COMPRESSION, IO: Implement data filters for better compression.

This commit implements two data filters:
1) "shuffle" - reorganizes bytes to group most to less significant parts
   together: |a1|a2|a3|b1|b2|b3| -> |a1|b1|c1|a2|b2|c2|a3|b3|c3|
2) "bytedelta" - additionally stores differences between subsequent
   values: |a1|a2|a3|b1|b2|b3| -> |a1|b1-a1|c1-b1|a2|b2-a2|c2-b2|a3|b3-a3|c3-b3|

For large datasets, in particular in 3D, the compression ratio can be
significantly better after applying these filters.

Inspired by

Signed-off-by: Grzegorz Kowal <>
This commit is contained in:
Grzegorz Kowal 2023-07-27 18:35:54 -03:00
parent 8c94659cca
commit 5efc38b8a1
2 changed files with 157 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -123,8 +123,9 @@ module compression
public :: set_compression, get_compression, compression_bound, compress
public :: compression_suffix
public :: set_compression, get_compression, compression_bound
public :: compression_none, compression_suffix
public :: encode, compress
!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@ -270,7 +271,7 @@ module compression
! subroutine COMPRESS:
! -------------------
! Subroutine compressed input buffer using ZSTD compression.
! Subroutine compresses the input buffer.
! Arguments:
@ -338,6 +339,80 @@ module compression
end subroutine compress
! subroutine ENCODE:
! -----------------
! Subroutine encodes the input buffer for better data compression.
! Arguments:
! filter_type - the filter type to apply, 1 - shuffle, 2 - bytedelta;
! item_size - the size of each item in bytes;
! bytes - the length of the input data;
! input_ptr - the pointer to the input data;
! output - the output where the encoded data are written;
subroutine encode(filter_type, item_size, bytes, input_ptr, output)
use iso_c_binding, only : c_ptr, c_f_pointer
implicit none
integer(kind=1) , intent(in ) :: filter_type
integer(kind=4) , intent(in ) :: item_size
integer(kind=8) , intent(in ) :: bytes
type(c_ptr) , intent(in ) :: input_ptr
integer(kind=1), dimension(bytes), intent(inout) :: output
integer(kind=1), dimension(:), pointer :: input
integer(kind=8) :: i, j, m, n, item_count
call c_f_pointer(input_ptr, input, [ bytes ])
select case(filter_type)
item_count = bytes / item_size
i = 1
j = item_count
do m = 1, item_size
output(i:j) = input(m:bytes:item_size)
i = j + 1
j = j + item_count
end do
item_count = bytes / item_size
i = 1
j = item_count
do m = 1, item_size
output(i:j) = input(m:bytes:item_size)
do n = j, i + 1, -1
output(n) = output(n) - output(n-1)
end do
i = j + 1
j = j + item_count
end do
case default
output(:) = input(:)
end select
end subroutine encode

