Make the boundary prolongation work correctly.
- now a more efficient boundary prolongation works correctly both for the uni- and multiprocessor runs; - the only difference now, however, since we are using a constant interpolation for the prolongation, is that the criterion for the refinement does not oscilate so much, but keeps the block at higher level until the fields are completely smooth; thus, the possibility of using linear interpolation should be reinvestigated; - the implemented method removes the necessity of repeating the prolongated boundary update twice;
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ module boundaries
use blocks , only : ndims, nsides, nfaces
use blocks , only : ndims, nsides, nfaces
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, block_info, pointer_info &
use blocks , only : block_meta, block_data, block_info, pointer_info &
, list_meta
, list_meta
use config , only : periodic, ng, nd
use config , only : periodic, ng, nd, nh
use config , only : im, jm, km
use config , only : ib, ibu, iel, ie, jb, jbu, jel, je, kb, kbu, kel, ke
use config , only : ib, ibu, iel, ie, jb, jbu, jel, je, kb, kbu, kel, ke
use timer , only : start_timer, stop_timer
use timer , only : start_timer, stop_timer
#ifdef MPI
#ifdef MPI
use config , only : im, jm, km
use mpitools , only : ncpu, ncpus, is_master, msendf, mrecvf
use mpitools , only : ncpu, ncpus, is_master, msendf, mrecvf
use variables, only : nqt
use variables, only : nqt
#endif /* MPI */
#endif /* MPI */
@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ module boundaries
! local variables
! local variables
integer :: idir, iside, iface, nside, nface
integer :: idir, iside, iface, nside, nface
integer :: il, jl, kl, iu, ju, ku
#ifdef MPI
#ifdef MPI
integer :: isend, irecv, nblocks, itag, l
integer :: isend, irecv, nblocks, itag, l
integer :: il, jl, kl, iu, ju, ku
! local arrays
! local arrays
@ -394,6 +394,125 @@ module boundaries
end if ! block at lower level than neighbor
end if ! block at lower level than neighbor
! if the neighbor is at lower level
if (pmeta%level .gt. pneigh%level) then
! perform update only for the first face, since all faces point the same block
if (iface .eq. 1) then
#ifdef MPI
! check if the current meta block and its neighbor lay on the same processor
if (pmeta%cpu .eq. pneigh%cpu) then
! check if the current meta block lays on the current processors
if (pmeta%cpu .eq. ncpu) then
#endif /* MPI */
! find the face of the current block which the neighbor belongs to
nside = 3 - iside
nface = 1
do while(pmeta%id .ne. &
nface = nface + 1
end do
! prepare indices of the neighbor array
il = 1
iu = im
jl = 1
ju = jm
kl = 1
ku = km
select case(idir)
if (iside .eq. 1) then
il = ie - nh + 1
iu = ie
il = ib
iu = ib + nh - 1
end if
if (iside .eq. 1) then
jl = je - nh + 1
ju = je
jl = jb
ju = jb + nh - 1
end if
if (iside .eq. 1) then
kl = ke - nh + 1
ku = ke
kl = kb
ku = kb + nh - 1
end if
end select
! assign a pointer to the data structure of the current block
pdata => pmeta%data
! update the boundaries of the current block
call boundary_prolong(pdata &
, pneigh%data%u(:,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) &
, idir, iside, nface)
#ifdef MPI
end if ! pmeta on the current cpu
else ! block and neighbor on different processors
! increase the counter for number of blocks to exchange
block_counter(3,pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu) = &
block_counter(3,pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu) + 1
! allocate a new info object
! fill out its fields
pinfo%block => pmeta
pinfo%neigh => pneigh
pinfo%direction = idir
pinfo%side = iside
pinfo%face = iface
pinfo%level_difference = pmeta%level - pneigh%level
! nullify pointers
! if the list is not empty append the created block
if (associated(block_array(3,pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu)%ptr)) then
pinfo%prev => block_array(3,pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu)%ptr
