Merge branch 'master' into flux-tubes
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
files=`ls $1/*.F90`
for src in $files; do
deps=`awk '/^\s*[Uu][Ss][Ee] / {gsub ( "[:,]","" ) ; print $2}' $src | sort | uniq`
deps=`awk '/^\s*[Uu][Ss][Ee] / {gsub ( "[:,]","" ) ; print tolower($2)}' $src | sort | uniq`
fname=`basename $src .F90`
output="$2/${fname}.o: $src"
for dep in $deps; do
@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
module compression
use iso_c_binding
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
! interfaces to compression algorithms
@ -40,95 +43,196 @@ module compression
bind(C, name="ZSTD_compressBound")
use iso_c_binding, only: c_size_t
implicit none
integer(kind=c_size_t), value :: srcSize
integer(c_size_t), value :: srcSize
end function zstd_bound
integer(c_size_t) function zstd_compress(dst, dstCapacity, &
integer(c_int) function zstd_iserror(code) &
bind(C, name="ZSTD_isError")
use iso_c_binding, only: c_int, c_size_t
implicit none
integer(c_size_t), value :: code
end function zstd_iserror
integer(c_size_t) function zstd_compress(dst, dstCapacity, &
src, srcSize, level) &
bind(C, name="ZSTD_compress")
use iso_c_binding, only: c_size_t, c_int, c_ptr
implicit none
integer(kind=c_size_t), value :: srcSize, dstCapacity
type(c_ptr) , value :: src, dst
integer(kind=c_int) , value :: level
type(c_ptr) , value :: src, dst
integer(c_size_t), value :: srcSize, dstCapacity
integer(c_int) , value :: level
end function zstd_compress
integer(kind=c_int) function zstd_iserror(code) bind(C, name="ZSTD_isError")
use iso_c_binding, only: c_int, c_size_t
integer(c_size_t) function zstd_decompress(dst, dstCapacity, &
src, compressedSize) &
bind(C, name="ZSTD_decompress")
use iso_c_binding, only: c_size_t, c_int, c_ptr
implicit none
integer(kind=c_size_t), value :: code
end function zstd_iserror
type(c_ptr) , value :: src, dst
integer(c_size_t), value :: dstCapacity, compressedSize
end function zstd_decompress
end interface
#endif /* ZSTD */
#ifdef LZ4
integer(kind=c_size_t) function lz4_bound(srcSize, prefsPtr) &
bind(C, name="LZ4F_compressFrameBound")
integer(c_size_t) function lz4_bound(srcSize, preferencesPtr) &
bind(C, name="LZ4F_compressFrameBound")
use iso_c_binding, only: c_size_t, c_ptr
implicit none
integer(kind=c_size_t), value :: srcSize
type(c_ptr) , value :: prefsPtr
integer(c_size_t), value :: srcSize
type(c_ptr) , value :: preferencesPtr
end function lz4_bound
integer(kind=c_size_t) function lz4_compress(dst, dstCapacity, &
src, srcSize, prefsPtr) &
bind(C, name="LZ4F_compressFrame")
use iso_c_binding, only: c_size_t, c_ptr
implicit none
integer(kind=c_size_t), value :: dstCapacity, srcSize
type(c_ptr) , value :: src, dst, prefsPtr
end function lz4_compress
integer(kind=c_int) function lz4_iserror(code) bind(C, name="LZ4F_isError")
integer(c_int) function lz4_iserror(code) &
bind(C, name="LZ4F_isError")
use iso_c_binding, only: c_int, c_size_t
implicit none
integer(kind=c_size_t), value :: code
integer(c_size_t), value :: code
end function lz4_iserror
integer(c_size_t) function lz4_createDecompressionCtx(dctxPtr, version) &
bind(C, name="LZ4F_createDecompressionContext")
