XML: Add subroutines to initialize a new tree and add elements.
Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <grzegorz@amuncode.org>
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,6 +47,13 @@ module XML
! Module interfaces
! -----------------
interface XMLAddElement
module procedure XMLAddElementString
module procedure XMLAddElementInteger
module procedure XMLAddElementDouble
module procedure XMLAddElementFile
end interface
interface XMLGetElementValue
module procedure XMLGetElementValueInteger
module procedure XMLGetElementValueDouble
@ -81,8 +88,8 @@ module XML
! --------------
public :: XMLNode, XMLAttribute
public :: XMLParseFile, XMLFreeTree, XMLSaveFile
public :: XMLGetElementValue, XMLGetAttributeValue
public :: XMLParseFile, XMLInitTree, XMLFreeTree, XMLSaveTree
public :: XMLAddElement, XMLGetElementValue, XMLGetAttributeValue
public :: XMLHasAttribute
@ -184,6 +191,48 @@ contains
end subroutine XMLParseFile
! subroutine XMLTreeInit:
! ----------------------
! Description:
! Initializes a new XML Tree.
! Arguments:
! node_ptr - Pointer to the XMLNode to be initialized;
! node_name - Name for the XMLNode;
! node_value - Optional value for the XMLNode;
subroutine XMLInitTree(root_ptr, version)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(inout) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ), optional :: version
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
call XMLNodeInit(root_ptr, "AMUNFile")
if (present(version)) then
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "version", trim(version))
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "version", "1.0")
end if
call XMLAddAttribute(root_ptr, attr_ptr)
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "byte_order", "LittleEndian")
call XMLAddAttribute(root_ptr, attr_ptr)
end subroutine XMLInitTree
! subroutine XMLFreeTree:
@ -234,7 +283,7 @@ contains
! subroutine XMLSaveFile:
! subroutine XMLSaveTree:
! ----------------------
! Description:
@ -248,7 +297,7 @@ contains
subroutine XMLSaveFile(root_ptr, filename)
subroutine XMLSaveTree(root_ptr, filename)
implicit none
@ -260,13 +309,13 @@ contains
open(newunit=io, file=filename)
write (io,"(a)") "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>"
write (io,"(a)") '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
call XMLSaveNode(io, 1, root_ptr)
end subroutine XMLSaveFile
end subroutine XMLSaveTree
@ -797,6 +846,297 @@ contains
end subroutine XMLGetAttribute
! subroutine XMLAddElementString:
! ------------------------------
! Description:
! This subroutine adds a new element to the specified section of a XML tree.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - The root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The section of the XML document where the element is located;
! element_name - The name of the XML element;
! element_value - The value of the element;
subroutine XMLAddElementString(root_ptr, section_name, &
element_name, element_value)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(inout) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: section_name, element_name
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: element_value
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: node_ptr, elem_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
logical :: found
found = .false.
node_ptr => root_ptr%children
do while (associated(node_ptr) .and. .not. found)
if (trim(node_ptr%name) == trim(section_name)) then
found = .true.
node_ptr => node_ptr%next
end if
end do
if (.not. found) then
call XMLNodeInit(node_ptr, section_name)
call XMLAddChild(root_ptr, node_ptr)
end if
call XMLNodeInit(elem_ptr, element_name, element_value)
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "type", "string")
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
call XMLAddChild(node_ptr, elem_ptr)
end subroutine XMLAddElementString
! subroutine XMLAddElementInteger:
! -------------------------------
! Description:
! This subroutine adds a new element to the specified section of a XML tree.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - The root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The section of the XML document where the element is located;
! element_name - The name of the XML element;
! element_value - The value of the element;
subroutine XMLAddElementInteger(root_ptr, section_name, &
element_name, element_value)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(inout) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: section_name, element_name
integer(kind=4) , intent(in ) :: element_value
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: node_ptr, elem_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
logical :: found
character(len=64) :: str
found = .false.
node_ptr => root_ptr%children
do while (associated(node_ptr) .and. .not. found)
if (trim(node_ptr%name) == trim(section_name)) then
found = .true.
