USER_PROBLEM: Rewrite initial perturbation to inject in all modes.

Add a flag to select only the perturbation modes which are stable for
tearing mode instability.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
Grzegorz Kowal 2024-07-18 11:58:08 -03:00
parent d4c692d09a
commit f99a1fb0bf

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@ -53,9 +53,10 @@ module user_problem
integer , save :: pert = 0
integer , save :: nper = 16
real(kind=8), save :: kper = 1.00d+00
real(kind=8), save :: kdel = 1.00d+00
real(kind=8), save :: bper = 0.00d+00
real(kind=8), save :: vper = 0.00d+00
real(kind=8), save :: kper = 1.00d+00
real(kind=8), save :: kvec = 1.00d+00
real(kind=8), save :: xcut = 1.00d+99
real(kind=8), save :: ycut = 1.00d+99
@ -106,10 +107,7 @@ module user_problem
subroutine initialize_user_problem(problem, rcount, verbose, status)
use boundaries , only : custom_boundary_x, custom_boundary_y
#if NDIMS == 3
use constants , only : pi
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
use constants , only : pi2
use constants , only : pi, pi2
use coordinates, only : xlen, zlen, ymax
use equations , only : magnetized, csnd, csnd2, qpbnd
use equations , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, ibx, iby, ibz, ibp, ipr
@ -126,16 +124,14 @@ module user_problem
logical , intent(in) :: verbose
integer , intent(out) :: status
logical :: perturb_tearing = .true.
character(len=32) :: stmp
character(len=64) :: perturbation = "noise", append = "off", fname
character(len=64) :: enable_absorption = "off"
logical :: flag
integer :: n, kd
real(kind=8) :: thh, fc, ydis = 9.00d+99
#if NDIMS == 3
real(kind=8) :: thv, tx, ty, tz, tt
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
real(kind=8) :: ka
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
integer :: n, kd, ki, kj, kk, kv, ks
real(kind=8) :: kl2, ku2, kv2, ka, fc, ydis = 9.00d+99
real(kind=8) :: thv, thh, tx, ty, tz
character(len=*), parameter :: &
loc = 'USER_PROBLEM::initialize_user_problem()'
@ -242,6 +238,8 @@ module user_problem
status = 1
end if
ycut = 2 * dlta
ydec = dlta
! get the perturbation parameters
@ -250,6 +248,7 @@ module user_problem
call get_parameter("bper" , bper)
call get_parameter("vper" , vper)
call get_parameter("kper" , kper)
call get_parameter("kdel" , kdel)
call get_parameter("xcut" , xcut)
call get_parameter("ycut" , ycut)
call get_parameter("xdec" , xdec)
@ -273,6 +272,17 @@ module user_problem
pert = 1
end select
! enable or disable tearing modes perturbation
stmp = 'on'
call get_parameter("perturb_tearing", stmp)
select case(stmp)
case ("on", "ON", "t", "T", "y", "Y", "true", "TRUE", "yes", "YES")
perturb_tearing = .true.
case default
perturb_tearing = .false.
