Merge branch 'master' into binaries

This commit is contained in:
Grzegorz Kowal 2018-02-20 15:30:40 -03:00
commit 943d292ae2
6 changed files with 66 additions and 246 deletions

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@ -108,8 +108,9 @@ module boundaries
! import external procedures and variables
use coordinates , only : periodic
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : pdims, pcoords, periodic, npmax
use mpitools , only : npmax
#endif /* MPI */
use parameters , only : get_parameter_string
@ -130,6 +131,10 @@ module boundaries
character(len = 32) :: yubndry = "periodic"
character(len = 32) :: zlbndry = "periodic"
character(len = 32) :: zubndry = "periodic"
! local variables
integer :: n
@ -257,6 +262,13 @@ module boundaries
bnd_type(3,2) = bnd_periodic
end select
! set domain periodicity
do n = 1, NDIMS
periodic(n) = (bnd_type(n,1) == bnd_periodic) .and. &
(bnd_type(n,2) == bnd_periodic)
end do
#ifdef MPI
! allocate the exchange arrays
@ -1083,11 +1095,11 @@ module boundaries
use blocks , only : ndims, nsides
use coordinates , only : im, jm, km
use coordinates , only : ax, ay, az
use coordinates , only : periodic
use equations , only : nv
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : nproc
#endif /* MPI */
use mpitools , only : periodic
! local variables are not implicit by default

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@ -94,6 +94,10 @@ module coordinates
real(kind=8), save :: yarea = 1.0d+00
real(kind=8), save :: zarea = 1.0d+00
! flags to indicate periodicity of boundaries
logical, dimension(3), save :: periodic = .true.
! the block coordinates for all levels of refinement
real(kind=8), dimension(:,:), allocatable, save :: ax , ay , az

View File

@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ module domains
use blocks , only : metablock_set_configuration
use blocks , only : metablock_set_coordinates, metablock_set_bounds
use blocks , only : nsides
use boundaries , only : bnd_type, bnd_periodic
use coordinates , only : xmin, ymin, zmin, xlen, ylen, zlen
use coordinates , only : ir, jr, kr
use coordinates , only : periodic
! local variables are not implicit by default
@ -344,16 +344,16 @@ module domains
! check periodicity and reset the edge indices if box is not periodic
if (bnd_type(1,1) /= bnd_periodic .or. bnd_type(1,2) /= bnd_periodic) then
if (.not. periodic(1)) then
im( 1) = 0
ip(ir) = 0
end if
if (bnd_type(2,1) /= bnd_periodic .or. bnd_type(2,2) /= bnd_periodic) then
if (.not. periodic(2)) then
jm( 1) = 0
jp(jr) = 0
end if
#if NDIMS == 3
if (bnd_type(3,1) /= bnd_periodic .or. bnd_type(3,2) /= bnd_periodic) then
if (.not. periodic(3)) then
km( 1) = 0
kp(kr) = 0
end if

View File

@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ program amun
use mesh , only : initialize_mesh, finalize_mesh
use mesh , only : generate_mesh, store_mesh_stats
use mpitools , only : initialize_mpitools, finalize_mpitools
use mpitools , only : setup_mpi
#ifdef MPI
use mpitools , only : bcast_integer_variable
use mpitools , only : reduce_maximum_integer, reduce_sum_real_array
@ -85,8 +84,6 @@ program amun
! default parameters
integer, dimension(3) :: div = 1
logical, dimension(3) :: per = .true.
integer :: nmax = huge(1), ndat = 1
real(kind=8) :: tmax = 0.0d+00, trun = 9.999d+03, tsav = 3.0d+01
real(kind=8) :: dtnext = 0.0d+00
@ -96,10 +93,6 @@ program amun
logical , save :: precise_snapshots = .false.
character(len=255) :: prec_snap = "off"
! temporary variables
character(len=64) :: lbnd, ubnd
! the termination and status flags
integer :: iterm, iret
@ -244,26 +237,6 @@ program amun
iterm = 0
! check if the domain is periodic
lbnd = "periodic"
ubnd = "periodic"
call get_parameter_string("xlbndry" , lbnd)
call get_parameter_string("xubndry" , ubnd)
per(1) = (lbnd == "periodic") .and. (ubnd == "periodic")
lbnd = "periodic"
ubnd = "periodic"
call get_parameter_string("ylbndry" , lbnd)
call get_parameter_string("yubndry" , ubnd)
per(2) = (lbnd == "periodic") .and. (ubnd == "periodic")
#if NDIMS == 3
lbnd = "periodic"
ubnd = "periodic"
call get_parameter_string("zlbndry" , lbnd)
call get_parameter_string("zubndry" , ubnd)
per(3) = (lbnd == "periodic") .and. (ubnd == "periodic")
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
! get the execution termination parameters
call get_parameter_integer("nmax" , nmax)
@ -304,10 +277,6 @@ program amun
write (*,"(4x,a,1x,i6 )" ) "MPI processes =", nprocs
end if
! set up the MPI geometry
call setup_mpi(div(:), per(:), .false.)
! initialize the random number generator (passes the number of OpenMP threads
! and the current thread number)