View File

@ -118,6 +118,11 @@ module io
character(len=255), save :: cformat = "none" ! compression format
integer , save :: clevel = 3 ! compression level
! data filter applied before the compression:
! (0 - no filter, 1 - shuffle, 2 - bytedelta)
integer(kind=1) :: data_filter = 0
! the type of digest to use and its length
integer, save :: hash_type = 0
@ -185,7 +190,7 @@ module io
subroutine initialize_io(verbose, status)
use compression, only : set_compression, get_compression
use compression, only : set_compression, get_compression, compression_none
use hash , only : hash_info
use helpers , only : print_message
#ifdef HDF5
@ -199,7 +204,7 @@ module io
integer, intent(out) :: status
logical :: test
character(len=255) :: dname
character(len=255) :: string, dname
character(len=255) :: sformat = "xml"
character(len=255) :: precise = "off"
character(len=255) :: ghosts = "on"
@ -285,6 +290,18 @@ module io
call get_parameter("compression_level" , clevel)
call set_compression(cformat, clevel)
string = "none"
call get_parameter("data_filter", string)
select case(string)
case('shuffle', 'SHUFFLE')
data_filter = 1
case('bytedelta', 'BYTEDELTA')
data_filter = 2
case default
data_filter = 0
end select
if (get_compression() == compression_none) data_filter = 0
call get_parameter("digest_type", dtype)
call hash_info(dtype, hash_type, hash_length)
@ -493,6 +510,14 @@ module io
call print_parameter(verbose, "digest type", hash_name(hash_type))
call print_parameter(verbose, "compression format", cformat)
call print_parameter(verbose, "compression level", clevel)
select case(data_filter)
call print_parameter(verbose, "data filter", "shuffle")
call print_parameter(verbose, "data filter", "bytedelta")
case default
call print_parameter(verbose, "data filter", "none")
end select
end select
call print_parameter(verbose, "precise snapshot intervals", &
precise_snapshots, "on")
@ -2189,49 +2214,53 @@ module io
write(fname,"(a,'.bin')") "metablock_fields"
bytes = size(fields, kind=8) * kind(fields)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(fields), bytes, dtype, digest)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(fields), bytes, &
kind(fields), dtype, digest)
call write_attribute_xml(lun, "fields", fname, 'int32', &
shape(fields), bytes, dtype, digest)
write(fname,"(a,'.bin')") "metablock_children"
bytes = size(children, kind=8) * kind(children)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(children), &
bytes, dtype, digest)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(children), bytes, &
kind(children), dtype, digest)
call write_attribute_xml(lun, "children", fname, 'int32', &
shape(children), bytes, dtype, digest)
#if NDIMS == 3
write(fname,"(a,'.bin')") "metablock_faces"
bytes = size(faces, kind=8) * kind(faces)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(faces), bytes, dtype, digest)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(faces), bytes, &
kind(faces), dtype, digest)
call write_attribute_xml(lun, "faces", fname, 'int32', &
shape(faces), bytes, dtype, digest)
#endif /* NDIMS == 3 */
write(fname,"(a,'.bin')") "metablock_edges"
bytes = size(edges, kind=8) * kind(edges)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(edges), bytes, dtype, digest)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(edges), bytes, &
kind(edges), dtype, digest)
call write_attribute_xml(lun, "edges", fname, 'int32', &
shape(edges), bytes, dtype, digest)
write(fname,"(a,'.bin')") "metablock_corners"
bytes = size(corners, kind=8) * kind(corners)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(corners), &
bytes, dtype, digest)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(corners), bytes, &
kind(corners), dtype, digest)
call write_attribute_xml(lun, "corners", fname, 'int32', &
shape(corners), bytes, dtype, digest)
shape(corners), bytes, dtype, digest)
write(fname,"(a,'.bin')") "metablock_bounds"
bytes = size(bounds, kind=8) * kind(bounds)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(bounds), bytes, dtype, digest)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(bounds), bytes, &
kind(bounds), dtype, digest)
call write_attribute_xml(lun, "bounds", fname, 'float64', &
shape(bounds), bytes, dtype, digest)
shape(bounds), bytes, dtype, digest)
if (nmodes > 0) then
write(fname,"(a,'.bin')") "forcing_coefficients"
bytes = size(fcoefs, kind=8) * kind(fcoefs) * 2
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(fcoefs), &
bytes, dtype, digest)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(fcoefs), bytes, &
kind(fcoefs), dtype, digest)
call write_attribute_xml(lun, "forcing", fname, 'complex64', &
shape(fcoefs), bytes, dtype, digest)
end if
@ -2295,15 +2324,15 @@ module io
write(aname,"('_',i6.6)") l
write(fname,"('datablock_prim_',i6.6,a,'.bin')") nproc, trim(aname)
bytes = size(pdata%q, kind=8) * kind(pdata%q)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(pdata%q), &
bytes, dtype, digest)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(pdata%q), bytes, &
kind(pdata%q), dtype, digest)
call write_attribute_xml(lun, "prim" // trim(aname), fname, &
'float64', shape(pdata%q), bytes, dtype, digest)
write(fname,"('datablock_cons_',i6.6,a,'.bin')") nproc, trim(aname)
bytes = size(pdata%uu, kind=8) * kind(pdata%uu)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(pdata%uu), &
bytes, dtype, digest)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(pdata%uu), bytes, &
