A new module called 'timer' has been added. The purpose of this module
is to handle the execution timers of the program or its subtasks, like
initialization, data writing, evolution, etc.
The final summary of the times spent on different task has been added
as well.
I replaced the pointer 'pfirst' pointing to the first element of the
list of blocks with 'plist'. I improved formatting of the informations
printed during the initial mesh generation.
I've added 'Z' configuration of the refined block, completed 'N', 'C',
'D', and 'U' configurations. Implemented pointers to the neighbors
correctly. Finally, I've implemented correct initial geometry
generation, by selection of the blocks to refine, their neightbors if of
the lower level, and finally performing the actual refinement.
Usage of IDs to find children requires additional work, i.e. looking
through all blocks and comparing their IDs. Instead of IDs we use an
array of pointer for instantenous selection of children.
Subroutine to refine a selected block has been implemented. This
subroutine creates 4 new blocks, and inserts them before the parent
block. It fills all block arguments like parent, neighbors, leaf flags,
bounds, next and previous pointers, etc.
I've implemented storing some of the block attributes in HDF5 files. I
shall complete this by writing down neighbors and children. Then I shall
implement storing data arrays.
Initial implementation of subroutine 'write_data' to store all data.
This subroutine initially will support only HDF5 file format. The
block structure of the file is not decided yet.
Implemented the generation of initial blocks in N-configuration with
proper ataching to the list, pointer, neighbors and bounds
initialization, as well as the initial problem setup. Two new files has
been added: mesh.F90 - hadling the adaptive mesh structure, and
problem.F90 - handling the problem initialization.
The new subroutines take care of allocating and deallocating the space
for one block. Allocation uses dimensions provided by configuration
file. The block dimensions and number of ghost cells have been added to
config.F90 as well.
The parameters iblocks, jblocks, and kblocks specify the number of
initial blocks along each direction. This creates the base domain for
further refinement.
Config module takes care of the configuration file 'config.in'. It
reads the file line by line, parsing each line and extracting the name
and value of parameter. Then it substitutes the parameter with a new
Error module handles error, warning and informative messages. So far it
only prints information on the screen.
There is some improvments for comments formating as well.
Block structure has been implemented. Blocks contain pointers to the next
and previous blocks. This easily allows to create block lists. Two
functions are implemented, one for creating initial structure of blocks
with lists, and the second for destroying all blocks from the list.
File 'blocks.F90' has been added to makefile too.