diff --git a/sources/schemes.F90 b/sources/schemes.F90
index 0a1b8bc..3e7e391 100644
--- a/sources/schemes.F90
+++ b/sources/schemes.F90
@@ -689,6 +689,1178 @@ module schemes
+! subroutine UPDATE_FLUX_HD_ISO:
+! -----------------------------
+!   Subroutine solves the Riemann problem along each direction and calculates
+!   the numerical fluxes, which are used later to calculate the conserved
+!   variable increment.
+!   Arguments:
+!     dx   - the spatial step;
+!     q    - the array of primitive variables;
+!     f    - the array of numerical fluxes;
+  subroutine update_flux_hd_iso(dx, q, f)
+! include external variables
+    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells, nbl, neu
+    use equations  , only : nf
+    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, imx, imy, imz
+! local variables are not implicit by default
+    implicit none
+! input arguments
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:)        , intent(in)  :: dx
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:)  , intent(in)  :: q
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: f
+! local variables
+    integer :: i, j, k = 1
+! local temporary arrays
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn,nn,2,NDIMS) :: qs
+#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn, 1,2,NDIMS) :: qs
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,2)             :: qi
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn)               :: fi
+#ifdef PROFILE
+! start accounting time for flux update
+    call start_timer(imf)
+#endif /* PROFILE */
+! initialize fluxes
+    f(:,:,:,:,:) = 0.0d+00
+! reconstruct interfaces
+    call reconstruct_interfaces(dx(:), q(:,:,:,:), qs(:,:,:,:,1:2,1:NDIMS))
+!  calculate the flux along the X-direction
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    do k = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+      do j = nbl, neu
+! copy states to directional lines with proper vector component ordering
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(1,idn,:,j,k) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(1,imx,:,j,k) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(1,imy,:,j,k) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(1,imz,:,j,k) = fi(imz,:)
+      end do ! j = nbl, neu
+!  calculate the flux along the Y direction
+      do i = nbl, neu
+! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(2,idn,i,:,k) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(2,imx,i,:,k) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(2,imy,i,:,k) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(2,imz,i,:,k) = fi(imy,:)
+      end do ! i = nbl, neu
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    end do ! k = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+#if NDIMS == 3
+!  calculate the flux along the Z direction
+    do j = nbl, neu
+      do i = nbl, neu
+! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(3,idn,i,j,:) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(3,imx,i,j,:) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(3,imy,i,j,:) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(3,imz,i,j,:) = fi(imx,:)
+      end do ! i = nbl, neu
+    end do ! j = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+#ifdef PROFILE
+! stop accounting time for flux update
+    call stop_timer(imf)
+#endif /* PROFILE */
+  end subroutine update_flux_hd_iso
+! subroutine UPDATE_FLUX_HD_ADI:
+! -----------------------------
+!   Subroutine solves the Riemann problem along each direction and calculates
+!   the numerical fluxes, which are used later to calculate the conserved
+!   variable increment.
+!   Arguments:
+!     dx   - the spatial step;
+!     q    - the array of primitive variables;
+!     f    - the array of numerical fluxes;
+  subroutine update_flux_hd_adi(dx, q, f)
+! include external variables
+    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells, nbl, neu
+    use equations  , only : nf
+    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, imx, imy, imz, ipr, ien
+! local variables are not implicit by default
+    implicit none
+! input arguments
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:)        , intent(in)  :: dx
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:)  , intent(in)  :: q
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: f
+! local variables
+    integer :: i, j, k = 1
+! local temporary arrays
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn,nn,2,NDIMS) :: qs
+#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn, 1,2,NDIMS) :: qs
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,2)             :: qi
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn)               :: fi
+#ifdef PROFILE
+! start accounting time for flux update
+    call start_timer(imf)
+#endif /* PROFILE */
+! initialize fluxes
+    f(:,:,:,:,:) = 0.0d+00
+! reconstruct interfaces
+    call reconstruct_interfaces(dx(:), q(:,:,:,:), qs(:,:,:,:,1:2,1:NDIMS))
+!  calculate the flux along the X-direction
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    do k = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+      do j = nbl, neu
+! copy states to directional lines with proper vector component ordering
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(1,idn,:,j,k) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(1,imx,:,j,k) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(1,imy,:,j,k) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(1,imz,:,j,k) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(1,ien,:,j,k) = fi(ien,:)
+      end do ! j = nbl, neu
+!  calculate the flux along the Y direction
+      do i = nbl, neu
+! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(2,idn,i,:,k) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(2,imx,i,:,k) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(2,imy,i,:,k) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(2,imz,i,:,k) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(2,ien,i,:,k) = fi(ien,:)
+      end do ! i = nbl, neu
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    end do ! k = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+#if NDIMS == 3
+!  calculate the flux along the Z direction
+    do j = nbl, neu
+      do i = nbl, neu
+! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(3,idn,i,j,:) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(3,imx,i,j,:) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(3,imy,i,j,:) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(3,imz,i,j,:) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(3,ien,i,j,:) = fi(ien,:)
+      end do ! i = nbl, neu
+    end do ! j = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+#ifdef PROFILE
+! stop accounting time for flux update
+    call stop_timer(imf)
+#endif /* PROFILE */
+  end subroutine update_flux_hd_adi
+! subroutine UPDATE_FLUX_MHD_ISO:
+! ------------------------------
+!   Subroutine solves the Riemann problem along each direction and calculates
+!   the numerical fluxes, which are used later to calculate the conserved
+!   variable increment.
