PROBLEMS: Add resistive tearing instability test problem.
Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# problem name and parameters
problem = "tearing"
resistivity = 1.00d-05
viscosity = 1.00d-05
kper = 1.00d+00
alpha = 1.00d+01
beta = 1.60d+00
vper = 0.00d+00
bper = 1.00d-02
zeta = 1.00d+00
# physics
equation_system = "mhd"
equation_of_state = "adi"
# methods
time_advance = "ssprk(4,3)"
riemann_solver = "hll"
reconstruction = "crmp7"
limiter = "mc"
fix_positivity = "off"
# mesh parameters
xblocks = 1
yblocks = 1
zblocks = 1
xmin = -5.0d-01
xmax = 5.0d-01
ymin = -5.0d-01
ymax = 5.0d-01
zmin = -5.0d-01
zmax = 5.0d-01
# refinement control
ncells = 16
minlev = 1
maxlev = 10
refinement_variables = "dens pres curr"
# boundary conditions
xlbndry = "open"
xubndry = "open"
ylbndry = "periodic"
yubndry = "periodic"
zlbndry = "periodic"
zubndry = "periodic"
# runtime control parameters
tmax = 1.0d+01
cfl = 3.0d-01
# data output control
precise_snapshots = "on"
snapshot_type = "p"
snapshot_interval = 1.0d-01
restart_number = -1
integrals_interval = 10
@ -165,6 +165,9 @@ module problems
case("current-sheet", "current_sheet")
setup_problem => setup_problem_current_sheet
case("tearing-mode", "tearing_mode", "tearing")
setup_problem => setup_problem_tearing
case default
setup_problem => setup_problem_user
@ -2061,6 +2064,213 @@ module problems
end subroutine setup_problem_current_sheet
! --------------------------------
! Subroutine sets the initial conditions for the resistive tearing instability
! test problem.
! Arguments:
! pdata - pointer to the datablock structure of the currently initialized
! block;
! References:
! [1] Lapenta, G.,
! "Self-Feeding Turbulent Magnetic Reconnection on Macroscopic Scales",
! Physical Review Letters, 2008, vol. 100, id. 235001,
! [2] Landi, S., Del Zanna, L., Papini, E., Pucci, F., and Velli, M.
! "Resistive Magnetohydrodynamics Simulations of the Ideal Tearing Mode",
! The Astrophysical Journal, 2015, vol. 806, id. 131,
subroutine setup_problem_tearing(pdata)
! include external procedures and variables
use blocks , only : block_data
use constants , only : pi2
use coordinates, only : nn => bcells
use coordinates, only : ax, ay, adx, ady
use equations , only : prim2cons
use equations , only : nv, magnetized, csnd2
use equations , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, ipr, ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
use parameters , only : get_parameter
! local variables are not implicit by default
implicit none
! input arguments
type(block_data), pointer, intent(inout) :: pdata
! default parameter values
real(kind=8), save :: beta = 1.00d-01
real(kind=8), save :: delta = 1.00d-08
real(kind=8), save :: eta = 1.00d-08
real(kind=8), save :: zeta = 0.00d+00
real(kind=8), save :: dens = 1.00d+00
real(kind=8), save :: bamp = 1.00d+00
real(kind=8), save :: bper = 1.00d-02
real(kind=8), save :: vper = 1.00d-03
real(kind=8), save :: kper = 1.00d+00
real(kind=8), save :: ss = 1.00d+00
! local saved parameters
logical, save :: first = .true.
! local variables
integer :: i, j, k = 1
real(kind=8) :: dx, dy, t
! local arrays
real(kind=8), dimension(nv,nn) :: q, u
real(kind=8), dimension(nn) :: xc, xl, xu, yl, yu, xi
real(kind=8), dimension(nn) :: vx, vy, bx, by, b0
#ifdef PROFILE
! start accounting time for the problem setup
call start_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */
! retrieve the problem parameters during the first subroutine call
if (first) then
call get_parameter("resistivity", eta)
call get_parameter("beta" , beta)
call get_parameter("zeta" , zeta)
call get_parameter("density" , dens)
call get_parameter("bamp" , bamp)
call get_parameter("bper" , bper)
call get_parameter("vper" , vper)
call get_parameter("kper" , kper)
ss = abs(bamp) / (sqrt(dens) * max(1.0d-16, eta))
delta = ss**(-1.0d+00/3.0d+00)
if (bper /= 0.0d+00) vper = 0.0d+00
first = .false.