use iso_c_binding, only: c_size_t, c_int, c_ptr
type(c_ptr) , value :: dctxPtr
integer(c_int), value :: version
end function lz4_createDecompressionCtx
integer(c_size_t) function lz4_freeDecompressionCtx(dctxPtr) &
bind(C, name="LZ4F_freeDecompressionContext")
use iso_c_binding, only: c_size_t, c_ptr
type(c_ptr) , value :: dctxPtr
end function lz4_freeDecompressionCtx
integer(c_size_t) function lz4_compress(dstBuffer, dstCapacity, &
srcBuffer, srcSize, &
preferencesPtr) &
bind(C, name="LZ4F_compressFrame")
use iso_c_binding, only: c_size_t, c_ptr
implicit none
integer(c_size_t), value :: dstCapacity, srcSize
type(c_ptr) , value :: dstBuffer, srcBuffer
type(c_ptr) , value :: preferencesPtr
end function lz4_compress
integer(c_size_t) function lz4_decompress(dctxPtr, dst, dstSizePtr, &
src, srcSizePtr, dOptPtr) &
bind(C, name="LZ4F_decompress")
use iso_c_binding, only: c_size_t, c_ptr
implicit none
type(c_ptr), value :: dctxPtr, dst, dstSizePtr, src, srcSizePtr, dOptPtr
end function lz4_decompress
end interface
#endif /* LZ4 */
#ifdef LZMA
integer(c_int) function lzma_compress(preset, check, allocator, &
src, srcSize, &
dst, dstPos, dstCapacity) &
bind(C, name="lzma_easy_buffer_encode")
use iso_c_binding, only: c_int, c_size_t, c_ptr
integer(c_size_t) function lzma_bound(uncompressed_size) &
bind(C, name="lzma_stream_buffer_bound")
use iso_c_binding, only : c_size_t
implicit none
integer(c_int) , value :: preset, check
integer(kind=c_size_t), value :: srcSize, dstCapacity
type(c_ptr) , value :: allocator, src, dst, dstPos
integer(c_size_t), value :: uncompressed_size
end function lzma_bound
integer(c_int) function lzma_compress(preset, check, allocator, &
in, in_size, out, out_pos, out_size) &
bind(C, name="lzma_easy_buffer_encode")
use iso_c_binding, only: c_int, c_int32_t, c_size_t, c_ptr
implicit none
type(c_ptr) , value :: allocator, in, out, out_pos
integer(c_int32_t), value :: preset
integer(c_int) , value :: check
integer(c_size_t) , value :: in_size, out_size
end function lzma_compress
integer(c_int) function lzma_decompress(memlimit, flags, allocator, &
input, inputpos, inputsize, &
output, outputpos, outputsize) &
bind(C, name="lzma_stream_buffer_decode")
use iso_c_binding, only: c_int, c_int32_t, c_size_t, c_ptr
implicit none
type(c_ptr) , value :: memlimit, allocator
type(c_ptr) , value :: input, output, inputpos, outputpos
integer(c_int32_t), value :: flags
integer(c_size_t) , value :: inputsize, outputsize
end function lzma_decompress
end interface
#endif /* LZMA */
#ifdef LZ4
type LZ4F_frameInfo_t
integer(c_int) :: blockSizeID, blockMode, contentChecksumFlag, frameType
integer(c_size_t) :: contentSize
integer(c_int) :: dictID, blockChecksumFlag
end type
type LZ4F_preferences_t
type(LZ4F_frameInfo_t) :: frameInfo
integer(c_int) :: compressionLevel, autoFlush, favorDecSpeed, reserved(3)
end type
type LZ4F_decompressOptions_t
integer(c_int) :: stableDst, skipChecksums, reserved(2)
end type
#endif /* LZ4 */
#ifdef LZMA
enum, bind(c)
enumerator :: LZMA_OK = 0
enumerator :: LZMA_STREAM_END
enumerator :: LZMA_NO_CHECK
enumerator :: LZMA_GET_CHECK
enumerator :: LZMA_MEM_ERROR
enumerator :: LZMA_FORMAT_ERROR
enumerator :: LZMA_OPTIONS_ERROR
