INTEGRALS: Remove reconnection rate terms from INTEGRALS.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
Grzegorz Kowal 2021-10-26 12:29:16 -03:00
parent e4a7890959
commit a3e0c0ccd2
2 changed files with 7 additions and 636 deletions

View File

@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ module integrals
integer(kind=4), save :: funit = 11 integer(kind=4), save :: funit = 11
integer(kind=4), save :: sunit = 12 integer(kind=4), save :: sunit = 12
integer(kind=4), save :: eunit = 13 integer(kind=4), save :: eunit = 13
integer(kind=4), save :: runit = 14
integer(kind=4), save :: iintd = 1 integer(kind=4), save :: iintd = 1
! flag indicating if the files are actually written to disk ! flag indicating if the files are actually written to disk
@ -294,55 +293,6 @@ module integrals
! !
efmt = "(i9," // trim(adjustl(stmp)) // "(1x,1es18.8e3))" efmt = "(i9," // trim(adjustl(stmp)) // "(1x,1es18.8e3))"
! depending on the append parameter, choose the right file initialization for
! the reconnection file
append = "off"
call get_parameter("reconnection_append", append)
select case(trim(append))
case ("on", "ON", "t", "T", "y", "Y", "true", "TRUE", "yes", "YES")
write(fname, "('reconnection.dat')")
inquire(file = fname, exist = flag)
case default
write(fname, "('reconnection_',i2.2,'.dat')") irun
flag = .false.
end select
! check if the file exists; if not, create a new one, otherwise move to the end
if (flag .and. irun > 1) then
open(newunit = runit, file = fname, form = 'formatted', status = 'old' &
, position = 'append', buffered = 'yes')
#else /* __INTEL_COMPILER */
open(newunit = runit, file = fname, form = 'formatted', status = 'old' &
, position = 'append')
#endif /* __INTEL_COMPILER */
open(newunit = runit, file = fname, form = 'formatted' &
, status = 'replace', buffered = 'yes')
#else /* __INTEL_COMPILER */
open(newunit = runit, file = fname, form = 'formatted' &
, status = 'replace')
#endif /* __INTEL_COMPILER */
end if
! write the integral file header
write(runit,'("#",a8,27a25)') &
'step', 'time', '|Bx| int', '|Bx| inf' &
, '|Bx| y-adv', '|Bx| z-adv', '|Bx| y-shr', '|Bx| z-shr' &
, '|Bx| y-dif', '|Bx| z-dif', '|Bx| Psi' &
, 'Vin lower' , 'Vin upper' &
, 'Emag', 'Emag inf' &
, 'Emag x-adv', 'Emag y-adv', 'Emag z-adv' &
, 'Emag x-v.b', 'Emag y-v.b', 'Emag z-v.b' &
, 'Emag x-dif', 'Emag y-dif', 'Emag z-dif' &
, 'Emag-Ekin', 'Emag-Eint', 'Emag-Psi'
end if ! store end if ! store
#ifdef PROFILE #ifdef PROFILE
@ -396,7 +346,6 @@ module integrals
close(funit) close(funit)
close(sunit) close(sunit)
close(eunit) close(eunit)
end if end if
#ifdef PROFILE #ifdef PROFILE
@ -425,16 +374,9 @@ module integrals
! import external variables and subroutines ! import external variables and subroutines
! !
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, list_data use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, list_data
use coordinates , only : ni => ncells, nn => bcells use coordinates , only : ni => ncells, nb, ne
use coordinates , only : nb, nbm, nbp, ne, nem, nep use coordinates , only : advol, voli
use coordinates , only : adx, ady, adz, advol, voli use equations , only : idn, ipr, ivx, ivz, ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
use coordinates , only : periodic
use coordinates , only : xmin, xmax
use coordinates , only : ymin, ymax, yarea
#if NDIMS == 3
use coordinates , only : zmin, zmax
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
use equations , only : idn, ipr, ivx, ivy, ivz, ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
use equations , only : ien, imx, imy, imz use equations , only : ien, imx, imy, imz
use equations , only : magnetized, adiabatic_index, csnd use equations , only : magnetized, adiabatic_index, csnd
use equations , only : errors use equations , only : errors
@ -444,8 +386,6 @@ module integrals
#ifdef MPI #ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : reduce_minimum, reduce_maximum, reduce_sum use mpitools , only : reduce_minimum, reduce_maximum, reduce_sum
#endif /* MPI */ #endif /* MPI */
use operators , only : gradient, curl
use sources , only : resistivity
! local variables are not implicit by default ! local variables are not implicit by default
! !
