MESH: Move child processing from update_mesh() to prepare_sibling_derefinement().
After checking refinement flags and process neighbors, we need to check if all siblings of blocks which were selected for derefinement, are eligible for derefinement too, i.e. lay at the same level, and are also selected for derefinement. After this step, we bring all siblings to the same processor, so the derefinement can be done efficiently. In this commit, the above step is moved from update_mesh() to prepare_sibling_derefinement(). Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -839,206 +839,10 @@ module mesh
call update_neighbor_refinement()
call update_neighbor_refinement()
! check if all siblings of blocks marked to be derefined can be derefined as
! well, if not cancel their deferinement flags
! iterate over all levels starting from top and correct the refinement
! of neighbor blocks
do l = toplev, 1, -1
call prepare_sibling_derefinement()
! now check all derefined block if their siblings are set for derefinement too
! and are at the same level; check only levels > 1
if (l > 1) then
! set the pointer to the first block on the meta block list
pmeta => list_meta
! iterate over all blocks
do while (associated(pmeta))
! check only leafs at the current level
if (pmeta%leaf .and. pmeta%level == l) then
! check blocks which are selected to be derefined
if (pmeta%refine == -1) then
! assign a pointer to the parent of the current block
pparent => pmeta%parent
! check if parent is associated with any block
if (associated(pparent)) then
! reset derefinement flag
flag = .true.
! iterate over all children
do p = 1, nchildren
! assign a pointer to the current child
pchild => pparent%child(p)%ptr
! check if the current child is the leaf
flag = flag .and. (pchild%leaf)
! check if the current child is set to be derefined
flag = flag .and. (pchild%refine == -1)
end do ! over all children
! if not all children can be derefined, cancel the derefinement
if (.not. flag) then
! iterate over all children
do p = 1, nchildren
! assign a pointer to the current child
pchild => pparent%child(p)%ptr
! reset derefinement of the current child
pchild%refine = max(0, pchild%refine)
end do ! children
end if ! ~flag
end if ! pparent is associated
end if ! refine = -1
end if ! leafs at level l
! assign a pointer to the next block
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do ! meta blocks
end if ! l > 1
end do ! levels
#ifdef MPI
! set the pointer to the first block on the meta block list
pmeta => list_meta
! iterate over all meta blocks
do while (associated(pmeta))
! process only parent blocks (not leafs)
if (.not. pmeta%leaf) then
! check if the first child is selected for derefinement
if (pmeta%child(1)%ptr%refine == -1) then
! check if the parent blocks is on the same processor as the next block, if not
! move it to the same processor
if (pmeta%process /= pmeta%next%process) &
pmeta%process = pmeta%next%process
! find the case when child blocks are spread across at least 2 processors
flag = .false.
do p = 1, nchildren
flag = flag .or. (pmeta%child(p)%ptr%process /= pmeta%process)
end do
if (flag) then
! iterate over all children
do p = 1, nchildren
! generate the tag for communication
itag = pmeta%child(p)%ptr%process * nprocs + pmeta%process &
+ nprocs + p + 1
! if the current children is not on the same processor, then ...
if (pmeta%child(p)%ptr%process /= pmeta%process) then
! if the meta block is on the same process
if (pmeta%process == nproc) then
! allocate data blocks for children on the processor which will receive data
call append_datablock(pdata)
call link_blocks(pmeta%child(p)%ptr, pdata)
! receive the data
call receive_real_array(size(rbuf) &
, pmeta%child(p)%ptr%process, itag, rbuf, iret)
! coppy buffer to data
pmeta%child(p)%ptr%data%u(:,:,:,:) = rbuf(:,:,:,:)
end if
! send data to the right processor and deallocate data block
if (pmeta%child(p)%ptr%process == nproc) then
! copy data to buffer
rbuf(:,:,:,:) = pmeta%child(p)%ptr%data%u(:,:,:,:)
! send data
call send_real_array(size(rbuf), pmeta%process &
, itag, rbuf, iret)
! deallocate data block
call remove_datablock(pmeta%child(p)%ptr%data)
end if
! set the current processor of the block
pmeta%child(p)%ptr%process = pmeta%process
end if ! if child is are on different processes
end do ! nchildren
end if ! children spread over different processes
end if ! children selected for derefinement
end if ! the block is parent
! assign a pointer to the next block
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do ! over meta blocks
#endif /* MPI */
@ -1985,6 +1789,309 @@ module mesh
end subroutine update_neighbor_refinement
end subroutine update_neighbor_refinement
! ---------------------------------------
! Subroutine scans over all blocks selected for derefinement and checks if
! their siblings can be derefined as well. If any of them cannot be
! derefined, the derefinement of all siblings is canceled. Then, if MPI is
! used, the subroutine brings back all siblings together to lay on
! the same process.
