PYTHON: Rewrite interpolations.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
Grzegorz Kowal 2021-10-05 10:19:18 -03:00
parent d714974b33
commit e153cd417e

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@ -22,14 +22,10 @@
module: AMUN
Python module with subroutines to read AMUN code HDF5 files.
The only requirements for this package are:
- numpy
- scipy (optional, for data interpolation)
Support module for Amun snapshots for the block prolongation with different
types of interpolation.
@ -43,154 +39,129 @@ except ImportError:
def rebin(a, newshape):
Subroutine changes the size of the input array to to new shape,
by copying cells or averaging them.
assert len(a.shape) == len(newshape)
Subroutine changes the size of the input array to to new shape,
by copying cells or averaging them.
assert len(a.shape) == len(newshape)
m = a.ndim - 1
if (a.shape[m] > newshape[m]):
if a.ndim == 3:
nn = [newshape[0], int(a.shape[0] / newshape[0]),
newshape[1], int(a.shape[1] / newshape[1]),
newshape[2], int(a.shape[2] / newshape[2])]
return a.reshape(nn).mean(5).mean(3).mean(1)
m = a.ndim - 1
if (a.shape[m] > newshape[m]):
if a.ndim == 3:
nn = [newshape[0], a.shape[0] // newshape[0], \
newshape[1], a.shape[1] // newshape[1], \
newshape[2], a.shape[2] // newshape[2]]
return a.reshape(nn).mean(5).mean(3).mean(1)
nn = [newshape[0], a.shape[0] // newshape[0], \
newshape[1], a.shape[1] // newshape[1]]
return a.reshape(nn).mean(3).mean(1)
nn = [newshape[0], int(a.shape[0] / newshape[0]),
newshape[1], int(a.shape[1] / newshape[1])]
return a.reshape(nn).mean(3).mean(1)
for n in range(a.ndim):
a = np.repeat(a, int(newshape[n] / a.shape[n]), axis=n)
for n in range(a.ndim):
a = np.repeat(a, newshape[n] // a.shape[n], axis=n)
def interpolate(a, newshape, nghosts, method='rebin', order=3):
Subroutine rescales the block by interpolating its values.
if (method == 'rebin' or not scipy_available):
def interpolate(a, newshape, nghosts=0, method=None, order=1):
Subroutine rescales the block by interpolating its values.
if method == None or method == 'rebin' or not scipy_available:
# calculate the indices in order to remove the ghost zones
if a.ndim == 3:
ib = nghosts
jb = nghosts
kb = nghosts
ie = a.shape[2] - nghosts
je = a.shape[1] - nghosts
ke = a.shape[0] - nghosts
if (a.shape[0] == 1):
kb = 0
ke = 1
ng = nghosts
if a.ndim == 3:
return rebin(a[ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng], newshape)
return rebin(a[ng:-ng,ng:-ng], newshape)
elif method == 'zoom':
zf = (newshape[1] // (a.shape[1] - 2 * nghosts))
ng = zf * nghosts
if a.ndim == 3:
return zoom(a, zf, order=order, grid_mode=True, mode='nearest')[ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng]
return zoom(a, zf, order=order, grid_mode=True, mode='nearest')[ng:-ng,ng:-ng]
elif method in [ 'monotonic', 'pchip' ]:
dims = np.arange(a.ndim)
q = a
for n in dims:
d2 = np.roll(q,-1, axis=0) + np.roll(q, 1, axis=0) - 2.0 * q
q = q - d2 / 24.0
d = np.array(q.shape)
xo = (np.arange(0.5, a.shape[n]) - nghosts) / (a.shape[n] - 2 * nghosts)
xn = np.arange(0.5, newshape[n]) / newshape[n]
u = q.reshape([d[0], q.size // d[0]])
f = np.zeros([newshape[n], q.size // d[0]])
for i in range(q.size // d[0]):
f[:,i] = pchip_interpolate(xo, u[:,i], xn)
d[0] = newshape[n]
f = f.reshape(d)