@ -453,11 +393,7 @@ module integrals
! local variables ! local variables
! !
real(kind=8) :: dvol, dvolh, dyz, dxz real(kind=8) :: dvol, dvolh
#if NDIMS == 3
real(kind=8) :: dxy
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
real(kind=8), dimension(3) :: dh
! local pointers ! local pointers
! !
@ -465,7 +401,7 @@ module integrals
! local parameters ! local parameters
! !
integer, parameter :: narr = 64 integer, parameter :: narr = 16
! local arrays ! local arrays
! !
@ -475,11 +411,6 @@ module integrals
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */ #else /* NDIMS == 3 */
real(kind=8), dimension(ni,ni, 1) :: vel, mag, sqd, tmp real(kind=8), dimension(ni,ni, 1) :: vel, mag, sqd, tmp
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */ #endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 3
real(kind=8), dimension(3,nn,nn,nn) :: cur
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
real(kind=8), dimension(3,nn,nn, 1) :: cur
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! parameters ! parameters
! !
@ -532,14 +463,6 @@ module integrals
! !
dvol = advol(pdata%meta%level) dvol = advol(pdata%meta%level)
dvolh = 0.5d+00 * dvol dvolh = 0.5d+00 * dvol
dyz = ady(pdata%meta%level) * adz(pdata%meta%level)
#if NDIMS == 3
dxy = adx(pdata%meta%level) * ady(pdata%meta%level)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
dxz = adx(pdata%meta%level) * adz(pdata%meta%level)
dh(1) = adx(pdata%meta%level)
dh(2) = ady(pdata%meta%level)
dh(3) = adz(pdata%meta%level)
! sum up density and momenta components ! sum up density and momenta components
! !
@ -687,546 +610,6 @@ module integrals
avarr(7) = avarr(7) + sum(tmp(:,:,:)) * dvol avarr(7) = avarr(7) + sum(tmp(:,:,:)) * dvol
mnarr(7) = min(mnarr(7), minval(tmp(:,:,:))) mnarr(7) = min(mnarr(7), minval(tmp(:,:,:)))
mxarr(7) = max(mxarr(7), maxval(tmp(:,:,:))) mxarr(7) = max(mxarr(7), maxval(tmp(:,:,:)))
! calculate current density (J = xB)
call curl(dh(:), pdata%q(ibx:ibz,:,:,:), cur(1:3,:,:,:))
! the integral of |Bx|
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(11) = inarr(11) + sum(abs(pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne))) * dvol
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(11) = inarr(11) + sum(abs(pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nb:ne, : ))) * dvol
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! magnetic energy
inarr(22) = inarr(7)
! fluxes across the X boundaries
if (.not. periodic(1)) then
! lower X-boundary
if (pdata%meta%xmin <= xmin + dh(1)) then
! advection of magnetic energy through the lower X boundary
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(24) = inarr(24) &
+ sum(sum(pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nbm:nb,nb:ne,nb:ne)**2,1) &
* pdata%q(ivx ,nbm:nb,nb:ne,nb:ne)) * dyz
inarr(27) = inarr(27) &
- sum(sum(pdata%q(ivx:ivz,nbm:nb,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nbm:nb,nb:ne,nb:ne),1) &
* pdata%q(ibx ,nbm:nb,nb:ne,nb:ne)) * dyz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(24) = inarr(24) &
+ sum(sum(pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nbm:nb,nb:ne, : )**2,1) &
* pdata%q(ivx ,nbm:nb,nb:ne, : )) * dyz
inarr(27) = inarr(27) &
- sum(sum(pdata%q(ivx:ivz,nbm:nb,nb:ne, : ) &
* pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nbm:nb,nb:ne, : ),1) &
* pdata%q(ibx ,nbm:nb,nb:ne, : )) * dyz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
if (resistivity > 0.0d+00) then
#if NDIMS == 3
! diffusion of magnetic energy through the lower X boundary
inarr(30) = inarr(30) &
+ sum(cur(2,nbm:nb,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(ibz,nbm:nb,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
- cur(3,nbm:nb,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(iby,nbm:nb,nb:ne,nb:ne)) * dyz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
! diffusion of magnetic energy through the lower X boundary
inarr(30) = inarr(30) &
+ sum(cur(2,nbm:nb,nb:ne, : ) &
* pdata%q(ibz,nbm:nb,nb:ne, : ) &
- cur(3,nbm:nb,nb:ne, : ) &
* pdata%q(iby,nbm:nb,nb:ne, : )) * dyz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if ! resistivity
end if ! xmin
! upper X-boundary
if (pdata%meta%xmax >= xmax - dh(1)) then
! advection of magnetic energy through the upper X boundary
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(24) = inarr(24) &
- sum(sum(pdata%q(ibx:ibz,ne:nep,nb:ne,nb:ne)**2,1) &
* pdata%q(ivx ,ne:nep,nb:ne,nb:ne)) * dyz
inarr(27) = inarr(27) &
+ sum(sum(pdata%q(ivx:ivz,ne:nep,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(ibx:ibz,ne:nep,nb:ne,nb:ne),1) &
