EQUATIONS: More optimizations in SRHD 2D(W,v²) variable solver.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <grzegorz@amuncode.org>
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Grzegorz Kowal 2015-02-20 10:17:35 -02:00
parent d30f5a6f20
commit f2beae3fea

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@ -3754,8 +3754,7 @@ module equations
logical :: keep
integer :: it, cn
real(kind=8) :: wl, wu, fl, fu
real(kind=8) :: ww, vm, vs
real(kind=8) :: pr, dpw, dpv
real(kind=8) :: ww, vm, vs, gd, gv
real(kind=8) :: f, dfw, dfv, df
real(kind=8) :: g, dgw, dgv, dg
real(kind=8) :: det, jfw, jfv, jgw, jgv
@ -3816,21 +3815,18 @@ module equations
ww = w * w
vm = 1.0d+00 - vv
vs = sqrt(vm)
! calculate the thermal pressure
pr = gammaxi * (w * vm - dn * vs)
gd = gammaxi * dn
gv = 1.0d+00 - gammaxi * vm
! calculate F(W,|v|²) and G(W,|v|²)
f = w - en - pr
f = gv * w - en + gd * vs
g = vv * ww - mm
! calculate dF(W,|v|²)/dW and dF(W,|v|²)/d|v|²
dfw = 1.0d+00 - gammaxi * vm
dfv = 0.5d+00 * (pr / vm + gammaxi * w)
dfw = gv
dfv = gammaxi * w - 0.5d+00 * gd / vs
! calculate dG(W,|v|²)/dW and dG(W,|v|²)/d|v|²