Merge branch 'master' into reconnection
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module interpolations
#ifdef PROFILE
! timer indices
integer , save :: imi, imr, imf
integer , save :: imi, imr, imf, imc
#endif /* PROFILE */
! pointers to the reconstruction and limiter procedures
@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ module interpolations
call set_timer('interpolations:: initialization', imi)
call set_timer('interpolations:: reconstruction', imr)
call set_timer('interpolations:: fix positivity', imf)
call set_timer('interpolations:: clip extrema' , imc)
! start accounting time for module initialization/finalization
@ -2725,6 +2726,12 @@ module interpolations
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for extrema clipping
call start_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! iterate over all points
do i = 1, n
@ -2763,6 +2770,12 @@ module interpolations
end do ! i = 1, n
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for extrema clipping
call stop_timer(imc)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine clip_extrema
@ -2120,19 +2120,14 @@ module io
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: gid
character(len=16) :: bname
integer(hid_t) :: gid, bid
integer(kind=4) :: l
integer :: err
! local arrays
integer(hsize_t), dimension(1) :: am
integer(hsize_t), dimension(5) :: dm
! local allocatable arrays
integer(kind=4), dimension(:) , allocatable :: id
real(kind=8) , dimension(:,:,:,:,:) , allocatable :: uv, qv
integer(hsize_t), dimension(4) :: dm
@ -2149,21 +2144,12 @@ module io
if (get_dblocks() > 0) then
! prepate dimensions
! prepate the dimensions
am(1) = get_dblocks()
dm(1) = get_dblocks()
dm(2) = nv
dm(3) = im
dm(4) = jm
dm(5) = km
! allocate arrays to store associated meta block identifiers, conserved and
! primitive variables
dm(1) = nv
dm(2) = im
dm(3) = jm
dm(4) = km
! reset the block counter
@ -2177,46 +2163,31 @@ module io
do while(associated(pdata))
#ifdef DEBUG
! store only data from data blocks associated with meta blocks
if (associated(pdata%meta)) then
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
l = l + 1
! fill in the meta block ID array
! create name for the current block
id(l) = pdata%meta%id
write(bname, "('dblk_', i11.11)") l
! fill in the conservative and primitive variable arrays
! create a group for storing the current data block fields
uv(l,:,:,:,:) = pdata%u(:,:,:,:)
qv(l,:,:,:,:) = pdata%q(:,:,:,:)
call h5gcreate_f(gid, bname, bid, err)
else ! meta block not associated
! print error about the lack of associated meta block
! store the corresponding meta block index
call print_error("io::write_datablocks_h5" &
, "Meta block no associated!")
call write_attribute(bid, 'meta', pdata%meta%id)
end if ! meta block not associated
#else /* DEBUG */
! increase the block counter
! store the primitive and conservative variables
l = l + 1
call write_array(bid, 'pvar' , dm(:), pdata%q (:,:,:,:))
call write_array(bid, 'cvar0', dm(:), pdata%u0(:,:,:,:))
call write_array(bid, 'cvar1', dm(:), pdata%u1(:,:,:,:))
! fill in the meta block ID array
! close the block group
id(l) = pdata%meta%id
! fill in the conservative and primitive variable arrays
uv(l,:,:,:,:) = pdata%u(:,:,:,:)
qv(l,:,:,:,:) = pdata%q(:,:,:,:)
#endif /* DEBUG */
call h5gclose_f(bid, err)
! associate the pointer with the next data block on the list
@ -2224,18 +2195,6 @@ module io
end do ! data blocks
! store data arrays in the current group
call write_array(gid, 'meta', am(1), id)
call write_array(gid, 'uvar', dm(:), uv)
call write_array(gid, 'qvar', dm(:), qv)
! deallocate allocatable arrays
if (allocated(id)) deallocate(id)
if (allocated(uv)) deallocate(uv)