View File

@ -1273,12 +1273,13 @@ module io
use coordinates , only : minlev, maxlev, toplev
use coordinates , only : nc, ng, in, jn, kn, ir, jr, kr
use coordinates , only : xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax
use coordinates , only : periodic
use equations , only : eqsys, eos, gamma, csnd
use error , only : print_error
use evolution , only : step, time, dt, dtn
use hdf5 , only : hid_t
use hdf5 , only : h5gcreate_f, h5gclose_f
use mpitools , only : nprocs, nproc, periodic
use mpitools , only : nprocs, nproc
use random , only : nseeds, get_seeds
! local variables are not implicit by default

View File

@ -48,11 +48,8 @@ module mpitools
! MPI global variables
integer(kind=4), save :: comm3d
integer(kind=4), save :: comm
integer(kind=4), save :: nproc, nprocs, npmax, npairs
integer(kind=4), save, dimension(3) :: pdims, pcoords, pparity
integer(kind=4), save, dimension(3,2) :: pneighs
logical , save, dimension(3) :: periodic
logical , save :: master = .true.
! allocatable array for processor pairs
@ -128,11 +125,6 @@ module mpitools
nproc = 0
nprocs = 1
npmax = 0
pdims(:) = 1
pcoords(:) = 0
pparity(:) = 0
pneighs(:,:) = -1
periodic(:) = .false.
#ifdef MPI
! initialize the MPI interface
@ -141,7 +133,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the MPI interface was initialized successfully
if (iret .ne. mpi_success) then
if (iret /= mpi_success) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI interface could not be initializes! Exiting...'
@ -153,7 +145,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the total number of processes could be obtained
if (iret .ne. mpi_success) then
if (iret /= mpi_success) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI process ID could not be obtained! Exiting...'
@ -165,7 +157,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the process ID was return successfully
if (iret .ne. mpi_success) then
if (iret /= mpi_success) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI process ID could not be obtained! Exiting...'
@ -173,7 +165,7 @@ module mpitools
! set the master flag
master = (nproc .eq. 0)
master = nproc == 0
! calculate the index of the last processor
@ -245,9 +237,9 @@ module mpitools
! store the MPI pool handles
! store the MPI communicator
comm3d = mpi_comm_world
comm = mpi_comm_world
! stop time accounting for the MPI initialization
@ -299,7 +291,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the MPI interface was finalizes successfully
if (iret .ne. mpi_success) then
if (iret /= mpi_success) then
if (master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI interface could not be finalized! Exiting...'
@ -319,164 +311,6 @@ module mpitools
end subroutine finalize_mpitools
! subroutine SETUP_MPI:
! --------------------
! Subroutine sets the MPI geometry.
subroutine setup_mpi(div, per, set)
! include external procedures and variables
#ifdef MPI
use mpi, only : mpi_comm_world, mpi_success
#endif /* MPI */
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input arguments
integer, dimension(3), intent(in) :: div
logical, dimension(3), intent(in) :: per
logical , intent(in) :: set
! local variables
integer :: iret
#ifdef MPI
! start time accounting for the MPI initialization
call start_timer(imi)
#endif /* MPI */
! set the periodic flag
periodic(:) = per(:)
#ifdef MPI
! if set = .true. set the MPI domain
if (set) then
! check if the total number of chunks in division corresponds to the number of
! processes, if not try to find the best division
if (nprocs .ne. product(div(:))) then
if (master) then
write(*,*) 'The number of MPI processes does not correspond to' &
// ' the number of domain chunks!'
write(*,*) 'Looking for the best division...'
end if
! try to find the best division
pdims(:) = 1
iret = 0
do while(product(pdims(:)) .lt. nprocs)
#if NDIMS == 3
iret = mod(iret, 3) + 1
#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
iret = mod(iret, 2) + 1
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
pdims(iret) = 2 * pdims(iret)
end do
! check if the best division found
if (product(pdims(:)) .ne. nprocs) then
if (master) then
write(*,*) 'Improssible to find the best domain division! Exiting...'
end if
call finalize_mpitools()
end if
if (master) then
write(*,*) 'Found the best division:', pdims(:)
end if
! substitute div(:) to pdims(:)
pdims(:) = div(:)
end if
! set up the Cartesian geometry
call mpi_cart_create(mpi_comm_world, 3, pdims(:), periodic(:) &
, .true., comm3d, iret)
if (iret .ne. mpi_success) then
if (master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not create the Cartesian geometry! Exiting...'
end if
end if
! assign process coordinate
call mpi_cart_coords(comm3d, nproc, 3, pcoords(:), iret)
if (iret .ne. mpi_success) then
if (master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not assign process coordinates! Exiting...'
end if
end if
! set the neighbors