node_ptr => node_ptr%next
end if
end do
if (.not. found) then
call XMLNodeInit(node_ptr, section_name)
call XMLAddChild(root_ptr, node_ptr)
end if
write(str,"(i0)") element_value
call XMLNodeInit(elem_ptr, element_name, trim(adjustl(str)))
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "type", "integer")
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
call XMLAddChild(node_ptr, elem_ptr)
end subroutine XMLAddElementInteger
! subroutine XMLAddElementDouble:
! -------------------------------
! Description:
! This subroutine adds a new element to the specified section of a XML tree.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - The root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The section of the XML document where the element is located;
! element_name - The name of the XML element;
! element_value - The value of the element;
subroutine XMLAddElementDouble(root_ptr, section_name, &
element_name, element_value)
implicit none
type(XMLNode), pointer, intent(inout) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: section_name, element_name
real(kind=8) , intent(in ) :: element_value
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: node_ptr, elem_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
logical :: found
character(len=64) :: str
found = .false.
node_ptr => root_ptr%children
do while (associated(node_ptr) .and. .not. found)
if (trim(node_ptr%name) == trim(section_name)) then
found = .true.
node_ptr => node_ptr%next
end if
end do
if (.not. found) then
call XMLNodeInit(node_ptr, section_name)
call XMLAddChild(root_ptr, node_ptr)
end if
write(str,"(1es32.20)") element_value
call XMLNodeInit(elem_ptr, element_name, trim(adjustl(str)))
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "type", "double")
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
call XMLAddChild(node_ptr, elem_ptr)
end subroutine XMLAddElementDouble
! subroutine XMLAddElementFile:
! ----------------------------
! Description:
! This subroutine is designed to add an XML element to an XML tree structure,
! with various attributes.
! Arguments:
! root_ptr - A pointer to the root node of the XML tree;
! section_name - The name of the section or parent element under which
! the new XML element should be added;
! element_name - The name of the XML element to be added;
! element_value - The value associated with the XML element;
! element_dtype - The data type of the associated array;
! element_size - The size in bytes of an array stored in an associated
! binary file;
! element_dims - The shape or dimensions of the array stored in
! an associated binary file;
! element_digest - This argument is a string that specifies the type of
! digest used for the array data to ensure its integrity;
! element_hash - The digest or hash value of the uncompressed array data
! stored in the associated binary file;
! compressor - A string specifying the compression format used.
! compressed_size - The size of the compressed array.
! compressed_hash - The digest/hash value of the compressed array.
! encoder - A string specifying the data encoding format used.
subroutine XMLAddElementFile(root_ptr, section_name, element_name, &
element_value, element_dtype, element_size, &
element_dims, element_digest, element_hash, &
compressor, compressed_size, compressed_hash, &
implicit none
type(XMLNode) , pointer , intent(inout) :: root_ptr
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: section_name, element_name
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: element_value, element_dtype
integer(kind=8) , intent(in ) :: element_size
integer, dimension(:) , intent(in ) :: element_dims
character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: element_digest, element_hash
integer(kind=8) , optional, intent(in ) :: compressed_size
character(len=*), optional, intent(in ) :: compressor, compressed_hash, &
type(XMLNode) , pointer :: node_ptr, elem_ptr
type(XMLAttribute), pointer :: attr_ptr
logical :: found
character(len=64) :: str
found = .false.
node_ptr => root_ptr%children
do while (associated(node_ptr) .and. .not. found)
if (trim(node_ptr%name) == trim(section_name)) then
found = .true.
node_ptr => node_ptr%next
end if
end do
if (.not. found) then
call XMLNodeInit(node_ptr, section_name)
call XMLAddChild(root_ptr, node_ptr)
end if
call XMLNodeInit(elem_ptr, element_name, element_value)
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "type", "string")
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "data_type", element_dtype)
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
write(str,"(i0)") element_size
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "size", trim(adjustl(str)))
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
write(str,"(8(i0,1x))") element_dims
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "dimensions", trim(adjustl(str)))
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "digest_type", trim(element_digest))
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "digest", trim(element_hash))
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
if (present(compressor)) then
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "compression_format", trim(compressor))
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
if (present(compressed_size)) then
write(str,"(i0)") compressed_size
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "compressed_size", trim(adjustl(str)))
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
end if
if (present(compressed_hash)) then
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "compressed_digest", &
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
end if
end if
if (present(encoder)) then
call XMLAttributeInit(attr_ptr, "data_encoder", trim(encoder))
call XMLAddAttribute(elem_ptr, attr_ptr)
end if
call XMLAddChild(node_ptr, elem_ptr)
end subroutine XMLAddElementFile
! subroutine XMLGetElementValueDouble:
Reference in New Issue
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