MESH: Use workspace in prolong_block().

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
Grzegorz Kowal 2021-11-12 08:57:53 -03:00
parent 024fd4b82f
commit f28803350b

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@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ module mesh
allocate(work(nwork), stat=status)
if (status /= 0) then
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Cannot allocate the common workspace!"
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc), &
"Cannot allocate the common workspace!"
end if
#ifdef PROFILE
@ -1055,6 +1055,8 @@ module mesh
type(block_meta), pointer :: pchild
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
logical, save :: first = .true.
integer :: n, p, nl, nu
integer :: i, im, ip
integer :: j, jm, jp
@ -1073,7 +1075,7 @@ module mesh
integer , dimension(NDIMS) :: l, u
real(kind=8), dimension(NDIMS) :: du
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: work
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:), pointer, save :: tmp
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = 'MESH::prolong_block()'
@ -1085,12 +1087,40 @@ module mesh
status = 0
allocate(work(pm(1), pm(2), pm(3)), stat = status)
if (status /= 0) then
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc), &
"Prolongation array could not be allocated!"
if (first) then
if (work_in_use) then
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a,3i4,a)") trim(loc), &
"Workspace is already occupied!"
status = 1
go to 100
n = product(pm(:))
if (n > nwork) then
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a,3i4,a)") trim(loc), &
"Workspace has too be increased!"
nwork = n
allocate(work(nwork), stat=status)
if (status /= 0) then
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc), &
"Cannot increase the workspace's size!"
end if
end if
tmp(1:pm(1),1:pm(2),1:pm(3)) => work(1:n)
end if
first = .false.
end if
if (work_in_use) then
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a,3i4,a)") trim(loc), &
"Workspace is already occupied! Corruptions can occur!"
end if
work_in_use = .true.
#if NDIMS == 2
k = 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
@ -1149,10 +1179,10 @@ module mesh
#if NDIMS == 2
du1 = du(1) + du(2)
du2 = du(1) - du(2)
work(l(1),l(2),k) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) - du1
work(u(1),l(2),k) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) + du2
work(l(1),u(2),k) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) - du2
work(u(1),u(2),k) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) + du1
tmp(l(1),l(2),k) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) - du1
tmp(u(1),l(2),k) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) + du2
tmp(l(1),u(2),k) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) - du2
tmp(u(1),u(2),k) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) + du1
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
@ -1160,14 +1190,14 @@ module mesh
du2 = du(1) - du(2) - du(3)
du3 = du(1) - du(2) + du(3)
du4 = du(1) + du(2) - du(3)
work(l(1),l(2),l(3)) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) - du1
work(u(1),l(2),l(3)) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) + du2
work(l(1),u(2),l(3)) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) - du3
work(u(1),u(2),l(3)) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) + du4
work(l(1),l(2),u(3)) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) - du4
work(u(1),l(2),u(3)) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) + du3
work(l(1),u(2),u(3)) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) - du2
work(u(1),u(2),u(3)) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) + du1
tmp(l(1),l(2),l(3)) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) - du1
tmp(u(1),l(2),l(3)) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) + du2
tmp(l(1),u(2),l(3)) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) - du3
tmp(u(1),u(2),l(3)) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) + du4
tmp(l(1),l(2),u(3)) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) - du4
tmp(u(1),l(2),u(3)) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) + du3
tmp(l(1),u(2),u(3)) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) - du2
tmp(u(1),u(2),u(3)) = pdata%u(n,i,j,k) + du1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do
end do
@ -1183,23 +1213,18 @@ module mesh
u(1:NDIMS) = l(1:NDIMS) + nn - 1
#if NDIMS == 2
pchild%data%u(n,:,:,1) = work(l(1):u(1),l(2):u(2),k)
pchild%data%u(n,:,:,1) = tmp(l(1):u(1),l(2):u(2),k)
#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
#if NDIMS == 3
pchild%data%u(n,:,:,:) = work(l(1):u(1),l(2):u(2),l(3):u(3))
pchild%data%u(n,:,:,:) = tmp(l(1):u(1),l(2):u(2),l(3):u(3))
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end do ! nchildren
end do ! n = 1, nv
if (allocated(work)) then
deallocate(work, stat = status)
if (status /= 0) then
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc), &
"Prolongation array could not be deallocated!"
end if
end if
work_in_use = .false.
100 continue
#ifdef PROFILE
call stop_timer(imp)
#endif /* PROFILE */