end if
! point the list to the last created block
block_array(3,pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu)%ptr => pinfo
end if ! block and neighbor on different processors
#endif /* MPI */
end if ! iface = 1
end if ! neighbor at lower level
end if ! if neighbor is associated
end if ! if neighbor is associated
end do ! faces
end do ! faces
end do ! sides
end do ! sides
@ -730,133 +849,9 @@ module boundaries
end do
end do
end if ! if block_count > 0
end if ! if block_count > 0
end do ! isend
end do ! irecv
#endif /* MPI */
!! perform the boundary prolongation at the end, since its interpolation
!! requires values from the boundaries
! associate a pointer with the first meta block
pmeta => list_meta
! iterate over all meta blocks
do while(associated(pmeta))
! check if the current meta block is a leaf
if (pmeta%leaf) then
! iterate over all sides and faces along the current direction
do iside = 1, nsides
do iface = 1, nfaces
! associate a pointer with the current neighbor
pneigh => pmeta%neigh(idir,iside,iface)%ptr
! check if the neighbor is associated
if (associated(pneigh)) then
! if the neighbor is at lower level
if (pmeta%level .gt. pneigh%level) then
! perform update only for the first face, since all faces point the same block
if (iface .eq. 1) then
#ifdef MPI
! check if the current meta block and its neighbor lay on the same processor
if (pmeta%cpu .eq. pneigh%cpu) then
! check if the current meta block lays on the current processors
if (pmeta%cpu .eq. ncpu) then
#endif /* MPI */
! assign a pointer to the data structure of the current block
pdata => pmeta%data
! update the boundaries of the current block
nside = 3 - iside
nface = 1
do while(pmeta%id .ne. &
nface = nface + 1
end do
call bnd_prol(pdata, pneigh%data%u, idir, iside, nface)
#ifdef MPI
end if ! pmeta on the current cpu
else ! block and neighbor on different processors
! increase the counter for number of blocks to exchange
block_counter(3,pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu) = &
block_counter(3,pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu) + 1
! allocate a new info object
! fill out its fields
pinfo%block => pmeta
pinfo%neigh => pneigh
pinfo%direction = idir
pinfo%side = iside
pinfo%face = iface
pinfo%level_difference = pmeta%level - pneigh%level
! nullify pointers
! if the list is not empty append the created block
if (associated(block_array(3,pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu)%ptr)) then
pinfo%prev => block_array(3,pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu)%ptr
end if
! point the list to the last created block
block_array(3,pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu)%ptr => pinfo
end if ! block and neighbor on different processors
#endif /* MPI */
end if ! iface = 1
end if ! neighbor at lower level
end if ! if neighbor is associated
end do ! faces
end do ! sides
end if ! leaf
! assign pointer to the next block
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do ! meta blocks
#ifdef MPI
! iterate over sending and receiving processors
do irecv = 0, ncpus - 1
do isend = 0, ncpus - 1
!! process blocks with the neighbors at lower levels
! process only pairs which have boundaries to exchange
! process only pairs which have boundaries to exchange
if (block_counter(3,irecv,isend) .gt. 0) then
if (block_counter(3,irecv,isend) .gt. 0) then
@ -871,7 +866,14 @@ module boundaries
! allocate space for variables
! allocate space for variables
select case(idir)
end select
! if isend == ncpu we are sending data
! if isend == ncpu we are sending data
@ -884,7 +886,42 @@ module boundaries
pinfo => block_array(3,irecv,isend)%ptr
pinfo => block_array(3,irecv,isend)%ptr
do while(associated(pinfo))
do while(associated(pinfo))
rbuf(l,:,:,:,:) = pinfo%neigh%data%u(:,:,:,:)
! prepare indices of the neighbor array
select case(idir)
if (pinfo%side .eq. 1) then
il = ie - nh + 1
iu = ie
il = ib
