
              p  = 4 * (kp - 1) + 2 * (jp - 1) + ip

! associate pchild with the proper child
              pchild => pmeta%child(p)%ptr

!--- update neighbor's face pointers ---
! assign pneigh to the X-face neighbor
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,1)%ptr

! set the corresponding neighbor face pointers
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
                  do k = 1, nsides
                    do j = 1, nsides
                      pneigh%faces(ir,j,k,1)%ptr => pchild
                    end do
                  end do
                  pneigh%faces(ir,jp,kp,1)%ptr => pchild
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! assign pneigh to the Y-face neighbor
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,2)%ptr

! set the corresponding neighbor face pointers
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
                  do k = 1, nsides
                    do i = 1, nsides
                      pneigh%faces(i,jr,k,2)%ptr => pchild
                    end do
                  end do
                  pneigh%faces(ip,jr,kp,2)%ptr => pchild
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! assign pneigh to the Z-face neighbor
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,3)%ptr

! set the corresponding neighbor face pointers
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
                  do j = 1, nsides
                    do i = 1, nsides
                      pneigh%faces(i,j,kr,3)%ptr => pchild
                    end do
                  end do
                  pneigh%faces(ip,jp,kr,3)%ptr => pchild
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

!--- update neighbor's edge pointers ---
! along X direction
              pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,1)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                pneigh%edges(ip,jr,kr,1)%ptr => pchild
                if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                &
                                        pneigh%edges(ir,jr,kr,1)%ptr => pchild
              end if ! pneigh associated

! along Y direction
              pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,2)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                pneigh%edges(ir,jp,kr,2)%ptr => pchild
                if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                &
                                        pneigh%edges(ir,jr,kr,2)%ptr => pchild
              end if ! pneigh associated

! along Z direction
              pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,3)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                pneigh%edges(ir,jr,kp,3)%ptr => pchild
                if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                &
                                        pneigh%edges(ir,jr,kr,3)%ptr => pchild
              end if ! pneigh associated

! process child edges on the parent's X face
! Z-direction
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jr,kp,1)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%level == pchild%level) then
                  pneigh%edges(ir,jp,kp,3)%ptr => pchild
                  pneigh%edges(ir,jp,kr,3)%ptr => pchild
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! Y-direction
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kr,1)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%level == pchild%level) then
                  pneigh%edges(ir,jp,kp,2)%ptr => pchild
                  pneigh%edges(ir,jr,kp,2)%ptr => pchild
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! process child edges on the parent's Y face
! Z-direction
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ir,jp,kp,2)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%level == pchild%level) then
                  pneigh%edges(ip,jr,kp,3)%ptr => pchild
                  pneigh%edges(ip,jr,kr,3)%ptr => pchild
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated
! X-direction
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kr,2)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%level == pchild%level) then
                  pneigh%edges(ip,jr,kp,1)%ptr => pchild
                  pneigh%edges(ir,jr,kp,1)%ptr => pchild
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

! process child edges on the parent's Z face
! Y-direction
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ir,jp,kp,3)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%level == pchild%level) then
                  pneigh%edges(ip,jp,kr,2)%ptr => pchild
                  pneigh%edges(ip,jr,kr,2)%ptr => pchild
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated
! X-direction
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jr,kp,3)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%level == pchild%level) then
                  pneigh%edges(ip,jp,kr,1)%ptr => pchild
                  pneigh%edges(ir,jp,kr,1)%ptr => pchild
                end if
              end if ! pneigh associated

!--- update neighbor's corner pointers ---
! calculate the index of the opposite child
              q = 4 * (kr - 1) + 2 * (jr - 1) + ir

! update neighbor's corner which overlaps with the parent's one
              pneigh => pmeta%corners(ip,jp,kp)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) pneigh%corners(ir,jr,kr)%ptr => pchild

! process neighbot's corners which lay on parent's edges
! X-edge
              pneigh => pmeta%edges(ir,jp,kp,1)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                &
                                        pneigh%corners(ip,jr,kr)%ptr => pchild
              end if ! pneigh associated
! Y-edge
              pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jr,kp,2)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                &
                                        pneigh%corners(ir,jp,kr)%ptr => pchild
              end if ! pneigh associated
! Z-edge
              pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kr,3)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                &
                                        pneigh%corners(ir,jr,kp)%ptr => pchild
              end if ! pneigh associated

! process child corners which lay on parent's faces
! X-face
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jr,kr,1)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                &
                                        pneigh%corners(ir,jp,kp)%ptr => pchild
              end if ! pneigh associated
! Y-face
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ir,jp,kr,2)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                &
                                        pneigh%corners(ip,jr,kp)%ptr => pchild
              end if ! pneigh associated
! Z-face
              pneigh => pmeta%faces(ir,jr,kp,3)%ptr
              if (associated(pneigh)) then
                if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                &
                                        pneigh%corners(ip,jp,kr)%ptr => pchild
              end if ! pneigh associated

            end do ! ip = 1, nsides
          end do ! jp = 1, nsides
        end do ! kp = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! allocate data blocks if requested
        if (fdata) then

! iterate over all children
          p = 1
          do while(p <= nchildren .and. status == 0)

! assign a pointer to the current child
            pchild => pmeta%child(p)%ptr

! allocate new data block and append it to the data block list
            call append_datablock(pdata, status)

! check if data block appended successfully
            if (status == 0) then

! associate the new data block with the current child
              call link_blocks(pchild, pdata)

              write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                    &
                       , "Cannot append new data block for the current child!"
              status = 1
            end if

! increase child index
            p = p + 1

          end do ! nchildren

        end if ! allocate data blocks for children

        if (status == 0) then

! derefine all neighbors
#if NDIMS == 3
          do kp = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
            do jp = 1, nsides
              do ip = 1, nsides
                do np = 1, ndims
#if NDIMS == 2
                  if (associated(pmeta%edges(ip,jp,np)%ptr))                   &
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
                  if (associated(pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,np)%ptr))                &
                  if (associated(pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,np)%ptr))                &
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
                end do ! np = 1, ndims
#if NDIMS == 2
                if (associated(pmeta%corners(ip,jp)%ptr))                      &
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
                if (associated(pmeta%corners(ip,jp,kp)%ptr))                   &
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
              end do ! ip = 1, nsides
            end do ! jp = 1, nsides
#if NDIMS == 3
          end do ! kp = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! unset the block leaf flag
          call metablock_unset_leaf(pmeta)

! reset the refinement flag
          call metablock_set_refinement(pmeta, 0)

