BOUNDARIES: Rewrite copy_boundaries().

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
Grzegorz Kowal 2014-01-07 10:56:22 -02:00
parent c3321cc022
commit a1fcff9a66

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@ -1125,33 +1125,33 @@ module boundaries
! subroutine COPY_BOUNDARIES:
! --------------------------
! Subroutine scans over all leaf blocks in order to find neighbours at
! the same levels, then updates the boundaries between neighbours.
! Subroutine scans over all leaf blocks in order to find neighbors at
! the same level, and then updates the boundaries between them.
! Arguments:
! ilev - the level to be processed;
! idir - the direction to be processed;
subroutine copy_boundaries(ilev, idir)
! include external procedures
! import external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : ndims, nsides, nfaces
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, list_meta
use blocks , only : block_info, pointer_info
use coordinates , only : toplev
use coordinates , only : ng, nd, nh, im, jm, km
use coordinates , only : ib, jb, kb, ie, je, ke
use coordinates , only : ibu, jbu, kbu, iel, jel, kel
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : send_real_array, receive_real_array
use equations , only : nv
#endif /* MPI */
! include external variables
use blocks , only : ndims, nsides, nfaces
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, list_meta
use blocks , only : block_info, pointer_info
use coordinates , only : toplev
use coordinates , only : ng, nd, nh, im, jm, km
use coordinates , only : ib, jb, kb, ie, je, ke
use coordinates , only : ibu, jbu, kbu, iel, jel, kel
use mpitools , only : periodic
use mpitools , only : nproc, nprocs, npmax, periodic
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : nproc, nprocs, npmax
use equations , only : nv
use mpitools , only : send_real_array, receive_real_array
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables are not implicit by default
@ -1162,6 +1162,14 @@ module boundaries
integer, intent(in) :: ilev, idir
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta, pneigh
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
#ifdef MPI
type(block_info), pointer :: pinfo
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables
integer :: iside, iface, nside, nface
@ -1170,20 +1178,15 @@ module boundaries
#ifdef MPI
integer :: isend, irecv, nblocks, itag, l
! local pointer arrays
type(pointer_info), dimension(0:npmax,0:npmax) :: block_array
! local arrays
integer , dimension(0:npmax,0:npmax) :: block_counter
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: rbuf
#endif /* MPI */
! local pointers
type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta, pneigh
type(block_data), pointer :: pdata
#ifdef MPI
type(block_info), pointer :: pinfo
type(pointer_info), dimension(0:npmax,0:npmax) :: block_array
#endif /* MPI */
@ -1194,6 +1197,8 @@ module boundaries
#endif /* PROFILE */
#ifdef MPI
! reset the exchange block counters
block_counter(:,:) = 0
@ -1207,7 +1212,11 @@ module boundaries
end do
#endif /* MPI */
! assign the pointer with the first block on in the list
! assign the pointer to the first block on the meta block list
pmeta => list_meta
@ -1217,7 +1226,7 @@ module boundaries
! check if the block is a leaf at the current level
if (pmeta%leaf .and. pmeta%level .eq. ilev) then
if (pmeta%leaf .and. pmeta%level == ilev) then
! scan over sides and faces
@ -1234,61 +1243,61 @@ module boundaries
! check if the neighbor is at the same level
if (pneigh%level .eq. pmeta%level) then
if (pneigh%level == pmeta%level) then
! copy blocks only for the first face
if (iface .eq. 1) then
if (iface == 1) then
#ifdef MPI
! check if the current meta block and its neighbor lay on the same processor
! check if the current meta block and its neighbor belong to the same process
if (pmeta%cpu .eq. pneigh%cpu) then
if (pmeta%cpu == pneigh%cpu) then
! check if the current meta block lays on the current processors
! check if the current meta block belongs to the current process
if (pmeta%cpu .eq. nproc) then
if (pmeta%cpu == nproc) then
#endif /* MPI */
! assign a pointer to the data structure of the current block
pdata => pmeta%data
! update the boundaries of the current block
! update boundaries of the current block
select case(idir)
if (iside .eq. 1) then
call boundary_copy(pdata &
, pneigh%data%u(:,iel:ie,:,:), idir, iside)
if (iside == 1) then
call boundary_copy(pdata &
, pneigh%data%u(:,iel:ie,:,:), idir, iside)
call boundary_copy(pdata &
, pneigh%data%u(:,ib:ibu,:,:), idir, iside)
call boundary_copy(pdata &
, pneigh%data%u(:,ib:ibu,:,:), idir, iside)
end if
if (iside .eq. 1) then
call boundary_copy(pdata &
, pneigh%data%u(:,:,jel:je,:), idir, iside)
if (iside == 1) then
call boundary_copy(pdata &
, pneigh%data%u(:,:,jel:je,:), idir, iside)
call boundary_copy(pdata &
, pneigh%data%u(:,:,jb:jbu,:), idir, iside)
call boundary_copy(pdata &
, pneigh%data%u(:,:,jb:jbu,:), idir, iside)
end if
#if NDIMS == 3
if (iside .eq. 1) then
call boundary_copy(pdata &
, pneigh%data%u(:,:,:,kel:ke), idir, iside)
if (iside == 1) then
call boundary_copy(pdata &
, pneigh%data%u(:,:,:,kel:ke), idir, iside)
call boundary_copy(pdata &
, pneigh%data%u(:,:,:,kb:kbu), idir, iside)
call boundary_copy(pdata &
, pneigh%data%u(:,:,:,kb:kbu), idir, iside)
end if
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
#ifdef MPI
end if ! pmeta on the current cpu
end if ! pmeta on the current process
else ! block and neighbor on different processors
else ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
! increase the counter for number of blocks to exchange
