INTERPOLATIONS: Add a couple of limiters.
Use limiter_average() which is not a limiter, just returns average of left and right derivatives, as the default limiter for prolongation. Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ module interpolations
character(len=255) :: sreconstruction = "tvd"
character(len=255) :: tlimiter = "mm"
character(len=255) :: plimiter = "mm"
character(len=255) :: climiter = "mm"
character(len=255) :: plimiter = "avg"
character(len=255) :: mlp_limiting = "off"
character(len=255) :: positivity_fix = "on"
character(len=255) :: clip_extrema = "off"
@ -476,6 +476,10 @@ module interpolations
name_tlim = "van Albada"
limiter_tvd => limiter_vanalbada
order = max(2, order)
case ("ospre")
name_tlim = "ospre"
limiter_tvd => limiter_ospre
order = max(2, order)
case default
name_tlim = "zero derivative"
limiter_tvd => limiter_zero
@ -485,6 +489,9 @@ module interpolations
! select the prolongation limiter
select case(trim(plimiter))
case ("avg", "average", "mean")
name_plim = "average"
limiter_prol => limiter_average
case ("mm", "minmod")
name_plim = "minmod"
limiter_prol => limiter_minmod
@ -497,6 +504,12 @@ module interpolations
case ("vl", "vanleer")
name_plim = "van Leer"
limiter_prol => limiter_vanleer
case ("va", "vanalbada")
name_plim = "van Albada"
limiter_prol => limiter_vanalbada
case ("ospre")
name_plim = "ospre"
limiter_prol => limiter_ospre
case default
name_plim = "zero derivative"
limiter_prol => limiter_zero
@ -517,6 +530,9 @@ module interpolations
case ("vl", "vanleer")
name_clim = "van Leer"
limiter_clip => limiter_vanleer
case ("ospre")
name_clim = "ospre"
limiter_clip => limiter_ospre
case default
name_clim = "zero derivative"
limiter_clip => limiter_zero
@ -5148,6 +5164,35 @@ module interpolations
! ------------------------
! Function returns the average among two arguments.
! Arguments:
! x - scaling factor;
! a, b - the input values;
function limiter_average(x, a, b) result(c)
implicit none
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: x, a, b
real(kind=8) :: c
c = 5.0d-01 * (a + b) * x
end function limiter_average
! function LIMITER_MINMOD:
! -----------------------
@ -5290,6 +5335,41 @@ module interpolations
! function LIMITER_OSPRE:
! ----------------------
! Function returns the minimum module value among two arguments using
! OSPRE limiter.
! Arguments:
! x - scaling factor;
! a, b - the input values;
function limiter_ospre(x, a, b) result(c)
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input arguments
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: x, a, b
real(kind=8) :: c
c = a * b
c = 1.5d+00 * x * c * (a + b) / max(eps, a * a + c + b * b)
end function limiter_ospre
! --------------------------
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