! restore the pointer to the current block
          if (associated(pnext)) then
            pmeta => pnext%prev
            pmeta => last_meta
          end if

        end if ! status

      end if ! children ready

    else ! pmeta is not associated

      write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                            &
                      , "No meta block associated with the pointer argument!"
      status = 1

    end if

  end subroutine refine_block
! subroutine DEREFINE_BLOCK:
! -------------------------
!   Subroutine derefines the current block by distrying all its children and
!   restoring the block configuration, pointers and fields.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta  - a pointer to derefined meta block;
!     status - the subroutine call status: 0 for success, otherwise failure;
  subroutine derefine_block(pmeta, status)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta
    integer                  , intent(out)   :: status

    type(block_meta), pointer :: pchild, pneigh

    integer :: p, q
    integer :: ip, ir
    integer :: jp, jr
#if NDIMS == 3
    integer :: i, j, k
    integer :: kp, kr
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

    status = 0

! update neighbor pointers of the parent block
#if NDIMS == 2
    do jp = 1, nsides
      jr = 3 - jp
      do ip = 1, nsides
        ir = 3 - ip

! calculate the child index
        p  = 2 * (jp - 1) + ip

! associate pchild with the proper child
        pchild => pmeta%child(p)%ptr

!--- update edge neighbor pointers ---
! along X-direction
        pneigh => pchild%edges(ip,jp,1)%ptr
        if (associated(pneigh)) then
          q  = 2 * (jr - 1) + ip
          if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(q)%ptr%id) then
            pmeta%edges(ip,jp,1)%ptr => pmeta
            pmeta%edges(ip,jp,1)%ptr => pneigh
          end if
        end if ! pneigh associated

! along Y-direction
        pneigh => pchild%edges(ip,jp,2)%ptr
        if (associated(pneigh)) then
          q  = 2 * (jp - 1) + ir
          if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(q)%ptr%id) then
            pmeta%edges(ip,jp,2)%ptr => pmeta
            pmeta%edges(ip,jp,2)%ptr => pneigh
          end if
        end if ! pneigh associated

!--- update corner neighbor pointers ---
        pneigh => pchild%corners(ip,jp)%ptr
        if (associated(pneigh)) then
          q  = 2 * (jr - 1) + ir
          if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(q)%ptr%id) then
            pmeta%corners(ip,jp)%ptr => pmeta
            pmeta%corners(ip,jp)%ptr => pneigh
          end if
        end if ! pneigh associated

      end do ! ip = 1, nsides
    end do ! jp = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
    do kp = 1, nsides
      kr = 3 - kp
      do jp = 1, nsides
        jr = 3 - jp
        do ip = 1, nsides
          ir = 3 - ip

! calculate the child index
          p  = 4 * (kp - 1) + 2 * (jp - 1) + ip

! associate pchild with the proper child
          pchild => pmeta%child(p)%ptr

!--- update face neighbor pointers ---
! assign pneigh to the X-face neighbor
          pneigh => pchild%faces(ip,jp,kp,1)%ptr

! set the corresponding neighbor face pointers
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            q  = 4 * (kp - 1) + 2 * (jp - 1) + ir
            if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(q)%ptr%id) then
              pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,1)%ptr => pmeta
              pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,1)%ptr => pneigh
            end if
          end if

! assign pneigh to the Y-face neighbor
          pneigh => pchild%faces(ip,jp,kp,2)%ptr

! set the corresponding neighbor face pointers
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            q  = 4 * (kp - 1) + 2 * (jr - 1) + ip
            if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(q)%ptr%id) then
              pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,2)%ptr => pmeta
              pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,2)%ptr => pneigh
            end if
          end if

! assign pneigh to the Z-face neighbor
          pneigh => pchild%faces(ip,jp,kp,3)%ptr

! set the corresponding neighbor face pointers
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            q  = 4 * (kr - 1) + 2 * (jp - 1) + ip
            if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(q)%ptr%id) then
              pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,3)%ptr => pmeta
              pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,3)%ptr => pneigh
            end if
          end if

!--- update edge neighbor pointers ---
! associate pneigh with the X edge neighbor
          pneigh => pchild%edges(ip,jp,kp,1)%ptr

! process edge along X-direction if pneigh associated
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            q = 4 * (kr - 1) + 2 * (jr - 1) + ip
            if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(q)%ptr%id) then
              pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,1)%ptr => pmeta
              pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,1)%ptr => pneigh
            end if
          end if ! pneigh associated

! associate pneigh with the Y edge neighbor
          pneigh => pchild%edges(ip,jp,kp,2)%ptr

! process edge along Y-direction if pneigh associated
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            q = 4 * (kr - 1) + 2 * (jp - 1) + ir
            if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(q)%ptr%id) then
              pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,2)%ptr => pmeta
              pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,2)%ptr => pneigh
            end if
          end if ! pneigh associated

! associate pneigh with the Z edge neighbor
          pneigh => pchild%edges(ip,jp,kp,3)%ptr

! process edge along Y-direction if pneigh associated
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            q = 4 * (kp - 1) + 2 * (jr - 1) + ir
            if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(q)%ptr%id) then
              pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,3)%ptr => pmeta
              pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,3)%ptr => pneigh
            end if
          end if ! pneigh associated

!--- update corner neighbor pointers ---
! associate pneigh with the corner neighbor
          pneigh => pchild%corners(ip,jp,kp)%ptr

! update the corner neighbor pointer
          if (associated(pneigh)) then

! calculate the index of the opposite child
            q = 4 * (kr - 1) + 2 * (jr - 1) + ir

            if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(q)%ptr%id) then
              pmeta%corners(ip,jp,kp)%ptr => pmeta
              pmeta%corners(ip,jp,kp)%ptr => pneigh
            end if
          end if ! pneigh associated

        end do ! ip = 1, nsides
      end do ! jp = 1, nsides
    end do ! kp = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! update neighbor pointers of the neighbor blocks
#if NDIMS == 2
    do jp = 1, nsides
      jr = 3 - jp
      do ip = 1, nsides
        ir = 3 - ip

!--- update neighbor's edge pointers ---
! along X-direction
        pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,1)%ptr
        if (associated(pneigh)) then
          pneigh%edges(ip,jr,1)%ptr => pmeta
          if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) pneigh%edges(ir,jr,1)%ptr => pmeta
        end if ! pneigh associated

! along Y-direction
        pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,2)%ptr
        if (associated(pneigh)) then
          pneigh%edges(ir,jp,2)%ptr => pmeta
          if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) pneigh%edges(ir,jr,2)%ptr => pmeta
        end if

!--- update neighbor's corner pointers ---
! neighbor corner linked to the parent's corner
        pneigh => pmeta%corners(ip,jp)%ptr
        if (associated(pneigh)) pneigh%corners(ir,jr)%ptr => pmeta

