diff --git a/src/boundaries.F90 b/src/boundaries.F90
index 1c81e5b..135c2c5 100644
--- a/src/boundaries.F90
+++ b/src/boundaries.F90
@@ -3364,7 +3364,7 @@ module boundaries
 !   Subroutine scans over all leaf blocks in order to find face neighbors which
 !   are on different levels, and perform the update of face boundaries of
-!   lower blocks by restricting their from higher level neighbors.
+!   lower blocks by restricting them from higher level neighbors.
 !   Arguments:
@@ -3906,6 +3906,576 @@ module boundaries
   end subroutine boundaries_face_restrict
+! ----------------------------------
+!   Subroutine scans over all leaf blocks in order to find face neighbors which
+!   are on different levels, and perform the update of face boundaries of
+!   higher blocks by prolongating them from higher level neighbors.
+!   Arguments:
+!     idir - the direction to be processed;
+  subroutine boundaries_face_prolong(idir)
+! import external procedures and variables
+    use blocks         , only : nsides
+    use blocks         , only : block_meta, block_data
+    use blocks         , only : list_meta
+    use blocks         , only : block_info, pointer_info
+    use coordinates    , only : ng
+    use coordinates    , only : in , jn , kn
+    use coordinates    , only : im , jm , km
+    use coordinates    , only : ib , jb , kb
+    use coordinates    , only : ie , je , ke
+    use coordinates    , only : ibl, jbl, kbl
+    use coordinates    , only : ieu, jeu, keu
+#ifdef MPI
+    use equations      , only : nv
+#endif /* MPI */
+    use mpitools       , only : nproc, nprocs, npmax
+#ifdef MPI
+    use mpitools       , only : send_real_array, receive_real_array
+#endif /* MPI */
+! local variables are not implicit by default
+    implicit none
+! subroutine arguments
+    integer, intent(in) :: idir
+! local pointers
+    type(block_meta), pointer :: pmeta, pneigh
+#ifdef MPI
+    type(block_info), pointer :: pinfo
+#endif /* MPI */
+! local variables
+    integer :: i , j , k
+    integer :: ic, jc, kc
+    integer :: ih, jh, kh
+    integer :: il, jl, kl
+    integer :: iu, ju, ku
+    integer :: iret
+#ifdef MPI
+    integer :: isend, irecv, nblocks, itag, l
+! local pointer arrays
+    type(pointer_info), dimension(0:npmax,0:npmax) :: block_array
+! local arrays
+    integer     , dimension(0:npmax,0:npmax)              :: block_counter
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:)      , allocatable :: rbuf
+#endif /* MPI */
+#ifdef PROFILE
+! start accounting time for prolong boundary update
+    call start_timer(imp)
+#endif /* PROFILE */
+! calculate the sizes
+    ih = in + ng
+    jh = jn + ng
+    kh = kn + ng
+#ifdef MPI
+! reset the exchange block counters
+    block_counter(:,:) = 0
+! nullify the info pointers
+    do irecv = 0, npmax
+      do isend = 0, npmax
+        nullify(block_array(isend,irecv)%ptr)
+      end do
+    end do
+#endif /* MPI */
+! associate pmeta with the first block on the meta block list
+    pmeta => list_meta
+! scan all meta blocks
+    do while(associated(pmeta))
+! check if the block is leaf
+      if (pmeta%leaf) then
+! scan over all block corners
+        do k = 1, nsides
+          kc = k
+          do j = 1, nsides
+            jc = j
+            do i = 1, nsides
+              ic = i
+! associate pneigh with the current neighbor
+              pneigh => pmeta%faces(i,j,k,idir)%ptr
+! check if the neighbor is associated
+              if (associated(pneigh)) then
+! check if the neighbor lays at lower level
+                if (pneigh%level < pmeta%level) then
+! process only blocks and neighbors which are marked for update
+                  if (pmeta%update .and. pneigh%update) then
+#ifdef MPI
+! check if the block and its neighbor belong to the same process
+                    if (pmeta%process == pneigh%process) then
+! check if the neighbor belongs to the current process
+                      if (pmeta%process == nproc) then
+#endif /* MPI */
+! extract the corresponding face region from the neighbor and insert it in
+! the current data block
+                        select case(idir)
+                        case(1)
+                          jc = pmeta%pos(2)
+                          kc = pmeta%pos(3)
+                          if (i == 1) then
+                            il = 1
+                            iu = ibl
+                          else
+                            il = ieu
+                            iu = im
+                          end if
+                          if (jc == 0) then
+                            jl = jb
+                            ju = jm
+                          else
+                            jl = 1
+                            ju = je
+                          end if
+                          if (kc == 0) then
+                            kl = kb
+                            ku = km
+                          else
+                            kl = 1
+                            ku = ke
+                          end if
+                        case(2)
+                          ic = pmeta%pos(1)
+                          kc = pmeta%pos(3)
+                          if (ic == 0) then
+                            il = ib
+                            iu = im
+                          else
+                            il = 1
+                            iu = ie
+                          end if
+                          if (j == 1) then