* pdata%q(ibx ,ne:nep,nb:ne,nb:ne)) * dyz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(24) = inarr(24) &
- sum(sum(pdata%q(ibx:ibz,ne:nep,nb:ne, : )**2,1) &
* pdata%q(ivx ,ne:nep,nb:ne, : )) * dyz
inarr(27) = inarr(27) &
+ sum(sum(pdata%q(ivx:ivz,ne:nep,nb:ne, : ) &
* pdata%q(ibx:ibz,ne:nep,nb:ne, : ),1) &
* pdata%q(ibx ,ne:nep,nb:ne, : )) * dyz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
if (resistivity > 0.0d+00) then
#if NDIMS == 3
! diffusion of magnetic energy through the upper X boundary
inarr(30) = inarr(30) &
- sum(cur(2,ne:nep,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(ibz,ne:nep,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
- cur(3,ne:nep,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(iby,ne:nep,nb:ne,nb:ne)) * dyz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
! diffusion of magnetic energy through the upper X boundary
inarr(30) = inarr(30) &
- sum(cur(2,ne:nep,nb:ne, : ) &
* pdata%q(ibz,ne:nep,nb:ne, : ) &
- cur(3,ne:nep,nb:ne, : ) &
* pdata%q(iby,ne:nep,nb:ne, : )) * dyz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if ! resistivity
end if ! xmax
end if ! not periodic in X
! fluxes across the Y boundaries
! lower Y-boundary
if (pdata%meta%ymin <= ymin + dh(2)) then
! mean Bx at boundary
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(12) = inarr(12) &
+ sum(abs(pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne))) * dxz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(12) = inarr(12) &
+ sum(abs(pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : ))) * dxz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! advection of Bx along Y
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(13) = inarr(13) &
+ sum(abs(pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne)) &
* pdata%q(ivy,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne)) * dxz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(13) = inarr(13) &
+ sum(abs(pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : )) &
* pdata%q(ivy,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : )) * dxz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! shear of By along X
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(15) = inarr(15) &
- sum(sign(pdata%q(iby,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(ivx,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne), &
pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne))) * dxz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(15) = inarr(15) &
- sum(sign(pdata%q(iby,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : ) &
* pdata%q(ivx,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : ), &
pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : ))) * dxz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! mean magnetic energy at the lower Y boundary
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(23) = inarr(23) &
+ sum(pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne)**2) * dxz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(23) = inarr(23) &
+ sum(pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : )**2) * dxz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! advection of magnetic energy through the lower Y boundary
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(25) = inarr(25) &
+ sum(sum(pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne)**2,1) &
* pdata%q(ivy ,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne)) * dxz
inarr(28) = inarr(28) &
- sum(sum(pdata%q(ivx:ivz,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne),1) &
* pdata%q(iby ,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne)) * dxz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(25) = inarr(25) &
+ sum(sum(pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : )**2,1) &
* pdata%q(ivy ,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : )) * dxz
inarr(28) = inarr(28) &
- sum(sum(pdata%q(ivx:ivz,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : ) &
* pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : ),1) &
* pdata%q(iby ,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : )) * dxz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
if (resistivity > 0.0d+00) then
#if NDIMS == 3
! diffusion of Bx through the lower Y boundary
inarr(17) = inarr(17) &
+ sum(sign(cur(3,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne), &
pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne))) * dxz
! diffusion of magnetic energy through the lower Y boundary
inarr(31) = inarr(31) &
