The list of processor pairs in round-robin order should guarantee the
optimal MPI exchange between processors, i.e. that all processors will
be involved in the data exchange in the same time.
Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
- add a new module RANDOM which handles initialization and generation
of different type random number distributions;
- include the module in the compilation process;
- initialize the random generator from driver;
The initial block mesh refinement seems to be optimized now. However,
more work in the MPI version is required, e.g. refine blocks on all CPUs
until the number of blocks exceeds some number dependent on the number
of CPUs. From that point refine independently on each CPU.
The initial work on the mesh update has been done too, but the processes
do not exchange block information.
This next approach to select blocks for refinement/derefinement with MPI
seems to be working. Moreover, it is simple and efficient, however,
there might be still some room for improvements.
The boundary conditions finally works when using MPI with arbitrary
number of processors. This is however a dirty hack. Has to be done in a
better way later, since now it may be very tricky to generalize the code
to 3D.
The next time step should be reduced to the minimum value over all
processes. This has been added in subroutine 'evolution' now.
The block structure contains a new field %pos which specifies the
position of the child block in its parent.
In this version first we determine the number of blocks to exchange for
each process, then we update this across all processes. Using this
information we send the IDs and level of blocks and their data to the
neighboring processes.
In this version we send each block only once. This block is used to
update boundaries of all neighbors. We use three communications between
each block: the number of blocks to send, the IDs and levels of blocks
which are send, and the %u field of all blocks which are send packed as
one big buffer 'rbuf'.
Now, in the boundary subroutine we collect information about the blocks
which neighbors lay on a different processor. Using this information we
send neighboring blocks and update the block boundaries. This is the
initial implementation, not very well optimized and containg some bugs.
A new 'mpitools' module has been added. This module contains subroutines
to initialize, deinitialize and handle MPI communication. This initial
version can now initialize and deinitialize parallelization. It does not
support full parallelization yet.