enumerator :: LZMA_DATA_ERROR
enumerator :: LZMA_BUF_ERROR
enumerator :: LZMA_PROG_ERROR
end enum
enum, bind(c)
enumerator :: LZMA_CHECK_NONE = 0
enumerator :: LZMA_CHECK_CRC32
enumerator :: LZMA_CHECK_CRC64 = 4
enumerator :: LZMA_CHECK_SHA256 = 10
end enum
#endif /* LZMA */
#ifdef LZ4
type(LZ4F_preferences_t), target :: prefs
#endif /* LZ4 */
! supported compressors
enum, bind(c)
enumerator compressor_none
enumerator compressor_zstd
enumerator compressor_lz4
enumerator compressor_lzma
enumerator :: compressor_unkn = -1
enumerator :: compressor_none = 0
enumerator :: compressor_zstd
enumerator :: compressor_lz4
enumerator :: compressor_lzma
end enum
! supported data encoders
enum, bind(c)
enumerator encoder_none
enumerator encoder_shuffle
enumerator encoder_bytedelta
enumerator :: encoder_unkn = -1
enumerator :: encoder_none = 0
enumerator :: encoder_shuffle
enumerator :: encoder_bytedelta
end enum
public :: check_compressor, is_compressor_on
public :: get_compressor_name, get_compressed_file_suffix
public :: compression_bound, compress
public :: check_encoder, is_encoder_on, get_encoder_name, encode
public :: get_compressor_id, get_compressor_name, get_compressed_file_suffix
public :: compression_bound, compress, decompress
public :: check_encoder, is_encoder_on
public :: get_encoder_id, get_encoder_name, encode, decode
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@ -179,6 +283,19 @@ module compression
compressor_id = compressor_lz4
if (compression_level < -12 .or. &
compression_level > 12) compression_level = 0
prefs%frameInfo%blockSizeID = 0
prefs%frameInfo%blockMode = 0
prefs%frameInfo%contentChecksumFlag = 1
prefs%frameInfo%frameType = 0
prefs%frameInfo%contentSize = 0
prefs%frameInfo%dictID = 0
prefs%frameInfo%blockChecksumFlag = 0
prefs%compressionLevel = compression_level
prefs%autoFlush = 1
prefs%favorDecSpeed = 1
prefs%reserved = 0
#endif /* LZ4 */
#ifdef LZMA
case("lzma", "LZMA", "xz", "XZ")
@ -224,6 +341,58 @@ module compression
! --------------------------
! Function returns the compressor ID based on its name.
! Arguments:
! compressor - the compressor name;
integer function get_compressor_id(compressor) result(compressor_id)
use helpers, only : print_message
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: compressor
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = "COMPRESSION::get_compressor_id()"
select case(trim(adjustl(compressor)))
#ifdef ZSTD
case("zstd", "ZSTD", "zst", "ZST", "zstandard", "Zstandard")
compressor_id = compressor_zstd
#endif /* ZSTD */
#ifdef LZ4
case("lz4", "LZ4", "lz4hc", "LZ4HC")
compressor_id = compressor_lz4
#endif /* LZ4 */
#ifdef LZMA
case("lzma", "LZMA", "xz", "XZ")
compressor_id = compressor_lzma
#endif /* LZMA */
compressor_id = compressor_none
case default
compressor_id = compressor_unkn
call print_message(loc, "Unsupported compressor '" // &
trim(compressor) // "'.")
end select
end function get_compressor_id
! ----------------------------
@ -301,47 +470,44 @@ module compression
! --------------------------
! Function returns the minimum buffer size required to perform
! the compression.
! Function returns the minimum size of the buffer required to compress data.