+                            jl = 1
+                            ju = jbl
+                          else
+                            jl = jeu
+                            ju = jm
+                          end if
+                          if (kc == 0) then
+                            kl = kb
+                            ku = km
+                          else
+                            kl = 1
+                            ku = ke
+                          end if
+                        case(3)
+                          ic = pmeta%pos(1)
+                          jc = pmeta%pos(2)
+                          if (ic == 0) then
+                            il = ib
+                            iu = im
+                          else
+                            il = 1
+                            iu = ie
+                          end if
+                          if (jc == 0) then
+                            jl = jb
+                            ju = jm
+                          else
+                            jl = 1
+                            ju = je
+                          end if
+                          if (k == 1) then
+                            kl = 1
+                            ku = kbl
+                          else
+                            kl = keu
+                            ku = km
+                          end if
+                        end select
+! extract the corresponding face region from the neighbor and insert it in
+! the current data block
+                        call block_face_prolong(idir, ic, jc, kc               &
+                                   , pneigh%data%q(1:nv, 1:im, 1:jm, 1:km)     &
+                                   ,  pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku))
+#ifdef MPI
+                      end if ! pneigh on the current process
+                    else ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
+! increase the counter for number of blocks to exchange
+                      block_counter(pneigh%process,pmeta%process) =            &
+                               block_counter(pneigh%process,pmeta%process) + 1
+! allocate a new info object
+                      allocate(pinfo)
+! fill out only fields which are used
+                      pinfo%block            => pmeta
+                      pinfo%neigh            => pneigh
+                      pinfo%direction        =  idir
+                      pinfo%corner(1)        =  i
+                      pinfo%corner(2)        =  j
+                      pinfo%corner(3)        =  k
+! nullify pointer fields of the object
+                      nullify(pinfo%prev)
+                      nullify(pinfo%next)
+! if the list is not empty append the newly created block to it
+                      if (associated(block_array(pneigh%process                &
+                                                        ,pmeta%process)%ptr))  &
+                        pinfo%prev => block_array(pneigh%process               &
+                                                        ,pmeta%process)%ptr
+! point the list to the newly created block
+                      block_array(pneigh%process,pmeta%process)%ptr => pinfo
+                    end if ! block and neighbor belong to different processes
+#endif /* MPI */
+                  end if ! pmeta and pneigh marked for update
+                end if ! neighbor at lower level
+              end if ! neighbor associated
+            end do ! i = 1, nsides
+          end do ! j = 1, nsides
+        end do ! k = 1, nsides
+      end if ! leaf
+! associate pmeta with the next meta block
+      pmeta => pmeta%next
+    end do ! meta blocks
+#ifdef MPI
+! iterate over sending and receiving processors
+    do irecv = 0, npmax
+      do isend = 0, npmax
+! process only pairs which have something to exchange
+        if (block_counter(isend,irecv) > 0) then
+! obtain the number of blocks to exchange
+          nblocks = block_counter(isend,irecv)
+! prepare the tag for communication
+          itag = 100 * (irecv * nprocs + isend + 1) + 13
+! allocate data buffer for variables to exchange
+          select case(idir)
+          case(1)
+            allocate(rbuf(nblocks,nv,ng,jh,kh))
+          case(2)
+            allocate(rbuf(nblocks,nv,ih,ng,kh))
+          case(3)
+            allocate(rbuf(nblocks,nv,ih,jh,ng))
+          end select
+! if isend == nproc we are sending data
+          if (isend == nproc) then
+! reset the block counter
+            l = 0
+! associate pinfo with the first block in the exchange list
+            pinfo => block_array(isend,irecv)%ptr
+! scan over all blocks on the block exchange list
+            do while(associated(pinfo))
+! increase the block counter
+              l = l + 1
+! prepare pointer for updated meta block and its neighbor
+              pmeta  => pinfo%block
+              pneigh => pinfo%neigh
+! get the corner coordinates
+              i = pinfo%corner(1)
+              j = pinfo%corner(2)
+              k = pinfo%corner(3)
+! extract the corresponding face region from the neighbor and insert it
+! to the buffer
+              select case(idir)
+              case(1)
+                j = pmeta%pos(2)
+                k = pmeta%pos(3)
+                call block_face_prolong(idir, i, j, k                          &
+                                   , pneigh%data%q(1:nv,1:im,1:jm,1:km)        &
