PYTHON: Add amun_dataset_vtk() function.

This function works only with HDF5 files and its purpose is to convert
the dataset and store it as the OverlappedAMR VTK files, which can be
read by ParaView.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
Grzegorz Kowal 2021-03-15 15:54:26 -03:00
parent a2c3666ef2
commit fc5a846af3
2 changed files with 372 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ from .amunxml import *
from .amunh5 import *
from .integrals import *
__all__ = [ 'AmunXML', 'amun_attribute', 'amun_coordinate', 'amun_dataset', 'amun_integrals' ]
__all__ = [ 'AmunXML', 'amun_attribute', 'amun_coordinate', 'amun_dataset', \
'amun_dataset_vtk', 'amun_integrals' ]
__author__ = "Grzegorz Kowal"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2018-2021, Grzegorz Kowal <>"

View File

@ -453,3 +453,373 @@ def amun_dataset(fname, vname, shrink=1, interpolation='rebin', progress=False):
return ret
def amun_dataset_vtk(fname, vname, label=None, compression='none', progress=False):
Subroutine to convert a dataset specified by argument 'vname' from
the AMUN HDF5 snapshot to OverlappedAMR VTK file.
fname - the HDF5 file name;
vname - the variable name;
label - the variable label (long name);
compression - the compression type: 'lz4', 'zlib', 'lzma'
progress - the progress bar switch;
dn = amun_dataset_vtk('p000010_00000.h5', 'dens')
from .octree import OcBase, OcNode
from .vtkio import WriteVTK
import os
if not amun_compatible(fname):
return None
if amun_attribute(fname, 'ndims') < 3:
print('Subroutine amun_dataset_vtk() supports only 3D domains.')
return None
if label == None:
label = vname
dname = op.dirname(fname)
if progress:
sys.stdout.write("Data file path:\n '%s'\n" % (dname))
# get attributes necessary to reconstruct the domain
eqsys = amun_attribute(fname, 'eqsys')
eos = amun_attribute(fname, 'eos')
nr = amun_attribute(fname, 'isnap')
nc = amun_attribute(fname, 'nprocs')
nl = amun_attribute(fname, 'nleafs')
if eos == 'adi':
gm = amun_attribute(fname, 'adiabatic_index')
# get block dimensions and the maximum level
ndims = amun_attribute(fname, 'ndims')
nn = amun_attribute(fname, 'ncells')
bm = np.array([nn, nn, nn])
ng = amun_attribute(fname, 'nghosts')
ml = amun_attribute(fname, 'maxlev')
# get the base block dimensions
rm = amun_attribute(fname, 'bdims')
if rm is None:
rm = amun_attribute(fname, 'domain_base_dims')
if rm is None:
rm = amun_attribute(fname, 'rdims')
if rm is None:
return None
# get domain bounds
xmin = amun_attribute(fname, 'xmin')
ymin = amun_attribute(fname, 'ymin')
zmin = amun_attribute(fname, 'zmin')
xlen = amun_attribute(fname, 'xmax') - xmin
ylen = amun_attribute(fname, 'ymax') - ymin
zlen = amun_attribute(fname, 'zmax') - zmin
# build the list of supported variables
variables = []
with h5.File(fname, 'r') as f:
for var in f['variables'].keys():
# add derived variables if possible
if 'velx' in variables and 'vely' in variables and 'velz' in variables:
if 'magx' in variables and 'magy' in variables and 'magz' in variables:
if (eqsys == 'hd' or eqsys == 'mhd') and eos == 'adi' \
and 'pres' in variables:
if 'dens' in variables and 'pres' in variables:
if (eqsys == 'hd' or eqsys == 'mhd') \
and 'dens' in variables \
and 'velx' in variables \
and 'vely' in variables \
and 'velz' in variables:
if (eqsys == 'mhd' or eqsys == 'srmhd') \
and 'magx' in variables \
and 'magy' in variables \
and 'magz' in variables:
if eqsys == 'hd' and 'ekin' in variables and 'eint' in variables:
if eqsys == 'mhd' and 'eint' in variables \
and 'ekin' in variables \
and 'emag' in variables:
if (eqsys == 'srhd' or eqsys == 'srmhd') and 'velo' in variables:
# check if the requested variable is in the variable list
if not vname in variables:
print('The requested variable cannot be extracted from the file datasets!')