! nullify neighbor corners pointing to parent's edges
! along X-direction
        pneigh => pmeta%edges(ir,jp,1)%ptr
        if (associated(pneigh)) then
          if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) nullify(pneigh%corners(ip,jr)%ptr)
        end if ! pneigh associated

! along Y-direction
        pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jr,2)%ptr
        if (associated(pneigh)) then
          if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) nullify(pneigh%corners(ir,jp)%ptr)
        end if ! pneigh associated

      end do ! ip = 1, nsides
    end do ! jp = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
    do kp = 1, nsides
      kr = 3 - kp
      do jp = 1, nsides
        jr = 3 - jp
        do ip = 1, nsides
          ir = 3 - ip

!--- update neighbor's face pointers ---
! assign pneigh to the X-face neighbor
          pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,1)%ptr

! set the corresponding neighbor face pointers
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
              do k = 1, nsides
                do j = 1, nsides
                  pneigh%faces(ir,j,k,1)%ptr => pmeta
                end do
              end do
              pneigh%faces(ir,jp,kp,1)%ptr => pmeta
            end if
          end if ! pneigh associated

! assign pneigh to the Y-face neighbor
          pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,2)%ptr

! set the corresponding neighbor face pointers
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
              do k = 1, nsides
                do i = 1, nsides
                  pneigh%faces(i,jr,k,2)%ptr => pmeta
                end do
              end do
              pneigh%faces(ip,jr,kp,2)%ptr => pmeta
            end if
          end if ! pneigh associated

! assign pneigh to the Z-face neighbor
          pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,3)%ptr

! set the corresponding neighbor face pointers
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
              do j = 1, nsides
                do i = 1, nsides
                  pneigh%faces(i,j,kr,3)%ptr => pmeta
                end do
              end do
              pneigh%faces(ip,jp,kr,3)%ptr => pmeta
            end if
          end if ! pneigh associated

!--- update neighbor's edge pointers ---
! process the edges in all directions which lay on the parent's edges
! X-edge
          pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,1)%ptr
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            pneigh%edges(ip,jr,kr,1)%ptr => pmeta
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                    &
                                         pneigh%edges(ir,jr,kr,1)%ptr => pmeta
          end if ! pneigh associated

! Y-edge
          pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,2)%ptr
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            pneigh%edges(ir,jp,kr,2)%ptr => pmeta
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                    &
                                         pneigh%edges(ir,jr,kr,2)%ptr => pmeta
          end if ! pneigh associated

! Z-edge
          pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,3)%ptr
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            pneigh%edges(ir,jr,kp,3)%ptr => pmeta
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                    &
                                         pneigh%edges(ir,jr,kr,3)%ptr => pmeta
          end if ! pneigh associated

! nullify neighbors edge pointers if they are on higher levels
! X-face
          pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jr,kp,1)%ptr
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
            end if
          end if ! pneigh associated
          pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kr,1)%ptr
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
            end if
          end if ! pneigh associated

! Y-face
          pneigh => pmeta%faces(ir,jp,kp,2)%ptr
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
            end if
          end if ! pneigh associated
          pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kr,2)%ptr
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
            end if
          end if ! pneigh associated

! Z-face
          pneigh => pmeta%faces(ir,jp,kp,3)%ptr
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
            end if
          end if ! pneigh associated
          pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jr,kp,3)%ptr
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then
            end if
          end if ! pneigh associated

!--- update neighbor's corner pointers ---
! associate pneigh with the corner pointer
          pneigh => pmeta%corners(ip,jp,kp)%ptr
          if (associated(pneigh)) pneigh%corners(ir,jr,kr)%ptr => pmeta

! nullify neighbor corners pointing to pmeta edges
          pneigh => pmeta%edges(ir,jp,kp,1)%ptr
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                    &
          end if ! pneigh associated
          pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jr,kp,2)%ptr
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                    &
          end if ! pneigh associated
          pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kr,3)%ptr
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                    &
          end if ! pneigh associated

! nullify neighbor corners pointing to pmeta faces
          pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jr,kr,1)%ptr
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                    &
          end if ! pneigh associated
          pneigh => pmeta%faces(ir,jp,kr,2)%ptr
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                    &
          end if ! pneigh associated
          pneigh => pmeta%faces(ir,jr,kp,3)%ptr
          if (associated(pneigh)) then
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level)                                    &
          end if ! pneigh associated

        end do ! ip = 1, nsides
      end do ! jp = 1, nsides
    end do ! kp = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! remove the children from the meta block list
    p = 1
    do while(p <= nchildren .and. status == 0)
      call remove_metablock(pmeta%child(p)%ptr, status)
      p = p + 1
    end do ! nchild

! update the parent leaf flag
    call metablock_set_leaf(pmeta)

! reset the refinement flag of the parent block
    call metablock_set_refinement(pmeta, 0)

! mark the parent to be updated
    call metablock_set_update(pmeta)

  end subroutine derefine_block
! subroutine SET_LAST_ID:
! ----------------------
!   Subroutine sets the last identification number.  This subroutine should
!   be only used when the job is resumed.
!   Arguments:
!     id - the identification number to set;
  subroutine set_last_id(id)

    use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit

    implicit none

    integer(kind=4), intent(in) :: id

    character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::set_last_id()'

! check if the new last_id is larger than the already existing
    if (last_id > id) then

      write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                            &
                      , "New last_id must be larger than the old one!"


! set the last identification number
      last_id = id

    end if

  end subroutine set_last_id
! function GET_LAST_ID:
! --------------------
!   Function returns the last identification number.
  function get_last_id() result(id)

    implicit none

    integer(kind=4) :: id

    id = last_id

  end function get_last_id
! function GET_MBLOCKS:
! --------------------
!   Function returns the number of meta blocks.
  function get_mblocks() result(nr)

    implicit none

    integer(kind=4) :: nr

    nr = mblocks

  end function get_mblocks
! function GET_DBLOCKS:
! --------------------
!   Function returns the number of data blocks.
  function get_dblocks() result(nr)

    implicit none

    integer(kind=4) :: nr

    nr = dblocks

  end function get_dblocks
! function GET_NLEAFS:
! -------------------
!   Function returns the number of leafs.
  function get_nleafs() result(nr)

    implicit none

    integer(kind=4) :: nr

    nr = nleafs

  end function get_nleafs
! subroutine SET_BLOCKS_UPDATE:
! ----------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the update flag of all meta block in the list.
!   Arguments:
!     flag - the flag to be set;
  subroutine set_blocks_update(flag)

    implicit none

    logical, intent(in)       :: flag

    type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta

    pmeta => list_meta
    do while(associated(pmeta))

      pmeta%update = flag

      pmeta => pmeta%next
    end do ! meta blocks

  end subroutine set_blocks_update
! --------------------------------
!   Subroutine switches meta blocks which belong to old process to the new one.
!   Arguments:
!     npold - the old process number;
!     npnew - the new process number;
  subroutine change_blocks_process(npold, npnew)

    implicit none

    integer, intent(in)       :: npold, npnew

    type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta

    pmeta => list_meta
    do while(associated(pmeta))

