Add a subroutine to store a 4D single precision array.
- subroutine write_array4_float_h5() stores a 4D single precision array in the HDF5 file;
This commit is contained in:
@ -4315,6 +4315,160 @@ module io
! write_array4_float_h5: subroutine stores a 4D single precision array
! arguments:
! gid - the HDF5 group identificator where the dataset should be located
! name - the string name representing the dataset
! dm - the dataset dimensions
! value - the dataset values
subroutine write_array4_float_h5(gid, name, dm, var)
! references to other modules
use error, only : print_error, print_warning
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t, H5T_NATIVE_REAL
use hdf5 , only : h5screate_simple_f, h5sclose_f &
, h5dcreate_f, h5dwrite_f, h5dclose_f
use hdf5 , only : H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F
use hdf5 , only : h5pcreate_f, h5pset_chunk_f, h5pclose_f
#ifdef DEFLATE
use hdf5 , only : h5pset_deflate_f
#endif /* DEFLATE */
#ifdef SZIP
use hdf5 , only : H5_SZIP_NN_OM_F
use hdf5 , only : h5pset_szip_f
#endif /* SZIP */
! define default variables
implicit none
! input variables
integer(hid_t) , intent(in) :: gid
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
integer(hsize_t), dimension(4) , intent(in) :: dm
real(kind=4) , dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: var
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: sid, pid, did
integer :: err
! create a space for the dataset dimensions
call h5screate_simple_f(4, dm(:), sid, err)
! print an error, if the space for dimensions couldn't be created
if (err .eq. -1) call print_error("io::write_array4_float_h5" &
, "Cannot create a space for the dataset: " // trim(name))
! prepare the compression properties
call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_CREATE_F, pid, err)
! if the compression properties could be created properly, set the compression
! algorithm and strength
if (err .eq. 0) then
! set the chunk size
call h5pset_chunk_f(pid, 4, dm(:), err)
! print a warning, if the chunk size couldn't be set properly
if (err .eq. -1) call print_warning("io::write_array4_float_h5" &
, "Cannot set the size of chunk!")
! set the compression algorithm
#ifdef DEFLATE
call h5pset_deflate_f(pid, 9, err)
#endif /* DEFLATE */
#ifdef SZIP
if (product(dm) .ge. 32) &
call h5pset_szip_f(pid, H5_SZIP_NN_OM_F, 32, err)
#endif /* SZIP */
! print a warning, if the compression algorithm couldn't be set
if (err .eq. -1) call print_warning("io::write_array4_float_h5" &
, "Cannot set the compression method!")
! print a warning, if the property list couldn't be created
call print_warning("io::write_array4_float_h5" &
, "Cannot create a property list!")
end if
! create the dataset
call h5dcreate_f(gid, name, H5T_NATIVE_REAL, sid, did, err, pid)
! print an error, if the dataset couldn't be created
if (err .eq. -1) call print_error("io::write_array4_float_h5" &
, "Cannot create the dataset: " // trim(name))
! write the dataset values
call h5dwrite_f(did, H5T_NATIVE_REAL, var(:,:,:,:), dm, err, sid)
! print an error, if the dataset couldn't be written successfuly
if (err .eq. -1) call print_error("io::write_array4_float_h5" &
, "Cannot write the dataset: " // trim(name))
! close the dataset
call h5dclose_f(did, err)
! print an error, if the dataset couldn't be closed
if (err .eq. -1) call print_error("io::write_array4_float_h5" &
, "Cannot close the dataset: " // trim(name))
! if the property list is created
if (pid .ne. -1) then
! terminate access to the property list
call h5pclose_f(pid, err)
! print a warning, if the property list couldn't be closed
if (err .eq. -1) call print_warning("io::write_array4_float_h5" &
, "Cannot close the property list!")
end if
! release the dataspace of the current dataset
call h5sclose_f(sid, err)
! print an error, if the space couldn't be released successfuly
if (err .eq. -1) call print_error("io::write_array4_float_h5" &
, "Cannot close the space for the dataset: " // trim(name))
end subroutine write_array4_float_h5
! write_array3_double_h5: subroutine stores a 3D double precision array
! write_array3_double_h5: subroutine stores a 3D double precision array
! arguments:
! arguments:
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