+!   Arguments:
+!     dx   - the spatial step;
+!     q    - the array of primitive variables;
+!     f    - the array of numerical fluxes;
+  subroutine update_flux_mhd_iso(dx, q, f)
+! include external variables
+    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells, nbl, neu
+    use equations  , only : nf
+    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, imx, imy, imz
+    use equations  , only : ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
+! local variables are not implicit by default
+    implicit none
+! input arguments
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:)        , intent(in)  :: dx
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:)  , intent(in)  :: q
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: f
+! local variables
+    integer :: i, j, k = 1
+! local temporary arrays
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn,nn,2,NDIMS) :: qs
+#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn, 1,2,NDIMS) :: qs
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,2)             :: qi
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn)               :: fi
+#ifdef PROFILE
+! start accounting time for flux update
+    call start_timer(imf)
+#endif /* PROFILE */
+! initialize fluxes
+    f(:,:,:,:,:) = 0.0d+00
+! reconstruct interfaces
+    call reconstruct_interfaces(dx(:), q(:,:,:,:), qs(:,:,:,:,1:2,1:NDIMS))
+!  calculate the flux along the X-direction
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    do k = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+      do j = nbl, neu
+! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(iby,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(1,idn,:,j,k) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(1,imx,:,j,k) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(1,imy,:,j,k) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(1,imz,:,j,k) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(1,ibx,:,j,k) = fi(ibx,:)
+        f(1,iby,:,j,k) = fi(iby,:)
+        f(1,ibz,:,j,k) = fi(ibz,:)
+        f(1,ibp,:,j,k) = fi(ibp,:)
+      end do ! j = nbl, neu
+!  calculate the flux along the Y direction
+      do i = nbl, neu
+! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(iby,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(2,idn,i,:,k) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(2,imx,i,:,k) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(2,imy,i,:,k) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(2,imz,i,:,k) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(2,ibx,i,:,k) = fi(ibz,:)
+        f(2,iby,i,:,k) = fi(ibx,:)
+        f(2,ibz,i,:,k) = fi(iby,:)
+        f(2,ibp,i,:,k) = fi(ibp,:)
+      end do ! i = nbl, neu
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    end do ! k = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+#if NDIMS == 3
+!  calculate the flux along the Z direction
+    do j = nbl, neu
+      do i = nbl, neu
+! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(iby,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(3,idn,i,j,:) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(3,imx,i,j,:) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(3,imy,i,j,:) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(3,imz,i,j,:) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(3,ibx,i,j,:) = fi(iby,:)
+        f(3,iby,i,j,:) = fi(ibz,:)
+        f(3,ibz,i,j,:) = fi(ibx,:)
+        f(3,ibp,i,j,:) = fi(ibp,:)
+      end do ! i = nbl, neu
+    end do ! j = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+#ifdef PROFILE
+! stop accounting time for flux update
+    call stop_timer(imf)
+#endif /* PROFILE */
+  end subroutine update_flux_mhd_iso
+! subroutine UPDATE_FLUX_MHD_ADI:
+! ------------------------------
+!   Subroutine solves the Riemann problem along each direction and calculates
+!   the numerical fluxes, which are used later to calculate the conserved
+!   variable increment.
+!   Arguments:
+!     dx   - the spatial step;
+!     q    - the array of primitive variables;
+!     f    - the array of numerical fluxes;
+  subroutine update_flux_mhd_adi(dx, q, f)
+! include external variables
+    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells, nbl, neu
+    use equations  , only : nf
+    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, imx, imy, imz, ipr, ien
+    use equations  , only : ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
+! local variables are not implicit by default
+    implicit none
+! input arguments
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:)        , intent(in)  :: dx
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:)  , intent(in)  :: q
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: f
+! local variables
+    integer :: i, j, k = 1
+! local temporary arrays
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn,nn,2,NDIMS) :: qs
+#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn, 1,2,NDIMS) :: qs
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,2)             :: qi
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn)               :: fi
+#ifdef PROFILE
+! start accounting time for flux update
+    call start_timer(imf)
+#endif /* PROFILE */
+! initialize fluxes
+    f(:,:,:,:,:) = 0.0d+00
+! reconstruct interfaces
+    call reconstruct_interfaces(dx(:), q(:,:,:,:), qs(:,:,:,:,1:2,1:NDIMS))
+!  calculate the flux along the X-direction
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    do k = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+      do j = nbl, neu
+! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(iby,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(1,idn,:,j,k) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(1,imx,:,j,k) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(1,imy,:,j,k) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(1,imz,:,j,k) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(1,ibx,:,j,k) = fi(ibx,:)
+        f(1,iby,:,j,k) = fi(iby,:)
+        f(1,ibz,:,j,k) = fi(ibz,:)
+        f(1,ibp,:,j,k) = fi(ibp,:)
+        f(1,ien,:,j,k) = fi(ien,:)
+      end do ! j = nbl, neu
+!  calculate the flux along the Y direction
+      do i = nbl, neu
+! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(iby,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(2,idn,i,:,k) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(2,imx,i,:,k) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(2,imy,i,:,k) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(2,imz,i,:,k) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(2,ibx,i,:,k) = fi(ibz,:)
+        f(2,iby,i,:,k) = fi(ibx,:)
+        f(2,ibz,i,:,k) = fi(iby,:)
+        f(2,ibp,i,:,k) = fi(ibp,:)
+        f(2,ien,i,:,k) = fi(ien,:)
+      end do ! i = nbl, neu
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    end do ! k = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+#if NDIMS == 3
+!  calculate the flux along the Z direction
+    do j = nbl, neu
+      do i = nbl, neu
+! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(iby,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(3,idn,i,j,:) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(3,imx,i,j,:) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(3,imy,i,j,:) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(3,imz,i,j,:) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(3,ibx,i,j,:) = fi(iby,:)
+        f(3,iby,i,j,:) = fi(ibz,:)
+        f(3,ibz,i,j,:) = fi(ibx,:)
+        f(3,ibp,i,j,:) = fi(ibp,:)
+        f(3,ien,i,j,:) = fi(ien,:)
+      end do ! i = nbl, neu
+    end do ! j = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+#ifdef PROFILE
+! stop accounting time for flux update
+    call stop_timer(imf)
+#endif /* PROFILE */
+  end subroutine update_flux_mhd_adi
+! subroutine UPDATE_FLUX_SRHD_ADI:
+! -------------------------------
+!   Subroutine solves the Riemann problem along each direction and calculates
+!   the numerical fluxes, which are used later to calculate the conserved
+!   variable increment.
