Add new subroutine read_restart_params_h5().
- this subroutine reads the number of processors and the maximum level from the first restart file; these two parameters are required before restoring the data for a job restart if we want to restart it with a different number of processors or with a different maximum level;
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ module io
integer(kind=4), save :: nfile = -1, nrest = 0
integer(kind=4), save :: nfile = -1, nrest = 0
! local variables to store the number of processors and maximum level read from
! the restart file
integer(kind=4), save :: rmaxlev = 1, rncpus = 1
! the coefficient related to the difference between the maximum level stored in
! the coefficient related to the difference between the maximum level stored in
! the restart file and set through the configuration file
! the restart file and set through the configuration file
@ -354,7 +359,7 @@ module io
character(len=64) :: fl
character(len=64) :: fl
integer(hid_t) :: fid
integer(hid_t) :: fid
integer :: err, lcpus, lcpu
integer :: err, lcpu
logical :: info
logical :: info
@ -367,24 +372,18 @@ module io
if (err .ge. 0) then
if (err .ge. 0) then
! find the number of processors counting all restart files
! read restart parameters, such as, the number of processors and maximum level
lcpus = 0
call read_restart_params_h5()
info = .true.
do while(info)
lcpus = lcpus + 1
write (fl,'("r",i6.6,"_",i5.5,a3)') nrest, lcpus, '.h5'
inquire(file = fl, exist = info)
end do
! if the number of processors is larger then the number of files, use the last
! if the number of processors is larger then the number of files, use the last
! file for the remaining processors
! file for the remaining processors
lcpu = ncpu
lcpu = ncpu
if (lcpus .lt. ncpus) then
if (rncpus .lt. ncpus) then
lcpu = min(lcpus - 1, ncpu)
lcpu = min(rncpus - 1, ncpu)
end if
end if
if (lcpus .gt. ncpus) then
if (rncpus .gt. ncpus) then
call print_error("io::read_data_h5", "This is not supported yet!")
call print_error("io::read_data_h5", "This is not supported yet!")
end if
end if
@ -509,6 +508,192 @@ module io
! read_restart_params_h5: subroutine reads parameters required to decide how to
! restart the job
subroutine read_restart_params_h5()
! references to other modules
use error , only : print_error
use hdf5 , only : hid_t
use hdf5 , only : H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F
use hdf5 , only : h5open_f, h5close_f, h5fis_hdf5_f, h5fopen_f &
, h5fclose_f, h5gopen_f, h5gclose_f &
, h5aopen_by_name_f, h5aclose_f
! declare variables
implicit none
! local variables
character(len=64) :: fl
integer(hid_t) :: fid, gid, aid
integer :: err
logical :: info
! prepare the filename
write (fl,'("r",i6.6,"_",i5.5,a3)') nrest, 0, '.h5'
! check if the HDF5 file exists
inquire(file = fl, exist = info)
if (info) then
! check if this is an HDF5 file
call h5fis_hdf5_f(fl, info, err)
! check if it was possible to verify the file format
if (err .ge. 0) then
! check if the file is in HDF5 format
if (info) then
! opent the current HDF5 file
call h5fopen_f(fl, H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F, fid, err)
! check if the file has been opened successfuly
if (err .ge. 0) then
! read attribute 'ncpus'
call h5aopen_by_name_f(fid, "/attributes", "ncpus", aid, err)
! check if the attribute has been opened successfully
if (err .ge. 0) then
! read the attribute ncpus
call read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, "ncpus", rncpus)
! close the attribute
call h5aclose_f(aid, err)
! check if the attribute has been closed successfully
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the current file
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5" &
, "Cannot close the attribute ncpus!")
end if
! print error about the problem with opening the attribute
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5" &
, "Cannot open the attribute ncpus!")
end if
! read attribute 'maxlev'
call h5aopen_by_name_f(fid, "/attributes", "maxlev", aid, err)
! check if the attribute has been opened successfully
if (err .ge. 0) then
! read the attribute maxlev
call read_attribute_integer_h5(aid, "maxlev", rmaxlev)
! close the attribute
call h5aclose_f(aid, err)
! check if the attribute has been closed successfully
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the current file
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5" &
, "Cannot close the attribute maxlev!")
end if
! print error about the problem with opening the attribute
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5" &
, "Cannot open the attribute maxlev!")
end if
! terminate access to the current file
call h5fclose_f(fid, err)
! check if the file has been closed successfully
if (err .gt. 0) then
! print error about the problem with closing the current file
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5" &
, "Cannot close file: " // trim(fl))
end if
! print error about the problem with opening the HDF5 file
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5" &
, "Cannot open file: " // trim(fl))
end if
! print error about the wrong file format
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5", "File " // trim(fl) &
// " is not an HDF5 file!")
end if
! print error about the problem with checking the file format
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5" &
, "Cannot check the file format!")
end if
! print error if the file does not exist
call print_error("io::read_restart_params_h5", "File " // trim(fl) &
// " does not exist!")
end if
end subroutine read_restart_params_h5
! write_attributes_h5: subroutine writes attributes in the HDF5 format
! write_attributes_h5: subroutine writes attributes in the HDF5 format
! connected to the provided identificator
! connected to the provided identificator
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