Implement Roe Riemann solver for adiabatic hydrodynamics.
- the method is based on the Athena implementation;
This commit is contained in:
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ RESISTIVITY = N
# SOLVER - family of solvers: GODUNOV
# SOLVER - family of solvers: GODUNOV
# TIME - time integration: EULER, RK2, RK3
# TIME - time integration: EULER, RK2, RK3
# SPACE - spacial reconstruction: MINMOD, LF, LIMO3, MP5, MP7, MP9
# SPACE - spacial reconstruction: MINMOD, LF, LIMO3, MP5, MP7, MP9
# FLUX - flux approximation: HLL, HLLC, HLLD
# FLUX - flux approximation: HLL, HLLC, HLLD, ROE
# FLUXEMF - electromotive force approximation: GLM
# FLUXEMF - electromotive force approximation: GLM
@ -130,6 +130,9 @@ module scheme
#ifdef HLLD
#ifdef HLLD
call hlld(im, dx, ux(:,:), fx(:,:))
call hlld(im, dx, ux(:,:), fx(:,:))
#endif /* HLLD */
#endif /* HLLD */
#ifdef ROE
call roe (im, dx, ux(:,:), fx(:,:))
#endif /* ROE */
! update the arrays of increments
! update the arrays of increments
@ -198,6 +201,9 @@ module scheme
#ifdef HLLD
#ifdef HLLD
call hlld(jm, dy, uy(:,:), fy(:,:))
call hlld(jm, dy, uy(:,:), fy(:,:))
#endif /* HLLD */
#endif /* HLLD */
#ifdef ROE
call roe (jm, dy, uy(:,:), fy(:,:))
#endif /* ROE */
! update the arrays of increments
! update the arrays of increments
@ -267,6 +273,9 @@ module scheme
#ifdef HLLD
#ifdef HLLD
call hlld(km, dz, uz(:,:), fz(:,:))
call hlld(km, dz, uz(:,:), fz(:,:))
#endif /* HLLD */
#endif /* HLLD */
#ifdef ROE
call roe (km, dz, uz(:,:), fz(:,:))
#endif /* ROE */
! update the arrays of increments
! update the arrays of increments
@ -1354,6 +1363,335 @@ module scheme
#endif /* ADI */
#endif /* ADI */
#endif /* HLLD */
#endif /* HLLD */
#endif /* MHD */
#endif /* MHD */
#ifdef ROE
! roe: subroutine computes the approximated flux using the ROE method
! references:
! - Roe, P. L., 1981, Journal of Computational Physics, 43, 357
subroutine roe(n, h, u, f)
use config , only : gamma
use config , only : visc
#endif /* VISCOSITY */
#if defined MHD && defined RESIS
use config , only : ueta
#endif /* MHD & RESIS */
use interpolation, only : reconstruct
use variables , only : nvr, nfl, nqt
use variables , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz
#ifdef ADI
use variables , only : ien, ipr
#endif /* ADI */
#ifdef MHD
use variables , only : ibx, iby, ibz
#ifdef GLM
use variables , only : iph
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
implicit none
! input/output arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real , intent(in) :: h
real, dimension(nvr,n), intent(in) :: u
real, dimension(nqt,n), intent(out) :: f
! local variables
integer :: p, i
real, dimension(nvr,n) :: q, ql, qr, ul, ur
real, dimension(nqt,n) :: fl, fr, fn
real, dimension(n) :: cl, cr
real, dimension(nqt) :: qi, ci, et
