Merge branch 'master' into reconnection
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,16 +40,13 @@ program amun
use equations , only : initialize_equations, finalize_equations
use equations , only : initialize_equations, finalize_equations
use evolution , only : initialize_evolution, finalize_evolution
use evolution , only : initialize_evolution, finalize_evolution
use evolution , only : advance, new_time_step
use evolution , only : advance, new_time_step
use evolution , only : n, t, dt
use evolution , only : step, time, dt
use integrals , only : init_integrals, clear_integrals, store_integrals
use integrals , only : init_integrals, clear_integrals, store_integrals
use interpolations, only : initialize_interpolations, finalize_interpolations
use interpolations, only : initialize_interpolations, finalize_interpolations
use io , only : initialize_io, write_data, write_restart_data &
use io , only : initialize_io, write_data, write_restart_data &
, restart_job
, read_restart_data, next_tout
use mesh , only : initialize_mesh, finalize_mesh
use mesh , only : initialize_mesh, finalize_mesh
use mesh , only : generate_mesh, store_mesh_stats
use mesh , only : generate_mesh, store_mesh_stats
#ifdef MPI
use mesh , only : redistribute_blocks
#endif /* MPI */
use mpitools , only : initialize_mpitools, finalize_mpitools
use mpitools , only : initialize_mpitools, finalize_mpitools
use mpitools , only : setup_mpi
use mpitools , only : setup_mpi
#ifdef MPI
#ifdef MPI
@ -82,6 +79,12 @@ program amun
logical, dimension(3) :: per = .true.
logical, dimension(3) :: per = .true.
integer :: nmax = 0, ndat = 1, nres = -1, ires = -1
integer :: nmax = 0, ndat = 1, nres = -1, ires = -1
real :: tmax = 0.0d+00, trun = 9.999d+03, tsav = 3.0d+01
real :: tmax = 0.0d+00, trun = 9.999d+03, tsav = 3.0d+01
real(kind=8) :: dtnext = 0.0d+00
! flag to adjust time precisely to the snapshots
logical , save :: precise_snapshots = .false.
character(len=255) :: prec_snap = "off"
! temporary variables
! temporary variables
@ -255,6 +258,23 @@ program amun
trun = trun - tsav / 6.0d+01
trun = trun - tsav / 6.0d+01
! initialize dtnext
dtnext = 2.0d+00 * tmax
! get the precise snapshot flag
call get_parameter_string ("precise_snapshots", prec_snap)
! set the precise snapshot flag
if (prec_snap == "on" ) precise_snapshots = .true.
if (prec_snap == "ON" ) precise_snapshots = .true.
if (prec_snap == "true") precise_snapshots = .true.
if (prec_snap == "TRUE") precise_snapshots = .true.
if (prec_snap == "yes" ) precise_snapshots = .true.
if (prec_snap == "YES" ) precise_snapshots = .true.
! get integral calculation interval
! get integral calculation interval
call get_parameter_integer("ndat" , ndat)
call get_parameter_integer("ndat" , ndat)
@ -363,6 +383,14 @@ program amun
call initialize_problems()
call initialize_problems()
! initialize boundaries module and print info
if (master) then
write (*,*)
write (*,"(1x,a)" ) "Snapshots:"
write (*,"(4x,a22,1x,'='1x,a)") "precise snapshot times", trim(prec_snap)
end if
! initialize module IO
! initialize module IO
call initialize_io()
call initialize_io()
@ -375,10 +403,6 @@ program amun
call initialize_mesh(nrun, master, iret)
call initialize_mesh(nrun, master, iret)
! initialize the integrals module
call init_integrals(.true.)
! generate the initial mesh, refine that mesh to the desired level according to
! generate the initial mesh, refine that mesh to the desired level according to
! the initialized problem
! the initialized problem
@ -386,33 +410,34 @@ program amun
! store mesh statistics
! store mesh statistics
call store_mesh_stats(n, t)
call store_mesh_stats(step, time)
! calculate new timestep
! calculate new timestep
call new_time_step()
call new_time_step(dtnext)
! initialize the integrals module
call init_integrals(.true.)