! if the meta block belongs to process npold, switch it to process npnew
      if (pmeta%process == npold) pmeta%process = npnew

      pmeta => pmeta%next
    end do ! meta blocks

  end subroutine change_blocks_process
! subroutine METABLOCK_SET_ID:
! ---------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the identification number of the meta block pointed by
!   the input argument. This subroutine should be used only when resuming jobs.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta - a pointer to the updated meta block;
!     id    - the identification number to set;
  subroutine metablock_set_id(pmeta, id)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta
    integer(kind=4)          , intent(in)    :: id

! set the meta block %id field
    pmeta%id = id

! check if the last identification number is smaller than id, if so set
! the value of last_id to id
    if (last_id < id) last_id = id

  end subroutine metablock_set_id
! --------------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the process number of the meta block pointed by
!   the input argument.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta - a pointer to the updated meta block;
!     np    - the process number;
  subroutine metablock_set_process(pmeta, np)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta
    integer(kind=4)          , intent(in)    :: np

    pmeta%process = np

  end subroutine metablock_set_process
! ------------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the refinement level number of the meta block pointed
!   by the input argument.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta - a pointer to the updated meta block;
!     lv    - the refinement level number;
  subroutine metablock_set_level(pmeta, lv)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta
    integer(kind=4)          , intent(in)    :: lv

    pmeta%level = lv

  end subroutine metablock_set_level
! --------------------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the children block configuration number of the meta block
!   pointed by the input argument.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta - a pointer to the updated meta block;
!     cf    - the configuration number;
  subroutine metablock_set_configuration(pmeta, cf)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta
    integer(kind=4)          , intent(in)    :: cf

    pmeta%conf = cf

  end subroutine metablock_set_configuration
! -----------------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the refinement flag of the meta block pointed by
!   the input argument.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta - a pointer to the updated meta block;
!     rf    - the refinement flag;
  subroutine metablock_set_refinement(pmeta, rf)

    use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta
    integer(kind=4)          , intent(in)    :: rf

    character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::metablock_set_refinement()'

! check if the refinement value is correct
    if (abs(rf) > 1) then

! print error about wrong refine flag
      write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                            &
                      , "The refinement value is wrong!"


! set the block's refinement field
      pmeta%refine = rf

    end if

  end subroutine metablock_set_refinement
! ---------------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the position coordinates in the parent block of
!   the meta block pointed by the input argument.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta - a pointer to the updated meta block;
!     pos   - the block position coordinates;
  subroutine metablock_set_position(pmeta, pos)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer    , intent(inout) :: pmeta
    integer(kind=4), dimension(3), intent(in)    :: pos

    pmeta%pos(1:NDIMS) = pos(1:NDIMS)

  end subroutine metablock_set_position
! ------------------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the effective resolution coordinates of the meta block
!   pointed by the input argument.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta  - a pointer to the updated meta block;
!     coords - the effective resolution coordinates;
  subroutine metablock_set_coordinates(pmeta, coords)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer    , intent(inout) :: pmeta
    integer(kind=4), dimension(3), intent(in)    :: coords

    pmeta%coords(1:NDIMS) = coords(1:NDIMS)

  end subroutine metablock_set_coordinates
! -------------------------------
!   Subroutine sets the physical coordinate bounds of the meta block pointed
!   by the input argument.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta    - a pointer to the updated meta block;
!     xmn, xmx - the coordinate bounds along X;
!     ymn, ymx - the coordinate bounds along Y;
!     zmn, zmx - the coordinate bounds along Z;
  subroutine metablock_set_bounds(pmeta, xmn, xmx, ymn, ymx, zmn, zmx)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta
    real(kind=8)             , intent(in)    :: xmn, xmx
    real(kind=8)             , intent(in)    :: ymn, ymx
    real(kind=8)             , intent(in)    :: zmn, zmx

    pmeta%xmin = xmn
    pmeta%xmax = xmx
    pmeta%ymin = ymn
    pmeta%ymax = ymx
    pmeta%zmin = zmn
    pmeta%zmax = zmx

  end subroutine metablock_set_bounds
! subroutine METABLOCK_SET_LEAF:
! -----------------------------
!   Subroutine marks the meta block pointed by the input argument as the leaf.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta    - a pointer to the updated meta block;
  subroutine metablock_set_leaf(pmeta)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta

! return, if it is a leaf
    if (pmeta%leaf) return

! set the block's leaf flag
    pmeta%leaf = .true.

! increase the number of leafs
    nleafs = nleafs + 1

  end subroutine metablock_set_leaf
! -------------------------------
!   Subroutine marks the meta block pointed by the input argument as non-leaf.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta    - a pointer to the updated meta block;
  subroutine metablock_unset_leaf(pmeta)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta

! return, if is not a leaf
    if (.not. pmeta%leaf) return

! unset the block's leaf flag
    pmeta%leaf = .false.

! decrease the number of leafs
    nleafs = nleafs - 1

  end subroutine metablock_unset_leaf
! -------------------------------
!   Subroutine marks the meta block pointed by the input argument to be updated.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta    - a pointer to the updated meta block;
  subroutine metablock_set_update(pmeta)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta

    pmeta%update = .true.

  end subroutine metablock_set_update
! subroutine BUILD_LEAF_LIST:
! ---------------------------
!   Subroutine builds the list of leaf blocks.
!   Arguments:
!     status - the subroutine call status: 0 for success, otherwise failure;
  subroutine build_leaf_list(status)

    use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit

    implicit none

    integer, intent(out) :: status

    type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta
    type(block_leaf), pointer :: pleaf

    character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::build_leaf_list()'

    status = 0

! if the list_leaf is associated, wipe it out
    if (associated(list_leaf)) then
      call wipe_leaf_list(status)
      if (status /= 0) then
        write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                          &
                        , "Cannot wipe the list of leafs!"
        status = 1
      end if
    end if

! associate pmeta with the first block on the meta block list
    pmeta => list_meta

! iterate over all meta blocks in the list
    do while (associated(pmeta))

