BOUNDARIES: Rewrite boundary_specific().
Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -2613,6 +2613,228 @@ module boundaries
! ----------------------------
! Subroutine applies specific boundary conditions to the pointed data block.
! Arguments:
! pdata - the pointer to modified data block;
! idir - the direction to be processed;
! iside - the side to be processed;
subroutine boundary_specific(pdata, idir, iside)
! import external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : block_data
use coordinates , only : ng, im, jm, km, ib, ibl, ie, ieu, jb &
, jbl, je, jeu, kb, kbl, ke, keu
use equations , only : nv
use equations , only : idn, imx, imy, imz, ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
use error , only : print_warning
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata
integer , intent(in) :: idir, iside
! local variables
integer :: ii, i, j, k, it, jt, kt, is, js, ks
! prepare a direction/side index
ii = 10 * idir + iside
! perform update depending on the direction/side flag
select case(ii)
! left side along the X direction
! apply selected boundary condition
select case(xlbndry)
case("reflecting", "reflect")
do i = 1, ng
it = ib - i
is = ibl + i
pdata%u( :,it,:,:) = pdata%u( :,is,:,:)
pdata%u(imx,it,:,:) = - pdata%u(imx,is,:,:)
end do
case default ! "open" as default boundary conditions
do i = 1, ng
pdata%u( :,i,:,:) = pdata%u(:,ib,:,:)
end do
end select
! right side along the X direction
! apply selected boundary condition
select case(xubndry)
case("reflecting", "reflect")
do i = 1, ng
it = ie + i
is = ieu - i
pdata%u( :,it,:,:) = pdata%u( :,is,:,:)
pdata%u(imx,it,:,:) = - pdata%u(imx,is,:,:)
end do
case default ! "open" as default boundary conditions
do i = ieu, im
pdata%u( :,i,:,:) = pdata%u(:,ie,:,:)
end do
end select
! left side along the Y direction
! apply selected boundary condition
select case(ylbndry)
case("reflecting", "reflect")
do j = 1, ng
jt = jb - j
js = jbl + j
pdata%u( :,:,jt,:) = pdata%u( :,:,js,:)
pdata%u(imy,:,jt,:) = - pdata%u(imy,:,js,:)
end do
case default ! "open" as default boundary conditions
do j = 1, ng
pdata%u( :,:,j,:) = pdata%u(:,:,jb,:)
end do
end select
! right side along the Y direction
! apply selected boundary condition
select case(yubndry)
case("reflecting", "reflect")
do j = 1, ng
jt = je + j
js = jeu - j
pdata%u( :,:,jt,:) = pdata%u( :,:,js,:)
pdata%u(imy,:,jt,:) = - pdata%u(imy,:,js,:)
end do
case default ! "open" as default boundary conditions
do j = jeu, jm
pdata%u( :,:,j,:) = pdata%u(:,:,je,:)
end do
end select
#if NDIMS == 3
! left side along the Z direction
! apply selected boundary condition
select case(zlbndry)
case("reflecting", "reflect")
do k = 1, ng
kt = kb - k
ks = kbl + k
pdata%u( :,:,:,kt) = pdata%u( :,:,:,ks)
pdata%u(imz,:,:,kt) = - pdata%u(imz,:,:,ks)
end do
case default ! "open" as default boundary conditions
do k = 1, ng
pdata%u( :,:,:,k) = pdata%u(:,:,:,kb)
end do
end select
! right side along the Z direction
! apply selected boundary condition
select case(zubndry)
case("reflecting", "reflect")
do k = 1, ng
kt = ke + k
ks = keu - k
pdata%u( :,:,:,kt) = pdata%u( :,:,:,ks)
pdata%u(imz,:,:,kt) = - pdata%u(imz,:,:,ks)
end do
case default ! "open" as default boundary conditions
do k = keu, km
pdata%u( :,:,:,k) = pdata%u(:,:,:,ke)
end do
end select
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
case default
! print error if the direction/side flag is wrong
call print_warning("boundaries::boundary_specific" &
, "Wrong direction or side of the boundary condition!")