@ -1308,23 +1317,21 @@ module boundaries
pinfo%face = iface
pinfo%level_difference = pmeta%level - pneigh%level
! nullify pointers
! nullify pointer fields
! if the list is not empty append the created block
! if the list is not empty append the newly created block
if (associated(block_array(pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu)%ptr)) then
pinfo%prev => block_array(pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu)%ptr
end if
if (associated(block_array(pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu)%ptr)) &
pinfo%prev => block_array(pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu)%ptr
! point the list to the last created block
! point the list to the newly created block
block_array(pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu)%ptr => pinfo
end if ! block and neighbor on different processors
end if ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
#endif /* MPI */
end if ! iface = 1
@ -1338,13 +1345,15 @@ module boundaries
end if ! leaf
! associate the pointer with the next meta block
! associate the pointer to the next meta block
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do ! meta blocks
#ifdef MPI
! iterate over sending and receiving processors
do irecv = 0, npmax
@ -1352,7 +1361,7 @@ module boundaries
! process only pairs which have boundaries to exchange
if (block_counter(irecv,isend) .gt. 0) then
if (block_counter(irecv,isend) > 0) then
! obtain the number of blocks to exchange
@ -1362,7 +1371,7 @@ module boundaries
itag = 10 * (irecv * nprocs + isend + 1) + 4
! allocate space for variables
! allocate data buffer for variables to exchange
select case(idir)
@ -1377,61 +1386,106 @@ module boundaries
! if isend == nproc we are sending data
if (isend .eq. nproc) then
if (isend == nproc) then
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! iterate over exchange blocks along the current direction and fill out
! the buffer with the block data
! the data buffer with the block variables
select case(idir)
l = 1
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => block_array(irecv,isend)%ptr
! scan over all blocks on the block exchange list
do while(associated(pinfo))
if (pinfo%side .eq. 1) then
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! fill the buffer with data from the current block (depending on the side)
if (pinfo%side == 1) then
rbuf(l,:,:,:,:) = pinfo%neigh%data%u(:,iel:ie,:,:)
rbuf(l,:,:,:,:) = pinfo%neigh%data%u(:,ib:ibu,:,:)
end if
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
l = l + 1
end do
end do ! %ptr block list
l = 1
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => block_array(irecv,isend)%ptr
! scan over all blocks on the block exchange list
do while(associated(pinfo))
if (pinfo%side .eq. 1) then
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! fill the buffer with data from the current block (depending on the side)
if (pinfo%side == 1) then
rbuf(l,:,:,:,:) = pinfo%neigh%data%u(:,:,jel:je,:)
rbuf(l,:,:,:,:) = pinfo%neigh%data%u(:,:,jb:jbu,:)
end if
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
l = l + 1
end do
end do ! %ptr block list
#if NDIMS == 3
l = 1
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => block_array(irecv,isend)%ptr
! scan over all blocks on the block exchange list
do while(associated(pinfo))
if (pinfo%side .eq. 1) then
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! fill the buffer with data from the current block (depending on the side)
if (pinfo%side == 1) then
rbuf(l,:,:,:,:) = pinfo%neigh%data%u(:,:,:,kel:ke)
rbuf(l,:,:,:,:) = pinfo%neigh%data%u(:,:,:,kb:kbu)
end if
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
l = l + 1
end do
end do ! %ptr block list
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
end select
! send the data buffer
! send the data buffer to another process
call send_real_array(size(rbuf), irecv, itag, rbuf(:,:,:,:,:), iret)
@ -1439,23 +1493,35 @@ module boundaries
! if irecv == nproc we are receiving data
if (irecv .eq. nproc) then
if (irecv == nproc) then
! receive data
! receive the data buffer
call receive_real_array(size(rbuf(:,:,:,:,:)), isend, itag, rbuf(:,:,:,:,:), iret)
call receive_real_array(size(rbuf(:,:,:,:,:)), isend, itag &
, rbuf(:,:,:,:,:), iret)
! iterate over all received blocks and update boundaries
! reset the block counter
l = 0
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
l = 1
pinfo => block_array(irecv,isend)%ptr
! iterate over all received blocks and update boundaries of the corresponding
! data blocks
do while(associated(pinfo))
! set indices
! increase the block counter
l = l + 1
! set the side index
iside = pinfo%side
! assign a pointer to the data structure of the current block
! assign a pointer to the associated data block
pdata => pinfo%block%data
@ -1463,31 +1529,46 @@ module boundaries
call boundary_copy(pdata, rbuf(l,:,:,:,:), idir, iside)
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => pinfo%prev
l = l + 1
end do
end do ! %ptr block list
end if ! irecv = nproc
! deallocate buffers
! deallocate data buffer
if (allocated(rbuf)) deallocate(rbuf)
! deallocate info blocks
! associate the pointer with the first block in the exchange list
pinfo => block_array(irecv,isend)%ptr
! scan over all blocks on the exchange block list
do while(associated(pinfo))
! associate the exchange list pointer
block_array(irecv,isend)%ptr => pinfo%prev
! nullify the pointer fields
! deallocate the object
! associate the pointer with the next block
pinfo => block_array(irecv,isend)%ptr
end do
end do ! %ptr block list
end if ! if block_count > 0