+ sum(cur(3,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne) &
- cur(1,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(ibz,nb:ne,nbm:nb,nb:ne)) * dxz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
! diffusion of Bx through the lower Y boundary
inarr(17) = inarr(17) &
+ sum(sign(cur(3,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : ), &
pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : ))) * dxz
! diffusion of magnetic energy through the lower Y boundary
inarr(31) = inarr(31) &
+ sum(cur(3,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : ) &
* pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : ) &
- cur(1,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : ) &
* pdata%q(ibz,nb:ne,nbm:nb, : )) * dxz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if ! resistivity
end if ! ymin
! upper Y-boundary
if (pdata%meta%ymax >= ymax - dh(2)) then
! mean Bx at boundary
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(12) = inarr(12) &
+ sum(abs(pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne))) * dxz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(12) = inarr(12) &
+ sum(abs(pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,ne:nep, : ))) * dxz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! advection of Bx along Y
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(13) = inarr(13) &
- sum(abs(pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne)) &
* pdata%q(ivy,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne)) * dxz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(13) = inarr(13) &
- sum(abs(pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,ne:nep, : )) &
* pdata%q(ivy,nb:ne,ne:nep, : )) * dxz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! shear of By along X
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(15) = inarr(15) &
+ sum(sign(pdata%q(iby,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(ivx,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne), &
pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne))) * dxz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(15) = inarr(15) &
+ sum(sign(pdata%q(iby,nb:ne,ne:nep, : ) &
* pdata%q(ivx,nb:ne,ne:nep, : ), &
pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,ne:nep, : ))) * dxz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! mean magnetic energy at the upper Y boundary
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(23) = inarr(23) &
+ sum(pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne)**2) * dxz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(23) = inarr(23) &
+ sum(pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,ne:nep, : )**2) * dxz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! advection of magnetic energy through the upper Y boundary
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(25) = inarr(25) &
- sum(sum(pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne)**2,1) &
* pdata%q(ivy ,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne)) * dxz
inarr(28) = inarr(28) &
+ sum(sum(pdata%q(ivx:ivz,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne),1) &
* pdata%q(iby ,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne)) * dxz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(25) = inarr(25) &
- sum(sum(pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,ne:nep, : )**2,1) &
* pdata%q(ivy ,nb:ne,ne:nep, : )) * dxz
inarr(28) = inarr(28) &
+ sum(sum(pdata%q(ivx:ivz,nb:ne,ne:nep, : ) &
* pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,ne:nep, : ),1) &
* pdata%q(iby ,nb:ne,ne:nep, : )) * dxz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
if (resistivity > 0.0d+00) then
#if NDIMS == 3
! diffusion of Bx through the upper Y boundary
inarr(17) = inarr(17) &
- sum(sign(cur(3,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne), &
pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne))) * dxz
! diffusion of magnetic energy through the upper Y boundary
inarr(31) = inarr(31) &
- sum(cur(3,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne) &
- cur(1,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(ibz,nb:ne,ne:nep,nb:ne)) * dxz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
! diffusion of Bx through the upper Y boundary
inarr(17) = inarr(17) &
- sum(sign(cur(3,nb:ne,ne:nep, : ), &
pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,ne:nep, : ))) * dxz
! diffusion of magnetic energy through the upper Y boundary
inarr(31) = inarr(31) &
- sum(cur(3,nb:ne,ne:nep, : ) &
* pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,ne:nep, : ) &