+!   Arguments:
+!     dx   - the spatial step;
+!     q    - the array of primitive variables;
+!     f    - the array of numerical fluxes;
+  subroutine update_flux_srhd_adi(dx, q, f)
+! include external variables
+    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells, nbl, neu
+    use equations  , only : nf
+    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, imx, imy, imz, ipr, ien
+! local variables are not implicit by default
+    implicit none
+! input arguments
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:)        , intent(in)  :: dx
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:)  , intent(in)  :: q
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: f
+! local variables
+    integer      :: i, j, k = 1, l, p
+    real(kind=8) :: vm
+! local temporary arrays
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn,nn)         :: qq
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn,nn,2,NDIMS) :: qs
+#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn, 1)         :: qq
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn, 1,2,NDIMS) :: qs
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,2)             :: qi
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn)               :: fi
+#ifdef PROFILE
+! start accounting time for flux update
+    call start_timer(imf)
+#endif /* PROFILE */
+! initialize fluxes
+    f(:,:,:,:,:) = 0.0d+00
+! apply reconstruction on variables using 4-vector or 3-vector
+    if (states_4vec) then
+! convert velocities to four-velocities for physical reconstruction
+#if NDIMS == 3
+      do k = 1, nn
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+        do j = 1, nn
+          do i = 1, nn
+            vm = sqrt(1.0d+00 - sum(q(ivx:ivz,i,j,k)**2))
+            qq(idn,i,j,k) = q(idn,i,j,k) / vm
+            qq(ivx,i,j,k) = q(ivx,i,j,k) / vm
+            qq(ivy,i,j,k) = q(ivy,i,j,k) / vm
+            qq(ivz,i,j,k) = q(ivz,i,j,k) / vm
+            qq(ipr,i,j,k) = q(ipr,i,j,k)
+          end do ! i = 1, nn
+        end do ! j = 1, nn
+#if NDIMS == 3
+      end do ! k = 1, nn
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+! reconstruct interfaces
+    call reconstruct_interfaces(dx(:), qq(:,:,:,:), qs(:,:,:,:,1:2,1:NDIMS))
+! convert state four-velocities back to velocities
+#if NDIMS == 3
+      do k = 1, nn
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+        do j = 1, nn
+          do i = 1, nn
+            do l = 1, 2
+              do p = 1, NDIMS
+                vm = sqrt(1.0d+00 + sum(qs(ivx:ivz,i,j,k,l,p)**2))
+                qs(idn,i,j,k,l,p) = qs(idn,i,j,k,l,p) / vm
+                qs(ivx,i,j,k,l,p) = qs(ivx,i,j,k,l,p) / vm
+                qs(ivy,i,j,k,l,p) = qs(ivy,i,j,k,l,p) / vm
+                qs(ivz,i,j,k,l,p) = qs(ivz,i,j,k,l,p) / vm
+              end do ! p = 1, ndims
+            end do ! l = 1, 2
+          end do ! i = 1, nn
+        end do ! j = 1, nn
+#if NDIMS == 3
+      end do ! k = 1, nn
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+    else
+! reconstruct interfaces
+      call reconstruct_interfaces(dx(:), q(:,:,:,:), qs(:,:,:,:,1:2,1:NDIMS))
+    end if
+!  calculate the flux along the X-direction
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    do k = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+      do j = nbl, neu
+! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(1,idn,:,j,k) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(1,imx,:,j,k) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(1,imy,:,j,k) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(1,imz,:,j,k) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(1,ien,:,j,k) = fi(ien,:)
+      end do ! j = nbl, neu
+!  calculate the flux along the Y direction
+      do i = nbl, neu
+! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(2,idn,i,:,k) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(2,imx,i,:,k) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(2,imy,i,:,k) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(2,imz,i,:,k) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(2,ien,i,:,k) = fi(ien,:)
+      end do ! i = nbl, neu
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    end do ! k = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+#if NDIMS == 3
+!  calculate the flux along the Z direction
+    do j = nbl, neu
+      do i = nbl, neu
+! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(3,idn,i,j,:) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(3,imx,i,j,:) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(3,imy,i,j,:) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(3,imz,i,j,:) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(3,ien,i,j,:) = fi(ien,:)
+      end do ! i = nbl, neu
+    end do ! j = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+#ifdef PROFILE
+! stop accounting time for flux update
+    call stop_timer(imf)
+#endif /* PROFILE */
+  end subroutine update_flux_srhd_adi
+! subroutine UPDATE_FLUX_SRMHD_ADI:
+! --------------------------------
+!   Subroutine solves the Riemann problem along each direction and calculates
+!   the numerical fluxes, which are used later to calculate the conserved
+!   variable increment.