iu = ib + nh - 1
end if
rbuf(l,:,:,:,:) = pinfo%neigh%data%u(:,il:iu,:,:)
if (pinfo%side .eq. 1) then
jl = je - nh + 1
ju = je
jl = jb
ju = jb + nh - 1
end if
rbuf(l,:,:,:,:) = pinfo%neigh%data%u(:,:,jl:ju,:)
if (pinfo%side .eq. 1) then
kl = ke - nh + 1
ku = ke
kl = kb
ku = kb + nh - 1
end if
rbuf(l,:,:,:,:) = pinfo%neigh%data%u(:,:,:,kl:ku)
end select
pinfo => pinfo%prev
pinfo => pinfo%prev
l = l + 1
l = l + 1
@ -916,21 +953,24 @@ module boundaries
iside = pinfo%side
iside = pinfo%side
iface = pinfo%face
iface = pinfo%face
! update boundaries
! assign pointers to the meta, data and neighbor blocks
if (pinfo%level_difference .eq. 1 .and. iface .eq. 1) then
pmeta => pinfo%block
pmeta => pinfo%block
pdata => pinfo%block%data
pneigh => pmeta%neigh(idir,iside,iface)%ptr
pneigh => pmeta%neigh(idir,iside,iface)%ptr
nside = 3 - iside
! find the face of the current block which the neighbor belongs to
nface = 1
do while(pmeta%id .ne. pneigh%neigh(idir,nside,nface)%ptr%id)
nside = 3 - iside
nface = nface + 1
nface = 1
end do
do while(pmeta%id .ne. pneigh%neigh(idir,nside,nface)%ptr%id)
nface = nface + 1
end do
call bnd_prol(pinfo%block%data, rbuf(l,:,:,:,:), idir, iside &
! update the boundaries of the current block
, nface)
end if
call boundary_prolong(pdata, rbuf(l,:,:,:,:) &
, idir, iside, nface)
pinfo => pinfo%prev
pinfo => pinfo%prev
l = l + 1
l = l + 1
@ -940,7 +980,7 @@ module boundaries
! deallocate buffers
! deallocate buffers
if (allocated(rbuf)) deallocate(rbuf)
! deallocate info blocks
! deallocate info blocks
@ -959,256 +999,7 @@ module boundaries
end do
end do
end if ! if block_count > 0
end if ! if block_count > 0
end do ! isend
end do ! irecv
#endif /* MPI */
end do ! directions
! repeat the boundary prolongation once again since the interpolation requires
! also perpendicular directions
do idir = 1, ndims
#ifdef MPI
! reset the block counter
block_counter(3,:,:) = 0
! nullify info pointers
do irecv = 0, ncpus - 1
do isend = 0, ncpus - 1
end do
end do
#endif /* MPI */
pmeta => list_meta
do while(associated(pmeta))
if (pmeta%leaf) then
! iterate over all sides and faces
do iside = 1, nsides
do iface = 1, nfaces
! assign pointer to the neighbor
pneigh => pmeta%neigh(idir,iside,iface)%ptr
! process only associated neighbors
if (associated(pneigh)) then
#ifdef MPI
! process the block and its neighbor belong to the same processor
if (pmeta%cpu .eq. pneigh%cpu) then
! process only blocks belonding to the current processor
if (pmeta%cpu .eq. ncpu) then
! assign pointers to data structures of the current block and neighbor
pdata => pmeta%data
! depending on the level difference perform the proper boundary update
if (pmeta%level .gt. pneigh%level .and. iface .eq. 1) then
nside = 3 - iside
nface = 1
do while(pmeta%id .ne. &
nface = nface + 1
end do
call bnd_prol(pdata, pneigh%data%u, idir, iside, nface)
end if
end if ! if neighbors on the current cpu
else ! if block and neighbor are on the same cpu
! the neighbor and current block are on different processors, so we need to
! prepare information about the all blocks belonging to different processors
if (pmeta%level .gt. pneigh%level) then
! increase the counter for number of blocks to exchange
block_counter(3,pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu) = &
block_counter(3,pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu) + 1
! allocate new info object
! fill out its fields
pinfo%block => pmeta
pinfo%neigh => pneigh
pinfo%direction = idir
pinfo%side = iside
pinfo%face = iface
pinfo%level_difference = pmeta%level - pneigh%level
! nullify pointers
! if the list is not emply append the created block
if (associated(block_array(3,pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu)%ptr)) then
pinfo%prev => block_array(3,pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu)%ptr
end if
! point the list to the last created block
block_array(3,pmeta%cpu,pneigh%cpu)%ptr => pinfo
end if ! process only prolongation