kind(pdata%uu), dtype, digest)
call write_attribute_xml(lun, "cons" // trim(aname), fname, &
'float64', shape(pdata%uu), bytes, dtype, digest)
@ -2313,7 +2342,8 @@ module io
write(fname,"(a,'_',a,'_',i6.6,'.bin')") "datablock", "ids", nproc
bytes = size(ids, kind=8) * kind(ids)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(ids), bytes, dtype, digest)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(ids), bytes, &
kind(ids), dtype, digest)
call write_attribute_xml(lun, "ids", fname, 'int32', &
shape(ids), bytes, dtype, digest)
@ -2335,7 +2365,8 @@ module io
write(fname,"(a,'_',a,'_',i6.6,'.bin')") "random", "seeds", nproc
bytes = size(seeds, kind=8) * kind(seeds)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(seeds), bytes, dtype, digest)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(seeds), bytes, &
kind(seeds), dtype, digest)
call write_attribute_xml(lun, "seeds", fname, 'int64', &
shape(seeds), bytes, dtype, digest)
@ -2543,15 +2574,15 @@ module io
write(fname,"(a,'.bin')") "metablock_fields"
dbytes = size(fields, kind=8) * kind(fields)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(fields), &
dbytes, hash_type, ddigest, cbytes, cdigest)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(fields), dbytes, &
kind(fields), hash_type, ddigest, cbytes, cdigest)
call write_attribute_xml(lun, "fields", fname, 'int32', &
shape(fields), dbytes, hash_type, ddigest, cbytes, cdigest)
write(fname,"(a,'.bin')") "metablock_bounds"
dbytes = size(bounds, kind=8) * kind(bounds)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(bounds), &
dbytes, hash_type, ddigest, cbytes, cdigest)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(bounds), dbytes, &
kind(bounds), hash_type, ddigest, cbytes, cdigest)
call write_attribute_xml(lun, "bounds", fname, 'float64', &
shape(bounds), dbytes, hash_type, ddigest, cbytes, cdigest)
@ -2610,8 +2641,8 @@ module io
write(fname,"(a,'_',a,'_',i6.6,'.bin')") "datablock", "ids", nproc
dbytes = size(ids, kind=8) * kind(ids)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(ids), &
dbytes, hash_type, ddigest, cbytes, cdigest)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(ids), dbytes, &
kind(ids), hash_type, ddigest, cbytes, cdigest)
call write_attribute_xml(lun, "ids", fname, 'int32', shape(ids), &
dbytes, hash_type, ddigest, cbytes, cdigest)
@ -2630,8 +2661,8 @@ module io
write(fname,"(a,'_',a,'_',i6.6,'.bin')") "datablock", &
trim(pvars(p)), nproc
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(array), &
dbytes, hash_type, ddigest, cbytes, cdigest)
call write_binary_xml(dname, fname, c_loc(array), dbytes, &
kind(array), hash_type, ddigest, cbytes, cdigest)
call write_attribute_xml(lun, pvars(p), fname, 'float64', &
shape(array), dbytes, hash_type, ddigest, cbytes, cdigest)
end do
@ -2860,6 +2891,12 @@ module io
' compressed_digest="' // trim(adjustl(str)) // '"'
end if
end if
select case(data_filter)
string = trim(string) // ' data_filter="shuffle"'
string = trim(string) // ' data_filter="bytedelta"'
end select
end if
end if
string = trim(string) // '>' // trim(adjustl(fname)) // '</Attribute>'
@ -2882,6 +2919,7 @@ module io
! path, name - the path and name where the array should be written to;
! array_ptr - the pointer to the array to store;
! array_bytes - the size of the array in bytes;
! item_size - the size of element;
! digest_type - the type of digest to hash the data;
! array_digest - the digest of the original array;
! compressed_bytes - the size of the compressed array in bytes;
@ -2889,11 +2927,12 @@ module io
subroutine write_binary_xml(path, name, array_ptr, array_bytes, digest_type, &
array_digest, compressed_bytes, compressed_digest)
subroutine write_binary_xml(path, name, array_ptr, array_bytes, item_size, &
digest_type, array_digest, &
compressed_bytes, compressed_digest)
use compression , only : get_compression, compression_bound, compress
use compression , only : compression_suffix
use compression , only : compression_suffix, encode
use hash , only : digest
use iso_c_binding, only : c_ptr, c_loc, c_f_pointer
@ -2901,6 +2940,7 @@ module io
character(len=*), intent(in) :: path, name
type(c_ptr) , intent(in) :: array_ptr
integer(kind=4) , intent(in) :: item_size
integer(kind=8) , intent(in) :: array_bytes
integer , intent(in) :: digest_type
@ -2915,8 +2955,8 @@ module io
integer(kind=1), dimension(:), pointer :: array
integer(kind=1), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: buffer
type(c_ptr) :: buffer_ptr
integer(kind=1), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: input, buffer
type(c_ptr) :: input_ptr, buffer_ptr
@ -2929,10 +2969,12 @@ module io
if (present(compressed_bytes) .and. get_compression() > 0) then
compressed_bytes = compression_bound(array_bytes)
allocate(buffer(compressed_bytes), stat = status)
buffer_ptr = c_loc(buffer)
allocate(input(array_bytes), buffer(compressed_bytes), stat = status)
if (status == 0) then
call compress(array_ptr, array_bytes, buffer_ptr, compressed_bytes)
input_ptr = c_loc(input)
buffer_ptr = c_loc(buffer)
call encode(data_filter, item_size, array_bytes, array_ptr, input)
call compress(input_ptr, array_bytes, buffer_ptr, compressed_bytes)
if (compressed_bytes > 0 .and. compressed_bytes < array_bytes) then
write(fname,"(a,'/',a,a)") trim(path), trim(name), &
@ -2948,7 +2990,7 @@ module io
compressed_bytes = 0
compressed_digest = 0
end if
deallocate(input, buffer)
end if
end if