! check if the block is the leaf
      if (pmeta%leaf) then

! allocate new leaf structure
        allocate(pleaf, stat = status)

! check if allocation succeeded
        if (status == 0) then

! associate its pointers
          pleaf%next => list_leaf
          pleaf%meta => pmeta

! associate list_leaf to the allocated structure
          list_leaf  => pleaf

          write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                        &
                          , "Cannot allocate space for leaf!"
          status = 1
        end if

      end if ! leaf

! associate pmeta with the next meta block
      pmeta => pmeta%next

    end do ! meta blocks

  end subroutine build_leaf_list
! -------------------------------
!   Subroutine builds the list of data blocks data_blocks.
!   Arguments:
!     status - the subroutine call status: 0 for success, otherwise failure;
  subroutine build_datablock_list(status)

    use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit

    implicit none

    integer, intent(out) :: status

    type(block_data), pointer :: pdata

    integer :: l

    character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::build_datablock_list()'

    status = 0

    if (allocated(data_blocks)) then
      deallocate(data_blocks, stat=status)
      if (status /= 0) &
        write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc), &
                         "Could not deallocate the vector of data blocks!"
    end if

    allocate(data_blocks(dblocks), stat=status)
    if (status == 0) then
      l = 0
      pdata => list_data
      do while (associated(pdata))
        l = l + 1
        data_blocks(l)%ptr => pdata

        pdata => pdata%next
      end do
      write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc), &
                       "Could not allocate the vector of data blocks!"
    end if

  end subroutine build_datablock_list
! -------------------------------
!   Subroutine marks all neighbors (including edge and corner ones) of
!   the meta block pointed by the input argument to be refined if they
!   fell under some certain conditions.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta    - a pointer to the refined meta block;
  subroutine set_neighbors_refine(pmeta)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta

    procedure(reset_neighbors_update), pointer :: pprocedure

! prepare the procedure pointer
    pprocedure => reset_neighbors_refinement

! iterate over all neighbors and coll pprocedure
    call iterate_over_neighbors(pmeta, pprocedure)

  end subroutine set_neighbors_refine
#ifdef DEBUG
! subroutine CHECK_NEIGHBORS:
! --------------------------
!   Subroutine iterates over all blocks and checks if the pointers to their
!   neighbors are consistent.
  subroutine check_neighbors()

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta

    pmeta => list_meta
    do while(associated(pmeta))

! check the block neighbors
      call check_block_neighbors(pmeta)

      pmeta => pmeta%next
    end do ! meta blocks

  end subroutine check_neighbors
#endif /* DEBUG */
!!***  PRIVATE SUBROUTINES  ****************************************************
! ---------------------------------
!   Subroutine allocates memory for one meta block, inserts it to the meta
!   block list after the provided pointer and returns a pointer associated
!   with it.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta  - the pointer associated with the newly appended meta block;
!     pprev  - the pointer after which the new block has to be inserted;
!     status - the subroutine call status: 0 for success, otherwise failure;
  subroutine insert_metablock_after(pprev, pmeta, status)

    use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(in)  :: pprev
    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(out) :: pmeta
    integer                  , intent(out) :: status

    character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::insert_metablock_after()'

! allocate memory for the new meta block
    call allocate_metablock(pmeta, status)

! quit if block couldn't be allocated
    if (status /= 0) return

! if pprev is associated, insert the new block after it
    if (associated(pprev)) then

! associate the %prev and %next pointers
      pmeta%prev => pprev
      pmeta%next => pprev%next

! update the pointer of the next and previous blocks
      if (associated(pprev%next)) pprev%next%prev => pmeta
      pprev%next => pmeta

! update the last_meta pointer if necessary
      if (associated(last_meta)) then
        if (pprev%id == last_meta%id) last_meta => pmeta
        write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                          &
                        , "Argument pprev is associated but last_meta is not!"
        status = 1
      end if

! if pprev is null and list_meta is associated, there is something wrong
      if (associated(list_meta)) then
        write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                          &
                        , "Argument pprev is null but list_meta is associated!"
        status = 1

! pprev and list_meta are nulls, so add the first block to the list by
! associating list_meta and last_meta
        list_meta => pmeta
        last_meta => pmeta

      end if

    end if

! increase the number of allocated meta blocks stored in the meta block list
    mblocks = mblocks + 1

  end subroutine insert_metablock_after
! subroutine WIPE_LEAF_LIST:
! --------------------------
!   Subroutine releases the memory used by the leaf block list.
!   Arguments:
!     status - the subroutine call status: 0 for success, otherwise failure;
  subroutine wipe_leaf_list(status)

    use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit

    implicit none

    integer, intent(out) :: status

    type(block_leaf), pointer :: pleaf

    character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::wipe_leaf_list()'

    status = 0

! associate pleaf with the first pointer on the leaf list
    pleaf => list_leaf

! iterate over all leafs in the list
    do while (associated(pleaf))

! associate the list pointer to the next leaf block
      list_leaf => pleaf%next

! deallocate the current leaf block
      deallocate(pleaf, stat = status)

! check if deallocation succeeded
      if (status /= 0) then
        write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                          &
                        , "Cannot deallocate leaf!"
        status = 1
      end if

! associate pleaf with the first pointer on the leaf list
      pleaf => list_leaf

    end do ! leaf list

  end subroutine wipe_leaf_list
! function INCREASE_ID:
! --------------------
!   Function increases the last identification number by 1 and returns its
!   value.
  function increase_id() result(id)

    implicit none

    integer(kind=4) :: id

    last_id = last_id + 1
    id      = last_id

  end function increase_id
! -------------------------------
!   Subroutine marks all neighbors (including edge and corner ones) of
!   the meta block pointed by the input argument to be updated too.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta    - a pointer to the refined meta block;
  subroutine set_neighbors_update(pmeta)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta

    procedure(reset_neighbors_update), pointer :: pprocedure

! prepare the procedure pointer
    pprocedure => reset_neighbors_update

! iterate over all neighbors and coll pprocedure
    call iterate_over_neighbors(pmeta, pprocedure)

  end subroutine set_neighbors_update
! ---------------------------------
!   Subroutine set the neighbor to be updated as well.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta    - a pointer to the refined meta block;
!     pneigh   - a pointer to the neighbor meta block;
  subroutine reset_neighbors_update(pmeta, pneigh)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta, pneigh

    if (associated(pmeta)) call metablock_set_update(pneigh)

  end subroutine reset_neighbors_update
! -------------------------------------
!   Subroutine checks the level of the neighbor block and depending on
!   the refinement flags of both block resets it to the correct value.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta    - a pointer to the refined meta block;
!     pneigh   - a pointer to the neighbor meta block;
  subroutine reset_neighbors_refinement(pmeta, pneigh)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta, pneigh