if (pdims(1) .gt. 1) then
call mpi_cart_shift(comm3d, 0, 1, pneighs(1,1), pneighs(1,2), iret)
end if
if (pdims(2) .gt. 1) then
call mpi_cart_shift(comm3d, 1, 1, pneighs(2,1), pneighs(2,2), iret)
end if
if (pdims(3) .gt. 1) then
call mpi_cart_shift(comm3d, 2, 1, pneighs(3,1), pneighs(3,2), iret)
end if
! set parity flag
pparity(1) = mod(pcoords(1), 2)
pparity(2) = mod(pcoords(2), 2)
pparity(3) = mod(pcoords(3), 2)
end if
! stop time accounting for the MPI initialization
call stop_timer(imi)
#endif /* MPI */
end subroutine setup_mpi
#ifdef MPI
@ -516,7 +350,7 @@ module mpitools
call start_timer(imb)
#endif /* PROFILE */
call mpi_bcast(ibuf, 1, mpi_integer, 0, comm3d, iret)
call mpi_bcast(ibuf, 1, mpi_integer, 0, comm, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI broadcast
@ -524,7 +358,7 @@ module mpitools
call stop_timer(imb)
#endif /* PROFILE */
if (iret .ne. mpi_success .and. master) then
if (iret /= mpi_success .and. master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not broadcast an integer variable!'
end if
@ -574,7 +408,7 @@ module mpitools
call start_timer(imb)
#endif /* PROFILE */
call mpi_bcast(rbuf, 1, mpi_real8, 0, comm3d, iret)
call mpi_bcast(rbuf, 1, mpi_real8, 0, comm, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI broadcast
@ -582,7 +416,7 @@ module mpitools
call stop_timer(imb)
#endif /* PROFILE */
if (iret .ne. mpi_success .and. master) then
if (iret /= mpi_success .and. master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not broadcast an integer variable!'
end if
@ -632,7 +466,7 @@ module mpitools
call start_timer(imb)
#endif /* PROFILE */
call mpi_bcast(sbuf, len(sbuf), mpi_character, 0, comm3d, iret)
call mpi_bcast(sbuf, len(sbuf), mpi_character, 0, comm, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI broadcast
@ -640,7 +474,7 @@ module mpitools
call stop_timer(imb)
#endif /* PROFILE */
if (iret .ne. mpi_success .and. master) then
if (iret /= mpi_success .and. master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not broadcast a string variable!'
end if
@ -694,7 +528,7 @@ module mpitools
call start_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
call mpi_allreduce(ibuf, tbuf, 1, mpi_integer, mpi_min, comm3d, iret)
call mpi_allreduce(ibuf, tbuf, 1, mpi_integer, mpi_min, comm, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI reduce
@ -708,7 +542,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the operation was successful
if (iret .ne. mpi_success .and. master) then
if (iret /= mpi_success .and. master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not find the minimum value!'
end if
@ -761,7 +595,7 @@ module mpitools
call start_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
call mpi_allreduce(rbuf, tbuf, 1, mpi_real8, mpi_min, comm3d, iret)
call mpi_allreduce(rbuf, tbuf, 1, mpi_real8, mpi_min, comm, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI reduce
@ -775,7 +609,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the operation was successful
if (iret .ne. mpi_success .and. master) then
if (iret /= mpi_success .and. master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not find the minimum value!'
end if
@ -829,7 +663,7 @@ module mpitools
call start_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
call mpi_allreduce(ibuf, tbuf, 1, mpi_integer, mpi_max, comm3d, iret)
call mpi_allreduce(ibuf, tbuf, 1, mpi_integer, mpi_max, comm, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI reduce
@ -843,7 +677,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the operation was successful
if (iret .ne. mpi_success .and. master) then
if (iret /= mpi_success .and. master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not find the maximum value!'
end if
@ -896,7 +730,7 @@ module mpitools
call start_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
call mpi_allreduce(rbuf, tbuf, 1, mpi_real8, mpi_max, comm3d, iret)
call mpi_allreduce(rbuf, tbuf, 1, mpi_real8, mpi_max, comm, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI reduce
@ -910,7 +744,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the operation was successful
if (iret .ne. mpi_success .and. master) then
if (iret /= mpi_success .and. master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not find the maximum value!'
end if
@ -963,7 +797,7 @@ module mpitools
call start_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
call mpi_allreduce(ibuf, tbuf, 1, mpi_integer, mpi_sum, comm3d, iret)
call mpi_allreduce(ibuf, tbuf, 1, mpi_integer, mpi_sum, comm, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI reduce
@ -977,7 +811,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the operation was successful
if (iret .ne. mpi_success .and. master) then
if (iret /= mpi_success .and. master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not find the maximum value!'
end if
@ -1030,7 +864,7 @@ module mpitools