! increase the run number
nrun = nres + 1
! initialize the mesh module
! initialize the mesh module
call initialize_mesh(nrun, master, iret)
call initialize_mesh(nrun, master, iret)
! reconstruct the meta and data block structures from a given restart file
call read_restart_data()
! initialize the integrals module
! initialize the integrals module
call init_integrals(.false.)
call init_integrals(.false.)
! reconstruct the meta and data block structures from a given restart file
call restart_job()
#ifdef MPI
! redistribute blocks between processors in case the number of processors has
! changed
call redistribute_blocks()
#endif /* MPI */
end if
end if
#ifdef MPI
#ifdef MPI
@ -460,7 +485,7 @@ program amun
! get current time in seconds
! get current time in seconds
if (master) &
if (master) &
tbeg = t
tbeg = time
! print progress info on master processor
! print progress info on master processor
@ -482,32 +507,36 @@ program amun
#if defined INTEL || defined PATHSCALE
#if defined INTEL || defined PATHSCALE
write(*,'(i8,2(1x,1pe14.6),2x,i8,2x,1i4.1,"d",1i2.2,"h",1i2.2,"m"' // &
write(*,'(i8,2(1x,1pe14.6),2x,i8,2x,1i4.1,"d",1i2.2,"h",1i2.2,"m"' // &
',1i2.2,"s",15x,a1,$)') &
',1i2.2,"s",15x,a1,$)') &
n, t, dt, get_nleafs(), ed, eh, em, es, char(13)
step, time, dt, get_nleafs(), ed, eh, em, es, char(13)
#else /* INTEL | PATHSCALE */
#else /* INTEL | PATHSCALE */
write(*,'(i8,2(1x,1pe14.6),2x,i8,2x,1i4.1,"d",1i2.2,"h",1i2.2,"m"' // &
write(*,'(i8,2(1x,1pe14.6),2x,i8,2x,1i4.1,"d",1i2.2,"h",1i2.2,"m"' // &
',1i2.2,"s",15x,a1)',advance="no") &
',1i2.2,"s",15x,a1)',advance="no") &
n, t, dt, get_nleafs(), ed, eh, em, es, char(13)
step, time, dt, get_nleafs(), ed, eh, em, es, char(13)
#endif /* INTEL | PATHSCALE */
#endif /* INTEL | PATHSCALE */
end if
end if
! main loop
! main loop
do while((nsteps < nmax) .and. (t <= tmax) .and. (iterm == 0))
do while((nsteps <= nmax) .and. (time < tmax) .and. (iterm == 0))
! get the next snapshot time
if (precise_snapshots) dtnext = next_tout() - time
! performe one step evolution
! performe one step evolution
call advance()
call advance(dtnext)
! advance the iteration number and time
! advance the iteration number and time
t = t + dt
time = time + dt
n = n + 1
step = step + 1
nsteps = nsteps + 1
nsteps = nsteps + 1
! store mesh statistics
! store mesh statistics
call store_mesh_stats(n, t)
call store_mesh_stats(step, time)
! store integrals
! store integrals
@ -535,7 +564,7 @@ program amun
! calculate days, hours, seconds
! calculate days, hours, seconds
ec = int(tm_curr * (tmax - t) / max(1.0e-8, t - tbeg), kind = 4)
ec = int(tm_curr * (tmax - time) / max(1.0e-8, time - tbeg), kind = 4)
es = max(0, int(mod(ec, 60)))
es = max(0, int(mod(ec, 60)))
em = int(mod(ec / 60, 60))
em = int(mod(ec / 60, 60))
eh = int(ec / 3600)
eh = int(ec / 3600)
@ -546,11 +575,11 @@ program amun
#if defined INTEL || defined PATHSCALE
#if defined INTEL || defined PATHSCALE
write(*,'(i8,2(1x,1pe14.6),2x,i8,2x,1i4.1,"d",1i2.2,"h",1i2.2,"m"' // &
write(*,'(i8,2(1x,1pe14.6),2x,i8,2x,1i4.1,"d",1i2.2,"h",1i2.2,"m"' // &
',1i2.2,"s",15x,a1,$)') &
',1i2.2,"s",15x,a1,$)') &
n, t, dt, get_nleafs(), ed, eh, em, es, char(13)
step, time, dt, get_nleafs(), ed, eh, em, es, char(13)
#else /* INTEL | PATHSCALE */
#else /* INTEL | PATHSCALE */
write(*,'(i8,2(1x,1pe14.6),2x,i8,2x,1i4.1,"d",1i2.2,"h",1i2.2,"m"' // &
write(*,'(i8,2(1x,1pe14.6),2x,i8,2x,1i4.1,"d",1i2.2,"h",1i2.2,"m"' // &
',1i2.2,"s",15x,a1)',advance="no") &
',1i2.2,"s",15x,a1)',advance="no") &
n, t, dt, get_nleafs(), ed, eh, em, es, char(13)
step, time, dt, get_nleafs(), ed, eh, em, es, char(13)
#endif /* INTEL | PATHSCALE */
#endif /* INTEL | PATHSCALE */
end if
end if
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ module evolution
! time variables
! time variables