+!   Arguments:
+!     dx   - the spatial step;
+!     q    - the array of primitive variables;
+!     f    - the array of numerical fluxes;
+  subroutine update_flux_srmhd_adi(dx, q, f)
+! include external variables
+    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells, nbl, neu
+    use equations  , only : nf
+    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, imx, imy, imz, ipr, ien
+    use equations  , only : ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
+! local variables are not implicit by default
+    implicit none
+! input arguments
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:)        , intent(in)  :: dx
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:)  , intent(in)  :: q
+    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: f
+! local variables
+    integer      :: i, j, k = 1, l, p
+    real(kind=8) :: vm
+! local temporary arrays
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn,nn)         :: qq
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn,nn,2,NDIMS) :: qs
+#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn, 1)         :: qq
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn, 1,2,NDIMS) :: qs
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,2)             :: qi
+    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn)               :: fi
+#ifdef PROFILE
+! start accounting time for flux update
+    call start_timer(imf)
+#endif /* PROFILE */
+! initialize fluxes
+    f(:,:,:,:,:) = 0.0d+00
+! apply reconstruction on variables using 4-vector or 3-vector
+    if (states_4vec) then
+! convert velocities to four-velocities for physical reconstruction
+#if NDIMS == 3
+      do k = 1, nn
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+        do j = 1, nn
+          do i = 1, nn
+            vm = sqrt(1.0d+00 - sum(q(ivx:ivz,i,j,k)**2))
+            qq(idn,i,j,k) = q(idn,i,j,k) / vm
+            qq(ivx,i,j,k) = q(ivx,i,j,k) / vm
+            qq(ivy,i,j,k) = q(ivy,i,j,k) / vm
+            qq(ivz,i,j,k) = q(ivz,i,j,k) / vm
+            qq(ipr,i,j,k) = q(ipr,i,j,k)
+            qq(ibx,i,j,k) = q(ibx,i,j,k)
+            qq(iby,i,j,k) = q(iby,i,j,k)
+            qq(ibz,i,j,k) = q(ibz,i,j,k)
+            qq(ibp,i,j,k) = q(ibp,i,j,k)
+            qq(ipr,i,j,k) = q(ipr,i,j,k)
+          end do ! i = 1, nn
+        end do ! j = 1, nn
+#if NDIMS == 3
+      end do ! k = 1, nn
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+! reconstruct interfaces
+      call reconstruct_interfaces(dx(:), qq(:,:,:,:), qs(:,:,:,:,1:2,1:NDIMS))
+! convert state four-velocities back to velocities
+#if NDIMS == 3
+      do k = 1, nn
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+        do j = 1, nn
+          do i = 1, nn
+            do l = 1, 2
+              do p = 1, NDIMS
+                vm = sqrt(1.0d+00 + sum(qs(ivx:ivz,i,j,k,l,p)**2))
+                qs(idn,i,j,k,l,p) = qs(idn,i,j,k,l,p) / vm
+                qs(ivx,i,j,k,l,p) = qs(ivx,i,j,k,l,p) / vm
+                qs(ivy,i,j,k,l,p) = qs(ivy,i,j,k,l,p) / vm
+                qs(ivz,i,j,k,l,p) = qs(ivz,i,j,k,l,p) / vm
+              end do ! p = 1, ndims
+            end do ! l = 1, 2
+          end do ! i = 1, nn
+        end do ! j = 1, nn
+#if NDIMS == 3
+      end do ! k = 1, nn
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+    else
+! reconstruct interfaces
+      call reconstruct_interfaces(dx(:), q(:,:,:,:), qs(:,:,:,:,1:2,1:NDIMS))
+    end if
+!  calculate the flux along the X-direction
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    do k = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+      do j = nbl, neu
+! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(iby,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,:,j,k,1:2,1)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(1,idn,:,j,k) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(1,imx,:,j,k) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(1,imy,:,j,k) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(1,imz,:,j,k) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(1,ibx,:,j,k) = fi(ibx,:)
+        f(1,iby,:,j,k) = fi(iby,:)
+        f(1,ibz,:,j,k) = fi(ibz,:)
+        f(1,ibp,:,j,k) = fi(ibp,:)
+        f(1,ien,:,j,k) = fi(ien,:)
+      end do ! j = nbl, neu
+!  calculate the flux along the Y direction
+      do i = nbl, neu
+! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(iby,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,i,:,k,1:2,2)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(2,idn,i,:,k) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(2,imx,i,:,k) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(2,imy,i,:,k) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(2,imz,i,:,k) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(2,ibx,i,:,k) = fi(ibz,:)
+        f(2,iby,i,:,k) = fi(ibx,:)
+        f(2,ibz,i,:,k) = fi(iby,:)
+        f(2,ibp,i,:,k) = fi(ibp,:)
+        f(2,ien,i,:,k) = fi(ien,:)
+      end do ! i = nbl, neu
+#if NDIMS == 3
+    end do ! k = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+#if NDIMS == 3
+!  calculate the flux along the Z direction
+    do j = nbl, neu
+      do i = nbl, neu
+! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
+        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(iby,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,i,j,:,1:2,3)
+! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
+        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
+! update the array of fluxes
+        f(3,idn,i,j,:) = fi(idn,:)
+        f(3,imx,i,j,:) = fi(imy,:)
+        f(3,imy,i,j,:) = fi(imz,:)
+        f(3,imz,i,j,:) = fi(imx,:)
+        f(3,ibx,i,j,:) = fi(iby,:)
+        f(3,iby,i,j,:) = fi(ibz,:)
+        f(3,ibz,i,j,:) = fi(ibx,:)
+        f(3,ibp,i,j,:) = fi(ibp,:)
+        f(3,ien,i,j,:) = fi(ien,:)
+      end do ! i = nbl, neu
+    end do ! j = nbl, neu
+#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
+#ifdef PROFILE
+! stop accounting time for flux update
+    call stop_timer(imf)
+#endif /* PROFILE */
+  end subroutine update_flux_srmhd_adi
 ! ---------------------------------
@@ -1019,7 +2191,7 @@ module schemes
       ql(ibp,i) = bp
       qr(ibp,i) = bp
-    end do ! i = 1, n
+    end do
 ! calculate corresponding conserved variables of the left and right states
@@ -1621,167 +2793,6 @@ module schemes
-! subroutine UPDATE_FLUX_HD_ISO:
-! -----------------------------
-!   Subroutine solves the Riemann problem along each direction and calculates
-!   the numerical fluxes, which are used later to calculate the conserved
-!   variable increment.