real, dimension(nqt,nqt) :: li, ri
real :: al, ar, ap, div
real :: sdl, sdr, sds
real :: dvx, dvy, dvz
#endif /* VISCOSITY */
#if defined MHD && defined RESIS
real :: dbx, dby, dbz
#endif /* MHD & RESIS */
! reset eigensystem values
ci(:) = 0.0d0
li(:,:) = 0.0d0
ri(:,:) = 0.0d0
! calculate the primitive variables
call cons2prim(n, u(:,:), q(:,:))
! reconstruct the left and right states of the primitive variables
do p = 1, nfl
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
#ifdef MHD
! reconstruct the left and right states of the magnetic field components
do p = ibx, ibz
call reconstruct(n, h, q(p,:), ql(p,:), qr(p,:))
end do
#ifdef GLM
! reconstruct the left and right states of the scalar potential
call reconstruct(n, h, q(iph,:), ql(iph,:), qr(iph,:))
! obtain the state values for Bx and Psi for the GLM-MHD equations
cl(:) = 0.5d0 * ((qr(ibx,:) + ql(ibx,:)) - (qr(iph,:) - ql(iph,:)) / cmax)
cr(:) = 0.5d0 * ((qr(iph,:) + ql(iph,:)) - (qr(ibx,:) - ql(ibx,:)) * cmax)
ql(ibx,:) = cl(:)
qr(ibx,:) = cl(:)
ql(iph,:) = cr(:)
qr(iph,:) = cr(:)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
! calculate conservative variables at states
call prim2cons(n, ql(:,:), ul(:,:))
call prim2cons(n, qr(:,:), ur(:,:))
! calculate fluxes and speeds
call fluxspeed(n, ql(:,:), ul(:,:), fl(:,:), cl(:))
call fluxspeed(n, qr(:,:), ur(:,:), fr(:,:), cr(:))
! iterate over all points
do i = 1, n
! calculate Roe variables for the eigenproblem solution
sdl = sqrt(ql(idn,i))
sdr = sqrt(qr(idn,i))
sds = sdl + sdr
qi(idn) = sdl * sdr
qi(ivx) = (sdl * ql(ivx,i) + sdr * qr(ivx,i)) / sds
qi(ivy) = (sdl * ql(ivy,i) + sdr * qr(ivy,i)) / sds
qi(ivz) = (sdl * ql(ivz,i) + sdr * qr(ivz,i)) / sds
#ifdef ADI
qi(ipr) = ((ul(ien,i) + ql(ipr,i)) / sdl &
+ (ur(ien,i) + qr(ipr,i)) / sdr) / sds
#endif /* ADI */
! check if density and pressure are positive
#ifdef ADI
if (qi(idn) .gt. 0.0d0 .and. qi(ipr) .gt. 0.0d0) then
#else /* ADI */
if (qi(idn) .gt. 0.0d0) then
#endif /* ADI */
! obtain eigenvalues and eigenvectors
call eigensystem(qi(:), ci(:), ri(:,:), li(:,:))
! calculate vector (Ur - Ul).L
et(:) = 0.0d0
do p = 1, nqt
et(:) = et(:) + (ur(p,i) - ul(p,i)) * li(p,:)
end do
! calculate numerical flux
fn(:,i) = 0.5d0 * (fl(:,i) + fr(:,i))
! add term abs(lambda) R.(Ur - Ul).L
do p = 1, nqt
fn(:,i) = fn(:,i) - 0.5d0 * abs(ci(p)) * et(p) * ri(p,:)
end do
else ! in the case when density or pressure of the intermediate state
! are negative, use the simplest and most robust HLL flux
! calculate min and max speeds
al = min(ql(ivx,i) - cl(i), qr(ivx,i) - cr(i))
ar = max(ql(ivx,i) + cl(i), qr(ivx,i) + cr(i))
! calculate the HLL flux
if (al .ge. 0.0d0) then
fn(:,i) = fl(:,i)
else if (ar .le. 0.0d0) then
fn(:,i) = fr(:,i)
ap = ar * al
div = 1.0d0 / (ar - al)