+                                   ,        rbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:jh,1:kh))
+              case(2)
+                i = pmeta%pos(1)
+                k = pmeta%pos(3)
+                call block_face_prolong(idir, i, j, k                          &
+                                   , pneigh%data%q(1:nv,1:im,1:jm,1:km)        &
+                                   ,        rbuf(l,1:nv,1:ih,1:ng,1:kh))
+              case(3)
+                i = pmeta%pos(1)
+                j = pmeta%pos(2)
+                call block_face_prolong(idir, i, j, k                          &
+                                   , pneigh%data%q(1:nv,1:im,1:jm,1:km)        &
+                                   ,        rbuf(l,1:nv,1:ih,1:jh,1:ng))
+              end select
+! associate pinfo with the next block
+              pinfo => pinfo%prev
+            end do ! %ptr block list
+! send the data buffer to another process
+            call send_real_array(size(rbuf), irecv, itag, rbuf(:,:,:,:,:), iret)
+          end if ! isend = nproc
+! if irecv == nproc we are receiving data
+          if (irecv == nproc) then
+! receive the data buffer
+            call receive_real_array(size(rbuf(:,:,:,:,:)), isend, itag         &
+                                                      , rbuf(:,:,:,:,:), iret)
+! reset the block counter
+            l = 0
+! associate pinfo with the first block in the exchange list
+            pinfo => block_array(isend,irecv)%ptr
+! iterate over all received blocks and update boundaries of the corresponding
+! data blocks
+            do while(associated(pinfo))
+! increase the block counter
+              l = l + 1
+! prepare the pointer to updated block
+              pmeta => pinfo%block
+! get the corner coordinates
+              i = pinfo%corner(1)
+              j = pinfo%corner(2)
+              k = pinfo%corner(3)
+! update the corresponding face region of the current block
+              select case(idir)
+              case(1)
+                if (i == 1) then
+                  il = 1
+                  iu = ibl
+                else
+                  il = ieu
+                  iu = im
+                end if
+                if (pmeta%pos(2) == 0) then
+                  jl = jb
+                  ju = jm
+                else
+                  jl =  1
+                  ju = je
+                end if
+                if (pmeta%pos(3) == 0) then
+                  kl = kb
+                  ku = km
+                else
+                  kl =  1
+                  ku = ke
+                end if
+                pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) =                         &
+                                                   rbuf(l,1:nv,1:ng,1:jh,1:kh)
+              case(2)
+                if (j == 1) then
+                  jl = 1
+                  ju = jbl
+                else
+                  jl = jeu
+                  ju = jm
+                end if
+                if (pmeta%pos(1) == 0) then
+                  il = ib
+                  iu = im
+                else
+                  il =  1
+                  iu = ie
+                end if
+                if (pmeta%pos(3) == 0) then
+                  kl = kb
+                  ku = km
+                else
+                  kl =  1
+                  ku = ke
+                end if
+                pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) =                         &
+                                                   rbuf(l,1:nv,1:ih,1:ng,1:kh)
+              case(3)
+                if (k == 1) then
+                  kl = 1
+                  ku = kbl
+                else
+                  kl = keu
+                  ku = km
+                end if
+                if (pmeta%pos(1) == 0) then
+                  il = ib
+                  iu = im
+                else
+                  il =  1
+                  iu = ie
+                end if
+                if (pmeta%pos(2) == 0) then
+                  jl = jb
+                  ju = jm
+                else
+                  jl =  1
+                  ju = je
+                end if
+                pmeta%data%q(1:nv,il:iu,jl:ju,kl:ku) =                         &
+                                                   rbuf(l,1:nv,1:ih,1:jh,1:ng)
+              end select
+! associate pinfo with the next block
+              pinfo => pinfo%prev
+            end do ! %ptr block list
+          end if ! irecv = nproc
+! deallocate data buffer
+          if (allocated(rbuf)) deallocate(rbuf)
+! associate pinfo with the first block in the exchange list
+          pinfo => block_array(isend,irecv)%ptr
+! scan over all blocks on the exchange block list
+          do while(associated(pinfo))
+! associate the exchange list pointer
+            block_array(isend,irecv)%ptr => pinfo%prev
+! nullify the pointer fields
+            nullify(pinfo%prev)
+            nullify(pinfo%next)
+            nullify(pinfo%block)
+            nullify(pinfo%neigh)
+! deallocate the object
+            deallocate(pinfo)
+! associate pinfo with the next block
+            pinfo => block_array(isend,irecv)%ptr
+          end do ! %ptr block list
+        end if ! if block_count > 0
+      end do ! isend
+    end do ! irecv
+#endif /* MPI */
+#ifdef PROFILE
+! stop accounting time for prolong boundary update
+    call stop_timer(imp)
+#endif /* PROFILE */
+  end subroutine boundaries_face_prolong
 #endif /* NDIMS == 3 */