return None
# determine the actual maximum level from the blocks
levs = []
for n in range(nc):
fname = 'p%06d_%05d.h5' % (nr, n)
lname = op.join(dname, fname)
dblocks = amun_attribute(lname, 'dblocks')
if dblocks > 0:
levs = np.append(levs, [amun_coordinate(lname, 'levels')])
ml = int(levs.max())
# create octree base
base = OcBase([xmin, ymin, zmin], [xlen, ylen, zlen], rm)
# iterate over all subdomain files
nb = 0
for n in range(nc):
fname = 'p%06d_%05d.h5' % (nr, n)
lname = op.join(dname, fname)
dblocks = amun_attribute(lname, 'dblocks')
if dblocks > 0:
levels = amun_coordinate(lname, 'levels')
coords = amun_coordinate(lname, 'coords')
bounds = amun_coordinate(lname, 'bounds')
dx = amun_coordinate(lname, 'dx')
dy = amun_coordinate(lname, 'dy')
dz = amun_coordinate(lname, 'dz')
with h5.File(lname, 'r') as f:
g = f['variables']
if vname == 'level':
dataset = np.zeros(g[variables[0]].shape)
for l in range(dblocks):
dataset[:,:,:,l] = levels[l]
elif vname == 'velo':
dataset = np.sqrt(g['velx'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['vely'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['velz'][:,:,:,:]**2)
elif vname == 'magn':
dataset = np.sqrt(g['magx'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['magy'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['magz'][:,:,:,:]**2)
elif vname == 'eint':
dataset = 1.0 / (gm - 1.0) * g['pres'][:,:,:,:]
elif vname == 'ekin':
dataset = 0.5 * g['dens'][:,:,:,:] * (g['velx'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['vely'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['velz'][:,:,:,:]**2)
elif vname == 'emag':
dataset = 0.5 * (g['magx'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['magy'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['magz'][:,:,:,:]**2)
elif vname == 'etot':
dataset = 1.0 / (gm - 1.0) * g['pres'][:,:,:,:] \
+ 0.5 * g['dens'][:,:,:,:] * (g['velx'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['vely'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['velz'][:,:,:,:]**2)
if eqsys == 'mhd':
dataset += 0.5 * (g['magx'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['magy'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['magz'][:,:,:,:]**2)
elif vname == 'temp':
dataset = g['pres'][:,:,:,:] / g['dens'][:,:,:,:]
elif vname == 'lore':
dataset = 1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 - (g['velx'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['vely'][:,:,:,:]**2 \
+ g['velz'][:,:,:,:]**2))
elif vname == 'divv':
dataset = np.zeros(g['velx'].shape)
fields = [ 'velx', 'vely', 'velz' ]
h = (dx, dy, dz)
for i in range(ndims):
v = fields[i]
dataset += 0.5 * (np.roll(g[v][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=2) \
- np.roll(g[v][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=2)) \
/ h[i][levels[:] - 1]
elif vname == 'divb':
dataset = np.zeros(g['magx'].shape)
fields = [ 'magx', 'magy', 'magz' ]
h = (dx, dy, dz)
for i in range(ndims):
v = fields[i]
dataset += 0.5 * (np.roll(g[v][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=2) \
- np.roll(g[v][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=2)) \
/ h[i][levels[:] - 1]
elif vname == 'vort':
if ndims == 3:
wx = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['velz'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=1) \
- np.roll(g['velz'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=1)) \
/ dy[levels[:]-1] \
- 0.5 * (np.roll(g['vely'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=0) \
- np.roll(g['vely'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=0)) \
/ dz[levels[:]-1]
wy = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['velx'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=0) \
- np.roll(g['velx'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=0)) \
/ dz[levels[:]-1] \
- 0.5 * (np.roll(g['velz'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=2) \
- np.roll(g['velz'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=2)) \
/ dx[levels[:]-1]
wz = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['vely'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=2) \
- np.roll(g['vely'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=2)) \
/ dx[levels[:]-1] \
- 0.5 * (np.roll(g['velx'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=1) \
- np.roll(g['velx'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=1)) \
/ dy[levels[:]-1]
wx = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['velz'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=1) \
- np.roll(g['velz'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=1)) \
/ dy[levels[:]-1]
wy = - 0.5 * (np.roll(g['velz'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=2) \
- np.roll(g['velz'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=2)) \
/ dx[levels[:]-1]