end select
end subroutine boundary_specific
! correct_flux: subroutine copies the boundary flux from the neighbor at higher
! correct_flux: subroutine copies the boundary flux from the neighbor at higher
! level and updates its own
! level and updates its own
@ -3368,199 +3590,6 @@ module boundaries
end subroutine boundary_prolong
end subroutine boundary_prolong
! boundary_specific: subroutine applies specific boundary conditions to the
! current block
subroutine boundary_specific(pdata, idir, iside)
use blocks , only : block_data
use coordinates , only : ng, im, jm, km, ib, ibl, ie, ieu, jb &
, jbl, je, jeu, kb, kbl, ke, keu
use equations , only : idn, imx, imy, imz, ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
use error , only : print_warning
use equations , only : nv
implicit none
! arguments
type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata
integer , intent(in) :: idir, iside
! local variables
integer :: ii, i, j, k, it, jt, kt, is, js, ks
! calcuate the flag determinig the side of boundary to update
ii = 10 * idir + iside
! perform update according to the flag
select case(ii)
! left side along the X direction
select case(xlbndry)
case("reflecting", "reflect")
do i = 1, ng
it = ib - i
is = ibl + i
pdata%u( :,it,:,:) = pdata%u( :,is,:,:)
pdata%u(imx,it,:,:) = - pdata%u(imx,is,:,:)
end do
case default ! "open" as default boundary conditions
do i = 1, ng
pdata%u( :,i,:,:) = pdata%u(:,ib,:,:)
end do
end select
! right side along the X direction
select case(xubndry)
case("reflecting", "reflect")
do i = 1, ng
it = ie + i
is = ieu - i
pdata%u( :,it,:,:) = pdata%u( :,is,:,:)
pdata%u(imx,it,:,:) = - pdata%u(imx,is,:,:)
end do
case default ! "open" as default boundary conditions
do i = ieu, im
pdata%u( :,i,:,:) = pdata%u(:,ie,:,:)
end do
end select
! left side along the Y direction
select case(ylbndry)
case("reflecting", "reflect")
do j = 1, ng
jt = jb - j
js = jbl + j
pdata%u( :,:,jt,:) = pdata%u( :,:,js,:)
pdata%u(imy,:,jt,:) = - pdata%u(imy,:,js,:)
end do
case default ! "open" as default boundary conditions
do j = 1, ng
pdata%u( :,:,j,:) = pdata%u(:,:,jb,:)
end do
end select
! right side along the Y direction
select case(yubndry)
case("reflecting", "reflect")
do j = 1, ng
jt = je + j
js = jeu - j
pdata%u( :,:,jt,:) = pdata%u( :,:,js,:)
pdata%u(imy,:,jt,:) = - pdata%u(imy,:,js,:)
end do
case default ! "open" as default boundary conditions
do j = jeu, jm
pdata%u( :,:,j,:) = pdata%u(:,:,je,:)
end do
end select
#if NDIMS == 3
! left side along the Z direction
select case(zlbndry)
case("reflecting", "reflect")
do k = 1, ng
kt = kb - k
ks = kbl + k
pdata%u( :,:,:,kt) = pdata%u( :,:,:,ks)
pdata%u(imz,:,:,kt) = - pdata%u(imz,:,:,ks)
end do
case default ! "open" as default boundary conditions
do k = 1, ng
pdata%u( :,:,:,k) = pdata%u(:,:,:,kb)
end do
end select
! right side along the Z direction
select case(zubndry)
case("reflecting", "reflect")
do k = 1, ng
kt = ke + k
ks = keu - k
pdata%u( :,:,:,kt) = pdata%u( :,:,:,ks)
pdata%u(imz,:,:,kt) = - pdata%u(imz,:,:,ks)
end do
case default ! "open" as default boundary conditions
do k = keu, km
pdata%u( :,:,:,k) = pdata%u(:,:,:,ke)
end do
end select
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
case default
call print_warning("boundaries::boundary_specific" &
, "Wrong direction or side of the boundary condition!")
end select
end subroutine boundary_specific
Reference in New Issue
Block a user