!=== conditions for blocks selected to be refined
    if (pmeta%refine == 1) then

! if the neighbor is set to be derefined, reset its flag (this applies to
! blocks at the current or lower level)
      pneigh%refine = max(0, pneigh%refine)

! if the neighbor is at lower level, always set it to be refined
      if (pneigh%level < pmeta%level) pneigh%refine = 1

    end if ! refine = 1

!=== conditions for blocks which stay at the same level
    if (pmeta%refine == 0) then

! if the neighbor lays at lower level and is set to be derefined, cancel its
! derefinement
      if (pneigh%level < pmeta%level) pneigh%refine = max(0, pneigh%refine)

    end if ! refine = 0

!=== conditions for blocks which are selected to be derefined
    if (pmeta%refine == -1) then

! if the neighbor is at lower level and is set to be derefined, cancel its
! derefinement
      if (pneigh%level < pmeta%level) pneigh%refine = max(0, pneigh%refine)

! if a neighbor is set to be refined, cancel the derefinement of current block
      if (pneigh%refine == 1) pmeta%refine = 0

    end if ! refine = -1

  end subroutine reset_neighbors_refinement
! ---------------------------------
!   Subroutine iterates over all neighbors of the meta block (including edge
!   and corner ones) and executes a subroutine provided by the pointer.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta - a pointer to the meta block which neighbors are iterated over;
!     pproc - a pointer to the subroutine called with each pair (pmeta, pneigh);
  subroutine iterate_over_neighbors(pmeta, pprocedure)

    implicit none

    type(block_meta)                 , pointer, intent(inout) :: pmeta
    procedure(reset_neighbors_update), pointer, intent(in)    :: pprocedure

    type(block_meta), pointer :: pneigh

    integer :: n, i, j
#if NDIMS == 3
    integer :: k
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

! return if pmeta not associated
    if (.not. associated(pmeta)) return

#if NDIMS == 2
! iterate over edges and corners
    do j = 1, nsides
      do i = 1, nsides
        do n = 1, ndims

! associate pneigh with the face neighbor
          pneigh => pmeta%edges(i,j,n)%ptr

! call the procedure for the face neighbor
          if (associated(pneigh)) call pprocedure(pmeta, pneigh)

        end do ! n = 1, ndims

! associate pneigh with the face neighbor
        pneigh => pmeta%corners(i,j)%ptr

! call the procedure for the face neighbor
        if (associated(pneigh)) call pprocedure(pmeta, pneigh)

      end do ! i = 1, nsides
    end do ! j = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
! iterate over faces, edges, and corners
    do k = 1, nsides
      do j = 1, nsides
        do i = 1, nsides
          do n = 1, ndims

! associate pneigh with the face neighbor
            pneigh => pmeta%faces(i,j,k,n)%ptr

! call the procedure for the face neighbor
            if (associated(pneigh)) call pprocedure(pmeta, pneigh)

! associate pneigh with the face neighbor
            pneigh => pmeta%edges(i,j,k,n)%ptr

! call the procedure for the face neighbor
            if (associated(pneigh)) call pprocedure(pmeta, pneigh)

          end do ! n = 1, ndims

! associate pneigh with the face neighbor
          pneigh => pmeta%corners(i,j,k)%ptr

! call the procedure for the face neighbor
          if (associated(pneigh)) call pprocedure(pmeta, pneigh)

        end do ! i = 1, nsides
      end do ! j = 1, nsides
    end do ! k = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

  end subroutine iterate_over_neighbors
#ifdef DEBUG
! --------------------------------
!   Subroutine iterates over all neighbor blocks and checks if their pointers
!   are consistent, i.e. if their corresponding neighbor pointers point to
!   the current block.
!   Arguments:
!     pmeta - a pointer to the meta block;
  subroutine check_block_neighbors(pmeta)

    use iso_fortran_env, only : error_unit

    implicit none

    type(block_meta), pointer, intent(in) :: pmeta

    type(block_meta), pointer             :: pneigh, pself

    integer :: ip, ir, ic
    integer :: jp, jr, jc
#if NDIMS == 3
    integer :: kp, kr, kc
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */

    character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'BLOCKS::check_block_neighbors()'

! return if the block is not leaf
    if (.not. pmeta%leaf) return

#if NDIMS == 2
! iterate over all corners
    do jp = 1, nsides
      jr = 3 - jp
      do ip = 1, nsides
        ir = 3 - ip

!--- check edges ---
! along X direction
! associate pneigh with the current corner
        pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,1)%ptr

! check if pneigh is associated
        if (associated(pneigh)) then

! if pneigh is on the same level
          if (pneigh%level == pmeta%level) then

! assiociate pself to the corresponding edge of the neighbor
            pself => pneigh%edges(ip,jr,1)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
            if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
              if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                  &
                                , "Inconsistent same level neighbor edges!"
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                            'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, 1
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                            'neigh', pneigh%id, ip, jr, 1
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8)")  'self ', pself%id

              end if ! %id fields don't match

            else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
              write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                    &
                              , "Same level neighbor's edge not associated!"
              write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")         &
                                          'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, 1
              write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")         &
                                          'neigh', pneigh%id, ip, jr, 1

            end if ! pself associated

          end if ! pneigh and pmeta on the same level

! if pneigh is on the higher level level
          if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then

! iterate over all edges in the given direction and Y side
            do ic = 1, nsides

! assiociate pself to the corresponding edge of the neighbor
              pself => pneigh%edges(ic,jr,1)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
              if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
                if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                  write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                &
                                  , "Inconsistent higher level neighbor edge!"
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                              'meta ',  pmeta%id, ip, jp, 1
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                              'neigh', pneigh%id, ip, jr, 1
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                              'self ',  pself%id, ic, jr, 1

                end if ! %id fields don't match

              else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
                write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                  &
                                , "Higher level neighbor's edge not associated!"
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                            'meta ',  pmeta%id, ip, jp, 1
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                            'neigh', pneigh%id, ic, jr, 1

              end if ! pself associated

            end do ! ic = 1, nsides

          end if ! pneigh on higher level

        end if ! pneigh associated

! along Y direction
! associate pneigh with the current corner
        pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,2)%ptr