end select
! prepare the wave vector of the perturbation
kvec = pi2 * kper
@ -281,6 +291,35 @@ module user_problem
if (pert == 2) then
kl2 = max(0.0d+00, kper - kdel)**2
ku2 = (kper + kdel)**2
kv = int(kper)
ks = int(ceiling(1.0d+00 / (pi2 * dlta)))
if (perturb_tearing) ks = 0
n = 0
#if NDIMS == 3
kd = int(xlen / zlen)
do kk = - kv + mod(kv, kd), kv - mod(kv, kd), kd
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
kk = 0
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do kj = - kv, kv
do ki = ks, kv
kv2 = 1.0d+00 * (ki**2 + kj**2 + kk**2)
if (kl2 <= kv2 .and. kv2 <= ku2) then
if (.not. (ki == 0 .and. kj == 0 .and. kk < 0) .and. &
.not. (ki == 0 .and. kj < 0)) then
n = n + 1
end if
end if
end do
end do
#if NDIMS == 3
end do
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
if (n > 0) nper = n
! allocate phase and wave vector components
allocate(kx(nper), ky(nper), kz(nper), ux(nper), uy(nper), uz(nper), &
@ -290,45 +329,52 @@ module user_problem
! choose random wave vector directions
kd = int(xlen / zlen)
fc = 1.0d+00 / sqrt(1.0d+00 * nper)
do n = 1, nper
thh = pi2 * randuni()
n = 0
#if NDIMS == 3
thv = pi * randsym()
tx = cos(thh) * cos(thv)
ty = sin(thh) * cos(thv)
tz = sin(thv)
kx(n) = pi2 * nint(kper * tx)
ky(n) = pi2 * nint(kper * ty)
kz(n) = pi2 * nint(kper * tz / kd) * kd
tt = 0.0d+00
do while(tt < 1.0d-08)
thh = pi2 * randuni()
thv = pi * randsym()
tx = cos(thh) * cos(thv)
ty = sin(thh) * cos(thv)
tz = sin(thv)
ux(n) = ty * kz(n) - tz * ky(n)
uy(n) = tz * kx(n) - tx * kz(n)
uz(n) = tx * ky(n) - ty * kx(n)
tt = sqrt(ux(n)**2 + uy(n)**2 + uz(n)**2)
end do
ux(n) = fc * ux(n) / tt
uy(n) = fc * uy(n) / tt
uz(n) = fc * uz(n) / tt
do kk = - kv + mod(kv, kd), kv - mod(kv, kd), kd
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
kx(n) = pi2 * nint(kper * cos(thh))
ky(n) = pi2 * nint(kper * sin(thh))
kz(n) = 0.0d+00
ka = sqrt(kx(n)**2 + ky(n)**2)
ux(n) = fc * ky(n) / ka
uy(n) = - fc * kx(n) / ka
uz(n) = 0.0d+00
kk = 0
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
ph(n) = pi2 * randuni()
do kj = - kv, kv
do ki = ks, kv
kv2 = 1.0d+00 * (ki**2 + kj**2 + kk**2)
if (kl2 <= kv2 .and. kv2 <= ku2) then
if (.not. (ki == 0 .and. kj == 0 .and. kk < 0) .and. &
.not. (ki == 0 .and. kj < 0)) then
n = n + 1
kx(n) = pi2 * ki
ky(n) = pi2 * kj
kz(n) = pi2 * kk
if (kk == 0) then
ka = sqrt(kx(n)**2 + ky(n)**2)
ux(n) = ky(n) / ka
uy(n) = - kx(n) / ka
uz(n) = 0.0d+00
ka = 0.0d+00
do while(ka < 1.0d-08)
thh = pi2 * randuni()
thv = pi * randsym()
tx = cos(thh) * cos(thv)
ty = sin(thh) * cos(thv)
tz = sin(thv)
ux(n) = ty * kz(n) - tz * ky(n)
uy(n) = tz * kx(n) - tx * kz(n)
uz(n) = tx * ky(n) - ty * kx(n)
ka = sqrt(ux(n)**2 + uy(n)**2 + uz(n)**2)
end do
ux(n) = ux(n) / ka
uy(n) = uy(n) / ka
uz(n) = uz(n) / ka
end if
ph(n) = pi2 * randuni()
end if
end if
end do
end do
#if NDIMS == 3
end do
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
if (verbose) &
@ -446,12 +492,20 @@ module user_problem
call print_parameter(verbose, '( ) P (Prandtl number)', prdl)
call print_parameter(verbose, '(*) delta (thickness)', dlta)
call print_parameter(verbose, '(*) perturbation', perturbation)
if (pert == 2) then
if (perturb_tearing) then
call print_parameter(verbose, '(*) perturb tearing modes', 'on')
call print_parameter(verbose, '(*) perturb tearing modes', 'off')
end if
end if
call print_parameter(verbose, '(*) bper' , bper)
call print_parameter(verbose, '(*) vper' , vper)
if (pert >= 1) then
call print_parameter(verbose, '(*) kper' , kper)
end if
if (pert == 2) then
call print_parameter(verbose, '(*) kdel' , kdel)
call print_parameter(verbose, '(*) nper' , nper)
end if
call print_parameter(verbose, '(*) xcut' , xcut)