subroutine prepare_sibling_derefinement()
! import external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : block_meta, list_meta
#ifdef MPI
use blocks , only : block_data
#endif /* MPI */
use blocks , only : nchildren
use blocks , only : set_neighbors_refine
#ifdef MPI
use blocks , only : append_datablock, remove_datablock, link_blocks
#endif /* MPI */
use coordinates , only : toplev
#ifdef MPI
use coordinates , only : im, jm, km
use equations , only : nv
#endif /* MPI */
use error , only : print_error
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : nprocs, nproc
use mpitools , only : send_real_array, receive_real_array
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta, pparent, pchild
#ifdef MPI
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables
logical :: flag
integer(kind=4) :: l, p
#ifdef MPI
! tag for the MPI data exchange
integer(kind=4) :: itag
integer :: iret
! local buffer for data block exchange
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,im,jm,km) :: rbuf
#endif /* MPI */
! 1) check if the siblings of the block selected for derefinement, can be
! derefined as well, if not cancel the derefinement of all siblings
! iterate over levels and check sibling derefinement
do l = 2, toplev
! assign pmeta to the first meta block on the list
pmeta => list_meta
! iterate over all meta blocks
do while (associated(pmeta))
! check only leafs at the current level
if (pmeta%leaf .and. pmeta%level == l) then
! check if block is selected for derefinement
if (pmeta%refine == -1) then
! assign pparent to the parent block of pmeta
pparent => pmeta%parent
#ifdef DEBUG
! check if pparent is associated
if (associated(pparent)) then
#endif /* DEBUG */
! reset derefinement flag
flag = .true.
! iterate over all children
do p = 1, nchildren
! assign pchild to the current child
pchild => pparent%child(p)%ptr
#ifdef DEBUG
! check if pchild is associated
if (associated(pchild)) then
#endif /* DEBUG */
! check if the current child is a leaf and selected for derefinement as well
flag = flag .and. (pchild%leaf .and. pchild%refine == -1)
#ifdef DEBUG
else ! pchild is associated
call print_error("mesh::check_children_derefinement" &
, "Children does not exist!")
end if ! pparent is associated
#endif /* DEBUG */
end do ! over all children
! if children can be derefined, set the refine flag of the parent to -1,
! otherwise, cancel the derefinement of all siblings
if (flag) then
pparent%refine = -1
! iterate over all children
do p = 1, nchildren
! assign pchild to the current child
pchild => pparent%child(p)%ptr
! reset its derefinement
pchild%refine = max(0, pchild%refine)
end do ! children
end if ! ~flag
#ifdef DEBUG
else ! pparent is associated
call print_error("mesh::check_children_derefinement" &
, "Current meta block has no parent!")
end if ! pparent is associated
#endif /* DEBUG */
end if ! %refine = -1
end if ! only leafs at level l
! assign pmeta to the next meta block
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do ! iterate over meta blocks
end do ! levels
#ifdef MPI
! 2) bring all siblings together to the same process
! assign pmeta to the first meta block on the list
pmeta => list_meta
! iterate over all meta blocks
do while (associated(pmeta))
! process only parent blocks (not leafs)
if (.not. pmeta%leaf) then
! check if the first child is selected for derefinement
if (pmeta%refine == -1) then
! assign pchild with the first child
pchild => pmeta%child(1)%ptr
! set the parent process to be the same as the first child
pmeta%process = pchild%process
! iterate over remaining children and if they are not on the same process,
! bring them to the parent's one
do p = 2, nchildren
! assign pchild to the current child
pchild => pmeta%child(p)%ptr
! if pchild belongs to a different process move its data block to the process
! of its parent
if (pchild%process /= pmeta%process) then
! generate the tag for communication
itag = pchild%process * nprocs + pmeta%process + nprocs + p + 1
! send data block from the current child to the parent process and deallocate it
if (pchild%process == nproc) then
! assign pdata to the daba block of the current child
pdata => pchild%data
#ifdef DEBUG
! check if pdata is associated
if (associated(pdata)) then
#endif /* DEBUG */
! copy data to the local buffer
rbuf(:,:,:,:) = pdata%u(:,:,:,:)
#ifdef DEBUG
else ! pdata associated
call print_error("mesh::check_children_derefinement" &
, "Current child has no data block associated!")
end if ! pdata associated
#endif /* DEBUG */
! send data
call send_real_array(size(rbuf), pmeta%process &
, itag, rbuf(:,:,:,:), iret)
! deallocate the associated data block (it has to be pchild%data, and not pdata,
! otherwise, pchild%data won't be nullified)
call remove_datablock(pchild%data)
end if ! pchild%process == nproc
! allocate data block at the curent child, and receive its data from
! a different process
if (pmeta%process == nproc) then
! allocate data block for the current child
call append_datablock(pdata)
call link_blocks(pchild, pdata)
! receive the data
call receive_real_array(size(rbuf) &
, pchild%process, itag, rbuf(:,:,:,:), iret)
! copy buffer to data block
pdata%u(:,:,:,:) = rbuf(:,:,:,:)
end if ! pmeta%process == nproc
! set the current processor of the block
pchild%process = pmeta%process
end if ! pchild belongs to a different process
end do ! children
! reset the parent %refine flag
pmeta%refine = 0
end if ! pmeta children are selected for derefinement
end if ! the block is parent
! assign pmeta to the next meta block
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do ! iterate over meta blocks
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine prepare_sibling_derefinement
Reference in New Issue
Block a user