From 87dc667040e14cbcadc0720fe2b60d6b7df09fd6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Grzegorz Kowal <>
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2018 11:05:16 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] Add PGI and Intel compilers support to default host file.

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
 build/hosts/default | 118 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 build/make.default  |   6 ++-
 2 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/build/hosts/default b/build/hosts/default
index a5f738c..c68dde8 100644
--- a/build/hosts/default
+++ b/build/hosts/default
@@ -1,56 +1,138 @@
-# depending on the compilation flags choose the right compilers and options
+# Compilation flags depend on variable COMPILER set in make.default or
+# make.config. This variable indicates which compiler family should be used.
+# Currently, we support GNU, PGI and INTEL compilers. If you need support
+# for a different compiler, please add corresponding section below.
+# GNU Fortran compiler
+ifeq ($(COMPILER), GNU)
 # compiler and linker setup
 ifeq ($(MPI),Y)
-FC        = mpif90
+FC        = mpifort
 FC        = gfortran
 LD        = $(FC)
-# preprocessor prefix (used by IBM Fortran, e.g.)
+# compiler and linker flags
+ifeq ($(DEBUG),Y)
+FFLAGS    = -Og -g -DDEBUG
+FFLAGS    = -O2 -march=native -pipe
+ifeq ($(PROFILE),Y)
+FFLAGS   += -pg
+ifeq ($(STATIC),Y)
+LDFLAGS  += -static
+# PGI Fortran compiler
+ifeq ($(COMPILER), PGI)
+# compiler and linker setup
+ifeq ($(MPI),Y)
+FC        = mpifort
+FC        = pgfortran
+LD        = $(FC)
 # compiler and linker flags
 ifeq ($(DEBUG),Y)
+FFLAGS    = -O -g -DDEBUG
-FFLAGS    = -O2
+FFLAGS    = -fast
+ifeq ($(PROFILE),Y)
+FFLAGS   += -Mprof=dwarf
+ifeq ($(STATIC),Y)
+LDFLAGS  += -Bstatic
-# libraries
-LIBS      =
+# INTEL Fortran compiler
+ifeq ($(COMPILER), INTEL)
+# compiler and linker setup
+ifeq ($(MPI),Y)
+FC        = mpifort
+FC        = ifort
+LD        = $(FC)
+# compiler and linker flags
+ifeq ($(DEBUG),Y)
+FFLAGS    = -O -g -DDEBUG
+FFLAGS    = -O2 -xHost
+ifeq ($(PROFILE),Y)
+FFLAGS   += -p
 ifeq ($(STATIC),Y)
-LDFLAGS += -static
+LDFLAGS  += -static
+# Additional common directives set in make.config
 ifeq ($(SIGNALS),Y)
 ifeq ($(MPI),Y)
+# libraries and their dependencies
+LIBS      =
+# if your HDF5 libraries not are installed in the standard location /usr,
+# you can set this path using the HDF5DIR variable here
 ifeq ($(OUTPUT),HDF5)
-FFLAGS  += -I/usr/include
-LIBS    += -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5 -lz
+ifeq ($(HDF5DIR),)
+FFLAGS   += -I/usr/include
+FFLAGS   += -I$(HDF5DIR)/include
+LIBS     += -L$(HDF5DIR)/lib
+LIBS     += -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5
diff --git a/build/make.default b/build/make.default
index d1069b9..f663694 100644
--- a/build/make.default
+++ b/build/make.default
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #   SIGNALS      - support for signals for proper shutdown with restart file
-DEBUG        = Y
+DEBUG        = N
 PROFILE      = N
 STATIC       = N
 SIGNALS      = N
@@ -36,3 +36,7 @@ NDIMS        = 2
+# path for temporary files during compilation (uncomment if you wish to use it)
+#OBJSDIR := /tmp/${USER}/amun-code/obj
\ No newline at end of file