! Arguments:
! compressor_id - the compressor ID;
! compression_level - the compression level;
! ilen - the length of the sequence of bytes to compress;
! compressor_id - the compressor ID;
! level - the compression level;
! uncompressed_bytes - the length of the uncompressed sequence of bytes;
integer(kind=8) function compression_bound(compressor_id, &
compression_level, ilen)
use iso_c_binding, only: c_loc
integer(c_size_t) function compression_bound(compressor_id, level, &
implicit none
integer , intent(in) :: compressor_id, compression_level
integer(kind=8), intent(in) :: ilen
#ifdef LZ4
integer, dimension(14), target :: prefs = [5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
#endif /* LZ4 */
integer , intent(in) :: compressor_id, level
integer(c_size_t), intent(in) :: uncompressed_bytes
select case(compressor_id)
#ifdef ZSTD
compression_bound = zstd_bound(ilen)
compression_bound = zstd_bound(uncompressed_bytes)
#endif /* ZSTD */
#ifdef LZ4
prefs(5:6) = transfer(ilen, [ 0_4 ])
prefs(9) = compression_level
compression_bound = lz4_bound(ilen, c_loc(prefs))
prefs%frameInfo%contentSize = uncompressed_bytes
prefs%compressionLevel = level
compression_bound = lz4_bound(uncompressed_bytes, c_loc(prefs))
#endif /* LZ4 */
#ifdef LZMA
compression_bound = lzma_bound(uncompressed_bytes)
#endif /* LZMA */
case default
compression_bound = ilen
compression_bound = uncompressed_bytes
end select
@ -359,70 +525,89 @@ module compression
! Arguments:
! compressor_id - the compressor ID;
! compression_level - the compression level;
! input - the pointer to the input sequence of bytes;
! ilen - the length of input;
! buffer - the buffer where the compression is done;
! clen - the length of buffer in bytes; once the compression
! was successful, it returns the length of
! the compressed stream;
! compressor_id - the compressor ID;
! level - the compression level;
! input - the pointer to the input sequence of bytes;
! ilen - the length of input;
! buffer - the buffer where the compression is done;
! clen - the length of buffer in bytes; once the compression was
! successful, it returns the length of the compressed stream;
subroutine compress(compressor_id, compression_level, &
input, ilen, buffer, clen)
use iso_c_binding, only : c_int, c_loc, c_ptr
#ifdef LZ4
use iso_c_binding, only : c_null_ptr
#endif /* LZ4 */
subroutine compress(compressor_id, level, input, ilen, buffer, clen)
implicit none
integer , intent(in) :: compressor_id, compression_level
integer , intent(in) :: compressor_id, level
type(c_ptr) , intent(in) :: input
integer(kind=8), intent(in) :: ilen
type(c_ptr) , intent(inout) :: buffer
integer(kind=8), intent(inout) :: clen
#ifdef LZ4
integer, dimension(14), target :: prefs = [5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
#endif /* LZ4 */
#ifdef LZMA
integer(kind=8), target :: lsize
integer :: ret
#endif /* LZMA */
integer(c_size_t), target :: bytes
integer(c_int) :: ret
select case(compressor_id)
#ifdef ZSTD
clen = zstd_compress(buffer, clen, input, ilen, compression_level)
if (zstd_iserror(clen) /= 0) clen = 0
bytes = zstd_compress(buffer, clen, input, ilen, level)
ret = zstd_iserror(bytes)
if (ret == 0) then
clen = bytes
write(error_unit,"(a,i0,a)") "ZSTD: Unknown error (", ret, ")."
clen = 0_8
end if
#endif /* ZSTD */
#ifdef LZ4
prefs(5:6) = transfer(ilen, [ 0_4 ])
prefs(9) = compression_level
clen = lz4_compress(buffer, clen, input, ilen, c_loc(prefs))
if (lz4_iserror(clen) /= 0) clen = 0
prefs%frameInfo%contentSize = ilen
prefs%compressionLevel = level
bytes = lz4_compress(buffer, clen, input, ilen, c_loc(prefs))
ret = lz4_iserror(bytes)
if (ret == 0) then
clen = bytes
write(error_unit,"(a,i0,a)") "LZ4: Unknown error (", ret, ")."
clen = 0_8
end if
#endif /* LZ4 */
#ifdef LZMA
lsize = 0
ret = lzma_compress(compression_level, 4, c_null_ptr, &
input, ilen, buffer, c_loc(lsize), clen)
if (ret > 0) then
clen = 0
bytes = 0_8
ret = lzma_compress(level, LZMA_CHECK_CRC64, c_null_ptr, &
input, ilen, buffer, c_loc(bytes), clen)
if (ret == LZMA_OK) then
clen = bytes
else if (ret == LZMA_UNSUPPORTED_CHECK) then
write(error_unit,"(a)") "LZMA: Cannot calculate the integrity check."
