SCHEME: fix iteration for reconstruction in HLL.

- fix the index for reconstruction of magnetic field components in the
   subroutine HLL;
This commit is contained in:
Grzegorz Kowal 2010-12-01 12:39:56 -02:00
parent c55a5972d3
commit db40c6253c

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@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ module scheme
#ifdef GLM
! reconstruct the left and right states of the magnetic field components
do p = ibx, iby
do p = ibx, ibz
call reconstruct(n, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
@ -744,8 +744,7 @@ module scheme
ap = ar * al
div = 1.0 / (ar - al)
fn(1:nqt,i) = div * (ar * fl(1:nqt,i) - al * fr(1:nqt,i) &
+ ap * (ur(1:nqt,i) - ul(1:nqt,i)))
fn(:,i) = div * (ar * fl(:,i) - al * fr(:,i) + ap * (ur(:,i) - ul(:,i)))
end if
end do