end if
! prepare the block coordinates
dx = adx(pdata%meta%level)
dy = ady(pdata%meta%level)
xc(:) = pdata%meta%xmin + ax(pdata%meta%level,:)
xl(:) = pdata%meta%xmin + ax(pdata%meta%level,:) - 0.5d+00 * dx
xu(:) = xl(:) + dx
yl(:) = pdata%meta%ymin + ay(pdata%meta%level,:) - 0.5d+00 * dy
yu(:) = yl(:) + dy
! prepare the vector of velocity perturbation (varying along Y)
if (vper /= 0.0d+00) then
xi(:) = xc(:) * sqrt(ss)
vx(:) = vper * tanh(xi(:)) * exp(- xi(:)**2)
vy(:) = vper * (2.0d+00 * xi(:) * tanh(xi(:)) - 1.0d+00 / cosh(xi(:))**2)&
* exp(- xi(:)**2) * sqrt(ss) / (pi2 * kper)
end if
if (bper /= 0.0d+00) then
bx(:) = bper * (sin(pi2 * xl(:)) - sin(pi2 * xu(:))) / (pi2 * dx)
by(:) = bper * (cos(pi2 * xl(:)) - cos(pi2 * xu(:))) / (pi2 * dx * kper)
end if
! set the fields, along X, which do not vary along the YZ planes
q(idn,:) = dens
q(ivx,:) = 0.0d+00
q(ivy,:) = 0.0d+00
q(ivz,:) = 0.0d+00
if (ipr > 0) q(ipr,:) = 0.5d+00 * beta
! if magnetic field is present, set its antiparallel configuration
if (magnetized) then
! set magnetic field components
q(ibx,:) = 0.0d+00
do i = 1, nn
t = delta * (log(cosh(xu(i) / delta)) &
- log(cosh(xl(i) / delta))) / dx
q(iby,i) = bamp * max(-1.0d+00, min(1.0d+00, t))
q(ibz,i) = zeta * sqrt(bamp**2 - q(iby,i)**2)
end do
q(ibp,:) = 0.0d+00
b0(:) = q(iby,:)
! correct the gas pressure due to the variance of magnetic pressure
if (ipr > 0) then
q(ipr,:) = q(ipr,:) + 0.5d+00 * (bamp**2 - sum(q(ibx:ibz,:)**2,1))
q(idn,:) = 0.5d+00 * (beta + bamp**2 - sum(q(ibx:ibz,:)**2,1)) / csnd2
end if
end if
! iterate over all positions in the YZ planes
#if NDIMS == 3
do k = 1, nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
do j = 1, nn
! set the perturbation
if (vper /= 0.0d+00) then
q(ivx,:) = vx(:) * (sin(pi2 * kper * yl(j)) &
- sin(pi2 * kper * yu(j))) / (pi2 * kper * dy)
q(ivy,:) = vy(:) * (cos(pi2 * kper * yu(j)) &
- cos(pi2 * kper * yl(j))) / (pi2 * kper * dy)
end if
if (bper /= 0.0d+00) then
q(ibx,:) = bx(:) * (cos(pi2 * kper * yu(j)) &
- cos(pi2 * kper * yl(j))) / (pi2 * kper * dy)
q(iby,:) = by(:) * (sin(pi2 * kper * yl(j)) &
- sin(pi2 * kper * yu(j))) / (pi2 * kper * dy) &
+ b0(:)
end if
! convert the primitive variables to conservative ones
call prim2cons(q(:,:), u(:,:))
! copy the conserved and primitive variables to the current block
pdata%u(:,:,j,k) = u(:,:)
pdata%q(:,:,j,k) = q(:,:)
end do ! j = 1, nn
#if NDIMS == 3
end do ! k = 1, nn
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
#ifdef PROFILE
! stop accounting time for the problems setup
call stop_timer(imu)
#endif /* PROFILE */
end subroutine setup_problem_tearing
Reference in New Issue
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