-!   Arguments:
-!     dx   - the spatial step;
-!     q    - the array of primitive variables;
-!     f    - the array of numerical fluxes;
-  subroutine update_flux_hd_iso(dx, q, f)
-! include external variables
-    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells, nbl, neu
-    use equations  , only : nf
-    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, imx, imy, imz
-! local variables are not implicit by default
-    implicit none
-! input arguments
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:)        , intent(in)  :: dx
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:)  , intent(in)  :: q
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: f
-! local variables
-    integer :: i, j, k = 1
-! local temporary arrays
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn,nn,2,NDIMS) :: qs
-#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn, 1,2,NDIMS) :: qs
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,2)             :: qi
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn)               :: fi
-#ifdef PROFILE
-! start accounting time for flux update
-    call start_timer(imf)
-#endif /* PROFILE */
-! initialize fluxes
-    f(:,:,:,:,:) = 0.0d+00
-! reconstruct interfaces
-    call reconstruct_interfaces(dx(:), q(:,:,:,:), qs(:,:,:,:,1:2,1:NDIMS))
-!  calculate the flux along the X-direction
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    do k = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-      do j = nbl, neu
-! copy states to directional lines with proper vector component ordering
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(1,idn,:,j,k) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(1,imx,:,j,k) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(1,imy,:,j,k) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(1,imz,:,j,k) = fi(imz,:)
-      end do ! j = nbl, neu
-!  calculate the flux along the Y direction
-      do i = nbl, neu
-! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(2,idn,i,:,k) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(2,imx,i,:,k) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(2,imy,i,:,k) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(2,imz,i,:,k) = fi(imy,:)
-      end do ! i = nbl, neu
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    end do ! k = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-#if NDIMS == 3
-!  calculate the flux along the Z direction
-    do j = nbl, neu
-      do i = nbl, neu
-! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(3,idn,i,j,:) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(3,imx,i,j,:) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(3,imy,i,j,:) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(3,imz,i,j,:) = fi(imx,:)
-      end do ! i = nbl, neu
-    end do ! j = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-#ifdef PROFILE
-! stop accounting time for flux update
-    call stop_timer(imf)
-#endif /* PROFILE */
-  end subroutine update_flux_hd_iso
 ! subroutine RIEMANN_HD_ISO_ROE:
 ! -----------------------------
@@ -1936,173 +2947,6 @@ module schemes
-! subroutine UPDATE_FLUX_HD_ADI:
-! -----------------------------
-!   Subroutine solves the Riemann problem along each direction and calculates
-!   the numerical fluxes, which are used later to calculate the conserved
-!   variable increment.
-!   Arguments:
-!     dx   - the spatial step;
-!     q    - the array of primitive variables;
-!     f    - the array of numerical fluxes;
-  subroutine update_flux_hd_adi(dx, q, f)
-! include external variables
-    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells, nbl, neu
-    use equations  , only : nf
-    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, imx, imy, imz, ipr, ien
-! local variables are not implicit by default
-    implicit none
-! input arguments
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:)        , intent(in)  :: dx
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:)  , intent(in)  :: q
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: f
-! local variables
-    integer :: i, j, k = 1
-! local temporary arrays
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn,nn,2,NDIMS) :: qs
-#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn, 1,2,NDIMS) :: qs
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,2)             :: qi
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn)               :: fi
-#ifdef PROFILE
-! start accounting time for flux update
-    call start_timer(imf)
-#endif /* PROFILE */
-! initialize fluxes
-    f(:,:,:,:,:) = 0.0d+00
-! reconstruct interfaces
-    call reconstruct_interfaces(dx(:), q(:,:,:,:), qs(:,:,:,:,1:2,1:NDIMS))
-!  calculate the flux along the X-direction
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    do k = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-      do j = nbl, neu
-! copy states to directional lines with proper vector component ordering
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(1,idn,:,j,k) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(1,imx,:,j,k) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(1,imy,:,j,k) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(1,imz,:,j,k) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(1,ien,:,j,k) = fi(ien,:)
-      end do ! j = nbl, neu
-!  calculate the flux along the Y direction
-      do i = nbl, neu
-! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(2,idn,i,:,k) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(2,imx,i,:,k) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(2,imy,i,:,k) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(2,imz,i,:,k) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(2,ien,i,:,k) = fi(ien,:)
-      end do ! i = nbl, neu
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    end do ! k = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-#if NDIMS == 3
-!  calculate the flux along the Z direction
-    do j = nbl, neu
-      do i = nbl, neu
-! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(3,idn,i,j,:) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(3,imx,i,j,:) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(3,imy,i,j,:) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(3,imz,i,j,:) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(3,ien,i,j,:) = fi(ien,:)
-      end do ! i = nbl, neu
-    end do ! j = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-#ifdef PROFILE
-! stop accounting time for flux update
-    call stop_timer(imf)
-#endif /* PROFILE */
-  end subroutine update_flux_hd_adi
 ! subroutine RIEMANN_HD_ADI_ROE:
 ! -----------------------------
@@ -2259,192 +3103,6 @@ module schemes
-! subroutine UPDATE_FLUX_MHD_ISO:
-! ------------------------------
-!   Subroutine solves the Riemann problem along each direction and calculates
-!   the numerical fluxes, which are used later to calculate the conserved
-!   variable increment.