- cur(1,nb:ne,ne:nep, : ) &
* pdata%q(ibz,nb:ne,ne:nep, : )) * dxz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if ! resistivity
end if ! ymax
#if NDIMS == 3
! fluxes across the Z boundaries
if (.not. periodic(3)) then
! lower Z-boundary
if (pdata%meta%zmin <= zmin + dh(3)) then
! advection of Bx along Z
inarr(14) = inarr(14) &
+ sum(abs(pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nb:ne,nbm:nb)) &
* pdata%q(ivz,nb:ne,nb:ne,nbm:nb)) * dxy
! shear of Bz along X
inarr(16) = inarr(16) &
- sum(sign(pdata%q(ibz,nb:ne,nb:ne,nbm:nb) &
* pdata%q(ivx,nb:ne,nb:ne,nbm:nb), &
pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nb:ne,nbm:nb))) * dxy
! advection of magnetic energy through the lower Z boundary
inarr(26) = inarr(26) &
+ sum(sum(pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,nb:ne,nbm:nb)**2,1) &
* pdata%q(ivz ,nb:ne,nb:ne,nbm:nb)) * dxy
inarr(29) = inarr(29) &
- sum(sum(pdata%q(ivx:ivz,nb:ne,nb:ne,nbm:nb) &
* pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,nb:ne,nbm:nb),1) &
* pdata%q(ibz ,nb:ne,nb:ne,nbm:nb)) * dxy
if (resistivity > 0.0d+00) then
! diffusion of Bx through the lower Z boundary
inarr(18) = inarr(18) &
+ sum(sign(cur(2,nb:ne,nb:ne,nbm:nb), &
pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nb:ne,nbm:nb))) * dxy
! diffusion of magnetic energy through the lower Z boundary
inarr(32) = inarr(32) &
+ sum(cur(1,nb:ne,nb:ne,nbm:nb) &
* pdata%q(iby,nb:ne,nb:ne,nbm:nb) &
- cur(2,nb:ne,nb:ne,nbm:nb) &
* pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nb:ne,nbm:nb)) * dxy
end if ! resistivity
end if ! zmin
! upper Z-boundary
if (pdata%meta%zmax >= zmax - dh(3)) then
! advection of Bx along Z
inarr(14) = inarr(14) &
- sum(abs(pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nb:ne,ne:nep)) &
* pdata%q(ivz,nb:ne,nb:ne,ne:nep)) * dxy
! shear of Bz along X
inarr(16) = inarr(16) &
+ sum(sign(pdata%q(ibz,nb:ne,nb:ne,ne:nep) &
* pdata%q(ivx,nb:ne,nb:ne,ne:nep), &
pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nb:ne,ne:nep))) * dxy
! advection of magnetic energy through the upper Z boundary
inarr(26) = inarr(26) &
- sum(sum(pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,nb:ne,ne:nep)**2,1) &
* pdata%q(ivz ,nb:ne,nb:ne,ne:nep)) * dxy
inarr(29) = inarr(29) &
+ sum(sum(pdata%q(ivx:ivz,nb:ne,nb:ne,ne:nep) &
* pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,nb:ne,ne:nep),1) &
* pdata%q(ibz ,nb:ne,nb:ne,ne:nep)) * dxy
if (resistivity > 0.0d+00) then
! diffusion of Bx through the upper Z boundary
inarr(18) = inarr(18) &
- sum(sign(cur(2,nb:ne,nb:ne,ne:nep), &
pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nb:ne,ne:nep))) * dxy
! diffusion of magnetic energy through the upper Z boundary
inarr(32) = inarr(32) &
- sum(cur(1,nb:ne,nb:ne,ne:nep) &
* pdata%q(iby,nb:ne,nb:ne,ne:nep) &
- cur(2,nb:ne,nb:ne,ne:nep) &
* pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nb:ne,ne:nep)) * dxy
end if ! resistivity
end if ! zmax
end if ! not periodic in Z
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! get the conversion between the magnetic energy and kinetic and
! internal energies
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(33) = inarr(33) &
+ sum((pdata%q(ivy,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(ibz,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
- pdata%q(ivz,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(iby,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne)) &
* cur(1,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne)) * dvol
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(33) = inarr(33) &
+ sum((pdata%q(ivy,nb:ne,nb:ne, : ) &
* pdata%q(ibz,nb:ne,nb:ne, : ) &
- pdata%q(ivz,nb:ne,nb:ne, : ) &
* pdata%q(iby,nb:ne,nb:ne, : )) &
* cur(1,nb:ne,nb:ne, : )) * dvol
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(33) = inarr(33) &
+ sum((pdata%q(ivz,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
- pdata%q(ivx,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(ibz,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne)) &
* cur(2,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne)) * dvol
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(33) = inarr(33) &
+ sum((pdata%q(ivz,nb:ne,nb:ne, : ) &
* pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nb:ne, : ) &
- pdata%q(ivx,nb:ne,nb:ne, : ) &
* pdata%q(ibz,nb:ne,nb:ne, : )) &
* cur(2,nb:ne,nb:ne, : )) * dvol
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(33) = inarr(33) &
+ sum((pdata%q(ivx,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(iby,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
