IO: Rewrite file division in read_restart_snapshot_h5().
Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -3080,7 +3080,7 @@ module io
#ifdef MPI
use mesh , only : redistribute_blocks
#endif /* MPI */
use mpitools, only : nprocs, npmax, nproc
use mpitools, only : nprocs, nproc
implicit none
@ -3088,7 +3088,7 @@ module io
character(len=255) :: fname
integer(hid_t) :: file_id, grp_id
integer :: nfiles, last_id, n
integer :: nfiles, last_id, n, i, nd, nr, nl, nu, il, iu
logical :: flag
real(kind=8) :: deinj
@ -3139,7 +3139,7 @@ module io
! larger or equal to the number of files, and when we have less processors than
! files
if (nproc < nfiles) then
if (nfiles <= nprocs .and. nproc < nfiles) then
write(fname, "(a,'r',i6.6,'_',i5.5,'.h5')") trim(respath), nrest, nproc
inquire(file=fname, exist=flag)
@ -3179,70 +3179,85 @@ module io
call print_message(loc, "Could not close '" // trim(fname) // "'!")
end if
end if ! nproc < nfiles
#ifdef MPI
! if there are more files than processes, read the remaining files by
! the last process and redistribute blocks after each processed file,
! otherwise only redistribute blocks
! if there are more files than processes, divide the files equally between
! processes
if (nprocs < nfiles) then
do n = nprocs, nfiles - 1
call change_blocks_process(n, npmax)
nl = 0
nd = nfiles / nprocs
nr = mod(nfiles, nprocs)
do n = 0, nprocs - 1
if (n < nr) then
il = n * (nd + 1)
iu = il + nd
il = n * nd + nr
iu = il + nd - 1
end if
do i = il, iu
call change_blocks_process(i, n)
end do
if (n == nproc) then
nl = il
nu = iu
end if
end do
if (nproc == npmax) then
write(fname, "(a,'r',i6.6,'_',i5.5,'.h5')") trim(respath), nrest, n
inquire(file=fname, exist=flag)
if (.not. flag) then
call print_message(loc, &
"Restart snapshot '" // trim(fname) // "' not found!")
status = 1
end if
do n = nl, nu
call h5fopen_f(fname, H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F, file_id, status)
if (status /= 0) then
call print_message(loc, "Could not open '" // trim(fname) // "'!")
end if
call restore_datablocks_h5(file_id, status)
if (status /= 0) &
call print_message(loc, &
"Could not restore datablocks from '" // trim(fname) // "'!")
call h5gopen_f(file_id, 'attributes', grp_id, status)
if (status /= 0) then
call print_message(loc, "Could not open group 'attributes'!")
end if
call restore_attribute_h5(grp_id, 'einj', &
H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, 1, deinj, status)
if (status /= 0) &
call print_message(loc, "Could not get the injected energy!")
einj = einj + deinj
call h5gclose_f(grp_id, status)
if (status /= 0) &
call print_message(loc, "Could not close group 'attributes'!")
call h5fclose_f(file_id, status)
if (status /= 0) then
call print_message(loc, "Could not close '" // trim(fname) // "'!")
end if
write(fname, "(a,'r',i6.6,'_',i5.5,'.h5')") trim(respath), nrest, n
inquire(file=fname, exist=flag)
if (.not. flag) then
call print_message(loc, &
"Restart snapshot '" // trim(fname) // "' not found!")
status = 1
end if
call redistribute_blocks(status)
call h5fopen_f(fname, H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F, file_id, status)
if (status /= 0) then
call print_message(loc, "Could not open '" // trim(fname) // "'!")
end if
call restore_datablocks_h5(file_id, status)
if (status /= 0) &
call print_message(loc, &
"Could not restore datablocks from '" // trim(fname) // "'!")
call h5gopen_f(file_id, 'attributes', grp_id, status)
if (status /= 0) then
call print_message(loc, "Could not open group 'attributes'!")
end if
call restore_attribute_h5(grp_id, 'einj', &
H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, 1, deinj, status)
if (status /= 0) &
call print_message(loc, "Could not get the injected energy!")
einj = einj + deinj
call h5gclose_f(grp_id, status)
if (status /= 0) &
call print_message(loc, "Could not close group 'attributes'!")
call h5fclose_f(file_id, status)
if (status /= 0) then
call print_message(loc, "Could not close '" // trim(fname) // "'!")
end if
end do
call redistribute_blocks(status)
end if
#endif /* MPI */
if (allocated(block_array)) deallocate(block_array)
#ifdef MPI
call redistribute_blocks(status)
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine read_restart_snapshot_h5
Reference in New Issue
Block a user