Merge branch 'master' into flux-tubes
This commit is contained in:
@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ module mesh
use blocks , only : append_datablock, remove_datablock, link_blocks
use helpers , only : print_message
use mpitools, only : check_status
use mpitools, only : npmax, nproc, nodes, lprocs
use mpitools, only : nproc, nodes, lprocs
use mpitools, only : send_array, receive_array
#endif /* MPI */
@ -601,16 +601,15 @@ module mesh
integer, intent(out) :: status
#ifdef MPI
logical :: flag
integer(kind=4) :: np, nl, nc, nr
integer(kind=4) :: l, m, n, p
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
integer(kind=4) :: tag1, tag2
integer(kind=4), dimension(nodes) :: nb
integer(kind=4), dimension(lprocs,nodes) :: lb
integer(kind=4), dimension(nodes) :: leafs_per_node
integer(kind=4), dimension(lprocs,nodes) :: leafs_per_process
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'MESH::redistribute_blocks()'
#endif /* MPI */
@ -620,50 +619,53 @@ module mesh
status = 0
#ifdef MPI
! calculate the new data block distribution between processes
! calculate the new data block distribution between nodes and processes on each
! node
nl = mod(get_nleafs(), nodes)
nb(:) = get_nleafs() / nodes
nb(1:nl) = nb(1:nl) + 1
do nc = 1, nodes
nl = mod(nb(nc), lprocs)
lb( : ,nc) = nb(nc) / lprocs
lb(1:nl,nc) = lb(1:nl,nc) + 1
n = mod(get_nleafs(), nodes)
leafs_per_node( : ) = get_nleafs() / nodes
leafs_per_node(1:n) = leafs_per_node(1:n) + 1
do n = 1, nodes
m = mod(leafs_per_node(n), lprocs)
leafs_per_process( : ,n) = leafs_per_node(n) / lprocs
leafs_per_process(1:m,n) = leafs_per_process(1:m,n) + 1
end do
nc = 1
nr = 1
np = 0
nl = 0
! update the %process field of leafs with respect to the new division,
! and redistribute data blocks at the same time
p = 0 ! process count
l = 0 ! leaf per process count
m = 1 ! node process count
n = 1 ! node count
tag2 = 0
pmeta => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta))
! exchange data blocks between processes
if (pmeta%process /= np) then
if (pmeta%leaf) then
if (pmeta%leaf) then
l = l + 1
if (pmeta%process /= p) then
changed = .true.
tag1 = tag2 + 1
tag2 = tag1 + 1
if (nproc == pmeta%process) then
if (nproc == pmeta%process .and. associated(pmeta%data)) then
pdata => pmeta%data
call send_array(p, tag1, pdata%uu)
call send_array(p, tag2, pdata%q)
call send_array(np, tag1, pmeta%data%uu)
call send_array(np, tag2, pmeta%data%q)
call remove_datablock(pmeta%data, status)
call remove_datablock(pdata, status)
if (status /= 0) then
call print_message(loc, "Could not remove data block!")
go to 1000
end if
end if
if (nproc == np) then
if (nproc == p .and. .not. associated(pmeta%data)) then
call append_datablock(pdata, status)
if (status /= 0) then
call print_message(loc, "Could not append new data block!")
@ -673,43 +675,20 @@ module mesh
call receive_array(pmeta%process, tag1, pmeta%data%uu)
call receive_array(pmeta%process, tag2, pmeta%data%q)
end if
pmeta%process = p
end if
pmeta%process = np
end if
! determine the new block distribution
if (pmeta%leaf) then
nl = nl + 1
if (nl >= lb(nr,nc)) then
np = min(npmax, np + 1)
nl = 0
nr = nr + 1
if (nr > lprocs) then
nr = 1
nc = nc + 1
if (l >= leafs_per_process(m,n)) then
l = 0
p = p + 1
m = m + 1
if (m > lprocs) then
m = 1
n = n + 1
end if
flag = nc <= nodes
if (flag) flag = lb(nr,nc) == 0
do while(flag)
np = min(npmax, np + 1)
nr = nr + 1
if (nr > lprocs) then
nr = 1
nc = nc + 1
end if
flag = nc <= nodes
if (flag) flag = lb(nr,nc) == 0
end do
end if
end if
pmeta => pmeta%next
Reference in New Issue
Block a user