-!   Arguments:
-!     dx   - the spatial step;
-!     q    - the array of primitive variables;
-!     f    - the array of numerical fluxes;
-  subroutine update_flux_mhd_iso(dx, q, f)
-! include external variables
-    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells, nbl, neu
-    use equations  , only : nf
-    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, imx, imy, imz
-    use equations  , only : ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
-! local variables are not implicit by default
-    implicit none
-! input arguments
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:)        , intent(in)  :: dx
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:)  , intent(in)  :: q
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: f
-! local variables
-    integer :: i, j, k = 1
-! local temporary arrays
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn,nn,2,NDIMS) :: qs
-#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn, 1,2,NDIMS) :: qs
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,2)             :: qi
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn)               :: fi
-#ifdef PROFILE
-! start accounting time for flux update
-    call start_timer(imf)
-#endif /* PROFILE */
-! initialize fluxes
-    f(:,:,:,:,:) = 0.0d+00
-! reconstruct interfaces
-    call reconstruct_interfaces(dx(:), q(:,:,:,:), qs(:,:,:,:,1:2,1:NDIMS))
-!  calculate the flux along the X-direction
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    do k = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-      do j = nbl, neu
-! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(iby,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(1,idn,:,j,k) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(1,imx,:,j,k) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(1,imy,:,j,k) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(1,imz,:,j,k) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(1,ibx,:,j,k) = fi(ibx,:)
-        f(1,iby,:,j,k) = fi(iby,:)
-        f(1,ibz,:,j,k) = fi(ibz,:)
-        f(1,ibp,:,j,k) = fi(ibp,:)
-      end do ! j = nbl, neu
-!  calculate the flux along the Y direction
-      do i = nbl, neu
-! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(iby,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(2,idn,i,:,k) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(2,imx,i,:,k) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(2,imy,i,:,k) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(2,imz,i,:,k) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(2,ibx,i,:,k) = fi(ibz,:)
-        f(2,iby,i,:,k) = fi(ibx,:)
-        f(2,ibz,i,:,k) = fi(iby,:)
-        f(2,ibp,i,:,k) = fi(ibp,:)
-      end do ! i = nbl, neu
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    end do ! k = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-#if NDIMS == 3
-!  calculate the flux along the Z direction
-    do j = nbl, neu
-      do i = nbl, neu
-! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(iby,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(3,idn,i,j,:) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(3,imx,i,j,:) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(3,imy,i,j,:) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(3,imz,i,j,:) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(3,ibx,i,j,:) = fi(iby,:)
-        f(3,iby,i,j,:) = fi(ibz,:)
-        f(3,ibz,i,j,:) = fi(ibx,:)
-        f(3,ibp,i,j,:) = fi(ibp,:)
-      end do ! i = nbl, neu
-    end do ! j = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-#ifdef PROFILE
-! stop accounting time for flux update
-    call stop_timer(imf)
-#endif /* PROFILE */
-  end subroutine update_flux_mhd_iso
 ! subroutine RIEMANN_MHD_ISO_HLLD:
 ! -------------------------------
@@ -3443,198 +4101,6 @@ module schemes
-! subroutine UPDATE_FLUX_MHD_ADI:
-! ------------------------------
-!   Subroutine solves the Riemann problem along each direction and calculates
-!   the numerical fluxes, which are used later to calculate the conserved
-!   variable increment.
-!   Arguments:
-!     dx   - the spatial step;
-!     q    - the array of primitive variables;
-!     f    - the array of numerical fluxes;
-  subroutine update_flux_mhd_adi(dx, q, f)
-! include external variables
-    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells, nbl, neu
-    use equations  , only : nf
-    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, imx, imy, imz, ipr, ien
-    use equations  , only : ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
-! local variables are not implicit by default
-    implicit none
-! input arguments
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:)        , intent(in)  :: dx
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:)  , intent(in)  :: q
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: f
-! local variables
-    integer :: i, j, k = 1
-! local temporary arrays
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn,nn,2,NDIMS) :: qs
-#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn, 1,2,NDIMS) :: qs
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,2)             :: qi
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn)               :: fi
-#ifdef PROFILE
-! start accounting time for flux update
-    call start_timer(imf)
-#endif /* PROFILE */
-! initialize fluxes
-    f(:,:,:,:,:) = 0.0d+00
-! reconstruct interfaces
-    call reconstruct_interfaces(dx(:), q(:,:,:,:), qs(:,:,:,:,1:2,1:NDIMS))
-!  calculate the flux along the X-direction
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    do k = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-      do j = nbl, neu
-! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(iby,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(1,idn,:,j,k) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(1,imx,:,j,k) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(1,imy,:,j,k) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(1,imz,:,j,k) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(1,ibx,:,j,k) = fi(ibx,:)
-        f(1,iby,:,j,k) = fi(iby,:)
-        f(1,ibz,:,j,k) = fi(ibz,:)
-        f(1,ibp,:,j,k) = fi(ibp,:)
-        f(1,ien,:,j,k) = fi(ien,:)
-      end do ! j = nbl, neu
-!  calculate the flux along the Y direction
-      do i = nbl, neu
-! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(iby,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(2,idn,i,:,k) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(2,imx,i,:,k) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(2,imy,i,:,k) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(2,imz,i,:,k) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(2,ibx,i,:,k) = fi(ibz,:)
-        f(2,iby,i,:,k) = fi(ibx,:)
-        f(2,ibz,i,:,k) = fi(iby,:)
-        f(2,ibp,i,:,k) = fi(ibp,:)
-        f(2,ien,i,:,k) = fi(ien,:)
-      end do ! i = nbl, neu
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    end do ! k = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-#if NDIMS == 3
-!  calculate the flux along the Z direction
-    do j = nbl, neu
-      do i = nbl, neu
-! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(iby,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(3,idn,i,j,:) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(3,imx,i,j,:) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(3,imy,i,j,:) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(3,imz,i,j,:) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(3,ibx,i,j,:) = fi(iby,:)
-        f(3,iby,i,j,:) = fi(ibz,:)
-        f(3,ibz,i,j,:) = fi(ibx,:)
-        f(3,ibp,i,j,:) = fi(ibp,:)
-        f(3,ien,i,j,:) = fi(ien,:)
-      end do ! i = nbl, neu
-    end do ! j = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-#ifdef PROFILE
-! stop accounting time for flux update
-    call stop_timer(imf)
-#endif /* PROFILE */
-  end subroutine update_flux_mhd_adi
 ! subroutine RIEMANN_MHD_ADI_HLLD:
 ! -------------------------------
@@ -4496,236 +4962,6 @@ module schemes
-! subroutine UPDATE_FLUX_SRHD_ADI:
-! -------------------------------
-!   Subroutine solves the Riemann problem along each direction and calculates
-!   the numerical fluxes, which are used later to calculate the conserved
-!   variable increment.