integer, save :: n = 0
integer, save :: step = 0
real , save :: t = 0.0d+00
real , save :: time = 0.0d+00
real , save :: dt = 1.0d+00
real , save :: dt = 1.0d+00
real , save :: dtn = 1.0d+00
real , save :: dtn = 1.0d+00
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ module evolution
! declare public variables
! declare public variables
public :: cfl, n, t, dt, dtn
public :: cfl, step, time, dt, dtn
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@ -201,10 +201,13 @@ module evolution
! Subroutine advances the solution by one time step using the selected time
! Subroutine advances the solution by one time step using the selected time
! integration method.
! integration method.
! Arguments:
! dtnext - next time step;
subroutine advance()
subroutine advance(dtnext)
! include external procedures
! include external procedures
@ -218,12 +221,16 @@ module evolution
! local variables are not implicit by default
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
implicit none
! input variables
real, intent(in) :: dtnext
! find new time step
! find new time step
call new_time_step()
call new_time_step(dtnext)
! advance the solution using the selected method
! advance the solution using the selected method
@ -252,6 +259,124 @@ module evolution
end subroutine advance
end subroutine advance
! subroutine NEW_TIME_STEP:
! ------------------------
! Subroutine estimates the new time step from the maximum speed in the system
! and source term constraints.
! Arguments:
! dtnext - next time step;
subroutine new_time_step(dtnext)
! include external procedures
use equations , only : maxspeed, cmax, cmax2
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : reduce_maximum_real, reduce_maximum_integer
#endif /* MPI */
! include external variables
use blocks , only : block_data, list_data
use coordinates , only : adx, ady, adz
use coordinates , only : toplev
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input variables
real, intent(in) :: dtnext
! local pointers
type(block_data), pointer :: pblock
! local variables
integer :: iret
integer(kind=4) :: lev
real :: cm, dx_min
! local parameters
real, parameter :: eps = tiny(cmax)
! reset the maximum speed, and the highest level
cmax = eps
lev = 1
! iterate over all data blocks in order to find the maximum speed among them
! and the highest level which is required to obtain the spatial step
pblock => list_data
do while (associated(pblock))
! find the maximum level occupied by blocks (can be smaller than toplev)
lev = max(lev, pblock%meta%level)
! obtain the maximum speed for the current block
cm = maxspeed(pblock%q(:,:,:,:))
! compare global and local maximum speeds
cmax = max(cmax, cm)
! assiociate the pointer with the next block
pblock => pblock%next
end do
#ifdef MPI
! find maximum speed in the system from all processors
call reduce_maximum_real (cmax, iret)
call reduce_maximum_integer(lev , iret)
#endif /* MPI */
! calculate squared cmax
cmax2 = cmax * cmax
! find the smallest spatial step
#if NDIMS == 2
dx_min = min(adx(lev), ady(lev))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
dx_min = min(adx(lev), ady(lev), adz(lev))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! calcilate the new time step
dtn = dx_min / max(cmax, eps)
! calculate the new time step
dt = cfl * dtn
! round the time
if (dtnext > 0.0d+00) dt = min(dt, dtnext)
end subroutine new_time_step
!!*** PRIVATE SUBROUTINES ****************************************************
!!*** PRIVATE SUBROUTINES ****************************************************
@ -599,113 +724,6 @@ module evolution
end subroutine update_variables
end subroutine update_variables
! subroutine NEW_TIME_STEP:
! ------------------------
! Subroutine estimates the new time step from the maximum speed in the system
! and source term constraints.