! check if pneigh is associated
        if (associated(pneigh)) then

! if pneigh is on the same level
          if (pneigh%level == pmeta%level) then

! assiociate pself to the corresponding edge of the neighbor
            pself => pneigh%edges(ir,jp,2)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
            if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
              if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                  &
                                , "Inconsistent same level neighbor edge!"
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                            'meta ',  pmeta%id, ip, jp, 2
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                            'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jp, 2
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8)")  'self ', pself%id

              end if ! %id fields don't match

            else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
              write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                    &
                              , "Same level neighbor's edge not associated!"
              write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")         &
                                          'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, 2
              write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")         &
                                          'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jp, 2

            end if ! pself associated

          end if ! pneigh and pmeta on the same level

! if pneigh is on the higher level level
          if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then

! iterate over all edges in the given direction and Y side
            do jc = 1, nsides

! assiociate pself to the corresponding edge of the neighbor
              pself => pneigh%edges(ir,jc,2)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
              if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
                if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                  write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                &
                                  , "Inconsistent higher level neighbor edge!"
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                              'meta ',  pmeta%id, ip, jp, 2
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                              'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jp, 2
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                              'self ',  pself%id, ir, jc, 2

                end if ! %id fields don't match

              else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
                write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                  &
                                , "Higher level neighbor's edge not associated!"
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                            'meta ',  pmeta%id, ip, jp, 2
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                            'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jc, 2

              end if ! pself associated

            end do ! jc = 1, nsides

          end if ! pneigh on higher level

        end if ! pneigh associated

!--- check corners ---
! associate pneigh with the current corner
        pneigh => pmeta%corners(ip,jp)%ptr

! check if the neighbor is associated
        if (associated(pneigh)) then

! assiociate pself to the corresponding corner of the neighbor
          pself => pneigh%corners(ir,jr)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
          if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
            if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
              write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                    &
                              , "Inconsistent neighbor corners!"
              write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',2(i2,','),' ]')")         &
                                          'meta ',  pmeta%id, ip, jp
              write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',2(i2,','),' ]')")         &
                                          'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jr
              write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8)")  'self ', pself%id

            end if ! %id fields don't match

          else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
            write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                      &
                            , "Neighbor's corner not associated!"
            write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',2(i2,','),' ]')")           &
                                        'meta ',  pmeta%id, ip, jp
            write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',2(i2,','),' ]')")           &
                                        'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jr

          end if ! pself associated

        end if ! pneigh associated

      end do ! ip = 1, nsides
    end do ! jp = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
! iterate over all corners
    do kp = 1, nsides
      kr = 3 - kp
      do jp = 1, nsides
        jr = 3 - jp
        do ip = 1, nsides
          ir = 3 - ip

!--- check faces ---
! along X direction
! associate pneigh with the current face
          pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,1)%ptr

! check if pneigh is associated
          if (associated(pneigh)) then

! if pneigh is on the same level
            if (pneigh%level == pmeta%level) then

! assiociate pself to the corresponding face of the neighbor
              pself => pneigh%faces(ir,jp,kp,1)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
              if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
                if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                  write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                &
                                  , "Inconsistent same level neighbor faces!"
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 1
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jp, kp, 1
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8)")  'self ', pself%id

                end if ! %id fields don't match

              else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
                write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                  &
                                , "Same level neighbor's face not associated!"
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                            'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 1
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                            'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jp, kp, 1

              end if ! pself associated

            end if ! pneigh and pmeta on the same level

! if pneigh is on higher level
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then

! iterate over all neighbor faces
              do kc = 1, nsides
                do jc = 1, nsides

! assiociate pself to the corresponding face of the neighbor
                  pself => pneigh%faces(ir,jc,kc,1)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
                  if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
                    if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                    write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)              &
                                    , "Inconsistent higher level neighbor face!"
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 1
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jp, kp, 1
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'self ',  pself%id, ir, jc, kc, 1

                    end if ! %id fields don't match

                  else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
                    write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)              &
                                    , "Higher level neighbor's face not associated!"
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 1
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jc, kc, 1

                  end if ! pself associated

                end do ! jc = 1, nsides
              end do ! kc = 1, nsides

            end if ! pneigh on higher level

          end if ! pneigh associated

! along Y direction
! associate pneigh with the current face
          pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,2)%ptr

! check if pneigh is associated
          if (associated(pneigh)) then

! if pneigh is on the same level
            if (pneigh%level == pmeta%level) then

! assiociate pself to the corresponding face of the neighbor
              pself => pneigh%faces(ip,jr,kp,2)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
              if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
                if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                  write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                &
                                  , "Inconsistent same level neighbor faces!"
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 2
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'neigh', pneigh%id, ip, jr, kp, 2
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8)")  'self ', pself%id

                end if ! %id fields don't match

              else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
                write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                  &
                                , "Same level neighbor's face not associated!"
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                        'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 2
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                        'neigh', pneigh%id, ip, jr, kp, 2

              end if ! pself associated

            end if ! pneigh and pmeta on the same level

! if pneigh is on higher level
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then

! iterate over all neighbor faces
              do kc = 1, nsides
                do ic = 1, nsides

! assiociate pself to the corresponding face of the neighbor
                  pself => pneigh%faces(ic,jr,kc,2)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
                  if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
                    if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                    write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)              &
                                    , "Inconsistent higher level neighbor face!"
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 2
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'neigh', pneigh%id, ip, jr, kp, 2
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'self ',  pself%id, ic, jr, kc, 2

                    end if ! %id fields don't match

                  else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
                    write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)              &
                                    , "Higher level neighbor's face not associated!"
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 2
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'neigh', pneigh%id, ic, jr, kc, 2

                  end if ! pself associated

                end do ! ic = 1, nsides
              end do ! kc = 1, nsides

            end if ! pneigh on higher level

          end if ! pneigh associated

! along Z direction
! associate pneigh with the current face
          pneigh => pmeta%faces(ip,jp,kp,3)%ptr

! check if pneigh is associated
          if (associated(pneigh)) then

! if pneigh is on the same level
            if (pneigh%level == pmeta%level) then

! assiociate pself to the corresponding face of the neighbor
              pself => pneigh%faces(ip,jp,kr,3)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
              if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
                if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                  write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                &
                                  , "Inconsistent same level neighbor faces!"
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 3
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'neigh', pneigh%id, ip, jp, kr, 3
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8)")  'self ', pself%id

                end if ! %id fields don't match

              else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
                write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                  &
                                , "Same level neighbor's face not associated!"
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                        'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 3
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                        'neigh', pneigh%id, ip, jp, kr, 3

              end if ! pself associated

            end if ! pneigh and pmeta on the same level

! if pneigh is on higher level
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then

! iterate over all neighbor faces
              do jc = 1, nsides
                do ic = 1, nsides