if (allocated(qv)) deallocate(qv)
end if ! dblocks > 0
! close the group
@ -2288,7 +2247,7 @@ module io
use equations , only : nv
use error , only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t, hsize_t
use hdf5 , only : h5gopen_f, h5gclose_f
use hdf5 , only : h5gopen_f, h5gclose_f, h5lexists_f
! local variables are not implicit by default
@ -2304,8 +2263,10 @@ module io
! local variables
integer(hid_t) :: gid
integer(kind=4) :: l
logical :: flag
character(len=16) :: bname
integer(hid_t) :: gid, bid
integer(kind=4) :: l, i
integer :: dblocks, ierr
! local arrays
@ -2339,20 +2300,6 @@ module io
if (dblocks > 0) then
! fill out dimensions dm(:)
dm(1) = dblocks
dm(2) = nv
dm(3) = im
dm(4) = jm
dm(5) = km
! allocate arrays to read data
! open the group 'datablocks'
call h5gopen_f(fid, 'datablocks', gid, ierr)
@ -2362,11 +2309,100 @@ module io
end if
! fill out dimensions dm(:)
dm(1) = dblocks
dm(2) = nv
dm(3) = im
dm(4) = jm
dm(5) = km
! check if the old data format is used, otherwise use the new one
call h5lexists_f(gid, 'meta', flag, ierr)
! restart files are in the old format
if (flag) then
! allocate arrays to read data
! read array data from the HDF5 file
call read_array(gid, 'meta', dm(1:1), id(:) )
call read_array(gid, 'uvar', dm(1:5), uv(:,:,:,:,:))
call read_array(gid, 'qvar', dm(1:5), qv(:,:,:,:,:))
call read_array(gid, 'meta', dm(1:1), id(:) )
call read_array(gid, 'uvar', dm(1:5), uv(:,:,:,:,:))
call read_array(gid, 'qvar', dm(1:5), qv(:,:,:,:,:))
! iterate over data blocks, allocate them and fill out their fields
do l = 1, dm(1)
! allocate and append to the end of the list a new datablock
call append_datablock(pdata)
! associate the corresponding meta block with the current data block
call link_blocks(block_array(id(l))%ptr, pdata)
! fill out the array of conservative and primitive variables
pdata%u(:,:,:,:) = uv(l,:,:,:,:)
pdata%q(:,:,:,:) = qv(l,:,:,:,:)
end do ! l = 1, dm(1)
! deallocate allocatable arrays
if (allocated(id)) deallocate(id)
if (allocated(uv)) deallocate(uv)
if (allocated(qv)) deallocate(qv)
! restart files are in the new format
else ! flag
! iterate over data blocks, allocate them and fill out their fields
do l = 1, dm(1)
! allocate and append to the end of the list a new datablock
call append_datablock(pdata)
! create name for the current block
write(bname, "('dblk_', i11.11)") l
! open the group for the current block fields
call h5gopen_f(gid, bname, bid, ierr)
! get the id of the linked meta block
call read_attribute(bid, 'meta', i)
! associate the corresponding meta block with the current data block
call link_blocks(block_array(i)%ptr, pdata)
! fill out the array of primitive and conservative variables
call read_array(bid, 'pvar' , dm(2:5), pdata%q (:,:,:,:))
call read_array(bid, 'cvar0', dm(2:5), pdata%u0(:,:,:,:))
call read_array(bid, 'cvar1', dm(2:5), pdata%u1(:,:,:,:))
! close the current data block group
call h5gclose_f(bid, ierr)
end do ! l = 1, dm(1)
end if ! flag
! close the data block group
@ -2377,31 +2413,6 @@ module io
end if
! iterate over data blocks, allocate them and fill out their fields
do l = 1, dm(1)
! allocate and append to the end of the list a new datablock
call append_datablock(pdata)
! associate the corresponding meta block with the current data block
call link_blocks(block_array(id(l))%ptr, pdata)
! fill out the array of conservative and primitive variables
pdata%u(:,:,:,:) = uv(l,:,:,:,:)
pdata%q(:,:,:,:) = qv(l,:,:,:,:)
end do ! l = 1, dm(1)
! deallocate allocatable arrays
if (allocated(id)) deallocate(id)
if (allocated(uv)) deallocate(uv)
if (allocated(qv)) deallocate(qv)
end if ! dblocks > 0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user