fn(:,i) = div * (ar * fl(:,i) - al * fr(:,i) + ap * (ur(:,i) - ul(:,i)))
end if
end if
end do
! add viscous term to the left and right fluxes
do i = 1, n - 1
dvx = visc * (q(ivx,i+1) - q(ivx,i)) / h
fn(ivx,i ) = fn(ivx,i ) - dvx
dvy = visc * (q(ivy,i+1) - q(ivy,i)) / h
fn(ivy,i ) = fn(ivy,i ) - dvy
dvz = visc * (q(ivz,i+1) - q(ivz,i)) / h
fn(ivz,i ) = fn(ivz,i ) - dvz
end do
#endif /* VISCOSITY */
#if defined MHD && defined RESIS
! add resistivity term to the left and right fluxes
do i = 1, n - 1
dby = ueta * (q(iby,i+1) - q(iby,i)) / h
fn(iby,i ) = fn(iby,i ) - dby
dbz = ueta * (q(ibz,i+1) - q(ibz,i)) / h
fn(ibz,i ) = fn(ibz,i ) - dbz
end do
#endif /* MHD & RESIS */
! calculate numerical flux
f( 1:nfl,2:n) = - fn( 1:nfl,2:n) + fn( 1:nfl,1:n-1)
#ifdef MHD
#ifdef GLM
f(ibx:ibz,2:n) = - fn(ibx:ibz,2:n) + fn(ibx:ibz,1:n-1)
f(iph ,2:n) = - fn(iph ,2:n) + fn(iph ,1:n-1)
#endif /* GLM */
#endif /* MHD */
end subroutine roe
! eigensystem: subroutine computes eigenvalues and eigenmatrices for a given
! set of equations and input variables
#ifdef HYDRO
#ifdef ADI
subroutine eigensystem(q, c, r, l)
use config , only : gamma
use variables, only : nqt
use variables, only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz
use variables, only : ien
implicit none
! input/output arguments
real, dimension(nqt) , intent(in) :: q
real, dimension(nqt) , intent(inout) :: c
real, dimension(nqt,nqt), intent(inout) :: l, r
! local variables
real :: ek, fc, fh, gm
real :: cc
! calculate characteristic speeds and useful variables
gm = gamma - 1.0d0
ek = 0.5d0 * sum(q(ivx:ivz)**2)
cc = sqrt(gm * (q(ien) - ek))
fc = 1.0d0 / (cc * cc)
fh = 0.5d0 * fc
! prepare eigenvalues
c(1) = q(ivx) - cc
c(2) = q(ivx)
c(3) = q(ivx)
c(4) = q(ivx)
c(5) = q(ivx) + cc
! prepare the right eigenmatrix
r(1,1) = 1.0d0
r(1,2) = q(ivx) - cc
r(1,3) = q(ivy)
r(1,4) = q(ivz)
r(1,5) = q(ien) - q(ivx) * cc
r(2,3) = 1.0d0
r(2,5) = q(ivy)
r(3,4) = 1.0d0
r(3,5) = q(ivz)
r(4,1) = 1.0d0
r(4,2) = q(ivx)
r(4,3) = q(ivy)
r(4,4) = q(ivz)
r(4,5) = ek
r(5,1) = 1.0d0
r(5,2) = q(ivx) + cc
r(5,3) = q(ivy)
r(5,4) = q(ivz)
r(5,5) = q(ien) + q(ivx) * cc
! prepare the left eigenmatrix
l(1,1) = fh * (gm * ek + q(ivx) * cc)
l(2,1) = - fh * (gm * q(ivx) + cc)
l(3,1) = - fh * gm * q(ivy)
l(4,1) = - fh * gm * q(ivz)
l(5,1) = fh * gm
l(1,2) = - q(ivy)
l(3,2) = 1.0d0
l(1,3) = - q(ivz)
l(4,3) = 1.0d0
l(1,4) = 1.0d0 - fc * gm * ek
l(2,4) = fc * gm * q(ivx)
l(3,4) = fc * gm * q(ivy)
l(4,4) = fc * gm * q(ivz)
l(5,4) = - fc * gm
l(1,5) = fh * (gm * ek - q(ivx) * cc)
l(2,5) = - fh * (gm * q(ivx) - cc)
l(3,5) = - fh * gm * q(ivy)
l(4,5) = - fh * gm * q(ivz)
l(5,5) = fh * gm
end subroutine eigensystem
#endif /* ADI */
#endif /* HYDRO */
#endif /* ROE */
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