! assiociate pself to the corresponding face of the neighbor
                  pself => pneigh%faces(ic,jc,kr,3)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
                  if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
                    if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                      write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)            &
                                      , "Inconsistent higher level neighbor face!"
                      write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')") &
                                              'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 3
                      write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')") &
                                              'neigh', pneigh%id, ip, jp, kr, 3
                      write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')") &
                                              'self ',  pself%id, ic, jc, kr, 3

                    end if ! %id fields don't match

                  else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
                    write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)              &
                                    , "Higher level neighbor's face not associated!"
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 3
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'neigh', pneigh%id, ic, jc, kr, 3

                  end if ! pself associated

                end do ! ic = 1, nsides
              end do ! jc = 1, nsides

            end if ! pneigh on higher level

          end if ! pneigh associated

!--- check edges ---
! along X direction
! associate pneigh with the current edge
          pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,1)%ptr

! check if pneigh is associated
          if (associated(pneigh)) then

! if pneigh is on the same level
            if (pneigh%level == pmeta%level) then

! assiociate pself to the corresponding edge of the neighbor
              pself => pneigh%edges(ip,jr,kr,1)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
              if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
                if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                  write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                &
                                  , "Inconsistent same level neighbor edges!"
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 1
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'neigh', pneigh%id, ip, jr, kr, 1
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8)")  'self ', pself%id

                end if ! %id fields don't match

              else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
                write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                  &
                                , "Same level neighbor's edge not associated!"
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                        'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 1
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                        'neigh', pneigh%id, ip, jr, kr, 1

              end if ! pself associated

            end if ! pneigh and pmeta on the same level

! if pneigh is on higher level
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then

! iterate over all neighbor edges
              do ic = 1, nsides

! assiociate pself to the corresponding face of the neighbor
                pself => pneigh%edges(ic,jr,kr,1)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
                if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
                  if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                    write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)              &
                                    , "Inconsistent higher level neighbor edge!"
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 1
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'neigh', pneigh%id, ip, jr, kr, 1
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'self ',  pself%id, ic, jr, kr, 1

                  end if ! %id fields don't match

                else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
                  write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                &
                                  , "Higher level neighbor's edge not associated!"
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 1
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'neigh', pneigh%id, ic, jr, kr, 1

                end if ! pself associated

              end do ! ic = 1, nsides

            end if ! pneigh on higher level

          end if ! pneigh associated

! along Y direction
! associate pneigh with the current edge
          pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,2)%ptr

! check if pneigh is associated
          if (associated(pneigh)) then

! if pneigh is on the same level
            if (pneigh%level == pmeta%level) then

! assiociate pself to the corresponding edge of the neighbor
              pself => pneigh%edges(ir,jp,kr,2)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
              if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
                if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                  write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                &
                                  , "Inconsistent same level neighbor edges!"
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 2
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jp, kr, 2
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8)")  'self ', pself%id

                end if ! %id fields don't match

              else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
                write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                  &
                                , "Same level neighbor's edge not associated!"
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                        'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 2
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                        'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jp, kr, 2

              end if ! pself associated

            end if ! pneigh and pmeta on the same level

! if pneigh is on higher level
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then

! iterate over all neighbor edges
              do jc = 1, nsides

! assiociate pself to the corresponding face of the neighbor
                pself => pneigh%edges(ir,jc,kr,2)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
                if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
                  if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                    write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)              &
                                    , "Inconsistent higher level neighbor edge!"
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 2
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jp, kr, 2
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                            'self ',  pself%id, ir, jc, kr, 2

                  end if ! %id fields don't match

                else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
                  write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                &
                                  , "Higher level neighbor's edge not associated!"
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 2
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jc, kr, 2

                end if ! pself associated

              end do ! jc = 1, nsides

            end if ! pneigh on higher level

          end if ! pneigh associated

! along Z direction
! associate pneigh with the current edge
          pneigh => pmeta%edges(ip,jp,kp,3)%ptr

! check if pneigh is associated
          if (associated(pneigh)) then

! if pneigh is on the same level
            if (pneigh%level == pmeta%level) then

! assiociate pself to the corresponding edge of the neighbor
              pself => pneigh%edges(ir,jr,kp,3)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
              if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
                if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                  write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                &
                                  , "Inconsistent same level neighbor edges!"
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 3
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jr, kp, 3
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8)")  'self ', pself%id

                end if ! %id fields don't match

              else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
                write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                  &
                                , "Same level neighbor's edge not associated!"
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                        'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 3
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                        'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jr, kp, 3

              end if ! pself associated

            end if ! pneigh and pmeta on the same level

! if pneigh is on higher level
            if (pneigh%level > pmeta%level) then

! iterate over all neighbor edges
              do kc = 1, nsides

! assiociate pself to the corresponding face of the neighbor
                pself => pneigh%edges(ir,jr,kc,3)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
                if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
                  if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                    write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)              &
                                    , "Inconsistent higher level neighbor edge!"
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                          'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 3
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                          'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jr, kp, 3
                    write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")   &
                                          'self ',  pself%id, ir, jr, kc, 3

                  end if ! %id fields don't match

                else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
                  write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                &
                                  , "Higher level neighbor's edge not associated!"
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'meta ', pmeta%id , ip, jp, kp, 3
                  write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',4(i2,','),' ]')")     &
                                          'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jr, kc, 3

                end if ! pself associated

              end do ! kc = 1, nsides

            end if ! pneigh on higher level

          end if ! pneigh associated

!--- check corners ---
! associate pneigh with the current corner
          pneigh => pmeta%corners(ip,jp,kp)%ptr

! check if the neighbor is associated
          if (associated(pneigh)) then

! assiociate pself to the corresponding corner of the neighbor
            pself => pneigh%corners(ir,jr,kr)%ptr

! check if pself is associated
            if (associated(pself)) then

! check if pself is the same as pmeta
              if (pmeta%id /= pself%id) then

! print warning, since the blocks differ
                write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                  &
                                , "Inconsistent neighbor corners!"
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                        'meta ',  pmeta%id, ip, jp, kp
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")       &
                                        'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jr, kr
                write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8)")  'self ', pself%id

              end if ! %id fields don't match

            else ! pself associated

! print warning, since the pointer should be associated
              write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc)                    &
                              , "Neighbor's corner not associated!"
              write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")         &
                                      'meta ',  pmeta%id, ip, jp, kp
              write(error_unit,"(a6,' id: ',i8,' [ ',3(i2,','),' ]')")         &
                                      'neigh', pneigh%id, ir, jr, kr

            end if ! pself associated

          end if ! pneigh associated

        end do ! ip = 1, nsides
      end do ! jp = 1, nsides
    end do ! kp = 1, nsides
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */

  end subroutine check_block_neighbors
#endif /* DEBUG */

end module