call start_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
call mpi_allreduce(rbuf, tbuf, 1, mpi_real8, mpi_sum, comm3d, iret)
call mpi_allreduce(rbuf, tbuf, 1, mpi_real8, mpi_sum, comm, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI reduce
@ -1044,7 +878,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the operation was successful
if (iret .ne. mpi_success .and. master) then
if (iret /= mpi_success .and. master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not sum the values from all processes!'
end if
@ -1099,7 +933,7 @@ module mpitools
call start_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
call mpi_allreduce(rbuf, tbuf, n, mpi_real8, mpi_min, comm3d, iret)
call mpi_allreduce(rbuf, tbuf, n, mpi_real8, mpi_min, comm, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI reduce
@ -1113,7 +947,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the operation was successful
if (iret .ne. mpi_success .and. master) then
if (iret /= mpi_success .and. master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not find the minima for all array elements!'
end if
@ -1168,7 +1002,7 @@ module mpitools
call start_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
call mpi_allreduce(rbuf, tbuf, n, mpi_real8, mpi_max, comm3d, iret)
call mpi_allreduce(rbuf, tbuf, n, mpi_real8, mpi_max, comm, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI reduce
@ -1182,7 +1016,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the operation was successful
if (iret .ne. mpi_success .and. master) then
if (iret /= mpi_success .and. master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not find the maxima for all array elements!'
end if
@ -1237,7 +1071,7 @@ module mpitools
call start_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
call mpi_allreduce(ibuf, tbuf, n, mpi_integer, mpi_sum, comm3d, iret)
call mpi_allreduce(ibuf, tbuf, n, mpi_integer, mpi_sum, comm, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI reduce
@ -1251,7 +1085,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the operation was successful
if (iret .ne. mpi_success .and. master) then
if (iret /= mpi_success .and. master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not find the maxima for all array elements!'
end if
@ -1306,7 +1140,7 @@ module mpitools
call start_timer(imm)
#endif /* PROFILE */
call mpi_allreduce(rbuf, tbuf, n, mpi_real8, mpi_sum, comm3d, iret)
call mpi_allreduce(rbuf, tbuf, n, mpi_real8, mpi_sum, comm, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI reduce
@ -1320,7 +1154,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the operation was successful
if (iret .ne. mpi_success .and. master) then
if (iret /= mpi_success .and. master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not find the maxima for all array elements!'
end if
@ -1376,9 +1210,9 @@ module mpitools
#endif /* PROFILE */
tbuf(:) = real(cbuf(:))
call mpi_allreduce(tbuf, rbuf, n, mpi_real8, mpi_sum, comm3d, iret)
call mpi_allreduce(tbuf, rbuf, n, mpi_real8, mpi_sum, comm, iret)
tbuf(:) = aimag(cbuf(:))
call mpi_allreduce(tbuf, ibuf, n, mpi_real8, mpi_sum, comm3d, iret)
call mpi_allreduce(tbuf, ibuf, n, mpi_real8, mpi_sum, comm, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI reduce
@ -1392,7 +1226,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the operation was successful
if (iret .ne. mpi_success .and. master) then
if (iret /= mpi_success .and. master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not find the maxima for all array elements!'
end if
@ -1450,7 +1284,7 @@ module mpitools
call start_timer(ims)
#endif /* PROFILE */
call mpi_send(rbuf, n, mpi_real8, dst, tag, comm3d, iret)
call mpi_send(rbuf, n, mpi_real8, dst, tag, comm, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI send
@ -1460,7 +1294,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the operation was successful
if (iret .ne. mpi_success .and. master) then
if (iret /= mpi_success .and. master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not send the real array to another process!'
end if
@ -1522,7 +1356,7 @@ module mpitools
call start_timer(imr)
#endif /* PROFILE */
call mpi_recv(rbuf, n, mpi_real8, src, tag, comm3d, status, iret)
call mpi_recv(rbuf, n, mpi_real8, src, tag, comm, status, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI receive
@ -1532,7 +1366,7 @@ module mpitools
! check if the operation was successful
if (iret .ne. mpi_success .and. master) then
if (iret /= mpi_success .and. master) then
write(*,*) 'The MPI could not send the real array to another process!'
end if
@ -1607,7 +1441,7 @@ module mpitools
call mpi_sendrecv(sbuffer(:), ssize, mpi_real8, sproc, stag &
, rbuffer(:), rsize, mpi_real8, rproc, rtag &
, comm3d, status, iret)
, comm, status, iret)
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop time accounting for the MPI buffer exchange