clen = 0_8
else if (ret == LZMA_MEM_ERROR) then
write(error_unit,"(a)") "LZMA: Cannot allocate memory."
clen = 0_8
else if (ret == LZMA_OPTIONS_ERROR) then
write(error_unit,"(a)") "LZMA: Invalid or unsupported options."
clen = 0_8
else if (ret == LZMA_DATA_ERROR) then
write(error_unit,"(a)") "LZMA: Data is corrupt."
clen = 0_8
else if (ret == LZMA_BUF_ERROR) then
write(error_unit,"(a)") "LZMA: Not enough output buffer space."
clen = 0_8
else if (ret == LZMA_PROG_ERROR) then
write(error_unit,"(a)") "LZMA: Programming error."
clen = 0_8
clen = lsize
write(error_unit,"(a,i0,a)") "LZMA: Unknown error (", ret, ")."
clen = 0_8
end if
#endif /* LZMA */
case default
clen = 0
clen = 0_8
end select
@ -431,6 +616,154 @@ module compression
! subroutine DECOMPRESS:
! ---------------------
! This subroutine is responsible for decompressing the input buffer using
! the specified compression method.
! Arguments:
! compressor_id - an identifier for the compression algorithm to be used;
! input_ptr - a pointer to the start of the input compressed
! byte sequence.
! input_bytes - the length of the input compressed sequence;
! output_ptr - the destination where the decompressed data
! will be written;
! output_bytes - the length of the output buffer in bytes;
! status - a flag indicating the status of the subroutine;
subroutine decompress(compressor_id, input_ptr, input_bytes, &
output_ptr, output_bytes, status)
use helpers, only : print_message
implicit none
integer , intent(in ) :: compressor_id
type(c_ptr) , intent(in ) :: input_ptr
integer(kind=8), intent(in ) :: input_bytes
type(c_ptr) , intent(in ) :: output_ptr
integer(kind=8), intent(in ) :: output_bytes
integer , intent( out) :: status
character(len=*) , parameter :: loc = "COMPRESSION::decompress()"
#ifdef LZMA
integer(c_size_t), parameter :: MiB = 1048576
#endif /* LZMA */
integer(c_size_t) , target :: dbytes
#if defined LZ4 || defined LZMA
integer(c_size_t) , target :: ibytes
#endif /* LZ4 || LZMA */
#ifdef LZ4
type(LZ4F_decompressOptions_t), target :: dOpt
type(c_ptr) , target :: dctxPtr
integer(c_size_t) , target :: res
#endif /* LZ4 */
#ifdef LZMA
integer(c_size_t) , target :: memlim
integer(c_int) :: ret
#endif /* LZMA */
status = 0
select case(compressor_id)
#ifdef ZSTD
dbytes = zstd_decompress(output_ptr, output_bytes, input_ptr, input_bytes)
if (zstd_iserror(dbytes) /= 0) then
call print_message(loc, "ZSTD decompression failure.")
status = -1
end if
#endif /* ZSTD */
#ifdef LZ4
res = lz4_createDecompressionCtx(c_loc(dctxPtr), 100)
if (lz4_iserror(res) == 0) then
dOpt%stableDst = 0
dOpt%skipChecksums = 0
dOpt%reserved = 0
ibytes = input_bytes
dbytes = output_bytes
res = lz4_decompress(dctxPtr, output_ptr, c_loc(dbytes), &
input_ptr, c_loc(ibytes), c_loc(dOpt))
if (lz4_iserror(res) /= 0) then
call print_message(loc, "LZ4 decompression failure.")
status = -1
end if
res = lz4_freeDecompressionCtx(dctxPtr)
if (lz4_iserror(res) /= 0) &
call print_message(loc, "Unable to free LZ4 decompression context.")
call print_message(loc, "Unable to create LZ4 decompression context.")