end if ! if block and neighbor are on the same cpu
#else /* MPI */
! assign pointers to data structures of the current block and neighbor
pdata => pmeta%data
! depending on the level difference perform the proper boundary update
if (pmeta%level .gt. pneigh%level .and. iface .eq. 1) then
nside = 3 - iside
nface = 1
do while(pmeta%id .ne. pneigh%neigh(idir,nside,nface)%ptr%id)
nface = nface + 1
end do
call bnd_prol(pdata, pneigh%data%u, idir, iside, nface)
end if
#endif /* MPI */
end if ! if neighbor is associated
end do ! faces
end do ! sides
end if ! leaf
! assign pointer to the next block
pmeta => pmeta%next
end do ! meta blocks
#ifdef MPI
! iterate over sending and receiving processors
do irecv = 0, ncpus - 1
do isend = 0, ncpus - 1
! process only pairs which have boundaries to exchange
if (block_counter(3,irecv,isend) .gt. 0) then
! obtain the number of blocks to exchange
nblocks = block_counter(3,irecv,isend)
! prepare the tag for communication
itag = 10 * (irecv * ncpus + isend + 1) + 4
! allocate space for variables
! if isend == ncpu we are sending data
if (isend .eq. ncpu) then
! fill out the buffer with block data
l = 1
pinfo => block_array(3,irecv,isend)%ptr
do while(associated(pinfo))
rbuf(l,:,:,:,:) = pinfo%neigh%data%u(:,:,:,:)
pinfo => pinfo%prev
l = l + 1
end do
! send data buffer
call msendf(size(rbuf), irecv, itag, rbuf(:,:,:,:,:))
end if
! if irecv == ncpu we are receiving data
if (irecv .eq. ncpu) then
! receive data
call mrecvf(size(rbuf(:,:,:,:,:)), isend, itag, rbuf(:,:,:,:,:))
! iterate over all received blocks and update boundaries
l = 1
pinfo => block_array(3,irecv,isend)%ptr
do while(associated(pinfo))
! set indices
iside = pinfo%side
iface = pinfo%face
! update boundaries
if (pinfo%level_difference .eq. 1 .and. iface .eq. 1) then
pmeta => pinfo%block
pneigh => pmeta%neigh(idir,iside,iface)%ptr
nside = 3 - iside
nface = 1
do while(pmeta%id .ne. pneigh%neigh(idir,nside,nface)%ptr%id)
nface = nface + 1
end do
call bnd_prol(pinfo%block%data, rbuf(l,:,:,:,:), idir, iside &
, nface)
end if
pinfo => pinfo%prev
l = l + 1
end do
end if
! deallocate buffers
! deallocate info blocks
pinfo => block_array(3,irecv,isend)%ptr
do while(associated(pinfo))
block_array(3,irecv,isend)%ptr => pinfo%prev
pinfo => block_array(3,irecv,isend)%ptr
end do
end if ! if block_count > 0
end do ! isend
end do ! isend
end do ! irecv
end do ! irecv
#endif /* MPI */
#endif /* MPI */
@ -2138,16 +1929,16 @@ module boundaries
jc = mod(iface - 1, 2)
jc = mod(iface - 1, 2)
js = 1
js = 1
jl = jb - nh + (jh - 1) * jc
jl = jb - nh + (jh - ng) * jc
ju = jh - nh + (jh - 1) * jc
ju = jh + nh + (jh - ng) * jc
#if NDIMS == 3
#if NDIMS == 3
! Z indices
! Z indices
kc = (iface - 1) / 2
kc = (iface - 1) / 2
ks = 1
ks = 1
kl = kb - nh + (kh - 1) * kc
kl = kb - nh + (kh - ng) * kc
ku = kh - nh + (kh - 1) * kc
ku = kh + nh + (kh - ng) * kc
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
@ -2156,8 +1947,8 @@ module boundaries
ic = mod(iface - 1, 2)
ic = mod(iface - 1, 2)
is = 1
is = 1
il = ib - nh + (ih - 1) * ic
il = ib - nh + (ih - ng) * ic
iu = ih - nh + (ih - 1) * ic
iu = ih + nh + (ih - ng) * ic
! Y indices
! Y indices
@ -2175,8 +1966,8 @@ module boundaries
kc = (iface - 1) / 2
kc = (iface - 1) / 2
ks = 1
ks = 1
kl = kb - nh + (kh - 1) * kc
kl = kb - nh + (kh - ng) * kc
ku = kh - nh + (kh - 1) * kc
ku = kh + nh + (kh - ng) * kc
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#if NDIMS == 3
#if NDIMS == 3
@ -2186,15 +1977,15 @@ module boundaries
ic = mod(iface - 1, 2)
ic = mod(iface - 1, 2)
is = 1
is = 1
il = ib - nh + (ih - 1) * ic
il = ib - nh + (ih - ng) * ic
iu = ih - nh + (ih - 1) * ic
iu = ih + nh + (ih - ng) * ic
! Y indices
! Y indices
jc = (iface - 1) / 2
jc = (iface - 1) / 2
js = 1
js = 1
jl = jb - nh + (jh - 1) * jc
jl = jb - nh + (jh - ng) * jc
ju = jh - nh + (jh - 1) * jc
ju = jh + nh + (jh - ng) * jc
! Z indices
! Z indices
Reference in New Issue
Block a user