From 939f3106cb3f11cd65eecde3a5e85fee369cf872 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Grzegorz Kowal <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 03:44:28 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] BLOCKS: Rewrite 2D neighbor pointers update in

This update of 2D neighbor pointers for derefined block iterates over
corners instead of updating each neighbor pointer explicitely. It
updates both, edge and corner neighbor pointers at once.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
 src/blocks.F90 | 181 ++++++++++++++-----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/blocks.F90 b/src/blocks.F90
index 0730439..a8aa69c 100644
--- a/src/blocks.F90
+++ b/src/blocks.F90
@@ -2117,7 +2117,10 @@ module blocks
 ! local variables
-    integer       :: i, j, k, l, p
+    integer       :: l , p , q
+    integer       :: i , j , k
+    integer       :: ip, jp, kp
+    integer       :: ir, jr, kr
 ! local saved variables
@@ -2161,144 +2164,62 @@ module blocks
     end if
-! update edge neighbor pointers of the parent
+! update neighbor pointers of the parent block
 #if NDIMS == 2
-! child (1,1)
-    pchild => pmeta%child(1)%ptr
-! X
-    if (associated(pchild%edges(1,1,1)%ptr)) then
-      pneigh => pchild%edges(1,1,1)%ptr
-      if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(3)%ptr%id) then
-        pmeta%edges(1,1,1)%ptr => pmeta
-      else
-        pmeta%edges(1,1,1)%ptr => pchild%edges(1,1,1)%ptr
-      end if
-    end if
-! Y
-    if (associated(pchild%edges(1,1,2)%ptr)) then
-      pneigh => pchild%edges(1,1,2)%ptr
-      if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(2)%ptr%id) then
-        pmeta%edges(1,1,2)%ptr => pmeta
-      else
-        pmeta%edges(1,1,2)%ptr => pchild%edges(1,1,2)%ptr
-      end if
-    end if
+    do jp = 1, nsides
+      jr = 3 - jp
+      do ip = 1, nsides
+        ir = 3 - ip
-! child (2,1)
-    pchild => pmeta%child(2)%ptr
-! X
-    if (associated(pchild%edges(2,1,1)%ptr)) then
-      pneigh => pchild%edges(2,1,1)%ptr
-      if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(4)%ptr%id) then
-        pmeta%edges(2,1,1)%ptr => pmeta
-      else
-        pmeta%edges(2,1,1)%ptr => pchild%edges(2,1,1)%ptr
-      end if
-    end if
-! Y
-    if (associated(pchild%edges(2,1,2)%ptr)) then
-      pneigh => pchild%edges(2,1,2)%ptr
-      if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(1)%ptr%id) then
-        pmeta%edges(2,1,2)%ptr => pmeta
-      else
-        pmeta%edges(2,1,2)%ptr => pchild%edges(2,1,2)%ptr
-      end if
-    end if
-! child (1,2)
-    pchild => pmeta%child(3)%ptr
-! X
-    if (associated(pchild%edges(1,2,1)%ptr)) then
-      pneigh => pchild%edges(1,2,1)%ptr
-      if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(1)%ptr%id) then
-        pmeta%edges(1,2,1)%ptr => pmeta
-      else
-        pmeta%edges(1,2,1)%ptr => pchild%edges(1,2,1)%ptr
-      end if
-    end if
-! Y
-    if (associated(pchild%edges(1,2,2)%ptr)) then
-      pneigh => pchild%edges(1,2,2)%ptr
-      if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(4)%ptr%id) then
-        pmeta%edges(1,2,2)%ptr => pmeta
-      else
-        pmeta%edges(1,2,2)%ptr => pchild%edges(1,2,2)%ptr
-      end if
-    end if
-! child (2,2)
-    pchild => pmeta%child(4)%ptr
-! X
-    if (associated(pchild%edges(2,2,1)%ptr)) then
-      pneigh => pchild%edges(2,2,1)%ptr
-      if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(2)%ptr%id) then
