Merge branch 'master' into reconnection

This commit is contained in:
Grzegorz Kowal 2019-03-04 22:52:54 -03:00
commit 9503fef125
2 changed files with 104 additions and 50 deletions

View File

@ -111,7 +111,8 @@ module integrals
! local variables
character(len=32) :: fname
character(len=32) :: fname, append
logical :: flag
@ -142,19 +143,40 @@ module integrals
if (master) then
! generate the integrals file name
! depending on the append parameter, choose the right file initialization for
! the integrals file
write(fname, "('integrals_',i2.2,'.dat')") irun
append = "off"
call get_parameter("integrals_append", append)
select case(trim(append))
case ("on", "ON", "t", "T", "y", "Y", "true", "TRUE", "yes", "YES")
write(fname, "('integrals.dat')")
inquire(file = fname, exist = flag)
case default
write(fname, "('integrals_',i2.2,'.dat')") irun
flag = .false.
end select
! create a new integrals file
! check if the file exists; if not, create a new one, otherwise move to the end
if (flag .and. irun > 1) then
#ifdef INTEL
open (newunit = funit, file = fname, form = 'formatted' &
, status = 'replace', buffered = 'yes')
open(newunit = funit, file = fname, form = 'formatted', status = 'old' &
, position = 'append', buffered = 'yes')
#else /* INTEL */
open (newunit = funit, file = fname, form = 'formatted' &
, status = 'replace')
open(newunit = funit, file = fname, form = 'formatted', status = 'old' &
, position = 'append')
#endif /* INTEL */
#ifdef INTEL
open(newunit = funit, file = fname, form = 'formatted' &
, status = 'replace', buffered = 'yes')
#else /* INTEL */
open(newunit = funit, file = fname, form = 'formatted' &
, status = 'replace')
#endif /* INTEL */
end if
! write the integral file header
@ -163,19 +185,40 @@ module integrals
, 'ener', 'ekin', 'emag', 'eint'
! generate the statistics file name
! depending on the append parameter, choose the right file initialization for
! the statistics file
write(fname, "('statistics_',i2.2,'.dat')") irun
append = "off"
call get_parameter("statistics_append", append)
select case(trim(append))
case ("on", "ON", "t", "T", "y", "Y", "true", "TRUE", "yes", "YES")
write(fname, "('statistics.dat')")
inquire(file = fname, exist = flag)
case default
write(fname, "('statistics_',i2.2,'.dat')") irun
flag = .false.
end select
! create a new statistics file
! check if the file exists; if not, create a new one, otherwise move to the end
if (flag .and. irun > 1) then
#ifdef INTEL
open (newunit = sunit, file = fname, form = 'formatted' &
, status = 'replace', buffered = 'yes')
open(newunit = sunit, file = fname, form = 'formatted', status = 'old' &
, position = 'append', buffered = 'yes')
#else /* INTEL */
open (newunit = sunit, file = fname, form = 'formatted' &
, status = 'replace')
open(newunit = sunit, file = fname, form = 'formatted', status = 'old' &
, position = 'append')
#endif /* INTEL */
#ifdef INTEL
open(newunit = sunit, file = fname, form = 'formatted' &
, status = 'replace', buffered = 'yes')
#else /* INTEL */
open(newunit = sunit, file = fname, form = 'formatted' &
, status = 'replace')
#endif /* INTEL */
end if
! write the integral file header

View File

@ -477,6 +477,7 @@ module mesh
! local variables
logical :: refine
integer(kind=4) :: level, lev, idir, iside, iface
integer(kind=4) :: np, nl
integer(kind=4), dimension(0:npmax) :: lb
@ -526,23 +527,18 @@ module mesh
call print_section(master, "Generating the initial mesh")
if (master) write(*,"(4x,a16,11x,'=')",advance="no") "generating level"
! reset the currently processed level
! iterate over all levels up to the maximum one
level = 1
! iterate over all level up to the maximum one
do while (level < maxlev)
! print the currently processed level
if (master) write(*, "(1x,i0)", advance = "no") level
refine = .true.
level = 1
do while (level < maxlev .and. refine)
! iterate over all meta blocks at the current level, and initialize the problem
! for them using temporary data block
refine = .false.
pmeta => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta))
@ -563,69 +559,84 @@ module mesh
if (get_mblocks() == 1 .and. level == 1) pmeta%refine = 1
call unlink_blocks(pmeta, pdata)
! set the refine flag, if there is any block selected for refinement or
! derefinement
if (pmeta%refine /= 0) refine = .true.
end if ! pmeta%level == level
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do ! pmeta
! refine or derefine only if it is needed
if (refine) then
! print the currently processed level
if (master) write(*, "(1x,i0)", advance = "no") level
! walk through all levels down from the current level and check if neighbors
! of the refined blocks need to be refined as well; there is no need for
! checking the blocks at the lowest level;
do lev = level, 2, -1
do lev = level, 2, -1
! iterate over all meta blocks at the level lev and if the current block is
! selected for the refinement and its neighbors are at lower levels select them
! for refinement too;
pmeta => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta))
pmeta => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta))
if (pmeta%leaf .and. pmeta%level == lev .and. pmeta%refine == 1) &
call set_neighbors_refine(pmeta)
if (pmeta%leaf .and. pmeta%level == lev .and. pmeta%refine == 1) &
call set_neighbors_refine(pmeta)
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do ! pmeta
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do ! pmeta
end do ! lev = level, 2, -1
end do ! lev = level, 2, -1
! walk through the levels starting from the lowest to the current level
do lev = 1, level
do lev = 1, level
pmeta => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta))
pmeta => list_meta
do while (associated(pmeta))
! check if the current block is at the level lev and refine if if
! it is selected for refinement (refine without creating new data blocks)
if (pmeta%level == lev .and. pmeta%refine == 1) then
if (pmeta%level == lev .and. pmeta%refine == 1) then
call refine_block(pmeta, .false., status)
call refine_block(pmeta, .false., status)
! quit if the block couldn't be refined
if (status /= 0) then
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Cannot refine meta block!"
call deallocate_datablock(pdata, status)
status = 1
go to 100
if (status /= 0) then
write(error_unit,"('[',a,']: ',a)") trim(loc) &
, "Cannot refine meta block!"
call deallocate_datablock(pdata, status)
status = 1
go to 100
end if
end if
end if
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do ! pmeta
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do ! pmeta
end do ! lev = 1, level
end do ! lev = 1, level
! increase the level number
level = level + 1
level = level + 1
end if ! refine
end do ! level = 1, maxlev