subroutine new_time_step()
! include external procedures
use equations , only : maxspeed, cmax, cmax2
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : reduce_maximum_real, reduce_maximum_integer
#endif /* MPI */
! include external variables
use blocks , only : block_data, list_data
use coordinates , only : adx, ady, adz
use coordinates , only : toplev
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! local pointers
type(block_data), pointer :: pblock
! local variables
integer :: iret
integer(kind=4) :: lev
real :: cm, dx_min
! local parameters
real, parameter :: eps = tiny(cmax)
! reset the maximum speed, and the highest level
cmax = eps
lev = 1
! iterate over all data blocks in order to find the maximum speed among them
! and the highest level which is required to obtain the spatial step
pblock => list_data
do while (associated(pblock))
! find the maximum level occupied by blocks (can be smaller than toplev)
lev = max(lev, pblock%meta%level)
! obtain the maximum speed for the current block
cm = maxspeed(pblock%q(:,:,:,:))
! compare global and local maximum speeds
cmax = max(cmax, cm)
! assiociate the pointer with the next block
pblock => pblock%next
end do
#ifdef MPI
! find maximum speed in the system from all processors
call reduce_maximum_real (cmax, iret)
call reduce_maximum_integer(lev , iret)
#endif /* MPI */
! calculate squared cmax
cmax2 = cmax * cmax
! find the smallest spatial step
#if NDIMS == 2
dx_min = min(adx(lev), ady(lev))
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
dx_min = min(adx(lev), ady(lev), adz(lev))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! calcilate the new time step
dtn = dx_min / max(cmax, eps)
! calculate the new time step
dt = cfl * dtn
end subroutine new_time_step
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ module integrals
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, list_data
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, list_data
use coordinates, only : ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
use coordinates, only : ib, ie, jb, je, kb, ke
use coordinates, only : advol
use coordinates, only : advol
use evolution, only : n, t, dt
use evolution, only : step, time, dt
use mpitools , only : master
use mpitools , only : master
#ifdef MPI
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : reduce_sum_real_array
use mpitools , only : reduce_sum_real_array
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ module integrals
! close integrals.dat
! close integrals.dat
if (master) then
if (master) then
write(funit,"(i8,12(1x,1pe15.8))") n, t, dt, arr(1:10)
write(funit,"(i8,12(1x,1pe15.8))") step, time, dt, arr(1:10)
end if
end if
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ integrals.o : integrals.F90 blocks.o coordinates.o equations.o \
interpolations.o : interpolations.F90 blocks.o coordinates.o parameters.o \
interpolations.o : interpolations.F90 blocks.o coordinates.o parameters.o \
io.o : io.F90 blocks.o coordinates.o equations.o error.o \
io.o : io.F90 blocks.o coordinates.o equations.o error.o \
evolution.o mpitools.o random.o refinement.o timers.o
evolution.o mesh.o mpitools.o random.o refinement.o timers.o
mesh.o : mesh.F90 blocks.o coordinates.o domains.o equations.o \
mesh.o : mesh.F90 blocks.o coordinates.o domains.o equations.o \
error.o interpolations.o mpitools.o problems.o refinement.o \
error.o interpolations.o mpitools.o problems.o refinement.o \
@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ module mesh
! local buffer for data block exchange
! local buffer for data block exchange
real(kind=8) , dimension(nv,im,jm,km) :: rbuf
real(kind=8) , dimension(2,nv,im,jm,km) :: rbuf
#endif /* MPI */
#endif /* MPI */
@ -1451,7 +1451,8 @@ module mesh
! copy data to buffer
! copy data to buffer
rbuf(:,:,:,:) = pmeta%data%u(:,:,:,:)
rbuf(1,:,:,:,:) = pmeta%data%u(:,:,:,:)
rbuf(2,:,:,:,:) = pmeta%data%q(:,:,:,:)
! send data
! send data
@ -1480,7 +1481,8 @@ module mesh
! coppy the buffer to data block
! coppy the buffer to data block
pmeta%data%u(:,:,:,:) = rbuf(:,:,:,:)
pmeta%data%u(:,:,:,:) = rbuf(1,:,:,:,:)
pmeta%data%q(:,:,:,:) = rbuf(2,:,:,:,:)
end if ! nproc == n
end if ! nproc == n
Reference in New Issue
Block a user