- the new parameter tbfor determines the time when the forcing starts
to be introduced gradually; the parameter tefor determines at what
time the forcing operates with the full power; the transition between
tbfor and tefor is described by sinus function;
- ZhiWei et al. (2010) replaced equation to calculate flc in the
original paper by Suresh & Huynh (1997); this resulted in a scheme
free from Gibbs phenomenon;
- they also suggested to calculate parameter alpha from cfl;
- two new parameters trun and tsav control how long the job can run;
the parameter trun, expressed in hours, determines the maximum
execution time and the parameter tsav, expressed in minutes, tells
when to terminate the job before the execution time exceeds trun;
- in some rare situations we want to restart a job with the maximum
refinement level decreased; this change implements this feature; the
blocks are read with the previous range of refinement levels, but
after the first mesh update all blocks which lay on levels higher
than maxlev are automatically derefined;
- the new parameter toplev stores the level of refinement larger or
equal to maxlev; this level cannot be set in the config.in, but is
determined during the initiation or restarting the job;
- several subroutines have been updated to use toplev instead of
- the files corresponding to the processors are read in a normal way,
however, the remaining files are read only on the last processor and
the data blocks stored there are appended to this processor; as soon
as the data block restoring finishes, the data blocks are
redistributed among all processors;
- move allocation of restarted data blocks from read_attributes_h5() to
read_datablocks_h5(); in this way we allocate data blocks only on the
processors which read the data block group;
- add a new subroutine read_datablock_dims_h5() which returns the
dimensions of variable arrays stored in the data block group;
- the improved 3rd order WENO reconstruction has been described in the
paper by Yamaleev & Carpenter, 2000, Journal of Computational
Physics, 228, 3025