-        pmeta%edges(2,2,1)%ptr => pmeta
-      else
-        pmeta%edges(2,2,1)%ptr => pchild%edges(2,2,1)%ptr
-      end if
-    end if
-! Y
-    if (associated(pchild%edges(2,2,2)%ptr)) then
-      pneigh => pchild%edges(2,2,2)%ptr
-      if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(3)%ptr%id) then
-        pmeta%edges(2,2,2)%ptr => pmeta
-      else
-        pmeta%edges(2,2,2)%ptr => pchild%edges(2,2,2)%ptr
-      end if
-    end if
-#endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
-! update corner neighbor pointers of the parent
+! calculate the child index
-#if NDIMS == 2
-! corner (1,1)
-    pchild => pmeta%child(1)%ptr
+        p  = 2 * (jp - 1) + ip
-    if (associated(pchild%corners(1,1)%ptr)) then
-      pneigh => pchild%corners(1,1)%ptr
-      if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(4)%ptr%id) then
-        pmeta%corners(1,1)%ptr => pmeta
-      else
-        pmeta%corners(1,1)%ptr => pchild%corners(1,1)%ptr
-      end if
-    end if
+! associate pchild with the proper child
+        pchild => pmeta%child(p)%ptr
-! corner (2,1)
-    pchild => pmeta%child(2)%ptr
+!--- update edge neighbor pointers ---
+! along X-direction
+        pneigh => pchild%edges(ip,jp,1)%ptr
+        if (associated(pneigh)) then
+          q  = 2 * (jr - 1) + ip
+          if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(q)%ptr%id) then
+            pmeta%edges(ip,jp,1)%ptr => pmeta
+          else
+            pmeta%edges(ip,jp,1)%ptr => pneigh
+          end if
+        end if ! pneigh associated
-    if (associated(pchild%corners(2,1)%ptr)) then
-      pneigh => pchild%corners(2,1)%ptr
-      if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(3)%ptr%id) then
-        pmeta%corners(2,1)%ptr => pmeta
-      else
-        pmeta%corners(2,1)%ptr => pchild%corners(2,1)%ptr
-      end if
-    end if
+! along Y-direction
+        pneigh => pchild%edges(ip,jp,2)%ptr
+        if (associated(pneigh)) then
+          q  = 2 * (jp - 1) + ir
+          if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(q)%ptr%id) then
+            pmeta%edges(ip,jp,2)%ptr => pmeta
+          else
+            pmeta%edges(ip,jp,2)%ptr => pneigh
+          end if
+        end if ! pneigh associated
-! corner (1,2)
-    pchild => pmeta%child(3)%ptr
+!--- update corner neighbor pointers ---
+        pneigh => pchild%corners(ip,jp)%ptr
+        if (associated(pneigh)) then
+          q  = 2 * (jr - 1) + ir
+          if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(q)%ptr%id) then
+            pmeta%corners(ip,jp)%ptr => pmeta
+          else
+            pmeta%corners(ip,jp)%ptr => pneigh
+          end if
+        end if ! pneigh associated
-    if (associated(pchild%corners(1,2)%ptr)) then
-      pneigh => pchild%corners(1,2)%ptr
-      if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(2)%ptr%id) then
-        pmeta%corners(1,2)%ptr => pmeta
-      else
-        pmeta%corners(1,2)%ptr => pchild%corners(1,2)%ptr
-      end if
-    end if
-! corner (2,2)
-    pchild => pmeta%child(4)%ptr
-    if (associated(pchild%corners(2,2)%ptr)) then
-      pneigh => pchild%corners(2,2)%ptr
-      if (pneigh%id == pmeta%child(1)%ptr%id) then
-        pmeta%corners(2,2)%ptr => pmeta
-      else
-        pmeta%corners(2,2)%ptr => pchild%corners(2,2)%ptr
-      end if
-    end if
+      end do ! ip = 1, nsides
+    end do ! jp = 1, nsides
 #endif /* NDIMS == 2 */
 ! update neighbor's edge pointers