- pdata%q(ivy,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
* pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne)) &
* cur(3,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne)) * dvol
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(33) = inarr(33) &
+ sum((pdata%q(ivx,nb:ne,nb:ne, : ) &
* pdata%q(iby,nb:ne,nb:ne, : ) &
- pdata%q(ivy,nb:ne,nb:ne, : ) &
* pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nb:ne, : )) &
* cur(3,nb:ne,nb:ne, : )) * dvol
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
if (resistivity > 0.0d+00) then
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(34) = inarr(34) - sum(cur(1:3,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne)**2) * dvol
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(34) = inarr(34) - sum(cur(1:3,nb:ne,nb:ne, : )**2) * dvol
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if
! calculate gradient (ψ)
call gradient(dh(:), pdata%q(ibp,:,:,:), cur(1:3,:,:,:))
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(35) = inarr(35) &
- sum(pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne) &
* cur(1:3,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne)) * dvol
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(35) = inarr(35) &
- sum(pdata%q(ibx:ibz,nb:ne,nb:ne, : ) &
* cur(1:3,nb:ne,nb:ne, : )) * dvol
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! contribution to |Bx| from ψ
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(19) = inarr(19) &
- sum(sign(cur(1,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne), &
pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nb:ne,nb:ne))) * dvol
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(19) = inarr(19) &
- sum(sign(cur(1,nb:ne,nb:ne, : ), &
pdata%q(ibx,nb:ne,nb:ne, : ))) * dvol
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if ! magnetized
! get the inflow speed
if (pdata%meta%ymin <= ymin + dh(2)) then
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(20) = inarr(20) + sum(pdata%q(ivy,nb:ne,nb,nb:ne)) * dxz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(20) = inarr(20) + sum(pdata%q(ivy,nb:ne,nb, : )) * dxz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if
if (pdata%meta%ymax >= ymax - dh(2)) then
#if NDIMS == 3
inarr(21) = inarr(21) - sum(pdata%q(ivy,nb:ne,ne,nb:ne)) * dxz
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
inarr(21) = inarr(21) - sum(pdata%q(ivy,nb:ne,ne, : )) * dxz
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end if end if
! associate the pointer with the next block on the list ! associate the pointer with the next block on the list
@ -1255,16 +638,6 @@ module integrals
! !
avarr(:) = avarr(:) * voli avarr(:) = avarr(:) * voli
! apply factors to the reconnection rate terms
inarr(12) = 2.50d-01 * inarr(12) / yarea
inarr(13:16) = 5.00d-01 * inarr(13:16)
inarr(17:18) = 5.00d-01 * resistivity * inarr(17:18)
inarr(23) = 1.25d-01 * inarr(23) / yarea
inarr(24:29) = 5.00d-01 * inarr(24:29)
inarr(30:32) = 5.00d-01 * resistivity * inarr(30:32)
inarr(34) = resistivity * inarr(34)
! write down the integrals and statistics to appropriate files ! write down the integrals and statistics to appropriate files
! !
if (stored) then if (stored) then
@ -1278,12 +651,10 @@ module integrals
, avarr(6), mnarr(6), mxarr(6) & , avarr(6), mnarr(6), mxarr(6) &
, avarr(7), mnarr(7), mxarr(7) , avarr(7), mnarr(7), mxarr(7)
write(eunit,efmt) step, time, dth, dte, maxval(errors(:)), errors(:) write(eunit,efmt) step, time, dth, dte, maxval(errors(:)), errors(:)
write(runit,"(i9, 26es25.15e3)") step, time, inarr(11:35)
call flush_and_sync(funit) call flush_and_sync(funit)
call flush_and_sync(sunit) call flush_and_sync(sunit)
call flush_and_sync(eunit) call flush_and_sync(eunit)
call flush_and_sync(runit)
end if end if
#ifdef PROFILE #ifdef PROFILE

View File

@ -372,10 +372,10 @@ module user_problem
call get_parameter("reconnection_append", append) call get_parameter("reconnection_append", append)
select case(trim(append)) select case(trim(append))
case ("on", "ON", "t", "T", "y", "Y", "true", "TRUE", "yes", "YES") case ("on", "ON", "t", "T", "y", "Y", "true", "TRUE", "yes", "YES")
write(fname, "('reconnection-new.dat')") write(fname, "('reconnection.dat')")
inquire(file = fname, exist = flag) inquire(file = fname, exist = flag)
case default case default
write(fname, "('reconnection-new_',i2.2,'.dat')") rcount write(fname, "('reconnection_',i2.2,'.dat')") rcount
flag = .false. flag = .false.
end select end select