INTERPOLATIONS: Implement explicit 5th order WENO reconstruction.
Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -150,6 +150,9 @@ module interpolations
case ("limo3", "LIMO3", "LimO3")
name_rec = "3rd order logarithmic limited"
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_limo3
case ("weno5", "WENO5")
name_rec = "5th order WENO"
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_weno5
case ("crweno5", "CRWENO5")
name_rec = "5th order Compact WENO"
reconstruct_states => reconstruct_crweno5
@ -225,7 +228,7 @@ module interpolations
write (*,"(4x,a15,8x,'=',1x,a)") "reconstruction ", trim(name_rec)
select case(trim(sreconstruction))
case ("crweno5", "CRWENO5")
case ("weno5", "WENO5", "crweno5", "CRWENO5")
write (*,"(4x,a15,8x,'=',1x,a)") "stencil weights", trim(name_wei)
case default
end select
@ -680,6 +683,79 @@ module interpolations
! subroutine RECONSTRUCT_WENO5:
! ----------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the fifth order
! Explicit Reconstruction Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO5)
! method.
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Jiang, G.-S., Shu, C.-W.,
! "Efficient Implementation of Weighted ENO Schemes"
! Journal of Computational Physics,
! 1996, vol. 126, pp. 202-228,
subroutine reconstruct_weno5(n, h, f, fl, fr)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8) , intent(in) :: h
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: fl, fr
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(1:n) :: bl, bc, br
real(kind=8), dimension(1:n) :: wl, wc, wr
real(kind=8), dimension(1:n) :: u
! calculate smoothness indicators
call smoothness_indicators(n, f(1:n), bl(1:n), bc(1:n), br(1:n))
! calculate stencil weights
call stencil_weights(n, f(1:n), bl(1:n), bc(1:n), br(1:n) &
, wl(1:n), wc(1:n), wr(1:n))
! find the left state interpolation implicitelly
call weno5_explicit(n, f(1:n), wl(1:n), wc(1:n), wr(1:n), u(1:n))
! substitute the left state
fl(1:n) = u(1:n)
! find the right state interpolation implicitelly
call weno5_explicit(n, f(n:1:-1), wr(n:1:-1), wc(n:1:-1), wl(n:1:-1) &
, u(n:1:-1))
! substitute the right state
fr(1:n-1) = u (2:n)
fr( n ) = fl( n)
end subroutine reconstruct_weno5
! ------------------------------
@ -761,6 +837,103 @@ module interpolations
! subroutine WENO5_EXPLICIT:
! -------------------------
! Subroutine reconstructs the interface states using the fifth order
! Explicit Reconstruction Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO)
! method.
! Arguments are described in subroutine reconstruct().
! References:
! [1] Jiang, G.-S., Shu, C.-W.,
! "Efficient Implementation of Weighted ENO Schemes"
! Journal of Computational Physics,
! 1996, vol. 126, pp. 202-228,
subroutine weno5_explicit(n, f, wl, wc, wr, u)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! subroutine arguments
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(in) :: wl, wc, wr
real(kind=8), dimension(n), intent(out) :: u
! local variables
integer :: im2, im1, i , ip1, ip2
integer :: nm1, nm2
real(kind=8) :: xl, xc, xr, xx
real(kind=8) :: bl, bc, br, bt
! local constants
real(kind=8), parameter :: al = 1.0d-01, ac = 6.0d-01, ar = 3.0d-01
real(kind=8), parameter :: dh = 5.0d-01, ds = 1.0d+00 / 6.0d+00
! calculate indices
nm1 = n - 1
nm2 = n - 2
! prepare coefficients
do i = 3, nm2
! prepare indices
im2 = i - 2
im1 = i - 1
ip1 = i + 1
ip2 = i + 2
! normalize weigths
xc = ac * wc(i)
xl = al * wl(i)
xr = ar * wr(i)
xx = xc + (xl + xr)
bl = xl / xx
br = xr / xx
bc = 1.0d+00 - (bl + br)
! prepare right hand side of tridiagonal equation
u(i) = (bl * (2.0d+00 * f(im2) - 7.0d+00 * f(im1) + 1.1d+01 * f(i )) &
+ bc * ( - f(im1) + 5.0d+00 * f(i ) + 2.0d+00 * f(ip1)) &
+ br * (2.0d+00 * f(i ) + 5.0d+00 * f(ip1) - f(ip2))) * ds
end do
! at the left boundaries, we apply 5th order explicit WENO interpolation with
! different weights
u(1) = dh * (f(1) + f(2 ))
u(2) = f(2) + limiter(dh, f(2) - f(1), f(3) - f(2))
! at the right boundaries, we do the similar thing
u(nm1) = f(nm1) + limiter(dh, f(nm1) - f(nm2), f(n) - f(nm1))
u(n ) = f(n ) + dh * (f(n) - f(nm1))
end subroutine weno5_explicit
! subroutine CRWENO5_IMPLICIT:
! ---------------------------
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