wz = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['vely'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=2) \
- np.roll(g['vely'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=2)) \
/ dx[levels[:]-1] \
- 0.5 * (np.roll(g['velx'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=1) \
- np.roll(g['velx'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=1)) \
/ dy[levels[:]-1]
dataset = np.sqrt(wx * wx + wy * wy + wz * wz)
elif vname == 'curr':
if ndims == 3:
wx = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magz'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=1) \
- np.roll(g['magz'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=1)) \
/ dy[levels[:]-1] \
- 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magy'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=0) \
- np.roll(g['magy'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=0)) \
/ dz[levels[:]-1]
wy = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magx'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=0) \
- np.roll(g['magx'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=0)) \
/ dz[levels[:]-1] \
- 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magz'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=2) \
- np.roll(g['magz'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=2)) \
/ dx[levels[:]-1]
wz = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magy'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=2) \
- np.roll(g['magy'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=2)) \
/ dx[levels[:]-1] \
- 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magx'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=1) \
- np.roll(g['magx'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=1)) \
/ dy[levels[:]-1]
wx = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magz'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=1) \
- np.roll(g['magz'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=1)) \
/ dy[levels[:]-1]
wy = - 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magz'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=2) \
- np.roll(g['magz'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=2)) \
/ dx[levels[:]-1]
wz = 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magy'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=2) \
- np.roll(g['magy'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=2)) \
/ dx[levels[:]-1] \
- 0.5 * (np.roll(g['magx'][:,:,:,:], -1, axis=1) \
- np.roll(g['magx'][:,:,:,:], 1, axis=1)) \
/ dy[levels[:]-1]
dataset = np.sqrt(wx * wx + wy * wy + wz * wz)
dataset = g[vname][:,:,:,:]
# rescale all blocks to the effective resolution
for l in range(dblocks):
lv = levels[l] - 1
center = (bounds[0,:,l] + bounds[1,:,l]) / 2
base.createBranch(center, lv)
base.setLeafData(center, lv, dataset[ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng,l])
nb += 1
# print progress bar if desired
if progress:
sys.stdout.write("Reading '%s' from '%s': block %d from %d" \
% (vname, fname, nb, nl))
if (progress):
if progress:
sys.stdout.write("Populating AMR structure\n")
if progress:
sys.stdout.write("Generating OverlappedAMR VTK files\n")
ofile = "{}_{:06d}.vthb".format(vname, nr)
opath = "{}_{:06d}".format(vname, nr)
if not op.exists(opath):
with open(ofile, 'w') as vtk:
vtk.write('<VTKFile type="vtkOverlappingAMR" version="1.1" byte_order="LittleEndian" header_type="UInt64">\n')
vtk.write(' <vtkOverlappingAMR origin="{} {} {}" grid_description="XYZ">\n'.format(*base.lower))
m = 0
for lv in range(ml):
sm = np.array(rm) * 2**lv
dh = np.array([xlen, ylen, zlen]) / np.array(sm * bm)
vtk.write(' <Block level="{}" spacing="{} {} {}">\n'.format(lv, dh[0], dh[1], dh[2]))
dxb = base.size[0] / sm[0]
dyb = base.size[1] / sm[1]
dzb = base.size[2] / sm[2]
no = 0
for i in range(sm[0]):
x = base.lower[0] + (i + 0.5) * dxb
for j in range(sm[1]):
y = base.lower[1] + (j + 0.5) * dyb
for k in range(sm[2]):
z = base.lower[2] + (k + 0.5) * dzb
item = base.getItem([x, y, z], lv)
if isinstance(item, OcNode):
il = i * bm[0]
jl = j * bm[1]
kl = k * bm[2]
iu = il + bm[0] - 1
ju = jl + bm[1] - 1
ku = kl + bm[2] - 1
if item.hasData:
vfile = op.join(opath, '{}_{}_{}.vti'.format(var, lv, no))
WriteVTK(vfile, label,, \
origin = (item.lower[0], item.lower[1], item.lower[2]), \
spacing = (dh[0], dh[1], dh[2]), compression=compression)
vtk.write(' <DataSet index="{}" amr_box = "{} {} {} {} {} {}" file = "{}"></DataSet>\n'.format(no, il, iu, jl, ju, kl, ku, vfile))
no += 1
vtk.write(' <DataSet index="{}" amr_box = "{} {} {} {} {} {}"></DataSet>\n'.format(no, il, iu, jl, ju, kl, ku))
m += 1
if progress:
sys.stdout.write("Storing AMR block {} from {}".format(m, base.nodes))
vtk.write(' </Block>\n')
vtk.write(' </vtkOverlappingAMR>\n')
if (progress):