status = -1
end if
#endif /* LZ4 */
#ifdef LZMA
memlim = 16 * MiB
ibytes = 0
dbytes = 0
ret = lzma_decompress(c_loc(memlim), 0, c_null_ptr, &
input_ptr, c_loc(ibytes), input_bytes, &
output_ptr, c_loc(dbytes), output_bytes)
if (ret == LZMA_MEMLIMIT_ERROR) then
call print_message(loc, "LZMA memory usage limit was reached.")
write(error_unit,"(a,i0,a)") "The minimum memory limit increased to ", &
memlim / MiB, " MiB."
ibytes = 0
dbytes = 0
ret = lzma_decompress(c_loc(memlim), 0, c_null_ptr, &
input_ptr, c_loc(ibytes), input_bytes, &
output_ptr, c_loc(dbytes), output_bytes)
end if
if (ret /= LZMA_OK) then
select case(ret)
call print_message(loc, "LZMA input stream has no integrity check.")
call print_message(loc, "LZMA cannot calculate the integrity check.")
call print_message(loc, "LZMA cannot allocate memory.")
call print_message(loc, "LZMA memory usage limit was reached.")
call print_message(loc, "LZMA file format not recognized.")
call print_message(loc, "Invalid or unsupported LZMA options.")
call print_message(loc, "LZMA data is corrupt.")
call print_message(loc, "LZMA output buffer was too small.")
call print_message(loc, "LZMA programming error.")
case default
call print_message(loc, "Unknown LZMA error.")
end select
status = -1
end if
#endif /* LZMA */
case default
call print_message(loc, "Unsupported decompression format.")
status = -1
end select
end subroutine decompress
! subroutine CHECK_ENCODER:
! ------------------------
@ -467,6 +800,49 @@ module compression
! function GET_ENCODER_ID:
! -----------------------
! Function returns the encoder ID.
! Arguments:
! encoder - the encoder name;
integer function get_encoder_id(encoder) result(encoder_id)
use helpers, only : print_message
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: encoder
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = "COMPRESSION::get_encoder_id()"
select case(trim(adjustl(encoder)))
case('shuffle', 'SHUFFLE')
encoder_id = encoder_shuffle
case('bytedelta', 'BYTEDELTA')
encoder_id = encoder_bytedelta
encoder_id = encoder_none
case default
encoder_id = encoder_unkn
call print_message(loc, "Unsupported encoder '" // trim(encoder) // "'.")
end select
end function get_encoder_id
! function GET_ENCODER_NAME:
! -------------------------
@ -601,6 +977,93 @@ module compression
end subroutine encode
! subroutine DECODE:
! -----------------
! This subroutine is responsible for decoding the input buffer using
! the specified data encoder.
! Arguments:
! encoder_id - an identifier for the data encoder to be used;
! item_size - the size of an individual data item in bytes;
! bytes - the total size of the input data in bytes;
! input_ptr - a pointer to the start of the input data;
! output - the destination where the decoded data will be written;
subroutine decode(encoder_id, item_size, bytes, input_ptr, output)
use helpers, only : print_message
implicit none
integer , intent(in ) :: encoder_id
integer(kind=4) , intent(in ) :: item_size
integer(kind=8) , intent(in ) :: bytes
type(c_ptr) , intent(in ) :: input_ptr
integer(kind=1), dimension(bytes), intent(inout) :: output
character(len=*), parameter :: loc = "COMPRESSION::decode()"
integer(kind=1), dimension(:), pointer :: input
integer(kind=1), dimension(:), allocatable :: buffer
integer(kind=8) :: i, j, m, n, item_count
call c_f_pointer(input_ptr, input, [ bytes ])
select case(encoder_id)
output(:) = input(:)
item_count = bytes / item_size
i = 1
j = item_count
do m = 1, item_size
output(m:bytes:item_size) = input(i:j)
i = j + 1
j = j + item_count
end do
item_count = bytes / item_size
i = 1
j = item_count
do m = 1, item_size
buffer(i) = input(i)
do n = i + 1, j
buffer(n) = input(n) + buffer(n-1)
end do
output(m:bytes:item_size) = buffer(i:j)
i = j + 1
j = j + item_count
end do
case default
call print_message(loc, "Unsupported encoder.")
end select
end subroutine decode
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user