-!   Arguments:
-!     dx   - the spatial step;
-!     q    - the array of primitive variables;
-!     f    - the array of numerical fluxes;
-  subroutine update_flux_srhd_adi(dx, q, f)
-! include external variables
-    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells, nbl, neu
-    use equations  , only : nf
-    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, imx, imy, imz, ipr, ien
-! local variables are not implicit by default
-    implicit none
-! input arguments
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:)        , intent(in)  :: dx
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:)  , intent(in)  :: q
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: f
-! local variables
-    integer      :: i, j, k = 1, l, p
-    real(kind=8) :: vm
-! local temporary arrays
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn,nn)         :: qq
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn,nn,2,NDIMS) :: qs
-#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn, 1)         :: qq
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn, 1,2,NDIMS) :: qs
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,2)             :: qi
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn)               :: fi
-#ifdef PROFILE
-! start accounting time for flux update
-    call start_timer(imf)
-#endif /* PROFILE */
-! initialize fluxes
-    f(:,:,:,:,:) = 0.0d+00
-! apply reconstruction on variables using 4-vector or 3-vector
-    if (states_4vec) then
-! convert velocities to four-velocities for physical reconstruction
-#if NDIMS == 3
-      do k = 1, nn
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-        do j = 1, nn
-          do i = 1, nn
-            vm = sqrt(1.0d+00 - sum(q(ivx:ivz,i,j,k)**2))
-            qq(idn,i,j,k) = q(idn,i,j,k) / vm
-            qq(ivx,i,j,k) = q(ivx,i,j,k) / vm
-            qq(ivy,i,j,k) = q(ivy,i,j,k) / vm
-            qq(ivz,i,j,k) = q(ivz,i,j,k) / vm
-            qq(ipr,i,j,k) = q(ipr,i,j,k)
-          end do ! i = 1, nn
-        end do ! j = 1, nn
-#if NDIMS == 3
-      end do ! k = 1, nn
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-! reconstruct interfaces
-    call reconstruct_interfaces(dx(:), qq(:,:,:,:), qs(:,:,:,:,1:2,1:NDIMS))
-! convert state four-velocities back to velocities
-#if NDIMS == 3
-      do k = 1, nn
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-        do j = 1, nn
-          do i = 1, nn
-            do l = 1, 2
-              do p = 1, NDIMS
-                vm = sqrt(1.0d+00 + sum(qs(ivx:ivz,i,j,k,l,p)**2))
-                qs(idn,i,j,k,l,p) = qs(idn,i,j,k,l,p) / vm
-                qs(ivx,i,j,k,l,p) = qs(ivx,i,j,k,l,p) / vm
-                qs(ivy,i,j,k,l,p) = qs(ivy,i,j,k,l,p) / vm
-                qs(ivz,i,j,k,l,p) = qs(ivz,i,j,k,l,p) / vm
-              end do ! p = 1, ndims
-            end do ! l = 1, 2
-          end do ! i = 1, nn
-        end do ! j = 1, nn
-#if NDIMS == 3
-      end do ! k = 1, nn
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-    else
-! reconstruct interfaces
-      call reconstruct_interfaces(dx(:), q(:,:,:,:), qs(:,:,:,:,1:2,1:NDIMS))
-    end if
-!  calculate the flux along the X-direction
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    do k = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-      do j = nbl, neu
-! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(1,idn,:,j,k) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(1,imx,:,j,k) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(1,imy,:,j,k) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(1,imz,:,j,k) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(1,ien,:,j,k) = fi(ien,:)
-      end do ! j = nbl, neu
-!  calculate the flux along the Y direction
-      do i = nbl, neu
-! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(2,idn,i,:,k) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(2,imx,i,:,k) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(2,imy,i,:,k) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(2,imz,i,:,k) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(2,ien,i,:,k) = fi(ien,:)
-      end do ! i = nbl, neu
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    end do ! k = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-#if NDIMS == 3
-!  calculate the flux along the Z direction
-    do j = nbl, neu
-      do i = nbl, neu
-! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(3,idn,i,j,:) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(3,imx,i,j,:) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(3,imy,i,j,:) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(3,imz,i,j,:) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(3,ien,i,j,:) = fi(ien,:)
-      end do ! i = nbl, neu
-    end do ! j = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-#ifdef PROFILE
-! stop accounting time for flux update
-    call stop_timer(imf)
-#endif /* PROFILE */
-  end subroutine update_flux_srhd_adi
 ! subroutine RIEMANN_SRHD_ADI_HLLC:
 ! --------------------------------
@@ -4956,266 +5192,6 @@ module schemes
-! subroutine UPDATE_FLUX_SRMHD_ADI:
-! --------------------------------
-!   Subroutine solves the Riemann problem along each direction and calculates
-!   the numerical fluxes, which are used later to calculate the conserved
-!   variable increment.