q = f.transpose(np.roll(dims, -1))
return q
elif method == 'spline':
dims = np.arange(a.ndim)
q = a
for n in dims:
d2 = np.roll(q,-1, axis=0) + np.roll(q, 1, axis=0) - 2.0 * q
q = q - d2 / 24.0
d = np.array(q.shape)
xo = (np.arange(0.5, a.shape[n]) - nghosts) / (a.shape[n] - 2 * nghosts)
xn = np.arange(0.5, newshape[n]) / newshape[n]
u = q.reshape([d[0], q.size // d[0]])
f = np.zeros([newshape[n], q.size // d[0]])
for i in range(q.size // d[0]):
t = splrep(xo, u[:,i], k=5, s=0.0)
f[:,i] = splev(xn, t)
d[0] = newshape[n]
f = f.reshape(d)
q = f.transpose(np.roll(dims, -1))
return q
return rebin(a[kb:ke,jb:je,ib:ie], newshape)
ib = nghosts
jb = nghosts
ie = a.shape[1] - nghosts
je = a.shape[0] - nghosts
return rebin(a[jb:je,ib:ie], newshape)
dims = np.arange(a.ndim)
q = a
elif (method == 'zoom'):
for n in dims:
fc = int(newshape[1] / (a.shape[1] - 2 * nghosts))
ib, ie = fc * nghosts, - fc * nghosts
jb, je = fc * nghosts, - fc * nghosts
if a.ndim == 3:
kb, ke = fc * nghosts, - fc * nghosts
if (a.shape[0] == 1):
kb = 0
ke = 1
d2 = np.roll(q,-1, axis=0) + np.roll(q, 1, axis=0) - 2.0 * q
q = q - d2 / 24.0
return zoom(a, fc, order=order, grid_mode=True, mode='nearest')[kb:ke,jb:je,ib:ie]
return zoom(a, fc, order=order, grid_mode=True, mode='nearest')[jb:je,ib:ie]
d = np.array(q.shape)
elif (method == 'monotonic' or method == 'pchip'):
xo = (np.arange(0.5, a.shape[n]) - nghosts) / (a.shape[n] - 2 * nghosts)
xn = np.arange(0.5, newshape[n]) / newshape[n]
dims = np.arange(a.ndim)
u = q.reshape([d[0], q.size // d[0]])
f = np.zeros([newshape[n], q.size // d[0]])
for i in range(q.size // d[0]):
t = interp1d(xo, u[:,i], kind=method)
f[:,i] = t(xn)
q = a
d[0] = newshape[n]
f = f.reshape(d)
for n in dims:
q = f.transpose(np.roll(dims, -1))
d2 = np.roll(q,-1, axis=0) + np.roll(q, 1, axis=0) - 2.0 * q
q = q - d2 / 24.0
d = np.array(q.shape)
xo = (np.arange(0.5, a.shape[n]) - nghosts) / (a.shape[n] - 2 * nghosts)
xn = np.arange(0.5, newshape[n]) / newshape[n]
u = q.reshape([d[0], int(q.size / d[0])])
f = np.zeros([newshape[n], int(q.size / d[0])])
for i in range(int(q.size / d[0])):
f[:,i] = pchip_interpolate(xo, u[:,i], xn)
d[0] = newshape[n]
f = f.reshape(d)
q = f.transpose(np.roll(dims, -1))
return q
elif (method == 'spline'):
dims = np.arange(a.ndim)
q = a
for n in dims:
d2 = np.roll(q,-1, axis=0) + np.roll(q, 1, axis=0) - 2.0 * q
q = q - d2 / 24.0
d = np.array(q.shape)
xo = (np.arange(0.5, a.shape[n]) - nghosts) / (a.shape[n] - 2 * nghosts)
xn = np.arange(0.5, newshape[n]) / newshape[n]
u = q.reshape([d[0], int(q.size / d[0])])
f = np.zeros([newshape[n], int(q.size / d[0])])
for i in range(int(q.size / d[0])):
t = splrep(xo, u[:,i], k=5, s=0.0)
f[:,i] = splev(xn, t)
d[0] = newshape[n]
f = f.reshape(d)
q = f.transpose(np.roll(dims, -1))
return q
dims = np.arange(a.ndim)
q = a
for n in dims:
d2 = np.roll(q,-1, axis=0) + np.roll(q, 1, axis=0) - 2.0 * q
q = q - d2 / 24.0
d = np.array(q.shape)
xo = (np.arange(0.5, a.shape[n]) - nghosts) / (a.shape[n] - 2 * nghosts)
xn = np.arange(0.5, newshape[n]) / newshape[n]
u = q.reshape([d[0], int(q.size / d[0])])
f = np.zeros([newshape[n], int(q.size / d[0])])
for i in range(int(q.size / d[0])):
t = interp1d(xo, u[:,i], kind=method)
f[:,i] = t(xn)
d[0] = newshape[n]
f = f.reshape(d)
q = f.transpose(np.roll(dims, -1))
return q
return q