-!   Arguments:
-!     dx   - the spatial step;
-!     q    - the array of primitive variables;
-!     f    - the array of numerical fluxes;
-  subroutine update_flux_srmhd_adi(dx, q, f)
-! include external variables
-    use coordinates, only : nn => bcells, nbl, neu
-    use equations  , only : nf
-    use equations  , only : idn, ivx, ivy, ivz, imx, imy, imz, ipr, ien
-    use equations  , only : ibx, iby, ibz, ibp
-! local variables are not implicit by default
-    implicit none
-! input arguments
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:)        , intent(in)  :: dx
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:)  , intent(in)  :: q
-    real(kind=8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: f
-! local variables
-    integer      :: i, j, k = 1, l, p
-    real(kind=8) :: vm
-! local temporary arrays
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn,nn)         :: qq
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn,nn,2,NDIMS) :: qs
-#else /* NDIMS == 3 */
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn, 1)         :: qq
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,nn, 1,2,NDIMS) :: qs
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn,2)             :: qi
-    real(kind=8), dimension(nf,nn)               :: fi
-#ifdef PROFILE
-! start accounting time for flux update
-    call start_timer(imf)
-#endif /* PROFILE */
-! initialize fluxes
-    f(:,:,:,:,:) = 0.0d+00
-! apply reconstruction on variables using 4-vector or 3-vector
-    if (states_4vec) then
-! convert velocities to four-velocities for physical reconstruction
-#if NDIMS == 3
-      do k = 1, nn
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-        do j = 1, nn
-          do i = 1, nn
-            vm = sqrt(1.0d+00 - sum(q(ivx:ivz,i,j,k)**2))
-            qq(idn,i,j,k) = q(idn,i,j,k) / vm
-            qq(ivx,i,j,k) = q(ivx,i,j,k) / vm
-            qq(ivy,i,j,k) = q(ivy,i,j,k) / vm
-            qq(ivz,i,j,k) = q(ivz,i,j,k) / vm
-            qq(ipr,i,j,k) = q(ipr,i,j,k)
-            qq(ibx,i,j,k) = q(ibx,i,j,k)
-            qq(iby,i,j,k) = q(iby,i,j,k)
-            qq(ibz,i,j,k) = q(ibz,i,j,k)
-            qq(ibp,i,j,k) = q(ibp,i,j,k)
-            qq(ipr,i,j,k) = q(ipr,i,j,k)
-          end do ! i = 1, nn
-        end do ! j = 1, nn
-#if NDIMS == 3
-      end do ! k = 1, nn
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-! reconstruct interfaces
-      call reconstruct_interfaces(dx(:), qq(:,:,:,:), qs(:,:,:,:,1:2,1:NDIMS))
-! convert state four-velocities back to velocities
-#if NDIMS == 3
-      do k = 1, nn
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-        do j = 1, nn
-          do i = 1, nn
-            do l = 1, 2
-              do p = 1, NDIMS
-                vm = sqrt(1.0d+00 + sum(qs(ivx:ivz,i,j,k,l,p)**2))
-                qs(idn,i,j,k,l,p) = qs(idn,i,j,k,l,p) / vm
-                qs(ivx,i,j,k,l,p) = qs(ivx,i,j,k,l,p) / vm
-                qs(ivy,i,j,k,l,p) = qs(ivy,i,j,k,l,p) / vm
-                qs(ivz,i,j,k,l,p) = qs(ivz,i,j,k,l,p) / vm
-              end do ! p = 1, ndims
-            end do ! l = 1, 2
-          end do ! i = 1, nn
-        end do ! j = 1, nn
-#if NDIMS == 3
-      end do ! k = 1, nn
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-    else
-! reconstruct interfaces
-      call reconstruct_interfaces(dx(:), q(:,:,:,:), qs(:,:,:,:,1:2,1:NDIMS))
-    end if
-!  calculate the flux along the X-direction
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    do k = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-      do j = nbl, neu
-! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(iby,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,:,j,k,1:2,1)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(1,idn,:,j,k) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(1,imx,:,j,k) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(1,imy,:,j,k) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(1,imz,:,j,k) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(1,ibx,:,j,k) = fi(ibx,:)
-        f(1,iby,:,j,k) = fi(iby,:)
-        f(1,ibz,:,j,k) = fi(ibz,:)
-        f(1,ibp,:,j,k) = fi(ibp,:)
-        f(1,ien,:,j,k) = fi(ien,:)
-      end do ! j = nbl, neu
-!  calculate the flux along the Y direction
-      do i = nbl, neu
-! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(iby,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,i,:,k,1:2,2)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(2,idn,i,:,k) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(2,imx,i,:,k) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(2,imy,i,:,k) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(2,imz,i,:,k) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(2,ibx,i,:,k) = fi(ibz,:)
-        f(2,iby,i,:,k) = fi(ibx,:)
-        f(2,ibz,i,:,k) = fi(iby,:)
-        f(2,ibp,i,:,k) = fi(ibp,:)
-        f(2,ien,i,:,k) = fi(ien,:)
-      end do ! i = nbl, neu
-#if NDIMS == 3
-    end do ! k = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-#if NDIMS == 3
-!  calculate the flux along the Z direction
-    do j = nbl, neu
-      do i = nbl, neu
-! copy directional variable vectors to pass to the one dimensional solver
-        qi(idn,:,1:2) = qs(idn,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivx,:,1:2) = qs(ivz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivy,:,1:2) = qs(ivx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ivz,:,1:2) = qs(ivy,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ibx,:,1:2) = qs(ibz,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(iby,:,1:2) = qs(ibx,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ibz,:,1:2) = qs(iby,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ibp,:,1:2) = qs(ibp,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-        qi(ipr,:,1:2) = qs(ipr,i,j,:,1:2,3)
-! call one dimensional Riemann solver in order to obtain numerical fluxes
-        call numerical_flux(qi(:,:,:), fi(:,:))
-! update the array of fluxes
-        f(3,idn,i,j,:) = fi(idn,:)
-        f(3,imx,i,j,:) = fi(imy,:)
-        f(3,imy,i,j,:) = fi(imz,:)
-        f(3,imz,i,j,:) = fi(imx,:)
-        f(3,ibx,i,j,:) = fi(iby,:)
-        f(3,iby,i,j,:) = fi(ibz,:)
-        f(3,ibz,i,j,:) = fi(ibx,:)
-        f(3,ibp,i,j,:) = fi(ibp,:)
-        f(3,ien,i,j,:) = fi(ien,:)
-      end do ! i = nbl, neu
-    end do ! j = nbl, neu
-#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
-#ifdef PROFILE
-! stop accounting time for flux update
-    call stop_timer(imf)
-#endif /* PROFILE */
-  end subroutine update_flux_srmhd_adi
 ! ---------------------------------